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(2):兩本倫敦的地下世界:LONDON UNDER The Secret History Beneath the Streets


兩本倫敦的地下世界: LONDON UNDER: The Secret History Beneat...

地下倫敦 北京:新星2006

這本書的翻譯有時很"妙 "譬如說 214-15 頁談教堂的fabric 望文生義將 它翻譯成綸紱

其實fabric 就是((古))建造物, 建物./(特に教会堂の)建造;維持.

In 1348, John Thavie, a local armourer, “left a considerable Estate towards the support of the fabric forever”, a legacy which survived the English Reformation, was invested carefully through the centuries, and still provides for the church's current upkeep. In the 15th century, the wooden church was replaced by a medieval stone one.[5]

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/st-andrew-holborn#ixzz1dTko1jS6

Underground London: Travels Beneath the City Streets
The Secret History Beneath the Streets
By Peter Ackroyd

Zhenfeng Gu 新增了 2 張相片
小說家兼傳記作者彼得・阿克羅伊德(Peter Ackroyd ) 從早上七點寫到晚上九點,期間常常半睡半醒地躺著,之後便開始豪飲。《衛報》稱他是「作品的數量跟他的酗酒一樣多」
這是英國作家安德魯・考恩在《寫小說的藝術》中的一段話。阿克羅伊德頗像倫敦東區黑幫大哥,也是英倫排行前幾名的書評家,地位崇高。過去,推出《莎士比亞傳》之前,出版社就預付他四十萬英鎊!他早年推出《T S 艾略特傳》一炮而紅,內容提到艾略特的媽媽年輕時,認為自己寫不出好詩,是失敗的詩人,便從小培養兒子寫詩,日後他不負家人的期望!

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