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Yeats in Love by Annie West


Annie West on creating Yeats in Love
Alienated by WB Yeats at school, it took a move to Sligo for his hopeless, painful but amusing love story to seduce me
Mon, Dec 1, 2014, 10:00
Yeats meets Maud Gonne for the first time. Illustration: Annie West
Yeats meets Maud Gonne for the first time. Illustration: Annie West
Asked by a fourth class pupil: “Why do you always make fun of William Butler Yeats?”
Well. Somebody has to do it.
I ought to be a Yeats scholar, know his poetry inside out, living as I do in the heart of Yeats country. My Grandmother played the church organ at his funeral. Everywhere in Sligo there are monuments to Yeats, from statues to restaurants to football clubs.
I had always found the deification of Yeats somewhat hard to follow, since my relationship with the Nobel Laureate was irretrievably soured in a Dublin secondary school by a teacher who clearly not only disliked me, and all my friends, but also Yeats, all literature, English in general, and the whole entire process of teaching. By the time I emerged from school, blinking and gasping, with my (not hugely impressive) Leaving Cert in my hand I vowed never to open another poetry book again.
Things took a turn for the better in the nineties when I moved to Sligo and was given the job of church warden at St Columba’s Church, Drumcliffe. As a result I got to meet many visiting Yeats’ scholars who unwittingly assisted in my imminent rehabilitation by recounting stories of Willie Yeats and his Muse. The Muse who made him great.

Click here to open the gallery

It was on a gloomy day in March when I happened to meet Stella Mew, the then president of the Yeats Society. What started as a short conversation became a very long one. Stella is the most erudite Yeats scholar but has a charming and delightful side of mischief; after a long chat I ran back to my drawing board and began what I thought was one single cartoon strip.
I began to read about Yeats and Maud Gonne. His hopeless pursuit. His four marriage proposals. How he waited for Iseult to grow up and then proposed to her as well. And how she turned him down too. Somehow I had missed this remarkable, painful yet amusing story.
It started slowly: just one illustration, a comic strip where Yeats meets Maud Gonne for the first time. I thought that was it but then more started coming. Ideas arrived in my head by themselves, with no prompting at all.
I realised quite early on I could almost always reduce each scenario into one single image. Before long I had four images. Then six. The Yeats in Love series grew and grew and culminated in a touring exhibition which was opened in Dublin for the first time in 2008 by Senator David Norris.
As the years went by people began to send me funny stories and quotes by or about Willy. I read books about the love story, even the one-sided love letters, ignoring all else as a distraction.
The one thing I wanted to be sure of was that this story would, although embellished to a ridiculous degree, have a solid basis in fact. I wandered down many side roads while making this series but many images were discarded because they weren’t real or likely to be.
Then my interpretation of his poetry was simply based on the way I used to annoy my English teacher: I took every word literally. Many detentions were imposed over an argument about where exactly his ladder went, et cetera.
Since that murky day in Drumcliffe with Stella in 2007 I find I have, without noticing, rehabilitated myself after the trauma of that mind-numbing secondary education. I am, nearly, at peace with my Yeats.
During my research I read much about the flame-haired, chain-smoking, dog-loving, bird-collecting, chloroform-sniffing patriot Maud Gonne and how mean she was to him. Curiously in 10 years I have found myself feeling a bit sorry for Willy. I never thought I would hear myself saying that. But here we are, 10 years later and friends at last.
Yeats in Love by Annie West is published by New Island Press, priced €34.95. A special edition of 200 signed and numbered copies in a deluxe slipcase is available from her website for €80 with free shipping.

Yeats in Love
Book by Annie West

Originally published: 2014
Author: Annie West

‘As for Willie Yeats I love him dearly as a friend but I could not for one minute imagine marrying him.’
- Maud Gonne

To commemorate the 150th birthday of the Nobel Laureate, acclaimed illustrator Annie West takes a wry look at the hapless, nerdy love life of WB Yeats, and tracks, in a semi-fictitious way, his relentless and ultimately unsuccessful pursuit of the flame haired, short tempered patriot, Maud Gonne.

Annie West’s irreverent art brings to life W.B. Yeats’s futile pursuit of the beautiful, unobtainable Maud Gonne. Introduced by Theo Dorgan, and complete with poetry by Yeats as well as quotes by those who bore witness to his infatuation, including Katharine Tynan, Douglas Hyde and his own sisters, Lolly and Lily, Yeats in Love is a truly original depiction of a decades-long adolescent crush.
About the Author:
Annie West is an award-winning illustrator and writer who has had two authored books published and illustrated dozens more. Annie has exhibited her Yeats in Love series to much acclaim and her work has been acquired by admirers such as President Michael D. Higgins, Neil Jordan, Seamus Heaney and the United States Embassy.

Annie West
280x280mm, Illustrated Hardback
Release Date

余國藩 (Anthony C. Yu, 1938-2015)《西游記、紅樓夢與其他》Rereading the Stone Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber


Rereading the StoneDesire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red ChamberAnthony C. Yu


余國藩先生的《西游記》The Journey to the West, 英譯4冊修正本  預計2012年完成  這真是世界文化的大功臣
先生的翻譯很認真和講究  譬如說《《西游記》、《紅樓夢》與其他》(三聯2006)頁482 
提出中國"抒情"詩宜從"情本說(pathocentricism) 出發 因此 一般用  lyric 的字源(推廣字源可辯論  因為它可能犯字源謬誤 )只是指"非敘述非戲劇"的偏音樂的作品
但是  現在的辭典將  lyric 解釋為"表達主觀的感情與思想 (Of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses subjectivethoughts and feelings, often in a songlike style or form.)

Anthony C. Yu was a scholar of literature and religion, eastern and western. At the time of his death he was Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor ...

The eighteenth-century Hongloumeng, known in English as Dream of the Red Chamber or The Story of the Stone, is generally considered to be the greatest of Chinese novels--one that masterfully blends realism and romance, psychological motivation and fate, daily life and mythical occurrences, as it narrates the decline of a powerful Chinese family. In this path-breaking study, Anthony Yu goes beyond the customary view of Hongloumeng as a vivid reflection of late imperial Chinese culture by examining the novel as a story about fictive representation. Through a maze of literary devices, the novel challenges the authority of history as well as referential biases in reading. At the heart of Hongloumeng, Yu argues, is the narration of desire. Desire appears in this tale as the defining trait and problem of human beings and at the same time shapes the novel's literary invention and effect. According to Yu, this focalizing treatment of desire may well be Hongloumeng's most distinctive accomplishment.

Through close readings of selected episodes, Yu analyzes principal motifs of the narrative, such as dream, mirror, literature, religious enlightenment, and rhetorical reflexivity in relation to fictive representation. He contextualizes his discussions with a comprehensive genealogy of qing--desire, disposition, sentiment, feeling--a concept of fundamental importance in historical Chinese culture, and shows how the text ingeniously exploits its multiple meanings. Spanning a wide range of comparative literary sources, Yu creates a new conceptual framework in which to reevaluate this masterpiece.
Anthony C. Yu is the Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities at the University of Chicago, where he teaches in the Divinity School, in the departments of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, English, and Comparative Literature, and serves on the Committee on Social Thought. He is best known for his complete, annotated translation of The Journey to the West.


  • 【作 者】:余國藩
  • 【叢編項】:余國藩論學文選
  • 【裝幀項】:平裝 16 / 515
  • 【出版項】:生活·讀書·新知三聯書店 / 2006-10-1
  • 此書有索引

  • 【圖書簡介】
      余國藩先生既以精研西方文學與宗教而稱美西方 學界,又以對《西游記》、《紅樓夢》及中國傳統思想文化的深刻理解而飲譽漢學界。本書為其三十余年的研究心得,無論是花十年之功對《紅樓夢》中情欲與虛構 問題的重審,還是對《西游記》的版本、寓言特質及史詩面向的考察,均見解獨到,論證嚴密,為其建基于“人文學問”的傳統之上的“得意之作”。
  • 【作者簡介】
       余國藩(Anthony C. Yu),美國芝加哥大學巴克人文學講座教授,并為該校唯一由神學院、比較文學系、英文系、東亞系及社會思想委員近四十年,現為該校巴克人文學講座榮退教 授。余國藩也是臺灣中央研究院及美國國家人文科學的院士,并榮任中央研究院中國文哲研究所通信研究員。余國藩向以英譯《西游記》(Journey to the West,四冊)飲譽學界,在《重讀石頭記》及各類論文之外,他另有《重訪巴拿撒斯山》(Parnassus Revisited: Modern Critical Essays on the Epic Tradition)及《信仰的語形學》(Morphologies of Faith: Essays in Religion and Culture in Honor of Nathan A. Scott, Jr.)、《余國藩西游記論集》、《重讀石頭記:里的情欲與虛構》、《從歷史與文本的角度看中國的政教問題》等著作及若干論文。
  • 【本書目錄】
    輯一 論《紅樓夢》
    輯二 論《西游記》

  • ---

    Anthony C. Yu

    Carl Darling Buck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities and Professor Emeritus of Religion and Literature in the Divinity School; also in the Departments of Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and English Language and Literature, and the Committee on Social Thought
    S.T.B. (Fuller Theological Seminary)
    Ph.D. (University of Chicago)

    Anthony YuProfessor Yu's interests center on the comparative study of both literary and religious traditions. The themes and topoi of Greek religions and Christian theology have informed his essays on epics (Classical and Renaissance) and tragic dramas of the West. Similarly, he has sought to reinterpret classical Chinese narratives and poetry in light of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. His publications include specific comparisons of Chinese and Western texts, literary and religious histories, and issues of theory and criticism. His courses at the University of Chicago are divided between those offered for the Divinity School (in both Religion and Literature and the History of Religions) and those offered for the Departments of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and of Comparative Literature.

    Best known for his four-volume translation of The Journey to the West, he coedited (with Mary Gerhart) Morphologies of Faith: Essays in Religion and Culture in Honor of Nathan A. Scott, Jr. He has also published in 1997 with Princeton Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in "Dream of the Red Chamber." In 2005, a Chinese translation of that book was published in Taiwan, and Open Court also released his State and Religion in China: Historical and Textual Perspectives. In 2006, he published The Monkey and the Monk, a one-volume revised abridgment of The Journey to the West. Columbia University Press published in 2008 Comparative Journeys: Essays on Literature and Religion East and West. Currently, he is working on a complete revised edition of The Journey to the West, with new critical Introduction and Notes, for The University of Chicago Press, all four volumes of which it hopes to publish in 2012.

    將西遊記帶往西方 中研院士余國藩病逝

    亞洲週刊 2015年05月31日 23:00

    余國藩。(圖:Asia Society)


    祖籍廣東台山而在香港出生的余國藩(Anthony Yu)受過嚴格的神學及文學訓練,因此常以宗教的視角和文學的眼光研究中西文學典籍,他以數十年的時間把十六世紀明人吳承恩所撰的名著《西遊記》英譯成四大冊,八十年代初出版,蜚聲西方學界。過了二十多年,用功不輟的余國藩又推出《西遊記》譯註的修訂版。他傾畢生之力研究這部中國人視為通俗讀物的古典小說,從學術的觀點透視小說的永恒價值,而為東西方學術界所同欽。


    自幼浸染古典小說 國學基礎深厚


    首位完整翻譯西遊記 並加註釋


    當余國藩在七、八十年代英譯《西遊記》時,曾請東亞系的美國同事芮效衛(David Tod Roy)從頭到尾看一遍。芮效衛一九三三年生於南京,比余國藩大五歲,中文極好,在東亞系開了一門「《金瓶梅》研究」的課程。他在校閱余氏的《西遊記》英譯本時,突然想到自己為什麼不英譯《金瓶梅》呢?於是,芮效衛從一九八二年開始英譯被中國守舊派和道學家視為「淫書之首」的《金瓶梅》,九三年出版第一卷。芮氏為了全心全力趕譯,辭去教職,去年譯完最後一卷(第五卷,全書皆由普林斯頓大學出版)。但不幸的是,芮氏亦得了肌肉萎縮症(俗稱「漸凍人」,三十年代美國洋基棒球名將陸.加列格得了此症,故又稱陸.加列格症)。英譯本《金瓶梅》總頁數達二千五百多頁,註釋有四千四百多條。令中國人既佩服又感慨的是,余國藩和芮效衛都以學術研究的態度來譯介這兩部中國古典小說。芮氏說,當年中國作家老舍(舒慶春)在倫敦協助英國人英譯《金瓶梅》,因怕丟臉,堅決拒絕在書上印他的名字。

    芮氏的弟弟芮效儉(J. Stapleton Roy)亦生於南京,比他小兩歲,一九九一至九五年做過美國駐中國大使。芮氏兄弟的父親芮陶庵(Andrew Tod Roy)是美國長老會傳教士,三十年代和妻子到中國,先在北平學中文,再到南京傳教並在金陵大學哲學系教書。金大在抗戰時搬到四川成都華西大學,芮氏一家在四川駐足七載,他們印象最深的是日本飛機不停地轟炸。抗戰勝利後,芮家返美,芮陶庵在普林斯頓大學讀了一個博士學位,一九四八年舉家返回中國,當時國共內戰已近尾聲,芮陶庵仍很樂觀,以為自己仍可繼續傳教和教書。當時芮效衛在上海美國學校唸書,全校原有四百人,在砲火聲中,只剩十六人。芮氏說,一九四九年五月二十七日共軍全面佔領上海那天,學校正好舉行期末考,考幾何,他當時是十年級(高一)。


    芝大的博士課程素以嚴格、紮實著稱。六十年代,芝大以擁有歷史學者何炳棣(一九一七至二零一二)和政治學者鄒讜(一九一八至九九)而出名,他們在一九六七年合辦長達十天的中國問題學術研討會,集合全球頂尖學者探討中國大陸現狀,後來把會議論文編成三冊《在危機中的中國》(China in Crisis)。

    名家匯集 芝大成漢學研究重鎮

    此外,芝大亦因擁有中國古代史名學者顧立雅(H. G. Creel,一九九四年卒),而使該校中國研究始終能維持高水平。顧的學生錢存訓嘗言,顧立雅是「美國學術界最早對中國語言和文化作出精深研究的一位啟蒙大師,也是西方研究中國古代史的權威漢學家」。何炳棣則說﹕「他(指顧立雅)不懂古文,要找我來幫忙。」曾獲芝大博士的史學家許倬雲不同意何氏的說法,稱﹕「這是亂說。」許氏表示﹕「我的老師顧立雅是第一代美國漢學家,研究古代金文,學古文從讀《孝經》開始,很用功,後來讀中國古文基本沒有問題。」顧氏一九三六年出版《中國的誕生》,是西方世界第一本介紹中國第一個考古所得朝代的書。顧立雅、鄒讜、何炳棣、錢存訓、余國藩等學者相繼物故,加上芮效衛的退休,芝大的漢學研究和當代中國研究的「盛世」已成為歷史。



    Johan Strauss II「圓舞曲之王」Marcel Prawy: 藍色多瑙河


    小學時 (1963?)台北市 中山國小五年忠班錄過唱片

    我有 普拉維Marcel Prawy著 圓舞曲之王 北京: 三聯 1987 提問:最後四首歌

    In his lifetime, he was known as "The Waltz King", and was largely then responsible for the popularity of the waltz in Vienna during the 19th century.

    藍色多瑙河,「圓舞曲之王」小約翰史特勞斯最負盛名的圓舞曲(作品第314號),德語曲名為「An der schnen blauen Donau」(在美麗的藍色多瑙河上), ...

    Wikipedia的"Johan Strauss II"項目,德文版、日文版的圖片都以英文版豐富:




    Classical Music | 28.10.2010

    Strauss still "King of the Waltzes" 185 years after his birth

    Born in St. Ulrich near Vienna, Austria on October 25, 1825, Johann Strauss II was arguably the world's first pop star, enchanting audiences the world over with his melodies.

    This week's edition of Deutsche Welle's Music This Week pays tribute to the man who composed what is still regarded as Austria's unofficial national anthem, "The Beautiful Blue Danube." Written in his home on elegant Praterstrasse in 1867, the composition is world-famous and is still, for many, a synonym for the Viennese way of life.
    His German contemporary, Johannes Brahms, himself a composer of waltzes, allegedly said of the iconic piece: "Unfortunately not by Johannes Brahms." A cheeky and fitting tribute to one of classical music's best-loved works.
    Waltz mania sweeps Europe
    The waltz played a major role within the Strauss family. Johann Strauss I was himself a gifted composer and found competition in his talented son for musical supremacy in Vienna. After Strauss Sr.'s early death in 1849, his son took up the baton and ran, quickly establishing himself as a master of his craft and initiating a massive wave in popularity for the waltz across Europe.
    He became Imperial and Royal Music Director of the Court Balls and a favorite among Russian nobility, giving annual summer concerts in Pavlovsk, the Imperial estate near St. Petersburg. He played at the World's Fair in Paris in 1867 and enchanted British and American audiences.
    Waltz-fever spread to the United States and in 1872, Strauss appeared at the World Peace Jubilee in Boston where he led 20,000 orchestral musicians and singers for an audience numbering 100,000.

    The Danube RiverBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Strauss paid tribute to the Danube River in what is arguably his most famous workAlways the composer
    Strauss was a dashing bandmaster and very popular among women. However he was also a diligent composer and devoted to music, jotting down notes and ideas on everything from tablecloths to paper currency. In his lifetime, he wrote some 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, marches, mazurkas and galops and 15 operettas.
    Although entering operetta territory relatively late in life, his works "Die Fledermaus" (The Bat) and "Der Zigeunerbaron" (The Gypsy Baron) are two of his most famous works. A line from "Die Fledermaus" - "Gluecklich ist, wer vergisst, was nicht mehr zu aendern ist," (He who forgets what can't be changed, is happy.) entered into common use in the German language.
    After a long and illustrious career, Strauss succumbed to pneumonia and died in 1899 at the age of 73, yet his works live on and are still enjoyed in concert halls around the world.
    To find out more about Johan Strauss II and to hear excerpts from some of his compositions, follow the link below (MTW43: Johann Strauss) and listen to our current edition of Music This Week.
    Author: Suzanne Cords (nl)
    Editor: Greg Wiser



    台灣人的醜陋面 (1988)
    柏 楊(はく よう)は台湾の作家。共産党の中国制圧後に台湾へ渡り、執筆を開始。小説や歴史書など多彩なジャンルの本を発表している。本名は郭 興邦で、後に郭 衣洞と改名した。
    皇后之死シリーズ・全三集(1980年 - 1982年)
    柏楊版資治通鑑(1983年 - 1993年)
    張良沢・宗像隆幸共訳『醜い中国人 なぜ、アメリカ人・日本人に学ばないのか』(1988年、光文社)
    張良沢・宗像隆幸共訳『絶望の中国人 なぜ、同じ過ちを繰り返すのか』(1988年、光文社)
    出口一幸訳 『異域 中国共産党に挑んだ男たちの物語』(2012年、第三書館)
    圖像裡可能有1 人、微笑中

    陳從周 《說園》1984;The Chinese Garden as Lyric Enclave 2001/2012

    講談社 Kodansha


    想到"講談社 Kodansha",當然是2018年的『鄭問展』.....

    英文版 日本百科 二大冊 ,另有四五倍的版本:



    剛剛試著挑戰日本最大出版商,講談社 (Wikipedia的日文、英文、中文等版,都有意思:譬如說,國際關;保留美國分社.....)



    143 岩波茂雄及岩波書店 鍾漢清 邱振瑞 2017-03-05




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    《杜魯門》(Truman ,1992)David McCullough’s History Lessons


    Owen Hsieh 杜魯門總統如何面對期中選舉慘敗?
    選民不滿民主黨執政的原因,是當時市場牛肉供應短缺,批評杜魯門總統過於儉樸的性格,其實後來這是杜魯門最為人稱讚,聲譽不墜的特質。但當時共和黨僅憑簡單的兩個字“ 夠了沒(Had enough ?)” ,就橫掃選民情緒,贏得半世紀來的最大勝利。共和黨的新生代政治人物尼克森、麥卡錫和民主黨的甘迺迪都在那次選戰中首度進入國會。
    當敗選消息逐步傳出時,杜魯門的情緒並沒有太大起伏,俟橋牌告一段落,他對隨行記者發表唯一的簡短評論說:“ 對選舉結果,我最主要的遺憾是,會弱化我在國際間的努力”。面對政治災難般的敗選,他情緒平和的令人訝異。回到華盛頓的聯合車站,發現只有國務次卿 Dean Acheson 一人孤伶伶地站在月台上恭候迎接。在總統面臨政治低潮時,Acheson 優雅忠誠的形象,讓杜魯門印象深刻,日後並將他提拔為國務卿。
    的逼宮戲碼。年輕的阿肯色州參議員 Fulbright 要杜魯門提名資深的共和黨參議員 Arthur Vandenberg 為國務卿,在副總統已出缺的情況下,使 Vandenberg 卡位僅次於總統的職缺。杜魯門深知這是赤裸裸的逼宮,若妥協,下一步就是找機會要他辭去總統職位。杜魯門對 Fulbright 從此芥蒂甚深,見面都不打招呼, 私下譏諷他是 半吊子先生 Mr. Halfbright. 不過,Fulbright 後來在政壇得意,擔任國會參院外交委員會主席近20年,雖多次問鼎總統參加初選失利。卸任後,美國國務院還以他的命字設立提供外國學者赴美短期研究的"傅爾布萊特獎助金”。
    從密蘇里州回到白宮,杜魯門馬上召開幕僚會議,說選舉的災難,反而使他心中有種獲得解放的感覺,當時幕僚都不解其意。他的助理 Clifford 回憶說,當時內閣職位多由保守派佔據,並推動一整套的國內政策,在期中選舉前,讓選民困惑,杜魯門總統究竟是走哪一種政策路線? 選民認為似乎偏離了羅斯福總統的新政路線。Clifford 認為,選舉結果顯示,選民的訊息很清楚:民主黨必須走民主黨路線,而不是向共和黨人取暖過頭的保守主義政策。內閣職位雖多保守派,但次閣員級仍有諸多服膺自由主義政策,來自不同部會的青年才俊。期中選舉後,他們認為有必要成立非正式的小組,每週一晚間聚餐後,就如何推動正統民主黨自由主義的政策交換意見,會談不作任何記錄,重點在形成共識,影響總統的政策,並在自己的崗位上提出倡議。雖然是討論自由主義取向的政策,但是不會把追求意識型態的純粹性置於政策的實際考量上。通常作出的決定都是在理想與可能,完美與務實之間。他們瞭解政府代表所有人,必須在各種壓力之間取得平衡,因此通常思考的焦點是什麼是最可能達成的方案,或最好的可能結果是什麼? 小組運作一段時間,成效卓著,先後完成民權法案、各軍種整合、設立國安會及否決 Taft- Hartley Act ( 俗稱奴工法案)。之後,因成員職務異動頻繁,難以持續而停止。

    David McCullough’s History Lessons

    The author on how learning about the past can serve as an antidote to self-importance and self-pity

    Despite all of the turmoil in U.S. politics lately, David McCullough thinks that the country isn’t in such bad shape. It’s all relative, says the 83-year-old historian and author of such books as the Pulitzer Prize-winning biographies “Truman” (1992) and “John Adams” (2001). He points to the Civil War, for instance, when the country lost 2% of its population—that would be more than six million people today—or the flu pandemic of 1918, when more than 500,000 Americans died. “Imagine that on the nightly news,” he says.
    History gives us a sense of proportion, he says: “It’s an antidote to a lot of unfortunately human trends like self-importance and self-pity.”
    Mr. McCullough aims to spread that message in his latest book, “The American Spirit,” a collection of speeches that he’s given over the past few decades. Ranging over various topics, from presidential lives to storied places such as Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia (“one of the most eloquent buildings in all of America”), he calls on his readers to see history “as an aid to navigation in such troubled, uncertain times,” as he puts it in the introduction.

    Mr. McCullough was born in Pittsburgh, the son of a businessman and a homemaker. After getting a degree in English at Yale University, he moved to New York, where he worked at magazines including Sports Illustrated. In the 1950s, “it was much easier to find a job than to find an apartment,” he says. When President John F. Kennedy “called upon us to do something for our country, I took it to heart.” He moved to Washington, D.C., to work for the U.S. Information Agency, which supported U.S. foreign policy abroad and was then under the direction of the great broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow.

    There Mr. McCullough ran a magazine published for the Arab world, and he used to visit the Library of Congress and the Agriculture Department to search for material. One day, he ran across photographs of the 1889 Johnstown Flood, which occurred when the South Fork Dam broke in Johnstown, Pa., killing more than 2,200 people. “I could not believe the level of destruction in the photographs,” he says. Wanting to learn more, he borrowed a few books about the flood, but he quickly saw that they weren’t very good.
    He thought back to something that the playwright and novelist Thornton Wilder had said while a fellow at Yale during Mr. McCullough’s undergraduate days. When Wilder heard a good story and wished to see it on the stage, he wrote the play himself. When he wanted to read a book about an interesting event, he wrote it himself.
    Once I started doing it, I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
    So Mr. McCullough went to work. “Once I started doing it, I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life,” he says. His first book, “The Johnstown Flood,” was published in 1968, and “The American Spirit” is his 11th.
    He continues to take a similar approach to his subject matter. “I have never undertaken a subject about which I knew very much,” he says. “I tell that to my academic friends, and they just think that’s pitiful, but if I knew all about it, I wouldn’t want to write the book.”
    One book can lead to the next. When he was working on “The Path Between the Seas” (1977), about the making of the Panama Canal, he became intrigued by Theodore Roosevelt and “how this frightened little boy turned into the essence of masculine vigor,” he says. In 1981, he published “Mornings on Horseback,” about Roosevelt’s life.
    Beyond writing, Mr. McCullough is also known for his rich, deep voice. His audio career started when filmmaker Ken Burns interviewed him for a 1981 documentary on the Brooklyn Bridge. Mr. Burns was so taken with his voice that he asked Mr. McCullough to narrate the whole film. He has since narrated many documentaries and served as the host of “American Experience” on PBS from 1988 to 1999.
    Even today, Mr. McCullough doesn’t use a computer for research or writing. He still goes to libraries and archives to find primary sources and writes on a typewriter. He lives in Hingham, Mass., with his wife, Rosalee, who edits his work and often reads his drafts out loud to him so that he can hear how they will sound to a reader. They have five grown children and 19 grandchildren. For leisure, he enjoys painting and drawing.
    Mr. McCullough is currently working on a book about settlers in the Old Northwest Territory, an area formed in the late 1700s including the lands that became the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. The settlers fought wildcats and snakes and had difficulty farming the heavily forested land. Local Native Americans tried to drive them away with tactics such as killing all the wild game around the new towns the settlers tried to build. They also weathered floods and “virtually any adversity you can imagine,” he says. Almost all of them were veterans of the War of Independence who had been given the land in lieu of pay for their service.
    Mr. McCullough laments the fact that students today don’t seem to be as interested in history as he was in his youth. “I think in some ways I knew more American history when I finished grade school than many college students know today,” he says. “And that’s not their fault—that’s our fault.” History, he adds, is “often boiled down to statistics and dates and quotations that make it extremely boring.” The key to generating interest, he says, is for professors and teachers to frame history as stories about people.
    He takes comfort in the fact that great works of history remain widely available. “I do know this,” he says. “There are still more public libraries in this country than there are McDonald’s.” ~David McCulloug

      Truman  (David McCullough)
      名著:McCullough, David Born名著杜魯門(Truman ,1992 (台北:麥田,1995)不過,讀者如我,需要指引為什麼傳主是 Drucker 先生說最偉大的總統。

      hcbooks.blogspot.com/2011/.../truman-david-mccullough.h... - 頁庫存檔
      2011年7月3日 – 名著:McCullough, David Born名著《杜魯門》(Truman ,1992 )(台北:麥田,1995)不過,讀者如我,需要指引為什麼傳主是 Drucker 先生說最偉大的 ...



      直到杜魯門總統才再邀Hoover 總統 他致詞時 早已老淚縱橫......

      美國總統學相當複雜,我們很難入其堂廟。我看過 Truman (1884-1972 )的電影和傳記名著:McCullough, David Born名著《杜魯門》(Truman ,1992)(台北:麥田,1995)。不過,讀者如我,
      需要指引為什麼傳主是Peter Drucker 先生說最偉大的總統。讀了它,你會知道台灣政壇之腐敗可能是小巫。不過我們或許缺乏這樣一批人馬:「馬歇爾說,他(杜魯門)的正直與清廉,在20世紀的美國領袖中無出其右。」(HC)

      比較: 士林官邸成為開發公司的作品。

      ‘Wicked Bible’ and ‘God’s great asse’


      ‘Thou shalt commit adultery’ – according to this 1631 edition of the King James Bible.
      Sometimes it’s not entirely obvious whether an act of dissent is deliberate, or an innocent mistake. Published in London under the names of Robert Barker and Martin Lucas, this is a page from the ‘Wicked Bible’ – so called for the printing error in the Seventh Commandment.
      This could be an unfortunate mistake, but a second misprint changing ‘God’s greateness’ to ‘God’s great asse’ might make this seem a little suspicious.
      Explore the history of dissent over thousands of years in our #IObjectexhibition, co-curated by Ian Hislop – book tickets: http://ow.ly/Eo9r30mKHYN
      Don’t miss our Cyber Monday shop offers and free UK delivery! Hurry, ends at midnight – browse here: http://ow.ly/lfNT30mKI9m
      Image © British Library Board (C.24.a.41)

      A partial list of books by de Bono


      A partial list of books by de Bono includes:
      • The Use of Lateral Thinking (1967) ISBN 0-14-013788-2, introduced the term "lateral thinking"
      • New Think (1967, 1968) ISBN 0-380-01426-2
      • The Five-Day Course in Thinking (1968), introduced the L game
      • The Mechanism of the Mind (1969), Intl Center for Creative Thinking 1992 reprint: ISBN 0-14-013787-4
      • Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step, (1970), Harper & Row 1973 paperback: ISBN 0-06-090325-2
      • The Dog-Exercising Machine (1970)
      • Technology Today (1971)
      • Practical Thinking (1971)
      • Lateral Thinking for Management (1971)
      • Po: A Device for Successful Thinking (1972), ISBN 0-671-21338-5, introduced the term Po
      • Children Solve Problems (1972) ISBN 0-14-080323-8ISBN 0-06-011024-4(1974 reprint)
      • Po: Beyond Yes and No (1973), ISBN 0-14-021715-0
      • Eureka!: An Illustrated History of Inventions from the Wheel to the Computer(1974)
      • Teaching Thinking (1976)
      • The Greatest Thinkers: The Thirty Minds That Shaped Our Civilization (1976), ISBN 0-399-11762-8
      • Wordpower: An Illustrated Dictionary of Vital Words (1977)
      • The Happiness Purpose (1977)
      • Opportunities : A handbook for business opportunity search (1978)
      • Future Positive (1979)
      • Atlas of Management Thinking (1981)
      • De Bono's Course in Thinking (1982)
      • Learn-To-Think: Coursebook and Instructors Manual with Michael Hewitt-Gleeson de Saint-Arnaud (1982), ISBN 0-88496-199-0
      • Tactics: The Art and Science of Success (1985)
      • Conflicts: A Better Way to Resolve them (1985)
      • Masterthinker's Handbook (1985)
      • Six Thinking Hats (1985) ISBN 0-316-17831-4
      • I Am Right, You Are Wrong: From This to the New Renaissance: From Rock Logic to Water Logic (1991) ISBN 0-670-84231-1
      • Six Action Shoes (1991)
      • Handbook for the Positive Revolution (1991) ISBN 0-14-012679-1
      • Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas (1992) ISBN 0-00-255143-8 – a summation of many of De Bono's ideas on creativity
      • Sur/Petition (1992) ISBN 0-88730-543-1
      • Water Logic: The Alternative to I am right You are Wrong (1993) ISBN 978-1563120374
      • Parallel thinking: from Socratic thinking to de Bono thinking (1994) ISBN 0-670-85126-4
      • Teach Yourself How to Think (1995)
      • Textbook of Wisdom (1996) ISBN 0-670-87011-0
      • How to Be More Interesting (1998)
      • Simplicity (1999)
      • New Thinking for the New Millennium (1999)
      • Why I Want To Be King of Australia (1999)
      • How to Have A Beautiful Mind (2004)
      • Six Value Medals (2005)
      • H+ (Plus): A New Religion (2006)
      • How to Have Creative Ideas (2007)
      • Free or Unfree? : Are Americans Really Free? (2007) ISBN 1-59777-544-4
      • Six Frames For Thinking About Information (2008)
      • The Love of Two Cockroaches (2009) ISBN 978-9993261599
      • Think! Before It's Too Late (2009) ISBN 978-0-09-192409-6
      • Lateral Thinking - An Introduction (2014) ISBN 978-0091955021
      • Bonting - Thinking to Create Value (2016) ISBN 978-9995750190
      • Intelligence, Information, Thinking
      De Bono has also written numerous articles published in refereed and other journals, including The Lancet and Clinical Science.


      de Bono所造的新字/詞中,"Lateral thinking"維Oxford English Dictionary所收入。
      他另創的 "operacy" (或譯為"實行力",據de Bono, 模仿"識讀字能力literacy"等,似乎尚未脫離"私字"......

       n.— «In fact, argument and criticism—the tools of philosophers and thinkers in any serious field of knowledge—are to be dispensed with in the de Bono outlook, since they apparently lead to a “dangerous arrogance.” Instead, de Bono wants us to focus on positive, creative thinking and, as he calls it, “operacy.” By “operacy,” he means “the skills of doing.” He warns us: “On a personal level, youngsters who do not acquire the skills of operacy will need to remain in an academic setting.”» —“I’d like to teach the world to think…“ by David Perks Spiked (United Kingdom) Apr. 23, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
      TAGGED WITH →  • 

      2010年10月9日 星期六

      "The Mechanism of the Mind" (1969) and "I am Right, You are Wrong" (1990).

      Edward de Bono suggests that the mind is a pattern-matching machine, and that it works by recognising stories and behaviour and putting them into familiar patterns. When a familiar connection is disrupted and an alternative unexpected new link is made in the brain via a different route than expected, then laughter occurs as the new connection is made. This theory explains a lot about jokes. For example:
      • Why jokes are only funny the first time they are told: once they are told the pattern is already there, so there can be no new connections, and so no laughter.
      • Why jokes have an elaborate and often repetitive set up: The repetition establishes the familiar pattern in the brain. A common method used in jokes is to tell almost the same story twice and then deliver the punch line the third time the story is told. The first two tellings of the story evoke a familiar pattern in the brain, thus priming the brain for the punch line.
      • Why jokes often rely on stereotypes: the use of a stereotype links to familiar expected behaviour, thus saving time in the set-up.
      • Why jokes are variants on well-known stories (e.g. the genie and a lampand a man walks into a bar): This again saves time in the set up and establishes a familiar pattern.
      新華出版社也出版 de Bono的《六雙行動鞋》 2003
      香港機場書店W. H. Smith則擺他的新書,類似如何開發自己具備beautiful mind…

      一本烂得更严重的书是爱德华•德•博诺(Edward De Bono)的《思考!在为时已晚之前》(Think! Before It's Too Late)。德博诺的观点似乎是,自从古希腊人以来,没有人进行过正确的思考——除了德•博诺自己以外。遗憾的是,从目录页来判断,他要进行任何新的思考 都为时已晚:他不过是重弹横向思维和《六顶思考帽》(Six Thinking Hats)的老调。

      Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.[1]The term was promulgated in 1967 by Edward de Bono. He cites as an example the Judgment of Solomon, where King Solomon resolves a dispute over the parentage of a child by calling for the child to be cut in half, and making his judgment according to the reactions that this order receives.[2] Edward de Bono also links lateral thinking with humour, arguing there's a switchover from a familiar pattern to a new, unexpected one. It is in this moment of surprise that generates laughter and new insight which demonstrates an ability to see a different thought pattern that initially was not obvious.[3]
      According to de Bono, lateral thinking deliberately distances itself from the standard perception of creativity as "vertical" logic (the classic method for problem solving).

      Wordpower: An Illustrated Dictionary of Vital Words (1977);Atlas of Management Thinking (1981)





      專欄作家,牙醫生,旅行作家,男性版的台灣村上代言人。 作品繁族不及備載,最富盛名當屬《東京漂流物語》。 由於長期經營給我報報,所以文字辛辣,對人不留情面,對性寄與厚望但仍感力不從心。


      李友中回答 99/04/27


      胡家瑜、 Niki Alsford《他者視線下的地方美感──大英博物館藏臺灣文物》


      漢清講堂做 "胡家瑜、 Niki Alsford《他者視線下的地方美感──大英博物館藏臺灣文物》"的新書發表會 (當時胡家瑜請病假,不克出席)和讀後感。(影片待編輯)。


      主講:胡家瑜(臺灣大學人類學系兼任教授)、歐尼基(Niki Alsford)(英國中央蘭開夏大學副教授)、童元昭(臺灣大學人類學系副教授)

      大英博物館臺灣民族文物系列藏品中,以平埔族的相關物件最具有代表性。平埔這個用於歷史上定居臺灣西部沿海平原一帶南島語族群體的詞彙,據賀安娟(Ann Heylen)所言,是對「近乎滅絕文化所進行之缺乏結構性的盤整」。它反映了日治時期(1895-1945)是如何粗糙地以漢化進程將平埔群體與「山地原住民」 區分開來。民族文物收藏令人著迷的其中一點,便是對於各種奇特物事的理解、分類並且呈現,而藏品中一件狗毛製的服裝便是奇特物事的典型。雖然這件衣服的織紋呈現了強烈的泰雅族特色,但其編織素材──狗毛──卻是更重要的文化象徵。一直以來,民族誌的中心主張即是對於「他者」的定位與分類。民族誌的書寫自十九世紀維多利亞時代興起後,在「參與觀察」的軸心下,其首要實踐是在「分離文化」指標下,對地域架構的「差異」進行包裝。雖然現今學界已經發展出許多不同的分析方式,若欲了解一地的社會文化環境,民族誌詮釋仍具有深刻的重要性。
      書籍資訊 https://bit.ly/2vGD4ML
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      讀冊 https://bit.ly/2MiZJJt
      誠品 https://bit.ly/2OS8yGX
      灰熊 https://bit.ly/2BsQUrv
      圖片說明:狗毛無袖織花長衣(泰雅或賽德克;採集者:甘為霖Campbell, William)





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      博客來 https://bit.ly/2nDa44f

      讀冊 https://bit.ly/2MiZJJt




        在舉世聞名的大英博物館中,收藏了大約370件早期臺灣文物,其中絕大多數是原住民的物品。這些藏品難得地留存了珍貴的過去物質生活訊息,也呼應了早期臺灣與西方接觸互動的片段歷史。人類學者胡家瑜教授和歐尼基(Niki Alsford)博士特別精選了其中的165件文物,進行入藏歷史脈絡解說和圖像介紹,期盼這些保存在遙遠他方的文化遺產,與臺灣社會重新連結。






        Chia-yu Hu is Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University. She acquired her PhD degree from the UCL, University of London. She has engaged in teaching and researching of material culture, museum and heritage issues for a long time. Her main interests are in studying Taiwan ethnological collections and Taiwan indigenous cultures, as well as applying research results for contemporary cultural revitalization. She is the author of Material Cultural of the Saysiyat: Tradition and Transformation (1996), Studies on Ino’s Collection at the Department of Anthropology of National Taiwan University (1998), A Collection of Archival Documents from Taokas Sinkang Village (1999), Treads of Splende: Taivon Pingpu Clothes and Embroidery Collections (2014), The Saysiyat (2015), Artifacts, Forms and Taiwan Indigenous Art: Miyagawa Jiro’s Collection in the Museum of Anthropology at National Taiwan University (2015), etc.

      歐尼基(Niki Alsford)

        歐尼基博士為英國中央蘭開夏大學語言與國際研究學院、亞洲太平洋研究所副教授,以及韓國國際研究中心主任。他同時也是倫敦大學亞非學院臺灣研究中心的研究員。歐尼基自亞非學院取得東亞現代史博士學位,研究焦點著重於十九世紀晚期至二十世紀初期的臺灣社會史。他近期的著作包括:Transitions to Modernity in Taiwan: The Spirit of 1895 and the Cession of Formosa to Japan (Routledge, 2017)、〈塵封的瑰寶:倫敦大學亞非學院特藏臺灣原住民族檔案〉(2017)、發表於Paul Woods所編輯的The Shaping of Christianity in China (2017)一書的Torn Between Two Worlds: Rev. Shoki Coe, Domesticity, and the Taiwanese Self-Determination Movement,以及與Bernhard Fuehrer 共同發表在Translation Studies 1:1 (2017): 137-182期刊中的Carstairs Douglas (1830-1877) and his Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873)。

        Dr. Niki Alsford is Reader in Asia Pacific Studies and Director of the International Institute of Korean Studies. He is also Research Associate at the Centre of Taiwan Studies at SOAS, the University in London. He received his PhD in Modern East Asian History from SOAS and his research is grounded on late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Taiwan social history. His most recent publications include: Transitions to Modernity in Taiwan: The Spirit of 1895 and the Cession of Formosa to Japan (Routledge, 2017); Buried Treasurers: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Archives Held at the School of Oriental & African Studies, the University of London (2017); Torn Between Two Worlds: Rev. Shoki Coe, Domesticity, and the Taiwanese Self-Determination Movement, a chapter in Paul Woods’s The Shaping of Christianity in China (2017); and Carstairs Douglas (1830-1877) and his Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873), which he co-wrote with Bernhard Fuehrer for Translation Studies 1:1 (2017): 137-182.


      推薦序 / 吳密察 Foreword / by Mi-cha Wu
      編者序 / 胡家瑜 Preface / by Chia-yu Hu
      圖版目次Table of Image Plates
      圖表目次Table of Figures
      凡例 Formats

      普世博物館與跨國流動的文物:大英博物館藏臺灣物質文化遺產 / 胡家瑜 Universal Museum and Artifacts Crossing Borders: Taiwanese Material Heritage Preserved at the British Museum / by Chia-yu Hu

      生命記憶的呼喚:博物館藏品與臺灣原住民族連結之重啟 / 歐尼基
      A “Living”Reminder: Reconnecting Museum Collections to Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples / by Niki Alsford

      藏品圖說 / 胡家瑜Interpretation of Artifacts / by Chia-yu Hu
        I.衣服與織品 Costumes and Textiles
        II.服飾配件與首飾 Ornaments and Accessories
        III.竹籐草編器 Basketries and Matting Objects
        VI.木器與其他生活用具 Wood and Other Daily Objects

        I.大英博物館臺灣藏品清單 List of the Taiwan Collections at BM
        II.參考書目 References




        其中,舉世聞名的大英博物館(British Museum),就因緣際會地收藏了大約370 件早期臺灣文物,其中絕大多數是臺灣原住民文物。綜觀而言,大英博物館的臺灣藏品,主要入藏於十九世紀末期至二十世紀初期,是特殊時代脈絡下外來者與臺灣交會碰撞的結果。雖然文物數量並不算多,物件來源和類型也零星分歧;但這些物件卻難得地留存了珍貴的過去物質生活訊息,也呼應了臺灣社會與西方接觸互動的片段早期歷史。即使一百多年之後的今天,這些珍貴的海外物質文化遺產,仍是可以建構跨國和跨文化連結的具體媒介,也是可供當代源鄉社會活化應用的重要文化資源。

        本書的誕生,歷經非常繁複冗長的海外調查研究、資料數位化和編輯出版等過程,耗費時間總計超過十年。在這漫長的期間,每一個階段都要感謝許多人的參與、支持和協助。首先是國科會支持數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫分項下「臺灣民族學藏品資料跨國研究與交流計畫」研究經費,讓我可以在2007年和2008 年,前往大英博物館進行最基本也最重要的文物調查研究工作。跨國研究過程中,要特別感謝倫敦大學Dr. Michael Rowlands幫忙啟動初期聯絡;以及大英博物館亞洲部Dr. Jane Portal、Dr. Jan Stuart、Dr. Brian Durrans、Dr. Anouska Komlosy和Ms. Imogen Laing等大力協助,才能完成入庫逐件檢視研究文物。此外,也非常感謝計畫先後任助理們如蘇郁晴、劉姿蘭、吳昭潔、許湘彩、郭欣諭、張詩雅、徐瑛蓮和吳佳錚等協助文物拍攝、資料整理建檔與圖像處理工作;以及臺灣大學數位人文中心項潔教授、蔡炯民博士和陳怡君小姐協助建置數位資料庫,讓文物數位資料能夠在出版前先公開上網。

        最後,本書能夠完成編輯出版,要感謝專精於臺灣歷史研究的英國學者歐尼基(Niki Alsford)博士參與擔任共同編輯。他從歷史人類學者的角度,提供不少關於文物採集的重要背景資料。另外,還要感謝臺大出版中心執行編輯游紫玲小姐耐心細緻的校正和潤飾,以及美術編輯游鳳珠小姐精美的編排。




        Material Heritage in Overseas Museums and Contemporary Source Communities

        Collecting is an essential step that a museum preserves cultural relics, but it is also a process that cultural relics detach from their original source communities. The process of collecting is often entangled with complex social relations and multiple power agencies. Especially, objects which had been collected across oceans and preserved in the overseas museums usually involved in the process of globalization and cross-cultural collecting. Many Taiwanese objects have also embarked on similar journeys and have been transported to the major museums in Europe and America since the middle of the nineteenth century. Following the footsteps of Western consular officials, missionaries, explorers and researchers who visited Taiwan, these Taiwanese relics, scattered abroad, usually have been concealed quietly in museum vaults over decades without public awareness. Among them, the British Museum (BM) has preserved 370 pieces of Taiwanese artifacts, most of which are indigenous artifacts.

        Generally speaking, these Taiwanese artifacts were mainly acquired in the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, under the special encounters between the West and Taiwan. The number of these Taiwanese objects might not be abundant; the sources of them are not clearly recorded. But, many of these objects not only have retained precious messages of the early material life in Taiwan, but also echoed interactive history between the Taiwanese society and the West. Even after more than a hundred years, these artifacts in the overseas museums can still act as the concrete medium for constructing transnational and cross-cultural linkages; they can also be applied as important cultural resources for revitalizing contemporary communities.

        The birth of this book has been through very lengthy processes. Different stages of works, such as conducting overseas investigation, organizing and digitizing data of objects, as well as compiling and editing the book, have spent more than 10 years in total. During the long period, I am extremely grateful that many people participated, supported and assisted at each stage. First, the Council of National Science and Technology had funded my research project of “Digitization and International Information Exchange on Taiwanese Ethnological Collections in Overseas Museums” from 2007 to 2008 under the “National Digital Collection and Digital Learning Program”. With the project funding, I could travel to the British Museum and conduct the most essential and important works on examining their Taiwanese artifacts in those two years. In the process of conducting overseas investigation, my thanks are given to Prof. Michael Rowlands at the University College London who helped me to get initial contact with the BM. Besides, without the support and help of Dr. Jane Portal, Dr. Jan Stuart, Dr. Brian Durrans, Dr. Anouska Komlosy, and Ms. Imogen Laing of the Asia Department at the BM, I could not finish studying and researching the Taiwan collections at BM. In addition, I am grateful to all project assistants during these years, such as Yu-ching Su, Tzulan Liu, Chao-chieh Wu, Shiang-cai Shu, Hsin-yu Guo, Shih-ya Chang, Ying-lien Shu and Chia-cheng Wu for their work in taking photos, organizing and keying data, as well as processing images of the objects. I would also like to give special thanks to Professor Jieh Hsiang, Dr. Chiung-ming Tsai and Ms. Yi-chun Chen of the Digital Humanities Center at the National Taiwan University who helped to build an on-line digital database and let the Taiwanese artifacts preserved at the BM available for the public access before publication.

        Finally, this book cannot be accomplished without the help of the co-editor, Dr. Niki Alsford, who is an expert of Taiwanese history. From the perspective of a historical anthropologist, he provided important background information on the collecting histories. In addition, I thank the executive editor of the NTU Press, Ms. Tzu-ling Yu, for her patient correction and meticulous polishing, as well as the artistic designer, Ms. Fong-ju Yu, for her exquisite design. We have selected 165 pieces of objects with different types and from different cultural groups presented in this book. For each object, we have made cultural-historical interpretation and displayed object photo for reference. Through the publication of this book, on the one hand, we tend to let people understand the complex contexts and agencies behind cross-cultural collecting. On the other hand, we tend to reflect the local aesthetics as well as the grateful values of cultural diversities in Taiwan. It is hoped that the material heritage of Taiwan preserved in overseas museums can be linked to the Taiwanese society again and continue to create cultural vitality in the contemporary life of the source communities.

      By Chia-yu Hu






      Yuan Mei: Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet By Arthur Waley 1956;袁枚(1716年-1797年);Harmony Garden by J. D. Schmidt



      這本書,孫康宜有書評 (及漢譯):(12)介紹一部有關袁枚的漢學巨作:J·D·施米特,《隨園:袁枚的生平、文學思想與詩歌創作》,參考孫康宜《孫康宜自選集:古典文學的現代觀》上海譯文出版社,2013,頁194~202
      Harmony Garden:The Life, Literary Criticism, and Poetry of Yuan Mei (1716-1798)"by J. D. Schmidt

      • Paperback: 784 pages
      • Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (January 22, 2016)
      • Language: English
      • ISBN-10: 1138863416

      This is the first complete study of China's most popular eighteenth-century poet in any Western language. The work consists of a detailed biography, a study of Yuan's revolutionary reinterpretation of Chinese literary theory, and an analysis of his many contributions to the more original genres of Qing-dynasty (1644-1911) poetry such as narrative, historical, didactic, eccentric, and nature verse. The study is concluded by a generous and representative sampling of Yuan's poetry in translation, the first to do justice to the wide variety and richness of his oeuvre. Although many shorter poems are selected, this is the first translation to include his outstanding longer poetry. 
      Harmony Garden will completely revise current attitudes in the west concerning classical Chines literature during the eighteenth century, a period that was long viewed as one of decline, but now appears to equal the golden ages of antiquity.


      • 乾隆三年戊午科舉人
      • 乾隆四年己未科進士出身
      • 《子不語》
      • 《隨園詩話》
      • 《小倉山房詩文集》

      Arthur Waley (1889-1966) is highly regarded for his many translations of Chinese & Japanese literature.

      Yuan MeiEighteenth Century Chinese Poet

      Front Cover
      Stanford University Press, 1970 - Civilization, Modern - 227 pages

      Bibliographic information

      An Alchemy of Mind: The Marvel and Mystery of the Brain

      這本2005年的書An Alchemy of Mind: The Marvel and Mystery of the Brain,不知道是否重譯?

      "吸著水煙時隱時現的那隻貓" (頁30),我查原書,找不到。

      就問L. Carroll 專家張華兄:Alice 書中有水煙?

      An Alchemy of Mind: The Marvel and Mystery of the Brain Paperback – October 4, 2005 by Diane Ackerman


      About the Author

      Product details

      • Paperback: 300 pages
      • Publisher: Scribner; unknown edition (October 4, 2005)

      Waiting for the Weekend 等待周末:周休二日的起源與意義;A short history of the seven-day week



      Waiting for the Weekend

         黎辛斯基(Witold Rybczynski) 波蘭裔,一九四三年出生於愛丁堡,獲有蒙特婁麥基爾大學的建築學士與碩士學位。著述圍繞房屋、建築與都市等主題,作品包括《金窩、銀窩、狗窩》、《螺絲、起子演化史》(以上為貓頭鷹出版)、《世上最美麗的房屋》等。他定期為《大西洋月刊》、《紐約客》雜誌及《紐約書評》撰稿,目前是賓州大學都市學系教授。


      第一章 自由時光    
        每當星期五下班打卡的時候,打卡機斬釘截鐵的「噹」一聲還是會讓我感到如    獲大赦。因為它標誌著接下來我會有兩天的自由時間
      第二章 一周復一周    
        沒有任何自然現象是七天循環一次的,「周」是一種純人為的時間段落……    「周」就像是對曆法的一個嘲笑,它我行我素,無視四季的差別,一往無前
      第三章 有深意的一天    
        禁忌日的核心特徵是日常活動的停止,特別是那些需要體力的活動……規律性    的禁忌日乍看肖似周末,氣氛卻與現代人用來休息和娛樂的周末大異其趣
      第四章 星期日的公園    
        十九世紀是休閒愈來愈私人化的時代……星期日下午的公園是個兩性和各階層    都可以去的地方,人們到公園去,在陌生人的陪伴下享受自己的閒暇
      第五章 聖星期一    
        聖星期一並不是一個古老傳統,大概開始於十八世紀晚期。它與工業化有直接    關係,因為那是工人面對工廠工時愈來愈長的一種自我救濟方法……
      第六章 周末的世界    
        周休二日制度的演變,在美國、英國、義大利、德國、法國、以色列、波蘭、    日本……
      第七章 僻靜之地    
        周末的制度和周末的鄉村度假都是一種都市人的習慣。這兩者因都市生活而一    前一後發展出來──前者是一段透透氣的時間,後者是一個透透氣的空間
      第八章 消遣    
        孤獨的閱讀成了個人休閒的理想載體……看電視更恰當的稱呼是瞪電視……十    九世紀的典型癖好是收藏……園藝是一種沈迷,但卻是歷史悠久的一種
      第九章 休閒的難題    
        「休閒產業」成長帶給我們的選擇是:要更多的自由時光或是花更多的錢?只    有有錢人可以兩者兼得……我們是為了休閒而工作的嗎?還是反過來?

      Why does The Economist appear every seventh day? The answer is because we, like you, still regulate our lives by a law that Mesopotamian star-gazers framed, and local warlords imposed, more than 40 centuries ago

      A short history of the seven-day week
      From the archive

      Henry Miller (1891 – 1980) "80歲感言" On Turning Eighty;Taipei People;

       Henry Miller 的文集,可在中國出版社找到。
      今天注意到港版Taipei People封面有他的讚美。去Wikipedia 讀他的簡介,"80歲感言" On Turning Eighty 的摘句有趣。

      [Classic Revisited] Taipei People
      Pai Hsien-yung is among the most important writers in contemporary Chinese and world literature. His masterpiece Taipei People is a classic of Taiwanese modernism; with an intensity of vision comparable to James Joyce’s Dubliners, it follows the individual struggles of the Taipei people, with a mix of compassion, nostalgia, mourning, and tenacious clarity.
      This edition includes a new foreword by Prof. David Der-wei (王德威教授) of Harvard University:
      “In the aftermath of a century that vowed to revolutionize everything, Pai calls for the capacity to feel, love, and act, as well as the generative power arising therefrom. It is this ‘beam of darkness,’ however ‘untimely,’ that Pai sought to define and redefine in Taipei People fifty years ago, and that he is still engaged in today. ”
      Taipei People
      Link: https://bit.ly/2AuhfSi 
      The Chinese University Press (香港中文大學出版社)

      Henry Valentine Miller (December 26, 1891 – June 7, 1980) was an American writer. He was known for breaking with existing literary forms and developing a new type of semi-autobiographical novel that blended character study, social criticism, philosophical reflection, stream of consciousness, explicit language, sex, surrealist free association, and mysticism.[1][2] His most characteristic works of this kind are Tropic of CancerBlack SpringTropic of Capricorn and The Rosy Crucifixiontrilogy, which are based on his experiences in New York and Paris (all of which were banned in the United States until 1961).[3] He also wrote travel memoirs and literary criticism, and painted watercolors.[4]

      Only 200 copies of Miller's 1972 chapbook On Turning Eighty were published. Published by Capra Press, in collaboration with Yes! Press, it was the first volume of the "Yes! Capra" chapbook series and is 34 pages in length.[53] The book contains three essays on topics such as aging and living a meaningful life. In relation to reaching 80 years of age, Miller explains:
      If at eighty you're not a cripple or an invalid, if you have your health, if you still enjoy a good walk, a good meal (with all the trimmings), if you can sleep without first taking a pill, if birds and flowers, mountains and sea still inspire you, you are a most fortunate individual and you should get down on your knees morning and night and thank the good Lord for his savin' and keepin' power.[54]

      Margaret Atwood, the Prophet of Dystopia; 袁霞《生態批評視野中的瑪格麗特‧阿特伍德》2010: BBC World News - HARDtalk, Margaret Atwood (2016.12.20)


      Back to the (dystopian) future.

      Very exciting to hear that Margaret E. Atwood is writing a sequel to #TheHandmaidsTale. Just making sure there's space on the shelves for when the new sibling arrives in September 2019!

      Margaret Atwood has long been Canada’s most famous writer, and current events have polished the oracular sheen of her reputation.

      Her fiction has imagined societies riddled with misogyny, oppression, and environmental havoc. These visions now feel all too real.

      "Not for 55m years has there been oceanic disruption of comparable severity to the calamity that lies 

      A comprehensive book on the sea's troubles—and what to do about them


      BBC World News - HARDtalk, Margaret Atwood


      HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur speaks to author, Margaret Atwood.

      Margaret Atwood

      HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur speaks to author, Margaret Atwood. There are writers of world renown whose reputation rests on one great book. There are others who write more prolifically but always in the same territory. Margaret Atwood's output fizzes with energy, diversity and experimentation. She's best known for her novels, the Handmaids Tale, the Blind Assassin, Oryx and Crake. But she's written poetry, blog fiction and this year a superhero comic book. She has a worldwide legion of fans - what keeps her creative juices flowing?


      作者: 袁霞

      第一章 瑪格麗特‧阿特伍德的人生與創作
      第一節 瑪格麗特‧阿特伍德的綠色成長道路
      第二節 瑪格麗特‧阿特伍德的文學創作四大主題
      第三節 四大主題之間的關聯:挑戰“中心”,關注弱勢群體
      第二章 自然與民族身份
      第一節 荒野:加拿大的精神家園
      第二節 荒野、身份及民族文化
      第三章 自然與女性
      第一節 作為女性空間的自然環境
      第二節 重述經典,呼喚生態女性文化
      第四章 自然與底層民眾
      第一節 極權制度下的民眾與自然
      第二節 殖民壓迫下的下層群體與自然
      第五章 環境啟示錄話語
      第一節 末世圖景的描繪
      第二節 生態危機的警示
      附錄一 瑪格麗特‧阿特伍德主要作品出版年表
      附錄二 《洪疫之年》:倡導生態和諧思想
      附錄三 阿特伍德與吉爾‧歐文斯談《洪疫之年》
      附錄四 行動起來,保護鳥類







      羅曼·羅蘭《巨人三傳》傅雷譯,1934。2018 NOTABLE BOOKS The Seminary Co-op Bookstores


      《约翰‧克利斯朵夫》Jean-Christophe 譯者弁言《羅曼‧羅蘭傳》

       羅曼·羅蘭傳羅曼·羅蘭傳作者: 斯蒂芬·茨威格(奧) 


      The Seminary Co-op Bookstores
      14 小時
      In our first Notables selection, philosophers not only interpret the world, but also attempt to change it. Start by questioning the very opposition of "Action versus Contemplation." Then consider an argument that Plato could enrich the critique of capital, a Machiavellian critique of Machiavelli scholarship that recovers the egalitarian and populist dimensions of his thought, Martha Nussbaum on the politics of affect in the Trump era, and reflections on when we accept or oppose pointless suffering. http://ow.ly/d3wH30mN43T

      永恆的 11月13日:《永恆的日記──每一天的音樂》《幻想曲》(英語:Fantasia)歌德救了米老鼠:《魔法師的學徒》

      A Musical Book of Days《永恆的日記──每一天的音樂》
      好書 有趣、引人深思....

      永恆的 11月13日


      Dom Sébastien
      Opera by Gaetano Donizetti
      Image result for dom sebastian opera
      Dom Sébastien, Roi de Portugal is a French grand opera in five acts by Gaetano Donizetti. The libretto was written by Eugène Scribe, based on Paul Foucher's play Don Sébastien de Portugal which premiered ... Wikipedia
      First performanceNovember 13, 1843
      人問Donizetti,您的哪部歌劇最出色? 答:「這怎樣說呢?父親總會偏愛跛腳的孩子,而我有那麼多......。」

      Gioachino Rossini  在巴黎過世
      Italian composer
      Gioachino Antonio Rossini was an Italian composer who wrote 39 operas as well as some sacred music, songs, chamber music, and piano pieces. He was a precocious composer of operas, and he made his debut at age 18 with La cambiale di matrimonio. Wikipedia
      BornFebruary 29, 1792, Pesaro, Italy
      DiedNovember 13, 1868, Passy, Paris, France
      SpouseOlympe Pélissier (m. 1846–1868), Isabella Colbran (m. 1822–1845)

      William Tell 第三幕
      Otello 第二幕   及



      Frederick Septimus Kelly DSC (29 May 1881 – 13 November 1916) was an Australian and British musician and composer and a rower who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics. He was killed in action during the First World War.[1]
      該書人名寫成Septimus Kelly,好像沒根據。


      Frederick Septimus Kelly - Elegy for strings in Memoriam Rupert Brooke - St. George 

      1940年   整整一代(美國)兒童受到古典音樂的洗禮。

      2016年6月15日 星期三

      電影《幻想曲》 "Fantasia" 1940

       電影《幻想曲》 "Fantasia" 1940
      Disney's Fantasia (1940) English HQ with subtitles FULL FILM
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkBotKGCoxU  有英文字幕,聲音太小

      Disney's Fantasia (1940) HD

      趙元任1975年元旦寫給朋友的第四封《綠信》(FOURTH GREEN LETTER ) ,第182條:
      182.  The movie "Fantasia" is such a good concert of well-known pieces that after seeing it first in Naking and then several times in America, I will still see it comes to town.

      1936 年 12 月 31 日,華特的 "第二個女兒莎倫·梅·迪士尼(Sharon Mae Disney)出生(實際為迪士尼 ... 1940年 11 月 13 日推出世界上第一部使用立體音響的電影幻想曲》。
      November 11
      • Disney completes work on Fantasia


      • 華特·迪士尼等為他們創立《幻想曲》而為電影錄音所作出的傑出貢獻。
      • 列奧波爾德·斯托科夫斯基和他的助手們為他們對《幻想曲》中的音樂所作出的獨特的貢獻,由此他們擴展了電影作為一種娛樂和藝術的範圍。





      ▏邊讀邊聽. 托斯卡尼尼指揮NBC廣播交響樂團.杜卡《魔法師的學徒》
      ▲ 《魔法師的學徒》敘述一個跟在魔法師身旁打雜的學徒,趁魔法師出門之際,擅自向掃帚施展偷學來的魔法,令其化身為僕人。
      故事從德國開始。歌德與另一位德國文豪席勒競爭又友好的互動激盪出了許多膾炙人口的作品,兩人尤其在1797年間創作出了多首敘事詩,德國文學史上因此將此年稱作敘事詩年(Balladenjahr)。歌德同時於席勒所編輯的雜誌《文藝年鑑》(Musen-Almanach)上發表了著名的詩作《魔法師的學徒》(Der Zauberlehrling)。這首敘事詩日後被收錄在歌德1827年出版的《最後修訂版文集》(Ausgabe letzter Hand)中,亦是其至今最著名的詩作之一。
      ▲ 在即將水淹屋頂之際,魔法師終於回來了,施展了咒語才使積水退去。
      故事切換至法國。作曲家保羅.杜卡(Paul Dukas)受歌德此詩作的啟發,於1897年創作並發表了同名管弦樂作品《魔法師的學徒》(L'apprenti sorcier)且大獲好評。然而,這卻為杜卡帶來了困擾,因為《魔法師的學徒》事實上是他中期的作品,其於之前與之後都有其他創作,卻因為這首管弦樂作品的名氣太過響亮,使其個人與其他作品都相形失色且較不為人所知。
      ▲ 歌德當初大概怎麼也想不到,自己的詩作竟然在一百多年後救了這隻老鼠一命。
      迪士尼打算參考「糊塗交響樂」的模式,為米老鼠製作專屬動畫,並於一開始就選中杜卡的《魔法師的學徒》,欲使米老鼠扮演學徒一角。迪士尼在和費城交響樂團的指揮家列奧波爾德.斯托科夫斯基(Leopold Stokowski)分享了這個想法後,獲得了對方的大力支持,接著便著手進行製作工作。然而,迪士尼的精心製作使得投入的成本飆升,超過了以往製作一部動畫成本的三至四倍之多。在斯托科夫斯基的建議下,迪士尼一不做二不休,將這部原專屬於米老鼠的數分鐘動畫影片擴大規模至片長逾兩個小時的動畫電影《幻想曲》。《幻想曲》包含了七個片段,其中的音樂多只扮演了配樂的角色,與劇情並無關聯,唯有《魔法師的學徒》的音樂劇情與故事劇情相符。電影於1940年上映後,《魔法師的學徒》不僅是其中最受歡迎的片段,亦成功地挽回了米老鼠的人氣。

      Arnold 攻擊Thomas,詳細解說參考固友彭懷棟翻譯註解的《浮士德博士》........

      The Doctor Faustus Dossier: Arnold Schoenberg, Thomas Mann, and ...


      “Excelsior!”是“漫威之父”斯坦·李為人熟知的口頭禪,意為“精益求精”。 1960年代,李開始使用這個詞作為其連載漫畫的結語。這個詞也是充滿啟發意義的人生格言。

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Excelsior, a Latin word often translated as "ever upward" or "still higher", may refer to:

      by ER Schoenberg - ‎Related articles
      The Doctor Faustus Dossier Arnold Schoenberg, Thomas Mann, and Their Contemporaries, 1930-1951. ... Arnold Schoenberg and Thomas Mann, two towering figures of twentieth-century music and literature, both found refuge in the German-exile community in Los Angeles during the Nazi era.
      Arnold Schoenberg and Thomas Mann, two towering figures of twentieth-century music and literature, both found refuge in the German-exile community in Los ...

      Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a British novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses. Wikipedia
      DiedDecember 3, 1894, Vailima, Samoa
      SpouseFanny Stevenson (m. 1880–1894)

      Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
      I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
      There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.

      "Them that die will be the lucky ones!"
      –from TREASURE ISLAND (1883) by Robert Louis Stevenson
      Perhaps the greatest of all adventure stories for boys and girls, Treasure Island began, a brave boy who finds himself among pirates, and of the sinister pirate-cook Long John Silver holds children as entranced today as it did a century ago. It has appeared with illustrations by many leading artists, but none so apt as Peake’s–first published in 1949 and out of print until now. READ an excerpt here: vhttps://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/173202/treasure-island-by-robert-louis-stevenson/




      Published on Nov 21, 2018
      SUBSCRIBE 63
      男高音/林義偉 鋼琴/葉青青 【世界恬靜落來的時】向陽詩選歌樂創作 2018年9月22日於臺灣戲曲中心小表演廳 〈咬舌詩〉 這是一個怎麼樣的年代?怎麼樣的一個年代? 這是啥麼款的一個世界?一個啥麼款的世界? 黃昏在昏黃的陽光下無代誌罔掠目蝨相咬, 城市在星星還沒出現前已經目睭花花,匏仔看做菜瓜, 平凡的我們不知欲變啥麼蛖,創啥麼碗粿? 孤孤單單。做牛就愛拖,啊,做人就愛磨。 拖拖拖,磨磨磨, 拖拖磨磨,有拖就有磨。 這是一個喧嘩而孤獨的年代,一人一家代,公媽隨人差的世界。 你有你的大小號,我有我的長短調, 有人愛歕DoReMi ,有人愛唱歌仔戲, 亦有人愛聽莫札特、杜布西,猶有彼個落落長的柴可夫斯基。 吃不盡漢堡牛排豬腳雞腿鴨賞、以及SaSiMi, 喝不完可樂咖啡紅茶綠茶烏龍、還有嗨頭仔白蘭地威士忌, 唉,這樣一個喧嘩而孤獨的年代, 搞不清楚我的白天比你的黑夜光明還是你的黑夜比我的白天美麗? 拖拖拖,磨磨磨, 拖拖磨磨,有拖就有磨。 這是一個快樂與悲哀同在的年代,七月半鴨不知死活的世界。 你醉你的紙醉,我迷我的金迷,你搔你的騷擾,我搞我的高潮, 庄腳愛簽六合彩,都市就來博職業棒賽, 母仔揣牛郎公仔揣幼齒,縱貫路邊檳榔西施滿滿是。 我得意地飆,飆不完飆車飆舞飆股票,外加公共工程十八標, 你快樂地盜,盜不盡盜山盜林盜國土,還有各地垃圾隨便倒, 唉,這樣一個快樂與悲哀同在的年代, 分不出來我的快樂比你的悲哀悲哀還是你的悲哀比我的快樂快樂? 快快樂樂。做牛就愛拖,啊,做人就愛磨。 平凡的我們不知欲變啥麼蛖,創啥麼碗粿? 城市在星星還沒出現前已經目睭花花,匏仔看做菜瓜, 黃昏在昏黃的陽光下無代誌罔掠目蝨相咬, 這是啥麼款的一個世界?一個啥麼款的世界? 這是一個怎麼樣的年代?怎麼樣的一個年代?

      Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything 蘋果橘子經濟學


      Even suburbs of wine country are divided between bitter rivals: Black Power and the Mongrel Mob. But gang members swear they are turning over a new leaf

      Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything is the debut non-fiction book by University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt and New York Times journalist Stephen J. Dubner. It was published on April 12, 2005, by William Morrow. Wikipedia
      Originally publishedApril 12, 2005
















      李維特 Steven D. Levitt

        麻省理工學院經濟學博士。曾任哈佛學會( Harvard Society of Fellows)年輕學者,現任芝加哥大學經濟學系Alvin H. Baum 講座教授,以及「芝加哥價格理論中心」(Initiative on Chicago Price Theory)執行長。獲獎無數,其中包括「美國國家科學基金會總統青年學者獎」(National Science Foundation Presidential Early Career Award)、「美國藝術及科學院院士」(Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences),以及所有經濟學者第二夢寐以求、學術界譽為諾貝爾經濟學獎搖籃的克拉克獎(John Bates Clark Medal)。很少人像李維特一樣,四十歲不到的年紀就能成為芝加哥大學經濟系的講座教授。芝大經濟系是經濟學的重鎮、諾貝爾獎的搖籃,能在此任教都是頂尖的學術菁英。讓人稱奇的不只是他的年紀與學術成就,而是他對於經濟學的詮釋方式。他對經濟學的研究絕非謹守正統方式。他看待事物的角度更像是一個聰明而好奇的探險家。

      杜伯納 Stephen J. Dubner

        居住於美國紐約市,定期為《紐約時報》﹝New York Times﹞和《紐約客》﹝New York Yorker﹞等知名刊物撰寫文章,另著有暢銷作品Turbulent Souls和Confessions of a Hero-Worshiper。

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      2 三K黨與房地產仲介有何相似處? 
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      4 罪犯都跑到哪裡去了? 
      5 怎樣才算理想的父母? 
      6 完美的父母,續篇:換個名字會更好? 

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