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Faust 《浮士德》英譯本之一 (含插圖);德英對照........ Walter Kaufmann. Henri Lichtenberger


0909 2017 六     朋友;吳興國與當代傳奇團隊《浮士德》
謝謝阿邦招待我們夫婦 (還預先告訴我們戲長、要帶長袖衣)和辛先生夫婦看吳興國與當代傳奇團隊的《浮士德》全本。
辛總請我們在大三元晚餐,謝謝 (他們夫婦熱情感人,因為出場已近晚上11點,還要趕回新竹) 。阿邦說,他上次來此餐廳是40.年前當家教時--大三元的歷史有48年了。
此次的《浮士德》比起阿邦上回請的  《慾望城國》,(對我而言)更成熟 (不只是舞台設計,他多少掌握原著的ㄧ些精神與重點)。
遇到Peter (熊先生)夫婦,大聊:他每天跑20公里是小事;顧問師課程修了1/3了。熊太太在公家機關做事。所以少來漢清講堂。
回家:時瑋,我與小燕去看Faust (吳興國),漏接您的電話,抱歉。  他說當上阿公了,很樂!





原作|歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 
主演|吳興國 朱柏澄 黃若琳 張碩庭 孫佳芳 黃逸豪 

Peter 引的"時間,請停住"約是末章的名句。

Vintage Books & Anchor Books

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born on this day in 1749.
“Two souls, alas, are housed within my breast,
And each will wrestle for the mastery there.”
―from FAUST by Goethe
The best translation of Faust available, this volume provides the original German text and its English counterpart on facing pages. Walter Kaufmann's translation conveys the poetic beauty and rhythm as well as the complex depth of Goethe's language. Includes Part One and selections from Part Two.

Faust (1926 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Faust is a 1926 silent film produced by UFA, directed by F. W. Murnau, starring Gösta Ekman as Faust, Emil Jannings as Mephisto, Camilla Horn as ...

Faust (1926) High Quality F.W. Murnau - YouTube

Apr 17, 2013 - Uploaded by voxtelum
From imdb God and Satan war over earth; to settle things, they wager on the soul of Faust, a learned and ...

Henri Lichtenberger — Wikipédia

Henri Lichtenberger (12 March 1864, Mulhouse – 4 November 1941, Biarritz) was a French academic who specialized in German literature.

Henri Lichtenberger 《浮士德研究》李辰冬譯,台北:東大圖書,1976

這本書是 Henri Lichtenberger 翻譯Faust  成法文的上下冊之導言




Musée Eugène Delacroix
Suite aux messages privés des fans, nous diffusons le compte-rendu de la conférence qui a eu lieu le 25 septembre dernier au Musée Delacroix sur "Le mythe de Faust dans la création au XIXe siècle", par Elisabeth Brisson, agrégée et docteur en histoire
Participez à la conférence d'Elisabeth Brisson jeudi 25 septembre à 18h30 dans l'atelier d'Eugène Delacroix, autour du mythe de Faust dans la création artistique du XIXe siècle.

Photo : Faust dans son cabinet, Eugène DELACROIX. © Photo RMN-Grand Palais - G. Blot / C. Jean
 — 與 Feza Mör 。

參加會議的伊莉莎白豬蹄甲 9 月 25 日 (星期四) 在 6:30 下午在車間由歐仁德拉克洛瓦,圍繞浮士德 》 中的 19 世紀藝術創作的神話。圖片: 浮士德 》 中他的內閣,歐仁德拉克洛瓦。© 照片核磁共振大皇宮及玉 G.污點 / 訴瓊 (翻譯由 Bing 提供)

網路上 FAUST 的英譯本之一 (含插圖)

浮士德Faust是這樣重要的一本書,已成為經典,我們可以舉尼采(1986)《超善惡:未來哲學序曲 236/條》(詳下)和易易卜生(Ibsen)在1867年完成 Peer Gynt《培爾金特》(蕭乾譯,台北:書林,1999,頁142。又可參考 Peter Watts 譯本(Penguin Classics1966)頁134的詳注和分析。…so that Peer aptly say” The Eternal Feminine leads us on’….

「正如一位名作家所說的:”Das ewig Weibliche ziechet uns an!*”」(*德語,永恆之女性領導我們前行。這是德國詩人哥德所著《浮士德》一書最後一語。)

由於蕭先生根據的英譯版本比較舊,所以不知道這裡有Ibsen 的故事筆誤:哥德原文是”…ziecht uns an!”
「那個為但丁和哥德所信仰的女人的東西前者既然他唱到『她抬頭仰祝,而我瞧著她』,後者,既然他把女人轉譯成:『永恆女性引著我們上升』-- 我不懷疑,每位高貴的女人都會向這種信仰抗爭。因為,女人所信仰的,恰是來自永恆性的東西……」(尼采(1886)《超善惡:未來哲學序曲》張念東、凌素心譯,北京:中央編譯出版社,2000,頁168。又請進一步參考 Laurence Lampert《尼采的使命:《超善惡:未來哲學序曲》的釋讀》李致遠、李小均譯,北京:華夏,2009,頁287-88。尼采的「男性學」和「女性學」等。又,尼采在《超善惡》還有一妙論:
That which Dante and Goethe believed of woman – the former when he sang ‘ella guardava suso, ed io in lei’ the latter when he translated it ‘the eternal-womanly draws us upward’ - : I do not doubt that every nobler woman will this belief, for that is precisely what she believes of eternal-manly…(Beyond Good and Evi: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future by Nietsche, Penguin Classics, 1972)
我們簡單談一下 Faust 第二部與哥德《色彩論》的關係。根據Leshan & Margenau, Einstein's Space and Van Gogh's Sky, Collier Books, New York, 1982.14章:「牛頓與哥德的色彩諸世界:兩種真實領域」指出,一為科學之真實,一為詩人之感受,都應該尊重之。我們可以用

‘The devil is old; you must become old to understand him.’—Faust
據說社會學大家韋伯(Max Weber1864-1920)晚年遭逢政治世局大變(1919),必須區分「責任倫理」(ethic of responsibility)與「良心倫理」(ethic of conscience),並引了浮士德》這樣的話:「魔道古老;你要活得夠久才會了解牠。」*
*出自《浮士德》第二部第二幕, 6815-6818行


某本文化史提到()艾克曼[Johann Peter Eckermann]輯錄歌德談話錄,我發現它是大陸的中學指定課外書,所以大陸有近十本的翻譯,不過我有的全譯本,卻是著名的朱先生翻譯的大異其趣……
"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.50, 2008
321日; 2008/1/28 創刊
主題:上周在RD發現將gods等翻譯成"單數"的神的。忘記錄下。昨晚翻錢鍾書先生的"談藝錄"一書,提到創世紀:Chapter 3 5/節之gods 之原委(他說在GotheFaust終於將它說成 God……)。
我找出英文本,都為 gods,不過新舊教的中文本都「翻譯成"單數"的神」。以下是思高本
4And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death.
3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die.

Faust - Alexander Sokurov


Venice Golden Lion for Alexander Sokurov's Faust
Alexander Sokurov with his Golden Lion in Venice - 10 September 2011
  Sokurov appealed for governments to continue funding the arts
Russian director Alexander Sokurov's take on the German legend Faust has won the film a Golden Lion - the top award at the Venice Film Festival.
The classic tale explores the corrupting nature of power as scholar Faust sells his soul to the devil.
German-born Irish actor Michael Fassbender was named best actor for playing a sex addict in British director Steve McQueen's Shame.
The best actress award went to Hong Kong's Deanie Yip in A Simple Life.
Best actor
Fassbender, 34, previously worked with McQueen in the filmmaker's Bafta-winning debut feature Hunger, playing jailed IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands.
Michael FassbenderFassbender recently starred in X-Men: First Class
Accepting his acting honour, he said: "It's just really nice when you take chance and you do something that you think is relevant - you hope is relevant - and people respond the way they did."
Fassbender also starred in another Venice competition film - David Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method - in which he plays psychoanalyst Carl Jung.
The film will show at the London Film Festival next month.
Golden Lion winner Faust was praised by US director Darren Aronofsky - head of the Venice jury - who presented the award.
He said: "There are some films that make you cry, there are some films that make you laugh, there are some films that change you forever after you see them; and this is one of them."
At a news conference following the award ceremony, Sokurov appealed for governments to continue funding the arts.
"Culture is not a luxury! It is the basis for the development of the society," he said.

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