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Participez à la conférence d'Elisabeth Brisson jeudi 25 septembre à 18h30 dans l'atelier d'Eugène Delacroix, autour du mythe de Faust dans la création artistique du XIXe siècle.

Photo : Faust dans son cabinet, Eugène DELACROIX. © Photo RMN-Grand Palais - G. Blot / C. Jean
 — 與 Feza Mör 。
參加會議的伊莉莎白豬蹄甲 9 月 25 日 (星期四) 在 6:30 下午在車間由歐仁德拉克洛瓦,圍繞浮士德 》 中的 19 世紀藝術創作的神話。圖片: 浮士德 》 中他的內閣,歐仁德拉克洛瓦。© 照片核磁共振大皇宮及玉 G.污點 / 訴瓊 (翻譯由 Bing 提供)
相片:Participez à la conférence d'Elisabeth Brisson jeudi 25 septembre à 18h30 dans l'atelier d'Eugène Delacroix, autour du mythe de Faust dans la création artistique du XIXe siècle.  Photo : Faust dans son cabinet, Eugène DELACROIX. © Photo RMN-Grand Palais - G. Blot / C. Jean

浮士德Faust是這樣重要的一本書,已成為經典,我們可以舉尼采(1986)《超善惡:未來哲學序曲 236/條》(詳下)和易易卜生(Ibsen)在1867年完成 Peer Gynt《培爾金特》(蕭乾譯,台北:書林,1999,頁142。又可參考 Peter Watts 譯本(Penguin Classics1966)頁134的詳注和分析。…so that Peer aptly say” The Eternal Feminine leads us on’….
「正如一位名作家所說的:”Das ewig Weibliche ziechet uns an!*”」(*德語,永恆之女性領導我們前行。這是德國詩人哥德所著《浮士德》一書最後一語。)
由於蕭先生根據的英譯版本比較舊,所以不知道這裡有Ibsen 的故事筆誤:哥德原文是”…ziecht uns an!”
「那個為但丁和哥德所信仰的女人的東西前者既然他唱到『她抬頭仰祝,而我瞧著她』,後者,既然他把女人轉譯成:『永恆女性引著我們上升』-- 我不懷疑,每位高貴的女人都會向這種信仰抗爭。因為,女人所信仰的,恰是來自永恆性的東西……」(尼采(1886)《超善惡:未來哲學序曲》張念東、凌素心譯,北京:中央編譯出版社,2000,頁168。又請進一步參考 Laurence Lampert《尼采的使命:《超善惡:未來哲學序曲》的釋讀》李致遠、李小均譯,北京:華夏,2009,頁287-88。尼采的「男性學」和「女性學」等。又,尼采在《超善惡》還有一妙論:
That which Dante and Goethe believed of woman – the former when he sang ‘ella guardava suso, ed io in lei’ the latter when he translated it ‘the eternal-womanly draws us upward’ - : I do not doubt that every nobler woman will this belief, for that is precisely what she believes of eternal-manly…(Beyond Good and Evi: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future by Nietsche, Penguin Classics, 1972)
我們簡單談一下 Faust 第二部與哥德《色彩論》的關係。根據Leshan & Margenau, Einstein's Space and Van Gogh's Sky, Collier Books, New York, 1982.14章:「牛頓與哥德的色彩諸世界:兩種真實領域」指出,一為科學之真實,一為詩人之感受,都應該尊重之。我們可以用

‘The devil is old; you must become old to understand him.’—Faust
據說社會學大家韋伯(Max Weber1864-1920)晚年遭逢政治世局大變(1919),必須區分「責任倫理」(ethic of responsibility)與「良心倫理」(ethic of conscience),並引了浮士德》這樣的話:「魔道古老;你要活得夠久才會了解牠。」*
*出自《浮士德》第二部第二幕, 6815-6818行

某本文化史提到()艾克曼[Johann Peter Eckermann]輯錄歌德談話錄,我發現它是大陸的中學指定課外書,所以大陸有近十本的翻譯,不過我有的全譯本,卻是著名的朱先生翻譯的大異其趣……

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.50, 2008
321日; 2008/1/28 創刊
主題:上周在RD發現將gods等翻譯成"單數"的神的。忘記錄下。昨晚翻錢鍾書先生的"談藝錄"一書,提到創世紀:Chapter 3 5/節之gods 之原委(他說在GotheFaust終於將它說成 God……)。
我找出英文本,都為 gods,不過新舊教的中文本都「翻譯成"單數"的神」。以下是思高本
4And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death.
3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die.

Venice Golden Lion for Alexander Sokurov's Faust

Alexander Sokurov with his Golden Lion in Venice - 10 September 2011Sokurov appealed for governments to continue funding the arts
Russian director Alexander Sokurov's take on the German legend Faust has won the film a Golden Lion - the top award at the Venice Film Festival.
The classic tale explores the corrupting nature of power as scholar Faust sells his soul to the devil.
German-born Irish actor Michael Fassbender was named best actor for playing a sex addict in British director Steve McQueen's Shame.
The best actress award went to Hong Kong's Deanie Yip in A Simple Life.
Best actor
Fassbender, 34, previously worked with McQueen in the filmmaker's Bafta-winning debut feature Hunger, playing jailed IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands.
Michael FassbenderFassbender recently starred in X-Men: First Class
Accepting his acting honour, he said: "It's just really nice when you take chance and you do something that you think is relevant - you hope is relevant - and people respond the way they did."
Fassbender also starred in another Venice competition film - David Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method - in which he plays psychoanalyst Carl Jung.
The film will show at the London Film Festival next month.
Golden Lion winner Faust was praised by US director Darren Aronofsky - head of the Venice jury - who presented the award.
He said: "There are some films that make you cry, there are some films that make you laugh, there are some films that change you forever after you see them; and this is one of them."
At a news conference following the award ceremony, Sokurov appealed for governments to continue funding the arts.
"Culture is not a luxury! It is the basis for the development of the society," he said.

《愛的藝術》The Art of Loving

Product Details
The Art of Lovingby Erich Fromm(Nov 21, 2006)

弗羅姆(Erich Fromm),生於1900年,死於1980年,是美籍德國猶太人。人本主義哲學家和精神分析心理學家。畢生致力修改弗洛伊德的精神分析學說,被尊為「精神分析社會學」的奠基者之一。
我1971年在從台中到台北的火車上讀它,當時一定似懂非懂。現在讀它 ,處處是
《愛的藝術》The Art of Loving 台北: 志文 孟祥森譯 1969/1986
E. Fromm认为:Jonah情结源自缺乏爱的主动关怀(《爱的艺术》,页38)。这确实是另一个重要的诠释角度。 页35 转心理。[121]为了消除潜意.
Jonah, Book of :約納書;約拿書(基):舊約十二小先知書之一,約成於西元前 400 年,主題是上主的救援遍及全人類。約納 Jonah 詳下文

中文本 愛的藝術 30幾年之後

The Art of Loving is a book written by Erich Fromm and published in 1956 by Harper & Row.
Fromm's most popular book, it was an international bestseller and recapitulated and complemented the theoretical principles of human nature found in Escape from Freedom and Man for Himself, principles which were revisited in many of Fromm's other major works. In this work love is presented as a skill that can be taught and developed. It opposes the idea of loving as something magic and mysterious that cannot be analyzed and explained.
Because modern man is alienated from himself, from his fellow men, and from nature, we seek refuge from our aloneness in the concepts of love and marriage (pp. 79-81). However, psychologist and social philosopher, Erich Fromm (1900-1980), observes that real love "is not a sentiment which can be easily indulged in by anyone." It is only through developing one's total personality to the capacity of loving one's neighbor with "true humility, courage, faith and discipline" that one attains the capacity to experience real love. This should be considered a rare achievement (p. vii). The active character of true love, Fromm observes, involves the basic elements of care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge (p. 24).
Readers will be disappointed if they approach this book as a how-to book. Rather, Fromm's 1956 classic is more of an exploration into the theories of brotherly love, motherly love, erotic love, self-love, and the love of God (pp. 7-76), and an insightful examination into love's disintegration in contemporary Western culture (pp. 77-98). We are starved for love, yet all our attempts to attain love in Western society are bound to fail. However, like art, Fromm observes that real love is possible with discipline, concentration, patience, and a supreme concern for mastering love (pp. 99-123).

Siegfried Lenz 1926-2014


德國當代最重要的作家之一齊格飛.藍茨於德國時間 10 月 7 日過世,享年 88 歲。
Siegfried Lenz, 1926-2014
《德語課》 http://goo.gl/kRKjVz
《失物招領處》 http://goo.gl/HEpv4h
《我的小村如此多情》 http://goo.gl/e6tG6r
《燈塔船》 http://goo.gl/8hlvbp
《為妳默哀一分鐘》 http://goo.gl/qsNfRd
《迷宮中等待果陀》 http://goo.gl/S1xUq2


Autor Siegfried Lenz
(德國之聲中文網)德國當代最偉大的小說家、散文家之一西格弗里德·倫茨(Siegfried Lenz)於週二(2014.10.07)在漢堡去世,享年88歲。文學批評家以及大量讀者都對他為德國文化做出的傑出貢獻給與極高的評價。直到生命的最後一刻,倫茨都保持了文學家的高度敏感和創作熱情。在不久前的一次採訪中,倫茨說,並非年事漸高而使創作變得簡單。
倫茨生於1926年的林克(Lyck),位於現波蘭境內的馬祖里亞,當年屬於東普魯士。1955年出版的《我的小村如此多情》(So zärtlich war Suleyken)曾發行160萬冊,堪稱倫茨最成功的作品之一。1943年,17歲的他參加了德國海軍,兩年後開小差,被英軍俘穫後送到德國的石荷州。
Kniefall von Warschau 1970 Willy Brandt
1951年,他的處女作《空中有蒼鷹》問世(Es waren Habichte in der Luft)。當時,他在《世界報》作編輯,每天都在修改別人的連載小說。倫茨受到啟發,他想,也可嘗試著自己寫小說。後來他的小說真的在《世界報》連載。《空中有蒼鷹》描述的內容是,一名教師在蘇聯芬蘭邊界地帶搞策反活動,之後遭到追捕,最後被村民出賣。
《德語課》(1986)為倫茨帶來重大突破,隨著這部作品的問世,倫茨走進了世界文學的聖殿。這本書的故事是以納粹德國時期的北弗里西亞地區為背景,耶普森是一名勤奮的警員,忠於職守,在他的推動下,禁止了他的朋友、畫家南森的繪畫活動。南森的原形是德國表現主義畫派的著名畫家諾爾德(Emil Nolde),納粹曾禁止過他的畫作。《德語課》這本小說僅在德國就銷售了140萬冊,該題材後來被拍成電影。小說被譯成中文、日文以及韓文等多種文字。人們估計倫茨作品一共銷售了2500萬冊。
倫茨一生榮獲了多種獎項,比如托馬斯·曼獎(1984)、德國書業和平獎(1988)以及多個榮譽博士頭銜。2014年6月,倫茨創辦了旨在對其作品進行科學研究的基金會。而以他名字命名的西格弗里德·倫茨獎將首次於今年11月頒發,獲獎者是以色列作家奧茨(Amos Oz)。他的最新作品是《施密特-倫茨》,該書描述了他同德國前總理赫爾穆特·施密特多年的友誼。倫茨曾在上世紀60、70年代熱衷於社民黨的政治活動,並於1970年陪同勃蘭特總理出訪華沙簽署德波協定。倫茨逝世後不久,將出版題為《驚詫之機》的散文集,涵蓋其50年的創作。
Deutschsprachige Autoren Grass Lenz
2006年,與倫茨相守了57年之久的夫人、畫家麗沙洛特(Liselotte Lenz)與世長辭。麗沙洛特不僅是倫茨作品的第一位評論者,他的所有手稿都是由夫人親手打印的。倫茨的作品都是一氣呵成,書稿無需做很多改動,但倫茨創作時不能缺少煙斗的相伴。2010年,倫茨迎娶了鄰居萊默(Ulla Reimer)女士,之後他們一半生活時間在漢堡,另一半在丹麥位於波羅地海的一個小島上。2002年倫茨當選漢堡榮譽市民,2004年當選石荷州榮譽市民。

(Reuters) - Siegfried Lenz, one of Germany's most significant post-war writers whose novels
explored individuals' culpability for the horrors of Nazism and the struggle to shape a new national identity, died on Tuesday at the age of 88, his publishers said.

Lenz, whose work has been translated into more than 30 languages, is best known for The German Lesson (Deutschstunde), in which a boy watches his policeman father doggedly 
follow orders to prevent their artist neighbor, branded "degenerate" by the Nazis, from 
painting in the remote German-Danish borderlands.

Born in 1926 in a city known today as Elk in eastern Poland but which was then in 
Germany, Lenz served in the German navy from the age of 18 in the last year of World War Two and spent time as a prisoner of war before eventually settling in Hamburg.

He became part of Gruppe 47, a group of post-war writers including Heinrich Boell, 
Guenther Grass and Ingeborg Bachmann who felt duty-bound to engage with the legacy of German fascism in their work, exposing and disrupting society's urge to forget.

"Part of Germany has died today with Siegfried Lenz," said Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in a statement.

"Like no other, Siegfried Lenz observed German society and shaped it with his work. His 
love of his country, his connection to both his home towns - one in Poland, the other in the
 north of Germany - are literary foundations for our own sense of self," he said.

(Reporting by Alexandra Hudson; Editing by Stephen Brown and Gareth Jones)



































































改變美國的書 Books That Changed America


  • Books That Changed America, Macmillan, 1970.
  • Books That Changed America Paperback – January 1, 1971
by Robert B. Downs (Author) 改變美國的書  ,彭哥譯,台北:純文學,1971

Robert Bingham Downs (May 25, 1903– February 24, 1991) was a prolificAmerican author and librarian. Downs was an advocate for intellectual freedom as well.[2] Downs spent the majority of his career working against, and voicing opposition to, literary censorship. Downs authored many books and publications regarding the topics of censorship, and on the topics of responsible and efficient leadership in the library context.[2]
Library of Congress Announces Their Books That Changed America

Books That Changed America Paperback – January 1, 1971

Benjamin Franklin, "Experiments and Observations on Electricity" (1751)
In 1751, Peter Collinson, president of the Royal Society, arranged for the publication of a series of letters from Benjamin Franklin, written between 1747 and 1750, describing his experiments with electricity. Through the publication of these experiments, Franklin became the first American to gain an international reputation for his scientific work. In 1753 he received the Copley Medal of the Royal Society for his contributions.

Benjamin Franklin, "Poor Richard Improved" (1758) and "The Way to Wealth"
As a writer, Benjamin Franklin was best known for the wit and wisdom he shared with the readers of his popular almanac, "Poor Richard," under the pseudonym "Richard Saunders." In 1758, Franklin created a clever preface that repeated a number of his maxims, framed as an event in which Father Abraham advises that those seeking prosperity and virtue should diligently practice frugality, honesty and industry. It was reprinted as "Father Abraham’s Speech" and "The Way to Wealth."

Thomas Paine, "Common Sense" (1776)
Published anonymously in Philadelphia in January 1776, "Common Sense" appeared at a time when both separation from Great Britain and reconciliation were being considered. Through simple rational arguments, Thomas Paine focused blame for Colonial America’s troubles on the British king and pointed out the advantages of independence. This popular pamphlet had more than a half-million copies in 25 editions appearing throughout the Colonies within its first year of printing.

Noah Webster, "A Grammatical Institute of the English Language" (1783)
Believing that a distinctive American language was essential to creating cultural independence for the new nation, Noah Webster sought to standardize rules for spelling and pronunciation. His "Grammatical Institute" became the popular "blue-backed speller" used to teach a century of American children how to spell and pronounce words. Its royalties provided Webster with the economic independence to develop his American dictionary.

"The Federalist" (1787)
Now considered to be the most significant American contribution to political thought, "The Federalist" essays supporting the ratification of the new Constitution first appeared in New York newspapers under the pseudonym "Publius." Although it was widely known that the 85 essays were the work of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, the initial curious speculation about authorship of specific essays gradually developed into heated controversy. Hamilton left an authorship list with his lawyer before his fatal duel. In his copy, Madison identified the author of each essay with their initials. Thomas Jefferson penned a similar authorship list in his copy. None of these attributions exactly match, and the authorship of several essays is still being debated by scholars.

"A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible" (1788)
Hieroglyphic Bibles were popular in the late 18th century as an effective and entertaining way to teach children biblical passages. Isaiah Thomas, the printer of this 1788 edition, is widely acclaimed as America’s first enlightened printer of children’s books and is often compared to John Newbery of London, with whom he shared the motto "Instruction with delight."

Christopher Colles, "A Survey of the Roads of the United States of America" (1789)
Irish-born engineer and surveyor Christopher Colles produced what is considered the first road map or guidebook of the United States. It uses a format familiar to modern travelers with each plate consisting of two to three strip maps arranged side by side, covering approximately 12 miles. Colles began this work in 1789 but ended the project in 1792 because few people purchased subscriptions. But he compiled an atlas covering approximately 1,000 miles from Albany, N.Y., to Williamsburg, Va.

Benjamin Franklin, "The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin, LL.D." (1793)
Benjamin Franklin was 65 when he wrote the first part of his autobiography, which focused on his early life to 1730. During the 1780s he added three briefer parts that advanced his story to his 50th year (1756) and revised the first part. The first book-length edition was published in Paris in 1791. The first English edition, a retranslation of this French edition, was published in London in 1793. Franklin’s autobiography still is considered one of the most influential memoirs in American literature.

Amelia Simmons, "American Cookery" (1796)
This cornerstone in American cookery is the first cookbook of American authorship to be printed in the United States. Numerous recipes adapting traditional dishes by substituting native American ingredients, such as corn, squash and pumpkin, are printed here for the first time. Simmons’ "Pompkin Pudding," baked in a crust, is the basis for the classic American pumpkin pie. Recipes for cake-like gingerbread are the first known to recommend the use of pearl ash, the forerunner of baking powder.

"New England Primer" (1803)
Learning the alphabet went hand in hand with learning Calvinist principles in early America. The phrase "in Adam’s fall, we sinned all," taught children the first letter of the alphabet and the concept of original sin at the same time. More than 6 million copies in 450 editions of the "New England Primer" were printed between 1681 and 1830 and were a part of nearly every child’s life.

Meriwether Lewis, "History of the Expedition Under the Command of the Captains Lewis and Clark" (1814)
After Meriwether Lewis’s death in September 1809, William Clark engaged Nicholas Biddle to edit the expedition papers. Using the captains’ original journals and those of Sergeants Gass and Ordway, Biddle completed a narrative by July 1811. After delays with the publisher, a two-volume edition of the Corps of Discovery’s travels across the continent was finally available to the public in 1814. More than 20 editions appeared during the 19th century, including German, Dutch and several British editions.

Washington Irving, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1820)
One of the first works of fiction by an American author to become popular outside the United States, Washington Irving’s "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was first published as part of "The Sketchbook" in 1820. Irving’s vivid imagery involving the wild supernatural pursuit by the Headless Horseman has sustained interest in this popular folktale through many printed editions, as well as film, stage and musical adaptations.

William Holmes McGuffey, "McGuffey’s Newly Revised Eclectic Primer" (1836)
William Holmes McGuffey was hired in the 1830s by Truman and Smith, a Cincinnati publishing firm, to write schoolbooks appropriate for children in the expanding nation. His eclectic readers were graded, meaning a student started with the primer and, as his reading abilities improved, moved from the first through the sixth reader. Religious instruction is not included, but a strong moral code is encouraged with stories in which hard work and virtue are rewarded and misdeeds and sloth are punished.

Samuel Goodrich, "Peter Parley’s Universal History" (1837)
Samuel Goodrich, using the pseudonym Peter Parley, wrote children’s books with an informal and friendly style as he introduced his young readers to faraway people and places. Goodrich believed that fairy tales and fantasy were not useful and possibly dangerous to children. He entertained them instead with engaging tales from history and geography. His low regard for fiction is ironic in that his accounts of other places and cultures were often misleading and stereotypical, if not completely incorrect.

Frederick Douglass, "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" (1845)
Frederick Douglass’s first autobiography is one of the best-written and most widely read slave narratives. It was boldly published less than seven years after Douglass had escaped and before his freedom was purchased. Prefaced by statements of support from his abolitionist friends, William Garrison and Wendell Phillips, Douglass’s book relates his experiences growing up a slave in Maryland and describes the strategies he used to learn to read and write. More than just a personal story of courage, Douglass’s account became a strong testament for the need to abolish slavery.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Scarlet Letter" (1850)
"The Scarlet Letter" was the first important novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the leading authors of 19th-century romanticism in American literature. Like many of his works, the novel is set in Puritan New England and examines guilt, sin and evil as inherent human traits. The main character, Hester Prynne, is condemned to wear a scarlet "A" (for adultery) on her chest because of an affair that resulted in an illegitimate child. Meanwhile, her child’s father, a Puritan pastor who has kept their affair secret, holds a high place in the community.

Herman Melville, "Moby-Dick"; or, "The Whale" (1851)
Herman Melville’s tale of the Great White Whale and the crazed Captain Ahab who declares he will chase him "round perdition’s flames before I give him up" has become an American myth. Even people who have never read Moby-Dick know the basic plot, and references to it are common in other works of American literature and in popular culture, such as the Star Trek film "The Wrath of Khan" (1982).

Harriet Beecher Stowe, "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" (1852)
With the intention of awakening sympathy for oppressed slaves and encouraging Northerners to disobey the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, Harriet Beecher Stowe began writing her vivid sketches of slave sufferings and family separations. The first version of "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" appeared serially between June 1851 and April 1852 in the National Era, an antislavery paper published in Washington, D.C. The first book edition appeared in March 1852 and sold more than 300,000 copies in the first year. This novel was extremely influential in fueling antislavery sentiment during the decade preceding the Civil War.

Henry David Thoreau, "Walden;" or, "Life in the Woods" (1854)
While living in solitude in a cabin on Walden Pond in Concord, Mass., Henry David Thoreau wrote his most famous work, "Walden," a paean to the idea that it is foolish to spend a lifetime seeking material wealth. In his words, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Thoreau’s love of nature and his advocacy of a simple life have had a large influence on modern conservation and environmentalist movements.

Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass" (1855)
The publication of the first slim edition of Walt Whitman’s "Leaves of Grass" in 1855 was the debut of a masterpiece that shifted the course of American literary history. Refreshing and bold in both theme and style, the book underwent many revisions during Whitman’s lifetime. Over almost 40 years Whitman produced multiple editions of "Leaves of Grass," shaping the book into an ever-transforming kaleidoscope of poems. By his death in 1892, "Leaves" was a thick compendium that represented Whitman’s vision of America over nearly the entire last half of the 19th century. Among the collection’s best-known poems are "I Sing the Body Electric,""Song of Myself," and "O Captain! My Captain!," a metaphorical tribute to the slain Abraham Lincoln.

Louisa May Alcott, "Little Women," or, "Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy" (1868)
This first edition of Louisa May Alcott’s "Little Women" was published in 1868 when Louisa was 35 years old. Based on her own experiences growing up as a young woman with three sisters, and illustrated by her youngest sister, May, the novel was an instant success, selling more than 2,000 copies immediately. Several sequels were published, including "Little Men" (1871) and "Jo’s Boys" (1886). Although "Little Women" is set in a very particular place and time in American history, the characters and their relationships have touched generations of readers and still are beloved.

Horatio Alger Jr., "Mark, the Match Boy" (1869)
The formulaic juvenile novels of Horatio Alger Jr., are best remembered for the "rags-to-riches" theme they championed. In these stories, poor city boys rose in social status by working hard and being honest. Alger preached respectability and integrity, while disdaining the idle rich and the growing chasm between the poor and the affluent. In fact, the villains in Alger’s stories were almost always rich bankers, lawyers or country squires.

Catharine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe, "The American Woman’s Home" (1869)
This classic domestic guide by sisters Catharine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe is dedicated to "the women of America, in whose hands rest the real destinies of the Republic." It includes chapters on healthful cookery, home decoration, exercise, cleanliness, good air ventilation and heat, etiquette, sewing, gardening and care of children, the sick, the aged and domestic animals. Intended to elevate the "woman’s sphere" of household management to a respectable profession based on scientific principles, it became the standard domestic handbook.

Mark Twain, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (1884)
Novelist Ernest Hemingway famously said, "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called ‘Huckleberry Finn.’ ... All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since." During their trip down the Mississippi on a raft, Twain depicts in a satirical and humorous way Huck and Jim’s encounters with hypocrisy, racism, violence and other evils of American society. His use in serious literature of a lively, simple American language full of dialect and colloquial expressions paved the way for many later writers, including Hemingway and William Faulkner.

Emily Dickinson, "Poems"(1890)
Very few of the nearly 1,800 poems that Emily Dickinson wrote were published during her lifetime and, even then, they were heavily edited to conform to the poetic conventions of their time. A complete edition of her unedited work was not published until 1955. Her idiosyncratic structure and rhyming schemes have inspired later poets.

Jacob Riis, "How the Other Half Lives" (1890)
An early example of photojournalism as vehicle for social change, Riis’s book demonstrated to the middle and upper classes of New York City the slum-like conditions of the tenements of the Lower East Side. Following the book’s publication (and the resulting public uproar), proper sewers, plumbing and trash collection eventually came to the Lower East Side.

Stephen Crane, "The Red Badge of Courage" (1895)
One of the most influential works in American literature, Stephen Crane’s "The Red Badge of Courage" has been called the greatest novel about the American Civil War. The tale of a young recruit in the Civil War who learns the cruelty of war made Crane an international success. The work is notable for its vivid depiction of the internal conflict of its main character – most war novels until that time focused more on the battles than on their characters.

L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (1900)
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," published in 1900, is the first fantasy written by an American to enjoy an immediate success upon publication. So powerful was its effect on the American imagination, so evocative its use of the forces of nature in its plots, so charming its invitation to children of all ages to look for the element of wonder in the world around them that author L. Frank Baum was forced by demand to create book after book about Dorothy and her friends – including the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion and Glinda the Good Witch.

Sarah H. Bradford, "Harriet, the Moses of Her People" (1901)
Harriet Tubman is celebrated for her courage and skill in guiding many escaping slave parties northward along the Underground Railroad to freedom. She also served as a scout and a nurse during the Civil War. In order to raise funds for Tubman’s support in 1869 and again in 1886, Sarah Hopkins Bradford published accounts of Tubman’s experiences as a young slave and her daring efforts to rescue family and friends from slavery.

Jack London, "The Call of the Wild" (1903)
Jack London’s experiences during the Klondike gold rush in the Yukon were the inspiration for "The Call of the Wild." He saw the way dogsled teams behaved and how their owners treated (and mistreated) them. In the book, the dog Buck’s comfortable life is upended when gold is discovered in the Klondike. From then on, survival of the fittest becomes Buck’s mantra as he learns to confront and survive the harsh realities of his new life as a sled dog.

W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Souls of Black Folk" (1903)
"Few books make history and fewer still become foundational texts for the movements and struggles of an entire people. The ‘Souls of Black Folk’ occupies this rare position," said Du Bois biographer Manning Marable. Du Bois’s work was so influential that it is impossible to consider the civil rights movement’s roots without first looking to this groundbreaking work.

Ida Tarbell, "The History of Standard Oil" (1904)
Journalist Ida Tarbell wrote her exposé of the monopolistic practices of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company as a serialized work in McClure’s Magazine. The breakup of Standard Oil in 1911 into 34 "baby Standards" can be attributed in large part to Tarbell’s masterly muckraking.

Upton Sinclair, "The Jungle" (1906)
An early example of investigative journalism, this graphic exposé of the Chicago meat-packing industry presented as a novel was one of the first works of fiction to lead directly to national legislation. The federal meat-inspection law and the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 established the agency that eventually became the Food and Drug Administration in 1930.

Henry Adams, "The Education of Henry Adams" (1907)
The dawn of the 20th century and the changes it brought are the subjects of Henry Adams’ "education." Adams lived through the Civil War and died just before World War I. During that time, he witnessed cataclysmic transformations in technology, society and politics. Adams believed that his traditional education left him ill-prepared for these changes and that his life experiences provided a better education. One survey called it the greatest nonfiction English-language book of the last century.

William James, "Pragmatism" (1907)
"Pragmatism" was America’s first major contribution to philosophy, and it is an ideal rooted in the American ethos of no-nonsense solutions to real problems. Although James did not originate the idea, he popularized the philosophy through his voluminous writings.

Zane Grey, "Riders of the Purple Sage" (1912)
"Riders of the Purple Sage," Zane Grey’s best-known novel, was originally published in 1912. The Western genre had just evolved from the popular dime novels and penny dreadfuls of the late 19th century. This story of a gun-slinging avenger who saves a young and beautiful woman from marrying against her will played a significant role in shaping the formula of the popular Western genre begun by Owen Wister in "The Virginian" (1904).

Edgar Rice Burroughs, "Tarzan of the Apes" (1914)
"Tarzan of the Apes" is the first in a series of books about the popular man who was raised by and lived among the apes. With its universal themes of honesty, heroism and bravery, the series has never lost popularity. Countless Tarzan adaptations have been filmed for television and the silver screen, including an animated version currently in production.

Margaret Sanger, "Family Limitation" (1914)
While working as a nurse in the New York slums, Margaret Sanger witnessed the plight of poor women suffering from frequent pregnancies and self-induced abortion. Believing that these women had the right to control their reproductive health, Sanger published this pamphlet that simply explained how to prevent pregnancy. Distribution through the mails was blocked by enforcement of the Comstock Law, which banned mailing of materials judged to be obscene. However, several hundred thousand copies were distributed through the first family-planning and birth control clinic Sanger established in Brooklyn in 1916 and by networks of active women at rallies and political meetings.

William Carlos Williams, "Spring and All" (1923)
A practicing physician for more than 40 years, William Carlos Williams became an experimenter, innovator and revolutionary figure in American poetry. In reaction against the rigid, rhyming format of 19th-century poets, Williams, his friend Ezra Pound and other early-20th-century poets formed the core of what became known as the "Imagist" movement. Their poetry focused on verbal pictures and moments of revealed truth, rather than a structure of consecutive events or thoughts and was expressed in free verse rather than rhyme.

Robert Frost, "New Hampshire" (1923)
Frost received his first of four Pulitzer Prizes for this anthology, which contains some of his most famous poems, including "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "Fire and Ice." One of the best-known American poets of his time, Frost became principally associated with the life and landscape of New England. Although he employed traditional verse forms and metrics and remained aloof from the poetic movements and fashions of his day, poems featured language as it is actually spoken as well as psychological complexity and layers of ambiguity and irony.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby" (1925)
F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the major American writers of the 20th century, is a figure whose life and works embody powerful myths about the American Dream of success. "The Great Gatsby," considered by many to be Fitzgerald’s finest work and the book for which he is best known, is a portrait of the Jazz Age (1920s) in all its decadence and excess. Exploring the themes of class, wealth and social status, Fitzgerald takes a cynical look at the pursuit of wealth among a group of people for whom pleasure is the chief goal. "The Great Gatsby" captured the spirit of the author’s generation and earned a permanent place in American mythology.

Langston Hughes, "The Weary Blues" (1925)
Langston Hughes was one of the greatest poets of the Harlem Renaissance, a literary and intellectual flowering that fostered a new black cultural identity in the 1920s and 1930s. His poem "The Weary Blues," also the title of this poetry collection, won first prize in a contest held by Opportunity magazine. After the awards ceremony, the writer and photographer Carl Van Vechten approached Hughes about putting together a book of verse and got him a contract with his own publisher, Alfred A. Knopf. Van Vechten contributed an essay, "Introducing Langston Hughes," to the volume. The book laid the foundation for Hughes’s literary career, and several poems remain popular with his admirers.

William Faulkner, "The Sound and the Fury" (1929)
"The Sound and the Fury," William Faulkner’s fourth novel, was his own favorite, and many critics believe it is his masterpiece. Set in the fictional county of Yoknapatawpha, Miss., as are most of Faulkner’s novels, "The Sound and the Fury" uses the American South as a metaphor for a civilization in decline. Depicting the post-Civil War decline of the once-aristocratic Compson family, the novel is divided into four parts, each told by a different narrator. Much of the novel is told in a stream-of-consciousness style, in which a character’s thoughts are conveyed in a manner roughly equivalent to the way human minds actually work. Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1950 and France’s Legion of Honor in 1951.

Dashiell Hammett, "Red Harvest" (1929)
Dashiell Hammett’s first novel introduced a wide audience to the so-called "hard-boiled" detective thriller with its depiction of crime and violence without any hint of sentimentality. The creator of classics such as "The Maltese Falcon" and "The Thin Man," shocked readers with such dialogue as "We bumped over dead Hank O’Meara’s legs and headed for home."

Irma Rombauer, "Joy of Cooking" (1931)
Until Irma Rombauer published "Joy of Cooking," most American cookbooks were little more than a series of paragraphs that incorporated ingredient amounts (if they were provided at all) with some vague advice about how to put them all together to achieve the desired results. Rombauer changed all that by beginning her recipes with ingredient lists and offering precise directions along with her own personal and friendly anecdotes. A modest success initially, the book went on to sell nearly 18 million copies in its various editions.

Margaret Mitchell, "Gone With the Wind" (1936)
The most popular romance novel of all time was the basis for the most popular movie of all time (in today’s dollars). Margaret Mitchell’s book, set in the South during the Civil War, won both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award, and it remains popular, despite charges that its author had a blind eye regarding the horrors of slavery.

Dale Carnegie, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (1936)
The progenitor of all self-help books, Dale Carnegie’s volume has sold 15 million copies and been translated into more than 30 languages. "How to Win Friends and Influence People" has also spawned hundreds of other books, many of them imitators, written to advise on everything from improving one’s relationships to beefing up one’s bank account. Carnegie acknowledged that he was inspired by Benjamin Franklin, a young man who proclaimed that "God helps them that helped themselves" as a way to get ahead in life.

Zora Neale Hurston, "Their Eyes Were Watching God" (1937)
Although it was published in 1937, it was not until the 1970s that "Their Eyes Were Watching God" became regarded as a masterwork. It had initially been rejected by African American critics as facile and simplistic, in part because its characters spoke in dialect. Alice Walker’s 1975 Ms. magazine essay, "Looking for Zora," led to a critical reevaluation of the book, which is now considered to have paved the way for younger black writers such as Alice Walker and Toni Morrison.

Federal Writers’ Project, "Idaho: A Guide in Word and Pictures" (1937)
"Idaho" was the first in the popular American Guide Series of the Federal Writers’ Project, which ended in 1943. The project employed more than 6,000 writers and was one of the many programs of the Works Progress Administration, a Depression-era federal government employment program. These travel guides cover the lower 48 states plus the Alaska Territory, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Each volume details a state’s history, geography and culture and includes photographs, maps and drawings.

Thornton Wilder, "Our Town: A Play" (1938)
Winner of the 1938 Pulitzer Prize, "Our Town" is among the most-performed plays of the 20th century. Those who see it relate immediately to its universal themes of the importance of everyday occurrences, relationships among friends and family and an appreciation of the brevity of life.

"Alcoholics Anonymous" (1939)
The famous 12-step program for stopping an addiction has sold more than 30 million copies. Millions of men and women worldwide have turned to the program co-founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith to recover from alcoholism. The "Big Book," as it is known, spawned similar programs for other forms of addiction.

John Steinbeck, "The Grapes of Wrath" (1939)
Few novels can claim that their message led to actual legislation, but "The Grapes of Wrath" did just that. Its story of the travails of Oklahoma migrants during the Great Depression ignited a movement in Congress to pass laws benefiting farmworkers. When Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize in 1962, the committee specifically cited this novel as one of the main reasons for the award.

Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1940)
Ernest Hemingway’s novel about the horrors of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) depicts war not as glorious but disillusioning. Hemingway used his experiences as a reporter during the war as the background for his best-selling novel, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and became a literary triumph. Based on his achievement in this and other noted works, he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.

Richard Wright, "Native Son" (1940)
Among the first widely successful novels by an African American, "Native Son" boldly described a racist society that was unfamiliar to most Americans. As literary critic Irving Howe said in his 1963 essay "Black Boys and Native Sons,""The day ‘Native Son’ appeared, American culture was changed forever. No matter how much qualifying the book might later need, it made impossible a repetition of the old lies."

Betty Smith, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" (1943)
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" is the account of a girl growing up in the tenements of turn-of-the-20th-century Brooklyn. An early socially conscious novel, the book examines poverty, alcoholism, gender roles, loss of innocence and the struggle to live the American Dream in an inner city neighborhood of Irish American immigrants. The book was enormously popular and became a film directed by Elia Kazan.

Benjamin A. Botkin, "A Treasury of American Folklore" (1944)
Benjamin Botkin headed the Library of Congress’s Archive of American Folksong (now the American Folklife Center) between 1943 and 1945 and previously served as national folklore editor of the Federal Writers’ Project (1938–39), a program of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal during the Depression. Botkin was one of the New Deal folklorists who persuasively argued that folklore was relevant in the present and that it was not something that should be studied merely for its historical value. This book features illustrations by Andrew Wyeth, one of America’s foremost realist painters.

Gwendolyn Brooks, "A Street in Bronzeville" (1945)
"A Street in Bronzeville" was Brooks’s first book of poetry. It details, in stark terms, the oppression of blacks in a Chicago neighborhood. Critics hailed the book, and in 1950 Brooks became the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. She was also appointed as U.S. Poet Laureate by the Librarian of Congress in 1985.

Benjamin Spock, "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care" (1946)
Dr. Spock’s guidebook turned common wisdom about child-rearing on its head. Spock argued that babies did not have to be on a rigid schedule, that children should be treated with a great deal of affection, and that parents should use their own common sense when making child-rearing decisions. Millions of parents worldwide have followed his advice.

Eugene O’Neill, "The Iceman Cometh" (1946)
Nobel Prize winner Eugene O’Neill’s play about anarchism, socialism and pipe dreams is one of his most-admired but least-performed works, probably because of its more than four-and-a-half-hour running time. Set in 1912 in the seedy Last Chance Saloon in New York City, the play depicts the bar’s drunk and delusional patrons bickering while awaiting the arrival of Hickey, a traveling salesman whose visits are the highlight of their hopeless lives. However, Hickey’s arrival throws them into turmoil when he arrives sober, wanting them to face their delusions.

Margaret Wise Brown, "Goodnight Moon" (1947)
This bedtime story has been a favorite of young people for generations, beloved as much for its rhyming story as for its carefully detailed illustrations by Clement Hurd. Millions have read it (and had it read to them). "Goodnight Moon" has been referred to as the perfect bedtime book.

Tennessee Williams, "A Streetcar Named Desire" (1947)
A landmark work, which won the 1948 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, "A Streetcar Named Desire" thrilled and shocked audiences with its melodramatic look at a clash of cultures. These cultures are embodied in the two main characters – Blanche DuBois, a fading Southern belle whose genteel pretensions thinly mask alcoholism and delusions of grandeur, and Stanley Kowalski, a representative of the industrial, urban working class. Marlon Brando’s portrayal of the brutish and sensual Stanley in both the original stage production and the film adaptation has become an icon of American culture.

Alfred C. Kinsey, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948)
Alfred Kinsey created a firestorm when he published this volume on men in 1948 and a companion on women five years later. No one had ever reported on such taboo subjects before and no one had used scientific data in such detail to challenge the prevailing notions of sexual behavior. Kinsey’s openness regarding human sexuality was a harbinger of the 1960s sexual revolution in America.

J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye" (1951)
Since his debut in 1951 as the narrator of "The Catcher in the Rye," 16-year-old Holden Caulfield has been synonymous with adolescent alienation and angst. The influential story concerns three days after Holden has been expelled from prep school. Confused and disillusioned, he wanders New York City searching for truth and rails against the phoniness of the adult world. Holden is the first great American antihero, and his attitudes influenced the Beat generation of the 1950s as well as the hippies of the 1960s. "The Catcher in the Rye" is one of the most translated, taught and reprinted books and has sold some 65 million copies.

Ralph Ellison, "Invisible Man" (1952)
Ralph Ellison’s "Invisible Man" is told by an unnamed narrator who views himself as someone many in society do not see, much less pay attention to. Ellison addresses what it means to be an African-American in a world hostile to the rights of a minority, on the cusp of the emerging civil rights movement that was to change society irrevocably.

E.B. White, "Charlotte’s Web" (1952)
According to Publishers Weekly, "Charlotte’s Web" is the best-selling paperback for children of all time. One reason may be that, although it was written for children, reading it is just as enjoyable for adults. The book is especially notable for the way it treats death as a natural and inevitable part of life in a way that is palatable for young people.

Ray Bradbury, "Fahrenheit 451" (1953)
"Fahrenheit 451" is Ray Bradbury’s disturbing vision of a future United States in which books are outlawed and burned. Even though interpretations of the novel have primarily focused on the historical role of book-burning as a means of censorship, Bradbury has said that the novel is about how television reduces knowledge to factoids and destroys interest in reading. The book inspired a 1966 film by Francois Truffaut and a subsequent BBC symphony. Its name comes from the minimum temperature at which paper catches fire by spontaneous combustion.

Allen Ginsberg, "Howl"(1956)
Allen Ginsberg’s poem "Howl" (first published as the title poem of a collection) established him as an important poet and the voice of the Beat Generation of the 1950s. Because of the boldness of the poem’s language and subject matter, it became the subject of an obscenity trial in San Francisco in which it was exonerated after witnesses testified to its redeeming social value. Ginsberg’s work had great influence on later generations of poets and on the youth culture of the 1960s.

Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged" (1957)
Although mainstream critics reacted poorly to "Atlas Shrugged," it was a popular success. Set in what novelist and philosopher Rand called "the day after tomorrow," the book depicts a United States caught up in a crisis caused by a corrupt establishment of government regulators and business interests. The book’s negative view of government and its support of unimpeded capitalism as the highest moral objective have influenced libertarians and those who advocate a smaller government.

Dr. Seuss, "The Cat in the Hat" (1957)
Theodore Seuss Geisel was removed as editor of the campus humor magazine while a student at Dartmouth College after too much reveling with fellow students. In spite of this Prohibition-era setback to his writing career, he continued to contribute to the magazine pseudonymously, signing his work "Seuss." This is the first known use of his pseudonym, which became famous in children’s literature when it evolved into "Dr. Seuss.""The Cat in the Hat" is considered the most important book of his career. More than 200 million Dr. Seuss books have been sold around the world.

Jack Kerouac, "On the Road" (1957)
The defining novel of the 1950s Beat Generation (which Kerouac named), "On the Road" is a semiautobiographical tale of a bohemian cross-country adventure, narrated by character Sal Paradise. Kerouac’s odyssey has influenced artists such as Bob Dylan, Tom Waits and Hunter S. Thompson and films such as "Easy Rider.""On the Road" has achieved a mythic status in part because it portrays the restless energy and desire for freedom that makes people take off to see the world.

Harper Lee, "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1960)
This 1960 Pulitzer Prize winner was an immediate critical and financial success for its author, with more than 30 million copies in print to date. Harper Lee created one of the most enduring and heroic characters in all of American literature in Atticus Finch, the small-town lawyer who defended a wrongly accused black man. The book’s importance was recognized by the 1961 Washington Post reviewer: "A hundred pounds of sermons on tolerance, or an equal measure of invective deploring the lack of it, will weigh far less in the scale of enlightenment than a mere 18 ounces of new fiction bearing the title ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’"

Joseph Heller, "Catch-22" (1961)
Joseph’s Heller’s "Catch-22," an irreverent World War II novel and a satiric treatment of military bureaucracy, has had such a penetrating effect that its title has become synonymous with "no-win situation." Heller’s novel is a black comedy, filled with orders from above that make no sense and a main character, Yossarian, who just wants to stay alive. He pleads insanity but is caught in the famous catch: "Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy." The novel became a cult classic for its biting indictment of war.

Robert E. Heinlein, "Stranger in a Strange Land" (1961)
The first science fiction novel to become a bestseller, "Stranger in a Strange Land" is the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human raised on Mars by Martians (his parents were on the first expedition to Mars and he was orphaned when the crew perished) who returns to Earth about 20 years later. Smith has psychic powers but complete ignorance of human mores. The book is considered a classic in its genre.

Ezra Jack Keats, "The Snowy Day" (1962)
Ezra Jack Keats’s "The Snowy Day" was the first full-color picture book with an African-American as the main character. The book changed the field of children’s literature forever, and Keats was recognized by winning the 1963 Caldecott Medal (the most prestigious American award for children’s books) for his landmark effort.

Maurice Sendak, "Where the Wild Things Are" (1963)
"It is my involvement with this inescapable fact of childhood – the awful vulnerability of children and their struggle to make themselves King of All Wild Things – that gives my work whatever truth and passion it may have," Maurice Sendak said in his Caldecott Medal acceptance speech on June 30, 1964. Sendak called Max, the hero of "Where the Wild Things Are," his "bravest and therefore my dearest creation." Max, who is sent to his room with nothing to eat, sails to where the wild things are and becomes their king.

James Baldwin, "The Fire Next Time" (1963)
One of the most important books ever published on race relations, Baldwin’s two-essay work comprises a letter written to his nephew on the role of race in United States history and a discussion of how religion and race influence each other. Baldwin’s angry prose is balanced by his overall belief that love and understanding can overcome strife.

Betty Friedan, "The Feminine Mystique" (1963)
By debunking the "feminine mystique" that middle-class women were happy and fulfilled as housewives and mothers, Betty Friedan inspired the second-wave feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Friedan advocates that women need meaningful work and encourages them to avoid the trap of the "feminine mystique" by pursuing education and careers. By 2000 this touchstone of the women’s movement had sold 3 million copies and was translated into several languages.

Malcolm X and Alex Haley, "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" (1965)
When "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" (born Malcolm Little) was published, The New York Times called it a "brilliant, painful, important book," and it has become a classic American autobiography. Written in collaboration with Alex Haley (author of "Roots"), the book expressed for many African-Americans what the mainstream civil rights movement did not: their anger and frustration with the intractability of racial injustice.

Ralph Nader, "Unsafe at Any Speed" (1965)
Nader’s book was a landmark in the field of auto safety and made him a household name. It detailed how automakers resisted putting safety features, such as seat belts, in their cars and resulted in the federal government’s taking a lead role in the area of auto safety.

Rachel Carson, "Silent Spring" (1962)
A marine biologist and writer, Rachel Carson is considered a founder of the contemporary environmental protection movement. She drew attention to the adverse effects of pesticides, especially that of DDT on bird populations, in her book "Silent Spring," a 1963 National Book Association Nonfiction Finalist. At a time when technological solutions were the norm, she pointed out that man-made poisons introduced into natural systems can harm not only nature, but also humans. Her book met with great success and because of heightened public awareness, DDT was banned.

Truman Capote, "In Cold Blood" (1966)
A 300-word article in The New York Times about a murder led Truman Capote to travel with his childhood friend Harper Lee to Holcomb, Kan., to research his nonfiction novel, which is considered one of the greatest true-crime books ever written. Capote said the novel was an attempt to establish a serious new literary form, the "nonfiction novel," a narrative form that employed all the techniques of fictional art but was nevertheless entirely factual. The book was an instant success and was made into a film.

James D. Watson, "The Double Helix" (1968)
James D. Watson’s personal account of the discovery of DNA changed the way Americans regarded the genre of the scientific memoir and set a new standard for first-person accounts. Dealing with personalities, controversies and conflicts, the book also changed the way the public thought about how science and scientists work, showing that scientific enterprise can at times be a messy and cutthroat business.

Dee Brown, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" (1970)
Until librarian Dee Brown wrote his history of Native Americans in the West, few Americans knew the details of the unjust treatment of Indians. Brown scoured both well-known and little-known sources for his documentary on the massacres, broken promises and other atrocities suffered by Indians. The book has never gone out of print and has sold more than 4 million copies.

Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, "Our Bodies, Ourselves" (1971)
In the early 1970s a dozen Boston feminists collaborated in this groundbreaking publication that presented accurate information on women’s health and sexuality based on their own experiences. Advocating improved doctor-patient communication and shared decision-making, "Our Bodies, Ourselves" explored ways for women to take charge of their own health issues and to work for political and cultural change that would ameliorate women’s lives.

Carl Sagan, "Cosmos" (1980)
Carl Sagan’s classic, bestselling science book accompanied his avidly followed television series, "Cosmos." In an accessible way, Sagan covered a broad range of scientific topics and made the history and excitement of science understandable and enjoyable for Americans and then for an international audience. The book offers a glimpse of Sagan’s personal vision of what it means to be human.

Toni Morrison, "Beloved" (1987)
Toni Morrison won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for fiction for her post-Civil War novel based on the true story of an escaped slave and the tragic consequences when a posse comes to reclaim her. The author won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, and in 2006 The New York Times named "Beloved""the best work of American fiction of the past 25 years."

Randy Shilts, "And the Band Played On" (1987)
"And the Band Played On" is the story of how the AIDS epidemic spread and how the government’s initial indifference to the disease allowed its spread and gave urgency to devoting government resources to fighting the virus. Shilts’s investigation has been compared to other works that led to increased efforts toward public safety, such as Upton Sinclair’s "The Jungle."

César Chávez, "The Words of César Chávez" (2002)
César Chávez, founder of the United Farm Workers, was as impassioned as he was undeterred in his quest for better working conditions for farm workers. He was a natural communicator whose speeches and writings led to many improvements in wages and working conditions.




























聯絡人:許家旗 (02)2775-3736

諾貝爾文學獎百年一瞥: Patrick Modiano 蒙迪安諾


The Nobel Prize in Literature 2014 was awarded to Patrick Modiano"for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation".

France's Patrick Modiano has won this year's Nobel for literature. In tribute, LIFE salutes earlier winners of the prestigious prize. (Can you name the pensive fellow below?)
See more legendary laureates: http://ti.me/1oUsG7U
(Loomis Dean—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
France's Patrick Modiano has won this year's Nobel for literature. In tribute, LIFE salutes earlier winners of the prestigious prize. (Can you name the pensive fellow below?)  See more legendary laureates: http://ti.me/1oUsG7U  (Loomis Dean—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
Biography of French author Patrick Modiano, winner of the Nobel Literature Prize.

Biography of French author Patrick Modiano, winner of the Nobel Literature Prize.  Full story: http://u.afp.com/BxG


2008年諾貝爾文學獎,亦由法國新寓言派作家獲得,獲獎作家勒克萊齊奥(Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio),生於法國尼斯,持有法國和毛里求斯國籍。



2014年諾貝爾文學獎得主於台灣時間9日晚間揭曉,法國小說大師蒙迪安諾(Patrick Modiano)成為1901年以來第111位得主,也是歷來第14位以法文寫作的獲獎作家。頒獎典禮將於12月於斯德哥爾摩舉行,蒙迪安諾將獲頒一張證書、一面獎牌與800萬瑞典克朗(約新台幣3350萬元)獎金。
閻紀宇、簡嘉宏 2014年10月09日
瑞典學院(Svenska Akademien)表示,蒙迪安諾的得獎理由是「他藉由記憶的藝術,喚起最難理解的人類命運,並且揭示了二戰納粹佔領法國時期的的生活世界。」
瑞典學院常任祕書英格朗(Peter Englund)在記者會上說:「蒙迪安諾稱得上是當代的普魯斯特(Marcel Proust),不斷回顧……他的許多作品都是相互對話、此呼彼應,書寫記憶、身分與追尋。」



蒙迪安諾平日深居簡出,極少接受訪問。但法國伽利瑪出版社(Éditions Gallimard)負責人伽利瑪(Antoine Gallimard)在9日聯絡上他:「我打電話給蒙迪安諾,向他道賀,他以慣有的謙虛告訴我,他覺得『很奇怪』,不過他還是很高興。」
法國之外地區,蒙迪安諾不算知名,但他的作品有4本曾引進台灣,包括時報出版的《戴眼鏡的女孩》(Catherine Certitude)、《暗店街》(Rue des boutiques obscures),皇冠文化的《三個陌生女子》(Des inconnues),最近一部則是2010年允晨文化出版的《在青春迷失的咖啡館》(Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue)
蒙迪安諾現年69歲,1945年7月30日出生於巴黎西郊的布洛涅─比揚古(Boulogne-Billancourt),當時第二次世界大戰剛剛結束。蒙迪安諾的父親是義大利裔的猶太企業家,母親則是比利時女演員庫佩恩(Louisa Colpijn)。
蒙迪安諾在喬治六世中學讀書時,幾何學老師是著名作家格諾(Raymond Queneau),格諾把蒙迪安諾引進文學界。1968年,蒙迪安諾在伽利瑪出版第一部小說《星形廣場》(La Place de l'Étoile),一鳴驚人。
1972年,蒙迪安諾以《環形大街》(Les Boulevards de ceinture)得到法蘭西學院小說大獎(Grand prix du roman de l'Académie française),1978年以《暗店街》拿下龔古爾文學獎(Prix Goncourt)。2010年,他榮膺法蘭西學會(Institut de France)表彰文學家終身成就的德爾杜卡世界獎(Prix mondial Cino Del Duca)。
1973年,蒙迪安諾與法國大導演路易馬盧(Louis Malle)合作創作電影劇本《拉孔布.呂西安》(Lacombe Lucien),路易馬盧親自執導,描述1個法國男孩在第二次世界大戰期間要參加法國抵抗組織遭拒後,加入了納粹的蓋世太保(GESTAPO),當時引起巨大爭議。
2010年,《星形廣場》推出了德文譯本,贏得德國的西南廣播公司最暢銷書排名獎(Preis der SWR-Bestenliste),評審認為這部小說是關於猶太人大屠殺的一部重要作品。令人驚奇的是,蒙迪安諾的多數作品都早早就翻譯成德文,唯獨這部成名作足足晚了42年。
《星形廣場》(La Place de l'Étoile) (1968)
《拉孔布.呂西安》(Lacombe Lucien)(1974)
《暗店街》(Rue des boutiques obscures) (1978)《暗店街》﹝台北:時報文化出版﹞
《青春》(Une Jeunesse) (1981)
《八月的星期天》(Dimanches d'août) (1986)
《兒童更衣室》(Vestiaire de l'enfance) (1989)
《三個陌生女子》(Des inconnues) (1999)《三個陌生女子》﹝台北:皇冠﹞
《夜半撞車》(Accidentnocturne) (2003)
《在青春迷失的咖啡館》(Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue) (2007)

書名:在青春迷失的咖啡館,原文名稱:Dans le cafe de la jeunesse perdue,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789866274145,頁數:214,出版社:允晨文化,作者:派屈克.蒙迪安諾,譯者:王東亮,出版日期:2010/07/01,類別:文學小說

《地平線》(L'Horizon) (2010)


Biobibliographical notes

Patrick Modiano was born on July 30, 1945, in Boulogne-Billancourt, a suburb of Paris. His father was a businessman and his mother an actress. After leaving school, he studied at Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. He took private lessons in geometry from Raymond Queneau, a writer who was to play a decisive role for his development. Already in 1968, Modiano made his debut as a writer with La place de l’étoile, a novel that attracted much attention.
Modiano’s works centre on topics such as memory, oblivion, identity and guilt. The city of Paris is often present in the text and can almost be considered a creative participant in the works. Rather often his tales are built on an autobiographical foundation, or on events that took place during the German occupation. He sometimes draws material for his works from interviews, newspaper articles or his own notes accumulated over the years. His novels show an affinity with one another, and it happens that earlier episodes are extended or that persons recur in different tales. The author’s hometown and its history often serve to link the tales together. A work of documentary character, with World War II as background, is Dora Bruder (1997; Dora Bruder, 1999) which builds on the true tale of a fifteen-year old girl in Paris who became one of the victims of the Holocaust. Among the works which most clearly reveal an autobiographical character one notes Un pedigree from 2005.
Some of Modiano’s works have been translated into English, among them Les boulevards de ceinture (1972; Ring Roads : A Novel, 1974), Villa Triste (1975; Villa Triste, 1977), Quartier perdu (1984; A Trace of Malice, 1988) and Voyage de noces (1990; Honeymoon, 1992). His latest work is the novel Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier (2014). Modiano has also written children’s books and film scripts. Together with the film director Louis Malle he made the feature movie Lacombe Lucien (1974), set during the German occupation of France.
Major works in English
Night Rounds / translated by Patricia Wolf. – New York : Knopf, 1971. – Translation of La ronde de nuit
Ring Roads : A Novel / translated by Caroline Hillier. – London : V. Gollancz, 1974. – Translation of Les boulevards de ceinture
Lacombe Lucien : The Complete Scenario of the Film / by Louis Malle and Patrick Modiano ; translated by Sabine Destrée. – New York : Viking Press, 1975. – Translation of Lacombe Lucien : scénario
Villa Triste / translated by Caroline Hillier. – London : V. Gollancz, 1977. – Translation of Villa Triste
Missing Person / translated by Daniel Weissbort. – London : Cape, 1980. – Translation of Rue des boutiques obscures
A Trace of Malice / translated by Anthea Bell. – Henley-on-Thames : A. Ellis, 1988. – Translation of Quartier perdu
Honeymoon / translated by Barbara Wright. – London: Harvill, 1992. – Translation of Voyage de noces
Out of the Dark = Du plus loin de l’oubli / translated by Jordan Stump. – Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1998. – Translation of Du plus loin de l’oubli
Dora Bruder / translated by Joanna Kilmartin. – Berkeley : University of California Press, 1999. – Translation of Dora Bruder
Catherine Certitude / ill. by Jean-Jacques Sempé ; translated by William Rodarmor. – Boston : David R. Godine, 2000. – Translation of Catherine Certitude
The Search Warrant / translated by Joanna Kilmartin. – London : Harvill, 2000. – Translation of Dora Bruder


Weird and wonderful /Iconic book stores of the world


Weird and wonderful bookshops worldwide – in pictures

Barter Books, Alnwick, England
“With lines of poetry written along its shelves, and model trains running along the top of the bookcases, this is a bit of a booklover’s dream”, says Campbell. This giant shop is also where the second world war poster campaign that nobody ever saw, Keep Calm and Carry On, was uncovered. Watch the story here.

Photograph: Hana Louise Makin

Libreria Palazzo Roberti, Bassano del Grappa, Italy
This bookshop is in an 18th-century palazzo which sprawls over three floors, with grand frescos by Giovanni Scajaro, a student of Giambattista Tiepolo. It also regularly hosts photography exhibitions and classical concerts.

The Book Barge, Lichfield (and environs), England
This 60-feet narrow boat, which is also a bookshop, has toured the canals of Britain since 2011, along with bookshop rabbit Napoleon Bunnyparte. “Owner Sarah Henshaw has just bought a plot of land in France and is determined to take Le Book Barge across the sea,” says Campbell.

Munro’s, Victoria, CanadaIn 1963 Jim Munro and his first wife, the Nobel-winning short story-writer Alice Munro, opened a bookshop in a narrow space near Victoria’s movie theatres. Now Munro’s is in a neo-classical building designed for the Royal Bank of Canada in 1909. “They keep their overstock in the old bank’s vaults,” says Campbell.

George Bayntun, Bath, EnglandGeorge Bayntun’s bindery has been open since the 1800s, and even now there are eleven binders working there, with clients across the globe. Between them they’ve been in the field for 337 years. The bindery also claims to have the largest collection of hand tools and blocks in the world – over 15,000.

Singing Wind Bookstore, Benson, Arizona
Winifred Bundy has been selling books here for 40 years. It’s a little tricky to find, situated on a working cattle farm four miles from the nearest town. It doesn’t have a website, Twitter, Facebook or email address. “It doesn’t even have opening hours: you just have to turn up and hope for the best.”

Photograph: Greg Alford

Bookseller in Calcutta, India
“College Street in Calcutta, India, is known as Boi Para (Colony of Books). Many publishers are based there, and book stalls stretch for half a mile along it”, with pamphlets, paperbacks, out-of-print editions and all kinds of publications in many languages spilling over onto the road.

Photograph: Pradipta Basu

The Bookworm, Beijing, China
This store combines reading and partying: “The Bookworm often has impromptu music evenings that bubble up out of nowhere, normally huddled around the bookshop piano. In some rooms the bookshelves are floor-to-ceiling, and there is an outdoor terrace where they serve cocktails,” says Campbell.

John K King Used & Rare Books, Detroit, USA
Kings is located in a huge 1940s glove factory , which John bought in the early 1980s after having outgrown his former premises in the Michigan Theatre Building. The shop has twenty employees, two dogs and two canaries.

Photograph: FTG Designs

D’s Books,Pnomh Penh, CambodiaVantha Douk, like many Khmers, had a poor and difficult upbringing in rural Cambodia. She worked many jobs to afford English classes, and when her aunt met an American bookseller who was opening D’s Books, she got a job as a bookseller. Six years later, she managed to buy all three branches of D’s Books in Cambodia.

Fjaerland book town, Norway
Fjaerland is one of Norway’s Book Towns near Jostedalsbreen, the largest glacier in mainland Europe. Old sheds, houses and even a hotel have been converted into bookshops. “During the winter, the bookshop owners have to transport the books from place to place, over the snow, on kick-sleds,” says Campbell.

Photograph: Jan Klovstad

Iconic book stores of the world

LONDON, England (CNN) -- One was a theater, another, a church, and at varying times over the past century all have provided inspiration and refuge to both great literary minds and harried shoppers.

Architects transformed this 13th century church into a stunning bookshop, the Selexyz Dominicanen.

more photos »

CNN has compiled a list of some of the world's oldest, most beautiful and most intriguing book stores.

We start in the Netherlands, where the cavernous proportions of a 13th century church have been turned into a stunning, modern book shop. The Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht opened in late 2006 after architects were set loose on the abandoned church, which in recent times had been used as nothing more than a storage lot for bikes. It's now crammed with three story high black steel bookcases that give customers a closer look at the detail on its painted ceiling.
Selexyz Dominicanen
Dominikanerkerkstraat 1
6211 cz Maastricht

The El Ateneo book shop started life in 1919 as a theater called "The Grand Splendid." In the 1920s, it was converted into a movie house and showed the first films ever recorded with sound. In 2000 it was once again transformed -- this time into a book store and music shop. Customers can settle into plush seats in an old theater box and admire the grandeur of the ornate carvings on the walls and lavish painted ceiling.
El Ateneo
1860 Ave. Santa Fe
Buenos Aires

In Paris, opposite Notre Dame, sits a bookshop that famed American novelist Henry Miller once described as the "Wonderland of Books." Over the past 50 years, Shakespeare & Company has provided both inspiration and accommodation for more than 30,000 writers. In exchange for a night's rest on one of six beds crammed between the towering shelves, they must work in the book shop and read one book a day. CNN Business Traveller visits the book store in Paris »
Shakespeare & Company
37 Rue de la Bucherie

If you're looking for bestsellers you won't find them in City Lights in San Francisco. Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin have been pushing the boundaries since 1953 after founding the shop to sell paperback versions of popular titles. The shop became a beacon for the Beat Generation -- U.S. writers united in their rebellion against conservative, authoritarian views who came to prominence in the late 1950s. In 1957, Ferlinghetti famously took on the establishment and won after being put on trial on obscenity charges for publishing Allen Ginsberg's poem "Howl."
City Lights
261 Columbus Ave
San Francisco

Anyone for a used text book? When William and Gilbert Foyle failed their Civil Service exams they could have no idea that their setback could herald the start one of London's most loved book stores. The brothers set up Foyles in 1903 after being overwhelmed with offers to buy their old text books. The store moved to Charing Cross Road in 1906 where it remains in private hands with an expanded remit to sell all types of books including fiction, biographies and guides.
113-119 Charing Cross Road

The neo-gothic exterior of Livraria Lello in Porto offers a hint of the architectural excellence that lies within. Flanked by heavily decorated walls, an imposing red staircase curves up to a small coffee shop on the second floor where customers can order port or a cigar to accompany their coffee. The book store opened in 1906 and sells not only books in Portuguese, but also English and French.
Livraria Lello
Rua das Carmelitas, 144

And finally, it may be named after London's famous publishing strip, but Strand Books is one of New York's most established book stores. It was opened by Ben Bass in 1927 and more than 80 years later remains a family business. Fred Bass and his daughter Nancy employ more than 200 people to keep track and take care of some 2.5 million books. They buy thousands more to add to their shelves every day.
The Strand
828 Broadway
(at 12th St.)
New York



《周棄子先生集》台北:合志, 1988/合肥:黃山 ,2009


(「復觀藏書」方型藍印、「徐印佛觀」方型硃印、「徐故教授復觀贈書」藍色長戳 )


[PDF] 孫克寬先生行誼考述
2010.2.25 "《周棄子先生集》是1984年先生溘逝後,許著先所編輯,據我所知,周先生半生惘惘,惜墨如金,除了《未埋庵短書》之外,好像就是這本詩文集傳世了。"




"Ylib 遠流博識網


作  者:周学藩 著 汪茂荣 点校
出 版 社:黄山书社
出版日期:2009年11月 第1版 第1次印刷
此作品作者周学藩,字弃子,生于1912年,卒于1984年,湖北大治人,1949年后随国民党入台湾,为当代台湾旧体诗坛重镇。其去世后,此作品曾于 1988年由台湾合志文化事业股份有限公司出版。作品包括目录,画像一帧,作者及友人手迹三件,序二篇,行状一篇、正文。所收诗、词、联、书札、文等体裁 一应俱全,以诗量最大,成就亦最高。



A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present : Edwin Reischauer, Andrew Gordon


由 中文大學出版社 出版http://app1.rthk.org.hk/elearning/1minreading/index.php?director=1&page=118
  • Andrew Gordon - Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies

    Andrew Gordon is the Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Professor of History at Harvard University. His teaching and research focuses primarily on modern Japan.
  • A Modern History of Japan - Andrew Gordon - Oxford ...

    A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present, Third Edition, paints a richly nuanced and strikingly original portrait of the last two centuries of ...
  • A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the ...

    www.amazon.com › Books › History › Asia › Japan
    Amazon.com: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present (9780199930159): Andrew Gordon: Books.

  • ****

    In a statistical overview derived from writings by and about Edwin Reischauer, OCLC/WorldCat encompasses roughly 300+ works in 1,000+ publications in 18 languages and 23,000+ library holdings.[12]

    • The Romanization of the Korean language, Based Upon Its Phonetic Structure (1939) with G. M. McCune
    • Elementary Japanese for University Students (1942) with S. Elisséeff
    • Ennin's Diary : The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the law (1955), translated from Chinese
    • Wanted: An Asian Policy (1955)
    • Japan, Past and Present (1956)
    • The United States and Japan (1957)
    • Our Asian Frontiers of Knowledge (1958)
    • East Asia: The Great Tradition (1960) with J. K. Fairbank
    • East Asia, The Modern Transformation (1965) with J. K. Fairbank, A. M. Craig
    • A History of East Asian Civilization (1965)
    • Beyond Vietnam: The United States and Asia (1968)
    • A New Look at Modern History (1972)
    • Translations from Early Japanese Literature (1972) with Joseph K. Yamagiwa
    • Toward the 21st century: Education for a Changing World (1973)
    • The Japanese (1977)
    • The United States and Japan in 1986: Can the Partnership Work? (1986)
    • The Japanese Today: Change and Continuity (1988)
    • Japan, Tradition and Transformation (1989)
    • Japan: The Story of a Nation (1990)

    森 鷗外 Mori Ōgai

    森 (もり おうがい、1862年2月17日文久2年1月19日) - 1922年大正11年)7月9日)は、日本明治大正期の小説家評論家翻訳家陸軍軍医軍医総監中将相当)、官僚高等官一等)。位階勲等従二位勲一等功三級医学博士文学博士。本名は森 林太郎(もり りんたろう)。




    • 舞姫 (『国民之友』、1890年1月)
    • うたかたの記 (『国民之友』、1890年8月)
    • 文づかひ (吉岡書店、1891年1月)
    • 半日 (『スバル』、1909年3月)
    • 魔睡 (『スバル』、1909年6月)
    • ヰタ・セクスアリス (『スバル』、1909年7月)
    • 鶏 (『スバル』、1909年8月)
    • 金貨 (『スバル』、1909年9月)
    • 杯 (『中央公論』、1910年1月)
    • 青年 (『スバル』、1910年3月–11年8月)
    • 普請中 (『三田文学』、1910年6月)
    • 花子 (『三田文学』、1910年7月)
    • あそび (『三田文学』、1910年8月)
    • 食堂 (『三田文学』、1910年12月)
    • 蛇 (『中央公論』、1911年1月)
    • 妄想 (『三田文学』、1911年4月)
    •  (『スバル』、1911年9月–1913年5月)
    • 灰燼 (『三田文学』、1911年10月–1912年12月)
    • 百物語 (『中央公論』、1911年10月)
    • かのように (『中央公論』、1912年1月)
    • 興津弥五右衛門の遺書 (1912年10月、『中央公論』)
    • 阿部一族 (『中央公論』、1913年1月)
    • 佐橋甚五郎 (『中央公論』、1913年)
    • 大塩平八郎 (『中央公論』、1914年1月)
    • 堺事件 (『新小説』、1914年2月)
    • 安井夫人 (『太陽』、1914年4月)
    • 山椒大夫 (『中央公論』、1915年1月)
    • じいさんばあさん (『新小説』、1915年9月)
    • 最後の一句 (『中央公論』、1915年10月)
    • 高瀬舟 (『中央公論』、1916年1月)
    • 寒山拾得 (『新小説』、1916年1月)







    • サフラン(『番紅花』1914年3月)
    • 空車(むなぐるま) (『東京日日新聞』『大阪毎日新聞』1916年5月)
    • 礼儀小言(『東京日日新聞』『大阪毎日新聞』1918年1月)

    Selected works[edit]

    • Maihime (舞姫 The Dancing Girl (1890)?)
    • Utakata no ki (うたかたの記 Foam on the Waves (1890)?)
    • Fumizukai (文づかひ The Courier (1891)?)
    • Wita sekusuarisu (ヰタ・セクスアリス Vita Sexualis (1909)?)
    • Seinen (青年 Young Men (1910)?)
    • Gan ( The Wild Geese (1911–13)?)
    • Okitsu Yagoemon no isho (興津弥五右衛門の遺書 The Last Testament of Okitsu Yagoemon (1912)?)
    • Sanshō Dayū (山椒大夫 Sanshō the Steward (1915)?)
    • Takasebune (高瀬舟 The Boat on the Takase River (1916)?)
    • Shibue Chūsai (渋江抽斎 Shibue Chusai (1916)?)


    • The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868-1945 (Modern Asian Literature Series) (vol. 1), ed. J. Thomas Rimer and Van C. Gessel. 2007. Contains "The Dancing Girl," and "Down the Takase River."
    • Modern Japanese Stories: An Anthology, ed. Ivan Morris. 1961. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1966. Contains "Under Reconstruction."
    • The Historical Fiction of Mori Ôgai, ed. David A. Dilworth and J. Thomas Rimer. 1977. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991. A one-volume paperback edition of an earlier two-volume collection of stories.
    • Modern Japanese Stories: An Anthology, ed. Ivan Morris. 1961. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1966. Contains "Under Reconstruction."
    • Sansho-Dayu and Other Short Stories, trans. Tsutomu Fukuda. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1970.
    • Vita Sexualis, trans. Kazuji Ninomiya and Sanford Goldstein. 1972. Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 200.
    • The Wild Geese, trans. Ochiai Kingo and Sanford Goldstein. Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 1959.
    • The Wild Goose, trans. Burton Watson. 1995. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, 1998.
    • Youth and Other Stories (collection of stories), ed. J. Thomas Rimer. 1994. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1995



    蔡其達新增了 4 張相片。

    The New York Public Library: The Architecture and Decoration of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building


    美國紐約公共圖書館做了一個新創舉,發起「The Library Inside Out: Read Everywhere」活動,在圖書館周邊打造戶外閱讀空間,翻轉過去圖書館只能在室內閱讀的限制,鼓勵民眾在任何地方都可以拿起書本進行閱讀活動。
    【閱讀小品】翻轉圖書館,戶外閱讀感受大不同  美國紐約公共圖書館做了一個新創舉,發起「The Library Inside Out: Read Everywhere」活動,在圖書館周邊打造戶外閱讀空間,翻轉過去圖書館只能在室內閱讀的限制,鼓勵民眾在任何地方都可以拿起書本進行閱讀活動。  週末,你在哪閱讀呢?拍張照片跟大家分享你的閱讀生活。

    Sacking a Palace of Culture
    In trying to popularize its crown jewel, the New York Public Library could destroy it.

    New York Public Library Buys Timothy Leary's Papers

    The archive of the drug guru Timothy Leary includes accounts of Allen Ginsburg's and Jack Kerouac's experiments with psilocybin.

    Psilocybin[nb 1] (/ˌsɪləˈsbɪn/SIL-ə-SY-bin) is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms.

    The New York Public Library

    The Architecture and Decoration of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

    Henry Hope Reed (Author), Francis Morrone (Author), Anne Day (Photographs by)

    Overview | Inside the Book
    With new color photography showing off a thorough inside-and-out refurbishment, this volume celebrates a beloved landmark.
    The New York Public Library, one of the nation's architectural wonders, is possibly our finest classical building. Designed by John Merven Carrère and Thomas Hastings, and inspired by the great classical buildings in Paris and Rome, it was completed in 1911. The library boasts a magnificent exterior, but that is only the beginning. In the interior, one splendid hall follows another, an awesome gallery leads to richly decorated rooms, and stairways are vaulted in marble. From the terrace to the breathtaking Main Reading Room is a triumphal way. All the devices of the classical tradition, the main artistic current of Western civilization, are brought into play. Maidens, cherubs, and satyr masks look down from ceilings. Lions' heads, paws, rams' heads, and griffins are on every side. In this beautiful volume, featuring new color photography by Anne Day, every facet of the building is described, including its inception and construction.

    Book Details

    • Hardcover
    • June 2011
    • ISBN 978-0-393-07810-7
    • 9.5 × 12.4 in / 320 pages

    • Territory Rights: Worldwide

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    Coordinates: 40.75270°N 73.98180°W
    New York Public Library
    New York Public Library May 2011.JPG
    LocationNew York, New York
    Items collectedGutenberg Bible
    Access and use
    Population served19,378,102
    Other information
    DirectorAnn Thornton[3]
    President and CEO, Anthony Marx[4]
    The New York Public Library (NYPL) is a public library system in New York City. With nearly 53 million items, the New York Public Library is the second largest public library in the United States, behind only the Library of Congress. It is an independently managed, nonprofit corporation operating with both private and public financing. The library has branches in the boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten Island and it has affiliations with academic and professional libraries in the metropolitan area of New York State . The City of New York's other two boroughs, Brooklyn and Queens, are served by the Brooklyn Public Library and the Queens Borough Public Library, respectively. The branch libraries are open to the general public and consist of research libraries and circulating libraries.
    The library originated in the 19th Century, and its founding and roots are the amalgamation of grass-roots libraries, social libraries of bibliophiles and the wealthy, and from philanthropy of the wealthiest Americans of their age.




    The New York Public Library main building during late stage construction in 1908, the lion statues not yet installed at the entrance


    Astor Library
    At the behest of Joseph Cogswell, John Astor placed a codicil in his will to bequeath $400,000 for the creation of a public library.[5] After Astor's death in 1848, the resulting board of trustees executed the will's conditions and constructed the Astor Library in 1854 in the East Village.[6] The library created was a free, reference library, as its books were not permitted to circulate.[7] By 1872, the Astor Library was a "major reference and research resource",[8] but, “Popular it certainly is not, and, so greatly is it lacking in the essentials of a public library, that its stores might almost as well be under lock and key, for any access the masses of the people can get thereto.”[9]
    An act of the New York State Legislature incorporated the Lenox Library in 1870.[10] The library was built on Fifth Avenue, between 70th and 71st street, in 1877 and to it, bibliophile and philanthropistJames Lenox donated a vast collection of his Americana, art works, manuscripts, and rare books,[11] including the first Gutenberg Bible in the New World.[8] At its inception, the library charged admission and did not permit physical access to any literary items.ref>[12]

    Lenox copy of the Gutenberg Bible in the New York Public Library
    Former Governor of New York and presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden felt that a library with city-wide reach was required, and upon his death in 1886, he bequeathed the bulk of his fortune—about $2.4 million—to "establish and maintain a free library and reading room in the city of New York".[8] This money would sit untouched in a trust for several years, until John Bigelow, a New York attorney, and trustee of the Tilden fortune, came up with an idea to merge two of the city's largest libraries.
    Both the Astor and Lenox Libraries were struggling financially.[8] Although New York City already had numerous libraries in the 19th century, almost all of them were privately funded and many charged admission or usage fees.[citation needed] On May 23, 1895, Bigelow and representatives of the two libraries agreed to create "The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations". The plan was hailed as an example of private philanthropy for the public good.[8] The newly established library consolidated with the grass-roots New York Free Circulating Library, in February 1901.[13]
    In March, Andrew Carnegie tentatively agreed to donate $5.2 million (presently, $1,452,672,000) to construct sixty-five branch libraries, with the requirement that they be maintained by the City of New York.[14] The Brooklyn and Queens public library systems, which predated the consolidation of New York City eschewed the grants offered to them and did not join the NYPL system because they felt that they would not be treated equally with their Manhattan and Bronx counterparts.[citation needed] Later in 1901 Carnegie formally signed a contract with the City of New York to transfer his donation to the city to then allow it to justify purchasing the land to house the libraries.[15] The NYPL Board of trustees hired consultants, and then accepted their recommendation that a very limited amount of architectural firms be hired to build the Carnegie libraries so as to assure uniformity of appearance and to minimize cost. Consequently, the trustees hired McKim, Mead & White, Carrère and Hastings, and Walter Cook to design all the branch libraries.[16]

    Cross-view of classical details in the entrance portico

    [edit]Collection development

    The famous New York author Washington Irving was a close friend of Astor for decades and helped the philanthropist design the Astor Library. Irving served as President of the library's Board of Trustees from 1848 until his death in 1859, shaping the libraries collecting policies with his strong sensibility regarding European intellectual life.[17] Subsequently the Library hired nationally prominent experts to guide its collections policies; they reported directly to directors John Shaw Billings (who also developed the National Library of Medicine), Edwin H. Anderson, Harry Miller Lydenberg, Franklin F. Hopper, Ralph A. Beals, and Edward Freehafer (1954–70).[18] The emphasized expertise, objectivity and a very broad world-wide range of knowledge in acquiring, preserving, organizing, and making available to the general population nearly 12 million books and 26.5 million additional items.[19] The directors in turn reported to an elite board of trustees, chiefly elderly, well-educated, philanthropic, predominantly Protestant, upper-class white men with commanding positions in American society. They saw their role as protecting the library's autonomy from politicians as well as bestowing upon it status, resources, and prudent care.[20]
    Representative of many major decisions was the purchase in 1931 of the private library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847–1909), uncle of the last tsar. This was one of the largest acquisition of Russian books and photographic materials, and was made possible by the Soviet government's policy of selling its cultural collections abroad for gold.[21]
    The military made heavy use of the Library's map and book collections in the world wars. For example, the Map Division's chief Walter Ristow became head of the geography section of the War Department's New York Office of Military Intelligence from 1942 to 1945. Ristow and his staff discovered copied and loaned thousands of strategic, rare or unique maps to war agencies in need of information not available through other sources.[22]

    [edit]Main branch building

    The organizers of the New York Public Library, wanting an imposing main branch, chose a central site available at the two-block section of Fifth Avenue between 40th and 42nd streets, then occupied by the no-longer-needed Croton Reservoir. Dr. John Shaw Billings, the first director of the library, created an initial design which became the basis of the new building (now known as the Schwarzman Building) on Fifth Avenue. Billings's plan called for a huge reading room on top of seven floors of bookstacks combined with a system that was designed to get books into the hands of library users as fast as possible.[8] Following a competition among the city's most prominent architects, Carrère and Hastings was selected to design and construct the building.[23] The cornerstone was laid in May 1902,[24] and the building's completion was expected to be in three years.[citation needed] In 1910, 75 miles (121 km) of shelves were installed, and it took a year to move and install the books that were in the Astor and Lenox libraries.[8]
    On May 23, 1911, the main branch of the New York Public Library was officially opened in a ceremony presided over by President William Howard Taft. After a dedication ceremony, the library was open to the general public that day.[25] The library had cost $9 million to build and its collection consisted of more than 1,000,000 volumes.[26] The library structure was a Beaux-Arts design and was the largest marble structure up to that time in the United States.[27] It included two stone lions guarding the entrance were sculpted by E. C. Potter.[28] Its main reading room was contemporaneously the largest of its kind in the world at 77 feet (23.5 m) wide by 295 feet (89.9 m) long, with 50 feet (15.2 m) high ceilings.[24] It is lined with thousands of reference books on open shelves along the floor level and along the balcony. The New York Public Library instantly became one of the nation's largest libraries and a vital part of the intellectual life of America.[citation needed] Dr. Henry Miller Lydenberg served as director between 1934–1941.[29]

    "Patience" and "Fortitude", the "Library Lion" statues, in the snowstorm of Dec. 1948

    Entrance to the Public Catalog Room

    The Map Division
    The building was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1965.[30] Over the decades, the library system added branch libraries, and the research collection expanded until, by the 1970s, it was clear the collection eventually would outgrow the existing structure. In the 1980s the central research library added more than 125,000 square feet (12,000 m2) of space and literally miles of bookshelf space to its already vast storage capacity to make room for future acquisitions. This expansion required a major construction project in which Bryant Park, directly west of the library, was closed to the public and excavated. The new library facilities were built below ground level and the park was restored above it.
    In the three decades before 2007, the building's interior was gradually renovated.[27] On December 20, 2007, the library announced it would undertake a three-year, $50 million renovation of the building exterior, which has suffered damage from weathering and pollution.[31] The renovation was completed on time, and on February 2, 2011 the refurbished facade was unveiled.[32] The restoration design was overseen by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., whose previous projects include the Metropolitan Museum of Art's limestone facades and the American Museum of Natural History, made of granite.[33] These renovations were underwritten by a $100-million gift from philanthropist Stephen A. Schwarzman, whose name will be inscribed at the bottom of the columns which frame the building's entrances.[34] Today the main reading room is equipped with computers with access to library collections and the Internet and docking facilities for laptops. There are special rooms for notable authors and scholars, many of whom have done important research and writing at the Library.[8]

    [edit]Other research branches

    Even though the central research library on 42nd Street had expanded its capacity, in the 1990s the decision was made to remove that portion of the research collection devoted to science, technology, and business to a new location. The new location was the abandoned B. Altmandepartment store on 34th Street. In 1995, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the library, the $100 million Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), designed by Gwathmey Siegel & Associates of Manhattan, finally opened to the public. Upon the creation of the SIBL, the central research library on 42nd Street was renamed the Humanities and Social Sciences Library.

    Science, Industry and Business library
    Today there are four research libraries that comprise the NYPL's outstanding research library system which hold approximately 44,000,000 items. Total item holdings, including the collections of the Branch Libraries, are 50.6 million. The Humanities and Social Sciences Library on 42nd Street is still the heart of the NYPL's research library system but the SIBL, with approximately 2 million volumes and 60,000 periodicals, is quickly gaining greater prominence in the NYPL's research library system because of its up-to-date electronic resources available to the general public. The SIBL is the nation's largest public library devoted solely to science and business.[35] The NYPL's two other research libraries are the Schomburg Center for Research and Black Culture, located at 135th Street and Lenox Avenue in Harlem and the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, located at Lincoln Center. In addition to their reference collections, the Library for the Performing Arts and the SIBL also have circulating components that are administered by the NYPL's Branch Libraries system.

    [edit]Recent history

    Unlike most other libraries, such as the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library was not created by government statute. From the earliest days of the New York Public Library, a tradition of partnership of city government with private philanthropy began, which continues to this day.[8] As of 2010, the research libraries in the system are largely funded with private money, and the branch or circulating libraries are financed primarily with city government funds. Until 2009, the research and branch libraries operated almost entirely as separate systems, but that year various operations were merged. By early 2010, the NYPL staff had been reduced by about 16 percent, in part through the consolidations.[36]
    In 2010, as part of the consolidation program, the NYPL moved various back-office operations to the new Library Services Center building in Long Island City using a former warehouse renovated for $50 million. In the basement, a new, $2.3 million book sorter uses bar codes on library items to sort them for delivery to 132 branch libraries. At two-thirds the length of a football field, the machine is the largest of its kind in the world, according to library officials. Books located in one branch and requested from another go through the sorter, which cut the previous waiting time by at least a day. Together with 14 library employees, the machine can sort 7,500 items an hour (or 125 a minute). On the first floor of the Library Services Center is an ordering and cataloging office; on the second, the digital imaging department (formerly at the Main Branch building) and the manuscripts and archives division, where the air is kept cooler; on the third, the Barbara Goldsmith Preservation Division, with a staff of 10 (as of 2010) but designed for as many as 30 employees.[36]
    The NYPL maintains a force of NYC special patrolmen who provide security and protection to various libraries and NYPL special investigators who oversee security operations at the library facilities. These officials have on-duty arrest authority granted by NYS penal law; however, some library branches use contracted security guards for security.


    The contraction of services and collections has been a continuing source of controversy since 2004 when David Ferriero was named the Andrew W. Mellon Director and Chief Executive of the Research Libraries.[37] NYPL had engaged consultants Booz Allen Hamilton to survey the institution, and Ferriero endorsed the survey's report as a big step "in the process of reinventing the library".[38] The consolidation program has resulted in the elimination of subjects such as the Asian and Middle East Division (formerly named Oriental Division) as well as the Slavic and Baltic Division.[39]
    A number of innovations in recent years have not been without detractors.
    NYPL announced participation in the Google Books Library Project, which involves a series of agreements between Google and major international libraries through which a collection of its public domain books will be scanned in their entirety and made available for free to the public online.[40] The negotiations between the two partners called for each to project guesses about ways that libraries are likely to expand in the future.[41] According to the terms of the agreement, the data cannot be crawled or harvested by any other search engine; no downloading or redistribution is allowed. The partners and a wider community of research libraries can share the content.[42]
    The sale of the separately endowed former Donnell Library in mid-town has not been without its critics.[43] The elimination of Donnell also meant the dissolution of children's, young adult and foreign language collections. The Donnell Media Center was also dismantled, with parts of its collections redistributed.[44]
    These changes have been justified as the road to new collaborations and new synergy,[45] however, restructuring has meant that several veteran librarians with institutional memory have left and age-level specialists in the boroughs have been cut back.[46]

    A panoramic view of the Rose Main Reading Room, facing south

    The Epiphany branch, on East 23rd Street in Manhattan

    [edit]Branch libraries

    The New York Public Library system maintains its commitment to being a public lending library through its branch libraries in The Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island, including the Mid-Manhattan Library, The Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library, the circulating collections of the Science, Industry and Business Library, and the circulating collections of the Library for the Performing Arts. The branch libraries comprise the third largest library in the United States.[47] These circulating libraries offer a wide range of collections, programs, and services, including the renowned Picture Collection at Mid-Manhattan Library and the Media Center at Donnell.
    Of its 82 branch libraries, 35 are in Manhattan, 34 are in the Bronx, and 12 are in Staten Island.
    Currently, the New York Public Library consists of 87 libraries: four non-lending research libraries, four main lending libraries, a library for the blind and physically challenged, and 77 neighborhood branch libraries in the three boroughs served. All libraries in the NYPL system may be used free of charge by all visitors. As of 2010, the research collections contain 44,507,623 items (books, videotapes, maps, etc.). The Branch Libraries contain 8,438,775 items.[48] Together the collections total nearly 53 million items, a number surpassed only by the Library of Congress and the British Library.
    Taken as a whole the three library systems in the city have 209 branches with 63 million items in their collections.[49]


    [edit]ASK NYPL

    Christmas tree in the main entrance to the NYPL at Astor Hall
    Since 1968 Telephone Reference has been an integral part of The New York Public Library's reference services, although it existed long before in a limited way. Now known as ASK NYPL,[50] the service provides answers by phone and online via chat and e-mail 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Library users can ask reference questions in Spanish and English and seek help at anytime through online chat via the Library's website. Through participation in an international cooperative, the Library receives support answering questions outside regular hours.
    The service fulfilled nearly 70,000 requests for information in 2007. Inquiries range from the serious and life-changing (a New Orleans resident who lost his birth certificate in Katrina needing to know how to obtain a copy; turns out he was born in Brooklyn), to the fun or even off-the-wall (a short-story writer researching the history of Gorgonzola cheese). In 1992 a selection of unusual and entertaining questions and answers from ASK NYPL was the source for Book of Answers: The New York Public Library Telephone Reference Service's Most Unusual and Entertaining Questions, a popular volume published by Fireside Books. National and international questioners have included scores of newspaper reporters, authors, celebrities, professors, secretaries, CEOs, and everyone in between.
    In 2008 The New York Public Library's ASK NYPL reference service introduced two enhancements that improve and expand the service.
    The Library recently launched 917-ASK-NYPL, a new easier to remember telephone number for Library information and for asking reference questions. Every day, except Sundays and holidays, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.EST/EDT, anyone, of any age, from anywhere in the world can telephone 917-275-6975 and ask a question. The library staff will not answer crossword or contest questions, do children's homework, or answer philosophical speculations.[51]


    The New York Public Library website[52] provides access to the library's catalogs, online collections and subscription databases, and has information about the library's free events, exhibitions, computer classes and English as a Second Language classes. The two online catalogs, LEO[53] (which searches the circulating collections) and CATNYP[54] (which searches the research collections) allow users to search the library's holdings of books, journals and other materials. The LEO system allows cardholders to request books from any branch and have them delivered to any branch.
    The NYPL gives cardholders free access from home[55] to thousands of current and historical magazines, newspapers, journals and reference books in subscription databases, including EBSCOhost,[56] which contains full text of major magazines; full text of the New York Times[57] (1995–present), Gale's Ready Reference Shelf[58] which includes the Encyclopedia of Associations and periodical indexes, Books in Print;[59] and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.[60]
    The NYPL Digital Gallery[61] is a database of over 700,000 images digitized from the library's collections. The Digital Gallery was named one of Time Magazine's 50 Coolest Websites of 2005[62] and Best Research Site of 2006[63] by an international panel of museum professionals.
    Other databases available only from within the library[64] include Nature, IEEE and Wiley science journals, Wall Street Journal archives, and Factiva.


    A new NYPL strategy adopted in 2006 anticipated merging branch and research libraries into "One NYPL". The organizational change anticipated a unified online catalog for all the collections, as well as one card for both branch and research libraries.[44]
    Despite public relations' assurances, the 2009 website and online-catalog transition did not proceed smoothly, with patrons and staff equally at a loss for how to work effectively with the new system. Reassuring press releases followed the initial implementation, and notices were posted in branch and research libraries.[65]

    New York Public Library Elevation

    [edit]In popular culture

    The historian David McCullough has described the New York Public Library as one of the five most important libraries in the United States, the others being the Library of Congress, the Boston Public Library, and the university libraries of Harvard and Yale.[66][verification needed]
    Both branches and the central building have been immortalized in numerous poems, including:
    • Richard Eberhart's "Reading Room, The New York Public Library" (in his Collected Poems, 1930–1986 [1988])
    • Arthur Guiterman's "The Book Line; Rivington Street Branch, New York Public Library" (in his Ballads of Old New York [1920])
    • Lawrence Ferlinghetti's "Library Scene, Manhattan" (in his How to Paint Sunlight [2001])
    • Muriel Rukeyser's "Nuns in the Wind" (in The Collected Poems of Muriel Rukeyser [2005])
    • Paul Blackburn's "Graffiti" (in The Collected Poems of Paul Blackburn [1985])
    • E.B. White's "Reading Room" (Poems and Sketches of E.B. White [1981])
    • Susan Thomas'"New York Public Library" (the anthology American Diaspora [2001])
    • Aaron Zeitlin's poem about going to the library, included in his 2-volume Ale lider un poemes [Complete Lyrics and Poems] (1967 and 1970)

    [edit]Other New York City library systems




    由於紀弦的詩多有書寫年代,所以有的可以跟自己的生命對照,有點意思。2014.10.11讀完《晚景》(1974-1984作品*);《半島之歌》 1985-1992

    Burlingame is a city in San Mateo CountyCalifornia. It is located on the San Francisco Peninsula and has a significant shoreline on San Francisco Bay. An early suburb of San Francisco, the city is named after diplomat Anson Burlingame. Beginning in the 1960s its proximity to the San Francisco International Airport generated airline support services growth and an increase in population. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, Burlingame had a population of 28,806.
    Howard-Ralston Eucalyptus Tree Rows
    Howard-Ralston Eucalyptus Tree Rows.jpg
    LocationEl Camino Real, Burlingame, CA
    NRHP Reference #12000127
    Added to NRHPMarch 15, 2012

    劉正偉刊今日《中華日報副刊》(2013.08.01)〈率性的詩人──悼紀弦〉 (文:劉正偉)















    另刊: 〈天真孤傲的诗人〉悼紀弦(文:劉正偉)(2013.7.26刊深圳晶報)










    我的新書集集??「半島之歌」,所收入的作品, 其實作之年代,始自一九八五,迄於一九九二。因此,今年春天所寫的詩,可稱之為「新作」。今天是四月三十日。請問,在這三分之一年內,我已經寫了幾首詩? 回答是:共九首。計開:一月二首(「八十自壽」、「我之投影」);二月三首(「如果我的詩」、「寂寞的相對論」、「春日懷友」);三月
      日前鴻鴻來信,有云:「在六月號的『現代詩』四十年紀念專輯上,我想選刊一些您的新作。」我回信,說可以。因此,今天一早起來,我就把這件事情辦好 了。但請注意,以下四首新作,雖說業已修改完成,但這只是「初稿」,日後可能還要再改。而凡是發表在報刊上的東西,在我的嚴格規定下,皆非「定稿」,唯有 編入詩集中的才算。坊間有些詩選,還有一所大學的教科書,選入我的名作「狼之獨步」,這當然是一件好事。但很遺憾,他們所


    前言:既非一個政治的黨派,亦非一個宗教的教會,沒有什麼嚴密的組織,亦無何等具體的形式,只是基於對新詩的看法相同,文學上的傾向一 致,我們這一群人,有了一個精神上的結合,於是順乎自然的趨勢,而宣告現代派的成立。這是必須說明的第一點。現代派是一個詩派,不是一個會社。現代派詩人 群,除了忠於現代派的信條之外,享有參加或不參加任何一個文學團體──比方說:中國文藝協會──之充分的自由。文協是一個團體,而現代派只是一個詩派而 已。這是必須說明的第二點。又,「現代詩社」是一個雜誌社,而「現代派」並不等於「現代詩社」。不過,作為「現代派」詩人群共同雜誌,「現代詩社」。編輯 發行的「現代詩」,今後,當然是愈更旗幟鮮明的了。這是必須說明的第三點。
      第一條:我們是有所揚棄並發揚光大地包容了自波特萊爾以降一切新興詩派之精神與要素的現代派之一群。正如新興繪畫之以塞尚為鼻祖,世界新詩之出發點乃 是法國的波特萊爾。象徵派導源於波氏。其後一切新興詩派無不直接間接蒙受象徵派的影響。這些新興詩派,包括十九世紀的象徵派、二十世紀的後期象徵派、立體 派、達達派、超現實派、新感覺派、美國的意象派、以及今日歐美各國的純粹詩運動。總稱為「現代主義」。我們有所揚棄的是它那病的、世紀末的傾向;而其健康 的、進步的、向上的部分則為我們所企圖發揚光大的。
    的建立或創作的實踐。在中國或日本,新詩,總之是「移植之花」。我們的新詩,決非唐、宋詞之類的「國粹」。同樣,日本的新詩亦決非俳句、和歌之類的他們的 「國粹」。在今天,照道理,中國和日本的新詩,以其成就而言,都應該是世界文學的一部分了。寄語那些國粹主義者們:既然科學方面我們已在急起直追,迎頭趕 上,那麼文學和藝術方面,難道反而要它停止在閉關自守,自我陶醉的階段嗎?須知文學藝術無國界,也跟科學一樣。一且我們的新詩作者獲得了國際的聲譽,則那 些老頑固們恐怕也要讚我們一聲「為國爭光」的吧?
      第三條:詩的新大陸之探險,詩的處女地之開拓。新的內容之表現,新的形式之創作,新的工具之發見,新的手法之發明。我們認為新詩,必須名符其實,日新 又新。詩而不新,便沒有資格稱之為新詩。所以我們講究一個「新」字。但是我們決不標新立異。凡對我們欠了解的,萬勿盲目地誣陷我們!
      第四條:知性之強調。這一點關係重大。現代主義之一大特色是:反浪漫主義的。重知性,而排斥情緒之告白。單是憑著熱情奔放有什麼用呢?讀第二篇就索然 無味了。所以巴爾那斯派一抬頭,雨果的權威就失去作用啦。一首新詩必須是一座堅實完美的建築物,一個新詩作者必須是一位出類拔萃的工程師。而這就是這一條 的精義之所在。
      第五條:追求詩的純粹性。國際純粹詩運動對於我們的這個詩壇,似乎還沒有激起過一點點的漣漪。我們這是很重要的:排斥一切「非詩的」雜質,使之淨化, 醇化;提煉復提煉,加工復加工,好比把一條大牛熬成一小瓶的牛肉汁一樣。天地雖小,密度極大。每一詩行,甚至每一個字,都必須是純粹「詩的」而非「散文 的」。










      說實在的,要是你還活著,時常可以和我們大家在一起玩玩,那多好啊。可是你已被火葬了。你再也不能跑到西門町去看一場勞軍電影了!唉唉。但是憑 了你的作品,你是永遠活在人們的心中的。尤其是當你在世時,和你最要好的幾個朋友,葉泥、李莎和我,更是永遠不會忘記你的;而我還時常在夢中和你乾杯哩。 我總覺得,在這個世界上,到處都是行屍走肉,大多數人,渾渾噩噩,活著也等於死了的一樣。而只有極少數人,雖死猶生。如你,便是這極少數人之中的一個。我 的意思,並不是說,每個寫詩的人都能永遠活著,而主要的是看他的作品經不經得起時間的考驗。你留下來的作品並不太多,但幾乎收入詩集「風景」中的每一首都 是很出色很有味道的,而且給年輕的一代以正面良好的影響。至於你的那些童話詩,對於今天的兒童詩,也是大大地頭有啟發性與前導之作用的。你不但依然活在我 們的這個詩壇上,活在讀者們和寫兒童詩的小朋友們的心中,而且也活在我的身邊,活在李莎的客廳裡,活在葉泥的書房裡,就像當初一樣,你真的沒有死。(三月 二十日)
      有人說,從前在大陸上,當你還很年少時,曾受過一位筆名叫綠原的詩人影響,甚至有些詩句還很像他。我一向不知道綠原其人,也沒有看過他的詩。所 以無法把你們兩位的作品拿來作一比較。但我深信你絕對不會抄襲他人之詩作。因我非常了解你的性格,你的自尊心很強烈,怎麼肯去模仿別人,步他人之後塵,拾 他人之餘唾?當然,你很喜歡這位詩人,有意無意之間,多少受他一點影響,總是免不了的。正如我年青時,也曾受過大我好幾歲的戴望舒和李金髮的影響;這一事 實,我從來不否認。但我的的確確沒有抄襲模仿過他們。我有我獨自的風格,我有我獨到的境界。而你,不也是一樣嗎?所以我說,前人影響後人,或同時代人互相 影響,這都是很自然的,並非什麼壞事,根本就用不著那些論客們跳出來大驚小怪的。在臺灣,和你年齡差不多的詩人們,我概稱之為「中年的一代」,連你在內, 請問有誰沒受過我的影響呢?反過來說,你們這些小老弟,不也時常給我以影響嗎?正因為除古人與洋人,我也樂於接受晚輩們的影響,我的詩心才會不老,我才年 年有詩。但是這些影響,一到我的筆下就溶化了,一點痕跡也看不出來。這一點,你是知道的。真的,要是李白、杜甫、陶淵明、蘇東坡他們活在今天和我們同時代 的話,相信他們也都會得受到你我之影響的。古人如此,洋人亦然。然則,你曾多少受過點綠原的影響,那又有什麼關係呢?憑了你作品上的成就,誰能動搖你在詩 壇上的地位呢?叫那些根本拿不出證據來的刻薄且善妒的傢伙們快給我閉嘴吧!(三月二十三日)
      現在讓我來向你報告一點關於我的近況。退休後,我於一九七六年底偕老伴來舊金山,和我女兒女婿住在一起。除我大兒在洛杉機經商外,二兒、三兒、 四兒也都住在三藩市和灣區。兒女們都很孝順,都已成家立業,二老算是過得很不錯的。可是我是退而不休的,閑著不動就要生病了。我每天早晨六時起身,六時五 十分出門,步行到離家不遠的市立大學去念英文一小時,七點到八點。下課回家略事休息,就送我七歲的外孫女小珊去上小學一年級。她的學校比我的還要近一點。 然後,我又去市立大學上一堂課,九點到十點的。回家後,便在花園裡消磨一番。十一點半開始午餐,十一點五十分,送我六歲的外孫小泉去上幼稚園,和他姊姊在 同一所學校裡。這兩個姓李的孩子,我都很寵愛和我的十四個姓路的孫男孫女同樣的寶貝。午後我要小睡片刻,三點,把兩個小人接回家,洗個澡,就開始做我的功 課了。到晚上六點,女兒和女婿下班回來,一家六口子吃晚飯,這便是一天裡最熱鬧也最愉快的時刻了。你一定會覺得奇怪──都那麼大一把的年紀了,還念個什麼 英文呢?讓我來告訴你,第一, 我要在美國生活下去,克服語文上的困難是有其必要的;第二,我對英文頗感興,相信我會把它搞通了的;第三,我是移民身份,念書不花錢的。我小時候念過點日 文和法文,而英文是從來沒有好好地學習過。現在我要用到它了,不去上學怎麼行呢?而一個早已退了休的老師,又從頭來起去當學生,這說來似乎有點可笑吧。但 只要你能了解上述的原因,相信就不會笑我了。唔,是的,不但不會笑我,而且還會肅然起敬,對於我的這種學習精神。
      我來美已七年多了,可是一向還沒有離開過西海岸,到東北部去看看朋友哩。我已給林泠一信,到今年暑假期間,一定要到她們那邊去觀光一番。我將分 別訪問林泠、鄭愁予、方思、彭邦楨等,在每一家都住一兩天。而他們這幾個,不也都是你的老友嗎?相信你的靈魂,有時也會飄到他們那邊去玩玩的。而在我回到 了加州之後,我打算寫一篇「東遊記」,寄到臺北去發表。然則,你就等著欣賞我的好文章吧。哦,楊喚,要是有空的話,請你就在今夜,再度來到我的夢中和我聊 聊好不好?(一九八四年三月二十四日,寫完於美西堂。)
    紀弦回憶錄 (1-3)(不分售)

    紀弦回憶錄 (1-3)(不分售)

    • 作者:紀弦/著
    • 出版社:聯合文學
    • 出版日期:2002




    鄉村女教師,(俄語Сельская учительница,曾譯:桃李滿天下1947),蘇聯兒童電影製片廠於1970年出品的黑白故事片,曾榮獲1948年史達林獎金一等獎。1950年7月由中央電影局上海電影製片廠翻譯片組上海電影譯制廠前身)譯制配音,為上譯的早期經典作品之一。

    鼠尾草,《狗尾草在嘆息1993》(趙鑫珊)《“王”這個漢字︰東西方自然哲學思想比較 2009》



    《狗尾草在嘆息》  內容簡介· · · · · ·

    作者簡介  · · · · · ·



    作者 : 趙鑫珊

    出版社:浙江人民出版社出版年: 1993-06-01 頁數: 292頁

    • “王”這個漢字︰東西方自然哲學思想比較 
    • 作者: 趙鑫珊
    • 出版社:文匯出版社
    • 出版日期:2009/



    *****趙鑫珊 紀事年表


    *****2007.5.4 德國之聲

    但在突然湧現發展機遇的轉型社會裡,人人力爭上游,持續性的緊張和壓力已經構成中國白領生存狀態的一個日常組成部分。據2006年《新周刊》和某門戶網站所做的一個“中國人壓力測試報告”,中國白領工作強度堪稱世界第一,中國老闆全球最累。 “勇為天下先”的社會積極分子似乎普遍染上了“工作第一、生活第二”的成功焦慮症。 “拼命加班”成為職場“潛規則”,“朝九晚五”變成“朝九晚無”。這在很大程度上損毀了中國先鋒階層的身心健康。
    剛剛在西安安葬好妻子骨灰的項立剛表示,他之所以下定決心起訴時尚,倒不是出於經濟利益的考慮,更重要的是討回一個公道。 “我要儘自己所能打贏這場官司,希望不要再看到下一個受害者。即使不能勝訴,也要通過媒體圈和專家界的朋友力促中國完善法律,提高社會保障。”
    中國目前還處於建設社會保障體系的起步階段,每走一步都異常艱難。 5月6日到8日,八國集團的勞動部長將聚會德累斯頓,討論發展中國家的社會保障問題,擬加強這一領域的發展援助政策,包括對中國等潛力國家給予支持。



    園藝 2014年09月12日
    Rob Cardillo for The New York Times
    我在傍晚除草的時候,偶爾會聽到紅喉蜂鳥扑騰翅膀的聲音,緊接著,就會看到它把喙伸進瓜拉尼鼠尾草(Salvia guaranitica)的管狀花朵裡。這些花又被稱為藍黑鼠尾草(Black and Blue),因為其花瓣呈鈷藍色,花朵基部的花萼則近乎黑色。蜂鳥怕人,不過如果我保持一動不動的姿勢,它通常就會專心致志從深藍色喇叭裡吸食花蜜了。這樣,我就可以用眼角看著它從一朵花飛到另一朵花上。接著,它就會在紅綠交織的絢爛色彩中一閃而過,倏而消失。
    藍黑鼠尾草的花朵懸垂在一英尺長(約合30厘米)的穗狀花序上,穗狀花序斜倚在周圍綠色的景觀中,展露出閒適自在的意味,給花園帶來一絲靈動的生機。這株植物長得太大了,已經伸出了保護菜豆(French filet bean)不被兔子啃食的小鐵絲網。菜豆的植株上掛滿了雪白的花,有一大群熊蜂正在花朵上忙碌,所以它們很快就會長成狹長的豆莢了。
    瓜拉尼藍黑鼠尾草(Salvia guaranitica Black and Blue)
    瓜拉尼藍黑鼠尾草(Salvia guaranitica Black and Blue)
    Rob Cardillo for The New York Times
    我還種植了一種更小、更嬌羞的紅花鼠尾草“一串紅唇”(S. coccinea Lady in Red),它生長在一片芫荽當中。我種芫荽是因為它那蕨類般的葉片能為鱷梨沙拉醬增添一絲辛辣的風味。這種草本植物在一個月內可以生長三英尺(約合0.9米)左右,並開出一叢又一叢輕飄飄的小白花。因此,你不得不每隔幾星期就種下更多的種子。“一串紅唇”就盛放於一片白色的芫荽花叢中,對著蜂鳥搖曳它們艷麗的櫻桃紅唇。
    許多鼠尾草屬於熱帶植物,必須當做一年生植物來種植;但也有部分鼠尾草足夠堅韌,可以撐過冬天。這些鼠尾草生長在中大西洋地區(mid-Atlantic states,美國行政區劃的十個大區之一,由七個州組成:紐約州,賓夕法尼亞州,新澤西州,馬里蘭州,西弗吉尼亞州,特拉華州和弗吉尼亞州——譯註)和三州地區(tristate,美國三州交界地區,尤指紐約州、新澤西州與康涅狄格州的交界處——譯註),尤其是第七區(Zone 7),那裡的冬季溫度很少降到零度。
    我有一株庭院鼠尾草(garden sage),別名藥用鼠尾草(Salvia officinalis)。它並未因冬季的嚴寒、我的疏於照料以及忍冬藤蔓的纏繞而死去。它的木質莖上生長出了灰綠色的葉片,紋理粗糙得喜人(這些葉片用在填料和豬肉菜餚中很可口)。它已經長到了一蒲式耳(約合36升)的籃子那麼大,抽出了三英尺長(約合0.9米)的莖,上面帶有肥大的橢圓形花苞。花苞呈現出斑斕帶紫的白顏色,再過幾天,就會開出碩大的紫色花朵。我曾把它和一株三色庭院鼠尾草種在一起,這株三色庭院鼠尾草有著卵石花紋的紫、綠雜色葉片,邊緣則為白色。兩株鼠尾草是一個令人愉悅的組合,但是三色鼠尾草沒能熬過嚴冬(雜色植物都有點嬌弱)。
    另一株我很喜歡的植物,是墨西哥灌木鼠尾草(Mexican bush sage),別名紫絨鼠尾草(Salvia leucantha)。有人說它是雙色花,因為白色花朵的基部有著天鵝絨般的淡紫色花萼。它的花期一直持續到霜凍來臨,但和本地區其它柔弱的鼠尾草一樣,它也沒能熬過去年冬季的冰雪。
    絨毛玻利維亞鼠尾草(Salvia oxyphora)
    絨毛玻利維亞鼠尾草(Salvia oxyphora)
    Rob Cardillo for The New York Times
    你可以在夏末將這些柔弱的植物剪下,扦插到花盆中,冬季就把花盆放到溫室或日光房裡。你還可以在嚴寒的冰凍期來臨之前,將根球挖出來,把盆栽放到地下室或車庫裡。約翰·惠特爾西(John Whittlesey)在今年春推出的新書《植物發燒友的鼠尾草種植指南》(The Plant Lover's Guide to Salvias)(Timber Press出版)中講解了具體做法。惠特爾西於20年前創立了坎寧克里克苗圃(Canyon Creek Nursery),如今已將它作為一家園林景觀設計與建築公司來運營了。
    當然,一旦我們這些園藝癡愛上一種植物,就會想要得到它的所有品種。就算得不到所有的,也會想要得到所有能在本地種植的品種。因此,當艾倫·雷西(Allen Lacy)——我書架上還有他的園藝書——最近在郵件中偶然提到,他和老婆以及兩人不知疲倦的密友赫拉(Hella),已經在新澤西州林伍德(Linwood)的林伍德植物園(Linwood Arboretum)裡種植了100來種鼠尾草時,我並不感到意外。
    雷西現年79歲,是《紐約時報》和《華爾街日報》的前園藝專欄作家,也是新澤西理查德斯托克頓學院(Richard Stockton College of New Jersey)的哲學與園藝學榮譽教授。他跟我一樣討厭每年春天充斥在園藝商店裡的那些又矮又小、紅藍相間的鼠尾草。在他已出版的十幾本傑作之一《秋天的花園》(The Garden in Autumn)裡,雷西寫道:“我一看到這种红得像火一樣、又矮又小的一年生品種,眼睛就痛得厲害,恨不得在四月初就迎來一段肅殺萬物的冰凍期。”
    這些可憐的花朵,是被植物育種者糟蹋掉的又一個犧牲品。它們本屬於巴西本地品種一串紅(Salvia splendens)。而植物育種者總是將原本完美無缺、令人驚嘆的品種培育成適於商場銷售的植物。在野外環境下,一串紅是一種生命力很強的灌木,可以生長到九英尺高(約合2.7米),帶有亮綠色的葉子和三英尺長(約合0.9米)的猩紅色穗狀花序。在那種大小的鼠尾草當中,紅得耀眼的花朵看起來肯定很壯觀;而縮短到10英寸(約合25厘米)、且只有花朵的鼠尾草看起來很奇怪(由於育種者不斷追求更大的花朵,葉片已經被犧牲掉了)。
    儘管這些鼠尾草有一部分購自本地,但還有許多較為稀奇的品種是購自Flowers by the Sea,這是位於加州埃爾克(Elk)的一家經營郵購業務的苗圃,可提供大約400個科屬和品種的植物。在該店的網站內,到處都是關於開花時間、搭配植物和栽培事項的信息(電話:707-877-1717;網站:fbts.com)。北卡羅來納州羅利(Raleigh)的Plant Delights Nursery也是一家不錯的植物商店(電話:919-772-4794;網站:plantdelights.com)。
    粉萼鼠尾草(Salvia farinacea)
    粉萼鼠尾草(Salvia farinacea)
    Rob Cardillo for The New York Times
    雷西挑選的植物,都是在7月底進入開花鼎盛期,花期一直持續到霜凍。但到現在,還有許多植物沒有開花,這是因為呈洶湧波浪狀的噴流(並非很多人所說的極地渦旋)將冷空氣從北極帶到了東海岸,又給西部帶來酷熱​​(那些寒冷的夜晚也延緩了我家番茄的開花時間)。不過,雷西的植物園裡還是有很多值得欣賞的植物的。其中,友誼鼠尾草(Amistad,英文:friendship sage)絕對不容錯過。這是一種雜交鼠尾草,有著狹長的亮紫色管狀花朵和深色花萼。
    “鼠尾草專家羅蘭多·烏里(Rolando Uri)在阿根廷發現了它,他想要所有人都種植這個品種,但是英格蘭有個人也發現了它,對它申請了專利,”雷西抱怨道。烏里找到這種尤物的時候,它有四英尺高(約合1.2米)、六英尺寬(約合1.8米),生長在一座花園裡,附近生長著瓜拉尼鼠尾草和格斯納鼠尾草(Salvia gesneriflora,得名於瑞士植物學家康拉德·格斯納[Conrad Gessner]——譯註)。瓜拉尼鼠尾草是個生命力很強的品種,花朵呈靛藍色;格斯納鼠尾草​​則是一個碩大的品種,可以長到10英尺高(約合3米),花朵呈猩紅色。由此可見,友誼鼠尾草或許一開始就是天然雜交品種。
    友誼鼠尾草在半日照的環境下長勢最好。在雷西的植物園裡,友誼鼠尾草的旁邊還種著兩種鼠尾草,雖然還沒開花,但是它們的葉片形成了鮮明反差,看起來亦很壯觀。鳳梨鼠尾草(Salvia elegans,又稱為pinapple sage)的葉片為綠色,表面光滑而有紋理;旁邊的紅色天鵝絨鼠尾草(Salvia confertifl​​ora,英文:red velvet sage)葉片顏色更加鮮豔,其粗糙的紋理和捲曲的形狀如此完美,就算它不再開花我也毫不在乎。
    雷西保證,再過一兩週,它就會開出花序很高的橙色花,“就像中國煙花一樣。”鳳梨鼠尾草有個叫“金冠”(Golden Delicious)的品種,生長著鮮豔耀眼的黃色葉片,它很快就會開出同樣耀眼的紅色花朵(對於這個品種,我只能說蘿蔔青菜,各有所愛吧)。
    一些更小巧、更嬌弱的品種生長在一條沙質窄道上,這條窄道是為岩石花園的植物修造的,排水很好。這裡生長的鼠尾草是小葉鼠尾草(Salvia microphyla)的若干個品種,包​​括“烈焰紅唇”(Hot Lips),一種深紅與白色相間的雙色花;“紫葉”(Purple Leaf) ,其亮綠色葉片的內側為紫色,花朵呈鈷藍色;Elk Velvet,一種銀粉與亮紅色相間的雙色花。這些耐旱鼠尾草的花朵更小、唇瓣更大,便於蜜蜂降落。
    有些較大的鼠尾草與灌木相映成趣:友誼鼠尾草(飽滿的紫色花)和瓜拉尼鼠尾草(深藍色花)映襯在鬆散的白色圓錐繡球(Hydrangea Paniculata)花叢中。六英尺高(約合1.8米)的瓜拉尼鼠尾草“阿根廷天空”(Argentine Skies)開著淡藍色的花朵,襯托著一種煙樹(smoke tree)——“優雅”(Grace)黃櫨那呈現出熒光紅與藍綠色的葉片。粉萼鼠尾草(Salvia farinacea)生有直立莖,花朵呈暗藍色,與開放著淺灰藍色花朵的牡荊是完美搭配。
    Faye Chapel鼠尾草
    Faye Chapel鼠尾草
    Rob Cardillo for The New York Times
    在這個世界上最小的植物園裡,總有些稀有的植物品種是值得艷羨的。臨走之前,雷西讓我好好瞻仰了一下某個品種的紫荊樹——旭日紫荊(Cercis Rising Sun)。其石灰綠色的心形葉片上夾雜著杏色與黃色斑紋。開著亮紫色花朵的友誼鼠尾草,就斜倚在上面。
    不過,真正的壓軸好戲還要數Faye Chapel,這是一種生命力旺盛的一串紅(英文:scarlet sage),其葉片表面光滑,呈深綠色,三英尺(約合0.9米)高的莖上開滿了口紅色的紅花。雷西把這株喜光植物種在了一個大花盆裡,把它放到一條光照充足的小徑邊——只是為了充分展示,這種鼠尾草在沒有被雜交育種者變矮的情況下,能夠發揮出多大的能量。

    MBA教育新機會新挑 戰 : Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads/ MBA教育再思考/ Assessing Whether Entrepreneurs Should Get M.B.A.’s

    Which MBA offers the best return on investment? That depends on whether you are after a long- or short-term gain. Our chart shows the cost of an MBA at selected business schools after taking into account tuition fees and forgone salary http://econ.st/1kS2IA0

    Which MBA offers the best return on investment? That depends on whether you are after a long- or short-term gain. Our chart shows the cost of an MBA at selected business schools after taking into account tuition fees and forgone salary http://econ.st/1kS2IA0


    Video: Our correspondents look at business schools: the challenges facing their business models, the impact of MOOCs and why some of them are building fancier campuses http://econ.st/1qwt0N1


    不過,還是可以知道在末章引用Herbert A. Simon 的 一所工商學院的設計 (頁312 /英文 335)
    (prize-winning 翻譯成"備受贊譽"不好)。

    可參考: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_Graduate_School_of_Business
     In August 2006, the school announced what is believed to be the second largest gift ever to a business school – $105 million from Stanford alumnus Phil Knight, MBA '62, Founder and Chairman of Nike, Inc.[6] The gift went toward construction of a $375 million campus, called the Knight Management Center, for the business school. Construction was completed in 2011.

    New curriculum

    Schwab Residential Center, on campus residence for first year Sloan, PhD, and MBA candidates.
    In June 2006, the School announced a dramatic change to its curriculum model. The new model, dubbed "The Personalized MBA Education", has four focus points. First, it aims to offer each student a highly customized experience by offering broader menus of course topics and providing personal course-planning mentoring from Stanford Business School faculty advisors. Second, the new program attempts to deepen the school’s intellectual experience through several smaller, high-impact seminars focused on critical analytical thinking. Third, the new program will increase global business education through both new course options and requiring international experience from all students. Finally, the new program expands the schools focus on leadership and communication through new courses that examine students’ personal strengths in the topic. Overall, the school sees the flexible program as an important point of differentiation that leverages the school’s smaller relative size versus most other top MBA programs. The graduating class of 2009 was the first class having gone through the new curriculum.

    MBA教育再思考 :十字路口的工商管理教育Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads出版年: 2011-9頁數: 338定價: 58.00元ISBN: 9787300138251內容簡介 · · · · · ·工商管理教育的現狀解析和未來藍圖數十年來,MBA畢業生幾乎毫無懸念地可以在最優秀的企業謀到高薪工作。然而世易時移,MBA學位帶來的優越地位已經受到撼動。世界經濟在迅速轉型,學術界和企業界對商學教育的質疑甚囂塵上,全球金融危機爆發……這些因素都把工商管理教育推到了一個關鍵的十字路口。面對這些挑戰,商學院的應對措施將決定其未來的角色及其工商管理教育是否把握時代脈搏,密切聯繫實踐。在這本具有標誌性意義的書中,哈佛商學院三位學者研究了影響工商管理教育的三個趨勢:

    作者展開了廣泛的調研,訪談了數十位商學院院長和企業高管,並且詳細分析了11個頂尖MBA項目。以此為基礎,《MBA教育再思考》提出了8個目前亟待滿足的教學需求,分析指出每個需求都對應著一個機遇,商學院可以..作者簡介 · · · · · ·斯里坎特·M?·達塔爾(Srikant M. Datar) 哈佛商學院會計學教授(享有“Arthur Lowes Dickinson爵士”頭銜),在MBA項目、綜合管理項目和高級管理項目中任教,兼任資深副院長,主管高管培訓、教師招聘與培養以及科研工作。主要研究方向為管理控制和戰略執行。戴維·A·加文(David A. Garvin) 哈佛商學院工商管理教授(享有“C. Roland Christensen”頭銜),在MBA和高級管理項目中任教,負責選修課的製定,並擔任教學資源中心主任。主要研究方向為綜合管理和戰略變革。帕特里克·G·卡倫(Patrick G. Cullen) 哈佛商學院助理研究員,主要研究專業學院與相關各方的關係,尤其是商學院的發展。曾擔任AACSB助理研究副總裁。  ◆ 譯者簡介伊志宏中國人民大學商學院院長、教授。主要...
    目錄 · · · · · ·第1章 導論:變革中的MBA學位第Ⅰ篇 MBA教育的現狀第2章 MBA市場形勢的變化第3章 詳探課程方案第4章 憂慮重重第5章迎接全球化、領導力和整合性的挑戰第6章 教學方法和課程設計的創新
    第Ⅱ篇 商學院的應對策略
    第8章歐洲工商管理學院:信條——全球化 (一節:與沃頓商學院的結盟)
    第9章創造性領導力中心:以領導力開發為核心 (領導力發展與鏡子體驗---根據Mintzberg管理者一天的模式。
    第11章 耶魯管理學院:整合與大變革:綜合管理和注重實踐。跨領域的教學改革;領導力開發以校友James G. March的"結果邏輯 "The Logic of Appropriateness"??"和"承諾邏輯"區分為主。
    第13章 結語:商學院,路在何方

    HBS Press Book
    Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads
    "Business Schools Face Test of Faith.""Is It Time to Retrain B-Schools?" As these headlines make clear, business education is at a major crossroads. For decades, MBA graduates from top-tier schools set the standard for cutting-edge business knowledge and skills. Now the business world has changed, say the authors of Rethinking the MBA, and MBA programs must change with it. Increasingly, managers and recruiters are questioning conventional business education. Their concerns? Among other things, MBA programs aren't giving students the heightened cultural awareness and global perspectives they need. Newly minted MBAs lack essential leadership skills. Creative and critical thinking demand far more attention. In this compelling and authoritative new book, the authors: Document a rising chorus of concerns about business schools gleaned from extensive interviews with deans and executives, and from a detailed analysis of current curricula and emerging trends in graduate business education Provide case studies showing how leading MBA programs have begun reinventing themselves for the better Offer concrete ideas for how business schools can surmount the challenges that come with reinvention, including securing faculty with new skills and experimenting with new pedagogies Rich with examples and thoroughly researched, Rethinking the MBA reveals why and how business schools must define a better pathway for the future.


    Assessing Whether Entrepreneurs Should Get M.B.A.’s

       December 30, 2013
    Have you noticed how many universities are rushing to create entrepreneurship programs as part of their M.B.A. offerings? As The Wall Street Journal recently noted, the answer is quite a few. One might say better late than never — or even think that the traditional M.B.A. program is finally gaining some relevance and teaching people how to build a business. Think again.
    In reality, many of the changes are window dressing with schools just trying to keep their cash cow M.B.A. programs alive by attempting to ride the entrepreneurial fever breaking out across the country. The truth is you have a better chance of getting the Tea Party to embrace the Affordable Care Act than getting traditional business schools to teach real-world, hard-knocks entrepreneurship.
    Here is why: traditional M.B.A. programs are classroom-centric. They give students little real access to business leaders or to the places where business is done. And as best I can tell, many academics want to keep it that way. Their big idea has been to bring in retired entrepreneurs to teach in the classroom. This is like putting a catfish in a bathtub and calling it a river.
    Entrepreneurs generally don’t do well outside their preferred environment (the real world), and the students don’t get any real sense of how fast the business world moves. I think we may even have reached the point where some M.B.A.’s actually damage up-and-coming entrepreneurs. Go sit in a classroom, then go work in a fast-growth company. Talk about the difference between night and day! You will see why the classroom is a dangerous place from which to view the business world.
    For example, Gianine Abdallah, an entrepreneur based in Atlanta, recently started an online apparel company that was profitable in its first week. Like most fast-growth entrepreneurs, she wants to move fast. So when she asked me if I thought getting a classroom M.B.A. would be helpful, I responded that I did not think it made much sense for her, logistically or academically. Does she really have the time to drive across town to sit in a class or to spend hours with an online program that doesn’t give her real-world business experience?

    What she needs, I think, is not years of studying business theory out of a textbook, but exposure and access to business leaders and partners that can help her now. She needs to connect and have her real-time questions answered by someone like Susan Nethero, who built and sold a lingerie company, Intimacy.
    Yes, of course, Ms. Abdallah and all other entrepreneurial students could use some accounting and finance, but why not take them online? In past years this may have been a poor option, but technology and online teaching methods have improved so much that one study for the Department of Education found that “on average, students in online learning conditions performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.”
    When I got my M.B.A. from Emory in 1994, I was already an information technology leader at .U.P.S, and I was consumed with climbing the corporate ladder – just like most of my fellow students from other big companies. But today, many M.B.A. students want to do their own thing and start their own companies.
    My general management M.B.A. was worthwhile for me while I was at U.P.S. because it gave me exposure to other disciplines beyond information technology, like marketing and strategy. The accounting and strategy courses were useful even when I was building my business.
    But here is the biggest difference 20 years makes and why I think many M.B.A.’s haven’t been relevant since the ’90s: When I started my company, STI Knowledge, we had about three years to stay ahead of the competition. With today’s technology, entrepreneurs tell me they have about three months. Data that used to take days or even months to acquire can now be obtained in real time. With the new speed of business, the traditional M.B.A. and the classroom have been left in the dust.
    After I sold STI Knowledge, I decided I wanted to address these changes by helping to create a new kind of M.B.A. I gave my alma mater money to transform its executive M.B.A. program into an entrepreneurial M.B.A. program. People at the school called me an educational visionary and gladly took my money. I was bright-eyed and big-headed — but totally naïve to think I could persuade a university to offer an entrepreneurship program that gets students out of the classroom. Talk about stirring up a hornet’s nest!
    I kept saying, “O.K. guys, let’s get going.” But their feet were in academic cement, and they would not move. And here is why: Most business schools have labor unions, known as tenured faculty, that keep the curriculum the way they want to teach it, when they want to teach it and how they want to teach it. They really did not want to hear me tell them that my M.B.A. had been largely irrelevant in helping me push my company into the 21st century — or that what I had learned from my M.B.A. no longer applied.
    You might ask where the academic leadership is. In every case where business schools have changed their M.B.A. programs to reflect the real world, you will find a strong dean whose vision and conviction have triumphed over academic entitlements. These deans could be successful entrepreneur themselves. But we are talking about the exceptions — most act more like union stewards than entrepreneurs. This why you have to get the entrepreneur out of the classroom.
    Eventually, I began to offer my ideas to other institutions. What I got was a lot of interest and a lot of partners (22 universities), but little action. My vision of an entrepreneurial M.B.A. kept getting clobbered. Then, this past September, I partnered with Brenau University in Gainesville, Ga., to offer an accredited entrepreneurial M.B.A. Here’s what it took: a nontenured faculty, forward-thinking deans and an entrepreneurial president of the college.
    We put all of the academics online and worked tirelessly to integrate students into the local business community. Students attend board meetings, commerce dinners and C.E.O. round tables to get to know business leaders and their businesses. M.B.A. apprentices spend three months working side by side with a chief executive, reporting only to them. So it is possible.
    And now, when entrepreneurs ask me whether they should go get an M.B.A., here’s what I tell them: If you get in to Stanford, go. Stanford offers exceptional access to Silicon Valley, the best fast-growth ecosystem in the universe. The school’s work-study program hits the all-important three Rs: rigorous, relevant, and real-world. In many cases, Stanford students end up helping a Silicon Valley company grow while getting their M.B.A. at the same time.
    And if you get into Harvard’s business school, go. It has been proved over and over that it can help you build a business, although I’m not convinced it has anything to do with the school’s well-known “case study” business curriculum. For my taste, the case study remains a classroom-centric model that has little to do with entrepreneurs trying to build a business today. But go to Harvard anyway — if only for the Harvard alumni network. The contacts you make during and after the program are worth the price of admission.
    Beyond Stanford and Harvard, I would say this: Go only if you find a program that offers real-world experience, working alongside someone who is building a business. Otherwise, while I wouldn’t say the current traditional M.B.A. is useless, it is pretty much like having athletes studying game film but never practicing on the field.
    Cliff Oxford is the founder of the Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs. You can follow him on Twitter.


    你是否有注意到,有多少大學正急着將創業項目作為M.B.A.項目中的選擇之一?就像《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)最近報道的,這其中原因有很多。有人可能會說,遲到總比缺席好——甚至會覺得,傳統的M.B.A. 項目終於與時代有了一點相關性,終於開始教人們如何創立一份事業了。請再思量一下吧。

    在現實生活中,有許多此類變革其實只是裝點門面而已,學校們想要讓 M.B.A.項目這棵搖錢樹保持活力,於是就趁着全國颳起的這一股創業風潮來趕時髦。事實是,讓傳統的商學院教在真實世界中艱難前行的創業方法,還不如讓 茶黨(Tea Party)接受平價醫療法案(Affordable Care Act)的可能性大。


    在企業家們所偏愛的環境(也就是現實世界)之外,他們往往表現得不 好,學生們也沒辦法真切感受到商業世界運轉得有多快速。我覺得我們可能甚至已經抵達了一個問題的核心:為什麼事實上有些M.B.A.反而毀掉了一些前途大 好的創業家。你可以去坐在一間教室里,然後再試試去在一個飛速發展的公司里工作。這樣的差異就跟白天和黑夜一樣巨大!你會把教室視為一個危險的、無法看清 商業世界的地方。

    舉例來說,吉阿妮·阿卜杜拉(Gianine Abdallah)是一位主要在亞特蘭大發展的創業者,她最近創立了一家在線服裝公司,在第一周就實現了盈利。像其他快速發展的企業家一樣,她想要飛快地 前進。所以當她問我去上M.B.A.的課會不會有幫助時,我的回答是我不覺得它對她來說有太多意義,不管是在邏輯上還是學術上。她是不是真的有時間開車穿 過城市去上課,或者把時間花在一個無法給予她真實世界商業經驗的在線課程上?

    她所需要的,我覺得,不是花時間在教科書中學習商業理論,在商業領袖與合伙人前亮相或者與其接觸的機會才是現在能幫助到她的。她需要建立人脈,讓她在現實世界中遇到的問題能由像蘇珊·內瑟羅(Susan Nethero)這樣建立以及售出一家女性內衣公司Intimacy的人來解答。

    是的,當然了,阿卜杜拉和其他創業的學生可以用得上一些會計與金融的知識,但為什麼不在網上學習呢?在過去,這可能算不上一個好選擇,但科技與在線教學技術現在已經進步了許多,美國教育部(Department of Education)的一個研究發現,「平均來說,在線學習的學生比那些接受面對面教學的學生要表現得更好。」

    當我在1994年在埃默里大學 (Emory University)拿到M.B.A.學位時,我已經是UPS快遞的信息技術負責人了,滿心想的都是要繼續在公司內部往上攀登——就像絕 大多數來自其他大公司的同學們一樣。但現在,許多M.B.A.學生想要做自己的事,開創他們自己的公司。

    但20年光陰帶來的不同之處以及我認為在上世紀90年代之後許多 M.B.A.項目有些跟不上時代的原因是:當我創立我的公司STI Knowledge的時候,我們在投入競爭拼殺之前有三年時間。而創業者們告訴我,以如今的技術發展水平,他們擁有的時間只有三個月。以前需要幾天甚至幾 個月來獲取的數據現在可以即時獲得。商業世界的新速度如此之快,傳統的M.B.A.與教室教學已經被遠遠地拋在了塵土之中。

    在我出售了STI Knowledge之後,我決定,我要把這些改變公之於眾,創建一種新型的M.B.A.。我為我的母校捐錢,以將他們的執行管理M.B.A.項目改進為一 個創業型的M.B.A.項目。學校里的那些人說我教育方面具有遠見卓識,高興地收下了我的錢。我的確很有眼光,也很聰明——但我太天真地以為,我可以說服 一所大學提供一個讓學生走出教室的創業項目。還不如去捅馬蜂窩呢!

    我一直在說,「好了,大伙兒,讓我們前進吧。」但他們的腳一直被粘 在學術的地板上,不願意移動。原因是這樣的:大多數商學院都有工會,也就是終身教職員工組織,這使得課程一直保持着他們想要教授的形式、時間以及方法。他 們真的不想聽到我告訴他們,我上的M.B.A.課程對於將我的公司帶入21世紀沒有什麼幫助——或者我在M.B.A.課程中學到的東西再也不實用了。

    你也許會問,學術界的領袖們都到哪兒去了。每一次有商學院把他們的 M.B.A.項目修改得更符合現實,你都會發現一個強勢的院長,他或她的視野與信念能夠超越學校的既得利益。這些院長們可能本身就是成功的企業家。但是我 們現在所談的是期望——現實是他們往往更像工會代表,而非企業家。這就是你必須讓企業家走出教室的原因。

    最後,我開始向其他機構傳達我的想法。我所得到的是很多感興趣的回 應以及很多合伙人(22所大學),但真正的行動卻很少。我對於創業型M.B.A.的設想仍然舉步維艱。然後,就在剛過去的9月,我與位於格魯吉亞州蓋恩斯 維爾的布里諾大學(Brenau University)達成了合作,提供一個受承認的創業型M.B.A.項目。這個目標能達成,主要得益於這些因素:非終身制的教職工集體、高瞻遠矚的院 系領導以及一個有創業精神的校長。

    我們把所有的課程都放到網上,不厭其煩地組織學生融入當地的商業圈 子。學生們參加董事會議、商業晚餐以及C.E.O. 圓桌會議,以便認識了解商業領袖們以及他們的事業。

    M.B.A.學生們用3個月的時間跟隨在一位執行副總身邊工作,直接向他報告工作。所以這一切都是可能 達到的。

    現在,當企業家問我是否應該去讀一個M.B.A.的時候,我會這樣 告訴他們:如果你能去斯坦福大學,那就去吧。斯坦福能提供獨一無二的接觸硅谷的機會,而硅谷是全球發展最快的經濟生態圈。它的商學院的半工半讀項目符合三個最重要的R:嚴格(rigorous),緊跟時代(relevant)以及現實(real-world)。在很多例子里,斯坦福的學生都能一邊幫助一家 硅谷公司發展,一邊為他們的M.B.A.學位學習。

    如果你能去哈佛大學的商學院,那也去吧。它一直都在證明,它可以幫 助你創建一份事業,儘管我並不認為這與該學院著名的「案例教學」商業課程有關。在我看來,案例教學仍然是一個以教室為中心的教學模型,與如今創業家們試圖 建立的事業並沒有什麼關係。但是不管如何,還是去哈佛吧——哪怕只是為了哈佛的校友人脈網。僅憑在項目之中以及之後你所認識的人,你入學時交的學費就已經 值了。


    克里夫·奧克斯福德(Cliff Oxford)是牛津創業中心(Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs)的創立者。你可以在Twitter上關注他。

    從《老實人 (Candide)》的 "Make Our Garden Grow" /cultivate our garden 說起


    在I. Calvino著《憨第德(或譯老實人),或是關於敘述的快》(Candide, or Concerning Narrative Rapidity)的結論是:「今日人們在生活中的真正選擇都來自於這本書。」
    ( Italo Calvino 著《為什麼讀經典》 ( Why Read the Classics? 1991 ) ,(李桂蜜譯,pp.114-18)

    讀這篇導論的意外收獲不少。譬如說你可以找Paul Klee對本書的26幅插畫來對照。
    又譬如說,以前介紹過趙琴的《閹人歌手(Castrato)的興盛與衰亡》,可以在《老實人 第12章 老婦人遭遇的下文》讀到:「我生在那不勒斯,那兒每年閹割二三千名兒童,…..有的因此得到一副比女人還美麗的嗓子,還有的將統治國家。」



    一是伊斯蘭的 dervish 解釋A member of any of various Muslim ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion.


    更重要的區別在末句名言:il faut cultiver notre jardin
    英文為 cultivate our garden

    李的翻譯顯然錯誤。這garden 可以種花、草、菜、果

    因為我查Shorter O.E.D.
    CULTIVATE ONE’S GARDEN 之garden 竟然是等同 common(社區之公地,種植放牧等 現在英美都還有這種園...)。

    Candide, written by Voltaire, Quentin Blake illustrated edition published by The Folio Society 2011 Eternal optimist Dr Pangloss is hanged.

    Candide by Voltaire, illustrated edition published by The Folio Society (2011)
    Eternal optimist Dr Pangloss is hanged.
    Illustration: Quentin Blake

    Pangloss (a coinage from Greek, meaning ‘all languages’) may refer to:
    • Pangloss, a fictional character in the 1759 novel Candide by Voltaire: Pangloss is a Leibnizian philosopher, the personal tutor of the main character Candide;

    Candide, ou l'Optimisme (/ˌkænˈdd/; French: [kɑ̃did]) is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. The novella has been widely translated, with English versions titled Candide: or, All for the Best (1759);Candide: or, The Optimist (1762); and Candide: or, Optimism (1947).[5] It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism (or simply Optimism) by his mentor, Pangloss.[6]The work describes the abrupt cessation of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow, painful disillusionment as he witnesses and experiences great hardships in the world. Voltaire concludes with Candide, if not rejecting optimism outright, advocating a deeply practical precept, "we must cultivate our garden", in lieu of the Leibnizian mantra of Pangloss, "all is for the best" in the "best of all possible worlds".
    Candide is characterised by its sarcastic tone, as well as by its erratic, fantastical and fast-moving plot. A picaresque novel with a story similar to that of a more seriousbildungsroman, it parodies many adventure and romance clichés, the struggles of which are caricatured in a tone that is mordantly matter-of-fact. Still, the events discussed are often based on historical happenings, such as the Seven Years' War and the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.[7] As philosophers of Voltaire's day contended with the problem of evil, so too does Candide in this short novel, albeit more directly and humorously. Voltaire ridicules religion, theologians, governments, armies, philosophies, and philosophers throughallegory; most conspicuously, he assaults Leibniz and his optimism.[8][9]
    As expected by Voltaire, Candide has enjoyed both great success and great scandal. Immediately after its secretive publication, the book was widely banned because it contained religious blasphemy, political sedition and intellectual hostility hidden under a thin veil of naïveté.[8] However, with its sharp wit and insightful portrayal of the human condition, the novel has since inspired many later authors and artists to mimic and adapt it. Today, Candide is recognized as Voltaire's magnum opus[8] and is often listed as part of the Western canon; it is arguably taught more than any other work of French literature.[10] In his book of intellectual history Martin Seymour-Smith listed Candide as one of The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written.



    On this date in 1982, the "opera house" version of Candide opened at the New York State Theater. Directed by Harold Prince and choreographed by Patricia Birch, the performance received positive reviews and went on to be performed at numerous opera houses.
    In his October 14, 1982 review, published in The New York Times, Donal Henahan wrote, "The new 'opera house version' of 'Candide' was performed so brilliantly that one would have thought it had been running for months rather than being mounted as part of the opera company's usual hectic schedule. In fact, the audience gave the composer a standing ovation when he arrived, fashionably late, before the first act, and again before the start of the last act."
    Here is an audio recording of "Make Our Garden Grow" from the 1982 New York State Theater production of Candide.


    You've been a fool
    And so have I,
    But come and be my wife.
    And let us try,
    Before we die,
    To make some sense of life.
    We're neither pure, nor wise, nor good
    We'll do the best we know.
    We'll build our house and chop our wood
    And make our garden grow...
    And make our garden grow.

    I thought the world
    Was sugar cake
    For so our master said.
    But, now I'll teach
    My hands to bake
    Our loaf of daily bread.

    We're neither pure, nor wise, nor good
    We'll do the best we know.
    We'll build our house and chop our wood
    And make our garden grow...
    And make our garden grow.

    (ensemble enters in gardening gear and a cow walks on)

    Let dreamers dream
    What worlds they please
    Those Edens can't be found.
    The sweetest flowers,
    The fairest trees
    Are grown in solid ground.

    ENSEMBLE (a cappella)
    We're neither pure, nor wise, nor good
    We'll do the best we know.
    We'll build our house and chop our wood
    And make our garden grow.
    And make our garden grow!

    (The cow dies)

    Ah, me! The pox!





      附錄(頁410-24):詩與公眾世界(譯文)Poetry and the public world by Archibald Macleish, Atlantic, June,1939

      Archibald MacLeish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Archibald MacLeish (May 7, 1892 – April 20, 1982) was an American poet, writer, and


      新詩雜話  作者:朱自清   《新詩雜話》不僅在當時產生了巨大影響,對新詩創作起了指導和推動的作用,而且具有很高的理論價值,對新詩理論建設作出了開拓性的貢獻。  ——王瑤

      The marshmallow Test:Mastering Self-Control

      If you were offered the option of one marshmallow straight away, or two in 20 minutes, which would you pick? The marshmallow test has become one of the most well-known psychological experiments of all time. Its deviser, Walter Mischel, has now written a book which is best read as a memoir of gratification http://econ.st/1sa5Rkb
      If you were offered the option of one marshmallow straight away, or two in 20 minutes, which would you pick? The marshmallow test has become one of the most well-known psychological experiments of all time. Its deviser, Walter Mischel, has now written a book which is best read as a memoir of gratification http://econ.st/1sa5Rkb

      1. Walter Mischel
      2. Walter Mischel is an American psychologist specializing in personality theory and social psychology. He is the Robert Johnston Niven Professor of Humane Letters in the Department of Psychology at Columbia University. Wikipedia
      3. BornFebruary 22, 1930 (age 84), Vienna, Austria

      1. Walter Mischel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Walter Mischel is an American psychologist specializing in personality theory and social psychology. He is the Robert Johnston Niven Professor of Humane ...
      2. Walter Mischel - Columbia University

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