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海明威 Ernest Hemingway



海明威愛住威尼斯一家宮殿旅館,金門綉戶,老氣橫秋,他的套房古典極了,大窗戶對着大運河,派頭不小。那年仲秋古城煙水悠忽,街巷闃寂,大橋小橋人影稀 疏,橋下遊船都靠在一邊午休。倫敦相熟的意大利同學帶路,繞完弄堂繞進大街繞到山腰上找到那家老舊的宮殿。掌櫃客氣,各處瀏覽了一遍還請喫下午茶,說旅館 裏老一輩伙計都不在了,他們記得海明威,粗獷一條漢子,毛茸茸像拳師,言談倒和氣,話不多,輕描淡寫,不嚕囌,像他筆下的英文句子。喝酒也斯文,房間裏煙 味濃得很,天熱赤膊寫作,用打字機打字,用鉛筆改稿。一住好幾天,衣着樸素,亞麻布衣褲皺兮兮,很瀟灑。掌櫃的說好多年前《紐約客》雜誌上一幅漫畫畫海明 威,畫一隻筋絡虬結的手臂和一隻多毛的手,手裏緊緊抓着一朵玫瑰花,題目是《海明威的靈魂》。我早歲愛讀海明威,英文報刊上寫他的文章都剪存,厚厚兩冊卷 宗塞得滿滿的,年久散佚,舊夢縹緲。都說他的短篇小說比長篇好。其實短的長的都講究。迷惘,虛無,陽剛,簡練,每一本都像照常昇起的太陽,那麼耀眼,那麼 闌珊。《戰地春夢》裏凱瑟琳臨終前說:「我一點兒都不怕。這祗是個卑鄙的騙局。」海明威從來不否定努力,不否定紀律。紀律,幫規,堅忍,他從來守着:「勇 敢的人不會出岔子」。凱瑟琳死了,弗烈德里哥熄了燈彷彿在向一具石像告別,然後走出醫院,然後在雨裏走回旅館。海明威整套作品離不開傳遞一個信息:告別虛 幻的榮耀,挑戰傲慢的騙局,承受磨難的救贖。他是《老人與海》裏的老人,為天生的信仰潛進字海裏跟典章制度的巨鯊搏鬥,求存。《老人與海》一九五二年初 版。一九五四年,諾貝爾文學獎頒給海明威。明年是二○一四年,得獎剛好六十年,一甲子。台灣老朋友老張很想籌錢出版一本追憶海明威的文集,翻譯歷來英美文 評家評論海明威的文章,選錄海明威同代人記述海明威的軼事,刊登海明威所有作品初版的封面。那些評論文章老張譯了不少。中文報刊上寫海明威的零散文章他也 剪存了,選一批收進文集裏不難,逐一釐清版權要花點時間。今日世界出版社出版的《戰地春夢》和《老人與海》中文譯本的導論和序文也應該收進集子裏。海明威 寫的報刊特稿美國結集出版過,書信集也有,都可以選一批譯成中文收成一輯。老張要我寫一篇搜藏海明威初版的隨筆,穿插一些閱讀海明威的散記。搜藏初版和讀 書散記我資歷不足,不敢亂寫,寫淺了怠慢他,寫深了冤枉他。海明威初版都很貴,我無力多買,只藏了幾部:一九二四年的《我們的時代》,一九二六年的《太陽 照常昇起》,一九二七年的《沒有女人的男人》,一九二九年的《戰地春夢》,一九三二年的《死在午後》,一九三五年的《非洲青山》,一九四○年的《鐘為誰 鳴》,一九五二年的《老人與海》。海明威一九六一年自殺死了,一九六四年蒐集出版的花都憶往之作《流動的饗宴》我最喜歡。他第四任妻子瑪麗說海明威一九五 七年秋天在古巴着手寫這本書,一九五八到五九年帶回美國愛達荷州故居接着寫,一九五九年四月又帶到西班牙寫。一九六○年春天他在古巴寫完這本書,秋天在美 國又修飾過一遍。書裏寫的是一九二一年到一九二六年的巴黎。海明威說那時候沒錢買書,常到西爾薇婭的莎士比亞書店借書。冬天街上風大,很冷,書店裏又暖和 又閑散,桌子上書架上都是書,新書擺在櫥窗裏,牆上掛滿著名作家的照片,故世的在世的都有。西爾薇婭一張臉像雕塑,輪廓深刻,言談生動。他說她的腿很漂 亮,人又和善,愛開玩笑,愛聊天。海明威說他第一次走進書店很不好意思,沒帶夠錢交保證金申請借書證。西爾薇婭說保證金什麼時候方便什麼時候交,她先給他 做了一張借書證,說隨便借走多少本書都可以。海明威說她沒理由這樣相信他,他在申請表上填的地址又是巴黎的窮苦區。她不在乎,照樣那麼高興那麼歡迎他。他 借了屠格湼夫和兩本體育雜誌和勞倫斯的《兒子與情人》。西爾薇婭說還可以多借些。他於是又借了《戰爭與和平》和一本陀思妥耶夫斯基的短篇小說。「看那麼多 書你不會那麼快再來了,」她說。「我得回來還錢,」海明威說,「我公寓裏還有些錢。」她說她不是那個意思:「等你方便才還錢不遲。」海明威問她喬伊斯什麼 時候會來。她說通常過了午後晚些才來:「你沒見過他嗎?」海明威說餐館裏見過,他和家人在用膳,沒好意思多看,不禮貌,況且那家館子貴極了。那是八十多年 前的巴黎。四十多年前我第一次去巴黎好餐館還是貴。便宜的其實也不少,碰運氣碰得到好吃的。我住的小旅館靜得很,房間小陽台雕花欄杆前俯看小巷很詩意。午 後四點多鐘了,大街小餐館的後門就在巷子裏,相熟的伙計捲起衣袖點算剛送到的海鮮:「好大的魚,」他仰着頭跟我打招呼,「來吃晚飯吧!」小旅館隔壁是一家 麵包店,麵包剛出爐,好香。海明威說,在巴黎吃不飽的時候覺得特別餓,該死的糕餅舖子櫥窗裏那麼多糕餅,餐館外面路邊餐桌坐滿了食客,饞死人了。那幾天我 不斷想起海明威講究形容詞的用法,用得恰當不容易,盡量少用是出路:乾乾淨淨的屠格湼夫;乾乾淨淨的海明威,多好。有一天,海明威在咖啡館裏寫稿,一個麗 人走進來坐在角落裏等人。她太漂亮了。他一見動心,文思斷了:「你在等誰我不管,」他想。「從此再也見不到你了我也不管。這一刻,你是我的。全巴黎都是我 的。我卻屬於這本筆記簿和這枝鉛筆。」早年還有一個人喜歡《流動的饗宴》:倫敦一家律師樓的見習律師奈吉爾。二十來歲,又高又瘦,一頭鬈髮像鳥窩,一臉書 卷氣,金絲眼鏡兩塊圓圓的鏡片護着一雙湖水藍眼睛。鼻樑高得出奇,嘴唇薄得出奇,人中長得出奇。話不多,一口牛津英語跟他的相貌很般配。是個書蟲,經常蹲 在老威爾遜舊書店裏挑書。老威爾遜說是個世家子弟,爺爺第一次世界大戰時期當財政大臣的機要秘書,父親是郵政局出納部主管,母親是舞台設計師,他們家珍藏 歷代飛禽書籍出名,爺爺是這門學科的專家,寫過專書。奈吉爾不一樣,只收老小說,當代小說只愛喬伊斯和海明威。老威爾遜介紹我們認識。他上班的律師樓跟我 上班的英國廣播電台很近,他來參觀過,我請他在電台餐廳吃午飯,他說比外頭好吃,又便宜,從此得空常來找我吃飯,飯後到電台酒吧喝咖啡。海明威小說奈吉爾 熟透了,說寫得極好的是《雪山盟》和《老人與海》:「寫得最好的倒是《流動的饗宴》了。」《雪山盟》我讀外文系啃過,考過,苦死了。「你細細再讀一遍,不 難看出斯泰因為什麼這樣評定海明威的小說,」奈吉爾說。斯泰因是美國女作家,比海明威老,長住巴黎,提倡先鋒派藝術,運用重複和瑣碎和簡化的手法寫作,她 的小說《三個女人的一生》我喜歡。她說海明威是她讀到的「最羞澀最驕傲最芳香的說故事的人」。《流動的饗宴》裏寫斯泰因寫了不少,幾乎當她是寫作班的老 師,教訓海明威必須讀哪些作家不要讀哪些作家。奈吉爾說寫巴黎寫人物寫成《流動的饗宴》簡直了不起。翻譯家湯新楣先生也這樣說。威尼斯一家書籍裝幀作坊有 一本《流動的饗宴》,皮面裝潢很漂亮,說是一位藏書家訂做的,皮畫貼出畢加索一幅靜物,有酒杯,有水果,有盤子,有刀叉,有調羹。我跟奈吉爾說了,他心 動,也想找桑科斯基裝幀店做一本,後來做了沒有我不知道。這本書美國初版書衣其實也好看,油畫畫巴黎納夫橋的秋冬景色。書名摘自海明威一九五○年寫給朋友 信上的一句話:「年輕的時候運氣好住過巴黎,這輩子不論去到什麼地方,巴黎都和你在一起,因為巴黎是一席流動的饗宴」。我在巴黎找過海明威住過的房子,照 書上寫的地址找,路人都說拆掉了,門牌也重編,找不到。那天天陰,細雨迷濛。


 Baker, Carlos. (1969). Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ISBN 978-0-02-001690-8

 海明威傳 台北: 志文 1981/1990


A. E. Hotchner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._E._Hotchner - 頁庫存檔 -翻譯這個網頁
Hotchner is best known for Papa Hemingway, his 1966 biography of Ernest Hemingway, whose work he had adapted for plays and television. His play Sweet ...

To Use and Use Not

In an interview in The Paris Review in 1958 Ernest Hemingway made an admission that has inspired frustrated novelists ever since: The final words of “A Farewell to Arms,” his wartime masterpiece, were rewritten “39 times before I was satisfied.”
Those endings have become part of literary lore, but they have never been published together in their entirety, according to his longtime publisher, Scribner.
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
Ernest Hemingway in 1947.
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Ernest Hemingway's first-page draft for “A Farewell to Arms.”
The new edition, with the original cover art.
A new edition of “A Farewell to Arms,” which was originally published in 1929, will be released next week, including all the alternate endings, along with early drafts of other passages in the book.
The new edition is the result of an agreement between Hemingway’s estate and Scribner, now an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
It is also an attempt to redirect some of the attention paid in recent years to Hemingway’s swashbuckling, hard-drinking image — through fictional depictions in the best-selling novel “The Paris Wife” and the Woody Allen film “Midnight in Paris,” for instance — back to his sizable body of work.
“I think people who are interested in writing and trying to write themselves will find it interesting to look at a great work and have some insight to how it was done,” Seán Hemingway, a grandson of Ernest Hemingway who is also a curator of Greek and Roman art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, said in an interview. “But he is a writer who has captured the imagination of the American public, and these editions are interesting because they really focus on his work. Ultimately that’s his lasting contribution.”
The new edition concludes that the 39 endings that Hemingway referred to are really more like 47. They have been preserved in the Ernest Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston since 1979, where Seán Hemingway studied them carefully. (Bernard S. Oldsey, a Hemingway scholar, listed 41 endings in his book “Hemingway’s Hidden Craft,” but Seán Hemingway found 47 variations in manuscripts preserved at the Kennedy Library.)
The alternate endings are labeled and gathered in an appendix in the new edition, a 330-page book whose cover bears the novel’s original artwork, an illustration of a reclining man and woman, both topless.
For close readers of Hemingway the endings are a fascinating glimpse into how the novel could have concluded on a different note, sometimes more blunt and sometimes more optimistic. And since modern authors tend to produce their work on computers, the new edition also serves as an artifact of a bygone craft, with handwritten notes and long passages crossed out, giving readers a sense of an author’s process. (When asked in the 1958 Paris Review interview with George Plimpton what had stumped him, Hemingway said, “Getting the words right.”)
The endings range from a short sentence or two to several paragraphs.
In No. 1, “The Nada Ending,” Hemingway wrote, “That is all there is to the story. Catherine died and you will die and I will die and that is all I can promise you.”
The “Live-Baby Ending,” listed as No. 7, concludes, “There is no end except death and birth is the only beginning.”
And in No. 34, the “Fitzgerald ending,” suggested by Hemingway’s friend F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway wrote that the world “breaks everyone,” and those “it does not break it kills.”
“It kills the very good and very gentle and the very brave impartially,” he wrote. “If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.”
Hemingway also left behind a list of alternate titles, which are reprinted in the new edition. They include “Love in War,” “World Enough and Time,” “Every Night and All” and “Of Wounds and Other Causes.” One title, “The Enchantment,” was crossed out by Hemingway.
Patrick Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway’s only surviving son, said in an interview from his home in Montana that when Scribner suggested the raw material be published, he agreed.
“They do give insight to how Hemingway was thinking,” said Patrick Hemingway, who is 84. “But it is absolutely true that no matter how much you analyze a classic bit of writing, you can never really figure out what makes talent work.”
Susan Moldow, the publisher of Scribner, said that while Hemingway is a perennial strong seller, especially for schools and libraries, “the estate is constantly wanting to present the work afresh.”
“This is one of the most important authors in American history,” she said. “And fortunately or unfortunately you need to keep refreshing or people lose interest.”
After reading the various endings, Ms. Moldow added, she didn’t question the author’s decision; the actual ending — cool and passionless after an epic tale of war and love, with the protagonist leaving a hospital in the rain — has stood the test of time.
“Ultimately,” she said, “I think we have to be glad that he went with the ending that he went with.”



1958年,歐內斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)在《巴黎評論》(Paris Review)訪談中坦言,他那部講述戰爭年代的傑作《永別了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms)的結尾,他重寫了39遍才算滿意。對於寫作中受挫的小說家來說,這句話至今仍是一種啟迪。
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
這一新版是海明威遺產基金會和斯克瑞伯納雙方協議的結果。斯克瑞伯納目前隸屬於西蒙與舒斯特出版集團(Simon & Schuster)。
此舉也是力圖扭轉近年來暢銷小說《巴黎妻子》(The Paris Wife)、伍迪·艾倫(Woody Allen)的電影《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris)等虛構作品將海明威塑造成的那種虛張聲勢、酗酒莽漢的形象,讓人們對海明威的注意力放回到他數量可觀的作品上。
歐內斯特·海明威的孫子、紐約大都會博物館希臘與羅馬藝術部負責人肖恩·海明威(Seán Hemingway)在採訪中說:“我想,對寫作有興趣、剛開始寫作的人都會興緻勃勃地看一部傑作,看看它是怎樣寫成的。他也是一位俘獲了美國公眾想像力 的作家,這些不同版本令人感興趣,因為它們集中展現的是他的工作。這終究是他永恆的貢獻。”
這個收入海明威所說的那39種結尾的新版,實際上收了47種結尾。自1979年以來,這些資料被保存於波士頓的約翰·F.肯尼迪總統圖書館 (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)中的歐內斯特·海明威藏區,肖恩·海明威在那裡做過仔細研究。(海明威研究專家伯納德·S.歐德塞[Bernard S.Oldsey]在他的著作《海明威的秘技》[Hemingway’s Hidden Carft]一書中曾列舉41種結尾,但肖恩·海明威在肯尼迪圖書館收藏的書稿中發現了47種。)
對於熱愛海明威作品的讀者來說,這些結尾就像驚鴻一瞥,讓人陶醉地看到這部小說也可能以另一種基調結束,有的更直率,有的更樂觀。由於當代作家大都 使用電腦寫作,這個新版《永別了,武器》也像是一種手工製品,展現了一種業已失傳的手藝,上面有手寫的注釋、筆記和劃掉的長段落,讓讀者感覺像在看作家寫 作的過程。(1958年《巴黎評論》那次訪談中,採訪者喬治·普林頓[George Plimton]問海明威什麼是他的挑戰,他說,“用對詞。”)
而34號結尾叫“菲茨傑拉德結尾”,是因為靈感來自海明威的朋友F.司各特·菲茨傑拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)提的建議。海明威寫道:這個世界“擊倒了每個人”,有些人“即使沒有被擊倒,也會死”。
海明威還留下了一系列可供選擇的書名。新版中也收了這些書名,其中有《戰爭中的愛情》(Love in War),《世界夠了,時間也夠了》(World Enough and Time),《創傷與其他事業》(Of Wounds and Other Causes),還有一個被海明威自己劃掉的標題《魅力》(The Enchantment)。
海明威唯一還在世的兒子帕特里克·海明威(Patrick Hemingway)在蒙大拿州的家裡接受採訪時說,聽說斯克瑞伯納出版社提議出版這些原始材料,他就同意了。
斯克瑞伯納出版人蘇珊·莫爾多(Susan Moldow)說,雖然海明威作品的銷量經久不衰,尤其受學校和圖書館歡迎,“遺產基金會仍然想讓他的作品保持新鮮感”。

  Hemingway and Ourselves  1954 223(8) 海明威與我們*

「詮釋 伊塔羅.卡爾維諾( Italo Calvino)著《為什麼讀經典》

2小時 · 
"He is so very incorrect, except in this: he gave the century a way of making literary art that dealt with the remarkable violence of our time. He  listened and watched and INVENTED the language--using the power, the terror, of silences--with which we could name ourselves." (Frederick Busch, Reading Hemingway without Guilt)  1992年,紐約時報在海明威逝世30周年刊了一篇文章,標題是:沒有罪惡感地讀海明威。"政治不正確"--這是紅極一時的海明威,後來最受批評之處。他對女性對猶太人對同志甚至對各種暴烈運動的觀點都在60年代以後備受奚落。然而毫不意外,真正懂創作的人都繼續推崇他,即使對他也有過意見的卡爾維諾。他在1954年剖析自己從年輕到後來對海明威的愛恨交織的那篇文章<海明威與我們這一代>中,像個叛逆後再度理解並感激父輩的學徒說道:  "你唬不了我的,老頭。你沒有誤人子弟,你不是那種冒牌大師。"  卡爾維諾知道,現代文學如果有本帳,那海明威給的絕對比他拿走的多。沒有海明威,現代文學裡就沒有那些冷峻直接、不加裝飾又幹練的語言,那些20世紀人們得以說出自己不同於前世代的語言。

"He is so very incorrect, except in this: he gave the century a way of making literary art that dealt with the remarkable violence of our time. He listened andwatched and INVENTED the language--using the power, the terror, of silences--with which we could name ourselves." (Frederick Busch, Reading Hemingway without Guilt)




  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[ɑːrsélvz, àuər-]
1 ((〜 -self))我々自身を[に]. ▼動詞の直接・間接目的語または前置詞の目的語. ⇒HERSELF 1
Weseated ourselves.
2 ((強意))私たち自身[みずから].
(1) ((weとともに用いて))
Wewillhandletheproblem ourselves.
(2) ((usの代わりに用いて))
They, unlike ourselves, disliketravel.
(3) ((weまたはwe ourselvesの代わりに用いて))
Ourchildrenand ourselves willbegladtocome.
3いつもの自分, 正常な精神状態. ⇒ONESELF[語法]
Wehavenotbeen ourselves sinceheleft.
あの人がいなくなってから, どうかなってしまった.
between ourselves



我說了:MOMENT OF TRUTH 其實是海明威翻譯西班牙鬥牛的"決戰之剎那間"…..

十幾年前(可能近 20年),台灣翻譯一本談北歐航空公司生意和服務品質的書:
『關鍵時刻』( Moments of truth by J Carlzon - 1989 - New York: Perennial Library

這書名有典故,是 1932年海明威(Ernest Hemingway)寫Death in the Afternoon時,從西班牙文的el momento de la verdad 翻譯過來的,原先的 the moment of truth 是指闘牛時最後鬥牛士瞄準、給牛致命一刺的瞬間。後來引伸為「一大危機[転機] .」。( A critical or decisive time, at which one is put to the ultimate test, as in Now that all the bills are in, we've come to the moment of truth—can we afford to live here or not?

管理學上,想讓服務過程的互動更為人性化,所以有這方面的說法:The humanization of service: respect at the moment of truth by GR Bitran, J Hoech - Sloan Management Review, 1990 或醫療上When this initial moment of truth goes well, a positive cycle begins be- tween the customer and the organization; when it goes poorly, it may be difficult to ...

出版地/出版者/出版年, 臺中市/普天/1971 民60. 稽核項, [9],254面/19公分.


用字簡潔,大量對話,降低對事物的判斷或描述, 使讀者自行體會未被說出的部分——美國小說家海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899-1961)堅信「冰山理論」,作品也服膺此一美學,因此,由譯者陳夏民所編的這本短篇小說傑作選,故事核心總在情節之外, 看似呼之欲出,卻終究如生活局部般被時間截斷,留下想像的泛音。全書有洋溢童年啟蒙氣味如〈印第安人的營地〉或〈三聲槍響〉,挫敗愛情如〈一則很短的故 事〉或〈白象似的群山〉;有時敘事柔軟體貼,如〈雨中的貓〉或〈等了一整天〉,有時則強悍俐落不改記者本色,如〈法蘭西斯.麥坎伯幸福而短暫的一生〉。被 喬伊思力讚的〈一個乾淨明亮的地方〉,速寫一間午夜咖啡館,一老一少店員對話,折映出一個時代的疲軟與空無,而始知:「世物皆空,人也不例外。需要的,不 過是光,還有某些程度的乾淨與秩序罷了。」 (Herbie Hancock)

一票名家名著的簡介 不過多說"評價"

Michael Ignatieff 的2本書: Fire and Ashes: Success and Failure in Politics

編輯Henry Hardy 寫的《自由及其背叛編者前言》Freedom and its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty很精彩,不亞於Michael Ignatieff 所寫的 Sir Isaiah Berlin 的傳記。(該書有二漢譯本,而我寫了好幾篇所謂"翻譯評論"/Michael Ignatieff 的訪問影片,在YouTube可找到---- 這是1952年的6小時BBC演講的追憶稿---- 最有趣/意思的是許多聽眾寫信問柏林……柏林很感動 每信必復……..)

“The first thing you need to know when you enter politics is why you’re doing it. You’d be surprised at how many people go into politics without being able to offer anyone a convincing reason why. But why is the first question they—voters, press and rivals—will ask you . . . ”
過去一個月,花了相當時間閱讀Fire and Ashes。這本由美國哈佛大學出版的書,紀錄了一位學者踏上政治後的回顧與反思。Ignatieff,一位在哈佛大學甘迺迪學院(Kennedy School of Government)教授人權與國際政治的加拿大人,於2005年10月返回家鄉踏入政壇,次年1月贏得選舉進入國會,2008年年底成為加拿大的傳統大黨「自由黨」(Liberal Party)黨魁,率領自由黨爭取執政機會,一切似乎都順利地依計劃進行。然而,2011年5月國會大選,自由黨慘敗,在308個國會席次中,僅僅取得34席。Ignatieff黯然退出政壇,結束短短五年的從政生涯。
Fire and Ashes也是在明天(12/07)「閱讀,讓世界不一樣」的龍顏講堂上,我所推薦的一本書。如果有興趣,明天下午14:30,來金石堂信義店(台北市信義路二段196號5樓)走走,與我及飛帆一起交換閱讀的喜悅與心得。
“The first thing you need to know when you enter politics is why you’re doing it. You’d be surprised at how many people go into politics without being able to offer anyone a convincing reason why. But why is the first question they—voters, press and rivals—will ask you . . . ”  <Fire and Ashes: Success and Failure in Politics, Michael Ignatieff, Harvard University Press, 2013>  過去一個月,花了相當時間閱讀Fire and Ashes。這本由美國哈佛大學出版的書,紀錄了一位學者踏上政治後的回顧與反思。Ignatieff,一位在哈佛大學甘迺迪學院(Kennedy School of Government)教授人權與國際政治的加拿大人,於2005年10月返回家鄉踏入政壇,次年1月贏得選舉進入國會,2008年年底成為加拿大的傳統大黨「自由黨」(Liberal Party)黨魁,率領自由黨爭取執政機會,一切似乎都順利地依計劃進行。然而,2011年5月國會大選,自由黨慘敗,在308個國會席次中,僅僅取得34席。Ignatieff黯然退出政壇,結束短短五年的從政生涯。  這不是一個振奮人心的勝利故事,這是一個挫折失敗的故事,但卻因此是一個更有價值的故事。一位政治學家透過親身經歷,不做作、不浮誇、不推諉,以令人驚訝的坦率態度,誠實並深刻地反省自己的政治之路,帶領讀者認真地思考當代政治的意義與價值。  特別謝謝從不吝於給我直率諍言的好友丞儀與彥圖,催促我閱讀這本好書,考驗自己的心靈,逼迫自己誠實面對挑戰與選擇,追問自己意志的強度。  Fire and Ashes也是在明天(12/07)「閱讀,讓世界不一樣」的龍顏講堂上,我所推薦的一本書。如果有興趣,明天下午14:30,來金石堂信義店(台北市信義路二段196號5樓)走走,與我及飛帆一起交換閱讀的喜悅與心得。

Michael Ignatieff is Professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, and Edward R. Murrow Chair of Press, Politics and Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Cover: Fire and Ashes in HARDCOVER

Fire and Ashes

Success and Failure in Politics

Michael Ignatieff

In 2005 Michael Ignatieff left his life as a writer and professor at Harvard University to enter the combative world of politics back home in Canada. By 2008, he was leader of the country’s Liberal Party and poised—should the governing Conservatives falter—to become Canada’s next Prime Minister. It never happened. Today, after a bruising electoral defeat, Ignatieff is back where he started, writing and teaching what he learned.
What did he take away from this crash course in political success and failure? Did a life of thinking about politics prepare him for the real thing? How did he handle it when his own history as a longtime expatriate became a major political issue? Are cynics right to despair about democratic politics? Are idealists right to hope? Ignatieff blends reflection and analysis to portray today’s democratic politics as ruthless, unpredictable, unforgiving, and hyper-adversarial.
Rough as it is, Ignatieff argues, democratic politics is a crucible for compromise, and many of the apparent vices of political life, from inconsistency to the fake smile, follow from the necessity of bridging differences in a pluralist society. A compelling account of modern politics as it really is, the book is also a celebration of the political life in all its wild, exuberant variety.

  • Acknowledgements
  • 1. Hubris
  • 2. Ambition
  • 3. Fortuna
  • 4. Reading the Room
  • 5. Money and Language
  • 6. Responsibility and Representation
  • 7. Standing
  • 8. Enemies and Adversaries
  • 9. What the Taxi Driver Said
  • 10. The Calling
  • Notes
  • Index

The Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro);賀洪禎國老師退休 Anthony Hopkins 兩片

伍迪艾倫 回到倫敦「遇見愛」
愛情喜劇大師伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen)回歸近年創意巔峰源地倫敦,拍攝都會喜劇「命中注定,遇見愛」(You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger),北美25日上映。透過一家兩代人的婚姻變故,探討婚姻、背叛、命運、生活與愛情。
伍迪艾倫每部愛情片,城市都是重要角色。他在紐約拍攝「安妮霍爾」(Annie Hall)、「曼哈頓」(Mannhatan)後,他轉向另一人文氣息濃厚、浪漫與罪惡相交織的城市倫敦。
本片其實是伍迪艾倫「倫敦三部曲」的第三篇,之前他還以倫敦為背景拍了「愛情決勝點」(Match Point)和「遇上塔羅牌情人」(Scoop),同樣是講述婚姻、背叛、人性的貪婪,並都有犯罪情節。在他眼中,倫敦是與紐約一樣,充滿欲望、貪婪、貧 富差距的城市。他希望透過這些城市人的婚姻變故,去探討人的脆弱本性和愛情的複雜。
本片邀集奧斯卡影帝安東尼霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)、潔瑪瓊斯(Gemma Jones)喬許布洛林(Josh Brolin)、娜歐蜜華茲(Naomi Watts)、安東尼歐班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)、菲達品托(Freida Pinto)等眾多老中青優秀影星參與演出。


重記 賀洪禎國老師退休聚會

由於2010年9月26日晨 無意間又看 HBO
這次重聽 Peter Vaughan - Mr. Stevens, Sr.講的印度管家處理桌下的老虎之故事....

所以取出2005/1/05 寫的作品
重記 賀洪禎國老師退休聚會之最大一件事是他約有2年戒到明目買書.......


禎國( Hong Chen-kuo老師八月一日從國立台北商業技術學院 (the National Taipei College of Business)退休。 我上周四說,他要活百歲,如此他選的月退法,才會將台灣經濟拖垮。
他在( 7/21)贈我們一組舊文:「知識分子的情愛與風俗—試探張賢亮的小說世界」、「談當前台灣文化現象」、「台灣的經濟建設—一項回顧與前瞻」、「咖啡與書香—北青座談系列之一」、「經濟方向球專欄(立報)」、「存在的體認與超越」、「詩歌 Epitaph翻譯」…..我說他與青年朋友介紹影響他的一些名著「咖啡與書香—北青座談系列之一」最感人。我希望他能繼續補充這未竟的愛書之旅。

今天 HBO再不斷地播好看的電影:TheRemainsoftheDay won the 1989 Booker Prize.【譯名情況:長日將盡 ( )/告別有情天 ( )/去日留痕 (其他 ) ...。書籍:『長日留痕』(南京:譯林出版社,2003)】我們可以引用主角安東尼.霍普金斯、艾瑪.湯普森在海濱談;「黃昏無限好」來勉勵他,他還有第二春。

電影中有一次重要的Lord Darlington,晚晏,該莊園的未來新主人劉易斯舉杯說,舉座嘉賓皆Decent, honorable and well-meaning『長日留痕』p.100正派、體面、本意善良)。

周四老師 31年匠氣)榮退聚會:明目書友會約 20人;周末派約5 人;老包派約3人;邊城出版約6人。

明目書友會 /明目幫
鍾漢清 戴明顧問公司 simon university. http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/2adigoxl/
賴鼎銘世新教務長 (2008? 升為校長)
吳錫德淡江大學教授 (2009升等成功)
【記一番還可以補救的缺失。我在四月推出: 明目之友:
老師七月底退休流水宴 (確定日期另行通知 )
參加者請於六月十五日前撰『兄交遊誌』 (5百字之內 ) 寄鍾漢清hcsimonl@gmail.com。由於老師堅持「免戰」,所以我們原擬作一本可以讓他珍藏的小書還沒開工…… .
潘光哲中央研究院 (現胡適紀念館和殷海光紀念館主管)
劉鈐佑群學出版社 (現經營良好)
邊城出版 (這高品質出版社出2-3本好書之後就結束營業)


Kazuo Ishiguro: how I wrote The Remains of the Day in four weeks

The author reveals how the Tom Waits song Ruby’s Arms served as inspiration for his Booker prize-winning classic novel

Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins in the 1993 film adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro's Booker prize-winning novel The Remains of the Day.
 Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins in the 1993 film adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Booker prize-winning novel The Remains of the Day. public domain Photograph: public domain

《美國文化》 /美國歷任總統/Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. political culture


Jean-Pierre Fichou 《美國文化》 (La Civilisation Americaine)宋亞克譯,台北:遠流1993
這本口袋型書是本簡單的美國文明論(章名:主編的話-譯序;緒論;幾種類型的解說;活力論;個人主義;資政;擴張主義;結論譯名索引),當然值得翻譯。它的正文(含注)138,另有5頁索引 (粗糙,譬如說注有引艾森豪總統的話,無此索引)。不過這是本錯誤相當多的書。推測原因是譯者對美國史很陌生以及他對人名處理大而化之,通常只譯/寫姓;出版社無審稿制和索引編輯人;…..
人名注解錯誤至少有:德國社會學家Max Weber 弄成藝術家 (索引中的113頁無此人) ;兩位羅斯福總統搞混 ( T. Roosevelt 又名 FDR,第35頁FDR出現在頁69,索引全弄混。同樣的,書中泰勒至少兩人,內文和索引都弄混…..) 。J. Q. Adams是美國第8任總統,不是第6任

美國歷任總統 是基本知識 包括一些父子或"家族"都當過總統的關係

譬如說 中國翻譯 Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. political culture
作者:Noam Chomsky 反思肯尼迪王朝 上海譯文 2006

將Jackson 總統的印地安人遷徙法翻譯成Jefferson 總統 頁7

Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. political culture - Google 圖書結果

PresidentPolitical PartyDates in OfficeVice President(s)
George Washington
1789-97John Adams
John AdamsFederalist1797-1801Thomas Jefferson
Thomas JeffersonDemocratic-Republican1801-9Aaron Burr, 1801-5George Clinton, 1805-9
James MadisonDemocratic-Republican1809-17George Clinton, 1809-12(no Vice President, Apr., 1812-Mar., 1813)Elbridge Gerry, 1813-14(no Vice President, Nov., 1814-Mar., 1817)
James MonroeDemocratic-Republican1817-25Daniel D. Tompkins
John Quincy AdamsDemocratic-Republican1825-29John C. Calhoun
Andrew JacksonDemocratic1829-37John C. Calhoun, 1829-32(no Vice President, Dec., 1832-Mar., 1833)Martin Van Buren, 1833-37
Martin Van BurenDemocratic1837-41Richard M. Johnson
William Henry HarrisonWhig1841John Tyler
John TylerWhig1841-45(no Vice President)
James Knox PolkDemocratic1845-49George M. Dallas
Zachary TaylorWhig1849-50Millard Fillmore
Millard FillmoreWhig1850-53(no Vice President)
Franklin PierceDemocratic1853-57William R. King, 1853(no Vice President, Apr., 1853-Mar., 1857)
James BuchananDemocratic1857-61John C. Breckinridge
Abraham LincolnRepublican1861-65Hannibal Hamlin, 1861-65Andrew Johnson, 1865
Andrew JohnsonDemocratic/National Union1865-69(no Vice President)
Ulysses Simpson GrantRepublican1869-77Schuyler Colfax, 1869-73Henry Wilson, 1873-75(no Vice President, Nov., 1875-Mar., 1877)
Rutherford Birchard HayesRepublican1877-81William A. Wheeler
James Abram GarfieldRepublican1881Chester A. Arthur
Chester Alan ArthurRepublican1881-85(no Vice President)
Grover ClevelandDemocratic1885-89Thomas A. Hendricks, 1885(no Vice President, Nov., 1885-Mar., 1889)
Benjamin HarrisonRepublican1889-93Levi P. Morton
Grover ClevelandDemocratic1893-97Adlai E. Stevenson
William McKinleyRepublican1897-1901Garret A. Hobart, 1897-99(no Vice President, Nov., 1899-Mar., 1901)Theodore Roosevelt, 1901
Theodore RooseveltRepublican1901-9(no Vice President, Sept., 1901-Mar., 1905)Charles W. Fairbanks, 1905-9
William Howard TaftRepublican1909-13James S. Sherman, 1909-12(no Vice President, Oct., 1912-Mar., 1913)
Woodrow WilsonDemocratic1913-21Thomas R. Marshall
Warren Gamaliel HardingRepublican1921-23Calvin Coolidge
Calvin CoolidgeRepublican1923-29(no Vice President, 1923-25)Charles G. Dawes, 1925-29
Herbert Clark HooverRepublican1929-33Charles Curtis
Franklin Delano RooseveltDemocratic1933-45John N. Garner, 1933-41Henry A. Wallace, 1941-45Harry S. Truman, 1945
Harry S. TrumanDemocratic1945-53(no Vice President, 1945-49)Alben W. Barkley, 1949-53
Dwight David EisenhowerRepublican1953-61Richard M. Nixon
John Fitzgerald KennedyDemocratic1961-63Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon Baines JohnsonDemocratic1963-69(no Vice President, 1963-65)Hubert H. Humphrey, 1965-69
Richard Milhous NixonRepublican1969-74Spiro T. Agnew, 1969-73(no Vice President, Oct. 10, 1973-Dec. 6, 1973)Gerald R. Ford, 1973-74
Gerald Rudolph FordRepublican1974-77(no Vice President, Aug. 9, 1974-Dec. 19, 1974)Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1974-77
Jimmy CarterDemocratic1977-81Walter F. Mondale
Ronald Wilson ReaganRepublican1981-89George H.W. Bush
George Herbert Walker BushRepublican1989-93J. Danforth Quayle
Bill ClintonDemocratic1993-2001Albert Gore, Jr.
George Walker BushRepublican2001-9Dick Cheney
Barack Hussein ObamaDemocratic2009-Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

(編按:選戰期間,有次連勝文回答趙少康有關中韓通過FTA的提問,整個回覆,他的每個字、每一句大家其實都聽得懂,可是就是不知道他在講什麼。我於是寫了篇短文,把Noam Chomsky(杭士基)的一句話跟連勝文「神回答」擺在一起講,杭士基的那句話:「Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.」其中的文法結構完全無誤,可是你就是不知道這句話在講什麼。
Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z …………。
(圖片取材自杭士基網站,攝影者為Oliver Abraham。)
(編按:選戰期間,有次連勝文回答趙少康有關中韓通過FTA的提問,整個回覆,他的每個字、每一句大家其實都聽得懂,可是就是不知道他在講什麼。我於是寫了篇短文,把Noam Chomsky(杭士基)的一句話跟連勝文「神回答」擺在一起講,杭士基的那句話:「Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.」其中的文法結構完全無誤,可是你就是不知道這句話在講什麼。 今天,我特別將1992年1月出版的《給我報報001》其中一篇文章刊在此,旨在說明,杭士基的那個概念,二十多年前,就已經影響了我的報報體白目寫作。)  【假日後症候群之探討與透視──兼論中、西醫之異同與整合】  最近幾年,由於解嚴、解禁的關係,我們的社會滋生出一種新的疾病,這就是許多人聞之色變的「假日後症候群」,這種疾病,根據最新的統計,它危害社會與民族,其威力竟然不亞於投擲於日本廣島的原子彈。  「假日後症候群」(以下簡稱「Z」)的成因,中、西醫的看法截然不同。(其實,中、西醫的看法什麼時候截然相同過?中醫的手指和西醫的聽筒竟然扮演相同的角色,這也實在太離奇了吧?)中醫普遍認為,Z之所以形成,還是和「氣」有關係,也就是說,任、督二脈沒有打通的關係。  任、督二脈沒有打通,有時嚴重起來就很嚴重了,這是中醫界普遍的看法,仔細研究這種講法,竟然也言之成理。  可是西醫界偏說,Z的成因乃是濾過性病毒引起,因此,Z是傳染起來極為可怕的一種疾病,有時嚴重起來也的確很嚴重,這種西醫界普遍的看法,仔細研究起來,竟然也言之成理。(噢!這是多麼諷刺的巧合啊!中醫與西醫,有點「漢賊不兩立」味道的這兩大著名學術團體,在此,1991年的2月,竟然冤家路窄地有著幾乎相同的見解,即,「嚴重起來也的確很嚴重」。)  不過,不論Z之成因為何,和中醫及西醫都沒有關係的企業主管們則普遍認為,Z之危害社會與民族,其威力實在不亞於投擲於日本長崎的原子彈。  廣島與長崎,都曾經挨過原子彈,這是全世界人民都承認的一個事實,由此推之,Z之危害我社會與我民族,便也成了全世界必須承認的一個事實。  如果(記著,我說「如果」),如果廣島與長崎當初沒有挨過原子彈,那,這又將是一個截然不同的論戰了,而這論戰,我們有理由相信,絕對不亞於解嚴、解禁之前曾經發生過的鄉土派與現代派之間的論戰。  再回過頭來談Z吧。  Z的治療,中、西醫之間的看法,不用我贅述,當然還是截然不同。  中醫普遍認為,要治療Z,以針灸和推拿混和使用的療法基本上是可行的,當然,如果治療時再配合一指神功及瑜珈氣功原理,則百分之七十八的病人,將有治癒的機會。  西醫則普遍以為,要治療Z,非乞求弗洛依德學派一脈相傳之弗氏原理方得成其功。當然,在治療過程中,稍有不慎,整排牙齒都會掉光(即俗稱之牙周病)。  (中、西醫看法之迥異,於此再得到證明。)  不過,不論中、西醫如何治療Z,與中醫及西醫都沒有淵源之企業主管們則普遍認為,最有效的Z療法,即是將其開除。  這當然是簡單、明瞭多了,據說也頗有效。  最後,在討論「假日後症候群」的同時,我們還不能忽略的是,如果一個辦公室有八人以上患上此病,則辦公室的景象將是:  Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z …………。  (圖片取材自杭士基網站,攝影者為Oliver Abraham。)

胡志強的晚秋:《向塔尖尋夢---我在牛津 (Balliol College) 的日子》


東海實在沒有理由不請胡志強市場到校演講/當顧問,參考他的牛津等校求學/教學回憶錄《向塔尖尋夢---我在牛津 (Balliol College) 的日子》(台北:先覺,2001)。(這是幾年前寫的。胡市長下台幾天,2014年12月初,逢甲大學馬上奉上"講座教授"......)






胡 擔任台中市長經13年,若再當選,將創下台灣唯一連任4屆17年的民選市長紀錄。這紀錄很光采嗎?與蔣中正、趙麗蓮、吳三連、趙元任、于右任、伍子胥的老 笑話差不多,具有高度被嘲諷的趣味。當然,在民主社會只要合法,連任100次都可以;只是選民可能看膩了老市長那張臉,想換張臉看看。喜新厭舊是民主機制 的特質,也是人性。
一個政黨讓一個人當13年的市長,還想要他當17年,這個黨必有問題。可能的因素有:沒培養接班的人才。為了阻擋他搶中央的位子,就把他釘死在地 方首長任上。敵軍太強,認為只有他才有勝算。經營13年,當地的金脈、人脈、行政資源都在掌握中,他選即如臂使指,順暢有效;換人選則這些優勢都須打折。 這些如意算盤今年是否有效,在未定之天。可以確定的是老胡這次選舉比上次艱難,慘遭滑鐵盧的可能性是具體存在的。國民黨若愛惜老胡,就不該強迫他出馬。須 知瓦罐不離井邊破,將軍難免陣前亡。
從國民黨迄今的候選人陣容來看,不是老派、守舊,就是官二代、富二代,找不到活力十足,熱情積極,精明能幹、器識遠大的候選人。這同時也是民進黨 的問題。民主政治的核心就是政黨政治,政黨孱弱,出馬的多屬平庸之輩,政治怎可能厲精圖治?又怎可能帶動經濟發展?政治的能力決定經濟制度的效能,沒有好 的政治革新和能幹的人才,經濟也受牽連而欲振乏力。





臺灣省行政長官公署教育處編印:《國民學校暫用國語課本》甲編,1946年。  臺灣省行政長官公署於1945年成立,是第二次世界大戰結束後,中華民國政府用來接收與統治臺灣的「特別行政組織」,1947年228事件不久後撤銷,為時僅僅兩年,因此印有「臺灣省行政長官公署」的文獻自有其稀罕之處。  從第一課內文看來,這是專門給臺灣小學生讀的教科書。

《利瑪竇來華及其他:東西文化比較研究 》《譯述:明末耶穌會翻譯文學論》《中國晚明與歐洲文學——明末耶穌會古典型證道故事考詮》






簡體書 , 李奭學 , 生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店 ,出版日期:2010-






2007-09-23 01:02:05 |分類: 片玉藏文舉報字號 訂閱
【注】 一、終古:一輩子。初期:最初的心願。二、頑石:喻無知無覺的不化之物。三、大癡:大一作太。四、妍媸:即美醜,此處活用為動詞。五、晉時謝安有鼻疾,吟詠時音濁異,而名流多效之。此處以自嘆如洛下書生之效大人,空吟詩詞而不能建功立業。六、新亭,在南京市南。西晉亡後,南渡名士常相邀飲宴新亭。感國土淪喪,相對流淚。
【注】 一、秋葉:林之夏,號秋葉,南社社員。二、樊噲少以屠狗為業。三、荊柯赴秦後,太子丹見白虹貫日不徹,知事不成。
【注】 一、楊惲為漢時名士,言行狂放,有歌曰:"人生行樂耳,何須富貴時。"二、無分:無緣,不得。東山:用謝安事。
無忌即送其遊學海上(二首選一) 一九二○
【注】 一、侏儒古時宮廷優弄之臣,此處喻飽食無誌之士。二、孟晉:勉力進取之意。
【注】 一、一瓢即費公直,南社社員,作者同鄉。二、牢愁即憂愁。三、宗祝:宗廟執掌祭祀之事的人。四、時章太炎有句​​"乾坤只兩頭"。
【注】 一、吹枯:使枯槁者復生。



吳晟(1944年9月8日),本名吳勝雄台灣彰化縣溪州鄉圳寮村人。台灣鄉土作家,創作以新詩為主,散文為輔。寫作之餘亦從事農事。 筆名吳晟取自本名,時間為教育部將「晟」讀音定為「成」之前,晟應讀為「勝」。 屏東農業專科學校(現已改制為國立屏東科技大學)畢業後,曾任溪州國中生物科教師,1995年已退休。 寫作之外,兼任靜宜大學中國文學系講師。「寫台灣人、敘台灣事、繪台灣景、抒台灣情」是吳晟的創作主張。他的作品都是從生活體驗中醞釀出來,情境動人,包含深刻的哲理。



  • 《飄搖裡》
  • 《泥土》
  • 《吾鄉印象》
  • 《向孩子說》


  • 農婦
  • 店仔頭
  • 無悔
  • 不如相忘



在傑作中尋幽訪勝 ⊙林明德
吳晟的部落格 http://blog.roodo.com/poetwusheng
 吳晟、吳明益(編) 《溼地.石化.島嶼想像》

作者: 吳晟
他還年輕  作者: 吳晟    台灣新詩的田園詩以吳晟為代表,他常年與泥土林木為伴,堅持躬耕生活,以樸素的詩風,鄉土的語言,深刻反映出台灣農村受到現代工商業衝激後的困頓和變貌,以及農民安守稼穑,對外來痛苦隱忍不語,怨而不怒的回應態度,情感真摯,寓意深遠。    吳晟自2000年《吳晟詩選1963-1999》後,久未結集詩作,本書為睽違十四年之長、二十一世紀以來的全新五十二首作品,自言「也許,最後一冊詩集」。《他還年輕》謹守一貫鄉土田園詩風格,或揉入投身社會、環保運動的濃烈情感,復感懷溫潤時光及人事流轉;一面是對不公義的字句鏗鏘,一面愈趨練達觀世。「寫台灣人、敘台灣事、繪台灣景、抒台灣情」,念茲在茲者,永遠環繞腳所踏的吾鄉土地,憂懷守護者,則寶島上無窮盡的暖與美。    吳晟:    「時代風潮滔滔奔流,資訊如排山倒海,快速淹沒每一世代『風騷』人物;詩名如過眼雲煙,我從不妄想自己的詩名可以流傳久遠,更不妄想揚名海外。終我此生,只求多為保護生態環境,實實在在盡些心力。如果台灣子弟,從我的詩篇中有些體會,更懂得尊重自然倫理,更懂得珍惜自己、珍惜萬物的生命價值,則是我奢侈的願望。我要特別感謝。」

呂學源新增了 2 張相片。




摘要李曼瑰向來被認為為反共抗俄劇寫作的翹楚,然而對於現代女性劇本領域的貢獻卻鮮少有人挖掘。《現代女性劇本五種》的劇本 ...

1949年赴台,任師範大學、政治大學、輔仁大學。藝專、文化大學教授,政工幹校影劇系、“ 中國文化學院”戲劇系主任,話劇欣賞演出委員會主任,文化學院戲劇研究所所長,“中國戲劇藝術中心”主任等職。李曼瑰在1967年還成立了民間組織的“ 中國戲劇藝術中心”,組織劇團,網羅了當時熱心劇運的人士,包括姚一葦、趙琦彬、張永祥、胡耀恆等,主辦訓練、推動演出,出版劇本及戲劇論文等等。她邀約參與的人士,還有很多黨政軍方面的要員,藉以壯大聲勢,但更多大專學校中的戲劇教師,以及她教過的干校學生。這些學生因為是屬於政工體系,與黨政軍各界關係良好,比較容易幫助演藝團體找到演出場地,以及打通關節,通過檢查,便利演出。在那個衙門主義盛行、政治疑慮深重的時代,化解來作純藝術的事業,她的劇本創作始於二十年代。六十年代以來,她寫出了以漢代歷史為題材的系列歷史劇《楚漢風雲》、《漢宮春秋》及漢武帝三部曲等。李曼瑰的歷史劇比較忠於史實,形像地再現了漢代的歷史風雲,劇中人物眾多,形象鮮明豐滿,富有神采,矛盾衝突錯綜複雜,結構縱橫捭闔,顯示出作者較深厚的功力。同時因受西方古 ​​典戲劇影響,她的歷史劇也有較濃重的悲劇和哲理意味。六十年代中期後,話劇藝術形式、表現手法開始受西洋現代戲劇的影響,進入大膽探索時期,使傳統戲劇觀受到極大衝擊。1975年病逝,被台灣戲劇界奉為“ 中國戲劇導師。”其創作以戲劇為主,多數作品屬歷史題材。劇本有《瑤池仙夢》、《皇天后土》、《國父傳》等近30種.




名詞解釋:  李曼瑰(1906~1975),筆名雨初。廣東省臺山縣人。一九二六年,高中畢業,獲保送北京燕京大學中文系就讀。畢業後,任教於廣州培道中學。不久,再返燕京大學研究所專攻中國古典戲劇。然後赴美國留學,進密西根大學就讀,獲得英文碩士學位,並曾先後到哥倫比亞大學及耶魯大學研究院,選修戲劇及小說寫作。   

李氏十六歲時,即獲得徵文首獎。其後屢在學校戲劇活動中活躍,擅長編、導及演工作;中英文皆佳,在體育、音樂方面亦有相當成就,而受矚目。就讀密西根大學時,曾獲戲劇創作及論文競賽首獎。亦為美國國會圖書館協編〔清代名人辭典〕(Eminent Chinese in The Ching Period)。   







翻譯偵探事務所: 小劇場導師李曼瑰也得靠抄襲譯本

Hilaire Belloc, 希賴爾‧貝洛克


張華: Read  Red的雙關翻譯

英國名作家貝洛克Hilaire Belloc(1870-1953)有一首詩:
When I am dead
I hope it will be said:
My sins are scarlet,
My books are read.
考倒了兩位大師。余光中在《書齋 書災》中說: 
「試問英國名作家貝洛克Hilaire Belloc 這首道盡天下文人心理的打油你怎翻法?
朝詩人劉禹錫 (772842)《陋室銘》文中的一句話「談笑有鴻儒,往來無白丁」,用「鴻」諧音「紅」來和「白」相對,可說與Belloc的詩有異曲同工之妙。而且劉禹錫早生了約1100年。
改譯說明:1.原文scarletred (read的諧音是近義詞;中譯「惡」與「毒 (「讀」的諧音)」也是近義詞。圖解如下:
          → (諧音) →  (相對)


 作  者:(英)希萊爾‧貝洛克

希賴爾‧貝洛克(Hilaire Belloc)1870年7月27日出生於巴黎近郊一個叫拉塞勒-聖克盧的村莊,父親是法國人,一位知名畫家的兒子。母親是英國人,來自一個思想激進的家 庭。出生當天的殷殷雷鳴,仿佛預示了他風雷咆哮的一生。貝洛克出生時正當普法戰爭爆發,未幾,家人帶著他前往巴黎躲避戰亂,隨著法軍在戰爭中節節敗退,危 及巴黎,旋又於九月舉家遷往英國。戰爭在貝洛克的人生中如影隨形,他後來成為戰爭史方面的專家,布林戰爭期間旗幟鮮明地反對英國政府出兵,認為這是掠奪資 源的不義戰爭,第一次世界大戰期間更因寫戰爭分析的文章使文名達到頂峰。他對戰爭史的淵博知識,可以從本書所選的《戰場的沉寂》、《勝利》等文章中看出 來。令人同情的是兩次世界大戰使他失去了兩個兒子,飽受喪子之痛。貝洛克二歲喪父,加上戰爭的影響,使他最終在1902年成為英國公民,他既熱愛法國,又 熱愛英國,熱愛英國蘇塞克斯郡的家鄉,英法兩國的文化,對他有同樣深刻的影響。貝洛克無論外表還是性格,都讓人覺得他是一名軍人。他眼神堅定,表情略帶憂 鬱,鼻樑筆直,薄薄的嘴唇輪廓分明,頭髮總是理得很短,賈斯特頓甚至說他長得像拿破崙。在這副讓陌生人覺得不友好的面容背後,是一顆熱烈、堅毅的心。 1890年,貝洛克在一次茶會上遇上了從羅馬歸來、途經倫敦作短暫勾留的美國加州女孩埃洛迪?霍根,陷入熱戀。霍根回美國後,貝洛克抵押了私人藏書,借了 一些錢,橫渡大西洋隻身前往美國,在盤纏不足的情況下歷盡艱辛,狼狽地找到了霍根的家,向她求婚。霍根的母親不同意這門婚事,貝洛克遭到拒絕後,心碎地回 到英國。這樣的癡勁,堪比他之前的史蒂文生。1896年霍根主動給貝洛克寫信,兩人才再續前緣,在美國加州結了婚。



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Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc (27 July 1870[1]– 16 July 1953) was an Anglo-Frenchwriter and historian who became a naturalisedBritish subject in 1902. He was one of the most prolific writers in England during the early twentieth century. He is most notable for his Roman Catholic faith, which had an impact on most of his writing.
Recent biographies of Belloc have been written by A. N. Wilson and Joseph Pearce.

Family and career

Hilaire Belloc Portrait.jpg
Belloc was born in La Celle-Saint-Cloud, France (next to Versailles and near Paris) to a French father and English mother, and grew up in England. Much of his boyhood was spent in Slindon, West Sussex, for which he often felt homesick in later life. This is evidenced in poems such as, "West Sussex Drinking Song", "The South Country", and even the more melancholy, "Ha'nacker Mill".
His mother Elizabeth Rayner Parkes (1829–1925) was also a writer, and a great-granddaughter of the English chemist Joseph Priestley. In 1867 she married attorney Louis Belloc, son of the French painter Jean-Hilaire Belloc. In 1872, five years after they wed, Louis died, but not before being wiped out financially in a stock market crash. The young widow then brought her son Hilaire, along with his sister, Marie, back to England where he remained, except for his voluntary enlistment as a young man in the French artillery.
After being educated at John Henry Newman'sOratory School (located at the time in Edgbaston, Birmingham), Belloc served his term of military service, as a French citizen, with an artillery regiment near Toul in 1891. After his military service, Belloc proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, as a History scholar. He went on to obtain first class honours in History, and never lost his love for Balliol, as is illustrated by his verse, "Balliol made me, Balliol fed me/ Whatever I had she gave me again".
He was powerfully built, with great stamina, and walked extensively in Britain and Europe. While courting his future wife Elodie, whom he first met in 1890, the impecunious Belloc walked a good part of the way from the midwest of the United States to her home in northern California, paying for lodging at remote farm houses and ranches by sketching the owners and reciting poetry.
He was the brother of the novelistMarie Adelaide Belloc Lowndes. In 1896, he married Elodie Hogan, an American. In 1906 he purchased land and a house called King's Land at Shipley, West Sussex where he brought up his family and lived until shortly before his death. Elodie and Belloc had five children before her 1914 death from influenza.
His son Louis was killed in 1918 while serving in the Royal Flying Corps in northern France. Belloc placed a memorial tablet in the Cathedral at nearby Cambrai. It is in the same side chapel as the noted icon, Our Lady of Cambrai.
Belloc suffered a stroke in 1941 and never recovered from its effects. He died on 16 July 1953 in Guildford, Surrey, following a fall he had at King's Land. He is buried at the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation of West Grinstead, where he had regularly attended Mass as a parishioner. [2] At his funeral Mass, homilist Monsignor Ronald Knox observed, "No man of his time fought so hard for the good things."
Church website [1]

Political career

An 1895 graduate of Balliol College, Oxford, Belloc was a noted figure within the University, being President of the Oxford Union, the undergraduate debating society. He went into politics after he became a naturalised British subject. A great disappointment in his life was his failure to gain a fellowship at All Souls College in Oxford. This failure may have been caused in part by his producing a small statue of the Virgin and placing it before him on the table during the interview for the fellowship.
From 1906 to 1910 he was a Liberal PartyMember of Parliament for Salford South, but swiftly became disillusioned with party politics. During one campaign speech he was asked by a heckler if he was a "papist." Retrieving his rosary from his pocket he responded, "Sir, so far as possible I hear Mass each day and I go to my knees and tell these beads each night. If that offends you, then I pray God may spare me the indignity of representing you in Parliament." The crowd cheered and Belloc won the election.
His only period of steady employment was from 1914 to 1920 as editor of Land and Water, a journal devoted to the progress of the war. Otherwise he lived by his pen, and often fell short of money.

In controversy and debate

Belloc first came to public attention shortly after arriving at Balliol College, Oxford as a recent French army veteran. Attending his first debate of the Oxford Union Debating Society, he saw that the affirmative position was wretchedly and half-heartedly defended. As the debate drew to its conclusion and the division of the house was called, he rose from his seat in the audience, and delivered a vigorous, impromptu defense of the proposition. Belloc won that debate from the audience, as the division of the house then showed, and his reputation as a debater was established. He was later elected president of the Union. He held his own in debates there with F. E. Smith and John Buchan, the latter a friend.[3][4]
He was at his most effective in the 1920s, on the attack against H. G. Wells's Outline of History, in which he criticized Wells' secular bias and his belief in evolution by means of natural selection, a theory that Belloc asserted had been completely discredited. Wells remarked that "Debating Mr. Belloc is like arguing with a hailstorm". Belloc's review of Outline of History famously observed that Wells' book was a powerful and well-written volume, "up until the appearance of Man, that is, somewhere around page seven." Wells responded with a small book, Mr. Belloc Objects. [5] Not to be outdone, Belloc followed with, "Mr. Belloc Still Objects."
G. G. Coulton, a keen and persistent academic opponent, wrote on Mr. Belloc on Medieval History in a 1920 article. After a long simmering feud, Belloc replied with a booklet, The Case of Dr. Coulton, in 1938.
His style during later life fulfilled the nickname he received in childhood, Old Thunder. Belloc's friend, Lord Sheffield, described his provocative personality in a preface to The Cruise of the Nona.[6]
In Belloc's novel of travel, The Four Men, the title characters supposedly represent different facets of the author's personality. One of the four improvises a playful song at Christmastime, which includes the verse:
'May all good fellows that here agree
Drink Audit Ale in heaven with me,
And may all my enemies go to hell!
Noel! Noel! Noel! Noel!
May all my enemies go to hell!
Noel! Noel!'
It should be noted that the other characters regard the verse as fairly gauche and ill-conceived, so while part of Belloc may have agreed with this song, it is not necessarily representative of Belloc's personality as a whole.


When later he could afford it he was a well known yachtsman. He won many races and was in the French sailing team.[citation needed] In the early 1930s, he was given an old Jerseypilot cutter called 'Jersey'. He sailed this for some years around the coasts of England, with the help of younger men. One of them, Dermod MacCarthy, wrote a book about his time on the water with Belloc, called Sailing with Mr Belloc.


Belloc wrote on myriad subjects, from warfare to poetry to the many current topics of his day. He has been called one of the Big Four of Edwardian Letters[7], along with H.G.Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and G. K. Chesterton, all of whom debated each other into the 1930s. (In another definition of the Big Four, however, John Galsworthy and Arnold Bennett replace Belloc and Chesterton.)[8] Belloc was closely associated with Chesterton, and Shaw coined the term Chesterbelloc for their partnership.
Asked once why he wrote so much[9], he responded, "Because my children are howling for pearls and caviar." Belloc observed that "The first job of letters is to get a canon," that is, to identify those works which a writer looks upon as exemplary of the best of prose and verse. For his own prose style, he claimed to aspire to be as clear and concise as "Mary had a little lamb."

Essays and travel writing

His best travel writing has secured a permanent following. The Path to Rome (1902), an account of a walking pilgrimage he made from central France across the Alps and down to Rome, has remained continuously in print. More than a mere travelogue, "The Path to Rome" contains descriptions of the people and places he encountered, his drawings in pencil and in ink of the route, humor, poesy, and the reflections of a large mind turned to the events of his time as he marches along his solitary way. At every turn, Belloc shows himself to be profoundly in love with Europe and with the Faith that he claims has produced it.
As an essayist he was one of a small, admired and dominant group (with Chesterton, E. V. Lucas and Robert Lynd) of popular writers.
There is a passage in The Cruise of the Nona where Belloc, sitting alone at the helm of his boat under the stars, shows profoundly his mind in the matter of Catholicism and mankind; he writes of "That golden Light cast over the earth by the beating of the Wings of the Faith."


Original cover for Cautionary Tales for Children, illustrated by Basil T. Blackwood
His "cautionary tales", humorous poems with an implausible moral, beautifully illustrated by Basil Blackwood and later by Edward Gorey, are the most widely known of his writings. Supposedly for children, they, like Lewis Carroll's works, are more to adult and satirical tastes: Henry King, Who chewed bits of string and was early cut off in dreadful agonies.[10] A similar poem tells the story of Rebecca, who slammed doors for fun and perished miserably.
The tale of Matilda who told lies and was burnt to death was adapted into the play Matilda Liar! by Debbie Isitt. Quentin Blake, the illustrator, described Belloc as at one and the same time the overbearing adult and mischievous child. Roald Dahl was a follower. But Belloc has broader if sourer scope:
It happened to Lord Lundy then
as happens to so many men
about the age of 26
they shoved him into politics ...
leading up to
we had intended you to be
the next Prime Minister but three ...
Of more weight are Belloc's Sonnets and Verses, a volume that deploys the same singing and rhyming techniques of his children's verses. Belloc's poetry is often religious, often romantic; throughout The Path to Rome he writes in spontaneous song.

History, politics, economics

Three of his best-known non-fiction works are The Servile State (1912), Europe and Faith (1920) and The Jews (1922).
From an early age Belloc knew Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, who was responsible for the conversion of his mother to Roman Catholicism. Manning's involvement in the 1889 London Dock Strike made a major impression on Belloc and his view of politics, according to biographer Robert Speaight. Belloc described this retrospectively in The Cruise of the Nona (1925); he became a trenchant critic both of unbridled capitalism[11], and of many aspects of socialism.
With others (G. K. Chesterton, Cecil Chesterton, Arthur Penty) Belloc had envisioned the socioeconomic system of distributism. In The Servile State, written after his party-political career had come to end, and other works, he criticized the modern economic order and parliamentary system, advocating distributism in opposition to both capitalism and socialism. Belloc made the historical argument that distributism was not a fresh perspective or program of economics but rather a proposed return to the economics that prevailed in Europe for the thousand years when it was Catholic. He called for the dissolution of Parliament and its replacement with committees of representatives for the various sectors of society, an idea popular among Fascists under the name of corporatism. Original corporatism, sometimes called "paleo-corporatism", was a system that predates capitalism and fascism. Paleo-corporatism was based around the guilds of the Middle Ages and served to appoint legislators. Neo-corporatism is a fascist system that merges the state with the capitalistic corporations and the corporations then are directed by the state, under nominal private ownership. Belloc's views fit medieval paleo-corporatism rather than neo-corporatist fascism.[citation needed]
With these linked themes in the background, he wrote a long series of contentious biographies of historical figures, including Oliver Cromwell, James II, and Napoleon. They show him as an ardent proponent of orthodox Catholicism and a critic of many elements of the modern world.
Outside academe, Belloc was impatient with what he considered to be axe-grinding histories, especially what he called "official history."[12] Joseph Pearce notes also Belloc's attack on the secularism of H.G. Wells's popular Outline of History:
Belloc objected to his adversary's tacitly anti-Christian stance, epitomized by the fact that Wells had devoted more space in his "history" to the Persian campaign against the Greeks than he had given to the figure of Christ.
He wrote also substantial amounts of military history. In alternative history, he contributed to the 1931 collection If It Had Happened Otherwise edited by Sir John Squire.


Ignatius Press of California and IHS Press of Virginia have been reissuing Belloc. TAN Books of Charlotte, NC publishes a number of Belloc's works, particularly his historical writings.


One of Belloc's most famous statements was "the faith is Europe and Europe is the faith"; this sums up his strongly-held, orthodox Roman Catholic views, and the cultural conclusions he drew from them. Those views were expressed at length in many of his works from the period 1920–1940. These are still cited as exemplary of Catholic apologetics. They have also been criticised, for instance by comparison with the work of Christopher Dawson during the same period.
As a young man, Belloc lost his faith. Then came a spiritual event which he never discussed publicly, and which returned him to and confirmed him in his Catholicism for the remainder of his life.[citation needed] Belloc alludes to this return to the faith in a passage in The Cruise of the Nona. According to his biographer A.N. Wilson (Hilaire Belloc, Hamish Hamilton), Belloc never wholly apostasized from the Faith (ibid p. 105). The momentous event is fully described by Belloc in The Path to Rome (pp. 158-161). It took place in the French village of Undervelier at the time of Vespers. Belloc said of it, "not without tears", "I considered the nature of Belief" and "it is a good thing not to have to return to the faith". (See Hilaire Belloc by Wilson at pp. 105-106.)
Belloc's Roman Catholicism was uncompromising. He believed that the Roman Catholic Church provided hearth and home for the human spirit .[13] More humorously, his tribute to Catholic culture can be understood from his well-known saying, "Wherever the Catholic sun does shine, there's love and laughter and good red wine." He had a disparaging view of the Church of England, and used sharp words to describe heretics, such as, "Heretics all, whoever you be/ …You never shall have good words from me/ Caritas non conturbat me". Indeed, in his "Song of the Pelagian Heresy" he becomes quite strident, describing how the Bishop of Auxerre, "with his stout Episcopal staff/ So thoroughly thwacked and banged/ The heretics all, both short and tall/ They rather had been hanged".

On Islam

Belloc's 1937 book The Crusades: the World's Debate made no pretence at being impartial. Despite being concerned with events more than eight centuries old, it took sides very vehemently, from the first page on.[14] In his view, had the Crusaders captured Damascus, the Islamic World would have been cut in two and "bled to death of the wound"— which as Belloc explicitly stated, would have been a highly desirable and positive outcome.
Since the Crusaders missed that chance, Islam survived and eventually overwhelmed the Crusader bridgehead in the Middle East. For Belloc this was not a matter of old history: Islam continued to pose a dangerous threat.[15] In The Great Heresies, Belloc argues that, although, "That [Mohammedan] culture happens to have fallen back in material applications; there is no reason whatever why it should not learn its new lesson and become our equal in all those temporal things which now alone give us our superiority over it — whereas in Faith we have fallen inferior to it."[16]
At the time of his writing, the Islamic world was still largely under the rule of the European colonial powers and the threat to Britain was from Fascism and Nazism. Belloc, however, considered that Islam was permanently intent on destroying the Church, as well as the West, which Christendom had built. In The Great Heresies (1938) Belloc grouped the Protestant Reformation together with Islam as one of the major heresies threatening the "Church Universal."
Belloc in that book cited the many beliefs and theological principles which Islam shares with Catholicism[17]— and exactly which, in Belloc's view, identify it as a heresy. Where (in his view) Islam decisively diverges from Catholicism (and Christianity in general) is the "denial of the Incarnation and all the sacramental life of the Church that followed from it"— with Islam regarding Jesus as a human being, though honouring him as a Prophet.[18]

Accusations of anti-Semitism

For fuller discussion, see section in G. K.'s Weekly
Belloc has been deemed by some to be anti-Semitic and not concerned to conceal his views. A. N. Wilson's biography expresses the opinion that Belloc had a tendency to allude to Jews in conversation, in a seemingly obsessive fashion on occasion. Anthony Powell's review of that biography contains Powell's opinion, that Belloc was thoroughly anti-Semitic, except at a personal level.
There are a number of grounds on which the accusations of anti-semitism have been based. He was repeatedly critical, from his days in politics onwards, of the influence Jewish people had on society and the world of finance. In The Cruise of the Nona, Belloc reflected equivocally on the Dreyfus Affair after thirty years.[19]Norman Rose's book The Cliveden Set (2000) poses the question of whether Nancy Astor, a friend of Belloc's in the 1930s until they broke over religious matters, was influenced by him against Jews in general.[20] .
On the other hand, Canadian broadcaster Michael Coren wrote:
Belloc's polemics did periodically drift into the realms of bigotry, but he was invariably a tenacious opponent of philosophical anti-Semitism, ostracized friends who made attacks upon individual Jews, and was an inexorable enemy of fascism and all its works, speaking out against German anti-Semitism before the National Socialists came to power.
Robert Speaight cited a letter by Belloc in which he pilloried Nesta Webster because of her accusations against "the Jews". In February 1924, Belloc wrote to an American Jewish friend regarding an allegedly anti-Semitic book by Webster. Webster had rejected Christianity, studied Eastern religions, accepted the Hindu concept of the equality of all religions and was fascinated by theories of reincarnation and ancestral memory.[21] Belloc expressed his views very clearly:
In my opinion it is a lunatic book. She is one of those people who have got one cause on the brain. It is the good old 'Jewish revolutionary' bogey. But there is a type of unstable mind which cannot rest without morbid imaginings, and the conception of a single cause simplifies thought. With this good woman it is the Jews, with some people it is the Jesuits, with others Freemasons and so on. The world is more complex than that.[22]
Speaight also points out that when faced with anti-Semitism in practice — as at elitist country clubs in America before World War II — he voiced his disapproval. Belloc condemned Nazi anti-Semitism in The Catholic and the War (1940):
The Third Reich has treated its Jewish subjects with a contempt for Justice which even if there had been no other action of the kind in other departments would be a sufficient warranty for determining its elimination from Europe… Cruelty to a Jew is as odious as cruelty to any human being, whether that cruelty be moral in the form of insult, or physical… You may hear men saying on every side, 'However, there is one thing I do agree with and that is the way they (The Nazis) have settled the Jews'. Now that attitude is directly immoral. The more danger there is that it will grow the more necessity there is for denouncing it. The action of the enemy toward the Jewish race has been in morals intolerable. Contracts have been broken on all sides, careers destroyed by the hundred and the thousand, individuals have been treated with the most hideous and disgusting cruelty… If no price is paid for such excesses, our civilisation will certainly suffer and suffer permanently. If the men who have committed them go unpunished (and only defeat in war can punish them) then the decline of Europe, already advanced, will proceed to catastrophe. (pages 29ff.)
Dennis Barton[23] has defended Belloc at length. He notes that Belloc condemned wild accusations against the Jews, in his own book, The Jews. Belloc's open praises for the Jews (particularly in "The Jews, Chapter IV The General Causes of Friction") is further evidence that his anti-Semitism, to the degree that it existed, stemmed rather from unexamined cultural or personal prejudices than from conscious hostility to the Jews. Also, it is not possible to be an orthodox Catholic without thinking that the Jews made a mistake in not recognizing Jesus as the Messiah.

In the media

  • Stephen Fry has recorded an audio collection of Belloc's children's poetry.
  • A notable admirer of Belloc was the composerPeter Warlock, who set many of his poems to music.
  • A well-known parody of Belloc by Sir John Squire, intended as a tribute, is Mr. Belloc's Fancy.
  • Syd Barrett, a founder of Pink Floyd, was a fan. His song "Matilda Mother" was drawn directly from verses in Cautionary Tales, and was rewritten when Belloc's estate refused permission to record them. The Belloc version has been released on a 40th anniversary reissue of Piper at the Gates of Dawn.
  • In the second episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus, the tongue-in-cheek skit "The Mouse Problem," satirizing an exposure of homosexuality, names Belloc, along with Julius Caesar and Napoleon, as one of the "famous men now known to have been mice."

See also


  1. ^Toulmin, Priestley (1 June 1994), "The Descendants of Joseph Priestley, LL.D., F.R.S.", The Northumberland County Historical Society Proceedings (Sunbury, Pennsylvania: The Society) XXXII: 36
  2. ^ His estate was probated at £7,451.
  3. ^ Sir John Simon who was a contemporary at Oxford, described his "...resonant, deep pitched voice..." as making an "...unforgettable impression".
  4. ^ Francis West, Gilbert Murray, p.107 describes Murray's impression on an occasion in 1899: In July [...] [Murray] attended a meeting on the principles of Liberalism, at which Hilaire Belloc spoke brilliantly although Murray could not afterwards remember a word that he had said.
  5. ^ Wells, H. G., Mr. Belloc Objects, to the Outline of History, Watts & Company, London, 1926
  6. ^Time and again I have seen him throw out a sufficiently outrageous theory in order to stimulate his company, and, be it said, for the pleasure of seeing how slowly he might be dislodged from a position he had purposely taken up knowing it to be untenable...Of course Belloc was prejudiced, but there were few who knew him who did not love his prejudices, who did not love to hear him fight for them, and who did not honor him for the sincerity and passion with which he held to them. Once the battle was joined all his armoury was marshalled and flung into the fray. Dialectic, Scorn, Quip, Epigram, Sarcasm, Historical Evidence, Massive Argument, and Moral Teaching --of all these weapons he was a past master and each was mobilised and made to play its proper part in the attack. Yet he was a courteous and a chivalrous man. A deeply sensitive man, his was the kindest and most understanding nature I have ever known. In spite of a rollicking and bombastic side he was as incapable of the least cruelty as he was capable of the most delicate sympathy with other people's feelings. As he himself used to say of others in a curiously quiet and simple way, 'He is a good man. He will go to Heaven.'
  7. ^http://www.poetryarchive.org/poetryarchive/singlePoet.do?poetId=7490
  8. ^ Alfred F. Havighurst, Britain in Transition: The Twentieth Century (1985), p. 36.
  9. ^ See Hilaire Belloc's books for a chronological list of work by Belloc
  10. ^ :The Chief Defect of Henry King
    Was chewing little bits of String.
    At last he swallowed some which tied
    Itself in ugly Knots inside.
    Physicians of the Utmost Fame
    Were called at once; but when they came
    They answered, as they took their Fees,
    "There is no Cure for this Disease.
    Henry will very soon be dead."
    His Parents stood about his Bed
    Lamenting his Untimely Death,
    When Henry, with his Latest Breath,
    Cried - "Oh, my Friends, be warned by me,
    That Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch and Tea
    Are all the Human Frame Requires..."
    With that the Wretched Child expires.
  11. ^Raymond Williams, Culture and Society, p. 186: Belloc's argument is that capitalism as a system is breaking down, and that this is to be welcomed. A society in which a minority owns and controls the means of production, while the majority are reduced to proletarian status, is not only wrong but unstable. Belloc sees it breaking down in two ways — on the one hand into State action for welfare (which pure capitalism cannot embody); on the other hand into monopoly and the restraint of trade. There are only two alternatives to this system: socialism, which Belloc calls collectivism; and the redistribution of property on a significant scale, which Belloc calls distributivism.
  12. ^There is an enormous book called volume 1 of A Cambridge History of the Middle Ages. It is 759 pages in length of close print . . . It does not mention the Mass once. That is as though you were to write a history of the Jewish dispersion without mentioning the synagogue or of the British empire without mentioning the city of London or the Navy (Letters from Hilaire Belloc, Hollis and Carter, 75).
  13. ^ A.N. Wilson's Introduction to Belloc's Complete Verse, Pimlico, 1991
  14. ^Our fathers all but re-established the spiritual mastery of Europe over the East; all but recovered the patrimony of Rome (…). Western warriors, two thousand miles and more from home, have struck root and might feel they have permanently grasped the vital belt of the Orient. All seaboard Syria was theirs and nearly [emphasis in the original] the whole of that "bridge", a narrow band pressed in between the desert and the sea, the all-important central link joining the Moslem East to the Moslem West (…) Should the link be broken for good by Christian mastery of Syria, all Islam was cut in two and would bleed to death of the wound.
  15. ^The story must not be neglected by any modern, who may think in error that the East has finally fallen before the West, that Islam is now enslaved — to our political and economic power at any rate if not to our philosophy. It is not so. Islam essentially survives, and Islam would not have survived had the Crusade made good its hold upon the essential point of Damascus. Islam survives. Its religion is intact; therefore its material strength may return. Our religion is in peril, and who can be confident in the continued skill, let alone the continued obedience, of those who make and work our machines? (…) There is with us a complete chaos in religious doctrine (…) We worship ourselves, we worship the nation; or we worship (some few of us) a particular economic arrangement believed to be the satisfaction of social justice (…) Islam has not suffered this spiritual decline; and in the contrast between [our religious chaos and] the religious certitudes still strong throughout the Mohammedan world lies our peril.
  16. ^The Great Heresies, Ch. 4, "The Great and Enduring Heresy of Mohammed."
  17. ^ For Belloc, the common ground includes: the unity and the omnipotence of God; the personal nature, the all-goodness, the timelessness, and the providence of God; His creative power as the origin of all things, and His sustenance of all things by His power alone; the world of good spirits and angels and of evil spirits in war against God, with a chief evil spirit; the immortality of the soul and its responsibility for actions in this life, coupled with the doctrine of reward and punishment after death; the Day of Judgment with Christ as Judge; the Lady Miriam [Mary] as the first among womenkind.
  18. ^ On this see Islamic view of Jesus.
  19. ^I, for my part, pretend to no certain conclusion in the matter… Of my own intimate acquaintance who were on the spot [at Dreyfus' trial] and competent to judge, most were for the innocence of Dreyfus: but the rest, fully competent also, were and are, convinced of his guilt… There are in England to-day two Englishmen whose wide knowledge of Europe and especially of Paris, and the French tongue and society, enable them to judge. They are both close friends of mine. One is for, the other against… I believe that, when the passions have died down, the Dreyfus case will remain for history very much what the Diamond Necklace has remained, or the Tichborne case; that is, there will be a popular legend, intellectually worth nothing; and, for the historian, the task of criticising that legend, but hardly of solving the problem.
  20. ^ Rose asserts that Belloc 'was moved by a deep vein of hysterical anti-Semitism'.
  21. ^ Nesta Webster, Spacious Days, London and Bombay, 1950, pp. 103 and 172–5.
  22. ^ The Life Of Hilaire Belloc by R. Speaight, 1957, pp. 456–8.
  23. ^"In Defense of Hilaire Belloc".


  • Hilaire Belloc, the man and his work (1916) C. Creighton Mandell and Edward Shanks
  • For Hilaire Belloc (1942) Douglas Woodruff (editor), Douglas Jerrold, Ronald Knox, Arnold Lunn, C. A. J. Armstrong, Christopher Hollis, Gervase Matthew, David Mathew, J. B. Morton, W. A. Pantin, David Jones
  • Hilaire Belloc; An Introduction to his Spirit and Work (1945) Robert Hamilton
  • Hilaire Belloc (British Council, 1953) Renee Haynes
  • Hilaire Belloc: No Alienated Man. A Study in Christian Integration (1953) Frederick Wilhelmsen
  • Hilaire Belloc: A Memoir (1955) J. B. Morton
  • The Young Hilaire Belloc, Some Records of Youth and Middle Age (1956) Marie Belloc Lowndes
  • The Life of Hilaire Belloc (1957) Robert Speaight
  • Hilaire Belloc: Edwardian Radical (1978) John P. McCarthy
  • Hilaire Belloc (1984) A. N. Wilson
  • G. K. Chesterton & Hilaire Belloc: The Battle Against Modernity (Ohio University Press, 1991) Jay P. Corrin
  • Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc (2002) Joseph Pearce
  • Hilaire Belloc: 1870-1953 (1998) Cooney, Anthony, ISBN 0-9535077-3-4.
  • "On a Monkey's Birthday: Belloc and Sussex" (2006) Tim Rich, contained within "Common Ground: Around Britain in Thirty Writers" (Cyan Books) ISBN 1-904879-93-4.
  • Hilaire Belloc and the Liberal revival: Distributism - an alternative Liberal tradition?David Boyle, Journal of Liberal History, Issue 40, Autumn 2003

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Online editions of his works


Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953

樂蘅軍 (著)《古典小說散論》


樂蘅軍 (著) 《古典小說散論》;  台北: 純文學,1976;大安出版社,2004


  1.  樂蘅軍專書
      1. 《宋代話本研究》,臺北市,國立臺灣大學文學院,國立臺灣大學文史叢刊,1969年。
      2. 《古典小説散論》,臺北:純文學,1976年。
      3. 《中國古典文學論文精選叢刊、小説類》,臺北:幼獅,1980年。
      4. 《意志與命運:中國古典小説世界觀綜論》,臺北:大安,1992/2003年。
  1. 期刊論文
      1. 〈從水滸傳金蓮故事到金瓶梅的風格變易〉,《純文學》,7卷3期、頁11-24,1960年3月。
      2. 〈楊執中的銅爐及其他〉,《純文學》,9卷3期,頁12-20,1971年3月。
      3. 〈世紀的漂泊者—儒林外史群像〉,《現代文學》,45期,頁123-135,1971年12月。
      4. 〈梁山伯的締造與幻滅—論水滸的悲劇嘲弄〉,《中外文學》,1卷8期,1973年1月。
      5. 〈中國原始變形神話試探(上)〉,《中外文學》,2卷8期,頁10-21,1974年1月。
      6. 〈中國原始變形神話試探(下)〉,《中外文學》,2卷9期,頁24-40-,1974年2月。
      7. 〈悲劇英雄在中國古神話中的造像〉,《中外文學》,4卷3期,頁148-169,1975年8月。
      8. 〈倔強的山歌:讀羅淑苦難小說的樣象〉,《聯合文學》,3卷9期,頁52-61,1977年7月。
      9. 〈從黃春明小說藝術論其作品的浪漫精神〉,《臺灣文藝》,60期,1978年10月。
      10. 〈無言的悲情——讀《臺靜農短篇小説集》中悲運故事〉,《中外文學》,9卷2期,頁68-97,1980年7月。



鈴木虎雄 (1878-1963)



《支那詩論史》 , 鈴木虎雄著,東京, 1925/27.

鈴木虎雄 ,《中國古代文藝論史》,孫俍工(譯)(北平:北新書局, 1929),凡2冊

作者 : 鈴木虎雄
出版社:廣西人民出版社   譯者 : 許總
出版年: 1989 頁數: 249 定價: 3.9 ISBN: 9787219013366

Paradise Lost, John Milton

Poet John Milton was born on this day in 1608.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Author: John Milton (British, 1608–1674) | Paradise Lost | 1902 http://met.org/1CbSeZt
Poet John Milton was born on this day in 1608.   Featured Artwork of the Day: Author: John Milton (British, 1608–1674) | Paradise Lost | 1902 http://met.org/1CbSeZt
John Milton, poet and creator of Paradise Lost, was born #onthisday in 1608. #DiscoverLiterature to find out more about this epic poem.http://bit.ly/1yvvP6N

相片:John Milton, poet and creator of Paradise Lost, was born #onthisday in 1608. #DiscoverLiterature to find out more about this epic poem. http://bit.ly/1yvvP6N

奇美博物館新增了 2 張相片。
他所寫的《失樂園》(Paradise Lost)被認為是偉大的文學作品之一。奇美博物館收藏的《米爾頓盾牌》,就是刻畫了《失樂園》中的場景。
Elkington & Co.│The Milton Shield│ca. 1866-1870 copy


2小時 · 



《蔡惠如資料彙編與研究 》,廖振富 編著,台北: 國立臺灣大學出版中心,2013年12月
精裝 / 21*15cm / 265頁 / 部分彩色 / 中文
叢書系列: 東亞文明研究資料叢刊 9 (此書系定價極廉,像本書定價: 250 元,實售200元......)本書似可取代絕版的"蔡惠如和他的時代"一書(東亞文明研究資料叢刊5)


廖振富(Liao Chen-fu)







蔡惠如哀辭 連雅棠
惠如之經營實業,奔走政治,事跡在人耳目,余不言。言其私,先是余寓臺中,與惠如同居瑞軒。余妻又與惠如之妻少同里閈,兩家兒子亦嬉戲如昆仲。交情日深,而道義愈篤,臺中為余第二之故鄉,又多友侶之周旋,居之甚樂。乃十數年來,一哭癡仙, 再哭悔之,今又哭惠如。故舊凋零。思之悽咽。顧惠如之死。不死於鰲峰。不死於榕城。而死於臺北。而余亦適居於此。豈余兩人之情義尚有最後之一訣耶。嗚呼痛哉。雖然惠如死矣。而尚有不死者在。余將綜其平生。書之簡策。以詔來許。則惠如可以不死。而今竟死矣。哀哉。



Joy Luck's Mirror Garden

《嗨!妳好嗎?》-Part 1












 goldenpeach: 追憶2005之一瞬:

『金色新年台灣更好』是祝詞。我那時應該不是在讀關於"生活讀書新知"方面的書,而是在回味柏林愛樂的「貝多芬之夜(2005/11/17)」(Ludwig van Beethoven Eroica (Italian for "heroic"貝多芬降E 大調第三號交響曲「英雄」作品55,之前有白遼士「海賊序曲」作品21、拉威爾「鵝媽媽」組曲、之外,還有西貝流斯的…………歲末煙火之時,


"……台北101昨晚再度詮釋完美煙火秀,40萬人在台北101前一起倒數「109876543212006新年快樂!」並親睹這場歷時128秒的煙火秀。過程中,81百枚煙火瞬間向暗夜狂奔而去,時而為大樓戴上金黃色皇冠,時而像一條飛龍蟠柱而上,讓新年一開始就充滿生命力。40萬民眾看傻了眼,直呼:「活在台北好幸福!」市府表示,透過電視轉播,全球有上億人目睹美景。一名民眾說:「煙火秀不只讓人看了激動萬分,還像見證歷史般,共同參與屬於台北人的特有驕傲! ……

Dear Sir,  過去十天,...此番德國之行甚為值得, .......希望屆時也能同您一敘.    又,飛機上讀到本期新新聞,有2005年人生畢業生的專輯,有幾人很陌生,也有幾人很好笑.......至於汪道涵和江澤民同志的一段歷史關係,我到頭一次聽說地這麼詳細.新新聞還是一本水準不錯的刊物,沒想到他們墓誌銘和生平簡介的功夫也是爐火純青.祝新年快樂,併祝師母身體好.)

【今早 rl:「….早上看這文章的標題:Percents and Sensibility,我還以為Sensibility是「以分計」呢!per cent這句話千真萬確:Her characters never touch, let alone kiss.

巴黎凱旋門前的香檳還在冒泡嗎?(約兩千年前,羅馬權貴酒杯中的 golden peach ,早早已成絕響……..

《唐代的外來文明》,原書名叫《撒馬爾罕的金桃》The golden peaches of Samarkand; a study of T 'ang exotics. by EH Schafer – 1963/1985 - Berkeley: University of California Press

這本書的作者墓木已拱。不過,1970s 台灣可能有翻譯本。數十年之後,1995有簡體字版:〔美〕薛愛華著,《唐代的外來文明》(吳玉貴譯:,中國社會科學出版社年版)。十年之後,陜西師範在出「豪華版」本。這時候,正倉院的香木,早已蒙上千年的風塵……….日本的讀者試訳『Golden peach of Samarkand (サマルカンドの金の桃)………



中國史籍中的"金桃",首見唐代粟特之康國,即謝弗所謂"撒馬爾罕的金桃(The Golden Peaches of Samarkand )"是也。(《舊唐書》卷198西戎諸國康國傳,貞觀十一年,"又獻金桃、銀桃,詔令植之於苑囿。"《封氏聞見記》卷7、《唐會要》卷200都曾提到。 ...

... 大唐是盛產箭的,並且是世界聞名,訂購者頭名就是波斯,那時的波斯是蟠桃產地。研究唐朝進口貨的Edward Schafer 稱這些蟠桃為Golden Peaches of Samarkand ,兩國貿易往來甚密。)

西 Ezekiel
27:27 [hb5] 你的資財、物件、貨物、水手、掌舵的、補縫的、經營交易的、並你中間的戰士、和人民、在你破壞的日子必都沉在海中。 
     [kjv] Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy merchandise, and all thy men of war, that are in thee, and in all thy company which is in the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin.  
     [bbe] Your wealth and your goods, the things in which you do trade, your seamen and those guiding your ships, those who make your boards watertight, and those who do business with your goods, and all your men of war who are in you, with all who have come together in you, will go down into the heart of the seas in the day of your downfall.  
 27:28 [hb5] 你掌舵的呼號之聲一發、郊野都必震動。 
     [kjv] The suburbs shall shake at the sound of the cry of thy pilots.  
     [bbe] At the sound of the cry of your ships' guides, the boards of the ship will be shaking.  
 27:29 [hb5] 凡盪槳的、和水手、並一切泛海掌舵的、都必下船登岸。 
     [kjv] And all that handle the oar, the mariners, and all the pilots of the sea, shall come down from their ships, they shall stand upon the land;  
     [bbe] And all the boatmen, the seamen and those who are expert at guiding a ship through the sea, will come down from their ships and take their places on the land;  
 27:30 [hb5] 他們必為你放聲痛哭、把塵土撒在頭上、在灰中打滾。 
     [kjv] And shall cause their voice to be heard against thee, and shall cry bitterly, and shall cast up dust upon their heads, they shall wallow themselves in the ashes:  
     [bbe] And their voices will be sounding over you, and crying bitterly they will put dust on their heads, rolling themselves in the dust:  
 27:31 [hb5] 又為你使頭上光禿、用麻布束腰、號咷痛哭、苦苦悲哀。 
     [kjv] And they shall make themselves utterly bald for thee, and gird them with sackcloth, and they shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart and bitter wailing.  
     [bbe] And they will have the hair of their heads cut off because of you, and will put haircloth on their bodies, weeping for you with bitter grief in their souls, even with bitter sorrow.  
 27:32 [hb5] 他們哀號的時候、為你作起哀歌哀哭、說、有何城如推羅、有何城如他在海中成為寂寞的呢。 
     [kjv] And in their wailing they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the sea?  
     [bbe] And in their weeping they will make a song of grief for you, sorrowing over you and saying, Who is like Tyre, who has come to an end in the deep sea? 
 27:33 [hb5] 你由海上運出貨物、就使許多國民充足.你以許多資財、貨物、使地上的君王豐富。 
     [kjv] When thy wares went forth out of the seas, thou filledst many people; thou didst enrich the kings of the earth with the multitude of thy riches and of thy merchandise.  
     [bbe] When your goods went out over the seas, you made numbers of peoples full; the wealth of the kings of the earth was increased with your great wealth and all your goods.  
〔美〕薛愛華著,吳玉貴譯:《唐代的外來文明》,中國社會科學出版社1995年版,第 28

The golden peaches of Samarkand ; a study of T 'ang exotics.
EH Schafer –
1963/1985 - Berkeley: University of California Press
Edward H.Schafer,The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A study of T'Ang Exotics(サマルカンドの金の桃:唐代エキゾチシズムの研究),University of California Press,1985 から興味をおぼえた項目を試訳したものである。唐代中国に関する認識不足、英語力の不足から誤りがある点は、ご叱正をいただきたい。文中の[ ]は訳者補注、あるいはページの変わり目を示す。
テリアカ (p184)
ナツメグ (p185)
白蝋 (p193)
人間の頭髪 (p193)
硫酸銅 (p194)
金のスーツ (p197)
ポンジー(絹紬) (p201)
竜血 (p211)
本屋と図書館 (p271)
ラピス・ラズリ (p230)
サマルカンドの金の桃 裏表紙   


[歷史普及] 撒馬爾罕的金桃──影響世界的粟特人




曾野綾子Ayako Sono







"奠基西方藝術的二本希臘史詩!一定要讀,越快越好(早點理解西方藝術的起源)!" (介紹:Homeric Moments: Clues to Delight in Reading the Odyssey & Iliad and other books by Eva Brann )

1979年9月11 ,曾野綾子與林文月有一番對談, 紀錄《(寫作如) 製造一枝棉花糖》收錄於林文月《午後書房》台北:洪範,1986 ,頁183-200。
她認為,日本高中的《源氏物語》選讀之教學 ,重考據及各家解釋,很破壞她的古典胃口,所以她寧可選寫《耶穌傳》......她對於京都等所謂傳統 ,也充滿矛盾。換句話說,她認為現代之日本,與平安朝等的可以絕裂,再創新日本文化。

(另外可參考: "榆樹鎮上:三浦朱門、曾野綾子印象" (殷允芃  中國人的光輝及其他:當代名人訪問錄 )


曾野綾子,1931年生,天主教徒。她與遠藤周作、三浦朱門被並稱為帶有宗教精神的作家。 曾野綾子Ayako Sono絕對著作等身:  日本語

Ayako Sono(曽野 綾子 or 曾野 綾子Sono Ayako?, born September 17, 1931 in Tokyo) is a CatholicJapanese writer.[1]
She went to the Catholic Sacred Heart School in Tokyo after elementary school.[1] During World War II, she evacuated to Kanazawa. After writing for the fanzines La Mancha and Shin-Shicho (新思潮: New Thought),[2] she was recommended by Masao Yamakawa, an established critic at the time, to Mita Bungaku, for which she wrote Enrai No Kyaku Tachi (遠来の客たち: Visitors from Afar), one of the shortlisted stories for the Akutagawa Prize in 1954.[1] In 1953, she married Shumon Miura (三浦 朱門), one of the members of Shin-Shicho.[1]
The naming of “the Bas Bleu Era” (才女時代: Saijo-Jidai) by the writer and critic Yoshimi Usui famously described the prosperous activities of female writers including Sono or Sawako Ariyoshi—one of her contemporary who had published many reputable books that are still being read.

Her major novels include
  • Tamayura (たまゆら: Transience), which portrays the nihilistic daily life of man and woman
  • Satō-gashi-ga-kowareru-toki (砂糖菓子が壊れるとき: When a Sweetmeat Breaks), modeled on Marilyn Monroe and made into a film starring Ayako Wakao (IMDb)
  • Mumeihi (無名碑: A Nameless Monument), featuring the construction sites of the Tagokura Dam and the Asian Highway
  • Kizu-tsuita-ashi (傷ついた葦: Bruised Reed), which describes in a most dry style a life of a Catholic Father
  • Kyokō-no-ie (虚構の家: The House of Fiction), a bestseller depicting domestic violence
  • Tarō-Monogatari (太郎物語: Taro Story), which features her son Taro as the protagonist
  • Kami-No-Yogoreta-Te (神の汚れた手: The Soiled Hands of the god, translated into English as The Watcher from the Shore (ISBN 0-87011-938-9)), on the theme abortion and dignity of life problems, with a gynecologist as the protagonist
  • Tenjō-no-ao (天上の青: Heavenly Blue, translated into English as No Reason for Murder (ISBN 4-925080-63-6), a crime novel based on real serial murder and rape cases by a man named Kiyoshi Ōkubo, which tries to describe the extremity of love
  • Kyō-ō-Herode (狂王ヘロデ: Herod the Mad), which portrays the half life of Herod the Great, who is notorious for the Massacre of the Innocents, through the eye of a mute lute player called "Ana" (hole).
  • Aika (哀歌: Lamentations), a record of the dramatic experience of a nun Haruna, who encountered the Rwanda Genocide.


  • The two million bestseller Dare-no-tame-ni-aisuruka? (誰のために愛するか: For Whom Do You Love?)
  • Kairō-roku (戒老録: A note of Admonition to the Old) on the way how we behave in old age
  • II-hito-o-yameruto-raku-ni-naru (「いい人」をやめると楽になる: Stop Being ”Nice”, and You'll Be Liberated), a collection of epigrams








   書中亦談及老人最後幸與不幸的處境,教導大家如何安置更年邁的父母、老人如何獨居或跟子女同住的相處技巧……等等。曾野綾子認為:「在老年和晚年的智慧 當中,有一種是卸下行李……,一般而言,人在卸下行李時,必定是達到目的,看準了地點後才卸下來。然而,當死亡臨近時,就沒有那種顧慮了。」這樣的觀點, 是何等的豁達、瀟灑!

  一位已屆晚年的文學作家曾野綾子,以其細膩的觀察,和其對生命的領悟,提醒大家該如何用正確的態度和思考來面對晚年生活。每一個建議,都是她對 生活的深刻體認。曾野綾子認為:晚年的人生如輕風吹拂似地全身感到輕快無比,亦猶如掙脫了人間所有的枷鎖,光亮逐漸照射進來。曾野綾子筆下的晚年生活,是 一種美學的呈現,也是一種對人生感到圓滿的富足心境。

   擅長撰寫人類情感與社會寫實。文風優雅,筆調明快清新,字裡行間處處顯現宗教與良知的醒世意味。曾榮獲多項文學殊榮,包括梵諦岡的聖十字勳章、韓國 Ugyon文化藝術獎,以及第四十九屆日本藝術院獎/恩賜獎等。與有吉佐和子(Enti Humiko,1931-1984)共同開創了日本文學的新世代。
著有《靈魂自由人》(天下雜誌出版)、《都市裡的幸福》(天下雜誌出版)、《中年以後》(天下雜誌出版)、《華麗的手》、《無名碑》、《戒老錄》、《人間的圈套》、《遠來之客》(遠流出版)及《曾野綾子作品選集 — 全集七冊 》等。


第一章 賢者
第二章 沙漠的舒適生活
第三章 恰如其份的美
第四章 人生之薄日
第五章 僅只一次的收拾善後
第六章  金錢比名譽重要?
第七章  原美女?原原美女
第八章  有太宰味道的水
第九章  在卡布里島
第十章  微笑的佛
第十一章  紅族
第十二章  平平凡凡的迂迴曲折
第十三章  維持原貌的原石
第十四章  沈默死去的涵意
第十五章  告白失戀的賀賽
第十六章  從遠處觀望,心裡喜歡
第十七章  想進牢籠的獅子
第十八章  老爺爺砍柴,老婆婆洗濯
第十九章  「愛的學校」
第二十章   碑文祈禱
第二十一章 青春的記憶
第二十二章  單純勞動的重要意義
第二十三章  特別?上的酒和酒杯
第二十四章  老實是至高美德嗎?
第二十五章  自愚蠢者學到的教訓
第二十六章  在樹蔭下卸下重荷之時
第二十七章  自立與自律
第二十八章  壯大且充滿矛盾的地球

此貼文送給K.J. Wu

KJ Wu 給我們看看 冰點作者的另外一書:
中年以後(紀念版) (詳情). 著者: 曾野綾子 出版社: 天下雜誌

岳父今年九十歲,縱使身體不像過去一般矍健,但仍然騎著腳踏車跑  來跑去,他年輕時也曾熬夜打牌、抽煙喝酒,但中年後,以書畫、寫作、運動和栽種花草當作休閒。 





臺灣已經是一個高齡社會,而日本早在臺灣之前,就已經「高齡化」。針對高齡社會,日本採取了種種方法,但問題仍然不少。根據調 查,2009年日本全國自殺人數超過三萬人,其中六十歲以上占了百分之三十,臺灣也好不到哪裡去,2004年全國自殺死亡數為3468人,其中65  歲以上的有768人,超過百分之二十。 



針對「如何怡然自得,而又樂觀奮進的度過晚年?」這個問題,日本  作家曾野綾子不像有的人,從社福或立法,提出一堆解決的方法,她直接向年老者挑戰,也包括她自己在內,要每個人從「要求自己」開始做起。  ;


曾野綾子認為,人老了依然有上天所給的智慧和才情,不但要珍惜,更要發揮,千萬不能隨便放棄,許多老人習慣依賴別人,對於困難或新奇的事不願(或不敢)接觸,一開口就是請別人幫他的忙,曾野綾子叫這些老人是「幫我族」。其實,年齡不是人老的原因,心境才是,依賴人久了,不但原來所擁有的才情都  不見了,反而意志消沈,心志和體力都每況愈下。 





「少年夫妻老來伴」,人到老年,才知老伴重要,這時候,彼此都要懂得退讓,成為「接受折衷」的夫妻,曾野綾子反對  「養兒防老」,她唯一的兒子離家讀大學後,就完全讓他獨立,彼此間相處有如朋友般的尊重,即便是孩子請客,她也會「回請」。 


人老了,離開職場,家人也不在身邊,「孤  獨」是必然的,「孤獨」不但不是威脅,反而是感受人生喜悅的大好機  會,老人有的是時間,從「孤獨」中,不但可以發現自己,甚至可以嘗試「冒險」,當然要合情合理。曾野綾子在中、晚年曾經多次到落後國家賑災,也曾與人結伴開車橫越撒哈拉沙漠。 

保持健康當然重要,但是一旦得了任何  病,也要學著將疾病當作人生的一部份;就算在病痛中,也要一樣開朗,並從中找尋樂趣,老人家學著面對死亡,在活著時要將身後事安排妥當,不要給別人找麻煩。 


對一般人而言,以上所說的,都不容易做到,為  什麼曾野能有這種想法,並且能做的出來?因為她有信仰。曾野綾子信奉天主教,信仰幫助她從神的視野來看人生、作判斷,曾野在四十歲時勤讀聖經,她說神的話就像是一幅度數正確的眼鏡,戴上之後可以把人生看得清清楚楚。 


杜海玲∕摘要: --雖然輿論攻擊「官官接待」,但我們財團在工作完後還是招待來客共飲啤酒。誰會真的為一罐啤酒而出賣自己的心呢?但我總堅持用罐裝而避免瓶裝,因為我怕被記者拍去正給誰倒酒的鏡頭:誰給誰倒酒了,裡面有問題啊,拉攏勾結到一起啦--這是我最近發現的日本文化的不成文條約。(《部族虐殺》)

Honoré Daumier(1808-1879)ドーミエ諷刺画の世界 / 喜安朗編


 “The clown brings us anarchy, freedom and intuition. It’s a very Russian combination.” Russia’s best-known clown faced down Vladimir Putin over the invasion of Ukraine. Now he's coming to London http://econ.st/1vEiodI
SUNDAY morning at Slava Polunin’s house in Marne, south-east of Paris, is an eye-popping affair. Circus acrobats entangle themselves in elegant inversions in his...

杜米埃 (H. Daumier 1808-79) 作的動人的小丑 (The Clown),補捉到了波特萊爾散文詩中的某種情感:他宛如一位被遺忘的高貴人物,擬視遠方;群聚四散而去:唯獨一小孩用好奇的眼神看著他。系統與變異:淵博知識與理想設計法

Peter Gay: On the other hand, I know no prejudice so widely shared, no stereotype so facilely applied, as the notion that ''bourgeois'' means materialistic, philistine, narrow-minded, tasteless and prudish. Denigration of the class that emerged triumphant from the French Revolution and reigned supreme as ''Victorians'' has been with us since the early 19th century, epitomized in the caricatures of Daumier. Few contradictions reach so deep in our cultural sensibility as this triumphant ignominy.

Honoré Daumier(1808-1879)說過:我們必須跟隨我們的時代
Ingress"如果時代錯了的話那怎麼辦呢?"--Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | artist | 1780 - 1867 | The National ...

Baudelaire: 波特萊爾的《惡之華》:題詠 (Epigraphes)
 14奧諾雷.杜米埃肖像題詩 Vers Pour Le Portrait de M. Honore Daumier
Gombrich 在Photographer  as Artist: Henri Cartier-Bersson 一文中說Honoré Daumier更善於創造類型畫而非寫實

一點點指正: 凱綏.珂勒惠支 這篇的注有一小錯 (281頁  他是Max Liebermann 1947-1935)是著名的畫家) (她 的名 卻不用德文Käthe Kollwitz 凱綏·柯勒惠支/ 寇維茲(Kathe Kollwitz)是本世紀最重要的兩、三個女性畫家之一。
她的創作最接近現在對「女權主義」此術語的真正詮釋。然而她用的仍是扎根於十九世紀的形式。要 將她跟其他畫家做一比較時,最易讓人聯想到的,並非同時期的德國畫家格羅斯(George Grosz)或迪克斯(Dix),而是杜米埃(Honor Daumier) 及米勒(J.F.Millet)。

書名/作者 杜米埃 = Daumier eng / 廖瓊芳著 出版項 臺北市 : 藝術家, 民89(2000) 版本項 初版
主要作者Rey, Robert
書名/作者Honoré Daumier / text by Robert Rey ; [translated by Norbert Guterman]
出版項New York : Abrams, 1985
版本項Concise ed
總圖2F藝術資料區N6853.D38 R48z 1985 1583328 可流通
主要作者Delteil, Loys, 1869-1927
書名/作者Honoré Daumier : [oeuvre lithographiae] / Loeys Delteil. --
出版項Paris : Delteil, 1925-1930
總圖2F藝術資料區NE2415.D2 D45 v.1 2427386 可流通

主要作者杜彌爾 (Daumier, Honoré, 1808-1879)

Daumier, Honoré 1808-1879
書名/作者ドーミエ諷刺画の世界 / 喜安朗編
出版項東京都 : 岩波, 2002

總圖2F藝術資料區947.35 4411 2242697 可流通

主要作者蘇 茂生
書名/作者根斯勃羅Gainsborough雷諾爾兹Reynolds羅伊斯達Ruisdael荷加斯Hogarth多米埃Daumier / 蘇茂生著
出版項臺北市 : 光復, 民68[1979]

總圖2F密集書庫947.5 4462 v.10 2028386 可流通

「諷刺性插畫的意象組構與表現:以Honoré Daumier(1808-1879)為例」,蕭嘉猷,

Daumier, Honoré (ônôrā' dōmyā'), 1808-79, French caricaturist, painter, and sculptor. Daumier was the greatest social satirist of his day. Son of a Marseilles glazier, he accompanied his family to Paris in 1816. There he studied under Lenoir and learned lithography. He soon began to contribute cartoons to the weekly Caricature. In 1832 his representation of Louis Philippe as Gargantua caused him six months' imprisonment. Two outstanding lithographs of 1834, Rue Transnonain and Le Ventre législatif [the legislative paunch] testify to his early direct and bitterly ironic approach. After the suppression of Caricature his work appeared in Charivari, where he mercilessly ridiculed the bourgeois society of his day in a highly realistic graphic style. Relished as cartoons in his time, Daumier's lithographs, of which he produced almost 4,000, are now considered masterpieces. He also painted about 200 small canvases of power and dramatic intensity that were stylistically similar to his lithographs. Among these are Christ and His Disciples (Rijks Mus.); Republic (Louvre); Three Lawyers (Phillips Gall., Washington, D.C.); the romantic Don Quixote and The Third-Class Carriage (both: Metropolitan Mus.). Daumier's sculpture includes over 30 small, painted busts. An example of his work in this medium is a statuette in the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. In his last years he suffered from increasing blindness. His financial condition was perilous. Corot put at his disposal a cottage in Valmondois, and it was there that Daumier died.
See his Teachers and Students (tr. 1970); catalog raisonné ed. by K. E. Maison (2 vol., 1968); biography by R. Rey (1985); studies by K. E. Maison (1960), O. Larkin (1966), H. P. Vincent (1968), and J. L. Wasserman (1969).

Bob Dylan and the 50-Year Itch


Bob Dylan in 1966.CreditJerry Schatzberg/Columbia Records, via PR Newswire
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Fifty years ago was an auspicious time in popular music.
In 1964, the Beatles appeared on Billboard’s charts for the first time, the Rolling Stones released their first album, the Supremes had five No. 1 hits and Simon and Garfunkel debuted with “Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.”
The 50-year milestone is significant, because music published within the first half-century of its recording gets another 20 years of copyright protection under changes in European law.
So every year since 2012, studios go through their tape vaults to find unpublished music to get it on the market before the deadline.
That’s how we came to get outtakes of Bob Dylan, the Beatles and the Beach Boys in recent years.
This year, Sony is releasing a limited-edition nine-LP set of 1964 recordings by Mr. Dylan, including a 46-second try at “Mr. Tambourine Man,” which he would not complete until 1965.
The Beach Boys released two copyright-extension sets of outtakes last week.
There’s no official word on a Beatles release, but last year around this time, “The Beatles Bootleg Recordings 1963” turned up unannounced on iTunes.

訓道篇 Ecclesiastes 共 1/9 章


Ecclesiastes 9 King James Version (KJV)

For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them.
All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.
This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.
For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.
For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.
Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment.
Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.
10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.
13 This wisdom have I seen also under the sun, and it seemed great unto me:
14 There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it:
15 Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.
16 Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.
17 The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.
18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.


  1. 我留心考察這一切,終於看出:義人、智者和他們的行為,都在天主手裏;是愛是恨,人不知道;二者都能來到他們身上。
  2. 無論是義人,是惡人,是好人,是壞人,是潔淨的人,是不潔淨的人,是獻祭的人,是不獻祭的人,都有同樣的命運;好人與罪人一樣,妄發誓的與怕發誓的也一樣。
  3. 太陽之下所發生的一切事中,最不幸的是眾人都有同樣的命運;更有甚者,世人的心都充滿邪惡,有生之日,心懷狂妄,以後與死者相聚。
  4. 的確,誰尚與活人有聯繫,還懷有希望,因為一隻活狗勝過一隻死獅。
  5. 活著的人至少自知必死,而死了的人卻一無所知;他們再得不到報酬,因為連他們的記念也被人遺忘了。
  6. 他們的愛好,他們的憎恨,他們的熱誠,皆已消失;在太陽下所發生的一切事,永遠再沒有他們的分。
  7. 及時行樂
  8. 你倒不如去快樂地吃你的飯,開懷暢飲你的酒,因為天主早已嘉納你所作的工作。
  9. 你的衣服常要潔白,你頭上不要缺少香液。
  10. 在天主賜你在太陽下的一生虛幻歲月中,同你的愛妻共享人生之樂:這原是你在太陽下,一生從勞苦中所應得的一分。
  11. 你手能做什麼,就努力去做,因為在你所要去的陰府內,沒有工作,沒有計劃,沒有學問,沒有智慧。
  12. 命運不濟
  13. 我又在太陽下看見:善跑的不得競賽,勇將不得參戰,智者得不到食物,明白人得不到財富,博學者得不到寵幸,因為他們都遭遇了不幸的時運。
  14. 因為人不知道自己的時期,當凶險猝然而至的時候,人子為不幸的時運所獲,就像魚被網捕住,又像鳥被圈套套住。
  15. 在太陽下我又得了一個智慧的經驗,依我看來,大有意義:
  16. 有座小城,裏面居民不多;有位大王來攻打此城,把城圍住,周圍築了高壘。
  17. 那時,城中有個貧賤卻具有智慧的人,他用自己的智慧,救了本城:可是人們卻忘了這貧賤的人。
  18. 於是我說:智慧遠勝過武力;然而貧賤人的智慧卻被人輕忽,他的話卻沒有人聽。
  19. 智者溫和的言語,比王者在愚人中的吶喊,更受歡迎。
  20. 智慧勝於武器;一個錯誤能破壞許多好事

Ecclesiastes 1:4-18King James Version (KJV)

One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.
The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.
The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.
All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
12 I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.
13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.
14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.
16 I communed with mine own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.
17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.


  1. 達味之子耶路撒冷的君王「訓道者」的語錄:
  2. 萬事皆虛
  3. 虛而又虛,訓道者說:虛而又虛,萬事皆虛。
  4. 人在太陽下辛勤勞作,為人究有何益﹖
  5. 一代過去,一代又來,大地仍然常在。
  6. 太陽升起,太陽落下,匆匆趕回原處,從新再升。
  7. 風吹向南,又轉向北,旋轉不息,循環周行。
  8. 江河流入大海,大海總不滿溢;江河仍向所往之處,川流不息。
  9. 萬事皆辛勞,無人能盡言:眼看,看不夠;耳聽,聽不飽。
  10. 往昔所有的,將來會再有;昔日所行的,將來會再行;太陽之下決無新事。
  11. 若有人指著某事說:「看,這是新事。」豈不知在我們以前早就有過。
  12. 只是對往者,沒有人去追憶;同樣,對來者,也不會為後輩所記念。
  13. 智慧空虛
  14. 我訓道者,曾在耶路撒冷作過以色列的君王。
  15. 我曾專心用智慧考察研究過天下所發生的一切;──這實在是天主賜與人類的一項艱辛的工作。
  16. 我觀察了在太陽下所發生的一切:看,都是空虛,都是追風。
  17. 彎曲的,不能使之正直,虧缺的,實在不可勝數。
  18. 我心裏自語說:「看,我獲得了又大又多的智慧,勝過了所有在我以前住在耶路撒冷的人,我的心獲得了許多智慧和學問。」
  19. 我再專心研究智慧和學問,愚昧和狂妄,我纔發覺:連這項工作也是追風。
  20. 因為,智慧愈多,煩惱愈多;學問越廣,憂慮越深。
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