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Thomas Mann:為人寫的序言;《歌德與托爾斯泰》 BUDDENBROOKS: The Decline of a Family

 Thomas Mann的為人寫的序言,或許很有意思:

 Passionate Journey (A Novel in 165 Woodcuts,1919, Introduction by Thomas Mann) By Frans Masereel , City Lights Books, San Francisco. 郭松棻、李瑜教授贈,2015.09.09

Anna Karenina 英文版序言

小說 BUDDENBROOKS: The Decline of a Family,台灣的新潮文庫有翻譯。
Peter Gay 有很不錯的評論,有譯本。

Regarded as a whole, Mann's career is a striking example of the "repeated puberty" which Goethe thought characteristic of the genius. In technique as well as in thought, he experienced far more daringly than is generally realized. In Buddenbrooks he wrote one of the last of the great "old-fashioned" novels, a patient, thorough tracing of the fortunes of a family.

—Henry Hatfield in Thomas Mann, 1962.

(fortunes) The success or failure of a person or enterprise over a period of time:he is credited with turning round the company’s fortunes

the fortunes of war

The unpredictable events of war:from then on, the fortunes of war favoured the Scots
puberty noun [U] ━━ n. 性的成熟(期), 思春期, 年ごろ.

Paul Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck, German Empire on this day in 1875.
“Death was a blessing, so great, so deep that we can fathom it only at those moments, like this one now, when we are reprieved from it. It was the return home from long, unspeakably painful wanderings, the correction of a great error, the loosening of tormenting chains, the removal of barriers---it set a horrible accident to rights again.”
―from BUDDENBROOKS: The Decline of a Family by Thomas Mann
BUDDENBROOKS, first published in Germany in 1901, when Mann was only twenty-six, has become a classic of modern literature. It is the story of four generations of a wealthy bourgeois family in northern Germany facing the advent of modernity; in an uncertain new world, the family’s bonds and traditions begin to disintegrate. As Mann charts the Buddenbrooks’ decline from prosperity to bankruptcy, from moral and psychic soundness to sickly piety, artistic decadence, and madness, he ushers the reader into a world of stunning vitality, pieced together from births and funerals, weddings and divorces, recipes, gossip, and earthy humor. In its immensity of scope, richness of detail, and fullness of humanity, BUDDENBROOKS surpasses all other modern family chronicles. With remarkable fidelity to the original German text, this superb translation emphasizes the magnificent scale of Mann’s achievement in this riveting, tragic novel. With an introduction by T. J. Reed, and translated by John E. Woods.


The Economist
Novelist, short story writer and essayist Thomas Mann was born on June 6th 1875. After fleeing Germany in 1933, Mann became a well-known writer of Exilliteratur ("exile literature"), broadcasting monthly anti-Nazi speeches in German on the BBC


托爾斯泰到倫敦訪問的赫爾岑 (Alexander Herzen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen (Russian: Алекса́ндр Ива́нович Ге́рцен; April 6 [O.S. 25 March] 1812 – January 21 [O.S. 9 January] 1870) was a Russian writer ...)



Thomas Mann 著
歌德與托爾斯泰     李永熾譯,台北:水牛,1971/80

歌德與托爾斯泰      朱匯冰譯,杭州:浙江大學,2013

  · · · · · ·



圖像裡可能有1 人



秋惠文庫 Formosa Vintage Museum Cafe


Marquis de Sade, "The 120 Days of Sodom"《索多瑪一百二十天》



The 120 Days of Sodom - Wikipedia

The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage is a novel by the French writer and nobleman Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade. Described as both pornographic and erotic, it was written in 1785. It tells the story of four wealthy male libertines who resolve to experience the ultimate sexual gratification in ...
Author‎: ‎Marquis de Sade
Publication date‎: ‎1904
Country‎: ‎France
出版商Arrow Books
索多瑪一百二十天》(法語:Les 120 journées de Sodome ou l'école du libertinage)是法國貴族薩德侯爵的著作,創作於1785年[1]
《索多瑪一百二十天》劇情兼具色情[2]情色元素[3] ,講述四個富有男性,為了體驗狂歡性愛,在聖馬丁貝爾維爾(Saint-Martin-de-Belleville)的城堡,綁架46位年輕男性和女性,並對其進行性虐待酷刑屠殺,作品充斥情慾、凌虐、食用穢物和人獸交等情節。



  1. 移至^ Seaver, Richard and Austryn Wainhouse. Forward. 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings By Marquis de Sade. Eds. and Trans. Austryn Wainhouse and Richard Seaver. New York: Grove Press, 1966.
  2. 移至^ Willsher, Kim. Original Marquis de Sade scroll returns to Paris. Guardian. 2014-04-03 [2014-04-06].
  3. 移至^ Sade's 120 Days of Sodom to return to France after two centuries' adventures. RFI. 2014-04-03 [2014-04-06].
  4. 移至^ Perrottet, Tony. Who Was the Marquis de Sade?. Smithsonian Magazine. February 2015 [2015-01-25].
  5. 移至^ University of Melbourne (2013). Banned Books in Australia - A Special Collections-Art in the Library Exhibition.""[1]", Retrieved: 12.06.2014


"The 120 Days of Sodom" is more than 200 years old. But its visions of torture and evil are as relevant now as they were in revolutionary France. From The Economist’s 1843 magazine

The Marquis de Sade is still a must-read, if you have the stomach

It helps us understand why humans inflict pain on others

Marquis de Sade: rebel, pervert, rapist...hero?

An exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay has divided public opinion once again on whether the notorious aristocrat answered the great questions of his age – or simply made a case for indefensible violence and cruelty


The Marquis de Sade was many things – a rapist, a paedophile, and an eloquent, literary apologist for sexual cruelty.
To his modern admirers, Donatien Alphonse François, Comte de Sade was also a revolutionary, one of the first writers and thinkers to explore the darkest labyrinths of the human soul. The jury is out on whether Sade was, in the contemporary sense of the word, a “sadist”.
In his many guises, including nearly 30 years as a prisoner under three regimes, royal, republican and imperial, the marquis never turned his hand to painting. It seems perverse, therefore, for the Musée d’Orsay in Paris to celebrate his 200th anniversary with an art exhibition.
“Sade – Attaquer le soleil” (Sade – attacking the sun) seeks to prove that Sade’s writing, although officially banned in France until the 1950s, had an enormous impact on 19th- and 20th-century art. It traces  – sometimes convincingly, sometimes wilfully – Sade’s influence on the work of, amongst others, Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Delacroix, Francisco Goya, Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, Pablo Picasso and the surrealists.
The exhibition is part of a bicentenary push by French intellectuals to release Sade, who lived from 1740 to 1814, from the shadows and into the literary and artistic mainstream. There is an avalanche of new books. There is an exhibition in Paris of his letters and manuscripts, including the scroll of The 120 Days of Sodom whose catalogue of 600 recommended “passions” includes the rape of children as young as five. The “divine”, or damned, marquis also made his bow this week as a character in a video game in the Assassin’s Creed series.
Since he was “rediscovered” and championed by the poet Guillaume Apollinaire in 1909, Sade has been placed by some of his admirers alongside Rousseau or Voltaire as one of the French 18th-century iconoclasts who “killed God”, smashed the mould of conventional thought and created the modern world.
Pierre Guyotat, a French erotic-literary novelist, says: “Sade is, in a way, our Shakespeare. He has the same sense of tragedy, the same sweeping grandeur. Taking pleasure in the suffering of others is not such an important part of his writings as people claim. He has his tongue sticking out permanently. He is incessantly ironic.”
To claim Sade as humanist and liberator, rather than deviant or pervert, sticks in the throat of other intellectuals. A new book by the philosopher Michel Onfray (La Passion de la Méchanceté or the “passion for wickedness”) makes an excoriating attack on the cult of Sade amongst French left-wing or avant garde thinkers.
A portrait of the controversial writer Donatien Alphonse François, Comte de SadeA portrait of the controversial writer Donatien Alphonse François, Comte de Sade (Interfoto/Alamy)
“It is intellectually bizarre to make Sade a hero,” he says. “Even according to his most hero-worshipping biographers, this man was a sexual delinquent.”
Mr Onfray says that a “myth” has been fashioned  that Sade was a “libertarian, anarchist and revolutionary” – even a “feminist”. Not a bit of it, he says. Sade was an arrogant “feudal” aristocrat who thought that he had a right to torture and sexually abuse servants or beggars. His recorded exploits include the kidnapping and sexual torture of pre-adoscent serving girls.
The Musée d’Orsay exhibition does not try to hide the disturbing truth about Sade’s life. It is, however, littered with quotations which present him as a thinker and rebel rather than a criminal.
The co-curator of the exhibition, Annie Le Brun, says that the importance of Sade’s thinking was that he rejected abstract thought. He was not a philosopher but an anti-philosopher.
Philosophy, and religion, were false because they were too cerebral. Patterns of human behaviour must be traced to the flesh, not to the mind alone. “For him cruelty is at the heart of humanity and indivisible from desire,” Ms Le Brun said.
In one quotation displayed in the exhibition, Sade mocks the celebrated saying of the French 17th-century philosopher René Descartes: “I think, therefore I am.”
“This idea has no sound, no colour, no smell,” the marquis says. “It does not comes from the senses and without the senses there can be no  real ideas.”
Ms Le Brun says that this approach – Sadian rather than sadist – had an enormous influence through secretly circulated texts on 19th-century writers like Gustav Flaubert and Friedrich Nietzsche. Because it proclaimed the physical senses to be the true driving forces of passion and creativity, it also influenced artists from Cézanne to the surrealists.
A rare signature of French writer the Marquis de Sade, with his military title of 'Maitre de camp de cavalerie'A rare signature of French writer the Marquis de Sade, with his military title of 'Maitre de camp de cavalerie' (Getty Images)
“Our aim is to explore how the 19th century became a conduit for ideas that were officially cursed,” Ms Le Brun says. “In a subterranean way [Sade] created a revolution of taste, especially in the presentation of images of the body… He eroticised painting.”
That Sade was wholly, or even partly, responsible for the shift in artistic taste in the 19th century is a large claim. How much influence did he have on Monet or Van Gogh? 
The collection includes three relatively unknown and disturbingly violent paintings by Cézanne, including scenes of rape and strangling. There are a couple of violent canvasses by Goya and one by Dégas. The rest of the show is an uneven collection of 19th- and 20th-century portrayals of sex, violence and viciousness. Some is compelling ; much is simply weird and outlandish.
Ms Le Brun’s co-curator Laurence de Cars said: “We censored ourselves very little… It is obviously not an exhibition for everyone.”
A separate section is labelled the “cupboard of perversities”. Those of a sensitive disposition are recommended to stay outside. It is difficult to see why. It seems little different from the rest of the show.
The exhibition has attracted large numbers but the visitors’ book suggests that many of them go away baffled or disgusted. Comments range from “fantastic” and a “truly beautiful exhibition” to “what a bunch of perverts”. An anonymous visitor writes: “This exhibition is torture. I suppose it is therefore a great success for M Sade.”
At a time when we are grappling finally with the lasting damage caused by sexual violence, and especially the abuse of children, the championing of Sade may seem to many to be foolish, misplaced or  even wicked.  
Mr Onfray says that Sade’s “philosophy” amounts to an “an invitation to crime”. He suggests that Sade’s “abolition of pity” was a precursor not of modern art but the Holocaust.
Au contraire, says Ms Le Brun. Sade invented nothing. His importance was to describe, and analyse, the cruelty which has always been at the core of human  experience.
He asked the questions which “haunted the 19th century”, she says. “How to speak about evil and desire when the framework of religion is collapsing?”

傳記故事(四):Cooking with Alexandre Dumas. Dumas's d'Artagnan,《三個火槍手》《茶花女》《三仲馬傳》《大仲馬美食詞典》《三個火槍手》The Three Musketeers


Helen Oyeyemi: By the Book

The author of "Mr. Fox" and "Boy, Snow, Bird" considers Dumas's d'Artagnan a literary hero: "If there's going to be a fray, I can't help but approve of someone who enters it headlong."
The d'Artagnan Romances are a set of three novels by Alexandre Dumas telling the story of the musketeerd'Artagnan from his humble beginnings in Gascony to his death as a marshal of France in the Siege of Maastricht in 1673.
Dumas based the life and character of d'Artagnan on the 17th-century captain of musketeers Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, and Dumas's portrayal was indebted to the semi-fictionalized memoirs of d'Artagnan written 27 years after the hero's death by Gatien de Courtilz de Sandras (published in 1700).
The three novels are:
  • The Three Musketeers, set in 1625; first published in serial form in the magazine Le Siècle between March and July 1844. Dumas claimed it was based on manuscripts he had discovered in the Bibliothèque Nationale.
  • Twenty Years After, set in 1648; serialized from January to August, 1845.
  • The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later, set between 1660 and 1673; serialized from October 1847 to January 1850. This vast novel has been split into three, four, or five volumes at various points.
    • In the three-volume edition, the novels are titled The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Louise de la Vallière and The Man in the Iron Mask.
    • In the four-volume edition, the novels are titled The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Ten Years Later, Louise de la Vallière and The Man in the Iron Mask.
    • The five-volume edition generally does not give titles to the smaller portions.
Two further sequels to the d'Artagnan books, the novels The Son of Porthos and D'Artagnan Kingmaker, were published respectively in 1883 and 1900. D'Artagnan does not appear in the first novel, which, although written by Paul Mahalin, was published under the pen name "Alexandre Dumas" and is still sold as such. The second novel was supposedly based on one of Dumas's plays. Dumas himself died in 1870.

“The musketeers know no moderation. They order multiple bottles of wine for a quick drink, and at one point, one of them consumes an entire wine cellar.”
Root-vegetable salad, eel marinière, and young rabbit fricassee.



大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas l8021870)《大仲馬美食詞典‧公雞》楊榮鑫譯, 南京:譯林出版社,201294-5頁:
拿破崙一世拒絕將古高盧的公雞放在旗上當徽識,因為牠會被狐狸吃掉。然而這不能代表民眾的想法。大仲馬說,「一言以蔽之,公雞是很招人愛的動物,漂亮 、勇敢、還有一副嘹亮的好嗓子,很好地代表法蘭西精神。……
本書是一席由一個個詞條烹制而成的文學大餐, 法國的一切美食以及與美食相關的東西都囊括在內。與傳統詞典古板的寫作方式不同,大仲馬在製作詞條時加入了很多文學因子,凡與美食相關的名人逸事、神話傳 説、笑話、史料均在收錄之列,趣味盎然,讓人不忍釋卷,被普遍評價為“好看,好用”,成為法國文學和法式美食的傳世之作。
亞歷山大仲馬父子同名,都是著名的法國作家, 為便於區分,分別簡稱大仲馬和小仲馬。大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas,1802年7月24日~1870年12月5日)作品數量驚人,據他自己説有400到500部甚至更多,被譽為“文壇火槍手”。其作品《三個火 槍手》、《基督山伯爵》、《黑鬱金香》等膾炙人口、長銷不衰。
大仲馬是文壇巨擘,但對法國人而言,其熱愛美 食的名聲可能更甚。他耗費鉅資建立的基督山城堡,因其毫無限制大排筵宴,最終只能被拍賣處理,被世人評為“寫作使其富有,耽吃使其貧困”。而在財産與健康 盡失的晚年,他更以吃遍巴黎大小餐館為樂,每到一處,便寫下筆記心得,成了法國最早、也最富盛名的食評家,而各大食鋪的大廚也幾乎都成了他的好友。當時, 法國各大名廚無一不稱頌大仲馬為“知音”。

2007.7 傳記故事(四):《三仲馬傳》

2004-10-07 18:14:58



A. 莫洛亞《三仲馬傳》(1957)郭安定譯,北京:人民文學出版社,1996
G.. Endore 《大仲馬傳》(King of Paris),陳秋帆由日文本轉譯(?),台北:新潮,1979

莫洛亞作品有一定的高水平,推薦。Endore 是小說/故事,翻譯不穩定(同一章中「旅館」、「旅店」並用—這可能是hotel之誤譯,所以我問rl:「有沒辦法查大仲馬(他有回憶錄)去巴黎闖天下在 某家「旅館」(??)與主人打撞球贏九(六)百杯苦艾酒(?)的人名地名?」因此他家鄉hotels何其多…)
【謝謝rl的指引:列網頁資料應該有你需要 的人、事、地、物

大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas l802~1870),法國19世紀的浪漫主義作家,好善樂施、慷慨解囊(他的錢都裝在教堂用之聖水器用任意取用)、性格俠義、反對不平、追求正義。他受 朋友感動、自學成才,一生寫過各種類型作品(達300卷之多),主要以小說和劇作著稱。大仲馬的小說,大都以真實的歷史作背景,以主人公的奇遇為內容,情 節曲折生動,處處出人意外,堪稱歷史驚險小說。大仲馬小說的特色:異乎尋常的理想英雄,急劇發展的故事情節,緊張的打鬥動作,清晰明朗的完整結構,生動有 力的語言,靈活機智的對話等。最著名的是 《三個火槍手》(1844 (583KB) )、《基督山伯爵》(1118KB)。這些作品可以 全文下載:

Alexandre Dumas, author of “The Three Musketeers,” was born on this day in 1802. Celebrate with today’s Artwork of the Day, selected by Leatitia Raiciulescu, Associate Collections Information Specialist.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Hans Shäufelein (German, ca. 1480 - ca. 1540) | Three Musketeers | n.d. http://met.org/1ItQrB1

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 的相片。

Author of 'The Three Musketeers' Alexandre Dumas was born‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1802. He based many of D'Artagnan's exploits on the experiences of his father, a well-known general in Napoleon's army.

The British Library 的相片。





Daily Highlights Tuesday, July 24, 2007
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Caricature of Dumas
As a Musketeer
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Alexandre Dumas was born on this date in 1802. Most famous for his novels The Three Musketeers (1844) and The Count of Monte Cristo (1845), he greatly influenced the development of both the historical novel and the serial novel in France. Dumas' work was extremely popular and he amassed great wealth — spending it as fast as he made it. His extravagant lifestyle and his habit of surrounding himself with friends who were happy to be recipients of his largess left him in debt much of his life. His son, Alexandre Dumas fils, was also a writer; he did not adopt his father's free-wheeling lifestyle.

"All human wisdom is summed up in two words — wait and hope."Alexandre Dumas


The Three Musketeers
Image by Maurice Leloir, 1894
Author(s)Alexandre Dumas
in collaboration with Auguste Maquet
Original titleLes Trois Mousquetaires
Genre(s)Historical novel
Publication dateMarch–July 1844 (serialised)
Media typePrint (Hardcover)
Followed byTwenty Years After, The Vicomte de Bragelonne
The Three Musketeers (French: Les Trois Mousquetaires) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, first serialized in March–July 1844. Set in the 17th century, it recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. D'Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, inseparable friends who live by the motto "all for one, one for all" ("un pour tous, tous pour un"), a motto which is first put forth by d'Artagnan.[1]
The story of d'Artagnan is continued in Twenty Years After and The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. Those three novels by Dumas are together known as the d'Artagnan Romances.
The Three Musketeers was first published in serial form in the newspaper Le Siècle between March and July 1844.
When Alexandre Dumas wrote The Three Musketeers he also was a practising fencer and like many other French gentlemen of his generation he attended the schools for Canne de combat and Savate of Michel Casseux, Charles Lecour[2] and Joseph Charlemont (who had been a regular fencing instructor in the French army).

 See The Three Musketeers in film for the numerous appearance of the characters in

Promotional film poster
Directed byPaul W. S. Anderson




胡適之先生1926年夏旅歐時,在法京巴黎看過 《茶花女》一劇,當時觀眾許多人很感動---30年代 唯一有小說與劇本的是 《茶花女》,所以值得研究它們。
先生日記上說,從小說到劇本, 剪裁的功夫最重要。



劉半農先生寫《因「茶花女」之公演而說幾句》 (1932.11.6) 、《甘苦之言---看「茶花女」之公演後寫》1926.11.20、《再寫幾句》第三段說有兩先生吵《茶花女》是林琴南或嚴復翻譯的…….末段:哈哈!昨天我看見陳衡哲女士,談起《新青年》時代的白話詩,她說「那是三代以上的事了」。徵之於此,豈不良信。




從小說到劇本  剪裁的功夫最重要
胡適1926年旅法時看過 《茶花女》一劇  當時觀眾許多人很感動
在30年代  唯一有小說與劇本的是 《茶花女》 所以值得研究它們



  • 產品名稱:茶花女
  • ISBN編號: 9787542630506
  • 出版時間: 2009-5-1
  • 出版社: 上海三联书店
  • 頁數: 419
  • 版次印次: 1
  • 作者: (法)小仲马(Dumas,A.) 著,董强 译
  • 開本: 16开
  • 裝幀: 平装
  • 印數: 1
  • 字數: 177000

《茶 花女》为我们塑造了一些生动、鲜明的艺术形象,而其中最突出、最令人难忘的自然是女主人公茶花女玛格丽特。读者们切莫把玛格丽特和阿尔丰西娜•普莱西小姐 混为一谈,阿尔丰西娜的身世固然值得同情,但她的的确确是个堕落的女人,用小仲马的话来说,她“既是一个纯洁无瑕的贞女,又是一个彻头彻尾的娼妇”。但玛 格丽特却不同,她美丽、聪明而又善良虽然沦落风尘,但依旧保持着一颗纯洁、高尚的心灵。她充满热情和希望地去追求真正的爱情生活,而当这种希望破灭之后, 又甘愿自我牺牲去成全他人。这一切都使这位为人们所不齿的烟花女子的形象闪烁着一种圣洁的光辉,以至于人们一提起“茶花女”这三个字的时候,首先想到的不 是什么下贱的妓女,而是一位美丽、可爱而又值得同情的女娃。古今中外的文学名著为人们留下了许许多多不朽的艺术形象,而玛格丽特则完全可以跻身其间而毫无 愧色。



The Hunting of the Snark, and Other Poems and Verses By Lewis Carroll


The Hunting of the Snark, and Other Poems and Verses

Lewis Carroll [Charles Dodgson]. The Hunting of the Snark, and Other Poems and Verses. New York: Harper, 1903.

Illustrated by: Peter Newell (1862-1924)

Border Decorations by: Robert Murray Wright

Gift of: Mrs. William Dignan


Lewis Carroll [Charles Dodgson]. The Hunting of the Snark, and Other Poems and Verses. New York: Harper, 1903.

Illustrated by: Peter Newell (1862-1924)

Border Decorations by: Robert Murray Wright

Gift of: Mrs. William Dignan



Ben Chen

洛夫(2010年左右,寫於溫哥華Richmond 家中)



陳忠信新增了 3 張相片
洛夫的詩應該不曾深刻進入我的精神生命,但很奇特的是,在顛沛歲月中,許多書不知去了哪裡,前兩年陸續整理書房,竟找出一些早年留下的詩集,洛夫的《石室之死亡》即其中一本,是 1965.1.1 創世紀詩社出版的。應該是首版吧!他和李敖去逝的消息,讓我想起那個年代的一些精神狀況。藉此隨手記下幾點片斷回憶。也祝禱不識的詩人黃泉路上好行!


「祇偶然昂首向鄰居的甬道,我便怔住╱在清晨,那人以裸體去背叛死╱ 任一條黑色支流咆哮橫過他的脈管╱我便怔住,我以目光掃過那座石壁╱上面即鑿成兩道血槽╱」對戰爭深度反省的《石室之死亡》





《香港研究》Hong Kong Studies |Vol.1 No.1


《香港研究》Hong Kong Studies |Vol.1 No.1| 出來啦!
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Hong Kong Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to original, intersectional and cross-disciplinary research on Hong Kong affairs from multiple fields in the humanities and the social sciences, including but not limited to literature, linguistics, cultural studies, sociology, politics,...

Hong Kong Studies
Hong Kong Studies
Published for the Department of English, CUHK
Vol. 1, No. 1
229 x 152 mm, 150 pp
Semi-annual, Bilingual
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  #免費電子資源 #歡迎轉貼分享

2012年2月號 總第一二九期

2016.6.4 夜,翻讀




剪拂- 萌典

剪拂jiǎn fúㄐㄧㄢˇ ㄈㄨˊ
剪拂 — 1.修整擦拭。 比喻推崇, 贊譽。 《文選‧劉孝標<廣絕交論>》: “顧盼增其倍價, 剪拂使其長鳴。” 李善 注: “湔拔、剪拂, 音義同也。” 清 吳偉業 《讀史偶述》詩之六: “ 龍媒剪拂上華茵, 嚴助丹青拜詔新。” 
2.削除。 宋 張商英 《護法論》: “高超三界, 穎脫六塵, 清涼身心, 剪拂業累。”



    林語堂這篇一則寫於1925.10.10 ,將inferiority complex 翻譯成"遜色癥結";"我們大多數的信仰發源於感情態度 (feeling-attitudes)  ,不是根據理智的。" 參考了Rationalization in every-day life. By Jones, Ernest
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol 3(3), Aug-Sep 1908, 161-169.

另一則則翻譯了一段取自Psychology and politics : and other essays
by Rivers, W. H. R. (William Halse Rivers), 1864-1922
Published 1923   https://archive.org/details/psychologypoliti00rive

的話:"我想大半的受教育的人現在承認許多種的裝大的社會的行為,實隱含著一種懷疑,及忸怩不敢自信的態度而已。心理學家謂此類的行動是由於自衛機制 (defense-mechanism)的作用,在這作用上,人們多少在不覺中(非故意的)採取那誇大的態度,作為衛護,以避免承認其不及人時,心靈上所感覺的不安。"

Illustrates the application of Freud's principle of rationalization in every-day life. Freud showed that a large number of mental phenomena can be attributed to problems of feeling, and that they are usually unsuspected by the individual. Though the concealment mechanisms are numerous, they can be grouped into two classes, depending on whether the individual offers an explanation for them, or not. If an individual considers a given process to be too obvious to require any investigation, it is probable that the real motive is concealed from consciousness. In the latter class, an explanation is offered, but it is a false one. Examples of this category are considered: The form of religious belief chosen by an individual, and the use of valerian as an antidote for hysteria. Concludes that much remains to be explored, and that a study of such processes can enable the control of the same. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life

Ernest Jones
The American Journal of Psychology
Vol. 22, No. 4 (Oct., 1911), pp. 477-527








林語堂寫作《剪拂集》的時期,受到了歐美文化的個性主義和自由主義影響,向住資產階級自由政治,因此針泛軍閥及其幫兇現代怦論派是其中的重要內容。著名的《祝土匪》一文即是針對現代怦論派指責進步師生為「匪」而作,文中正言宣佈「我們情願揭竿作亂以土匪自居,也不作專制暴君的徘優;時代需要土匪,惟其有許多要說的話學者不敢說,惟其有許多巳乙上應維持的主張學者不敢維持,所以今日的言論界還得有土匪傻子來說話!」《文妓說》指軍閥之御用文人為「文妓」。《論語絲的文體》筆鋒更為老辣:「我們每每看見這種人及這種報的自號中和,實益以見其肉麻。惟有加以思想之蠢賊的尊號,處處與『耗子,鱷魚 』同列而已。」進而更痛斥「正人君子」的行徑是「野雞生涯」,「與蘇揚妓女的倚門賣笑伎倆無異」。










Richard Brox《人生頭上無屋頂》(Kein Dach über dem Leben);Art never expresses anything but itself. (Oscar Wilde)


在街頭流浪的人裡面,他是個異數。雖然沒上過什麼學校,卻走進公立圖書館等等可以使用電腦的地方,自學電腦技巧,一開始只是網路上寫寫日記,後來讀者漸多,他便設了一個部落格「沒了家現在該怎麼辦?到哪去?如何活下去?」(Ohne Wohnung was nun),整理他浪跡全德國所蒐集而來的經驗。
幾十年來遊蕩在街頭的無家可歸者布洛克斯(Richard Brox)寫了一本書,《人生頭上無屋頂》(Kein Dach über dem…

Kein Dach über dem Leben: Biographie eines Obdachlosen Taschenbuch – 15. Dezember 2017


我用 "oscar wilde vienna 1908 kunsthaus"查....
Art neverexpresses anything but itself. (Oscar Wilde)



电子书: 定价

欧元 € 105.00美元 $ 126.00

Oscar Wilde in Vienna

Pleasing and Teasing the Audience

著者: Sandra Mayer

Oscar Wilde in Vienna is the first book-length study in English of the reception of Oscar Wilde’s works in the German-speaking world. Charting the plays’ history on Viennese stages between 1903 and 2013, it casts a spotlight on the intern

The Killer of Little Shepherds: A True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science


How the Las Vegas Gunman Planned a Massacre

Using exclusive surveillance footage, we pieced together the last days of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas gunman. He plays video poker, laughs with hotel staff and hauls bag after bag of weapons into his suite.

One Question the Footage Doesn’t Answer: Why?

Joseph Vacher - Wikipedia


Joseph Vacher (November 16, 1869 – December 31, 1898) was a French serial killer, sometimes known as "The French Ripper" or "L'éventreur du Sud-Est" ("The South-East Ripper") owing to comparisons to the more famous Jack the Ripper murderer of London, England, in 1888. His scarred face, accordion, and plain, ...

Douglas Starr Discusses the Killer of Little Shepherds - YouTube


Feb 21, 2013 - Uploaded by Promega Corporation
ISHI keynote speaker, Douglas Starr recounts writing the true story of Joseph Vacher, a serial killer more ...

The Killer of Little ShepherdsA True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science

Front Cover
Douglas Starr
Vintage Books, 2011 - Law - 300 pages
17 Reviews

At the end of the nineteenth century, serial murderer Joseph Vacher, known and feared as “The Killer of Little Shepherds,” terrorized the French countryside. He eluded authorities for years -- until he ran up against prosecutor Emile Fourquet and Dr. Alexandre Lacassagne, the era’s most renowned criminologist. The two men -- intelligent and bold -- typified the Belle Époque, a period of immense scientific achievement and fascination with science’s promise to reveal the secrets of the human condition. Douglas Starr revisits Vacher’s infamous crime wave, interweaving the story of how Lacassagne and his colleagues were developing forensic science as we know it. We see one of the earliest uses of criminal profiling, as Fourquet collects eyewitness accounts and constructs a map of Vacher’s crimes. We follow the events leading to the murderer’s arrest. And we witness the twists and turns of the trial, celebrated in its day. In an attempt to disprove Vacher’s defense by reason of insanity, Fourquet recruits Lacassagne, who in the previous decades had revolutionized criminal science by refining the use of blood-spatter evidence, systematizing the autopsy, and doing groundbreaking research in psychology. Lacassagne’s efforts lead to a gripping courtroom denouement.

《蝦蟆的油:黑澤明自傳》: Akira Kurosawa, Something Like an Autobiography


黑澤看了這段訪問,覺得簡直就是《羅生門》啊。 電影《羅生門》本身,固然表現了可悲的人性,而在獲獎及在電視播出時,也呈現出同樣的人性。

蝦蟆的油: 黑澤明尋找黑澤明
蝦蟇の油: 自伝のようなもの

作者 / 黑澤明黒沢明
譯者 / 陳寶蓮
出版社 / 麥田出版社
出版日期 / 2014


但我仍以過往常告訴晚輩的「不要怕丟臉」這句話說服自己。──Akira Kurosawa 黑澤 明 





受到法國導演尚.雷諾瓦寫自傳的鼓舞,從來無意寫自傳的黑澤明,在即將屆滿六十八歲之際,說服自己以「不要怕丟臉」的態度,回顧拍出《羅生門》這 部經典作品之前的自己。為了找回過去的記憶,黑澤明和許多朋友促膝長談,從與良師益友乃至憎惡之人的回憶中,黑澤明尋找黑澤明之所以能有後來成就的故事, 並自喻是隻站在鏡子前的蝦蟆,因發現過往的種種不堪,嚇出一身油。



哥哥醉心俄國文學,尤其推崇阿爾志跋綏夫(Mikhail Artsybashev)的《最後一線》是世界文學最高傑作,隨時放在手邊。所以我認為他預告自殺的言語,不過是受到文學迷惑後的誇張感慨而已。








{蝦蟆的油: 黑澤明自傳}重現中國江湖

近日,黑澤明自傳(1978)《蛤蟆的油》大陸中譯本才由南海出版公司引進推出,台灣很早就有啦:黑澤明著{蝦蟆的油 黑澤明自傳 }: 林雅靜譯,台北 : 星光, 民83 /1994 。(【蝦蟆】 注音一式 ㄏㄚˊ ˙ㄇㄚ  解釋 動物名。兩生綱無尾目蛙屬。體型類似蟾蜍而較小,色呈暗褐,背有黑點,善跳躍,鳴叫時作呷呷聲,常居於沼澤邊。亦作蛤蟆。)



Vintage Books & Anchor Books

“Although human beings are incapable of talking about themselves with total honesty, it is much harder to avoid the truth while pretending to be other people. They often reveal much about themselves in a very straightforward way. I am certain that I did. There is nothing that says more about its creator than the work itself.” 
― Akira Kurosawa, Something Like an Autobiography
Something Like an Autobiography (1982) is the memoir of Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa

Vintage Books & Anchor Books 的相片。


新井一二三在台灣出版了27本書 (20年來),"1號著作《心井•新井》,甚至在20年後重新改版,與她的27號著作一起上架。"
以異國語言書寫的成就看來,新井一二三的紀錄確實很令人欽佩。 她的26號作品《我和中文談戀愛》的扉頁留下手寫的一段話:「中文好聽,好看,好玩,好寬容」

"《我這一代東京人》描述的東京昭和氣味,《東京迷上車》書寫的中央線風情,在《櫻花寓言》這本書裡,甚至書寫了相當迷人的香港,因為讀了其中一篇文章,有一回去香港真的跑去北角企圖尋找她在書裡提到的理髮店。 "


"同樣擅長以中文書寫的日本作家,還有多年前就已經得過華文部落格大獎,也寫過誠品書店網站專欄,在台灣出過書的東京碎片(uedada),他從廣告文案觀察到的人生百態與日本社會現狀,非常有趣。還有以小說作品《蒲公英之絮》 獲得台北文學獎的木下諄一,他在報紙副刊寫的懷舊散文,連台灣讀者看了都覺得溫暖。"


世紀末的維也納 Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske (Dec 12, 1980)

世紀末的維也納 Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture 生活品質第一,Vienna, Austria;/ Oskar Kokoschka 柯克西卡

The 10 cities in the world with the best quality of life

We may think our home town or city is the best place to live, but people in Vienna actually have the best quality of living according to a new study.
Based on factors including political and cultural environments, education, housing and health, the first mention of the UK was London at number 40.

Here are the top 10 cities worldwide:

1. Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria (Picture: Getty)

Fin-de-siècle Vienna : politics and culture

Schorske, Carl E.

Cambridge Cambridgeshire : Cambridge University 1981

可在 總圖  (DB851 S42 1981b )獲得

Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske (Dec 12, 1980)



Partly reconstructed from Schorske's articles published in the American Historical Review, the book is structured into seven thematically interlocking chapters. Each chapter considers the interrelationships between key artists with the development of psychoanalysis and what was — at the time — viewed as an end of history.
In the 'Introduction' the author claims that the text was born from his desire 'to construct a course in European intellectual history, designed to help students to understand the large, architectonic correlations between high culture and socio-political change' (p. XVIII). In his view, Vienna was a peculiar cultural environment due to the late ascendancy and early crisis of its liberal middle class between the 1860s and the 1890s. This compression of the socio-political liberal hegemony provided the opportunity for a 'collective Oedipal revolt' against the liberal inheritance, promoted by "Die Jungen" (the Young Ones), spreading from politics in the 1870s to literature and art in the 1890s. The chronologically compressed and socially circumscribed character of the Viennese experience created a more coherent context for studying the different ramifications of its high culture (p. XXVI).
The second essay, "The Ringstrasse, its critics, and the birth of urban modernism" looks back to explore the liberal cultural system in its ascendancy through the medium of urban form and architectural style ... but it looks forward too … to the critical responses on the part of two leading participants in it — Otto Wagner and Camillo Sitte — reveal the emergence of conflicting tendencies, communitarian and functionalist, in modern thought about the built environment (p. XXVIII).
世紀末的維也納 Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture

叢書名:純智歷史名著譯叢 ; 8.

Schorske, Carl E. 黃煜文

台北市 : 麥田出版 : 城邦文化發行 2002[民91]

在 辜振甫圖書館  (744.1246 2444 ) 

   本書作者卡爾‧休斯克運用佛洛伊德的精神分析來析論十九世紀末維也納的文學家、建築師、畫家、音樂家從童年到成年的成長經驗,研究他們的作品(詩、小 說、建築、畫作、音樂)中所透露的感傷與期望。休斯克發現,十九世紀末的維也納知識分子呈現出一種驚人的同質性,他們都在「反叛父親」。反映在政治上,是 反對資產階級自由主義秩序;在文化上,則是反對資產階級庸俗的文化。他們從政治界退縮,轉而投入於藝術面來寄託自己的靈魂。

卡爾‧修斯克(Carl E. Schorske)
   出生於紐約,哥倫比亞大學學士(1936)、哈佛大學碩士(1937)、博士(1950),曾任教於威斯理揚大學(Wesleyan University)和加州大學柏克萊分校,1969年後轉至普林斯頓大學擔任歷史系Dayton-Stockton教授,並曾為普林斯頓大學歐洲文化 研究計畫召集人。他是美國藝術與科學學會(the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)成員,也是位思想史家和文化史家,他的著作對於從事科學史或心理史研究的學者助益良多。著作有:《1905至1917年間德國的社會民 主黨》(German Social Democracy, 1905-1917: The Development of the Great Schism, Harvard University Press, 1990)、《德國的問題》(The Problem of Germany)、《奧國音樂家:古斯塔夫‧馬勒》(Eine Osterreichische Identitat: Gustav Mahler, 1996)、《以歷史來思考》(Thinking with History: Explorations in the Passage to Modernism, Princeton University Press, 1998)、《轉變中的美國學術文化》(American Academic Culture in Transformation: Fifty Years, Four Disciplines, Princeton University Press, 1998)等書。

Carl Emil Schorske (March 15, 1915 – September 13, 2015), known professionally as Charles E. Schorske, was an American cultural historian and professor emeritus at Princeton University. In 1981 he won the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction for his book Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture[1] (1980), which remains significant to modern European intellectual history. He was a recipient of the first year of MacArthur Fellows Program awards in 1981 and made an honorary citizen of Vienna in 2012. He turned 100 in March 2015.[2]


(文 黃煜文 ,本文由麥田出版社提供)
《世紀末的維也納》是本特殊的思想史,也許大家在書店翻覽這本書時,會被書裡頭許多的建築與繪畫的圖片所吸引,而認為這是本談藝術的書;事 實上,作者的確是討論了許多建築、文學、藝術、音樂,不過這完全是為了要呈現十九世紀末維也納(奧匈帝國的縮影)的政治與文化現象,而採取的方式。

我之所以說它是本特殊的思想史,主要是因為它與我過去所接觸到的思想史研究頗不相同。一般說來,歷史學者研究思想,看重的是思想家與外在歷史脈絡的互動關 係。如果我們拿哲學史與思想史來作個比較的話,應該會更容易明瞭思想史的特質。哲學史的重點放在哲學中某個問題的發展,譬如說,人如何獲得知識,從希臘到 近代,隨著人類認識世界方式的不同(從肉眼到望遠鏡),而有不同的看法,它比較是邏輯的、內在理路的。但思想史重視的不是思想本身的結構,而是思想與外在 世界的關係,史家在意的是什麼樣的環境讓這些人這樣想,至於他們想的內容的細微之處,恐怕就不是史家所能照顧的了。

哲學史家看重的是思想本身的生命,而思想史家看重的是思想反映出來的歷史。這本書也是如此,《世紀末的維也納》雖然討論了許多的文學家、建築師、政治家、 精神分析家、畫家以及音樂家,而且花了很多工夫來討論這些人在藝術表現上、情感生活上的轉變,但我們可別忘了,作者休斯克是想從這些人轉變時所呈現出來的 「共同特質」,來看出一個「歷史趨勢」,也就是從十九世紀中葉到二十世紀初,整個奧匈帝國的政治氣候以及文化氣氛。

如此看來,它的確是一部思想史,那它的特殊之處何在?我的看法是,一般的思想史探索的是有組織的哲學觀念,可能是包括了世界觀、倫理觀或者研究的方法論, 也就是說,是有理性與邏輯的論理結構。因此史家往往可以言之鑿鑿地順著思想家的文字推演出他們的思想與外在社會政治經濟環境的互動過程。思想史家所處理的 客體,通常是那些已經經過理性與邏輯加以組織與整理過的書籍或言談。然而,《世紀末的維也納》的特點是,它所處理的主題是非理性的,書中的主人翁充滿了焦 慮、不安、憤怒,表現出來的作品,則是文學、繪畫與音樂。面對這藝術作品,思想史家以往慣用的推論,在此恐怕都束手無策,因為藝術的本質,表現的不是人類 理性、組織而邏輯的思維,而是情性的表達,是感受的抒發。或者我們可以用一個比較簡單,但卻又一目瞭然的分法:一個是客觀的,一個是主觀的。而後者則是每 個研究人員所竭力逃避的東西。這就是休斯克的特殊之處了,因為他選擇了一個具有相當主觀的、價值性的內容來作為他的研究客體,而他的目標竟然是要推出一個 客觀的歷史脈絡來。

《世紀末的維也納》還有另一個特點,這是在戰後史學界比較少見的,那就是它反映了休斯克「宏觀歷史/大歷史」的企圖。在史學分科日漸精細的今天,學者各有 專精,雖然同是研究歷史,卻往往互不相往來,難以找到共同對話的基礎。於是,明明是研究同一個時代的歷史,卻分野出政治、經濟、思想、社會等等不同的層 次,各層次所研究的客體不同、所用的方法論也不同、彼此接受的「典範」也不同,造成了歷史斷片化、鱗片化的現象,近年來更有所謂的小歷史,整體的歷史觀可 以說完全地潰散掉了。這種趨勢是一種必然,科系日漸專業,國家定期地獎助某一特定領域的研究,加上社會生活越來越複雜,歷史的研究也不得不因應社會的需 求。休斯克在導論上不諱言地指出,當他在歷史中尋找通則時,人們認為這是「天真而傲慢的渴望」。但休斯克還是作到了,能支持他這麼作的是他運用了一個方 法,即佛洛伊德的精神分析。

當休斯克所面對的題材全都是人類的情感、焦慮、不平之時,他不能再運用邏輯論理的方式來研究,此刻,精神分析便成了他可以使用的方式。以這個方式來分析文 學家、建築師、畫家、音樂家從童年到成年的成長經驗,研究他們的作品(詩、小說、建築、畫作、音樂)中所透露的感傷與期望,休斯克發現到十九世紀末的維也 納知識份子呈現出一種驚人的同質性,他們都在「反叛父親」,反映在 政治上,是反對資產階級自由主義秩序,在文化上,則是反對資產階級庸俗的文化。他們從政治界退縮,轉而投入於藝術面上來寄託自己的靈魂。

至於,以精神分析的方式來研究歷史,有沒有方法論上的問題,不是這裡所要討論的。至少為了進行精神分析,休斯克必須廣泛地運用信件資料,把個人的成長細節 弄得很清楚,而這就讓讀者有機會能夠更貼近到當時人的內心世界,乃至於進一步地瞭解維也納從十九世紀中葉到十九世紀末,是如何從一個堡壘式的城市轉變成以 環城大道為中心的藝術城市;佛洛伊德《夢的解析》中,隱藏了多少他個人的秘密;以及克林姆每一幅畫作背後不為人知的故事。一旦讀者讀了這本書,我相信一定會跟我有類似的感受,那就是,休斯克要不要再寫一部《世紀末的巴黎》,讓我們有機會能看看花都的主人翁們的內心世界。


 ***** Oskar Kokoschka 柯克西卡
此奇人 讀過 E. H. Gombrich 譯述的故事的末章的人都知道一些
實際上  Gombrich 還為了他1986年的百歲展 (Tate )
寫目錄 Oskar Kokoschka , the Late Work 1953-1980 (1990年出版)
也演講 (五人之一) Oskar Kokoschka in His Time  (1986) 有漢譯

台灣錦繡出版社 約1993年有其畫集

Oskar Kokoschka (1 March 1886 – 22 February 1980) was an Austrian artistpoet and playwright best known for his intense expressionistic portraits and landscapes.

 奧斯卡·柯克西卡 (1886年3月1日-1980年2月22日)是奧地利 表現主義畫家詩人兼劇作家。

柯克西卡出生於奧地利東北的包克蘭,捷克族人,當他三歲時,他的父親破產,全家遷居到維也納,父親找了一分旅遊推銷工作。1891年, 他的長兄去世。他小時作為教堂唱詩班成員,最早接觸藝術是被教堂的鑲嵌彩色玻璃窗和巴洛克風格的壁畫吸引。18歲時,獲得維也納工藝美術學校的獎學金入學,很快獲得一份夜校助教的職位,白天上學夜晚教學,他學習了繪畫、作石板畫印刷和書籍裝幀等工藝,1907年,他成為維也納工藝畫室成員並接受委託。

Oskar Kokoschka / [text: Norbert Wolf ; English translation: Ishbel Flett ; concept: Eckhard Hollmann]
Munich : Prestel, 2007
 New York : Neue Galerie ; New Haven : Distributed by Yale University Press, c2002 
  N6811.5.K59 A4 2002

Oskar Kokoschka : early portraits from Vienna and Berlin, 1909-1914 / edited for Neue Galerie New York by Tobias G. Natter
New York : Neue Galerie ; New Haven : Distributed by Yale University Press, c2002
  N6811.5.K59 A4 2002

Plays and poems / Oskar Kokoschka ; translated by Michael Mitchell ; afterword by Karl Leydecker
Riverside, Calif. : Ariadne Press, c2001

No one has rated this material 說明
Plays and poems Oskar Kokoschka ;  translated by Michael Mitchell ; afterword by Karl Leydecker Riverside, Calif. : Ariadne Press, c2001
館藏地索書號條碼狀態 說明
 總圖2F人社資料區 PT2621.O664 A265 2001  [鄰近架位館藏] 2542555 可流通

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Expressionist texts / by Oskar Kokoschka ... [et al.] ; edited by Mel Gordon
New York : PAJ Publications, c1986

No one has rated this material 說明
Expressionist texts by Oskar Kokoschka ... [et al.] ; edited by Mel Gordon New York : PAJ Publications, c1986
館藏地索書號條碼狀態 說明
 總圖2F密集書庫 PT1258 E96 1986  [鄰近架位館藏]

UTOPIA (1516) by Thomas More

If More could see into the future, he might be puzzled by his work’s far-reaching legacy. Even more bewildering to him would be the extent to which developed nations have achieved many of his Utopian ideals, once so laughably remote
From the archive
Utopians transported into developed countries of today would be pleasantly surprised to discover that their rights to religious freedom, divorce, equal employment, welfare payments, health care and democracy were now taken for granted

More was born on February 7th 1478

Thomas, Sir More was born in London, England on this day in 1478.

"I think putting thieves to death is not lawful; and it is plain and obvious that it is absurd and of ill consequence to the commonwealth that a thief and a murderer should be equally punished; for if a robber sees that his danger is the same if he is convicted of theft as if he were guilty of murder, this will naturally incite him to kill the person whom otherwise he would only have robbed; since, if the punishment is the same, there is more security, and less danger of discovery, when he that can best make it is put out of the way; so that terrifying thieves too much provokes them to cruelty."
―from UTOPIA (1516) by Thomas More
First published in 1516, during a period of astonishing political and technological change, Sir Thomas More’s Utopia depicts an imaginary society free of private property, sexual discrimination, violence, and religious intolerance. Raphael Hythloday, a philospher and world traveler, describes to the author and his friend an island nation he has visited called Utopia (combining the Greek ou-topos and eu-topos, for “no place” and “good place,” respectively). Hythloday believes the rational social order of the Utopians is far superior to anything in Europe, while his listeners find many of their customs appealing but absurd. Given the enigmatic ambivalence of the character that More named after himself and the playful Greek puns he sprinkled throughout (including Hythloday’s name, which means “knowing nonsense”), it is difficult to know what precisely More meant his readers to make of all the innovations of his Utopia. But its radical humanism has had an incalculable effect on modern history, and the callenge of its vision is as insistent today as it was in the Renaissance. With an introduction by Jenny Mezciems. READ more here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/…/utopia-by-thomas-more/

2016年12月22日 星期四

Thomas More wrote Utopia 500 years ago; London Design Biennale

‘Though no man has anything, yet they are all rich’: that’s how Thomas More organised his Utopian island society. Could you imagine giving up all possessions for the common good? 📻

Celebrating More's radical book and its political influence in the past and present

《1943:中國在十字路口》1943: China at the Crossroads


1943: China at the Crossroads | East Asia Program

1943: China at the Crossroads. 180 Front Cover China at Crossroads. Author: Joseph WEsherickand Matthew Combs, eds. Publication Year: 2015. Publication Number: 180. view Prologue. In the grand narrative of modern Chinese history, 1943 is usually passed over with little notice. Great attention has been paid to ...

周錫瑞(Joseph W. Esherick)、李皓天(Matthew T. Combs) 編 • 陳驍 譯
The Chinese University Press

書籍連結: https://goo.gl/E9ck6k 
圖像裡可能有2 個人、戶外

Kenneth Clark 著作集 / 包括Ruskin Today (edited and annotated by Kenneth Clark)

Kenneth Clark was once the most celebrated art historian in the world. But his television show Civilization, which introduced millions of people around the world to art history and lit the spark that led to the mass popularity museums and galleries enjoy today, is largely forgotten.
Richard Dorment reviews James Stourton’s biography of “a man whose vision influenced the art-viewing habits of generations.”
James Stourton’s magnificent biography tells the story of Kenneth Clark’s life in all its complexity and contradiction. It also reminds us that in his time Clark himself developed an innovative method for studying works of art—one that…

2016.7 今天讀David Piper 寫的Kenneth Clark 簡傳.....
Kenneth McKenzie Clark, Baron Clark, OM, CH, KCB, FBA (13 July 1903 – 21 May 1983) was a British author, museum director, broadcaster, and one of the best-known art historians of his generation. In 1969, he achieved an international popular presence as the writer, producer, and presenter of the BBC Television series, Civilisation.

Kenneth Clark 的Civilisation 影集(1969,YouTube可觀賞 2013年7月發現13集都可以在YouTube找到 ),  台灣約1977年7月?才播出,影響我很大 (香港續播數次)。
In 1969 he wrote and presented Civilisation for BBC television, a series on the history of Western civilisation as seen through its art. Also broadcast on PBS in 1969, Civilisation was successful on both sides of the Atlantic, gaining Clark an international profile. 
 1977,年我去英國讀書時,趕緊買下它的紙本。 在導師課時與 C. B. Winsten教授談Viking等對英國的劫掠, Winstein還跟我有些"同情"。

我後來買/讀他的許多書,包括他的二本回憶錄 (其中一本還有他的簽名) ,如下紅字體:


  • The Gothic Revival (1928)
  • Catalogue of the Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of HM King at Windsor Castle (1935 2 vols)
  • Leonardo da Vinci: An Account of his development as an Artist (1939, rev. ed. 1952)
  • Florentine Painting: The Fifteenth Century (1945)
  • Piero della Francesca (1951)
  • Landscape into Art (1949), adapted from his Slade Lectures, 台灣有翻譯。
  • Moments of Vision (1954), the Romanes Lecture for 1954. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • The Nude: a study in ideal form by Kenneth Clark(1956) A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, delivered in 1953.台灣有新潮文庫翻譯、中國也有翻譯。
  • Looking at Pictures(1960)
  • Ruskin Today (1964) (edited and annotated by)
  • Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance (1966)
  • The Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of HM Queen at Windsor Castle (1968/9 with Carlo Pedretti 3 vols)
  • Civilisation: A Personal View(1969), book version of the television series台灣有翻譯
  • Blake and Visionary Art (1973)
  • The Romantic Rebellion (Kenneth Clark 1973), book version of the television series 台灣有翻譯
  • Another Part of the Wood (1974) (autobiography)
  • Animals and Men (1977) 這本書的封面:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

In “Durga, Perseus & Beyoncé: From Exploitation to Empowerment,” a group of high school interns use works from the collection to consider how nudity is perceived in art and culture.

The importance lies in recognizing that whether you're looking at an iconic…
Discover The Cloisters museum and gardens on our Pinterest board featuring works of art, publications, digital archives, and more:http://met.org/1gVrX6X
The Unicorn in Captivity (from the Unicorn Tapestries) | 1495–1505 | South Netherlandish

Discover The Cloisters museum and gardens on our Pinterest board featuring works of art, publications, digital archives, and more: http://met.org/1gVrX6X   The Unicorn in Captivity (from the Unicorn Tapestries) | 1495–1505 | South Netherlandish

  • The Other Half (1977) (autobiography)
  • What is a Masterpiece? (1979) 台灣有翻譯
  • Feminine Beaut
  •  ---2012.6.3 重讀Kenneth Clark (1903-83) 的回憶錄第二部 The Other Half: A Self-Portrait  1977  。序言提到許多名人的自傳,多不如泛泛之輩來得精彩 ,原因很多,如政客多參考和引用過去的信件等等,文章很笨重。
    還有些人在晚年才寫, 當時作者已經覺得此生已休 (one's appetite for life   他認為H. G. Wells (1866-1946)的自傳(Experiment in Autobiography (1934))是少數的例外, 因為他寫書時, 還有生之生氣---此書值得一記, 因為我參訪過哈佛大學的燕京圖書館,竟然只記得它的架上有此書的漢譯本。 )
    --Kenneth 是在70歲之後才感到"人生不過如此而已 "。  不過,他努力以赴, 所以雖然沒有第一部(1974 談36歲前的人生)的神韻或神來之筆, 還是可觀。
  • pp.27-29  分享了 National Gallery 相片
2戰轟炸中,National Gallery每日Myra Hess鋼琴音樂會

National Gallery 的相片。
National Gallery
 and Londoners facing a ‘cultural black-out’, pianist Myra Hess staged daily concerts at the Gallery, even during the Blitz. They were a huge success, and played an important role in boosting morale.

  Arthur David Waley 的源氏物語和白居易

我介紹過 Arthur David Waley ,是英語界的大譯家。

在著名的藝術史家Kenneth Clark 的回憶錄 Another Part of the Wood (1974) 第81頁指出,Waley是他認為大學前對他最有影響力的, 他兼有學者之學問和詩人對語言的敏感。
他的翻譯 ,英國人認為很不錯的。
源氏物語 讓他們了解日本人早盧梭、 蒙田、 普魯斯特等 人的創新數百年。

 Waley 的白居易的〈詠慵詩〉:「有官慵不選,有田慵不農。屋穿慵不葺,衣裂慵不縫。有酒慵不酌,無異樽長空。有琴慵不彈,亦与無弦同。家人告飯盡,欲炊慵不舂。親朋寄書至,欲讀慵開封。常聞嵇叔夜,一生在慵中。彈琴復鍛鐵,比我未為慵。」
 等都讓他一直(日後重溫) 喜歡白居易! (Clark先生的幽默 因為彼時常有人勸他" go hard , go hard".)

 I have got wine, but I am too lazy to drink it, so it's just the same as if my cup were empty.  I have got a lut, but  am too lazy to play it; so it's just  as if it had no strings.

Ruskin Today (A Peregrine Book) [Paperback]

John Ruskin (Author),
Ruskin Today (1964) (edited and annotated by Kenneth Clark)
Ruskin in his youth saw things with a clarity of perception which was almost unprecedented. In addition he was a poet: he had the gift of transmitting what he saw - in art, architecture, society, and nature - with a spontaneous eloquence which enslaved, alike, writers from Wordsworth to Proust and reformers from Tolstoy to Bernard Shaw.

Today Ruskin is practically unknown. His tendency to preach, his bouts of mental chaos, and the very fluency of his rhetoric have killed his appeal. Few writers have ever suffered such a reversal.

Sir Kenneth Clark's new anthology of 'the best of Ruskin', by modern standards, is perfectly designed to reintroduce this fascinating and complex figure. Extracts from his writings are grouped by subjects with separate introductions, and Ruskin's own shrewd comments on himself are preceded by a note on his life and the pathetic story of his infantile relations with women.
--- from book's back cover

Ken Su 的漢玉雅集:中國經驗雜談 and more..... 必讀必讀.....

(關於散文詩,多以為是來自法國 。昨天晚上讀 Ruskin Today by K. Clark (1962) p.102 ,選 Grass 草 注:"此段為 M. Arnold 選來說明Ruskin的散文詩 ,根據他1949年6月3日在Vevey 所作的筆記....",收入Modern Painters 。我對照幾年前廣西師範的譯本, 發現錯誤百出 ,這是中國學界之悲哀, 連人類 human race 都會翻譯成"人的競爭"等等.... 讓我們想一下, 這本書是 Oliver Wendell Holmes 在他兒子16歲送給小霍姆斯的生日禮物 ,讓他對藝術世界更深入探索......。參考 Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes : Law & Inner Self.....)

(今天上網找不到他的墓志 找到他的一本書的第一章說明: 一The title-page of chapter i. was as follows:--
Praeterita / Outlines of / Scenes and Thoughts / perhaps / worthy of Memory / in my past Life. / By / John Ruskin, LL.D. / Honorary Student of Christ Church, Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi / College, and Slade Professor of Fine Art, Oxford / Chapter l / The Springs of Wandel. / With Steel Engravings of My Two Aunts. / George Allen, / Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent / 1855)

“明智”兄 真的需要多作自我介紹, 他昨天才說一點點 ,包括"杭之"(陳 忠信)是他們昔日臺大社團的演講名師。
昨天 Peter 說到過,天津天主堂望彌撒之熱烈情況--- 我想起幾年前北京開始興起的基督教風氣  :新教中英國派有一稱教友為 Friends 的
Friend   A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.
由於儀式簡單, 知識份子兩人在北京街頭就可以彼此禱告神....立地成"佛",所以相當流行。

MIDDLEMARCH, Silas Marner, Romola By George Eliot


George Eliot's inspirations[edit]

Statue of George Eliot on Newdegate Square
Many locations in George Eliot's works were based on places in or near her native Nuneaton, including:
  • Milby (town and parish church, based on Nuneaton and St Nicolas parish church);
  • Shepperton (based on Chilvers Coton);
  • Paddiford Common (based on Stockingford, which at the time had a large area of common land including its parish Church of St Paul's);
  • Knebley (based on Astley; Knebley Church is Astley Church, while Knebley Abbey is Astley Castle);
  • Red Deeps (based on Griff Hollows);
  • Cheverel Manor (based on Arbury Hall);
  • Dorlcote Mill (based on Griff House);
  • The Red Lion (based on the Bull Hotel, now the George Eliot Hotel in Bridge Street, Nuneaton);
  • Middlemarch (based on Coventry);
  • Treby Magna (also thought to be based on Coventry);
  • Little Treby (thought to be based on Stoneleigh);
  • Transome Court (thought to be based on Stoneleigh Abbey).

George Eliot (1819-1880), 

On this day in 1871, volume 1 of MIDDLEMARCH by George Eliot was published.

"What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?"


2004.9.25  多少Middlemarch與英鎊

「《真該早些惹怒你:關於科學、科學家和人性的隨筆. 關於科學、科學家和人性的隨筆.》一出版就落伍」提到該書不一致處:「……. G. Eliot的名著Middlemarch一處用《密德爾馬契》(p.405),另一處用《中途》(p.147)」
想起去年的SIMON University (2003/12/15):「hc看ylib的"聊齋"談笑:
george eliot (女人的男化名)的小說 middlemarch

有人說是: 三月中/有人說是: 遊行中
我擔心, 難道是: 米豆麻奇 (音譯) 米德瑪赤:梁實秋,英國文學史
Viginia Woolf once called George Eliot's Middlemarch the only Victorian novel written for grown-ups.

不過,即使內行書也好不了多少。譬如說,多年前讀過的《文學批評術語》(張京媛等譯,香港:牛津大學出版社,1994, 第101頁)將它翻譯成《行軍半途》,令人莞爾。

George Eliot

Let the high Muse chant loves Olympian: We are but mortals, and must sing of man.

An eminent philosopher among my friends, who can dignify even your ugly furniture by lifting it into the serene light of science, has shown me this pregnant little fact. Your pier–glass or extensive surface of polished steel made to be rubbed by a housemaid, will be minutely and multitudinously scratched in all directions; but place now against it a lighted candle as a centre of illumination, and lo! the scratches will seem to arrange themselves in a fine series of concentric circles round that little sun. It is demonstrable that the scratches are going everywhere impartially and it is only your candle which produces the flattering illusion of a concentric arrangement, its light falling with an exclusive optical selection. These things are a parable. The scratches are events, and the candle is the egoism of any person now absent— of Miss Vincy, for example.

Middlemarch won our ‪#‎GreatBritishNovels‬ poll by a landslide.

George Eliot’s sprawling tale of provincial life has triumphed in BBC Culture’s poll of the greatest British novels as voted by the rest of the world. Michael Gorra explains why.


噢,讓我來列舉列舉原因!首先從小說中的一個人物講起,她讓我覺得這部長篇作品還不夠長:卡德瓦拉德夫人(Mrs Cadwallader),她是蒂普頓(Tipton)和弗雷希特(Freshitt)教區牧師的妻子。她有一個尊貴又有趣的名字,心高氣傲卻又毫不掩飾,她對書中其他人物的評判既司空見慣,又偏離主題。


Image copyrightGetty
Image caption瑪麗·安妮·伊萬斯(Mary Ann Evans)用筆名喬治·艾略特寫作。她在1919年出生於英國沃裏克郡(Warwickshire)的納尼頓(Nuneaton)。

《米德爾馬契》至少有三個人物家喻戶曉,女主人公多蘿西婭·布魯克(Dorothea Brooke)、年輕醫生特蒂斯·利德蓋特(Tertius Lydgate)和多蘿西婭的第一任丈夫愛德華·卡索朋(Edward Casaubon)他們在任何一個讀者的心目中,相當於簡·愛(Jane Eyre)或蓋茨比(Jay Gatsby)。在當時,很多小說仍然以戀愛為主題,喬治·艾略特卻以婚姻為主題。她的主人公在小說的開頭就結婚——然後她讓我們看到婚姻生活中的摩擦和衝突。我們比較一對對的夫妻,一個個的人,然後發現一個讓人不安的真相:像銀行家尼古拉斯·布爾斯特羅德(Nicholas Bulstrode)這樣的壞人會成為好丈夫。


Image captionBBC 1994年製作的七集《米德爾馬契》改編版,朱麗葉特·奧布瑞(Juliet Aubrey)飾演多蘿西婭·布魯克。(圖片來源:BBC)

邁克爾·戈拉著有Portrait of a Novel: Henry James and the Making of an American Masterpiece(《一部小說的肖像:亨利·詹姆士和美國經典之作的誕生》)一書。他是史密斯學院(Smith College)的瑪麗·奧古斯塔·喬丹英語教授(Mary Augusta Jordan Professor of English)。

One of the most accomplished and prominent novels of the Victorian era, Middlemarch is an unsurpassed portrait of nineteenth-century English provincial life. Dorothea Brooke is a young woman of fervent ideals who yearns to effect social change yet faces resistance from the society she inhabits. In this epic in a small landscape, Eliot's large cast of precisely delineated characters and the rich tapestry of their stories result in a wise, compassionate, and astute vision of human nature. As Virginia Woolf declared, George Eliot "was one of the first English novelists to discover that men and women think as well as feel, and the discovery was of great artistic moment." Introduction by E. S. Shaffer. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/45823/middlemarch/
Silas Marner (織工馬南傳), 梁實秋譯,

Silas Marner - Wikipedia


Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe is the third novel by George Eliot, published in 1861. An outwardly simple tale of a linen weaver, it is notable for its strong realism and its sophisticated treatment of a variety of issues ranging from religion to industrialisation to community.

“Perfect love has a breath of poetry which can exalt the relations of the least-instructed human beings.”
― from SILAS MARNER by George Eliot

When Silas Marner is wrongly accused of crime and expelled from his community, he vows to turn his back upon the world. He moves to the village of Raveloe, where he remains an outsider and an object of suspicion until an extraordinary sequence of events, including the theft of his gold and the appearance of a tiny, golden-haired child in his cottage, transforms his life. Part beautifully realized rural portraiture and part fairy tale, the story of Marner’s redemption and restoration to humanity has long been George Eliot’s most beloved and widely read work. The isolated, misanthropic, miserly weaver Silas Marner is one of George Eliot’s greatest creations, and his presence casts a strange, otherworldly glow over the moral dramas, both large and small, that take place in the pastoral landscape that surrounds him. Introduction by Rosemary Ashton. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/45828/silas-marner/

“How can a writer make goodness interesting? George Eliot tried to do so by examining redemption in Silas Marner … But where are the unheroic, sane, consistent, quiet goodnesses? As literature thrives on conflict, the idea of​​ a sequestered, sanguine goodness might seem impossible.”
Read more of today's roundup: http://bit.ly/1wA9py8 


Romola by George Eliot: Chapter 5

Romola walked to the farther end of the room, with the queenly step which ..... Yours is a higher lot, never to have lied and truckled, than to have shared ...

Hebrew Bible, and the Prato Haggadah


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

In celebration of the start of Passover tomorrow, two curators of medieval art invite readers to The Met Cloisters to view a recently acquired Hebrew Bible from the 14th century, and the Prato Haggadah, which is on loan from the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Text Messages: The Met Cloisters' Hebrew Bible, and the Prato Haggadah
Curator Barbara Boehm tells the histories of two Judaic manuscripts now on view at The Met Cloisters, in time for Passover.

...The crucial role of biblical study is charmingly illustrated in the Prato Haggadah, on display now at The Met Cloisters, a loan from the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Though intended only for use at the Seder table, this Haggadah serves as a reminder that there is more to the holiday than feasting. Text and image accord a starring role to the teachings of Rabbi Gamliel, here dressed as a university professor, as he imparts wisdom about the exodus story to his students.
Page 27 from Prato HaggadahLeft: Prato Haggadah, ca. 1300. Spanish. Tempera, gold, and ink on parchment. The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York
Mindful of his focus, we are currently exhibiting the Bible's text of the "Song of the Sea" found in the book of Exodus. This song has particular resonance at Passover, as it celebrates the defeat of Pharaoh's army ("Horse and driver He has hurled into the sea,") and the miraculous escape of the Israelites from the Land of Egypt.
The survival of the Hebrew Bible verges on the miraculous, too. Names and dates penned inside its pages suggest that it left Spain by 1492, when the Jewish population was expelled. The Bible and its successive owners voyaged eastward along the Mediterranean, landing next in Greece, later in Egypt, returning still later to the European mainland. Today, it is one of only three surviving embellished Hebrew Bibles from fourteenth-century Castile.
We consider it a particular honor that it should end its travels at The Met Cloisters, where the Hebrew Bible will transform our presentation—and our visitors' understandings—of medieval manuscript illumination. All other books belonging to The Met Cloisters were created for Christian use (and three of them were made in Paris within a ninety-year period). This manuscript awakens us to the Jewish community that was a vibrant part of the culture of medieval Spain.

Maria Callas. Greek Fire by Nicholas Gage. Maria by Callas: In Her Own Words

Maria by Callas: In Her Own Words
2017 ‧ Documentary ‧ 1h 53m

À l’occasion des 40 ans de la disparition de Maria Callas, Tom Volf présente « Maria by Callas », un projet multiforme permettant de découvrir la femme derrière la légende, intime et inédit.
Synopsis : « Il y a deux personnes en moi, Maria et La Callas… » Artiste en quête d'absolu devenue icône planétaire, femme amoureuse au destin hors du commun, Maria by Callas est le récit d’une vie exceptionnelle à la première personne. Callas dévoile Maria, et révèle une personnalité aussi enflammée que vulnérable. Un moment d'intimité auprès d'une légende et toute l'émotion de cette voix unique au monde.
預告片 / Bande-annonce : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXgcagkJcoQ&feature=youtu.be

On the anniversary of her death, we honor the great soprano Maria Callas. Callas was commonly referred to as “La Divina,” and Leonard Bernstein, amazed by the range of her accomplishments, called her “the Bible of Opera.”
Bernstein collaborated with Callas twice at Teatro alla Scala. He was the first American conductor at La Scala, conducting Cherubini's "Medea" and Bellini's "La Sonnambula".
We share with you this 1955 audio recording of Callas singing "Ah! Non Giunge Uman Pensiero" from Act II of their La Sonnambula.

Bellini: La Sonnambula - Act II, Scene 2: Ah! Non Giunge Uman Pensiero / Leonard Bernstein • Maria Callas • Orchestra e Coro del Teatro alla Scala di Milano ...

Greek Fire by Nicholas Gage(2000)
《一點點希臘式瘋狂》 胡湧等譯,北京:作家出版社,2003

Wikipedia article "Greek fire". 武器

柏拉圖《會飲篇》:「因為人性同一,我們本為一體,而結合的願望和追求就叫做愛情。」 那些「痛苦的夏天」、愛情-交易-生意-權利交織的「蜜月」(與賈姬)。
希臘人性格的兩關鍵字眼:philoxenia (對陌生人的喜愛,好客);philotimo(自豪、榮譽、自尊)。兩者密不可分。

"Two cornerstones of the Greek character are expressed by the words philoxenia and philotimo. Philoxenia means "hospitality," but the literal translation is "love of strangers." A Greek, whether rich or poor"


Nicholas Gage's meticulously documented and consistently absorbing account chronicles the stormy love affair between Maria Callas (1923-77) and Aristotle Onassis (1906-75). Gage sees the soprano who reinvented the art of opera and the tycoon who transformed the shipping industry as kindred spirits, drawn into romance by a deep connection to their Greek origins and a shared sense that, despite all they had achieved, something was missing. They found that absent element in a once-in-a-lifetime passion, which Onassis betrayed by marrying Jacqueline Kennedy in 1968. Gage appears to share the view of the tycoon's Greek coterie, who viewed this marriage as an act of hubris that inevitably led to financial and personal reversals which embittered Onassis in his final years. But he doesn't blame the tycoon for Callas's decline, pointing out that by the time they met, she was already experiencing severe vocal problems and was eager for respite from her taxing performance commitments. In any case, her career and his business dealings take a back seat here to Gage's evocative portrait of his subjects' outsized personalities and the jet-set society in the gaudy postwar years. Some of the new information is revelatory, particularly Gage's persuasive contention that Callas bore Onassis a son who died hours after his birth in 1960. At other times his investigative-journalist approach seems too weighty for this highly personal story of love, rage, and big, big egos. Fortunately, these lapses don't seriously mar a text distinguished by smooth prose, the seamless interweaving of several narrative strands, and a warm sympathy for its genuinely tragic protagonists. --Wendy Smith

From Publishers Weekly
Arguing that previous books about Maria Callas (1923-1977) and Aristotle Onassis (1904-1975) are full of errors, investigative reporter Gage (Eleni) attempts to set the record straight on the couple's birth dates, where they first met, when they first slept together and many other details of their ill-starred love affair. His most interesting revelation, based on Callas's private papers and statements by her maid and butler, is that instead of the abortion Callas said Onassis forced her to have in 1966, she actually had a "secret son," a baby, conceived at the beginning of their affair in 1959, who died the day he was born. Gage gives an exhaustive account of the infamous three-week cruise on which the much-publicized liaison began, accounting for each meeting between the opera diva and the shipping tycoon, what they said, what they ate and wore, and how the other passengers, including Callas's husband and Onassis's wife, reacted to the developing scandal as they sailed along the Greek and Turkish coasts on Onassis's opulent yacht. The author asserts that the lovers were drawn together in large part by their shared Greek heritage, and he equates their mutual passion with "Greek Fire," the all-consuming incendiary substance used in battle by the warships of the Byzantine empire. Unfortunately, the book, laden with excess detail, fails to emanate the same heat. So much has already been written about the affair that, even though the particulars may change and new facts are found, the story is all too familiar, especially the depressing endingAthe aging tycoon marrying Jackie Kennedy instead of Callas and immediately regretting it, and the prescription-drug-dependent diva living as a recluse in Paris, still in love with Onassis but refusing to accept him again as a lover. Photos not seen by PW. (Oct.)
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. --このテキストは、絶版本またはこのタイトルには設定されていない版型に関連付けられています。


  • ペーパーバック: 384ページ
  • 出版社: Pan Books; New Ed版 (2001/7/6)
  • 言語英語, 英語, 英語
  • ISBN-10: 0330484443
  • ISBN-13: 978-0330484442
  • 発売日: 2001/7/6

In December 1953, Leonard Bernstein conducted at Teatro alla Scalafor the first time in a production of Cherubini’s “Medea.” Maria Callas(1923-1977), who would have celebrated her 92nd birthday last Wednesday, sang the title role. Bernstein was the first American to conduct at La Scala.
Two years later in March 1955, Bernstein returned to La Scala with Callas for a new production of Bellini’s “La Sonnambula.” In a letter to his wife Felicia soon after his arrival in Milan, Bernstein wrote, “We had our first reading of ‘Sonnambula’ today, and she made me cry.”

The paperback is the teabag to the hardback’s loose leaf

"The paperback is the teabag to the hardback’s loose leaf; the contents are the same but the taste seems not to be, or not quite."
Paperback publication offers a novel a second life, usually a year after the hardback appears. By then the wider world has made its judgement, the shine of excitement has dulled, and the writer is beginning to forget the names of…

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