Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire 1987 車禍者口中喃喃自語,提到 Albert Camus.......

曾獲得諾貝爾文學獎的法國存在主義作家,著有《異鄉人》、《瘟疫》的卡繆(Albert Camus),成長於阿爾及利亞的貧民窟。卡繆從小踢足球,他讀阿爾及利亞大學時曾是足球校隊,一直擔任守門員的位置。而他之所以擔任守門員,實有苦衷,因為在這個位置,才不會因為反覆奔跑而磨破球鞋。出身貧寒的他買不起新球鞋,每天晚上,祖母都會檢查他的鞋底,如果有破損,就會挨打。
Albert Camus centenary goes without much honour at home
Neither France nor Algeria pay much attention to 100th anniversary, leaving job to Google

French leave Camus … but Google doodles support
Last month, the 300th anniversary of Denis Diderot's birth prompted François Hollande to talk of reburying his bones in the Panthéon, the shrine of national heroes. Thursday's centenary of Albert Camus' birth, in contrast, has not seen the kind of festivities you might expect, either in the French capital or his childhood home, Algiers.
The lead role in feting him in France was reportedly assigned to Marseille, one of the current European capitals of culture, and a reasonable choice as Camus bought a house in Provence (which faces Algeria across the Mediterranean) two years before his death in a car crash in 1960, and is buried there. But, whether due to cock-up or conspiracy, Marseille-Provence 2013 has been as grudging as Paris in what it has offered by way of celebration. Camus was hence robbed of a big national "hommage", noted Le Point magazine, but at least "took the most beautiful of revenges on Google", which honoured him with its Doodle on Thursday.
Although The Outsider and The Plague are both set in Algeria, a full-blown Camus anniversary tribute there was always less likely. He came from a pied-noir (European settler) family, put the killing of an Arab at the centre of his best-known novel, and was (rightly or wrongly) seen as siding with France in his writings on the postwar independence struggle; as a result, "not a single official commemoration" took place in his native country, following the authorities' ban in 2010 on plans to mark the 50th anniversary of his death.
The continent as a whole has disowned him, in fact: although he was the first African-born Nobel literature laureate – and the second African-born laureate across all categories – the African Union's website's list of "Africa and diaspora" Nobel winners omits him, while welcoming Toni Morrison and Gabriel García Márquez as members of the diaspora.
For Algerians, the fact that Nicolas Sarkozy championed him when president – in unsuccessfully urging the transfer of Camus' body to the Panthéon, he was in effect appropriating him as French, not Algerian or Mediterranean – can't have helped. So on his 100th birthday, Camus was again an outsider, without a proper cake and belonging fully to neither. Which may be exactly what he would have wanted.
The lead role in feting him in France was reportedly assigned to Marseille, one of the current European capitals of culture, and a reasonable choice as Camus bought a house in Provence (which faces Algeria across the Mediterranean) two years before his death in a car crash in 1960, and is buried there. But, whether due to cock-up or conspiracy, Marseille-Provence 2013 has been as grudging as Paris in what it has offered by way of celebration. Camus was hence robbed of a big national "hommage", noted Le Point magazine, but at least "took the most beautiful of revenges on Google", which honoured him with its Doodle on Thursday.
Although The Outsider and The Plague are both set in Algeria, a full-blown Camus anniversary tribute there was always less likely. He came from a pied-noir (European settler) family, put the killing of an Arab at the centre of his best-known novel, and was (rightly or wrongly) seen as siding with France in his writings on the postwar independence struggle; as a result, "not a single official commemoration" took place in his native country, following the authorities' ban in 2010 on plans to mark the 50th anniversary of his death.
The continent as a whole has disowned him, in fact: although he was the first African-born Nobel literature laureate – and the second African-born laureate across all categories – the African Union's website's list of "Africa and diaspora" Nobel winners omits him, while welcoming Toni Morrison and Gabriel García Márquez as members of the diaspora.
For Algerians, the fact that Nicolas Sarkozy championed him when president – in unsuccessfully urging the transfer of Camus' body to the Panthéon, he was in effect appropriating him as French, not Algerian or Mediterranean – can't have helped. So on his 100th birthday, Camus was again an outsider, without a proper cake and belonging fully to neither. Which may be exactly what he would have wanted.
一大早起來,從麥田臉書發現今天Albert Camus百歲冥誕。
2013.11.3無意間在網路看到Albert Camus死後約11年才發表的處女小說: Wikipedia簡介它是The Stranger or The Outsider, 的原本 http://centretruths.co.uk/fahdtu/A%20HAPPY%20DEATH.htm
Albert Camus's
La Peste (The Plague, 1946)
昔日1971 在東海讀 Camus之 The Plague
印象中最深的是書中有一人 發誓寫書
不過 似乎老是在"第一段"的文字障中迷路
也許28年之後 讀其英文本 卻讀到該城的鴿聲/影.......
你還記得SARS(非典) 臨城的那段時間.....
卡繆與(廢)死刑 ⊙徐佳華 阿爾貝‧卡繆(1913-1960)是現代法國最重要、 卡繆約一歲時,其父親便死於第一次世界大戰。 |
另一個引起卡繆思考死亡和死刑的原因, 從卡繆的觀點識想,每個人都是廣義的死刑犯,然而, |
但是沒有任何人、任何體制或法律是絕對正義、完全清白無辜的。 |
1957年,卡繆以《思索斷頭台》 |
相左者,當中也包括了法國以外如西班牙、伊朗、希臘、 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 |
人生或許是一場打不贏的戰爭;每天都是Albert Camus 所說的The Myth of Sisyphus;每天或每回都要往山上努力推大石…….
幾年前中國出版約五大冊的 Albert Camus 選集
大概四十幾年前 (1967) 我十幾歲1967就讀當時翻譯本《異鄉人》L'Étranger不過根本讀不懂.
IN BRIEF: n. - Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found More unfamiliar, unknown, odd, or extraordinary.
No foreign sky protected me, no stranger's wing shielded my face.— Anna Akhmatova, Source: Requiem, composed mainly 1935-1940, Epigraph, composed 1961.
His essay Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942, tr. The Myth of Sisyphus, 1955) formulates his theory of the absurd and is the philosophical basis of his novel L'Étranger (1942, tr. The Stranger, 1946) and of his plays Le Malentendu (1944, tr. Cross Purpose, 1948) and Caligula (1944, tr. 1948).
"現代小說作家要釋放潛意識,選用題材有「性解放」的傾向,卡繆 Camus, Albert (1913-60)寫的《異鄉人》,男主角聽到他的母親死了,他的反應是去和女朋友做愛,一時奉為經典。"現在只稍多一點了解

IN BRIEF: n. - Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found More unfamiliar, unknown, odd, or extraordinary.

His essay Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942, tr. The Myth of Sisyphus, 1955) formulates his theory of the absurd and is the philosophical basis of his novel L'Étranger (1942, tr. The Stranger, 1946) and of his plays Le Malentendu (1944, tr. Cross Purpose, 1948) and Caligula (1944, tr. 1948).
The Stranger/The Outsider | |
![]() | |
Author | Albert Camus |
Cover artist | Jack Walser |
Country | France |
Language | English - Translated fromFrench |
Genre(s) | Philosophical novel |
Publisher | Libraire Gallimard |
Publication date | 1943, French 1942 |
Media type | Print (Hardback& Paperback) |
Pages | 117 p. (UK Penguin Classics paperback edition) |
ISBN | ISBN 0-14-118250-4 (UK Penguin Classics paperback) |
OCLC Number | 59433071 |
The Stranger or The Outsider, (L’Étranger) is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1942. This is perhaps Camus' best-known work, as well as a key text of twentieth-century philosophy. Its theme and outlook are often cited as examples of existentialism, though Camus did not consider himself an existentialist; in fact, its content explores various philosophical schools of thought, including (most prominently and specifically) absurdism, as well as determinism, nihilism, naturalism, and stoicism.
The title character is Meursault, a French man (characterised by being largely emotionally detached, innately passive, and anomic) who seemingly irrationally kills an Arab man whom he recognizes in French Algiers. The story is divided into Parts One and Two: Meursault's first-person narrativeview before and after the murder.
Contents[hide] |
該怎麼形容我看完這部電影後的心情呢?好看,是踏出戲院的第一感受;有缺陷,則是冷靜回想後的結論。我覺得好看,是因為在《異鄉人》中,不難找到我們熟悉的維斯康堤式語法,他用近乎沉溺的望遠鏡頭來捕捉男女主角馬斯楚亞尼和安娜.卡琳娜(Anna Karina)青春的肉體與面容,以及陽光和陽光下粼光閃爍的大海。這個手法在男女主角週日嬉水和男主角在海灘上誤殺阿爾及利亞少年的兩場戲徹底表現出來。至於缺陷,馬斯楚亞尼的演技固然無話可說,但是他外型並不適合「莫梭」(Meursault)這個角色,他飾演的莫梭在面對厄運時思慮過於澄明,與原著中主角那種屈於宿命與置身局外的冷漠有些距離。再來,維斯康堤受制於文本,在敘事上對原著亦步亦趨,儘管一些片段拍得神彩飛揚,但在整體敘事的流暢度上,他卻陷入揮灑不開的僵局(例如第二部分冗長的法庭戲)。
其實,打從籌備階段開始,電影版的《異鄉人》就注定命運乖舛。莫梭一角,維斯康堤原本屬意亞蘭.德倫,但製片勞倫蒂斯(Dino de Laurentis)卻堅持起用馬斯楚亞尼。改編方面,維斯康堤主張「自由的改編」,突出法屬阿爾及利亞族群間漸升的衝突,但卡繆的未亡人則堅持「忠實的改編」,要求影片必須逐句追隨原著。
維斯康堤是文學改編的大師,經典名作、黑色小說在他手下都能打磨出耀眼的光芒。他的第一部長片《對頭冤家》(Ossessione)改編自美國通俗偵探小說家肯恩(James Cain)的《郵差總按兩次鈴》,除了宿命低迷的氛圍,他也添上對當時社會背景寫實的描寫。《對頭冤家》拍攝於第二次世界大戰末期,是戰後義大利新寫實主義電影的先聲。在這部處女作中,維斯康堤已顯露出他對青春肉體的執迷,在戰爭末期(尤其是節節敗退的義大利)拍出這樣一部道德曖昧且沒有出路的影片,難怪《對頭冤家》會遭查禁,維斯康堤也差一點被撤退中的德軍射殺。