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川端 康成著作中文翻譯簡述初編:《川端康成小說選》葉渭渠/譯唐月梅/譯(1985)


  • 葉渭渠/譯,《川端康成小說選》,人民文學出版社,1985年。印數32900;定價3.85人民幣
台大圖書館收藏版由郭松棻和李渝所贈,2016.2.24,標價 $ 27.00

                                                           純真的聲音\                         690

『古都』、『我在美麗的日本 』 由. 唐月梅/譯

主要根據 Wikipedia 中文版、日文版

川端 康成(かわばた やすなり、1899年明治32年)6月14日 - 1972年昭和47年)4月16日)は、日本小説家文芸評論家


  • 《美麗!》:約8,000字短篇小說,1927年4月至5月分四期在《福岡日日新聞》(現《西日本新聞》)刊登
  • 《感情裝飾》(感情装飾、1926年)
  • 伊豆舞孃》(伊豆の踊子、1927年)
  • 淺草紅團》(浅草紅団、1930年)
  • 《化粧與口笛》(化粧と口笛、1933年)
  • 《水晶幻想》(水晶幻想、1934年)
  • 《抒情歌》(抒情歌、1934年)
  • 《禽獣》(禽獣、1935年)
  • 《純粹的聲》(純粋の声、1936年)
  • 《花的華爾滋(圓舞曲)》(花のワルツ、1936年)
  • 雪國》(雪国、1937年)
  • 《少女的心》(むすめごころ、1937年)
  • 《女性開眼》(女性開眼、1937年)
  • 《班長的偵探》(級長の探偵、1937年)
  • 《少女港》(乙女の港、1938年)
  • 《睡顔》(寝顔、1941年)
  • 《愛的人們》(愛する人達、1941年)
  • 《文章》(文章、1942年)
  • 《美麗的旅行》(美しい旅、1942年)
  • 《高原》(高原、1942年)
  • 《朝雲》(朝雲、1945年)
  • 《愛》(、1945年)
  • 《駒鳥溫泉》(駒鳥温泉、1945年)
  • 《日雀》(日雀、1946年)
  • 《晚霞少女》(夕映少女、1946年)
  • 《溫泉宿》(温泉宿、1946年)
  • 《虹》(、1947年)
  • 《一草一花》(一草一花、1948年)
  • 《我的伊豆》(私の伊豆、1948年)
  • 《哀愁》(哀愁、1949年)
  • 《新文章讀本》(新文章読本、1950年)
  • 《舞姫》(舞姫、1951年)
  • 千羽鶴》(千羽鶴、1952年)
  • 《再婚者》(再婚者、1953年)
  • 《日月》(日も月も、1953年)
  • 《河邊小鎮的故事》(川のある下町の話、1954年)
  • 《山音》(山の音、1954年)
  • 吳清源棋談・名人》(呉清源棋談・名人、1954年)
  • 《童謡》(童謡、1954年)
  • 《伊豆之旅》(伊豆の旅、1954年)
  • 《東京的人》(東京の人、1955年)
  • 《湖》(みづうみ、1955年)
  • 《燕之童女》(燕の童女、1955年)
  • 《生為女人》(女であること、1955・56年)
  • 《富士的初雪》(富士の初雪、1958年)
  • 《有風的未知》(風のある未知、1959年)
  • 《睡中的美女》(眠れる美女、1961年)
  • 古都》(古都、1962年)
  • 《愛與哀愁》(美しさと哀しみと、1965年)
  • 《只手》(片腕、1965年)
  • 《落花流水》(落花流水、1966年)
  • 《月下之門》(月下の門、1967年)
  • 《美的存在與發現》(美の存在と発見、1969年)
  • 《ある人の生のなかに》(ある人の生のなかに、1972年)
  • 《蒲公英》(たんぽぽ、1972年)
  • 《竹聲桃花》(竹の声桃の花、1973年)
  • 《日本的美的中心》(日本の美のこころ、1973年)



  • 不著譯者,《伊豆的舞娘》,志文出版社,1985年。
  • 不著譯者,《美麗與悲哀》,志文出版社,1988年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪鄉》,志文出版社,1989年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪鄉、千羽鶴、古都》,志文出版社,1990年。
  • 不著譯者,《感情裝飾》,大安出版社,1990年。
  • 孫惠媛/編,《愛戀一生》,明田出版社,1990年。
  • 劉慕沙/譯,《女身》,遠流出版社,1991年。
  • 夏目漱石、川端康成等人/著,不著譯者,《日本短篇小說傑作選》,志文出版社,1994年。
  • 高慧勤/譯,《雪國、千鶴、古都》,桂冠圖書公司,1994年。
  • 柏谷/編,《川端康成極短篇》,聯經出版公司,1995年。
  • 高慧勤/譯,《雪國》,桂冠圖書公司,1998年。
  • 高慧勤/譯,《古都》,桂冠圖書公司,1998年。
  • 李永熾/譯,《山之音》,桂冠圖書公司,2000年。
  • 諾貝爾文學編譯委員會/譯,《川端康成的雪鄉‧千羽鶴》,環華館,2001年。
  • 高慧勤/譯,《雪國》,桂冠圖書公司,2001年。
  • 不著譯者,《伊豆的舞孃》,集思書城,2001年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪國》,集思書城,2001年。
  • 路耿冰/譯,《雪國》,環華館,2002年。
  • 羅昱/譯,《伊豆的舞孃》,環華館,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,汪若蘭/編,《名人》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《山之音》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《千羽鶴》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《雪國》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《伊豆的舞穰》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《掌中小說》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《睡美人》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 孔憲科/譯,《美麗與哀愁》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 唐月梅/譯,《古都》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 唐月梅/譯,《舞姬》,木馬文化,2002年。
  • 唐月梅/譯,《湖》,木馬文化,2003年。
  • 高慧勤/譯,《千羽鶴》,桂冠圖書公司,2006年。
  • 《文學大師原著〈伊豆舞孃〉DVD》,龍騰,2006年。
  • 竺儀/改寫,呂玉琴/繪者,《古都》,企鵝,2007年。


  • 侍桁/譯,《雪國》,上海譯文出版社,1981年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《川端康成小說選》,人民文學出版社,1985年。
  • 唐月梅/編,《川端康成小說經典》(全3冊),人民文學出版社,1999年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《我在美麗的日本》,河北教育出版社,2002年。
  • 不著譯者,《川端康成文集》(全10卷),廣西師範大學出版社,2002年。
  • 高慧勤/主編,《川端康成十卷集》,河北教育出版社,2002年。
  • 葉渭渠、唐月梅/譯,《雪國、古都、千隻鶴》,譯林出版社,2002年。
  • 唐月梅/譯,《古都》,北京出版社,2003年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《千隻鶴》,北京出版社,2003年。
  • 葉渭渠/譯,《伊豆的舞孃》,北京出版社,2003年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪國》,浙江文藝出版社,2003年。
  • 李德純等人/譯,《伊豆舞女》,河北教育出版社,2004年。
  • 劉可欣、高慧勤/譯,《伊豆的舞女》,中國致公出版社,2005年。
  • 不著譯者,《伊豆的舞女》,天津人民出版社,2005年。
  • 葉渭渠、唐月梅/譯,《雪國‧古都》,作家出版社,2006年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪國》,北京燕山出版社,2007年。
  • 不著譯者,《川端康成著作選釋:〈伊豆的舞女〉、〈雪國〉》,商務印書館,2007年。
  • 不著譯者,《日本文學名著日漢對照系列叢書:雪國、伊豆舞女》,吉林大學出版社,2009年。
  • 高慧勤/譯,《雪國》,人民文學出版社,2009年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪國‧古都》(插圖本),譯林出版社,2009年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪國》,南海出版公司,2010年。
  • 不著譯者,《伊豆的舞女》,南海出版公司,2010年。
  • 不著譯者,《雪國 古都 千隻鶴》,譯林出版社,2010年。



  • 張國安/著,《川端康成傳》,明田出版,1993年。
  • 鹽田良平/著,《日本的作家與作品》(中日文對照),水牛出版社,2003年。


  • 喬遷/著,《川端康成研究》,上海社會科學院,1997年。
  • 進藤純孝/著,何乃英/譯,《川端康成》,中央編譯出版社,1998年。
  • 周閱/著,《人與自然的交融─《雪國》》,雲南人民出版社,2002年。
  • 張石/著,《川端康成與東方古典》,上海古籍出版,2003年。
  • 劉象愚/著,《走進經典叢書:感悟東方之美:走進川端康成的《雪國》》,北京師範大學出版社,2007年。
  • 葉渭渠、唐月梅/譯,《川端康成精品集》,復旦大學出版社,2008年。
  • 周閱/著,《川端康成文學的文化學研究:以東方文化為中心》,北京大學出版,2008年。
  • 許金龍/譯,《川端康成、三島由紀夫往來書簡》,人民文學出版社,2009年。
  • 何乃英/著,《比較文學文庫:川端康成小說藝術論》,北京師範大學出版社,2010年。


『感情装飾』(金星堂、1926年6月) - 掌の小説35編を収録。装幀:吉田謙吉
伊豆の踊子』(金星堂、1927年2月) - 白い満月、招魂祭一景、孤児の感情、驢馬に乗る妻、葬式の名人、犠牲の花嫁、十六歳の日記、青い海黒い海、五月の幻、伊豆の踊子、を収録。装幀:吉田謙吉
『僕の標本室』(新潮社、1930年4月) - 母、神の骨、ほか47編を収録。
『花のある写真』(新潮社、1930年10月) - 死体紹介人、春景色、花のある写真、文科大学挿話、死者の書、花嫁姿、或る詩風と画風、温泉宿、を収録。
浅草紅団』(先進社、1930年12月) - 浅草紅団、日本人アンナ、白粉とガソリン、縛られた夫、浅草日記、水族館の踊子、を収録。装幀:吉田謙吉。挿画:太田三郎
『化粧と口笛』(新潮社、1933年6月) - 化粧と口笛、明日の約束、抒情歌、真夏の盛装、針と硝子と霧、二十歳、水仙、落葉、霧の造化、を収録。装幀:妹尾正彦
水晶幻想』(改造社、1934年4月) - 禽獣、騎士の死、それを見た人達、椿、慰霊歌、女を売る女、夢の姉、父母への手紙、結婚の技巧、寝顔、水晶幻想、を収録。
抒情歌』(竹村書房、1934年12月) - 浅草の姉妹、水仙、春景色、青い海黒い海、寝顔、伊豆の踊子、二十歳、十六歳の日記、を収録。装幀:木村荘八
禽獣』(野田書房、1935年5月) - 散りぬるを、禽獣、を収録。
『小説の研究』(第一書房、1936年8月) - 「小説とは何か」(12論)、「創作の動機」(6論)、「長篇小説」(4論)、「短篇小説」(6論)、「主題」(6論)、「筋」(6論)、「性格と心理」(4論)、「文章論」(3論)、「作家と作品」(30論)、「小説一家言」(18論)、の10章95論を収録。伊藤整瀬沼茂樹との合作[356]
『純粋の声』(沙羅書店、1936年9月) - 文学的自叙伝、嘘と逆、ほか36編を収録。装幀:堀辰雄
『花のワルツ』(改造社、1936年12月) - 虹、散りぬるを、童謡、田舎芝居、花のワルツ、を収録。題簽:川端康成
雪国』(創元社、1937年6月) - 雪国、父母、これを見し時、夕映少女、イタリアの歌、を収録。小冊子「名作『雪国』に対する諸家の批評」付。装幀:芹沢銈介
むすめごころ』(竹村書房、1937年7月) - むすめごころ、女学生、夢の姉、ナアシツサス、花束の時間、夏海恋、ポオランドの踊子、初雪、姉の和解、七人の妻、絵の匂ひから、を収録。
『女性開眼』(創元社、1937年12月) - 装幀:芹沢銈介
『級長の探偵』(中央公論社、1937年12月) - 級長の探偵、開校記念日、弟の秘密、愛犬エリ、夏の宿題、駒鳥温泉、翼にのせて、コスモスの友、学校の花、を収録。装幀・挿画:深沢省三深沢紅子
乙女の港』(実業之日本社、1938年4月) - 乙女の港、薔薇の家、を収録。装幀:中原淳一
『短篇集』(砂子屋書房、1939年11月) - 夏の靴、有難う、髪、朝鮮人、馬美人、ほか29編を収録。
正月三ヶ日』(新声閣、1940年12月) - 正月三ヶ日、燕の童女、日雀、母の初恋、を収録。装幀:芹沢銈介
『寝顔』(有光社、1941年7月) - 高原、温泉宿、伊豆の踊子、虹、寝顔、を収録。「まへがき」付。装幀:小穴隆一
『小説の構成』(三笠書房、1941年8月) - 序、小説とは、小説の本質、主題(テーマ)、ほか13編を収録。
愛する人達』(新潮社、1941年12月) - 母の初恋、女の夢、ほくろの手紙、夜のさいころ、燕の童女、夫唱婦和、子供一人、ゆくひと、年の暮、を収録。装幀:芹沢銈介
『文章』(東峰書房、1942年4月) - 随筆集。四つの机、純粋の声、ほか18編を収録。「あとがき」付。装幀:林芙美子
『美しい旅』(実業之日本社、1942年7月) - 「あとがき」付
『高原』(甲鳥書林、1942年7月) - 序、秋山居、高原、美人競争、百日堂先生、父母、戸隠の巫女、を収録。装幀:堀辰雄
『女性文章』(満州文藝春秋社、1945年1月) - 序、〈行進ラッパ(大空やよひ)など40編〉、選評抄
『朝雲』(新潮社、1945年10月) - 朝雲、故人の園、冬の曲、十七歳、わかめ、小切、父の名、寒風、を収録。
『愛』(養徳社、1945年11月) - 伊豆の踊子、夜のさいころ、寝顔、春景色、禽獣、を収録。
『駒鳥温泉』(湘南書房、1945年12月) - 駒鳥温泉、弟の秘密、を収録。装幀:岡秀行。挿画:門屋一雄
『日雀』(新紀元社、1946年4月) - 日雀、母の初恋、女学生、燕の童女、十六歳の日記、春景色、抒情歌、を収録。装幀:恩地孝四郎
夕映少女』(丹頂書房、1946年4月) - むすめごころ、イタリアの歌、童謡、金塊、浅草の姉妹、夕映少女、正月三ヶ日、を収録。装幀:石井友太郎
『温泉宿』(実業之日本社、1946年7月) - 温泉宿、父母、死体紹介人、を収録。装幀:芹沢銈介
『学校の花』(湘南書房、1946年8月) - 装幀:中原淳一
『散りぬるを』(前田出版社、1946年9月) - 散りぬるを、浅草の九官鳥、を収録。
『虹』(四季書房、1947年9月) - 「あとがき」付。装幀:猪熊弦一郎。題簽:川端康成
『一草一花』(青龍社、1948年1月) - 掌の小説を30編収録。「あとがき」付
『旅の風景』(細川書店、1948年3月) - 夏の靴、伊豆の踊子、処女の祈り、日雀、金銭の道、燕の童女、帽子事件、父母、有難う、虹、を収録。「あとがき」付
『心の雅歌』(細川書店、1948年7月) - 母、禽獣、雨傘、朝雲、死顔の出来事、イタリアの歌、離婚の子、抒情歌、笑はぬ男、散りぬるを、を収録。「あとがき」付
『翼の抒情歌』(東光出版社、1948年11月) - 翼の抒情歌、兄の遺曲、駒鳥温泉、朝雲、バラの家、を収録。
『白い満月』(ロッテ出版社、1948年11月) - 夜のさいころ、イタリアの歌、百日堂先生、童謡、金塊、白い満月、霰、浅草の姉妹、を収録。装幀:岡村夫二
『二十歳』(文藝春秋新社、1948年11月) - 二十歳、温泉宿、死者の書、神います、化粧、母の眼、指環、油、朝雲、篝火、を収録。装幀:恩地孝四郎
『花日記』(ヒマワリ社、1948年12月) - 装幀・口絵:中原淳一
『雪国 完結版』(創元社、1948年12月) - 「あとがき」付
夜のさいころ』(トッパン、1949年1月) - 母の初恋、夕映少女、夜のさいころ、ゆくひと、騎士の死、年の暮、寝顔、を収録。装幀:鈴木道明
『陽炎の丘』(東光出版社、1949年6月) - 陽炎の丘、椿、翼にのせて、コスモスの花、を収録。装幀・挿画:大槻さだを
『哀愁』(細川書店、1949年12月) - 哀愁、反橋、しぐれ、住吉、ほか16編を収録。
『浅草物語』(中央公論社、1950年8月) - 浅草紅団、浅草日記、浅草の姉妹、浅草の九官鳥、夜のさいころ、寝顔、虹、を収録。装幀・口絵:岡田謙三
『川端康成文藝童話集』(三十書房、1950年9月) - 弟のひみつ、虫の声、伊豆湯が島、聾学校、級長の探偵、ざくろ、つばき、ばらの家、を収録。装幀:與田準一
新文章読本』(あかね書房、1950年11月) - 新文章読本、綴方について、綴方の話、を収録。「まへがき」付
『歌劇学校』(ひまわり社、1950年12月) - 装幀・挿画:中原淳一
『少年』(目黒書店、1951年4月) - 十六歳の日記、伊豆の踊子、少年、を収録。装幀:岡鹿之助
舞姫』(朝日新聞社、1951年7月) - 装幀:岡鹿之助。題字:高橋錦吉
千羽鶴』(筑摩書房、1952年2月) - 山の音、千羽鶴、を収録。装幀・題簽:小林古径
『万葉姉妹』(ポプラ社、1952年8月) - 「作者のことば」付。装幀(カバー絵):松本昌美。挿画:花房英樹
『再婚者』(三笠書房、1953年2月) - 再婚者、さざん花、白雪、お正月、夢、夏と冬、雨の日、冬の半日、首輪、再会、を収録。「あとがき」付。装幀:藤岡光一
『日も月も』(中央公論社、1953年5月) - 装幀:太田聴雨
『花と小鈴』(ポプラ社、1953年7月) - 「はじめに」付。装幀(カバー絵):松本昌美。挿画:花房英樹
『川のある下町の話』(新潮社、1954年1月) - 装幀:阿部龍慶
山の音』(筑摩書房、1954年4月) - 装幀・題簽:山本丘人

李永熾譯, 1980/1988/90/9/2000 導讀/譯序劉小玲譯,1985 星光出版, 解說:山本健吉葉渭渠譯,木馬文化:2002

呉清源棋談・名人』(文藝春秋新社、1954年7月) - 呉清源棋談、名人、を収録。題簽:呉清源
童謡』(東方社、1954年) - 童謡、夏の靴、春景色、ほか13編を収録。装幀:福田豊四郎。題簽:川端康成
『伊豆の旅』(中央公論社、1954年10月) - 伊豆序説、伊豆温泉記、伊豆湯ヶ島、正月三ヶ日、椿、夏の靴、有難う、処女の祈り、伊豆の踊子、伊豆の帰り、伊豆の思ひ出、を収録。装幀:恩地孝四郎、高畠達四郎
『虹いくたび』(河出書房、1955年1月) - 装幀:東山魁夷
『東京の人』(新潮社、1955年1月) - 第1回から第148回分を収録。装幀:金島桂華
『親友』(偕成社、1955年3月) - 親友、かげろうの丘、を収録。装幀:山中冬児。カバー絵・挿画:江川みさお
みづうみ』(新潮社、1955年4月) - 装幀:徳岡神泉。題簽:町春草
『続東京の人』(新潮社、1955年5月) - 第149回から第272回分を収録。装幀:金島桂華
『たまゆら』(角川書店、1955年7月) - 水月、北の海から、離合、明月、あちらこちらで、横町、故郷、小春日、あやめの歌、たまゆら、を収録。装幀:高橋忠彌
燕の童女』(筑摩書房、1955年9月) - 母の初恋、ほくろの手紙、燕の童女、夫唱婦和、年の暮、再婚者、を収録。装幀:稗田一穂
『続々東京の人』(新潮社、1955年10月) - 第273回から第399回分を収録。装幀:金島桂華
『完結東京の人』(新潮社、1955年12月) - 第400回から第505回分を収録。装幀:金島桂華
女であること(一)』(新潮社、1956年10月) - 第1回から第104回分を収録。装幀:勅使河原霞。挿画:森田元子
『女であること(二)』(新潮社、1957年2月) - 第105回から第251回分を収録。装幀:勅使河原霞。挿画:森田元子
『富士の初雪』(新潮社、1958年4月) - あの国この国、並木、自然、雨だれ、岩に菊、富士の初雪、無言、夫のしない、弓浦市、船遊女、を収録。「あとがき」付。装幀:町春草
『風のある道』(角川書店、1959年7月) - 装幀:堀文子。題簽:町春草
古都』(新潮社、1962年6月) - 「あとがき」付。装幀:石井敦子
美しさと哀しみと』(中央公論社、1965年2月) - 装幀・挿画:加山又造
片腕』(新潮社、1965年10月) - 片腕、女の手、生命の樹、生きている方に、さとがえり、ほか17編を収録。装幀:東山魁夷
『たまゆら(上)』(新潮社、1965年12月) - 題簽:川端康成
『落花流水』(新潮社、1966年5月) - 落花流水(行燈、伊豆行、枕の草子、秋風高原)、美智子妃殿下、ほか22編を収録。装幀:山本丘人
『月下の門』(大和書房、1967年12月) - 月下の門、鎌倉の書斎から、ほか20編を収録。解説:島村利正
『川端康成少年少女小説集』(中央公論社、1968年12月) - 級長の探偵、開校記念日、弟の秘密、愛犬エリ、夏の宿題、駒鳥温泉、翼にのせて、つばき、ばらの家、男と女と荷車、夏の靴、雨傘、を収録。装幀:深沢紅子。装画:深沢省三。題字:深沢武蔵
美しい日本の私―その序説』(講談社、1969年3月) - エドワード・G・サイデンステッカーの英訳付。装幀(カバー写真):濱谷浩
『美の存在と発見』(毎日新聞社、1969年7月) - ジョン・ヤングの序文、ヴァルド・ヴィリエルモの英訳付。装幀:杉山寧
『定本雪国』(牧羊社、1971年8月) - 装幀・挿画:岡鹿之助。題簽:川端康成
たんぽぽ』(新潮社、1972年9月) - 解説:佐伯彰一。解題:川端香男里。装幀:東山魁夷
『ある人の生のなかに』(河出書房新社、1972年9月) - 解題:川端香男里。装幀:加山又造
『川端康成青春小説集』(ワグナー出版、1972年11月) - 花の湖、舞踊、鉄の梯子、父母への手紙、女学生、翼の抒情歌、ポオランドの踊子、踊子と異国人の母、ほか随筆7編を収録。解説:藤田圭雄。付録:永井龍男「令女界と若草」
『雪国抄』(ほるぷ出版、1972年12月) - 別冊解説書:藤田圭雄「毛筆書『雪国抄』について」付
『日本の美のこころ』(講談社、1973年1月) - 秋風高原、美智子妃殿下、信濃の話、ほか36編を収録。円地文子の「あとがき」付。装幀:東山魁夷
『竹の声桃の花』(新潮社、1973年1月) - 隅田川、竹の声桃の花、髪は長く、友人の妻、ほか25編を収録。川端香男里の「あとがき」付。装幀:山本丘人
『天授の子』(新潮社、1975年6月) - 故園、東海道、感傷の塔、天授の子、を収録。解説:佐伯彰一。解題:川端香男里。装幀:東山魁夷
『婚礼と葬礼』(創林社、1978年4月) - ちよ、生命保険、非常、彼女の盛装、霰、ほか12編を収録。解説:武田勝彦
『海の火祭』(新潮社、1979年5月) - 解説:佐伯彰一。覚書:川端香男里。装幀:山高登
『舞姫の暦』(毎日新聞社、1979年5月) - 舞姫の暦、母の読める、を収録。解説:佐伯彰一。覚書:川端香男里。装幀:山高登

V.S. Naipaul, The Enigma of Arrival; A House for Mr Biswas. Righteous Republic, 印度三部曲(V. S. Naipaul) City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi


諾貝爾文學獎得主奈波爾85歲辭世 「大河灣」享譽國際文壇
(中央社倫敦11日綜合外電報導)家屬表示,曾於2001年獲諾貝爾文學獎的英國小說家奈波爾爵士(Sir VS Naipaul)於倫敦自宅辭世,享壽85歲。 | 文化

Though often criticized for the way he depicted developing countries in his novels, Naipaul was also praised for writing with an edge and honesty drawn from his rootlessness and discontent.

Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, a Nobel laureate born in Trinidad, published more than 30 books over five decades, ranging from comic novels set in Trinidad and Tobago to memoir and travel writing.
His 1961 novel, A House for Mr Biswas, is seen by many critics as his most important works. The book was based on the life of his father Seepersad, who was a reporter for the Trinidad Guardian.
Vidiadhar Surajprasad was born in Chaguanas, Trinidad. When he was six his family moved to the country’s capital, Port of Spain.
It would later become the setting for his first novel, written in 1959 and titled Miguel Street.
In 1948 he won a government scholarship to read English at Oxford’s University College, where he suffered a nervous breakdown.
He married Patricia Hale, whom he met at Oxford in 1955. She died in 1996 and he went on to marry Lady Nadira, who was some 20 years his junior, shortly afterwards.
Throughout his career he was outspoken, notably criticising Tony Blair as well as the famous novel of EM Forster, A Passage To India. He also notoriously fell out with author Paul Theroux, whom he had mentored, but the pair later reunited and resolved their differences.
Among his other well-known works were those on Islamic fundamentalism - the 1981 work Among The Believers and the 1998 book Beyond Belief.
In awarding him the Nobel prize for literature in 2001, the Swedish Academy said he was being honoured “for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories”.


VS Naipaul, British author, dies aged 85
Nobel and Booker prize-winning writer died surrounded by loved ones in his London home, family confirms

“He read political books. They gave him phrases which he could only speak to himself and use on Shama. They also revealed one region after another of misery and injustice and left him feeling more helpless and more isolated than ever. Then it was that he discovered the solace of Dickens. Without difficulty he transferred characters and settings to people and places he knew. In the grotesques of Dickens everything he feared and suffered from was ridiculed and diminished, so that his own anger, his own contempt became unnecessary, and he was given strength to bear the most difficult part of his day: dressing in the morning, that daily affirmation of faith in oneself, which at times for him was almost like an act of sacrifice.”
― V.S. Naipaul, A House for Mr Biswas

India's Founding Fathers

By the time Queen Victoria was declared Empress of India, the subcontinent's ancient political traditions had been all but erased.

Britain dominated India for almost two centuries—initially through the East India Co. and later directly as the Raj—finally granting it independence in 1947. The Indian anti-colonial struggle was unique in that it reached its goal without violent overthrow. This was one of the great achievements of the nationalist movement's enlightened leadership.
In "Righteous Republic: The Political Foundations of Modern India," the historian Ananya Vajpeyi shows how these leaders looked to ancient Indian texts and traditions as they led the nation toward swaraj, or self-rule. The author profiles five prominent anti-colonial leaders and examines how each of them contributed to the nation's successful "search for the self": Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, who need no introduction; the Bengali poet and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore; his nephew, the artist Abanindranath Tagore; and B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution.
India had a glorious past, with millennia of learning, literature, science and art, culture and tradition. Yet by the time the country became the jewel in the crown of Queen Victoria, who was proclaimed Empress of India in 1877, knowledge of the ancient Indic political tradition—the ideas and practices by which "the precolonial kingdoms of the Mughals, the Deccani Sultans, the Nayakas, the Marathas, the Rajputs, and the Sikhs" ruled the subcontinent—had been all but erased thanks to a combination of colonial rule and internal decay. When Indians were told that democracy was a gift of the West, for example, very few questioned the assumption, even though panchayats, or self-governing village bodies, had existed for thousands of years on the subcontinent.

Righteous Republic

By Ananya Vajpeyi
(Harvard, 342 pages, $39.95)
Most historians credit liberal ideas from Britain, absorbed by the Western-oriented Indian elite, with giving birth to modern India. (The Congress Party of Gandhi and Nehru was founded at the suggestion of A.O. Hume, a British civil servant, in 1885.) Few are aware of the extent to which nationalist leaders turned to Indic texts to revive Indians' sense of collective selfhood, and how extensively these shaped their own political practice and the country's post-independence social compact.
The author argues that the essential concepts from which her five Indian leaders drew their ideas for self-rule were mostly indigenous. They include: dharma (the self's aspiration for ethical order); artha (practical purpose); ahimsa (non-violence); duhkha (suffering); viraha (the self's longing); and samvega (the shock of self-recognition). These concepts are distinct from but not in opposition to Western ideals such as equality, liberty and fraternity.
Nehru's quest for national selfhood, for example, revolved around the two central ideas of dharma and artha, or ethical order and pragmatism. The first was exemplified by the inclusive reign, more than two millennia ago, of the Emperor Asoka. The second was embodied in the realpolitik pragmatism of Asoka's grandfather, the Emperor Chandragupta. Aspirational dharma inspired Nehru during the freedom struggle; after independence, he leaned toward purposeful artha.
As Ms. Vajpeyi explains, Nehru married "these opposing vectors in his thought and practice." But his conception of these ideals wasn't merely nostalgic; both had to be reinterpreted for the 20th century. "I should like you to think that the Asokan period in Indian history was essentially an international period," Nehru told the Indian constituent assembly. "In the Asokan era," Nehru instructed, "India's ambassadors went abroad to far countries . . . as ambassadors of peace and culture and goodwill." Asoka's inclusiveness also inspired the clear-cut secularism that Nehru wanted for modern india. "It is strange that anyone should be so foolish," Nehru wrote, "as to think that religion and faith can be thrust down a person's throat at the point of the sword or a bayonet." His fortnightly missives to the chief ministers of the states of the Indian federation make evident his transition from a philosopher into a philosopher-statesman.
When it came time to choose the newly formed Republic of India's national emblems, Nehru selected artifacts unearthed from the Asokan era to visually represent these ethical categories. The state seal of India, for example, is based on the lion capitals that topped Asokan columns and posts. The dharmacakra (wheel of law) at the center of the Indian flag likewise harks back to the Asokan era. "The author of every one of these choices, at the time of Independence, was none other Jawaharlal Nehru," says Ms. Vajpeyi. The appeal of these symbols for Nehru, the author writes, was that in both their ancient and modern incarnations, they represented not just the vastness but also the ethical imperatives of the Indian state.
Noticeably absent from Ms. Vajpeyi's account is the Muslim contribution to the struggle for the Indian self. The author notes a lack of academic or other narrative attention to the quest of Indian Muslims for selfhood and sovereignty and acknowledges her inability to adequately address the subject in her book. India's pre-independence Muslim-Hindu rupture and the subcontinent's descent into a bloodbath at partition reveal the difficulties faced by the Indian founders in uniting a massive, disparate nation to overcome the most powerful empire at the time.
Today the country struggles with sectarian strife as well as corruption and poverty. Ms. Vajpeyi, though, sees hope. The founders' purposes were served by the turn to the past, and she believes the country can learn from the founders' experiences. "By reflecting on the crisis that India went through less than a century ago," the author writes, "we may discover what kinds of soul searching, acts of reading, and interpretive leaps are necessary at such junctures in history."
Ms. Koul is the author of a memoir, "The Tiger Ladies." She has just finished writing "The Kashmir Chronicles," a novel.

 精靈之城:德里一年 City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi

p.9  Essex Man 沒注解決
這是近代1980s 英國社會的一重要概念語
現在Wikipedia可以找出這字的說明 新的平均人 工人階段 嚮往中產者

Essex man and Mondeo man are stereotypical figures which were popularised in 1990s England. "Essex man" as a political figure is an example of a type of median voter and was used to help explain the electoral successes of Margaret Thatcher in the previous decade. The closely related "Mondeo man" was identified as the sort of voter the Labour Party needed to attract to win the 1997 election.[1]

City of Djinns (1994) is a travelogue by William Dalrymple about the historical capital of India, Delhi. It is his second book, and culminated as a result of his six-year stay in New Delhi.
City of Djinns was the first product of Dalrymple’s love affair with India, centring on Delhi, a city with ‘a bottomless seam of stories’. Shaped more like a novel than a travel book, he and his wife encounter a teeming cast of characters: his Sikh landlady, taxi drivers, customs officials, and British survivors of the Raj, as well as whirling dervishes and eunuch dancers (‘a strange mix of piety and bawdiness’). Dalrymple describes ancient ruins and the experience of living in the modern city: he goes in search of the history behind the epic stories of the Mahabharata. Still more seriously, he finds evidence of the city’s violent past and present day - the 1857 mutiny against British rule (anticipating The Last Mughal); the Partition massacres in 1947; and the riots after the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984.
The book followed his established style of historical digressions, tied in with contemporary events and a multitude of anecdotes.

查一下 這是2007年貼文
2009/4 我從朋友了解2008年買的黃道琳
藏書 是
譯者已逝 (Naipaul, India: A Million Mutinies Now印度:百萬叛變的今天)

印度三部曲(V. S. Naipaul 台灣: 奈波爾中國: 奈保爾 奈保爾爵士,2001年諾貝爾文學獎得主。1932年出生于特里尼達島上的一個印度移民家庭。1950年獲獎學金進 入牛津大學攻讀英國文學,1953年取得學位後遷居倫敦,任職英國廣播公司,1957年以《神秘按摩師》正式開 始寫作生涯。 )


這本台灣先出版約 二年
I S B N:9578278942
作 者:奈波爾
精平裝:/頁數 平裝本 / 234頁
出版日: 2001/11/10
「當今最優秀英語小說家」奈波爾就在此時二度造訪印度,撰成他的印度二部曲《印度:受傷的文明》一書。在此書中,他透過敏銳觀察,以分析手法探討了印度人 態度,以機鋒畢露、時而悲愴的文采,重現了此千年古國的種種難題,無一不切中核心,較諸世界銀行經濟學家小組和各式專家不遑多讓,令人景仰欣喜兼而有之。 這廣袤、神祕的苦悶大陸,在奈波爾眼中,由於久居於被征服者地位,「知性上已寄生於別的文明」,「獨立後迅即出現的戒嚴時期,凸顯了印度的創意無能、知性 枯竭,無力自衛,也彰顯出每個印度人觀念中的印度都不完整」。透過這趟旅程的所見所聞,奈波爾益發增強了心中信念:歷經千年異國統治的印度,迄今仍未找到 再生論。

An Area of Darkness (1964)
這本中國先出版約 二年
I S B N:9867247280
作 者:奈波爾
精平裝: 平裝本

India: A Wounded Civilization (1977)

奇 大陸版的翻譯者是....

1962年,奈保爾首次踏訪印度-他父祖輩的家園。從孟買、德里、加爾各答,再到他外祖父的故鄉,這個有著暖味身份的“異鄉人”與“過客”,見到的是無處 不在的貧困與丑陋,感受到的是震驚、憤怒、疏離、鄙夷與失落。春了一貫的冷嘲熱諷與孤傲尖酸中,後殖民情境中的印度亂象是那麼的令人無奈與絕望。這一年的 印度之旅其實也是他企圖探詢自己的歷史與身份認同的內心之旅,而他的收獲卻是看到︰印度屬于黑夜-一個已經死亡的世界,一段漫長的旅程。本書被奈保爾寫得 像畫家做的畫,可以說,不論他以何種文學形式書寫,他都是個大師!

India: A Million Mutinies Now (1990)


1988年,奈保爾第三度周游印度,這次的主題是從他特里尼達的童年生活中所感知的印度,驗證對照已是單一實體的印度。近距離觀察之後,他所看見的是它如 何分解成宗教、種姓、階級的拼圖。對奈保爾而言,這多樣性正是印度的力量所在。與前兩次游歷印度相比較,他的看法又如何呢?最顯著的,也許就是奈保爾更加 接近或者說成為了一個印度人,也就能更準確地向我們描述印度。 《印度︰百萬叛變的今天》幾乎就是印度人的口述歷史。奈保爾在書中毫不掩飾自己的角色、一個聆听者、一個記錄印度人心聲的人。本書內含“孟買劇場”、“秘 書身世:印度百年翦影”、“打破禁錮”、“小型戰爭”、“戰役之後”、“努力終端”等九部分內容。


第一章 想像力停駐的地方
第二章 階級
第三章 來自殖民地的人
第四章 追求浪漫傳奇的人
第五章 達爾湖中的娃娃屋
第六章 中古城市
第七章 進香
第八章 廢墟狂想曲
第九章 枕上的花環
第十章 緊急狀態
第十一章 還鄉記
附錄 奈保爾作品年表

India: A Million Mutinies Now is a book authored by V. S. Naipaul in 1990. It is a travelogue penned during the author's sojourn in his ancestral land — India. It was the third of Naipaul's acclaimed Indian trilogy which includes An Area of Darkness and India: A Wounded Civilization. True to his style, the narration is anecdotal and descriptive.
Naipaul expresses serious misgivings about Indian attitudes and the Indian way of life. On the other hand Naipaul notes the economic growth and its associated emancipation of the various peoples of India The title makes an analogy between the emancipation of millions and the Mutiny of 1857. The book is somewhat optimistic about the country and its peoples.


━━ n.反乱, 暴動, 反抗.
━━ vt.反乱を起す, 反抗する ((away)).
 ━━ n.暴徒, 反乱者.
 ━━ a.暴動[反乱]の; 反抗的.

(幽黯國度: 記憶與現實交錯的印度之旅)  An Area of Darkness

by V. S. Naipaul, 1964


《幽 黯國度》(一九六四年)是作者在印度遊歷一年,是部具有自傳色彩的作品,記錄他在祖國所見、所聞、所思。作者是出身於千里達島上的一個印度家庭。他的祖父 來自印度,但從不曾向我們描述這個國家的山川文物,在一種非常特殊的層次上,印度一直存留在作者童年生活的背景中。因此,對作者來說,印度並不是真實的 ──它只不過是存在於千里達這個小島外面的茫茫太虛中的一個國家。離開印度後,我們家族的旅程就算終結了。印度是虛懸在時間中的國家。在他心目中,印度依 舊是一個特殊的、與世隔絕的地方;它哺育過我祖父和其他出生在印度、以契約勞工身分來到千里達的鄉親,但即使是這段歷史,後來也湮沒在茫茫太虛中。




他其實引了許多著名的作品,包括台灣人大部分不知道的一本大部頭回憶錄:Autobiography of an Unknown Indian by Nirad C. Chaudhuri (第289頁)卷首題詞:


'Incorruptible' V.S. Naipaul wins Nobel Prize in literature

Thursday, October 11, 2001
Associated Press WriterSTOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- V.S. Naipaul, a writer of aching humor and grim reality, won the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday for his "incorruptible scrutiny" of postcolonial society and his critical assessments of Muslim fundamentalism.
Naipaul, 69, a British novelist and essayist who was born in Trinidad to parents of Indian descent, started with the West Indian island as his first subject. He extended his writings to include India, Africa, "America from south to north," and the Islamic communities of Asia and England, according to the citation.
The 215-year-old Swedish Academy singled out his 1987 autobiographical novel, "The Enigma of Arrival," saying the author created an "unrelenting image of the placid collapse of the old colonial ruling culture and the demise of European neighborhoods."
Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul left Trinidad at the age of 18, when he traveled to England to study at Oxford. Naipaul, whose other famous books include "A House for Mr. Biswas" and "A Bend in the River," writes in English.
In fiction and nonfiction, Naipaul described the upheaval of newly independent nations and the people who live with one foot in the remnants of their ancient culture and one in the culture of their colonial masters.
"The history I carried with me, together with the self-awareness that had come with my education and ambition, had sent me into the world with a sense of glory dead," Naipaul wrote in "The Enigma of Arrival."
The Nobel Literature Prize, first awarded to French author Sully Prudhomme in 1901, is worth $943,000 in this centennial year.
Academy head Horace Engdahl reached the laureate after Naipaul's wife, Nadia Khannum Alvi, had to call him several times to get him to the phone at his home in Wiltshire, England. Engdahl described him as a strong individual "which we also think is one of his qualities."
"He was very surprised and I don't think he was pretending. He was surprised because he feels that as a writer he doesn't represent anything but himself," Engdahl said.
Naipaul has the reputation of being a tough-minded, misanthropic man. He does not engage in such literary rituals as publishing parties. In "Sir Vidia's Shadow," a highly unflattering book published in 1998, former friend Paul Theroux wrote that "he elevated crankishness as the proof of his artistic temperament."
Last year's winner was little-known exiled Chinese novelist and playwright Gao Xingjian, a French citizen. His award was denounced by the Chinese government as political. Italy's Dario Fo and Germany's Guenter Grass are other recent winners with strong political views.
Engdahl conceded that this year's choice also might be seen as political in the wake of terror attacks in the United States and the American reaction due to Naipaul's criticism of Muslim fundamentalism in non-Arab countries like Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia and Pakistan.
"The present situation perhaps will make room for a more muted reaction," he said. "I don't think we will have violent protests from the Islamic countries and if they take the care to read his travel books from that part of the world they will realize that his view of Islam is a lot more nuanced."
"What he's really attacking in Islam is a particular trait that it has in common with all cultures that conquerors bring along, that it tends to obliterate the preceding culture," he said.
The 18 lifetime members of the academy make the selection in deep secrecy at one of their weekly Thursday meetings and nominees are not publicly revealed for 50 years, leaving the literary world with only speculation about who might be in the running.
Alfred Nobel, the Swedish industrialist and inventor of dynamite, offered only vague guidance about the prizes in his will, saying only the award should go to those who "shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind" and "who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction." The awards always are handed out on Dec. 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death in 1896.
The Nobels started Monday with the naming of medicine prize winners, American Leland H. Hartwell and Britons Tim Hunt and Paul Nurse, for work on cell development that could lead to new cancer treatments.
The physics award went Tuesday to German scientist Wolfgang Ketterle and Americans Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman for creating a new state of matter, an ultra-cold gas known as Bose-Einstein condensate.
On Wednesday, the economics prize went to Americans George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz for developing ways to measure the power of information in a wide range of deals and investments. On the same day, Americans K. Barry Sharpless and William S. Knowles shared the chemistry prize with Ryoji Noyori of Japan for showing how to better control chemical reactions used in producing medicines.
The peace prize is to be announced on Friday in Oslo, Norway.

On the Net:
Nobel site, http://www.nobel.se
Swedish Academy site, http://www.svenskaakademien.se/ENG/index...


抵達之謎 The Enigma of Arrival By V.S. Naipaul, 
The Enigma of the Arrival and the Afternoon (1912) – Giorgio de Chirico

先讀第五卷 告別儀式 ,可知《薄伽梵歌》Bhagavad Gītā 在印度文化的重量。

The Enigma of Arrival
First edition
AuthorV. S. Naipaul
TranslatorTreena Mukherjee (Hindi)
CountryUnited Kingdom
GenreAutobiographical novel
PublisherViking Press
Publication date
March 1987
Media typePrint (Hardback & Paperback)


“. . . in the foreground there are two figures, both muffled, one perhaps the person who has arrived, the other perhaps a native of the port. The scene is of desolation and mystery; it speaks of the mystery of arrival.” pp.91-2
V. S. Naipaul’s novel The Enigma of Arrival refers to this painting by de Chirico, in which Naipaul outlines a story he wishes to write, based on the painting.
It is a personal meditation; a concentrated story about the sadness at the heart of love. Naipaul begins with a dedication: ‘In loving memory of my brother Shiva Naipaul 25 February 1945, Port of Spain 13 August 1985, London’. It is also a reflection on mortality. This is different from the other books I’ve read by Naipaul. In this book, Naipaul creates an intensely spiritual space in which a reader can be blissfully alone.
“He would walk past that muffled figure on the quayside. He would move from that silence and desolation, that blankness, to a gateway or door. He would enter there and be swallowed by the life and noise of a crowded city . . . Gradually there would come to him a feeling that he was getting nowhere, he would lose his sense of mission; he would begin to know only that he was lost. His feeling of adventure would give way to panic. He would want to escape, to get back to the quayside and his ship. But he wouldn’t know how . . . At the moment of crisis he would come upon a door, open it, and find himself back on the quayside of arrival. He has been saved; the world is as he remembered it. Only one thing is missing now. Above the cut-out walls and buildings there is no mast, no sail. The antique ship is gone. The traveller has lived out his life.” pp. 91-2

On Being a Writer By V.S. Naipaul

V.S. Naipaul has died. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 2001 and wrote for The New York Review on many subjects, from the Caribbean, India, Congo, Argentina, and Indonesia to the 1984 Republican National Convention; a number of his books began as reporting trips for the magazine. In 1987, he wrote this essay about his own path as a writer.
I do not really know how I became a writer. I can give certain dates and certain facts about my career. But the process itself remains mysterious. It is mysterious, for instance, that the ambition should have come first—the wish to be a writer, to have that distinction, that fame—and that this a...

廖亦武《輪迴的螞蟻》《六四‧我的證詞》;Nineteen Days /捷克哈維爾(Vaclav Havel來自遠方的拷問)




  2008年5月該書英文版The Corpse Walker: Real Life Stories: China From the Bottom Up出版,讓地下作家廖亦武在海外一夜成名。可在中國,他的言行依然受到嚴格封殺,曾17次被禁止出國。2011年7月,因準備在美國和德國出版《上帝是紅色的》和《六四:我的證詞》,受到警方再次判刑坐牢的威脅,不得不買通黑社會,輾轉越南逃亡德國。流亡後的廖亦武,在英、法、德、西、葡、義等三十多個國家都有多種著作出版,特別在德國及法國,以一年一本的速度出版有《六四:我的證詞》、《子彈鴉片》、《洞洞舞女和川菜廚子》、《上帝是紅色的》、《這個帝國必須分裂》、《毛時代的愛情》、《鄧時代的地下詩人》,並獲得德國書業和平獎、雪爾兄妹獎、卡普欽斯基國際報導文學獎、法國抵抗詩人奬等十多個重要獎項。在伯恩斯坦看來,廖亦武不僅是有作品被翻譯成多種外語的中國當代作家中最優秀、最具挑戰性和創新的一位,更是一位勇敢大膽的有著獨立意志的人,任何時候都會捍衛自己自由言論和自由思考的權利(Liao is not only a fine writer but a courageous and brave and individual willing to stand up at every turn for his right to speak and think freely)。








  獄中歲月依舊是這部小說的枝幹之一。小說的創作始於作者服刑中的 1992 年。今年 58 歲的他,在前言中描述怎樣偷偷把螞蟻大小的字跡填滿破爛不堪的紙片,以此在內心深處重建剝奪不去的尊嚴和自由—這讓他的靈肉挺過家常便飯似的虐待和酷刑,地獄之旅成為這部書的出發點—在身體不能走的時候,心也要不斷向前,只有心自由了,遙遠的風中回聲才將撲面而來,飛舞的亡靈也將撲面而來。如果把這部跌宕起伏又哲思深沉的傑作簡化成一個便於評論的文學標籤,就太可惜了。作者高超的敘事技巧讓人驚嘆不已,從毫無掩飾的直白到極其晦暗的嘲諷,在這部書裡你能見識各種迥異的講述風格,隨處橫溢的非凡想像讓人不得不折服。它往往漫不經心地將讀者帶上意料不到的旅程:奇幻的、荒誕的、甚至是惡作劇的,每一場景都充滿幽默、戲謔和極端放肆。——德意志電台



德語書評一 明鏡周刊:好作家應該蹲監獄
德語書評二 德意志電臺:壓迫感與畫面感的極致
德語書評三 法蘭克福匯報:坐牢獲自由
德語書評四 世界日報:自由就是他自己
德語書評五 蘇黎世提示報:小螞蟻的大目標


卷一 獄中手稿

卷二 喪家之犬

卷三 兩代人

卷四 畫地為牢

卷五 淪落江湖





作者:Maximilian Kalkhof ,中譯:王培根





  20多年後的今天,他終於在遙遠的柏林給自己第一本長篇小說畫上句號。值得注意的是, 此書首先面世的是德文—它還沒有中文或英文版本。

  《輪迴的螞蟻》講述了作者從前的自我。它把老威的虛構故事和中國的大歷史交織在一塊,發展 一部荒誕的、中國式公路電影似的小說,戲謔的筆法讓現實與過去、真實和超現實之間的界限變得模糊不清。它充滿極其高超的幽默,而老威在當中扮演了一個妙不可言的反英雄。

  老威有自己的政治倫理底線,也懂得靈活運用。出獄以後,他隨波逐流,混跡於江湖,缺錢時,就將盜版來中國的紐約低俗小說《教父》改頭換面,連夜編譔 《教母》和《教子》,讓中國民運昔日領袖在美國街頭與白人警察槍戰,不料竟成暢銷書。時過境遷,當年上街遊行示威的同志們,不少淪為一夜暴富的商人。可在另一面,老威又對老一套的說教不感興趣。當一喝醉的警察提醒,沒有共產黨中國人統統得餓死,他就使勁打哈欠說自己也他媽的醉了。


  小姐: 「如果多來幾次, 成熟客了, 可以打八到七折。」











作者:Oliver Pfohlmann,中譯:王培根
2016 年 12 月 12 日

  《輪迴的螞蟻》—這是中國異議詩人廖亦武第一本長篇小說書名,他 2011 年逃到柏林,先後獲得了紹爾兄妹獎和德國書業和平獎。這本 500 多頁的鴻篇巨製始於 1992 年作者被監禁時,終於不久前的流亡中。

  「流逝的並沒有死去,」威廉•福克納寫道,「甚至根本沒在流逝中死去。」當有人被夢魘般的回憶所壓迫,觸及到歷史深處的某些傷口,福克納這話就顯得很有道理。就如在中國,每個關於 1989 年天安門大屠殺的討論都被嚴禁一樣。在瘋狂鎮壓抗議者之際,獨裁政權還把整個中國變成一座「血腥刺鼻的大兵營」,廖亦武在他的小說裡這樣寫道。




  與小說情節相似,廖亦武也用簫聲悼念那些亡靈,不過不是在天安門廣場,而是在他的另一個「故鄉」德國,在一場接一場的作品朗誦會上。這位發表《這個帝國必須分裂》的著名異議人士獲得了 2012 年德國書業和平獎,與此同時,他的名字成為祖國的禁忌—這樣詭異的現實令這部長篇小說處女作竟以德譯本向全世界首發。目前為止,廖亦武以刻畫中國社會 「沉默大多數」的紀實文學而聞名,那些被剝奪、被歧視、被踐踏的人們,在中國按獨裁指令向壟斷資本主義狂奔中掉了隊。而此前,那首寫於大屠殺之夜的預言性長詩《大屠殺》,讓他身陷囹圄 4 年。2011 年出版的記錄這段經歷的《為了一首歌和一百首歌》裡,他已充分展現作為故事敘述者的文字功力和才華。

  獄中歲月依舊是這部小說的枝幹之一。小說的創作始於作者服刑中的 1992 年。今年 58 歲的他,在前言中描述怎樣偷偷把螞蟻大小的字跡填滿破爛不堪的紙片,以此在內心深處重建剝奪不去的尊嚴和自由—這讓他的靈肉挺過家常便飯似的虐待和酷刑,地獄之旅成為這部書的出發點—在身體不能走的時候,心也要不斷向前,只有心自由了,遙遠的風中回聲才將撲面而來,飛舞的亡靈也將撲面而來。


  由於老犯人的幫助,手稿被偷運出獄,藏起來,直到在20 多年後的流亡中完成。一目了然的是:主角老威的人生軌跡,與作者經歷有諸多重合。例如故事中種種家國遭遇,以及老威因為一首詩而成「反革命」—粉墨登場的還有好些異議知識分子,作者爛熟於心的朋友們,包括被長期監禁的唯一的諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波—譯者白嘉琳因此稱這部書為「看似虛構的文學自傳」。








Vaclav Havel


The Paris Review is a literary magazine featuring original writing, art, and in-depth interviews with famous writers.

Nineteen Days

Liao Yiwu

ISSUE 189, SUMMER 2009

June 4, 1989 
A massacre took place in the capital city of the People’s Republic of China. The size of it shocked the world. Nobody knows precisely how many innocent people lost their lives. The government put the number of “collateral deaths” at two hundred or less. But many Chinese believe that it was more like three thousand innocent students and residents who were slain. 
I didn’t witness the killings in Tiananmen Square. I was home in Fuling, a small mountain town well known for its pickled and shredded turnips. When I heard the news, I was outraged. I composed an epic poem, “Massacre,” to commemorate the government’s brutality against its people. With the help of a visiting Canadian friend, I made a tape, chanting my poem into an old toothless tape recorder. My wife Axia was also present. 
June 4, 1990 
It was a sultry, gloomy day. I was locked up inside a detention center operated by the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau. I had survived the initial blitz of constant interrogations, which had lasted twenty days. I was packed into a cell with several dozen common criminals. My head had gone bald on the top. Waves of lightning cut across the sky like giant saws. I muttered to myself: “Time flies. It’s been a year already.” 
A detainee who had been assigned to clean the hallway came in and hastily slipped me a tiny piece of folded-up paper. I unfolded it. It was a note from Liu Daheng: “Bearded Liao, I’m hungry. Could you scrounge a wheat bun and pass it on to me? It would be even better if you could get me two cigarettes.” Liu was in my crew. They arrested us while we were making a movie about the Tiananmen massacre. I don’t remember what I was able to get for him to eat. I think it was half of a cold bun that I had saved. 
June 4, 1991
 I lay stuck between two death-row inmates. Their shackles clanked loudly each time they turned their bodies. All night long, I floated in and out of bad dreams. 
It had been a bad year for prisoners. The flood in Anhui Province affected food supplies nationally. At the detention center in Chongqing, our food portions became smaller. Eventually, our daily meal was reduced to two pieces of sweet potato and some pumpkin or plain potato, which had been boiled to a gruel. We would close our eyes and stuff it into our throats. There was neither oil nor salt. The pumpkins were yellowish and the potatoes were white. Soon, the stuff would exit from the other end, undigested. We were hungry all the time. Two dozen detainees were crammed into a cell as small as thirty or forty feet square, so we didn’t have room to do anything else except sit side by side on a long wooden plank all day long. Our waists had thickened from malnutrition, as if we were corrupt government officials who had been wined and dined all the time. Each time we stood up, we wobbled, our legs shaking. 
June 4, 1992
 I lay half awake and half asleep, still stuck between two death-row inmates. I had gotten used to them. No matter how frequently they turned around with their clanking shackles, I slept as soundly as a pig. 
Several inmates had been released earlier for good behavior. My charges had been reduced. I was no longer charged with organizing a large-scale counterrevolutionary group. My crimes had been changed to “engaging in individual counterrevolutionary activities,” and the government had sentenced me to four years in jail. If I could deduct the time I had already served at the detention center, freedom seemed to be not too far away. 
I had attempted two suicides. The guards had punished me many times by tying both of my hands behind my back and leaving me in a dark cell for as long as twenty-three consecutive days. They prodded me with their electric batons. They also tortured me by poking my asshole with their batons while kicking and punching me. I was constantly on edge as death-row inmates were taken away to the execution ground. I looked like a ghost. 
June 4, 1993
 I was transferred from the No. 2 Sichuan Provincial Prison in the suburbs of Chongqing. I will serve out the rest of my sentence at the No. 3 Prison in Dazu County, in northern Sichuan Province. Tonight, a dozen convicted counterrevolutionaries gathered spontaneously in the courtyard, squatting down and silently watching the sky like those fabled frogs stuck at the bottom of a deep well. 
I was holding a flute in my hand. The crowd surrounded me, asking me to play a tune. I was still an amateur, though, and hadn’t yet mastered the instrument. I became really nervous in front of the crowd and played out a string of dissonant notes. 
Li Bifeng, an inmate, patted me on my shoulder and said: “Old Liao, I’m glad that you will be released soon.” Another inmate, Pu Yong, who died soon after his release, interrupted us: “We will all be released soon. I bet you that on the fifth anniversary, the verdict will be overturned and all of us, no matter what type of sentences we are serving, will be released.” 
June 4, 1994
 I was a free man. I was released three months earlier for what the prison authorities called “good behavior.” 
My wife, Axia, had divorced me, and left with our child. Police revoked my registration card in Fuling. I moved in with my ailing parents in Chengdu. Beginning the night of June 3, police appeared in front of our house and took turns guarding me. They didn’t leave until June 5. 
In the afternoon, my new girlfriend, Song Yu, traveled all the way from Mianyang city to spend time with me on that special day. A student activist and candidate member of the Communist Party, she had turned eighteen that year. Her bold visit shocked the police stationed outside the house, but they let her in. That evening, we lit a candle and paid tribute to the victims of Tiananmen. Then we immersed ourselves in the sweetness of our newly found love. 
When the student protest began in 1989, Song Yu was only thirteen. She grew up in a small town and said she couldn’t grasp the full meaning of my life story. But seeing that I have gone through so much suffering, she said she would love me and accompany me through the rest of my life. 
June 4, 1995
 I spent the anniversary inside a guest house affiliated with the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau. Several weeks before, I had participated in several petition drives initiated by my friend, Liu Xiaobo, a writer in Beijing. He had circulated a petition letter entitled “Draw Lessons from the Blood.” All the signers had been snatched up by police. Some were under house arrest. I was invited to stay at the guest house. Despite the fact that I was never considered a VIP dissident, they had me share a room with two policemen. It was comical: One was fat and the other was lanky and tall. The fat one slept quietly while the thin one snored thunderously all night long. 
June 4, 1996
 The police temporarily expelled Liu Xiaobo and his wife Liu Xia from Beijing for fear that they might talk with foreign reporters or stir up trouble during the anniversary. Liu sought refuge in Chengdu, and we spent the day together. Liu bought some nice clothes for Song Yu, now the new wife of this starving writer. He said it was his first time buying clothes for a friend’s wife. Seeing how pretty and wonderful Song Yu was, he began to worry that this idiot called Liao Yiwu wouldn’t be able to keep her for long. Not long afterward, Liu was arrested and put in jail again. 
June 4, 1997
 I was struggling to find a job to support myself. On that day, a policewoman invited me to have tea at a local teahouse. She was there to monitor me, making sure that I didn’t cause any trouble on the anniversary. During our awkward conversation, I learned that she and I happened to have been born on the same day of the same month of the same year. 
June 4, 1998
 I was under house arrest again. I had written an open letter to President Bill Clinton, protesting his visit to China during the memorial month of June. At least the house arrest forced me to keep up with my writing. I had no choice: there wasn’t any other way to occupy myself. 
June 4, 1999
 I accepted an interview request from Radio Free Asia, which is based in Washington, DC, and read my poem “Massacre” on the air. 
June 4, 2000
 I cannot recall where I was and what I was doing. 
June 4, 2001
 Where was I? Again, I don’t remember. 
June 4, 2002
 I spent most of my day inside an intensive-care unit taking care of my father, who was dying of lung cancer. A school teacher all his life, he was branded a counterrevolutionary during the Cultural Revolution. He filed for divorce to protect his children. Later, he and my mother moved back in together. 
The previous week, I recorded a new version of “Massacre,” which was distributed underground. I was very busy and my father’s condition drove me to the point of despair. I didn’t even realize it was the anniversary. Inside the oncology department, people died and were wheeled out every couple of days. The deaths occurred more frequently at night. A cart from the morgue would rise slowly to the top floor through a special elevator, gliding quietly through the corridor and then into the ICU. The loud, grief-stricken screams, like sudden explosions of deeply buried landmines, echoed in the long corridor. I would immediately shut the door and hold my father’s hands, which were hanging limp by the bedside. I felt so helpless. 
June 4, 2003
 I was agonized with pain. My wife Song Yu and I were on the verge of breaking up. She said she could no longer handle my vagabond life. She was tired and craved a normal, secure life. After ten years, she was ending our relationship. After leaving me a letter at home, she went into hiding. 
I went into exile in a small town in the southwestern province of Yunnan. I spent the evening with a new girlfriend at a bar where a group of out-of-town drunkards were hanging out. Out of the blue, a stranger in the crowd yelled: “Does anyone know what day it is?” People shook their heads. One person said: “Who gives a fuck what day it is. Just enjoy the day!” I felt as though an electric shock had singed my scalp. I blurted out: “It’s June 4.” Everybody looked at me strangely. My new girlfriend, under the influence of beer, said: “Liao was a well-known poet in the eighties. He wrote a wonderful poem called ‘Massacre.’” Everybody applauded me, pouring more beer in my mug and urging me to read my poem. I went on the stage and jumped up and down, chanting and performing the poem. I hadn’t realized that this old, faded poem could still bring so many people to tears. 
June 4, 2005
 I was traveling in Yunnan, wandering around and conducting interviews with people for a series of books about victims of injustice in China. 
June 4, 2006
 I was in Yunnan, packing for my trip to Hunan Province, trying to track down Yu Zhijian, who was arrested in 1989 for tossing eggs filled with paint at the Chairman’s portrait in Tiananmen Square. 
June 4, 2007
 During the past two weeks, my mother contacted me repeatedly, urging me to come back to Chengdu and help her move back into our old house. She had left our house the year my father died. After living in different places, she was eager to come back. I obliged. After we finished unpacking, I sat in my father’s room. Nothing had changed. I sat in my father’s old chair, staring at a wall while my mother was nagging and yelling in the kitchen. My mind reeled. I felt as though I had reached old age. Aside from the fact that I didn’t smoke, I couldn’t tell the difference between me and my father. Who was it that occupied this body of mine, me or my father? 
My friend Liu Xiaobo e-mailed me, “ordering” me to write an article to commemorate the eighteenth anniversary of Tiananmen. I declined, with the lame excuse that my surroundings weren’t suitable for any kind of creative effort. In reality, I lacked the motivation, and the courage. But Liu wouldn’t let me off the hook that easily. He e-mailed me back right away: “How dare you?” 
I had to come up with something. But my innocence and passion had slowly been worn away. Memories of what had happened to me were gradually fading. People had become more jaded and cynical, many taking refuge in their comfortable nests. A drunkard once muttered to me at a bar: “The dead are silent and the living struggle with futility.” 
June 4, 2008
 I continued to interview victims of the May 12 earthquake that hitWenchuan County, about seventy kilometers away from Chengdu. About sixty-nine thousand people were killed, and the survivors were struggling. The only thing I could do was record the survivors’ stories, their pains, frustrations, and anger. In the morning, I talked with a group of victims who had managed to leave the mountainous region of Qingcheng and had come to Chengdu. They had set up tents behind the city’s western gate. They looked weary and distracted. In the afternoon, two friends mentioned the anniversary and I couldn’t help sighing: Nineteen years! 
Three years after the massacre, I was in jail. Five years later, police were stationed in front of my house. Seven years later, there were sporadic memorial activities organized by individuals or small groups—petition letters, candlelight vigils, the burning of paper money to appease the dead, poetry readings, and hunger strikes. On the tenth anniversary, I repeated my poem “Massacre” for an overseas radio station by chanting and yelling into my telephone receiver. Then things started to change for me. I don’t want to be like a second-class actor, waiting for this special occasion year after year so I can summon all my strength and put on full costume for a show. I’m getting old and my passion is fading. 
I remembered the story of Sun Jinxuan, a poet who died of lung cancer in late 2002. On June 4 that year, he woke up with pain. He called a dozen of his friends, most of whom were poets, writers, and celebrities. The first thing he asked on the phone was: “Do you know what day it is?” The majority of them answered: “It is Duanwu Festival, the time when people eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves.” Some thought Sun was losing his memory, and explained that the Duanwu Festival was meant to commemorate a patriotic poet named Qu Yuan. Believe it or not, I was the only one who correctly pointed out the anniversary. Sun felt embarrassed and outraged by the answers of his friends. He yelled loudly on the phone, announcing that he intended to stage a one-person demonstration on the street. His slogan would be: “Killings, killings. No memories, no memories.” Since he was at the very end of his life and was too sick to even get up from his bed, he ordered me to show up at his hospital in thirty minutes to help him with his last wish. I hesitated for a moment and then hung up the phone. What if he dropped dead on the street? I would be blamed for murdering him, wouldn’t I? 

Postscript: June 4, 2009
 The police had started to remind me of the anniversary in May. They came to see me frequently, telling me to be “low-key” and not to do anything subversive. On the afternoon of June 1, public security officers invited me to their office and interrogated me. They had heard that I had written an article called “Nineteen Days.” They wanted to know what my motives were. 
—Translated from Chinese by Wenguang Huang


中國短訊 | 08.08.2011 | 17:00 UTC

現實太震撼,虛構太不值 廖亦武 唯有見證!◎中國時報開卷/林欣誼100年8月6日


突破禁令 抵達柏林

六四後 和平演變夢碎

 當今中國 首要是見證

無獨有偶,繼廖亦武之後,另一位著名學者崔衛平也在三月下旬被禁赴美。《紐約時報》對這件事也很重視,作了專訪報告,以顯著的版面刊出。崔衛平是北京電影學院的教授,一向以學術研究和政治、社會評論互相結合,也彼此支援,捷克哈維爾(Vaclav Havel)的思想進入中國,她的貢獻甚大。今年她接受了哈佛大學和美國亞洲學會的雙重邀請,先到哈佛講演,再去費城參加討論會。但是在啟程前兩天,學校當局突然取消了她的出國假期。不用說,這當然是出於黨委的授意。但同一時期之內,也同時得到哈佛和亞洲協會雙重邀請的汪暉則順利出境,暢通無阻,對照之下,黨天下的意圖更是無所遁形了。《紐約時報》在新聞分析中也把崔衛平事件和廖亦武案聯繫在一起,並指出中共一向以禁止外訪為懲罰不聽話的人的一個重要手段。



I.F. Stone 及「史東的孩子」(一群致力賦予新聞報導新面貌的獨立記者)



——傑瑞米•史東引述父親以撒多•史東(I. F. Stone)的話
以撒多•史東(I. F. Stone)被譽為二十世紀最偉大的記者之一,他創辦的《史東週報》成為獨立新聞的典範,對政府的行為與政策直言不諱,揭發政府和商業媒體、財團勾結的謊言…
#所有的政府都撒謊#媒體 #政治 #民主 #記者
★奧利佛史東 監製


2015年12月26日 星期六

The Trial of Socrates by I.F. Stone, 1988

"Because Plato turned the trial of his master, Socrates, into a trial of Athens and of democracy. He used it to demonstrate that the common people were too ignorant, benighted and fickle to entrust with political power. In Plato’s "Apology," the contrast drawn between the nobility of Socrates and the grim verdict of his juror-judges indicted democracy in the eyes of posterity. And thanks to his genius, no other trial except that of Jesus has so captured the imagination of Western man."
-- I. F. Stone on why the trial of Socrates is still important
In unraveling the long-hidden issues of the most famous free speech case of all time, noted author I.F. Stone ranges far and wide over Roman as well as Greek history to present an engaging and rewarding introduction to classical antiquity and its relevance to society today. The New York Times called this national best-seller an "intellectual thriller."

Hanching Chung 2004-06-17 23:08:59 評論賞析|藝術人文 
斯東(Stone)著《蘇格拉底的審判》(The Trial ofSocrates) 

一本書的網:斯東(Stone)著《蘇格拉底的審判》(The Trial of Socrates)

出版社鼎鼎大名,本書牛津大學出版社還有一級不尋常的信息:All attempts to trace the copyright holder have proved unsuccessful. 我十年前猜原作者至少放棄該書的所有翻譯本之版權。

本文之圖為"The Death of Socrates" by Jacques-Louis David (1787)
取自英文文獻 Trial of Socrates Homepage

I‧F‧斯東(Stone)著《蘇格拉底的審判》(The Trial of Socrates by I.F. Stone,1988),(董樂山譯,香港:牛津大學出版社,1994;生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店1998年2月據港版重排初印)

(This interview was originally published in The New York Times Magazine, April 8, 1979. Stone further developed his ideas about the Socrates trial and published them in his 1988 book, The Trial of Socrates.) 

June 19, 1989 OBITUARY 
I.F. Stone, Iconoclast of Journalism, Is Dead at 81 

This site includes an essay on the trial, primary documents, maps, images, and links relating to...

  • stone, trial of socr.. - University of Virginia


    by G Klosko - ‎1989
    Nov 14, 2001 - The Trial of Socrates. Review Author[s]: George Klosko. The American Political Science Review, Volume 83, Issue 1 (Mar., 1989), 279-280.
  • The trial of Socrates (Open Library)


    Jan 7, 2012 - The trial of Socrates by I. F. Stone, 1989,Anchor Books edition, in English - 1st Anchor Books ed.
  • 《平凡的我︰黎東方回憶錄》〈我的導師馬第埃先生〉馬第埃(Albert Mathiez)



    平凡的我 第一集/第二集

    黎東方(1907年-1998年12月30日),原名智廉,法文名Orient Lee。祖籍河南汝寧府正陽縣皮店人。


    黎東方早年接受私塾教育。1926年報考清華大學歷史系時,因為程序上的失誤來不及報考一年級,硬著頭皮從二年級開始;在「歷史研究法」的入門上,由梁啓超指導。 三年級上學期的時候去了法國巴黎大學,專修法國大革命史於名教授馬第埃(Albert Mathiez)教授之門,1931年獲巴黎大學文學博士學位,論文為《一七九一年至共和三年比利時與列日的革命家的委員會與俱樂部》(Les Comités et les clubs des patriotes belges et liégeois, 1791-an III),並得付以[最榮譽記名](為該校20世紀第一人)。1931年8月回國,在北京大學清華大學主講歷史哲學,1937年至開封,任東北大學教授。1944年9月24日在重慶中一路黃家埡口實驗劇場,賣票「品三國」,每張門票40元法幣(約2美元),盛況空前,被稱為「現代東方講史第一人」。抗日勝利後,應賽珍珠之邀赴美。1948年歸國任貴州大學歷史學系主任。1954年與林語堂新加坡共創南洋大學




    張曉峰氏和他相尚以道,相慕以文,倚為手足,親如兄弟;他亦雅重張之恢宏氣度與力學精神。他曾親譯張著孔學今義》、《戰國學術》二巨冊為英文,以廣其流傳。張譽之為“中國之湯因比 ”,創例聘他為研究教授,只授一門課程,並指定講師一人為其助理,以助其寫作中英文對照之巨著《中國史之研究》。張氏逝後,他痛失子期,離台去美,卜居於南加,繼續埋首著書,期於早日完成。此書已改名為《我們的根》,上溯史前,下及現代,既分述各斷代,亦通論其因革成敗之典章制度,與夫科技文哲社經,熔中外為一爐,串古今以一貫,將為史學之精金美玉。此外,他已寫有專書數十部,論文百餘篇,士林傳育,紙貴洛陽,均可概見其博識文才。著述之暇,嘗多次用英語在各大城市作公開演講,弘揚中國文化,不亞當年川滇談風生之時。他身在異域,情系宗邦,念念不忘歸根,以85歲高齡,尚在撰寫《我們的根》,使在歐美出生的華人子女以及海峽兩岸的中華兒女認知我列祖列宗如何締造了大好河山和優美文化,其一片真摯的愛國情懷,尤令人肅然生敬。我們應為有這樣一位史學家和教育家的河南同鄉而感到自豪。從國家民族出發,他是世界級學者,桃李滿天下,國之瑰寶而鮮為人知,故特述其生平,以補史闕。


    1944年9月,在“ 陪都 ”重慶鬧市區的一家劇院門口,接連十天,人頭攢動,盛況不衰。這不是哪位戲劇名角在唱大戲,而是一位名叫黎東方的歷史學家在這兒開講“三國”。那時沒有電視轉播,聽眾只有買票一場一場地去聽,儘管一張門票要法幣40元(相當於2美元),價格不菲,但照樣聽眾踴躍,欲罷不能。
    1963年後歷任邁地森城威士康辛州大學客座教授、台灣中國文化大學教授、美國佛雷斯諾城加州州立學院教授、聖地亞哥城私立國際大學史學教授,又應英國牛津大學之邀,赴英講述中國彩陶與里海東境彩陶之比較,被譽為“中國之湯因比 ”。其重要著作有《中國史之研究》、《中國上古史八論》、《西洋通史序論》、《中華民國簡》,長篇自傳《平凡的我》,以及他所獨創的“細說體”系列史書《細說三國》、《細說元朝》、《細說明朝》、《細說清朝》、《細說民國創立》等,還有大量英文著作和譯著。
    黎先生借用“ 說三分 ”的民間口頭文學形式講三國故事,但他說的是歷史,既不虛構任何一個人物,也不虛構任何一個故事,而是廣泛地從各種史書史料中蒐集素材,按需而取,巧妙地貫串起來,以生動活潑、引人入勝的語言鋪展開去,竟吸引了無數聽眾。黎先生的講史從重慶市中心擴展到近郊,其後又在瀘州、貴陽、昆明等地掀起高潮,講史的內容,從三國到清朝,由清朝到唐朝,成了一時熱點。林語堂得知此事,說要將“ 幽默大師 ”的名銜轉送給黎東方。黎東方的講史盛舉,使史學著作增添了一種新的體裁—— 黎東方講史,又稱細說體。在他寫出《細說清朝》以後,胡適鼓勵他把列朝列代都講一遍。20世紀60年代,黎氏講史體著作《細說三國》《細說元朝》《細說明朝》《細說清朝》和《細說民國》在台灣出版,30年後,又由上海人民出版社出版,備受好評。

    Frederic Wakeman 魏斐德1937~2006; Strange Defeat By Marc Bloch奇怪的戰敗; History Heroes: Marc Bloch By Mike Dash


    復旦大學文史研究院院長楊志剛:「大约1985年,美国魏斐德(Frederic Wakeman)教授到访复旦,在教室和研究生宿舍,就正趋红火的“文化”、“文化史”话题,与学生座谈。针对当时流行的中国传统文化阻碍现代化的观点和心态,这位汉学家提醒,近代英国,在1850年前后,实现了从好勇斗狠到彬彬有礼和一身绅士风度的国民性转变。他突显了“文化”在创造性方面可能的能动作用,并指出有种类似“switch”的存在,通过其调节可以引发历史发展的转向。如何找寻这“switch”,又如何认识、把握其调节。」


    Wikipedia 的Frederic Wakeman ,沒日文等等,甚怪


    • Spymaster: Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service(正體字版《特工教父:戴笠和他的祕勤組織》;簡體字版《間諜王:戴笠與中國特工》)
    • 《洪業 : 清朝開國史》(The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in the 17th Century)
    • 《大門口的陌生人 : 1839-1861年間華南的社會動亂》(Strangers at the Gate: Social Disorder in South China, 1839-1861)
    • The Fall of Imperial China(正體字版《大清帝國的衰亡》;簡體字版《中華帝國的衰亡》)
    • 《講述中國歷史》(Telling Chinese History : A Selection of Essays)
    • 《歷史與意志 : 毛澤東思想的哲學透視》(History and Will: Philosophical Perspectives of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought)
    • 上海三部曲
      • 《上海警察》(Policing Shanghai, 1927-1937)
      • 《上海歹士 : 戰時恐怖活動與城市犯罪1937-1941》(Shanghai Badlands, 1937-1942)
      • 《紅星照耀上海城》(The Red Star Over Shanghai, 1942-1952)
    • 《中華人民共和國的明清史研究》
    • 《中國現代化問題 : 一個多方位的歷史探索》

    In 1939 France declared war on Germany after its invasion and occupation of Poland. As France mobilized its troops, Marc Bloch left his position at the Sorbonne and took up his reserve status as a captain in the French Army at the age of 52. He was encouraged at the time by colleagues both in France and abroad to leave the country. He said it was his personal obligation to stand for the moral imperative.
    I was born in France, I have drunk the waters of her culture. I have made her past my own. I breathe freely only in her climate, and I have done my best, with others, to defend her interests.[9]
    His memoir of the first days of World War II, Strange Defeat, written in 1940 but not published until 1946, blamed the sudden total military defeat on the French military establishment, along with her social and political culture, and helped after the war to neutralize the traumatic memory of France's failure, and to build a new French identity.[10]

     In Strange Defeat he clearly states his view that individuals can change events and he castigates the French government's refusal to trust its own officers in the field of battle, thus leading to the surrender of France to the Nazis.

    叢書名:五南文庫 ; 19.

    BlochMarc, 1886-1944. 陸元昶

    臺北市 : 五南 2009.07

    可在 總圖  (742.264 4034 )獲得

    Dash, Mike. "History Heroes: Marc Bloch". Smithsonianmag. Retrieved 4 July 2014.

    History Heroes: Marc Bloch

    Scholar created a whole new way of looking at history, but found time to fight in two World Wars–latterly, aged 60, as a leader of the French Resistance

    image: https://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/uyVEwku4XucPbEjl9NnSFdu_ZqU=/800x600/filters:no_upscale()/https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/20111110113012Block_marc-french-historian.jpg
    Marc Bloch: Historian. French Resistance leader. Hero.
    Marc Bloch: Historian. French Resistance leader. Hero.(Wikicommons)


    At eight on the evening of June 16, 1944—dusk on the tenth day after the Allied invasion of France–the Gestapo dragged 28 French resistance fighters from the cells where they had been incarcerated, tortured and interrogated at Montluc prison, Lyon. Handcuffed in pairs, the men were thrust onto an open truck and driven to an empty field outside a little village kn0wn as Saint-Didier-de-Formans. Along the way, a German officer bragged to them that the war would still be won, and that London was about to be destroyed by V1 flying bombs.
    London would, of course, survive, and the war would not be won by Nazi Germany, but that was scant consolation to the resistance men as they were taken four by four into the field for execution. The accounts of two men among the prisoners who miraculously survived being shot in the back at close range allow us to know something of their final moments. There were no pleas for mercy. Some of the men shouted out last words as they were led into the field—”Adieu ma femme!” one of them called—but most remarkable was the brief scene that played out between the oldest and the youngest of the prisoners.
    The younger man was really a boy, 16 years old and terrified of what was about to happen. The older was small, balding but distinguished-looking, and, at 58, he wore round glasses and the haggard look of a prisoner who had survived repeated torture. As the execution party cocked its guns, the boy groaned, “This is going to hurt.” “No, my boy, it doesn’t hurt,” the older man assured him. He reached out to enclose the child’s hands in his own and held them, shouting “Vive la France!” as the first volley of machine-gun fire rang out.
    So died Marc Bloch, arguably the most important and influential historian of the 20th century, and without much doubt one of the greatest men among historians. It is given to very few members of any academic profession to revolutionize the way in which it is studied, but Bloch did that, helping to create the hugely influential Annales school, which argued compellingly in favor of the study of “history from below”—of everyday life, that is, studied in the context of geography and the social environment and over la longue durée, the long term: typically a thousand years or more. Even fewer men combine careers of such distincti0n with success in other fields. Bloch, though, fought in two World Wars, receiving four citations for bravery and winning the Légion d’honneur—the French equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor—in the first, and sacrificing his life to free his country from totalitarian dictatorship during the second. It is hard to think of any man who better deserves the tribute paid by L’Association Marc Bloch, the society set up to preserve his memory: “Historian and man of action.”

    image: https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/62/7f/627fdab0-7970-4c3f-b0ae-4a2dc11ae1f9/bloch.jpg
    Marc Bloch
    Marc Bloch as a sergeant in the First World War. He later rose to the rank of captain and was awarded France’s highest decoration for bravery. (Public Domain)

    Born in 1886, Bloch was the son of Gustave Bloch, a noted historian of Rome who lectured at the University of Lyon and believed firmly in the then-radical notion that history should be framed as a series of investigative questions rather than as little more than a mere narrative. The young Marc owed much of his early training to his father, who, like his mother, was the child of Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe—but it was perhaps one episode, during what was a predominantly idyllic childhood, that most influenced his way of thinking. For almost a dozen years, Bloch’s family campaigned for Alfred Dreyfus, the Jewish army officer falsely accused of spying for Germany, and whose arrest and wrongful conviction for treason in 1894 split France into two warring camps. The Dreyfus affair convinced the young Bloch that even apparently objective searches for “factual” information could result in dangerous distortions. His rejection of the idea that the “scientific” gathering of facts was the best way to approach history was a first step to the formulation of the radical and influential abandonment of event-led history that came to identify the Annales school.
    This acuteness of mind—luckily combined with his privileged upbringing—gave Bloch the opportunity to pursue a stellar academic career, which took him through some of the finest schools and universities in France and culminated in a series of groundbreaking books. Although best-known in the English-speaking world for his The Historian’s Craft—a book packed with still-valid advice for would-be practitioners of the art of reading history—Bloch’s major academic works also remain widely read. Only one deals with a modern subject—L’Etrange Défaite (The Strange Defeat), a remarkably insightful study of the reasons for the catastrophic French collapse in 1940, written in the first months of the Nazi victory—but, in Bloch’s hands, even the most esoteric subjects were made to yield useful insights. Thus the figures that Bloch painstakingly compiled for his first book, Les Rois Thaumaturges (translated into English as The Royal Touch and dealing with the ancient belief that kings had the power to cure the painful swellings caused by scrofula) show that 2,400 sufferers assembled to be “touched”–and cured—at the coronation of Louis XVI in 1774, while a mere 120 mustered half a century later for the restored Bourbon monarch, Charles X. This, as Eric Hobsbawm points out, is the most vivid and compelling sort of evidence for the complete collapse of French belief in divinely appointed kings.
    The ideas of the Annales school, which Bloch founded and led with his friend, the early modernist Lucien Febvre, are so ingrained in the way that historians work and write these days that it is hard to realize how revolutionary they seemed in the 1920s and 1930s. Not even the most devoted proponent of “great man” history, which looks at a period or problem from the top down, would now suggest that there is no point in also studying what the mass of people were thinking and doing at the time, or would claim that there is nothing to be learned from the study of village life over the course of centuries. Yet these ideas, which Bloch did so much to promote, took long years to establish themselves. By 1940, when war returned to France in the shape of a German blitzkrieg of unparalleled ferocity, he was still struggling to popularize them as Professor of Economic History at that most revered of all French universities, the Sorbonne.

    image: https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/5c/0f/5c0f8b1c-9354-4615-9d21-3123a71d87fd/resistance-500x362.jpg
    Jean Moulin
    Jean Moulin, the greatest hero of the French Resistance, worked alongside Bloch in Lyon. His capture in 1943 began the unraveling of the local resistance network that culminated in Bloch’s own death.(Illustration: Wikicommons)

    Bloch viewed the collapse of France with undisguised dismay, and he was among the first to volunteer his services to the French Resistance as it stumbled into life. Bloch was too well-known and, to some resistance men, too old to be of obvious use, and for the first few months of his involvement he uncomplainingly took on mostly menial tasks, delivering messages and newspapers. Returning to his hometown, Lyon, and adopting the identity of “Monsieur Rolin,” he lived a lonely, dangerous life in a series of furnished flats and experienced the pain of being separated from his family.
    As a Lyon resistant, Bloch worked alongside the celebrated Jean Moulin, whose betrayal and murder in 1943 marked the beginning of the end for the local resistance movement. Although Moulin refused to talk, even under vicious torture, the Gestapo placed his known associates under surveillance. They then began a series of arrests that culminated in the detection of Bloch.
    For the rest of 1943 and much of 1944, however, the historian evaded them. Promoted to head of the Franc-Tireur resistance group in the Rhône region, and recognized at last for his quiet but inspirational qualities of leadership, he set up an office on the outskirts of Lyon and there coded and decoded Allied messages and saw that they were delivered to his agents on the city’s streets.
    “There were of course,” his biographer Carole Fink observes,
    long periods of unaccustomed solitude. Bloch spent his fifty-seventh birthday alone. Through contacts he anxiously followed the fate of his two exiled sons, from their long internment in a Spanish prison camp to their release and escape to Free French in North Africa. He was constantly worried about the safety of his elder daughter, Alice, who was guardian of some eighty four- to twelve-year-olds at a children’s home… During their long periods of separation he found his life “heavy,” and he was chagrined at having “abandoned them.”
    Bloch’s way of making up for the loss of his family was to adopt a paternal role within his resistance group. Though nominally protected by a code name—”Narbonne”—his fame as a scholar was such that he was easily and dangerously identifiable to many of the members of his group, who found him remarkably egalitarian, smiling and affable—”one of the more practical, penetrating, and articulate elders of the movement,” in Fink’s description. Perhaps remarkably, considering his circumstances, the historian also passed time in thinking of the future. Bloch dreamed of applying for the post of head of the Ministry of National Education after the war, and decided, his biographer says, that he would “abolish all special schools, end the servitude to examinations and the tyranny of Latin and Greek, introduce global studies, encourage innovation in teaching methods, and reorganize research.” Indeed, even while actively involved in planning for “Jour-J,” or D-Day, Bloch “dreamed,” writes Francine Michard, “of an academic world without borders, where geographical, chronological and disciplinary boundaries could be broken down and human history approached from a global perspective.”

    image: https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/56/34/563439d4-8da5-4a8a-8347-ab9367d0837d/klaus-barbie.jpg
    Klaus Barbie, the war criminal notorious as “the Butcher of Lyon,” personally interrogated Bloch.
    Klaus Barbie, the war criminal notorious as “the Butcher of Lyon,” personally interrogated Bloch. (Public Domain)

    Bloch was an ardent patriot. “I was born in France, I have drunk the waters of her culture. I have made her past my own,” he wrote in L’Etrange Défaite. “I breathe freely only in her climate, and I have done my best, with others, to defend her interests.” As such, he ignored the pleas of colleagues to take greater precautions for his own safety when he felt that they would interfere with his effectiveness as a resistance man. “Despite the many privations,” Fink adds, “he generally had a jaunty air, and seemed to relish the personal freedom and physical and material austerity of an underground activist.” Yet he anticipated death, knowing that, after a full year as a resistance leader, he was by now too well-known to far too many people to survive. Any one of several hundred resistants who recognized him could break down and confess under torture.
    A further wave of arrests began in March 1944, prompted by the detection and interrogation of “Drac,” a resistance leader who was part of the Franc Tireur movement and whose adjutant was Jean Bloch-Michel, Marc Bloch’s nephew. The historian was picked up the next morning, betrayed by a baker who pointed him out to the Gestapo as he walked across the Pont de la Boucle at 9 a.m. In all, 63 members of the resistance were picked up in the swoops, leading the Vichy French minister of information, Philippe Henriot, to crow: “Lyon, the capital of the Resistance, is destroyed.” Henriot ordered the collaborationist press to focus on Bloch, who was labeled the captured leader of “the terrorist general staff” and dismissed as “a Jew who had taken on the pseudonym of a French southern city” and had been living off funds made available to him “by London and Moscow.”
    Of more immediate concern to Bloch was the fate that awaited him in grim Moulet Prison, where an infamous Gestapo officer, Klaus Barbie, was in charge of interrogating prisoners. “Looking back,” one of Barbie’s victims, Raymond Aubrac, recalled, “I sometimes even think that he wasn’t that interested in getting any information. Fundamentally he was a sadist who enjoyed causing pain and proving his power. He had an extraordinary capacity for violence. Coshes, clubs and whips lay on his desk and he used them a lot…Contrary to what some others say, though, he wasn’t even a good policeman, because he never got any information out of me. Not even my identity, or that I was Jewish.”
    A surviving female resistant, Lise Lesevre, recalled that Barbie had tortured her for nine days, beating her, hanging her up in spiked handcuffs, ordering her to strip naked and get into a tub filled with freezing water and then half-drowning her, and finally beating her with a rubber baton and a form of mace–a spiked ball attached to a chain, which shattered a vertebra and left her in pain for the rest of her life. Bloch was subjected to similar interrogations at least twice, and he spent four weeks in the infirmary recovering from his second encounter with Barbie. His ailments—he was suffering from double bronchial pneumonia and serious contusions—suggest prolonged exposure to the ice-bath treatments and the rubber club described by Leserve.
    During this “long agony,” Fink concludes,
    Bloch remained calm and stoic…. He told the Germans nothing but his real name, perhaps in the hope of outside intervention, perhaps out of pride or a desire for better treatment. After his release from the infirmary, he was interrogated twice again, on 22 and 25 May, and again refused to give information.
    Even after this brutality, Bloch retained sufficient strength and intellectual curiosity to begin teaching French history to the young resistants imprisoned with him, one of whom recalled being given an advanced lecture on the significance of field patterns during the feudal period. But the historian’s fate, like that of those around him, was sealed by the Allied invasion and the German retreat. The Gestapo decided to leave as little evidence of their activities as possible, and most of the occupants of Moulet Prison were shot.
    On the morning after Bloch’s execution, his body was found among those of his companions by the schoolmaster of Saint-Didier-de-Formans. “The scene of carnage,” Fink notes,
    was brutally chaotic–bodies resting on their backs, stomachs, or sides, and some curled up. Among them was a blind man holding his cane, another had an artificial right arm, and there was a corpse wearing the insignia of the Legion of Honor.”
    This may have been Bloch. Because none of the bodies could easily be formally identified, however, they were gathered together and buried in a mass grave in the village cemetery.
    Today the execution site stands empty but for a solitary monument positioned at one end of the field, close by the spot where Marc Bloch died. His memory, however, still lives on–all the stronger because he is celebrated both as a fighter against Nazism and as one of the greatest, and most original, historians that France has ever had.
    Marc Bloch. Memoirs of War, 1914-15. Cambridge. CUP, 1988; Marc Bloch. The Historian’s Craft. Manchester: MUP, 1992; André Burguière. The Annales School: An Intellectual History. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2009; Carole Fink. Marc Bloch: A Life in History. Cambridge: CUP, 1989; Astma Haratmut and André Burguière. Marc Bloch Aujord’hui. Paris: Editions de l’EHESSS, 1990; Eric Hobsbawm. On History. London: Abacus, 1999; Bruce Lyon. “Marc Bloch: historian.” In French Historical Studies, 1987; Francine Michaud. “Marc Bloch 1886-1944″. In Philip Daileader & Philip Whalen (eds). French Historians 1900-2000: New Historical Writing in Twentieth Century France. Oxford: Blackwell, 2010; John Warren. History and the Historians. London: Hodder, 1999; Renée Poznanski. Jews in France During World War II. Hanover : University Press of New England, 1992.

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    books by Aldous Huxley: The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell

    Strange Defeat By Marc Bloch奇怪的戰敗; History Heroes: Marc Bloch By Mike Dash

     Strange Defeat By Marc Bloch奇怪的戰敗; History Heroes: Marc Bloch By Mike Dash

     In Strange Defeat he clearly states his view that individuals can change events and he castigates the French government's refusal to trust its own officers in the field of battle, thus leading to the surrender of France to the Nazis.

    叢書名:五南文庫 ; 19.

    BlochMarc, 1886-1944. 陸元昶

    臺北市 : 五南 2009.07

    可在 總圖  (742.264 4034 )獲得

    First edition, published in 1946 by the Société des Éditions Franc-Tireur


    The book focuses on the causes of the French defeat in the Battle of France in 1940, and in part uses a relatively long-term view similar to that in his history scholarship (see Annales School). The main thesis of the book is that the French leadership failed to recognize that, since World War I, "the whole rhythm of modern warfare had changed its tempo."
    There are only three chapters: Presentation of the Witness, being a short personal history of a life devoted to historical study and interrupted by World War I; One of the Vanquished Gives Evidence, a factual account of his experience in the battle of France; and A Frenchman Examines His Conscience, a biting analysis of the thinking and actions of the generation in the interwar period.


    Bloch raised most of the issues historians have debated since. He blamed France's leadership:
    What drove our armies to disaster was the cumulative effect of a great number of different mistakes. One glaring characteristic is, however, common to all of them. Our leaders...were incapable of thinking in terms of a new war.[2]
    Guilt was widespread. Carole Fink argues that Bloch:
    blamed the ruling class, the military and the politicians, the press and the teachers, for a flawed national policy and a weak defense against the Nazi menace, for betraying the real France and abandoning its children. Germany had won because its leaders had better understood the methods and psychology of modern combat.[3]
    Bloch reports a harsh and forthright view of the cause of the defeat as he and fellow officers saw it at the time (p. 20 of the printed French edition, p. 45 of the manuscript, written between July and September 1940): "... whatever the deep-seated cause of the disaster may have been, the immediate occasion was the utter incompetence of the High Command."
    Bloch is also critical of the Allies, specifically of the behaviour of British soldiers and of the High Command in the retreat in Belgium.
    In a subsequent revision, however, he added a footnote that broadened the blame to non-HQ officers (p. 68 of the printed French edition, p. 145 of the manuscript, footnote dated July 1942): "failures in the troop command were substantially less rare than I had wanted to believe in the aftermath of the defeat. ... Certainly a certain morality crisis in class groups (among reserves as well as active officers) was deeper than one dared imagine." Chapter III then expounded on more general institutional and societal failures that hindered France's response.
    Bloch surprisingly at one point confuses Herod the Great with Herod Antipas.

    See also[edit]


    1. Jump up^ Bloch, Marc (1968) [1946]. Strange Defeat: A Statement of Evidence Written in 1940 [L'Étrange Défaite]. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & CompanyISBN 978-0-393-31911-8.
    2. Jump up^ Marc Bloch, Strange Defeat: a Statement of Evidence Written in 1940 (Oxford U.P., 1949), p 36
    3. Jump up^ Carole Fink, "Marc Bloch and the drôle de guerre Prelude to the '"Strange Defeat'" p 46

    Dash, Mike. "History Heroes: Marc Bloch". Smithsonianmag. Retrieved 4 July 2014.

    History Heroes: Marc Bloch

    Scholar created a whole new way of looking at history, but found time to fight in two World Wars–latterly, aged 60, as a leader of the French Resistance

    image: https://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/uyVEwku4XucPbEjl9NnSFdu_ZqU=/800x600/filters:no_upscale()/https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/20111110113012Block_marc-french-historian.jpg
    Marc Bloch: Historian. French Resistance leader. Hero.
    Marc Bloch: Historian. French Resistance leader. Hero.(Wikicommons)


    At eight on the evening of June 16, 1944—dusk on the tenth day after the Allied invasion of France–the Gestapo dragged 28 French resistance fighters from the cells where they had been incarcerated, tortured and interrogated at Montluc prison, Lyon. Handcuffed in pairs, the men were thrust onto an open truck and driven to an empty field outside a little village kn0wn as Saint-Didier-de-Formans. Along the way, a German officer bragged to them that the war would still be won, and that London was about to be destroyed by V1 flying bombs.
    London would, of course, survive, and the war would not be won by Nazi Germany, but that was scant consolation to the resistance men as they were taken four by four into the field for execution. The accounts of two men among the prisoners who miraculously survived being shot in the back at close range allow us to know something of their final moments. There were no pleas for mercy. Some of the men shouted out last words as they were led into the field—”Adieu ma femme!” one of them called—but most remarkable was the brief scene that played out between the oldest and the youngest of the prisoners.
    The younger man was really a boy, 16 years old and terrified of what was about to happen. The older was small, balding but distinguished-looking, and, at 58, he wore round glasses and the haggard look of a prisoner who had survived repeated torture. As the execution party cocked its guns, the boy groaned, “This is going to hurt.” “No, my boy, it doesn’t hurt,” the older man assured him. He reached out to enclose the child’s hands in his own and held them, shouting “Vive la France!” as the first volley of machine-gun fire rang out.
    So died Marc Bloch, arguably the most important and influential historian of the 20th century, and without much doubt one of the greatest men among historians. It is given to very few members of any academic profession to revolutionize the way in which it is studied, but Bloch did that, helping to create the hugely influential Annales school, which argued compellingly in favor of the study of “history from below”—of everyday life, that is, studied in the context of geography and the social environment and over la longue durée, the long term: typically a thousand years or more. Even fewer men combine careers of such distincti0n with success in other fields. Bloch, though, fought in two World Wars, receiving four citations for bravery and winning the Légion d’honneur—the French equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor—in the first, and sacrificing his life to free his country from totalitarian dictatorship during the second. It is hard to think of any man who better deserves the tribute paid by L’Association Marc Bloch, the society set up to preserve his memory: “Historian and man of action.”

    image: https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/62/7f/627fdab0-7970-4c3f-b0ae-4a2dc11ae1f9/bloch.jpg
    Marc Bloch
    Marc Bloch as a sergeant in the First World War. He later rose to the rank of captain and was awarded France’s highest decoration for bravery. (Public Domain)

    Born in 1886, Bloch was the son of Gustave Bloch, a noted historian of Rome who lectured at the University of Lyon and believed firmly in the then-radical notion that history should be framed as a series of investigative questions rather than as little more than a mere narrative. The young Marc owed much of his early training to his father, who, like his mother, was the child of Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe—but it was perhaps one episode, during what was a predominantly idyllic childhood, that most influenced his way of thinking. For almost a dozen years, Bloch’s family campaigned for Alfred Dreyfus, the Jewish army officer falsely accused of spying for Germany, and whose arrest and wrongful conviction for treason in 1894 split France into two warring camps. The Dreyfus affair convinced the young Bloch that even apparently objective searches for “factual” information could result in dangerous distortions. His rejection of the idea that the “scientific” gathering of facts was the best way to approach history was a first step to the formulation of the radical and influential abandonment of event-led history that came to identify the Annales school.
    This acuteness of mind—luckily combined with his privileged upbringing—gave Bloch the opportunity to pursue a stellar academic career, which took him through some of the finest schools and universities in France and culminated in a series of groundbreaking books. Although best-known in the English-speaking world for his The Historian’s Craft—a book packed with still-valid advice for would-be practitioners of the art of reading history—Bloch’s major academic works also remain widely read. Only one deals with a modern subject—L’Etrange Défaite (The Strange Defeat), a remarkably insightful study of the reasons for the catastrophic French collapse in 1940, written in the first months of the Nazi victory—but, in Bloch’s hands, even the most esoteric subjects were made to yield useful insights. Thus the figures that Bloch painstakingly compiled for his first book, Les Rois Thaumaturges (translated into English as The Royal Touch and dealing with the ancient belief that kings had the power to cure the painful swellings caused by scrofula) show that 2,400 sufferers assembled to be “touched”–and cured—at the coronation of Louis XVI in 1774, while a mere 120 mustered half a century later for the restored Bourbon monarch, Charles X. This, as Eric Hobsbawm points out, is the most vivid and compelling sort of evidence for the complete collapse of French belief in divinely appointed kings.
    The ideas of the Annales school, which Bloch founded and led with his friend, the early modernist Lucien Febvre, are so ingrained in the way that historians work and write these days that it is hard to realize how revolutionary they seemed in the 1920s and 1930s. Not even the most devoted proponent of “great man” history, which looks at a period or problem from the top down, would now suggest that there is no point in also studying what the mass of people were thinking and doing at the time, or would claim that there is nothing to be learned from the study of village life over the course of centuries. Yet these ideas, which Bloch did so much to promote, took long years to establish themselves. By 1940, when war returned to France in the shape of a German blitzkrieg of unparalleled ferocity, he was still struggling to popularize them as Professor of Economic History at that most revered of all French universities, the Sorbonne.

    image: https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/5c/0f/5c0f8b1c-9354-4615-9d21-3123a71d87fd/resistance-500x362.jpg
    Jean Moulin
    Jean Moulin, the greatest hero of the French Resistance, worked alongside Bloch in Lyon. His capture in 1943 began the unraveling of the local resistance network that culminated in Bloch’s own death.(Illustration: Wikicommons)

    Bloch viewed the collapse of France with undisguised dismay, and he was among the first to volunteer his services to the French Resistance as it stumbled into life. Bloch was too well-known and, to some resistance men, too old to be of obvious use, and for the first few months of his involvement he uncomplainingly took on mostly menial tasks, delivering messages and newspapers. Returning to his hometown, Lyon, and adopting the identity of “Monsieur Rolin,” he lived a lonely, dangerous life in a series of furnished flats and experienced the pain of being separated from his family.
    As a Lyon resistant, Bloch worked alongside the celebrated Jean Moulin, whose betrayal and murder in 1943 marked the beginning of the end for the local resistance movement. Although Moulin refused to talk, even under vicious torture, the Gestapo placed his known associates under surveillance. They then began a series of arrests that culminated in the detection of Bloch.
    For the rest of 1943 and much of 1944, however, the historian evaded them. Promoted to head of the Franc-Tireur resistance group in the Rhône region, and recognized at last for his quiet but inspirational qualities of leadership, he set up an office on the outskirts of Lyon and there coded and decoded Allied messages and saw that they were delivered to his agents on the city’s streets.
    “There were of course,” his biographer Carole Fink observes,
    long periods of unaccustomed solitude. Bloch spent his fifty-seventh birthday alone. Through contacts he anxiously followed the fate of his two exiled sons, from their long internment in a Spanish prison camp to their release and escape to Free French in North Africa. He was constantly worried about the safety of his elder daughter, Alice, who was guardian of some eighty four- to twelve-year-olds at a children’s home… During their long periods of separation he found his life “heavy,” and he was chagrined at having “abandoned them.”
    Bloch’s way of making up for the loss of his family was to adopt a paternal role within his resistance group. Though nominally protected by a code name—”Narbonne”—his fame as a scholar was such that he was easily and dangerously identifiable to many of the members of his group, who found him remarkably egalitarian, smiling and affable—”one of the more practical, penetrating, and articulate elders of the movement,” in Fink’s description. Perhaps remarkably, considering his circumstances, the historian also passed time in thinking of the future. Bloch dreamed of applying for the post of head of the Ministry of National Education after the war, and decided, his biographer says, that he would “abolish all special schools, end the servitude to examinations and the tyranny of Latin and Greek, introduce global studies, encourage innovation in teaching methods, and reorganize research.” Indeed, even while actively involved in planning for “Jour-J,” or D-Day, Bloch “dreamed,” writes Francine Michard, “of an academic world without borders, where geographical, chronological and disciplinary boundaries could be broken down and human history approached from a global perspective.”

    image: https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/56/34/563439d4-8da5-4a8a-8347-ab9367d0837d/klaus-barbie.jpg
    Klaus Barbie, the war criminal notorious as “the Butcher of Lyon,” personally interrogated Bloch.
    Klaus Barbie, the war criminal notorious as “the Butcher of Lyon,” personally interrogated Bloch. (Public Domain)

    Bloch was an ardent patriot. “I was born in France, I have drunk the waters of her culture. I have made her past my own,” he wrote in L’Etrange Défaite. “I breathe freely only in her climate, and I have done my best, with others, to defend her interests.” As such, he ignored the pleas of colleagues to take greater precautions for his own safety when he felt that they would interfere with his effectiveness as a resistance man. “Despite the many privations,” Fink adds, “he generally had a jaunty air, and seemed to relish the personal freedom and physical and material austerity of an underground activist.” Yet he anticipated death, knowing that, after a full year as a resistance leader, he was by now too well-known to far too many people to survive. Any one of several hundred resistants who recognized him could break down and confess under torture.
    A further wave of arrests began in March 1944, prompted by the detection and interrogation of “Drac,” a resistance leader who was part of the Franc Tireur movement and whose adjutant was Jean Bloch-Michel, Marc Bloch’s nephew. The historian was picked up the next morning, betrayed by a baker who pointed him out to the Gestapo as he walked across the Pont de la Boucle at 9 a.m. In all, 63 members of the resistance were picked up in the swoops, leading the Vichy French minister of information, Philippe Henriot, to crow: “Lyon, the capital of the Resistance, is destroyed.” Henriot ordered the collaborationist press to focus on Bloch, who was labeled the captured leader of “the terrorist general staff” and dismissed as “a Jew who had taken on the pseudonym of a French southern city” and had been living off funds made available to him “by London and Moscow.”
    Of more immediate concern to Bloch was the fate that awaited him in grim Moulet Prison, where an infamous Gestapo officer, Klaus Barbie, was in charge of interrogating prisoners. “Looking back,” one of Barbie’s victims, Raymond Aubrac, recalled, “I sometimes even think that he wasn’t that interested in getting any information. Fundamentally he was a sadist who enjoyed causing pain and proving his power. He had an extraordinary capacity for violence. Coshes, clubs and whips lay on his desk and he used them a lot…Contrary to what some others say, though, he wasn’t even a good policeman, because he never got any information out of me. Not even my identity, or that I was Jewish.”
    A surviving female resistant, Lise Lesevre, recalled that Barbie had tortured her for nine days, beating her, hanging her up in spiked handcuffs, ordering her to strip naked and get into a tub filled with freezing water and then half-drowning her, and finally beating her with a rubber baton and a form of mace–a spiked ball attached to a chain, which shattered a vertebra and left her in pain for the rest of her life. Bloch was subjected to similar interrogations at least twice, and he spent four weeks in the infirmary recovering from his second encounter with Barbie. His ailments—he was suffering from double bronchial pneumonia and serious contusions—suggest prolonged exposure to the ice-bath treatments and the rubber club described by Leserve.
    During this “long agony,” Fink concludes,
    Bloch remained calm and stoic…. He told the Germans nothing but his real name, perhaps in the hope of outside intervention, perhaps out of pride or a desire for better treatment. After his release from the infirmary, he was interrogated twice again, on 22 and 25 May, and again refused to give information.
    Even after this brutality, Bloch retained sufficient strength and intellectual curiosity to begin teaching French history to the young resistants imprisoned with him, one of whom recalled being given an advanced lecture on the significance of field patterns during the feudal period. But the historian’s fate, like that of those around him, was sealed by the Allied invasion and the German retreat. The Gestapo decided to leave as little evidence of their activities as possible, and most of the occupants of Moulet Prison were shot.
    On the morning after Bloch’s execution, his body was found among those of his companions by the schoolmaster of Saint-Didier-de-Formans. “The scene of carnage,” Fink notes,
    was brutally chaotic–bodies resting on their backs, stomachs, or sides, and some curled up. Among them was a blind man holding his cane, another had an artificial right arm, and there was a corpse wearing the insignia of the Legion of Honor.”
    This may have been Bloch. Because none of the bodies could easily be formally identified, however, they were gathered together and buried in a mass grave in the village cemetery.
    Today the execution site stands empty but for a solitary monument positioned at one end of the field, close by the spot where Marc Bloch died. His memory, however, still lives on–all the stronger because he is celebrated both as a fighter against Nazism and as one of the greatest, and most original, historians that France has ever had.
    Marc Bloch. Memoirs of War, 1914-15. Cambridge. CUP, 1988; Marc Bloch. The Historian’s Craft. Manchester: MUP, 1992; André Burguière. The Annales School: An Intellectual History. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2009; Carole Fink. Marc Bloch: A Life in History. Cambridge: CUP, 1989; Astma Haratmut and André Burguière. Marc Bloch Aujord’hui. Paris: Editions de l’EHESSS, 1990; Eric Hobsbawm. On History. London: Abacus, 1999; Bruce Lyon. “Marc Bloch: historian.” In French Historical Studies, 1987; Francine Michaud. “Marc Bloch 1886-1944″. In Philip Daileader & Philip Whalen (eds). French Historians 1900-2000: New Historical Writing in Twentieth Century France. Oxford: Blackwell, 2010; John Warren. History and the Historians. London: Hodder, 1999; Renée Poznanski. Jews in France During World War II. Hanover : University Press of New England, 1992.

    Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-heroes-marc-bloch-134082792/#vAczqhbTQjl01rwU.99
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    {縱目傳聲:鄭樹森自選集} 2004;鄭樹森、舒明《日本電影十大》 2009;對談: 伯格曼 v 今村昌平

    2018年8月,讀 {縱目傳聲:鄭樹森自選集} ,剛好可補他2篇介紹奈波爾 (他8月過世)的短文。介紹王禎和遺作《兩地相思》和《王禎和的最後一封信》,都很受用。

    {縱目傳聲}這本書內容充實。許多故事不勝感慨!譬如說,顧肇森病逝;"他在香港一直是"紙上談兵"":"十一、"包浩斯"、張肇康、台灣建築" (參見:一九九七年香港在海峽兩岸間的文化中介,頁227-54)








    出 版 社 :印刻文學生活雜誌出版有限公司

    書系編號 :香港:天地圖書,2008;台北:印刻文學2009


    當你拍一部電影,你和主角同樣處於電影中,一起笑、一起哭、一起遭受苦難……那就是電影。 --黑澤明




    鄭樹森和舒明在這本書裡採用了一個很「日本」 的形式──對談(日本話叫「二人談」),來討論日本電影(限於劇情長片)的「十大」:十大導演(其實有二十名)和他們的代表性佳作;從導演的代表作推選十大名片,加上「另十位」和「遺珠」;以及《電影旬報》和《文藝春秋》在不同年代票選出的「十大」、「百大」等等排名榜,和導演片目、年度入選片目等等。這些完整的名單非常有助於選片時的查尋參考;最後一頁還有「延伸閱讀」書單,意猶未盡的影迷大可以繼續鑽研。



    面對這些名單這些片目,只覺影海茫茫,竟還有那麼多尚未看過的、時日久遠淡忘了需要重看的、以及看過但還想再看的電影……唉,影迷們甜蜜的苦惱啊! 摘自李黎序〈舊情綿綿──日本老電影〉



    我們是同質或異質?伯格曼對談今村昌平| 十年祭

    深焦DeepFocus 深焦DeepFocus 2017-08-01 17:37:07

    Charles de Gaulle;Julian Jackson's "de Gaulle"


    Adam Gopnik gets it! Check out his strong and insightful review of Julian Jackson's "de Gaulle" in The New Yorker.

    "Classically composed and authoritative... Jackson writes wonderful political history...and does a brilliant job detailing the evolution of de Gaulle..., a nearly perfect example of the right wing prophet in power -- of the constitutional conservative who accepts the modern order... There's an urgent, living lesson for the 21st century..., one that can't be overstated... What [de Gaulle] reminds us is how valuable an insistence on the shared symbols of a common faith can be if carried out with integrity and a residual deposit of democratic values. The politics of grandeur, he shows, need not be the exclusive province of bullies."


    How Charles de Gaulle Rescued France
    He was a self-dramatizing, grandiose reactionary—yet his commitment to republican institutions helped protect a liberal democracy.


    He was the towering, at times isolated, symbol of a French refusal to accept defeat by Hitler's Germany and the creator of today's Fifth Republic, bringing institutional stability to France's traditionally febrile politics

    He became prime minister of France on June 1st 1958

    General de Gaulle

    France's noble, exasperating icon

    A portrait of the founder and first President of the Fifth Republic

    The General: Charles de Gaulle and the France He Saved. By Jonathan Fenby. Simon & Schuster; 707 pages; £30. Buy from Amazon.co.uk
    “GREAT circumstances bring forth great men,” Charles de Gaulle remarked in 1956 to Cyrus Sulzberger of the New York Times. “Only during crises do nations throw up giants.” Naturally de Gaulle (almost literally a giant given his imposing height) was referring to himself. And why not? General de Gaulle was the towering, at times isolated, symbol of a French refusal to accept defeat by Hitler's Germany; he was the architect of France's departure from colonial Algeria; and he was the creator of today's Fifth Republic, bringing institutional stability to France's traditionally febrile politics.
    He was also, as Jonathan Fenby illustrates in this magisterial biography, extraordinarily obstinate—ever convinced that he was right and never afraid to confront, and indeed insult, friends and allies. In the second world war, Winston Churchill, in particular, but Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower too, were driven to the brink of despair by this prickly general (later described by one American diplomat as “highly egocentric with touches indeed of megalomania”) who had precious few military assets but an unshakable conviction that he incarnated France—and that France must never be treated as less than a great power. Yet somehow de Gaulle almost invariably imposed his will, thanks to “his genius for ambiguity, duplicity and improvisation, his ability to impose abrupt changes of policy and his capacity for rallying popular support to succeed in finding his way to a solution.”

    Mr Fenby, who was in Reuters' Paris bureau during de Gaulle's presidency (and later was Paris correspondent for The Economist), traces de Gaulle's career from his days as a student at the Saint-Cyr military academy to his decade as president during the turbulent 1960s. His personal characteristics were always those of honour, bravery and rectitude (even as president, de Gaulle and his beloved wife, Yvonne, paid for their own telephone calls). And the political thread remained unbroken: France's greatness must never be slighted. When he found himself seated in the eighth row at John Kennedy's funeral, he made his way forward to the front, said “Right, we can start,” to a startled protocol official—and sat down.
    The result was a France that secured a permanent seat at the UN Security Council, developed an independent nuclear deterrent, withdrew from NATO's common military command and rebuffed Britain's repeated attempts to join the European Common Market. If there were setbacks—overtures to Russia and China failed to thaw the cold war on terms that would reduce America's influence and increase France's—de Gaulle would simply dismiss them. If there were dissenting opinions from ministers and party politicians, de Gaulle would simply ignore them: after all, it was the French people, not the politicians, who had asked the general to lead them, and de Gaulle—a clever exponent of the referendum—would do so.
    Perhaps that is why the student and worker riots of May 1968 seemed to discomfit the president so much: they showed a France that he, in his late 70s, could no longer fully understand. When a referendum on the reform of the Senate and local government failed in April 1969, de Gaulle immediately resigned “because of the absurdity”, as he put it to André Malraux.
    This excellent book is far from being a hagiography but, as Mr Fenby points out, “the final judgment has to be that he was a man who made a huge difference, and put a lasting mark on his country.” Indeed so. Gaullism is a strong current in French politics—witness the ritual homage made to the general by Presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy. And, as America's George Bush found out before the Iraq war and as Germany's Angela Merkel is finding out in the European Union, it remains as exasperating as ever.

    台湾の宝 施翠峰さん(多才多藝)、施翠峰回憶錄


    台湾の宝 施翠峰さん(多才多藝)2018-06-17 曹永洋 鍾漢清

    233 台湾の宝 施翠峰さん(多才多藝)2018-06-17 曹永洋 鍾漢清

    施翠峰教授今年(2015)應是90歲了。他40歲結集的《施翠峰藝術論叢》(台北:東方出版社,1964/65 )  ,內容豐富,從中可以了解施翠峰當時追求歐美日的文學和藝術大家的心得。

    施翠峰本名施振樞, 1925年12月9日出生於古都彰化鹿港,「施翠峰」三字為其青年時代發表創作時即採用的筆名 ,取其像徵翠綠峰巒的文藝氣息.其祖父經營「施錦玉香鋪」而聞名,其父為鹿港 ​​信用合作社的創辦人之一。施翠峰與王詩瑯 , 黃得時 , 陳千武 , 張彥勳等人同屬「跨越語言的一代」。

    施翠峰為張彥勳就讀台中一中時期的同班同學(註六),與鍾肇政,文心等人曾創刊同仁性質雜誌《文友通訊》,被林海音喻為是戰後第一位掌握中文創作的作者.在日治時期即能運用日文創作,在戰後進入省立師範學院(國立台灣師範大學前身)美工科就讀,並開始在《新生報》,《力行報》上發表文藝創作.其專業主要在美術教育的推廣與藝術理論的研究,文藝創作生涯集中在1970年代以前,之後即漸漸將精力置放在民俗學,人類學的研究上,具體的成果有《風土與生活》(1966), 《思古幽情集--神話與傳說篇》(1976),《台灣民譚探源》(1985),《台灣原始宗教與神話》(2000)等書,對於台灣民俗文化的研究與推介持之以恆,歷久不變.

    從施翠峰文藝 , 美術 ,民俗創作與論述中,處處可以看出其理性強於感性的特質,像在《文友通訊》中對於環境情勢的警覺,像在民俗學作品中的分析條理井然,見解精闢,像在短篇小說裡符合邏輯的情節安排,在在都顯示他理性思維的一面.透過電話訪談,施翠峰表示其理性的養成主要有二:其一是環境的逼迫與痛恨壞人,其二是受到美術繪畫訓練的影響.除了理性,施翠峰還有其感性的一面,在電視上看到感人的畫面仍會黯然流淚,可見其感情豐富的另一面.施翠峰的冷靜理性,再加上身材高大,批評坦率直言,往往給人不易親近的感覺.然而這份「莫測高深」其來有自,因為處在特殊的情境中保持理性,可以讓路途走的更遠,更久,得以持續為後人照亮前人的來時路.

    美國Pacific  Western  University  Ph.D

    2、施翠峰藝術論叢,台北:東方出版社,1964?      這本書內容豐富,可以了解施翠峰當時追求歐美日的文學和藝術大家的心得。


    思古幽情集, 第1 1975 / 2 卷







    年譜從大學畢業後起 無索引
    此書連目錄都找不到 太可惜
    譬如說第11章的拜訪日本名作家井上靖和武者小路實篤等人 都是一般人難得的機緣



    第一章 奠基與傳承(節錄)

    一、 鹿港、臺南兩地廟宇都有捐獻
      鹿港施錦玉香鋪創業於乾隆年中期(約1760~1765年 間),開基祖為施光醮公,他年輕時,在家鄉福建省泉州府晉江縣西岑鄉開設香鋪,店名稱為「施錦玉」,經營十多年已具規模時,考量西岑仍屬邊鄰鄉村之地,發 展的空間有限,當時適逢臺灣島上的城市與村落雛型已形成,位在泉州府對岸的鹿港,繼臺南之後已為島上第二個大港口,鄉人組團移民之風興起,於是光醮公攜帶 製香器材與原料隻身渡臺,在登陸之地鹿港街購買最熱鬧地點(當時俗稱為「大有口」),繼續經營施錦玉香鋪。不久有兩位製香匠師接踵移民而至,幾乎都是故鄉 時期的原班人馬,所以經營很快地上軌道。臺灣諺語說:「臺灣錢淹腳目」,就是指這個時候(乾隆年間後半期)的臺灣社會榮景。

      關於施錦玉香鋪的創業年代,因為歷史悠久, 大多文件已蝕滅不存,僅知是在乾隆中期年間,無法明確說出準確的年代,是正常事兒。可是,鹿港有些日治時期始新創香鋪,卻向前來採訪的文史工作者吹噓其創 業亦為乾隆年間,使其信以為真而記錄在「鹿港鎮誌」上,過了數年後卻反過來宣稱是依據「鹿港鎮誌」記載,來證明其創業為乾隆年間。歷史若是可以如此「創 造」,何須歷史學家?何須考證?
    在康熙年間起,清政府發佈渡臺禁令,來臺者必須 先領取「照單」(許可狀),由兩岸官署稽查驗可,始許放行,但不准攜帶家眷。據家父轉述,當年第一、二代均嚴守政府規定,單身赴任前來臺灣。每隔一兩年必 返鄉一次,相當辛苦。古時唐山過臺灣有兩條路線,最早大多由福建(或廣東)沿岸港口到臺南(多以澎湖為中繼站,才敢渡臺),可是,繼後又開發由泉州直航鹿 港的新航線,航程較短,因為夏季海流與季風的關係,特別快速;順利時,前後僅三、四日即可抵達,所以大多在鹿港登陸後即就地購屋定居,光醮公抵達鹿港後也 是如此。



      著者為了尋找錦玉香鋪的創業史,早年曾經尋找過鹿港鎮內古蹟,所尋獲得的史蹟有二:第一、「龍山寺道光22年重修石碑」(圖1-1,第二、「城隍廟咸豐年重修」石碑上(圖1-2, 均刻有「施錦玉捐獻」之史實,而且是唯一的香鋪捐獻者。龍山寺石碑上尚刻有「藏錦」的捐獻,「藏錦」是藍染行,在嘉慶初年由第二代應成公創設的兄弟企業 (位在施錦玉香鋪對面),可知當時香鋪的經營已達高峰期了。可是,隨著時代的推移而進入日治時代,便宜又漂亮的日本機械織布湧入,中國式的落伍染布無法抵 抗,「藏錦」在日治初期即結束營業。我在小學生時期,親眼見到家裡仍收藏著染布專用的器具:石輪、巨大的染布缸等物,至今我臺北的士林舊宅,仍藏有一只當 時使用過的大染缸(圖1-3做為紀念。

      我記得小時候曾經聽家父說:清代中期捐獻到臺南府寺廟,究竟哪幾家,已經毫無記憶。近幾年來,著者亦曾經尋訪過臺南市古蹟多次,果然發現施錦玉香鋪在嘉慶年間,曾經捐獻過臺南兩家寺廟的事實。其一為興濟宮(圖1-4,廟址在臺南市北區成功路86號,創建年代:清康熙23年(1684)。 明鄭時期,漢人隨之遷徙來臺,最初都以臺南為據點,形成聚落,而後在街衢市各境內,先後興建廟宇,塑造故鄉之神像崇奉,作為境民之守護神,「興濟宮」即為 其中之一。當年於臺南市北區,處處洋溢著一股富庶繁華之景象,至今仍保有多處可堪後人憑弔之名勝古蹟。據「臺灣縣誌」所載:「鎮北坊大道廟(興濟宮之舊 稱)在觀音亭邊」,由此可知該宮肇建於明永曆末年(清初),禋祀綿延已達三百餘年矣!

      拜殿壁上雕塑祥龍猛虎,飛騰奔馳;外側山牆 上留有西洋式S形鐵件。由此,可以看出其曾經受到明末清初年間西洋建築形式的影響。寬敞的正殿,主神保生大帝鎮坐龕中,本宮珍藏古碑舊匾極多,如康熙甲戌 年桂月「保安民生」匾,而嵌於前殿左右壁各有一面「重修興濟宮碑」尤為重要,係嘉慶2年間及道光17年所刻,碑文關乎本宮修建史,彌足珍貴。

    1-1 道光22年重修鹿港龍山寺捐獻者石碑,第2排第5個為「錦玉號
    1-2 咸豐年間城隍廟重修石碑上第3排第2行右邊第3個--錦玉號,第3行第3個--藏錦號
    1-3 我家至今仍保存這只大染缸為紀念
    1-4 臺南市興濟宮

    台湾の宝 施翠峰さん(多才多藝)2018-06-17 曹永洋 鍾漢清

    施翠峰(1925-2018), 本名施振樞,.彰化鹿港人, 畢業於台中一中(日治時期), 師範大學藝術科,…

    Marc Ferrero:《電影與歷史》《歷史的盲目》《世紀之謎︰末代沙皇家族慘案的真相》


    同名他人 1963~  Publications[modifier | modifier le code]

    • 1999 : Il était une fois La Comitive, roman graphique distribué en France par les FNAC et aux USA par Diamond Comics
    • 2005 : Rétrospective La Comitive Marc Ferrero 1999-2004
    • 2005 : Piccole storie quotidiane, préface du critique d’art contemporain Mauricio Vanni
    • 2008 : Pop glamour, catalogue d’exposition, Milan
    • 2010 : Storytelling art, La nouvelle vague




    Cinema et histoire










      1918年7月16日深夜,沙皇尼古拉二世及其妻子、兒女——奧爾嘉 (22歲)、達娣亞娜 (20歲)、瑪麗 (19歲)、安娜塔西亞 (16歲) 與皇太子亞利希斯 (13歲) ,在烏拉爾區,被布爾什維克黨人槍決。這個官方版本,馬克‧費侯 (Marc Ferro) 從來都不相信。

      在大歷史學家嚴謹的調查之下,一份作為證明的文件,把末代沙皇家族的謀殺案重新提出來討論。突然死亡或被處決的法官或證人、被大肆刪節的文件、被偷竊的部份預審文件、具爭議的 DNA 檢驗報告,在在都讓這件謀殺案成了不可言明或褻瀆的懸案:沙皇的女兒及皇后,因為布爾什維克黨與德國之間所簽訂的秘密合約而被救了出來。為了不讓她們獲救的消息公布開來,而塑造出她們也自殺的假象。只有皇太子亞利希斯的下落,因為資料缺乏,尚不得而知。




    馬克‧費侯(Marc Ferro)

      法國高等社會科學研究院 (EHESS) 研究部主任,法國史學雜誌《年鑑》(Les Annales) 的主編之一,將電影作為文獻和媒介進行歷史研究的先鋒。著有《俄國革命》(La Révolution de 1917)、《第一次世界大戰》(La Grande Guerre)、《電影與歷史》(De Cinéma et Histoire)、《貝當》(un Pétain) 及《殖民史》(L’Histoire des colonisations)。他也曾參與德法公共電視台ARTE的許多歷史節目的製作。





    1. 難解之謎的資料
    2. 「喪失自由」的末代沙皇家族
    3. 被人放棄的沙皇
    4. 冒險的調查
    5. 一個褻瀆又不可明言的假設
    6. 死亡還是逃脫?
    7. 這段歷史的首次東西交流
    8. 安娜塔西亞和其他姊妹
    9. 傳說及其利害得失
    1918 年夏天沙皇家族遷徙路線圖


      今年冬天, 我接到一通美國同事瑪麗‧史塔芙蘿(Marie Stravlo)的來電,我並不認識這位同事。她劈頭就說:「喂,馬克‧費羅(Marc Ferro)嗎?我找到沙皇女兒奧爾嘉(Olga)的行蹤了,文件都在梵諦岡。你的《尼古拉二世》(Nicolas II) 書中寫的沒錯。他的女兒們都沒有遭到處決……」

      一個月前,史塔芙蘿按了我的門鈴,手中拿著奧爾嘉‧羅曼諾夫在一九五○年代寫的,書名為《我還活著》(Io vivo……)的日誌,瑪麗的神情顯得很得意、愉悅。她問我:「你是怎麼找到真相的?」


      說真的,我在 1990 年所寫的《尼古拉二世》的自傳中首次提出的假設,並沒有得到多大的注意,還被認為窮極無聊。倫敦一家報紙甚至說「一派胡言!」

      該如何對長久以來已廣為認定的事提出質疑呢:1918 年 7 月 16 日,尼古拉二世和他的妻子、兒子及四個女兒,在葉卡捷琳堡的伊帕提夫之屋被布爾什維克黨黨員殘忍地處決。

      流亡海外的白俄人無論如何都還記得,報紙和收音機不斷傳播這個訊息。而蘇維埃的領袖們也不再否認,他們甚至在 1918 年還向廣大的人民宣布,沙皇的兒子與妻子已經「被放到安全的地方」。


      「事情經過並不像他們說的,」1919 年一位自稱是尼古拉二世么女的年輕女孩安娜塔西亞(Anastasia)說道。


      再說,保皇的白俄人所做的調查和 1920 年共產黨人所做的調查一樣, 結論都是沙皇家族全部遭到處決。那麼……

      可以考慮一下二位英國記者,桑默斯(Summers)與曼戈(Mangold)的說法嗎?他們在 1976 年表示,有人已經把發表的預審檔案(dossier d’instruction)中,可以讓人假設沙皇女兒及皇后已經獲救的部分全部刪掉了。自從證實五十年後在葉卡捷琳堡附近發現的屍體就是沙皇家族屍骸的 DNA 檢驗以來,難道都沒有其它論據嗎?

      在莫斯科,有人聽說了我的研究,請我在歷史研究所(Institut d’histoire)舉辦一場研討會,主辦人已經選好主題:「革命中的社會新聞」(Un fait-divers sous la révolution)─ 每個人都知道它在說什麼。接待者是「相關人士」。「但是您的論點缺少站得住腳的證據,」我的同事珍瑞琪‧吉諾薇維克‧伊歐弗(Genrich Zinovevic Ioffe)好意提醒我。儘管我的書《尼古拉二世》在斯維爾德洛夫斯克(Sverdlovsk,也就是葉卡捷琳堡)是禁書,但仍被翻成俄文:有人跟我說,當地的訊息,可能會讓人們對於在西伯利亞的這座城市裡被官方屠殺的皇室家族的記憶淡忘。

      接著,就是二十年後,在梵諦岡發現的一份奧爾嘉的手稿,她在 1976 年於義大利的梅那焦(Menaggio)逝世,還有她的姐姐瑪麗的出現,這部分是她的孫子拿了她的遺囑給我們看。然而這些年來,社會上又流傳一個關於安娜塔西亞存活下來的爭論。安娜塔西亞在一九二○年代被很多她家族的成員認出來。至於亞莉珊卓拉(Alexandra)皇后和她女兒達娣亞娜(Tatiana),有人先後於一九三○年代在烏克蘭利維夫(Lvov)的一間修道院,以及二次大戰期間在義大利發現了她們的蹤跡。


      沙皇家族中,只有尼古拉二世在 1918 年的 7 月 16 日遭到槍決。

      他的女兒和皇后,在 1918 年 7 月到 10 月的布爾什維克黨與德國人之間的秘密協商之後被釋放出來。
      交換的條件是,德皇紀堯姆二世(Kaiser Guillaume II)釋放「斯巴達克派」(spartakistes)的卡爾‧李卜克內西(Karl Liebknecht)與喬治許(Jogisches),二位貼近列寧主義的革命者。



      確定的是,當我從像《聖經》一樣的索柯羅夫法官(juge Sokolov)所做的報告(1924 年)開始研究尼古拉二世的死亡,直到研究結束時,我完全忽略了這個事件。

      為了釐清沙皇家族失蹤時的情況,一份具備了目擊證人、挖掘工作、對質、法官剝奪、翻案、屍體研究、挖土機與假證詞的研究調查,在 1918 到 1922 年期間展開。可說是一條如假包換的社會新聞。而一切都在八十年後,也就是 1998 年,從傳說是沙皇及其家人遺失的屍體被找到且回到聖彼得堡時,重新開始。在紀念儀式的嘈雜聲中,挖土機再次把葉卡捷琳堡不遠處的森林給翻了過來,對挖出來的顱骨做 DNA 檢測。

      大家都忘了,葉卡捷琳堡慘案的發生地點推定有幾個場景,幾乎不會讓人聯想到 1918 年事件的官方版所建立的預審檔案裏面的場景,而這些場景裏沒有……德國人。

      第一個場景是,雖然布雷斯特-里托夫斯克和約(paix de Brest-Litovsk)在 1918 年的春天簽訂,到了 7 月,世界大戰還是在東歐持續如火如荼進行著。法國與英國希望在俄羅斯建立第二戰線。和紅軍聯盟?還是與保皇的白軍合作?


      第三個場景是皇室家族糾結不清的關係,尼古拉二世與他德裔的妻子亞莉珊卓拉,以及英國的喬治五世(George V)、德國的紀堯姆二世、丹麥國王、西班牙國王,還有羅馬尼亞的瑪莉王后。這樣的一個血緣關係網絡,交織成一個和國家外交關係平行的外交關係,也覬覦著沙皇家族龐大的遺產。有些爭執也針對自稱是沙皇家族繼承人的人及白軍將領……






      全球知名的歷史學者  年鑑學派大師馬克.費侯代表鉅作  撼世登場

      費侯深入過去,只為說明當代的盲目,同時找回重要的共鳴。「社會的過去是一個取之不盡的仇恨寶庫……。」他語帶深意地表示。——《世界報》(Le Monde)

      歷史學者企圖揪出盲目歷史的源頭,呼籲重視歷史的清明與智慧。——《程序》(LA  PROCURE)


      陳建守/說書 Speaking of Books 創辦人    強力推薦

      楊豐銘/中研院民族所博士後研究員  審訂



      耄耋之年的年鑑學派老將馬克‧費侯推出這本鉅著,縱筆所及從第一次世界大戰、納粹主義、種族主義、新殖民主義、猶太大屠殺、伊斯蘭激進主義一路寫到911之後的恐攻事件及其餘波。就地理空間論,費侯要打破盲目的探照燈則遍及法國、德國、美國、俄國、中國和阿拉伯世界。費侯告訴我們人類之所以盲目是「自以為是」的結果,許多自以為是的政策造就後來無可挽回的悲劇。費侯結合事件史和長時段的手法,為我們展演了上個世紀的歷史鉅變以及關於我們這個世界的另一種故事。——陳建守/說書 Speaking of Books 創辦人






      馬克.費侯在《歷史的盲目》一書中偶爾會提出一些困擾的問題,而他也堅定地以教學手法回答這些問題,沒有敷衍、沒有廢話,讓本書更值得一讀。他主張,「身為歷史學者,就是要思考並反問自己一些問題,勇於對官方說法提出質疑;要教導國民了解問題,教他們思考問題……」,而他的書就符合這個目標。——《政治與議會評論》(REVUE POLITIQUE & PARLEMENTAIRE)

      《歷史的盲目》讓人覺得好像是馬克.費侯長久的寫作生涯中,曾經討論過的不同主題的掃描,橫跨作者自己看過及經歷過的某些證據時刻,給人包羅萬象的感覺。—— Un compte rendu de Jean-Guillaume Lanuque



    馬克.費侯 Marc Ferro

      法國高等社會科學研究院 (EHESS) 研究部主任,法國史學雜誌《年鑑》(Les Annales) 的主編之一,將電影作為文獻和媒介進行歷史研究的先鋒。著有《俄國革命》(La Révolution de 1917)、《第一次世界大戰》(La Grande Guerre)、《電影與歷史》(De Cinéma et Histoire)、《貝當》(un Pétain) 、《殖民史》(L’Histoire des colonisations) 《世紀之謎︰末代沙皇家族慘案的真相》(LA VÉRITÉ SUR LA TRAGÉDIE DES ROMANOV)。他也曾參與德法公共電視台ARTE的許多歷史節目的製作,著述三十多種,翻譯二十多種語言,世界風行。





    序  盲目與歷史感

    第一章 意外事件,這些組成歷史的星雲:中國的覺醒、五月風暴與蓋達組織
    第二章 群眾的誤解
    第三章 激進的盲從
    第四章 盲目的樂觀
    第五章 空談理論的精神:納粹主義升高
    第六章 透視戰爭(1939-1941)
    第七章 猶太人,盲目的受害者(及其他隱形的犧牲者)
    第八章 不承認,對照形式:德國與蘇聯
    第九章 人們有感受到大原則的偏離嗎?
    第十章 交叉與合併的盲目:阿爾及利亞的悲劇
    第十一章 這些助長盲目的歷史觀點
    第十二章 面對蘇聯解體的費解
    第十三章 面對歷史的個人
    第十四章 過去及其傳承
    第十五章 「資訊自由」的責任
    第十六章 電影、螢幕或現實的口譯者




    Book of Looking By Leonard Cohen 渴望之書


    Leonard Cohen 1934~2016 - Wikipedia


    Book of Longing



      極限音樂巨匠菲利普.格拉斯(Philip Glass),和「搖滾樂界的拜倫」、加拿大籍詩人歌手李歐納.柯恩(Leonard Cohen),兩位當代最重量級的藝術家醞釀多年,首次以柯恩2006年發表的詩畫集《渴望之書》為名,掀起跨界合作的話題。格拉斯以六年的時間,為柯恩的22首詩譜曲,運用四位歌者與小型樂團的編制,融合柯恩過去20年來的插畫投影,成為一場文學、視覺與音樂相互交合的盛宴。本書完整收錄台灣藝術節《渴望之書》亞洲首演,中英歌詞對照收藏之用。
    李歐納.柯恩(Leonard Cohen)
      詩人。他於22歲出版第一本詩集《讓我們比擬神話》(Let Us Compare Mythologies)。2007年,加拿大的Ecco出版社發行「復刻本」紀念這本詩集問世50年。

    NASA's Parker Solar Probe will be the first-ever mission to "touch" the Sun.


    The Sun By  Leonard Cohen


    手頭的是蔡源煌《從浪漫主義到後現代主義》(1991 第9刷)
    這是用自己的話和讀書報告談些"文學術語" (這在西方已很精細,著名的文學術語專書,從北京大學出版社的,一路都有翻譯、發行:A Glossary of Literary Terms 第4版起: M.H. Abrams)

    《從浪漫主義到後現代主義》很難得,編有索引,可惜還不夠全面,譬如說,"浪漫主義" Romanticism,除3~14頁,它處如第103頁等,都談到。
    其他如索引缺Thomas的 Mann,第110頁談其《威尼斯之死》末的一場夢,我在漢清講堂的談尼采的《悲劇的誕生》中,已指出有教授認為,該夢,即是談尼采的《悲劇的誕生》。
    47:55220 續,尼采「悲劇的誕生」 2018-04-17 漢清講堂
    又可參考"續,尼采「悲劇的誕生」:The Bacchae 古希臘作家Euripedes作品《酒神》(Bacchae)"



    Literary Terms and Criticism: From Romanticism to Postmodernism



    iii 推薦序
    v 作者序
    001 1 浪漫主義
    013 2 情詩口語化
    015 3 莎士比亞看「瘋狂」
    018 4 寫實主義與自然主義
    024 5 象徵主義的詩學
    032 6 表現主義
    038 7 意識流──剎那到永恆
    041 8 悲劇的誕生
    044 9 相命與文學
    047 10 小說與地靈
    050 11 西方現代文學中的城市
    058 12 從現代主義到後現代主義
    068 13 「前衛」一例
    071 14 吉姆情結
    073 15 自我與他人──文學和人生
    076 16 存在主義的文學與自我追求
    084 17 浮士德照鏡子
    086 18 文學的夢.夢的文學
    093 19 文學中的幽默與機智
    101 20 柏拉圖真反對文藝嗎?
    104 21 文學的外緣研究與內在研究
    107 22 新批評的主要術語
    113 23 文學批評的轉型期
    117 24 結構主義的爭論
    124 25 小說的敘事觀點
    137 26 「新小說」的突破
    143 27 西蒙的「新小說」
    148 28 虛構與敘事
    154 29 後設小說的啟示
    162 30 超現實主義與魔幻式的寫實
    173 31 語言行動理論與虛構敘事文研究
    189 32 何謂詮釋?
    197 33 揭開後現代的序幕
    202 34 作家的「爽」
    205 35 「作者之死」新詮
    213 36 語言的解構傾向
    219 37 莎士比亞對女性問題的看法
    231 38 文學中男人如何看女人?
    243 39 女性主義批評的商榷
    255 40 後現代主義的省思
    268 41 甚麼是後現代文學
    281 42 詹明信的後現代理論
    290 43 後現代的文化問題──訪詹明信教授
    304 後記
    309 索引


    I.Romantik 名詞由來-
     12 世紀法國出現敘事長詩"羅蘭之歌"(roman, sic)後,描述具傳奇色彩的騎士生活之敘事長詩在西班牙、德國(Nibelungenlied)相繼問世。
     Die Wurzeln der Romantik als geistiger Bewegung reichen bis in die Zeit der Mystik zuruck. Im engeren Sinn hangt sie zusammen mit dem Sturm und Drang und dem Weltbild Herders und ist gleich ein Gegenstos gegen den Rationalismus der Aufklarung德國的知識份子幻想自由卻不願亦不可能仿效法國在政治上的革命乃積極掀起浪漫主義的運動
     積極浪漫主義- 企圖加強人的生活抑制喚起人心對現實一切壓迫的反抗
     Heinrich Heine (海涅1797-1856)對德國浪漫主義的定





    The Wanderer in the Mists,1818,Caspar David Friedrich

    1. 康德(I. Kant)與費希特(Fichte)的主觀唯心主義 -
    2. 謝林(Schelling)的客觀唯心主義 -
     3. 許賴馬赫(F. Schleiermacher 1768-1834 ) 的浪漫神學- 
     早期浪漫派  以Jena為中心又稱耶拿派以Schlegel 兄弟(A. von Schlegel 1767-1845)為主要代表人物較具哲學與批判意識傾向接近古典主義Schlegel 兄弟所出版的代表性刊物”Athenäum”可謂理論基礎
     晚期浪漫派- 以柏林為中心,代表人物:Eichendorff, E. T. A. Hoffmann
    1. 反抗現實;2. 反理性;3. 反權威;4. 崇尚自我;
    德拉克洛窪 (Delacroix 1791-1863)
    Liberty Leading
    the People, 1830,
    哥雅 (Goya 1746-1828)

    Paris to the Moon By Adam Gopnik


    Paris to the Moon (英語) – 2001/3/27

    Soon after the Gopniks arrived in Paris, they saw an unsigned nineteenth-century engraving in a shop window titled “A Railroad from Paris to the Moon”.  He describes this engraving in the very first pages—-and I was hooked.

    「paris to the moon」の画像検索結果

    THEORY OF HEGEMONIC WAR; 伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史 History Of The Peloponnesian War The History of the Peloponnesian War; Thucydides’s trap (希臘文: Θουκυδίδης)


    War(New York, 1951), 14I Thucydides (trans. John H. Finley, Jr.), ThePeloponnesian 15. ... The essential idea THEORY OF HEGEMONIC WAR embodied in Thucydides' theory of hegemonic war is that fundamental changes in the international system are the basic determinants of such wars. it is caused by broad changes in political.

    Robert Gilpin - Theory of Hegemonic War | Sparta | International Politics


    Theory of Hegemonic War | Policy Tensor

    2013/02/25 - Gilpin focuses on how the international order emerges from hegemonic wars, is forged and upheld by dominant ... Historically, the wars that meet these three criteria are: the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta ...

    [PDF]Hegemonic War

    R Gilpin 著 - ‎1988 - ‎被引用数: 318 - ‎関連記事
    monic war. This essay argues that Thucydides' theory of hegemonic war constitutes one of the central organizing ideas for the study of international ... I Thucydides (trans. John H. Finley, Jr.), ThePeloponnesian War (New York, 1951), 14-. 15.

    Thucydides’ account of The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta is one of the classic pieces of writing on war. Thucydides, himself a failed Athenian admiral, wrote a detailed history of the war which, unlike the writings of his contemporaries, explained events by reference to the interplay of personalities and power rather than by the divine intervention of the gods. Above all, his account is written from a realist perspective which seeks to explain and understand rather than to moralize about war, although he does moralize implicitly and explicitly about the domestic pressures for war.
    "I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time."


    伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史History Of The Peloponnesian War


    History Of The Peloponnesian War

     Mary Renault (1905-1983)一九五六年的《殘酒》(The Last of the Wine) 以伯羅奔尼撒戰爭(431–404 BC)為背景,講述在柏拉圖老師蘇格拉底門下的一對雅典情侶十三年的流離。呂西斯與阿列克西亞的關係,再現了雅典所崇尚的男同性戀習俗:較年長的「愛者」(erastes)要擔當他傾慕的少年「所愛」(eromenos)的精神導師。兩人彷彿是另一時空的拉爾夫與羅瑞,因生活在一個推崇男風的英雄主義時代,而能更加高貴而長久地相愛。戰爭與和平交替,暴民與寡頭輪番上台,雅典由盛而衰的歷程如長卷一樣徐徐鋪展。這小說一舉奠定了瑞瑙特作為歷史文學大師的地位,也確立了她用得爐火純青的敘事手法—第一人稱回憶體的成長小說。

    【绕不开的修昔底德陷阱,美中必有一战? 】
    2015年9月,中国国家主席 #习近平 对美国进行国事访问期间,“修昔底德陷阱”(Thucydides Trap)一说的提出者——美国知名国际关系和外交政策学者、哈佛大学教授格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham T. Allison)在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上发表了题为《修昔底德陷阱:美国和中国正在走向战争?》的文章,指出快速崛起的中国必将冲击美国主导的国际秩序。在这一过程中,新兴大国中国和守成大国美国极有可能爆发战争。艾里森在他刚刚出版的新书《注定一战:美国和中国能否逃脱修昔底德陷阱?》(Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap)详尽阐述了这一观点。他表示,如果美国不及时拿出全面应对方案,不做出重大战略调整,美中极有可能爆发灾难性的冲突,而冲突的导火索将极有可能是朝鲜。
    全文链接: https://goo.gl/c9BvZe

    2015年9月,中国国家主席习近平对美国进行国事访问期间,“修昔底德陷阱”(Thucydides Trap)一说的提出者——美国知名国际关系和外交政策学者、哈佛大学教授格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham T. Allison)在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上发表了题为《修昔底德陷阱:美国和中国正在走向战争?》的文章

     Allison derived his interesting metaphor, the “Thucydides Trap,” from the fifth-century B.C. Peloponnesian War recounted by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides. The combatants were the ruling power Sparta, which the “trap” describes as corresponding to 21st-century United States, and the rising power Athens, corresponding to today’s China. Thucydides attributed the war to the “growth in power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta,” spurring the latter to launch what became a 27-year war.

    But the comparisons do not end there. The Thucydides Trap further stretches history and credulity by presuming equivalence with other distant wars. Allison’s examples date to the 16th-century war between the ruling power France and the rising power the Habsburgs, the 17th-century war between the Dutch Republic and England, and the 19th-century war between the ruling power France and the rising power Germany — among several others, reaching back centuries. But the equivalences with 21st-century United States and China — geostrategic challenges and opportunities, international order, deepening and irreversible globalization, myriad interdependences, robust trade, potentially existential nature of war today and preferred resort to diplomacy — don’t really hold up. Especially not to ancient Sparta and Athens.


    習近平在訪美演說中提到了"修昔底德陷阱"....那用功的C編, 就在此開課說明, 何謂"修昔底德陷阱" Thucydides’s trap (希臘文: Θουκυδίδης) : 即一個新崛起的大國必會挑戰當世大國,而當世的大國也必然會回應這種威脅; 如此的話, 戰爭就變得無可避免。


          • Image result for thucydides trap
        Professor Graham Allison of the Harvard Kennedy School has popularized the phrase “Thucydidestrap,” to explain the likelihood of conflict between a rising power and a currently dominant one.May 6, 2015

        The Real Thucydides' Trap | The Diplomat

    1. Thucydides (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free ...


      Thucydides Trap, where a rising power causes fear in an established power which escalates toward war.

      In the news
      Image for the news result
      A risk associated with Thucydides's Trap is that business as usual—not just an unexpected, ...
      More news for thucydides trap



     讀 丘彥明《人情之美》(1989),真的對那種長輩之愛所感動,尤其談葉公超的絕望......






    丘彥明,曾任台灣《聯合文學》執行主編、總編輯。1987 年獲台灣金鼎獎最佳雜志編輯獎。2000年獲《聯合報》十大好書獎及《中國時報》十大好書獎。在中國台北、比利時、荷蘭舉辦過個人畫展及參與聯展。著有《浮生悠悠》《荷蘭牧歌——家住聖安哈塔村》《在荷蘭過日子》等書。現居荷蘭,從事寫作、繪畫,養花種菜。




      《人情之美》的新版印行,我重新大幅度整理修訂原本篇章內容的錯誤並做增補,並加寫了好幾篇新文章。瘂弦先生當年選用我為編輯,給我與作家交往訪問的機會,親自為我改稿;他既是上司又是我的導師,這份恩情是不能忘的。附錄 〈從波麗路到明星——文人與咖啡屋〉 一文,則希望能以另一個方式來窺探,一九五○年代至一九八○年代初臺灣文人的創作環境和創作熱情,那是一個文藝百花齊放的美好時代。——丘彥明


    序 丘彥明《人情之美》 鄭樹森


    215 「人生實難」:談臺靜農先生 2018-02-21 漢清講堂

    高 陽
    西 西
    三 毛
    王 拓

    序 2015


      丘彥明一九七〇年代後期進入《聯合報‧ 聯合副刊》當編輯的時候,舊民國的一批著名文人東渡臺灣已三十年,都步入暮年歲月,例如二〇年代末就嶄露頭角的魯迅弟子臺靜農教授、三十年代參加《新月》的葉公超大使、多次和魯迅筆戰因此日後名字進入《毛選》的梁實秋教授等。而四十年代末才開始寫作的文藝青年也都邁向花甲,例如散文家吳魯芹教授、歷史小說家高陽先生。

      算是這一群民國文人的弟子輩的作家,這個時候風華正茂、備受文壇矚目;例如大學時代就創辦《現代文學》雜誌的小說家白先勇先生、在《現代文學》發表譯作的綠色生態作家孟東籬先生、在《現代文學》以本名陳平發表少作的旅遊作家三毛女士、在《現代文學》發表第一篇小說的王禎和先生等。 與白先勇和孟東籬不同,臺灣花蓮土生土長的王禎和沒有任何老民國、舊大陸的記憶,但唸花蓮中學的時候,得周作人弟子、北京師範大學國文系畢業的郭立誠老師介紹,罕有地知道當時鮮為人知的張愛玲,曾自行搜羅張愛玲的小說來研讀;早年未發表的作品,據其生前自述,當刻意模仿張愛玲(這一點亦得王禎和兄花蓮中學同窗、臺北洪範書店主持人葉步榮先生旁證),由是種下日後熱情接待張愛玲的因緣。

      也是因緣際會,丘彥明進入《聯合報‧ 聯合副刊》的時候,正值經濟起飛、政治開始寬鬆,副刊銳意革新,力謀擴大版圖,爭取讀者。由於臺灣長期戒嚴,又有不能開辦新報、原有報紙限定張數等箝制,報紙的主要戰場很自然由新聞版轉移至沒有太大掣肘的副刊。留學英國、曾任東北行轅新聞處處長的余紀忠先生創辦的《中國時報》(原《徵信新聞報》),安排青年詩人高信疆(高上秦、高歌)出主《人間副刊》。信疆兄上任後推動新議題、提倡新文類(如報導文學)、發掘新作家、鼓勵新創作(開辦文學獎),令到另一大報《聯合報》力謀反攻,禮聘自美返臺的原《幼獅文藝》月刊主編詩人瘂弦(王慶麟)先生出掌《聯合副刊》。據瘂弦親述,當年飛機抵達臺北松山機場時,信疆兄搶先接機,馬上直奔《中國時報》大本營,連同余先生全力遊說,甘詞厚幣之餘,另加住宅安排,務求瘂弦能「陣前起義」。臺灣兩大報當時戰況之激烈於此可見。

      瘂弦重言諾,不願臨時反戈,脫身後還是到《聯合報》 主持副刊,由是丘彥明才會成為他最得力的副手。彥明的主要工作就是和老作家及中生代聯絡。這種聯絡和今天的年輕編輯發個短訊大不相同。書信必定手寫,深入瞭解作家的背景和作品不可或缺(不然拉稿時豈能言之有物),逢年過節定必致意,有時候更免不了代辦一些瑣事(尤其是海外作家);經年累月,老輩作家和彥明的關係自然變成一師半友,不少中生代作家更是一輩子的朋友。





    Steve Lee──和廖志峰
    6 小時
    * * * * *
    * * * * *


    "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" . Ekaterina Panikanova


    Book Paintings by Ekaterina Panikanova | Colossal


    Work by Ekaterina Panikanova, contemporary Russian artist popular for combining a grouping of books as a canvas for her works.
    圖像裡可能有1 人、微笑中

    Archaeologist, military officer, diplomat, and writer #TELawrence was born #OTD 1888. "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" - his classic account of the 1916-18 Arab Revolt - established his reputation for daring, reckless adventure.
    We assume he joined The London Library for more of the same.

    圖像裡可能有1 人

    "Lawrence of Arabia" , The Arab spring. Do not give up hope /"沙漠革命記" Revolt in the Desert, 到"智慧七柱"Seven Pillars of Wisdom,

    中根 千枝『未開の顔・文明の顔』1959;《未開的臉與文明的臉》2018









    中根 千枝(なかね ちえ、1926年大正15年)11月30日 - )は、日本社会人類学者。専門はインドチベット・日本の社会組織。東京大学名誉教授。女性初の東大教授。女性初の日本学士院会員。また学術系としては女性初の文化勲章受章者となった[注 1]。イギリス人類学民族学連合名誉会員、国際人類学民族学連合名誉会員など。


    • 『未開の顔・文明の顔』(中央公論社、1959年/普及版・中央公論文庫、1962年/中公文庫、1990年7月、ISBN 4122017297
    • 『タテ社会の人間関係:単一社会の理論』(講談社現代新書、1967年7月、ISBN 4061155059
      • 『タテ社会の人間関係:Japanese Society』(チャールズ・イー・タトル出版、2009年2月、ISBN 480531026X
    • 『家族の構造:社会人類学的分析』(東京大学出版会、1970年)
    • 『人間と経営:トップビジネスマンとの対話』(文藝春秋、1971年)
    • 『適応の条件:日本的連続の思考』(講談社現代新書、1972年)
    • 『家族を中心とした人間関係』(講談社学術文庫、1977年)
    • 『タテ社会の力学』(講談社現代新書、1978年/講談社学術文庫、2009年7月、ISBN 4062919567
    • 『日本人の可能性と限界』(講談社、1978年)
    • 『社会構造の比較:アジアを中心として』(旺文社、1981年)
    • 『社会人類学:アジア諸社会の考察』(東京大学出版会、1987年/講談社学術文庫、2002年4月、ISBN 4061595407
    • 『中国とインド:社会人類学の観点から』(国際高等研究所、1999年)



    • 『韓国農村の家族と祭儀』 東京大学出版会 1973


    • 桑原武夫加藤秀俊)『歴史と文明の探求』 文明問題懇談会全記録 上下 中央公論社 1976



    • 中央公論 64年5月号 「日本的社会構造の発見」タテ社会の人間関係」のもとになった論文[注 3]
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