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Samuel Pepys


英文世界中最著名的 17世紀日記The Diary of Samuel Pepys
 Page 214 -The priory church of St Mary ... as at the s. end of 'the new alley called Exchange Alley next Lumbard Streete in the parish of Saint Mary Woolnoth'. ...

--此君以日記聞名, 鉅細靡遺, 成為今日追索當時風俗/社會/時事/八卦的珍貴記錄.

The Diary of Samuel Pepys
by Samuel Pepys - Biography & Autobiography - 2000 - 278 pages 1661/5/18
Page 102 - fortunae

' with great pleasure. So home to bed

In the 14th century, the numbles (or noumbles, nomblys, noubles) was the name given to the heart, liver, entrails etc. of animals, especially of deer - what we now call offal or lights. By the 15th century this had migrated to umbles, although the words co-existed for some time. There are many references to both words in Old English and Middle English texts from 1330 onward. Umbles were used as an ingredient in pies, although the first record of 'umble pie' in print is as late as the 17th century. Samuel Pepys makes many references to such pies in his diary. For example, on 5th July 1662:
"I having some venison given me a day or two ago, and so I had a shoulder roasted, another baked, and the umbles baked in a pie, and all very well done."
and on 8th July 1663:
"Mrs Turner came in and did bring us an Umble-pie hot out of her oven, extraordinarily good."
This summer marks 350 years since the Great Plague of London left nearly 70,000 people in the city dead. At a time when the world is emerging from the lethal shadow of the Ebola outbreak, Samuel Pepys’s diary, with its rich detailing of an earlier plague, seems unnervingly fresh. From the moment he saw the red crosses on that boiling June day, through September when the death rate peaked at 7,000 a week, and until January 1666 when it began to wane, Pepys chronicled the plague’s progress through narrow alleys and grand mansions. http://econ.st/1HZtjWq

JUNE 7TH 1665 was an unnaturally hot London day, the hottest that Samuel Pepys had experienced in his 32 years. Sapped by the “mighty heat”, this naval...

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