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香港雜誌 :《百姓》雙周刊《大成》《大人》.....


香港雜誌列表- 维基百科,自由的百科全书


蔡登山主編的複印 《大人》月刊

前《明報》社長胡菊人和陸鏗合辦的雙周刊《百姓》1978.8 ~1987 夏 (中間有中斷) 連載8年

昭學漫畫報- 鄭南榕不為人知的一面( 石文傑臉書) 攝影/許育僑(2018.5 ...

1985年6月1日香港百姓雜誌》刊出陸鏗的「胡耀邦的訪問記」2萬多字,我拿到該文全文影印稿,偷偷地交給他,毫不遲疑,一週後《自由時代》用掉半本雜誌的篇幅, ..

Philip Roth,(1933–2018),


Reflecting on the life and work of Philip Roth (1933–2018), who made the novel ‘a mode of madcap, reckless offence’
“His entire literary output is like a series of questions to which nobody has yet managed to come up with the right answers.” The death of Philip Roth,…

The New Yorker
Remembering the writer, who has died at the age of eighty-five, in our pages.

Philip Roth, the Seminal American Novelist, Has Died
The future Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner published his first story in The New Yorker, “The Kind of Person I Am,” in 1958.

Philip Roth - Wikipedia


Philip Milton Roth (March 19, 1933 – May 22, 2018) was an American novelist. Roth's fiction, regularly set in his birthplace of Newark, New Jersey, is known for ...

Hanching Chung



Philip Roth, one of the most celebrated US novelists of the second half of the twentieth century, has died aged 85.

圖像裡可能有1 人、站立和文字

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States


List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States by seat ...

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest ranking judicial body in the United States ... The number of justices on the Supreme Court changed six times before settling at the present total of nine in 1869. As a result, there have been ...

At the age of 85, she has no plans to leave her job before Donald Trump leaves his.
The opera-loving judge has become a cult figure imitated on ‘Saturday Night Live’

Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States - Oxford ...

This online edition was reviewed and selectively updated by the original editor in 2011.The highly‐acclaimed Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court was first ...


The writers, critics and academics voted these as the most influential and enduring works of fiction. Here they explain why.
1.	The Odyssey (Homer, 8th Century BC) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
1. The Odyssey (Homer, 8th Century BC)
The Odyssey, Homer’s epic poem of the 8th Century BC, topped our poll. Why was it the first choice? According to writer and broadcaster Natalie Haynes: “Because it is one of the great foundational myths of western culture; because it asks what it means to be a hero; because it has great female characters in it, as well as men; because it is full of gods and monsters and is properly epic and because it forces us to question the assumptions we might have about quests, war, and the ever-current issue of what it means to return home.”

Lisa Appignanesi, novelist and critic, picks out its influence on all that followed, arguing “It’s a basic story template – of the journey which is also a return”. Kenneth W Warren, Professor of English at the University of Chicago, agrees. “There’s no getting around how foundational Homer’s epic has been for storytelling in the West. The Odyssey has provided the architecture for the quest narrative and the template for characterising male and female virtue in ways that shape, enable, and limit our storytelling habits into the present.”

David Varno, literary critic, highlights the ingenuity woven through the epic poem: “The many triumphs of wit and grit on the part of Odysseus and Penelope must have counted for something over the millennia.” Meanwhile, Bethanne Patrick, Contributing Editor of Lit Hub, picks out another strand. “I believe the journey of Odysseus defined a streak of individualism particular to Western culture that has led to much change in the world – good and bad.”

And the novelist Beverley Naidoo hones in on the ways it has become embedded in wider culture: “The multiple stories within Odysseus’ 10-year journey home after the Trojan war, while faithful Penelope waits for him and son Telemachus seeks him, have seeped deep into our cultural consciousness. The human elements within this myriad of stories continue to resonate down the centuries, allowing endless reinterpretation.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1852) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1852)
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel came in at number two, and for Zimbabwean novelist Tendai Huchu, “it is hard to think of any literary work today that could ever have such an impact.” Jenny Bhatt, writer and Contributing Editor at PopMatters calls it “the first widely-read political novel in the US” and “the first work of fiction that openly addressed the cruelty of slavery, human exploitation, the lopsided legal system, the entrenched patriarchy, the need for feminism, and more.”

It became one of the most popular books of the century – in the US and abroad – and is credited with radically altering the perception of slavery, with many voters noting its influence on the abolition movement. Its human focus and call for empathy struck a chord among readers. Author and novelist Roxana Robinson says it “told the story of slavery through the eyes of the enslaved, and was one of the first novels to show black characters as fathers and mothers, parents and children – human beings, who were living under inhuman conditions.”

The novel is not without its faults – translator Caroline Alexander calls it “embarrassingly sentimental” – and has perhaps, not aged well: today its characterisation is criticised for its “poor stereotypes” (Jenny Bhatt), while Tendai Huchu points out that “the term Uncle Tom has become an epithet of abuse, far from what the author intended.”

Nevertheless, its impact is undeniable, influencing generations of writers, and being translated into several languages. Novelist, poet and critic Elizabeth Rosner says it “effectively helped an entire nation not only to question its deplorable laws and practices but also to change forever a system of violently racist dehumanisation. That, for me, defines literature at its best.” And for Rebecca Steinitz, novelist and critic at The Boston Globe, “it continues to be a touchpoint for our reckoning with race and representation.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
3. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, 1818) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
3. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, 1818)
Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year, is “the quintessential story of the modern world” says Roger Luckhurst, Professor of Modern and Contemporary Literature at Birkbeck College, London. It’s a “violent reconfiguring of our understanding of life and death, God and human and machine, in the pitiless light of modernity,” according to the US novelist and literary critic Lev Grossman.

The compelling story of the scientist who brings a creature to life has become one of the most enduring images in modern literature and beyond, and the monster serves as the “ultimate metaphor”, says Lena Wånggren, Research Fellow in English Literature at the University of Edinburgh.

The novel’s impact, both in terms of literature and in wider culture is immeasurable, as Nilanjana S Roy, novelist and Financial Times columnist, points out: “Frankenstein influenced scientists as well as writers… [and] speaks to the modern fear of the creations that spin out of our control”; for Tess Taylor, poet and reviewer for NPR's All Things Considered “this book has become not only a template whose basic narrative we now commonly share, but a lens through which to read our world.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
4. Nineteen Eighty-Four (George Orwell, 1949) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
4. Nineteen Eighty-Four (George Orwell, 1949)
George Orwell’s ground-breaking dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four was a popular choice with our voters. Why? “Because it captures a truth about totalitarianism and human history,” says book critic Alex Clark. Novelist and reviewer at the Boston Globe, Rebecca Steinitz, meanwhile, comments on how the story’s “themes of totalitarianism, technology and surveillance have been endlessly relevant and resonant since the day it appeared.”

Adam Thorpe, critic and author of Missing Fay among other novels, points to the book’s unique blend of past and future: “The eponymous year itself may be long past, and the novel's gadgets now have a quaint, even hipsterish air, yet the date is still sealed in its nightmarish guise as a vision of the future.”

There is an “uncanny accuracy” says Jean Seaton, Professor of Media History at Westminster University, in the book’s definition of modern tyranny: “Now more than ever, we seem to live in the framework it identified… Even the author’s name – ‘Orwellian’ – conjures up a world of thought control. Its precision about the mechanisms of propaganda and the machinery of oppression has got it banned by every authoritarian regime: they are scared of its power to name horror. It is a handbook for those who want to resist.”

All those who chose Orwell’s masterpiece seem to agree on one thing – the novel’s scary prescience. “Big Brother gets all the attention,” says novelist and columnist Nilanjana S Roy. “But it’s the rest, the eagerness to join mobs, to obey, to hurt, that he caught so unforgettably.” Or, as BBC Culture Editor Rebecca Laurence succinctly puts it: “The ultimate 20th-Century novel becomes the ultimate 21st-Century novel. Terrifying.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
5. Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe, 1958) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
5. Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe, 1958)
Telling the story of the colonisation of a Nigerian tribe from the point of view of an African, Things Fall Apart exploded stereotypes about Africa and brought to life the true impact of cross-cultural misunderstandings. Achebe said that “this was the first time we were seeing ourselves, as autonomous individuals, rather than half-people, or as Conrad would say, ‘rudimentary souls’” – many of those who responded to our poll agreed, and it reached number five.

“Published within my lifetime, it has been possible to see the effect of a single work of fiction in offering a radically different ‘view of Africa’,” says the novelist Beverley Naidoo. “The European colonial narrative could never be the same after this first work by Achebe was published.”

It’s “an empowering African novel: it brought African experience to the world like no other African fiction has”, according to Dominica Dipio, Associate Professor of Literature at Makerere University in Uganda. Noun Fare, a novelist and journalist from Togo, calls Chinua Achebe’s 1959 novel “a milestone in African literature. It has come to be seen as the archetypal modern African novel in English, and is read in Nigeria and throughout Africa”.

By changing the filter through which the continent was seen, Things Fall Apart could help combat prejudices. “The novel showed readers what an African world looked like when it was not being reduced to canned images animated by racist assumptions,” says Ainehi Edoro-Glines, a Nigerian academic. “Achebe’s innovation was to change the conventions of modern storytelling so that instead of seeing darkness any time readers looked at Africa, they’d see what every novel was designed to show – a complex representation of life.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
6. One Thousand and One Nights (various authors, 8th-18th Centuries) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
6. One Thousand and One Nights (various authors, 8th-18th Centuries)
The classic One Thousand and One Nights, is another top pick. “A timeless work,” says Ainehi Edoro-Glines, Assistant Professor of Literature, Marquette University. “It gets at the primordial human desire for the story that never ends – which can very easily stand for life that never comes to an end.”

Ahdaf Soueif, novelist, writer and commentator, points out: “Many characters, motifs and quotations (‘Open Sesame!’) from this set of stories within stories have become common parlance across the world. In the west, the ‘Nights’ has definitely coloured the view of the ‘Orient.’” Or as BBC journalist Sophia Smith Galer puts it: “The symbols and characters in the stories – from Aladdin’s cave to devilish adventurers, djinn and harems – still show in 2018 how cultural appropriation, appreciation and racism continue to manifest within the parameters of Arabian Nights imagery.”

“It’s the deepest of wells,” says novelist and columnist Nilanjana S Roy. “In medieval and modern times, from writers to singers and film-makers, we never stopped drawing from it.” Critic Muneeza Shamsie, meanwhile, admires “Sheherazade’s courage, intelligence and confidence and the fact that she succeeds, asserts the power of storytelling and imagination over that of tyranny and terror – a concept which has strongly influenced the ideals and ideas of our world.” And Lena Merhej, a comic artist from Lebanon, picked the book “because it gives a subversive voice to a woman that uses it as a weapon for her survival.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
7. Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes, 1605-1615) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
7. Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes, 1605-1615)
Many consider Don Quixote, published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, to be the first novel. Terry Hong, critic at the Smithsonian Asian-Pacific American Center, certainly thinks so: “The Western canon was established with this evergreen, never-aging buddy adventure.”

Miguel de Cervantes’ satirical account of an aging Spaniard besotted with tales of chivalry who becomes a latter-day knight-errant himself has inspired a long-in-development film by Terry Gilliam, which just premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, and a popular Broadway musical.

Susan Larson, critic at WWNO and The New Orleans Advocate, has an explanation for why it has endured for so long: “This comic masterpiece has inspired countless writers and readers across the centuries with the persistence and surprisingly modern charm of its questing protagonist and his loyal sidekick.”

So do we call Don Quixote the first buddy comedy, as well? David Varno, US-based literary critic, adds: “This portrait of determination to dream meaning into one's life continues to deepen our understanding of what it means to be human. We all have the potential to be a Quixote, for good or for ill, and Cervantes reminds us how important it is to laugh at this when it is revealed in others and in ourselves.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
8. Hamlet (William Shakespeare, 1603) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
8. Hamlet (William Shakespeare, 1603)
Perhaps unsurprisingly, William Shakespeare was one of the three most popular authors in the top 100, with three works on the list (the other two were Virginia Woolf and Franz Kafka). But it’s the Bard’s defining tragedy that came in highest – at number eight.

Why is this? “Few other stories have entered as deep into world culture and influenced the way we think about our muddled selves,” says UK author and critic Adam Thorpe. “We enter Hamlet’s inner core and emerge rinsed of illusion, yet fully aware that we are watching an actor playing someone forced to act just to save his life, remonstrating on the foot-scuffed line between sanity and madness.”

For US poet, novelist and critic Elizabeth Rosner, the story of the troubled Dane is “the play that exemplifies Shakespeare’s profound understanding of the human psyche in so much of its nuanced extremity. The themes and characters and even the structure of the play reveal our simultaneous blending of genius and self-sabotage, our capacity for love and hate, creativity and destruction.” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
9. One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez, 1967) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
9. One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez, 1967)
Number nine in the poll, One Hundred Years of Solitude was chosen by experts with a wide range of nationalities – as well as writers from Chile, Colombia and Mexico, the novel by Gabriel García Márquez was among the picks of those from Egypt, Nigeria, South Korea, Algeria and Norway.

Many of them focused on how it helped to create a more global outlook. “It was the way the first world noticed Latin America existed,” says Oscar Contardo, a journalist at La Tercera newspaper, referring to Macondo – the town at the heart of the novel. “No matter if you are Chilean, Argentinian or Colombian, you will always be a Macondo citizen for the rest of the world.”

“It changed the possibilities of modern narrative and shifted consciousness from a Eurocentric position to a more global one,” according to the Egyptian novelist Ahdaf Soueif – while the South Korean author Krys Lee argues that “the novel was internationally influential in its style and in the way it influenced Latin and South American writers to look homeward for their cultural and literary models”.

Others focused on the style that García Márquez unleashed in his 1967 epic. Egyptian academic Marie Thérèse Abdelmessih says that it “emphasised the importance of magic realism to make readers re-visualise life experiences”; Nigerian academic Ainehi Edoro-Glines claims: “A text that arguably inaugurated magical-realism, 100 Years invented a new take on anti-realist writing.”

But for some, it went beyond merely placing Latin America on the world map – it reinvented the continent. “García Márquez embarked on a second Discovery of America,” writes Felipe Restrepo Pombo, Editor in Chief at Gatopardo magazine in Colombia. “He re-imagined the genesis of the continent and by doing so he changed its future forever.” And through that process, García Márquez allowed his readers to see an alternative future. “In a time of despair, dictatorship and military rule, the book encapsulates a formidable sense of hope,” says the Algerian novelist Mohamed Magani. (Credit: Howard Timberlake)
10. The Iliad (Homer, 8th Century BC) (Credit: Credit: Howard Timberlake)
10. The Iliad (Homer, 8th Century BC)
Homer’s 8th-Century epic poem about the futility of war and gods making playthings of men has never stopped feeling immediate. Not only is it one of the finest literary evocations of soldiers in combat – and relevant to our own era of ‘forever war’ – it actually has inspired military action of its own.

US-based translator Caroline Alexander says, “The Iliad has had an inestimable influence on thought and history; it set the characters of the Olympian gods and informed the actions of Alexander the Great. Mostly its story and tragic characters still haunt us, as does its tragic vision of war”.

The Iliad also went a long way toward establishing the literary notion of the gods’ behaviour as reflective of humanity’s, as an on-going commentary on human passion and foible.

Kate Tuttle, president of the National Book Critics’ Circle in the US, says: “A tale of war and anger and love and revenge, The Iliad is both gripping and deeply moving, about human lives and feelings (even when held and expressed by gods).” (Credit: Howard Timberlake)

Gutenberg Old Testament Bible of 1454. The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42-line Bible, the Mazarin Bible or the B42)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gutenberg Bible of the New York Public Library. Bought by James Lenox in 1847, it was the first copy to be acquired by a United States citizen.
The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42-line Bible, the Mazarin Bible or the B42) was the first major book printed using mass-produced movable metal type in Europe. It marked the start of the "Gutenberg Revolution" and the age of the printed book in the West. Widely praised for its high aesthetic and artistic qualities,[1] the book has an iconic status. Written in Latin, the Gutenberg Bible is an edition of the Vulgate, printed by Johannes Gutenberg, in Mainz, in present-day Germany, in the 1450s. Since its publication, 49 copies (or substantial portions of copies) have survived, and they are considered to be among the most valuable books in the world even though no complete copy has been sold since 1978.[2][3]
In March 1455, the future Pope Pius II wrote that he had seen pages from the Gutenberg Bible, being displayed to promote the edition, in Frankfurt. It is not known how many copies were printed, with the 1455 letter citing sources for both 158 and 180 copies.
The 36-line Bible, believed to be the second printed version of the Bible, is also sometimes referred to as a Gutenberg Bible, but is possibly the work of another printer.

DW Culture

Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of modern printing press, died 550 years ago. To celebrate the anniversary, a facsimile edition of the legendary Gutenberg Old Testament Bible of 1454 has been published.





発行元: 株式会社フジタ
Language: 日本語 | Number of Pages: Format: Hardcover
Publish date: 
Illustrator or Penciler: 島本芳伸

摘要 掌上書
日文1983 英文 1985.4
書籤是" 東大寺年中行事"。

Todaiji Temple is one of the amazing World Heritage sites in Nara. Don't miss this historically significant temple >> http://bit.ly/2GZjFuI
圖像裡可能有2 個人、室內

John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and Death 1982




John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and Death First Edition Edition


March 16, 2018
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

  • Paperback: 568 pages
  • Publisher: The MIT Press; First Edition edition (June 17, 1982)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 026258056X

John Von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and Death

Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China's Great Firewall


CensoredDistraction and Diversion Inside China's Great FirewallMargaret E. Roberts

Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China’s Great Firewall

A groundbreaking and surprising look at contemporary censorship in China

As authoritarian governments around the world develop sophisticated technologies for controlling information, many observers have predicted that these controls would be ineffective because they are easily thwarted and evaded by savvy Internet users. In Censored, Margaret Roberts demonstrates that even censorship that is easy to circumvent can still be enormously effective. Taking advantage of digital data harvested from the Chinese Internet and leaks from China's Propaganda Department, this important book sheds light on how and when censorship influences the Chinese public.

Roberts finds that much of censorship in China works not by making information impossible to access but by requiring those seeking information to spend extra time and money for access. By inconveniencing users, censorship diverts the attention of citizens and powerfully shapes the spread of information. When Internet users notice blatant censorship, they are willing to compensate for better access. But subtler censorship, such as burying search results or introducing distracting information on the web, is more effective because users are less aware of it. Roberts challenges the conventional wisdom that online censorship is undermined when it is incomplete and shows instead how censorship's porous nature is used strategically to divide the public.

Drawing parallels between censorship in China and the way information is manipulated in the United States and other democracies, Roberts reveals how Internet users are susceptible to control even in the most open societies. Demonstrating how censorship travels across countries and technologies, Censored gives an unprecedented view of how governments encroach on the media consumption of citizens.
MargaretE. Roberts is assistant professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego.

// Margaret E. Roberts 新作《滅聲》(Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China’s Great Firewall),形容擅於審查資訊的中國政府,是一個「迹近完美的案例」(a nearly ideal case),皆因中國新聞審查之伎,手法包羅萬象,網絡警察與五毛黨龐大成軍、防火長城無遠弗屆、高科技應用超前,蟻民自覺變成奴隸,傲視全球專制同儕。
Roberts 把政府主導的審查行為,歸類為三個 ‘F’,第一是製造恐懼 (Fear)、第二是增加阻力(Friction),第三是資訊泛濫 (Flooding) 以混淆視聽 ... //

美國學者   Margaret E. Roberts 新作《滅聲》(Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China’s Great Firewall),形容擅於審查資訊的中國政府,是一個「迹近完美的案例」(a nearly ideal case),皆因中國新聞審查之伎,手法包羅萬象,網絡警察與五毛黨龐大成軍、防火長城無遠弗屆、高科技應用超前,蟻民自覺變成奴隸,傲視全球專制同儕。
Roberts 把政府主導的審查行為,歸類為三個 ‘F’,第一是製造恐懼 (Fear)、第二是增加阻力(Friction),第三是資訊泛濫 (Flooding) 以混淆視聽。
「增加阻力」的手段,則較隱密亦較高明,例如不想你接觸的網站,會減慢網速、封鎖網站、不讓你搜索敏感詞,雖然你可以買軟件翻牆或重覆嘗試,但要額外付出時間與金錢,等同一種「資訊稅」(tax on information)。現實中,大部分人不關心政治,無耐性,亦無時間;況且娛樂資訊選擇多,少少麻煩已足以令人放棄追蹤政府不想你知的新聞。
作者引述北京清華大學   2015 年做的全國調查,訪問了三千多城鎮居民,六成人會上網,當中48%  網民表示不知道「翻牆」是什麼,知道可以翻牆的人中,只有   18% 曾經用   VPN 翻牆,即是說,網民中只有約 8.3% 曾經翻牆。從未翻牆的人被問原因,恐懼 (2%) 與可能違法 (9%) 佔比例很少,較多不翻牆的人表示無需要 (45%)、不懂得如何翻 (15%) 及麻煩(14%),可見縱使有翻牆的可能,大部分人根本不利用亦不關心。
也許有人會問,如此「資訊豐富」都是審查一種?Roberts 認為,此舉有效淹沒政府不想你知的訊息,增加人們找尋有意義訊息的成本,就有消聲的效果。所謂言論自由,除了說話的自由,要需要有被聽到的可能;若然言論被淹沒,或渠道被堵塞,這種言論自由並無意義。
Roberts 形容中國的審查方式,是   Porous Censorship ,姑且名之「孔洞審查」,即是審查系統未至於鐵板一塊,而是有孔洞,敏感訊息還有散播的方式。
Roberts 的研究發現,內地積極翻牆尋找訊息的人,比例極少,都屬學歷高、掌握網絡技術、關心政治的一群;絕大部分人都是「理性地無知」(rationally ignorant)。選取訊息時,只求方便、容易、減少成本,網絡慢了,很快就放棄,以為網絡不暢,根本不知道原來是政府刻意為之。
這種審查新境界,已經到了   Aldous Huxley 在《勇敢新世界》一書前言所述的境地:真正高效的極權管治,正是獨攬大權的政治大佬與其執行大軍,控制一大群不須被脅迫的奴隸。
接下來還會有何新式審查高招?Roberts 提出一個可能:以後的網絡審查,也可以個人化,按你的政治危險程度,封鎖不同訊息,或灌輸老大哥想洗你腦的訊息。一如現時網絡廣告,以大數據洞悉你想法後,再為你的消費模式度身發送宣傳品;日後的審查,也可因應你的政治不正確程度,調校審查內容。技術上,隨時做得到。
平凡人如何應對?Roberts 追蹤觀察中國網民於微博遭刪文的反應,發現若網民知道自己發布的訊息遭審查屏蔽的話,不罷休,會更積極發文。
***   ***   ***
(本文部分內容原刊於明報專欄《2047夜》,此為加長版,本文內容絕大部分引述自   Roberts 新書,包括 Aldous Huxley 之引文。)






由於有索引,找本周過世的 Philips Roth,讀後,一定有啟發。 

Overcoming Law - The New York Times

Does "overcoming law" mean replacing the tired apparatus of courts, clerks and casebooks with cost-benefit analysis and panels of economic experts? Judge Posner says no: the rule of law is "a public good of immense value," with its norms of impartiality and predictability.

劉述先《文化哲學的試探》《.論人》André Malraux 《人的狀況----中國 1927風雲》;劉述先《馬爾勞與中國 》


台北:新潮,1970,215頁:"負數"、"關係"、"功能" (sic,函數。)


André Malraux was born in Paris, France on this day in 1901.
"What is man? A miserable little pile of secrets."
--from "Antimémoires" (1967)
Writer, publisher, war hero, French government minister, André Malraux was renowned as a Renaissance man of the twentieth century. Now, Olivier Todd–author of the acclaimed biography Albert Camus–gives us this life, in which fact competes dramatically with his subject’s previously little-known mythomania. We see the adventurous young Malraux move from 1920s literary Paris to colonial Cambodia, Cochin China, and Spain in its civil war. Todd charts the thrilling exploits that would inspire such novels as Man’s Fate, but, just as fascinating, he also traces Malraux’s lifelong pattern of lies: claiming friendship with Mao, he was called to tutor Nixon, despite having met the Great Helmsman only once; a minor injury becomes in recollections a near-mortal battlefield wound; stories of heroism in the French Resistance omit to mention that Malraux joined up just a few weeks before the Allied landings. With meticulous research, Todd separates myth from reality to throw light on a brilliant con man who would become a national hero, but he also lets us see Malraux’s genuine achievements as both writer and man of action. His real life and the one he embroidered come together in this superb biography to reveal how Malraux, the protean genius, became his own greatest character.

圖像裡可能有1 人、文字

André Malraux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

André Malraux DSO was a French novelist, art theorist and Minister for Cultural Affairs. Malraux's novel La Condition Humaine (Man's Fate) (1933) won the Prix ...

Malraux's novel La Condition Humaine (Man's Fate) (1933) won the Prix ...
英文另外版本為Man's Estate  1961 企鵝版

 Les Voix du silence, 1951 (The Voices of Silence, 1953) 也有英文/漢文本

2016.7.1 曹永洋學長來談。他說他想寫篇紀念劉述先先生《文學欣賞的靈魂 》的文章。
我跟他推薦劉教授夫婦合作的《文學欣賞的靈魂 II》---就我所知:


Psycho/History: Readings in the Method of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and History



See this image

Psycho/History: Readings in the Method of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and History Paperback – September 10, 1987


Readings in the Method of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and History

Edited by Geoffrey Cocks and Travis Crosby 1987
My Shopping Account

《承受清風》 Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee,



Inherit the Wind is an American play by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, which debuted in 1955. The story fictionalizes the 1925 Scopes "Monkey" Trial as a means to discuss the then-contemporary McCarthy trials.[1][2] The debate over creationismversus evolution has contemporary resonance, as evidenced by the play's numerous revivals and screen adaptations decades after its initial theatrical run.[3]


Image result for inherit the wind


The play's title comes from Proverbs 11:29, which in the King James Bible reads:
He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.
In Act Two, Scene One, Brady admonishes Reverend Brown with this Bible quote for alienating his daughter when he gives a fiery sermon against Cates.


箴言11:29 『擾害己家的,必承受清風;愚昧人必作慧心人的僕人。 』

伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史History Of The Peloponnesian War The History of the Peloponnesian War; Thucydides’s trap (希臘文: Θουκυδίδης)


Thucydides’ account of The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta is one of the classic pieces of writing on war. Thucydides, himself a failed Athenian admiral, wrote a detailed history of the war which, unlike the writings of his contemporaries, explained events by reference to the interplay of personalities and power rather than by the divine intervention of the gods. Above all, his account is written from a realist perspective which seeks to explain and understand rather than to moralize about war, although he does moralize implicitly and explicitly about the domestic pressures for war.
"I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time."

伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史History Of The Peloponnesian War


History Of The Peloponnesian War


 Mary Renault (1905-1983)一九五六年的《殘酒》(The Last of the Wine) 以伯羅奔尼撒戰爭(431–404 BC)為背景,講述在柏拉圖老師蘇格拉底門下的一對雅典情侶十三年的流離。呂西斯與阿列克西亞的關係,再現了雅典所崇尚的男同性戀習俗:較年長的「愛者」(erastes)要擔當他傾慕的少年「所愛」(eromenos)的精神導師。兩人彷彿是另一時空的拉爾夫與羅瑞,因生活在一個推崇男風的英雄主義時代,而能更加高貴而長久地相愛。戰爭與和平交替,暴民與寡頭輪番上台,雅典由盛而衰的歷程如長卷一樣徐徐鋪展。這小說一舉奠定了瑞瑙特作為歷史文學大師的地位,也確立了她用得爐火純青的敘事手法—第一人稱回憶體的成長小說。

【绕不开的修昔底德陷阱,美中必有一战? 】
2015年9月,中国国家主席 #习近平 对美国进行国事访问期间,“修昔底德陷阱”(Thucydides Trap)一说的提出者——美国知名国际关系和外交政策学者、哈佛大学教授格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham T. Allison)在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上发表了题为《修昔底德陷阱:美国和中国正在走向战争?》的文章,指出快速崛起的中国必将冲击美国主导的国际秩序。在这一过程中,新兴大国中国和守成大国美国极有可能爆发战争。艾里森在他刚刚出版的新书《注定一战:美国和中国能否逃脱修昔底德陷阱?》(Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap)详尽阐述了这一观点。他表示,如果美国不及时拿出全面应对方案,不做出重大战略调整,美中极有可能爆发灾难性的冲突,而冲突的导火索将极有可能是朝鲜。
全文链接: https://goo.gl/c9BvZe

2015年9月,中国国家主席习近平对美国进行国事访问期间,“修昔底德陷阱”(Thucydides Trap)一说的提出者——美国知名国际关系和外交政策学者、哈佛大学教授格雷厄姆·艾里森(Graham T. Allison)在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)上发表了题为《修昔底德陷阱:美国和中国正在走向战争?》的文章

 Allison derived his interesting metaphor, the “Thucydides Trap,” from the fifth-century B.C. Peloponnesian War recounted by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides. The combatants were the ruling power Sparta, which the “trap” describes as corresponding to 21st-century United States, and the rising power Athens, corresponding to today’s China. Thucydides attributed the war to the “growth in power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta,” spurring the latter to launch what became a 27-year war.

But the comparisons do not end there. The Thucydides Trap further stretches history and credulity by presuming equivalence with other distant wars. Allison’s examples date to the 16th-century war between the ruling power France and the rising power the Habsburgs, the 17th-century war between the Dutch Republic and England, and the 19th-century war between the ruling power France and the rising power Germany — among several others, reaching back centuries. But the equivalences with 21st-century United States and China — geostrategic challenges and opportunities, international order, deepening and irreversible globalization, myriad interdependences, robust trade, potentially existential nature of war today and preferred resort to diplomacy — don’t really hold up. Especially not to ancient Sparta and Athens.


習近平在訪美演說中提到了"修昔底德陷阱"....那用功的C編, 就在此開課說明, 何謂"修昔底德陷阱" Thucydides’s trap (希臘文: Θουκυδίδης) : 即一個新崛起的大國必會挑戰當世大國,而當世的大國也必然會回應這種威脅; 如此的話, 戰爭就變得無可避免。


        • Image result for thucydides trap
      Professor Graham Allison of the Harvard Kennedy School has popularized the phrase “Thucydidestrap,” to explain the likelihood of conflict between a rising power and a currently dominant one.May 6, 2015

      The Real Thucydides' Trap | The Diplomat

  1. Thucydides (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free ...


    Thucydides Trap, where a rising power causes fear in an established power which escalates toward war.

    In the news
    Image for the news result
    A risk associated with Thucydides's Trap is that business as usual—not just an unexpected, ...
    More news for thucydides trap

Harper's Weekly, Winslow Homer (American, 1836–1910)


Winslow Homer - Wikipedia

Winslow Homer (February 24, 1836 – September 29, 1910) was an American landscape painter and printmaker, best known for his marine subjects.
Notable work‎: ‎Harper's Weekly Magazine‎; ‎Ball...
Movement‎: ‎Realism
Nationality‎: ‎American
Known for‎: ‎Drawing; ‎Wood engraving‎; ‎Oil pain...

Harper's Weekly - Wikipedia

Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization was an American political magazine based in New York City. Published by Harper & Brothers from 1857 until 1916, ...
Year founded‎: ‎1857
First issue‎: ‎January 3, 1857
Based in‎: ‎New York City, New York
Company‎: ‎Harper & Brothers

Homer designed this print in June 1861 during the opening weeks of the Civil War. It shows young women gathered indoors on a summer afternoon to sew uniforms for Union soldiers. They make havelocks, cloth covers for military caps with long flaps at the back that protect the neck from the sun, and one of the seamstresses models a finished example. The lack of a male presence reminds of the men who have departed for the army, leaving wives, sweethearts, and sisters behind. The shadowed portrait of a soldier on the wall foreshadows the loss of life to come. https://met.org/2GNl2LN
Featured Artwork of the Day: Winslow Homer (American, 1836–1910) | The War – Making Havelocks for the Volunteers | June 28, 1861
圖像裡可能有2 個人


Windson Chen 分享了 1 則貼文


The Penguin Book of Lies by Philip Kerr (Editor)


The Penguin Book of Lies Hardcover – January 1, 1991

  • Hardcover: 608 pages
  • Publisher: Viking (January 1, 1991)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0670825603
Selections from authors from ancient times to the twentieth century discuss noteworthy lies and liars from history and the nature of lying as different periods have viewed it

When the great German archaeologist Schliemann exclaimed (if indeed he did so), ‘I have gazed upon the face of Agamemnon!’ he was not uttering a lie, nor was he being economical with the truth. His imagination was carried away by the soaring possibilities, in the world of fact, which his successful excavations had revealed. The imagination adores whatever can give the appearance of fact, as most good writers know. When Hardy tells us that the raindrops before a thunderstorm make spots on the road as large as nasturtium leaves, no reader is going to take him up on it. When Kipling tells us that a man’s blood on an Indian parade ground dries in the sun like goldbeaters’ skin, cracks lozenge-wise, and curls up like dumb tongues, we are too mesmerised to be sceptical, although, in his brief and sensible treatise on English prose style, Herbert Read very pertinently enquired if anyone had actually seen those ‘tongues’.
The full text of this book review is only available to subscribers of the London Review of Books.

The Penguin Book of Lies

 3.18  ·   Rating details ·  28 Ratings  ·  Reviews
Humans have always been economical with the truth. This anthology surveys some of the world's greatest deceits from the monumental lies of history.

René Wellek著《批評的概念》Concepts of Criticism


René Wellek - Wikipedia

René Wellek (August 22, 1903 – November 11, 1995) was a Czech-American comparative literary critic. Like Erich Auerbach, Wellek was an eminent product of ...

張今言譯,雷內.韋勒克Rene & Wellek著,〈文學研究中的現實主義概念〉,《批評的概念》(杭州:中國美術學院出版社,1999)

  • Concepts of Criticism, Ed. Stephen G. Nichols, Jr. New Haven: Yale UP, 1963. (Collection of Wellek's essays)




雷内·韦勒克(Rene Wellek,1903-1995),当代享有国际声誉的美国文学理论家和比较文学学者,原籍捷克。早年就读于布拉格查理大学,1926年获博士学位,其后曾在英国伦敦大学教授斯拉夫语言。20年代末他移居美国,先后在衣阿华大学、耶鲁大学作教。作者通晓十种语言,毕生从事文学研究,著作甚丰。其主要著作有《康德在英国》(1931)、《英国文学史的兴起》(1941)、《文学理论》(1949)、《批评的概念》(1963)、《辨析》(1970》、《四个批评家》(1981)和《现代批评史》(1955-1992)等。



《程硯秋戲劇文集》柳存仁《外国的月亮 程砚秋/程腔与龙井茶》



出版社: 文化艺术出版社
出版年: 2003-12-1
页数: 642

程硯秋戲劇文集 北京:華藝,2010

程硯秋- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia

程硯秋(1904年1月1日-1958年3月9日)著名京劇表演藝術家。清光緒二十九年農曆十一月十四日酉時生於北京,滿洲正黃旗人,程佳氏。最早官名是承麟,硯秋恩師羅 ...












出版社: 上海古籍出版社
出版年: 2002-05
页数: 287

内容简介  · · · · · ·

作者简介  · · · · · ·

柳存仁(1917-2009),华裔澳大利亚学者,祖籍山东临清。曾名柳雨生。1917年生于北京,毕业于北京大学,获文学士;曾获伦敦大学荣誉文学士、哲学博士及文学博士学位。是澳大利亚人文科学院的首届院士、英国及北爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会会员。曾任澳大利亚国立大学中文讲座教授、亚洲研究学院院长,退休后被选为名誉教授及大学研究员。1966年至1989年间担任哈佛燕京学社、哥伦比亚大学、夏威夷大学、巴黎大学、香港中文大学中国文化研究所、马来亚大学、早稻田大学、新加坡大学、新西兰渥克兰大学的访问教授。1974年和1977年,作为澳大利亚科学院访问团成员两次访问中国。1984年,应中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所的邀请在北京作了一系列关于道教史的讲演。此后,多次回中国参加学术会议,促进国内外汉学的交流。1992年,荣获澳大利亚政府颁赠的 AO(Order of Australia)勋衔和勋章。
柳存仁教授是世界著名的汉学家,在许多领域的考证有突破性贡献。他的研究集中在道教史、明清小说和中国古籍等方面,其成就在国际汉学界有很高的地位。中文著述主要有《和风堂文集》、《和风堂新文集》;英文著述主要有 Buddhist and Taoist Influence on Chinese Novels, Chinese Popular Fiction in Two London Libraries, Selected Papers from the Hall of Harmonious Wind, New Excursions from the Hall of Harmonious Wind。

目录  · · · · · ·



鄭炯明《死亡思考》《文學台灣 106 (2018夏)》 《永遠的愛》



我 (林莊生)因出國太早,對國內的出版狀況毫無認識,投稿常用try and error(試行錯誤)的方式進行,結果浪費了很多時日。這種狀況後來漸漸改善了。最初是一九九三年接到鄭炯明先生主持的《文學台灣》的贈閱,得知有本土文學的雜誌。其本土性很適合我的口味,但該雜誌是偏重小說和詩文,不是我關心所 在。


《永遠的愛》2014 台語創作歌謠,鄭炯明作詞,陳武雄 作曲




目錄 [隱藏]



著有《歸途》、《悲劇的想像》、《蕃薯之歌》 [4]、《最後的戀歌》、《鄭炯明詩選》、《三稜鏡》 [5]、《三重奏》、《永遠的愛》。其主編的詩集有《台灣精神的崛起》(笠詩社)、《混聲合唱》(春暉出版社)。其獲獎多次,1969年榮獲全國優秀青年詩人獎、1978與1979年分別榮獲吳濁流新詩佳作獎、1982年獲得第二屆笠詩創作獎、1983年獲得吳濁流新詩獎鳳邑文學獎南瀛文學獎高雄市文藝獎




三好達治詩集 (1971年) (岩波文庫) 文庫 – 古書, 1971/1/16

詩を読む人のために (岩波文庫)

三好 達治

三好達治随筆集 (岩波文庫)

三好 達治、 孝次, 中野

¥ 596中古 & 新品(6 出品)


Tatsuji Miyoshi (三好 達治 Miyoshi Tatsuji, 23 August 1900 – 5 April 1964) was a Japanesepoet, literary critic, and literary editoractive during the Shōwa period of Japan. He is known for his lengthy free verse poetry, which often portray loneliness and isolation as part of contemporary life, but which are written in a complex, highly literary style reminiscent of classical Japanese poetry.

1Early life
2Literary career
4See also





三好達治詩抄  陳明台譯

嬰兒車、少年、回聲、草之上、祖母、烏鴉、信號、鬱金香、白日之舟、貝殼、雪  等11首

《文學台灣 106 (2018夏)》 頁126~32

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