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對話王德威:夏志清讓西方認識中國文學/ 中國現代小說的史與學: 向夏志清先生致敬



Courtesy of Della Hsia
哈佛大學東亞語言及文明系(Chinese Literature at Harvard University)愛德華·C·亨德森(Edward C. Henderson)講座教授王德威在一次採訪中表示,於去年12月29日去世、享年92歲的中國文學評論家夏志清「具備真正的國際視野,敏銳、審慎而高 明」,其「學術生涯堪稱傳奇」。王德威通過這次訪談探討了自己的這位導師和朋友的卓越人生和事業。
夏志清於1921年出生於上海,1947年移民美國,後成為哥倫比 亞大學(Columbia University)的一名教授。王德威說,他對西方文學醉心不已,然而他最知名的成就是在冷戰期間特有的中國信息真空期內,把中國文學作品推介給了西 方,並建立了一個沿用至今的文學正典體系。
夏志清和張愛玲有書信往來,在《紐約時報》1995年刊登的張愛玲訃文上,他稱張愛玲為「40年代湧現的最有才華的中國作家」。 他讚許地將張愛玲和凱瑟琳·曼斯菲爾德(Katherine Mansfield)、弗蘭納里·奧康納(Flannery O』Connor)及弗蘭茲·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)等作家相提並論。夏志清的重要著作有三本,分別是1961年出版的《中國現代小說史》(A History of Modern Chinese Fiction)、1968年出版的《中國古典小說》(The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction)和2004年出版的《夏志清論評中國文學》(C.T. Hsia on Chinese Literature)。今春,哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)將出版他最後的一本著作——一部元代戲曲輯選。
他在中國歷史上極為動蕩的時期前往美國。當時是1947年(距離共 產黨在內戰中獲勝尚有兩年)。他想攻讀英語文學學位,卻被上世紀50年代所謂的冷戰文化政治所困。這是一名志向遠大的年輕人。他熱愛英語文學和歐洲文化。 他在大都會上海長大,然後中國發生了內戰,他滯留美國,無法回國。在美國大學裡,他也找不到適合自己的位置。
1951年,(耶魯大學政治學教授)饒大衛(David Rowe)聘他編寫一本用於朝鮮戰爭的手冊《中國:地區導覽》(China: An Area Manual)。他感到乏味,就離開了,不過在那個過程中,他對中國文學有了真正的了解,之前他並沒有這方面的知識。最終他對中國文學的研究越來越深入。 在50年代還沒有被稱作中國現代文學的領域,因此,他的著作《中國現代文學史》在1961年的問世就成了一件大事。那是一本讓他在西方揚名的著作。一個學 科也因此建立起來了。
Courtesy of Della Hsia
在訃文里你寫道:任何人要想對中國現代文學進行新的研究,都要先先查閱、質疑或者至少是反思夏志清的觀點,你還寫道多年以來,夏志清一直因為奉行歐洲中心主義和反共產主義立場、以及新批評派(New Critical)的標準而受到指責。是不是可以說,他獲得的爭議和尊重不相上下?
今天,我們可以回過頭去,嘲笑他的錯誤,或者他的偏見,或是別的什 麼。然而,他是建立範式的人物。這就是他引發爭議和辯論的由來。在中國(那裡直到上世紀90年代才能買到他的書),許多人喜愛他,是因為他們認為,他是民 主和審美觀自由的代言人。不過,我們的左派和新左派朋友稱他是右派分子。夏志清真的相當享受這種對峙。他是一個很有個性的人。在這個領域,我從未見過他這 樣的人。從不犬儒。但是固執己見。
夏志清的故事其實就是背井離鄉的故事,一個知識分子從東方來到西 方。他的逝世代表了整整一代人的逝去。他是在一戰與二戰之間的那段時間憑藉獎學金前往美國的,他們這代知識分子其實是滯留在了美國,除非他們真的很愛中 國,希望回去。但他的最愛是英語與歐洲文學。這就是爭議所在,因為年輕一代的中國學者從中國來到美國時(在毛澤東於1976年去世後),形勢變得越來越緊 張。一些中國人覺得,他怎麼沒什麼民族主義者的樣子?他是真的融入到紐約文化、美國文化中去的。他是一個愛開玩笑的人,非常有趣。
夏志清在1971年第二版《中國現代小說史》附錄的一篇題為《現代 中國文學感時憂國的精神》的文章中提出了這個表述。在這篇文章當中,夏志清回顧了截至20世紀60年代末中國小說的發展史,以及人們如何被自己國家的不安 情緒所困擾。他們沒有精力,也不願將注意力轉移到中國以外的任何地方。他們將中國視作不安與不公的中心。他覺得這種自我挫敗的態度有利也有弊。從某種意義 上,這可能會在一個古老帝國、古老文明中創造一種真正的緊迫感。但他認為這是一種施虐文化,他利用這個術語來評論中國的現代性。
他辯稱,我們需要看到中國之外的地方,與世界、西方文明真正接軌, 即便它們也存在弊病。卡夫卡、喬伊斯和普魯斯特絕不會孤立地看待他們的文明存在的問題。他表示,如果中國的作家能夠敞開胸懷,注意到中國文化之外的世界該 多好。狹隘主義是他經常使用的詞語。他覺得中國作家有一種病態地偏執。他不喜歡魯迅,你能理解其中的原因。中國人稱他是中國的良心。但他把魯迅貶為一個心 胸狹隘、有才能卻沒有將才能妥善利用的人。他覺得,如果說中國存在一個問題,那麼對這個問題的理解勢必要放在人性以及人性墮落的普遍語境內。
有相當多的中國人都說「中國正在崛起」。這與夏志清在1971年提 出的自我困擾的觀點有一定的關聯。當時是自我挫敗,現在是自我誇大。我是一個比較小心的人。我覺得,對於其他人的感時憂國問題,我沒有十足的把握。但我覺 得對於我們來說,這個理論對我們思考中國的歷史與未來是一個十分關鍵的接合點。你可以不同意夏志清的主張,但不能忽略他多年前提出的觀點。

Q. & A.: David Der-wei Wang on C.T. Hsia, Chinese Literary Critic

January 07, 2014
C.T. Hsia, left, with the Chinese writer Qian Zhongshu.
Courtesy of Della Hsia
C.T. Hsia, the Chinese literary critic who died in New York on Dec. 29, aged 92, had a “legendary career” as “a true cosmopolitan, shrewd, critical and brilliant,” says David Der-wei Wang, the Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature at Harvard University, in an interview on the significance of the life and work of his mentor and friend.
Born in Shanghai in 1921, C.T. Hsia, also known as Hsia Chih-tsing, moved to the United States in 1947, later becoming a professor at Columbia University. Though he adored Western literature, he is best known for introducing Chinese literature to the West amid the information vacuum about China that characterized the Cold War, and establishing a literary canon that lasts to this day, Mr. Wang said.
Importantly, Mr. Hsia drew attention to several Chinese writers neglected amid the ideological battles of the day, such as Qian Zhongshu, Shen Congwen and Eileen Chang, whose works included “Lust, Caution” (made into a film by the director Ang Lee) and “Love in a Fallen City.”
Mr. Hsia corresponded with Ms. Chang and, in her obituary in The New York Times in 1995, called her “the most gifted Chinese writer to emerge in the ’40s.” He compared her favorably to writers such as Katherine Mansfield, Flannery O’Connor and Franz Kafka.Mr. Hsia wrote three major works: “A History of Modern Chinese Fiction” (1961), “The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction” (1968) and “C.T. Hsia on Chinese Literature” (2004). His final book, an edited anthology of Yuan dynasty drama, will be published by Columbia University Press this spring.
In an obituary Mr. Wang wrote, he examines a central idea of Mr. Hsia’s — that Chinese writers have suffered from a kind of “obsession with China.” He elaborates on this in the interview. Edited excerpts follow:
What was C.T. Hsia’s significance to Chinese literature?
He went to the U.S. at a very tumultuous time in Chinese history. He went in 1947 [two years before the Communist victory in the civil war]. He wanted to pursue a degree in English literature and was caught in the so-called Cold War cultural politics of the 1950s. This was a young man with great expectations. He loved English literature and European culture. He grew up in cosmopolitan Shanghai, then the civil war happened in China and he got stranded and couldn’t go back. And couldn’t find a good position in the U.S. at a college.
What did he do?
In 1951, David Rowe [a professor of political science at Yale University] hired him to compile a manual for the Korean War: “China: An Area Manual.” He got bored and left, but along the way he gathered a real knowledge of Chinese literature, something he didn’t have before that. Eventually he became more and more involved in Chinese literature studies. In the 1950s, there was no field called modern Chinese literature, so the publication of his book in 1961 ["History of Modern Chinese Fiction"], that was a big thing. That was a book that made him famous in the West. As a result, a discipline was established.
C.T. Hsia, right, with his wife, Della Hsia, and David Der-wei Wang at a restaurant in 2013.
Courtesy of Della Hsia
In your obituary you write: “One cannot start any new study of Chinese literary modernity without first consulting, challenging, or at least reflecting his opinions” and, “For years Hsia has been faulted for his Euro-centric, anticommunist stance as well as his New Critical criteria.” He was controversial as well as respected, wasn’t he?
Today we can look back and laugh at his mistakes, or his prejudices or whatever. But he was someone who set up the paradigm. That’s where the controversy and debate comes from. In China [where his books became available in the 1990s] lots of people love him, because they think he’s a spokesman for democracy and freedom of aesthetic values. But our leftist, our neo-leftist friends, they call him a rightist. And C.T. Hsia really enjoyed that kind of tension. He was quite a character. I’ve never seen anyone like him in the field. Never a cynic. But opinionated.
What of his personal life, his identity?
C. T. Hsia’s story is really the story of the diaspora, of the intellectual who traveled from East to West. His passing represents a whole generation. He went to the U.S. on a grant between the First and Second World Wars, he was of a generation of intellectuals who were literally stranded in the U.S. unless they really loved China and wanted to go back. But his first love was English and European literature. That’s why there is controversy, because things got more and more tense when the younger generation of Chinese scholars went to the U.S. from China [after Mao's death in 1976]. Some Chinese felt, how could he be so non-nationalist? He truly embraced New York culture, U.S. culture. And he was a jester. He was funny.
In the obituary you also write, “Of all his critical undertakings, Hsia’s comment on the ‘obsession with China’ has exerted the most powerful influence. As he notes, ‘There has been no modern Chinese writer consumed with the passion of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy, of Conrad or Mann, to probe the illness of modern civilization. But at the same time every important Chinese writer is obsessed with China and spares no pains to depict its squalor and corruption.’ ” What was the significance of this theory of self-obsession?
The phrase was coined by Hsia in an article called “Obsession With China,” in an appendix to the second edition of “A History of Modern Chinese Fiction,” in 1971. In that article he reviewed the development of Chinese fiction to the end of the 1960s and how people were obsessed with the malaise in their own nation. They didn’t have the energy or the mind to turn their attention to anywhere outside China. And they saw China as a center of malaise and injustice. He felt it was a self-defeating attitude that cut two ways. In one way it could produce a true sense of urgency in an old empire, an old civilization. But he found all that an almost sadistic culture, and he used the term to critique Chinese modernity.
He argued, we need to look beyond China to really engage with the world, with Western civilization, even if was sick too. Kafka, Joyce and Proust would never have ghettoized the problems of their own civilization. He argued, if only Chinese writers could have the magnanimity to look beyond their own culture. Parochialism is the word he liked to use. He felt that Chinese writers were morbidly obsessive. He didn’t like Lu Xun and you can see why. And Chinese people argue he is the conscience of China. But he denigrated Lu Xun as narrow-minded, as a talent who abused his own talent. If China had a problem, that problem had to be understood in the universal context of humanity, of the degeneration of humanity, he felt.
How does Chinese culture fit into this universal perspective? Didn’t Joyce, Kafka and Proust also write about their own cultures?
Some people say Hsia argued this at the cost of the specificity of Chinese culture. That everything was universal to him. I would argue that he may be suffering from an “obsession with China” too. When he attacked modern Chinese literature as suffering from an obsession with China, was he too suffering from one even by seeing this?
He would say, “Be that as it may, we still need to open up.” China still needs to open up to the world, to humanity. Cosmopolitanism was the bottom line of his argument. For good and for ill. Never say, “China is the worst” or “China is the best.”
Does this theory still apply to China today, with so much changing and the country growing in wealth and influence?
Quite a few Chinese say “China is rising.” And Hsia’s point about self-obsession, made in 1971, has some relevancy today. Then it was self-defeating, but today it’s self-aggrandizing. I am a more cautious person. I don’t think I have the magisterial confidence about others’ obsession with China. But I feel this theory is a really critical interface for us to engage with the past and the future of China. One may disagree with Hsia, but one cannot overlook the arguments he made all those years ago.

中國現代小說的史與學: 向夏志清先生致敬

作者 / 作者群

譯者 / 王德威(David Der-wei Wang)/ 編

出版社 / 聯經出版事業股份有限公司

出版日期 / 2010/10/13

商品語言 / 中文/繁體

裝訂 / 平裝


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《中國現代小說的史與學》由美國哈佛大學東亞語言及文明系Edward C. Henderson講座教授、中央研究院院士王德威先生主編,召集及彙整了目前在美國、加拿大、台灣、香港、中國的漢學界卓然有成的26位學者專家們,以 各自的專業領域呈現出夏志清先生影響下的中國現代文學研究之變與不變,延伸與延異(演繹),播散與推陳出新,開創了「後夏志清時代」的文學典範。他們的參 照、辯難、反思,在在凸顯了夏志清先生在中國現代文學批評上的開創之功。本書在夏志清先生專著的基礎下,呈現新世紀裡現代中國小說研究的動向。全書撰寫者 有夏先生的門生友人、再傳或私淑弟子,也有夏濟安先生的學生和故舊,還有與夏先生時相往來的大陸、台灣、香港等地傑出學者。特別值得一提的是,半數以上的 學者都畢業自美國哥倫比亞大學東亞系;哥大是夏先生曾經任教三十年的名校,也是夏志清先生的學術發揚光大的重鎮。各篇專文的作者也許未必完全遵照夏先生的 路數,但他們所念玆在玆的是文學的「史」與「學」之間的關係,以及文學所承載一個時代的人文精神的脈絡。
夏志清(C. T. Hsia, 1921-)
一位在砧板上寫作,被譽為中國文評第一人的重要文學評論家,中國滬江大學英文系畢業,美國 耶魯大學英文系博士。曾任教於北京大學、美國密西根大學、紐約州立大學、匹茲堡大學、哥倫比亞大學等著名學府。1991年退休前,曾於美國哥倫比亞大學教 授中國文學29年。現為美國哥倫比亞大學退休教授。他學貫中西,中英文著作皆極具份量,且影響深遠。中文著作有、《愛情.社會.小說》、《文學的前途》、 《人的文學》、《新文學的傳統》、《雞窗集》、《夏志清文學評論集》、《歲除的哀傷》、《談文藝.憶師友:夏志清自選集》,英文著作有The Classic Chinese Novel:A Critical Introduction;A History Of Modern Chinese Fiction;C.T. Hsia On Chinese Literature。

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