【愛悅讀】20160223 - 沙郡年紀
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQkFR3ZtFoE陳慈美 共談
范欽慧 主持
A Sand County Almanac (1949) By Aldo Leopold (1887-1948)
中國:1992.....2016 (可能也有6~7個譯本)
「沙地郡曆誌」是張心漪最後一本譯作,1987年出版,她已年過七十。這本A Sand County
Almanac是環保界的經典,後來有另二個譯本「沙郡年記」(台北:天下文化,1998 )、「沙郡年紀」(台北:果力,2015 )。張心漪的丈夫費驊在1984年過世,費驊曾任財政部長,是台灣國家公園的催生者,馬以工以紀念費驊為理由,說動了高齡的張心漪翻譯此書,也因此這是她唯一一本冠夫姓的譯作。
A Sand County Almanac
With Other Essays on Conservation from Round River
Second Edition
Aldo Leopold
Written with an unparalleled understanding of the ways of nature.
This book includes a section on the monthly changes of the Wisconsin countryside; informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere; and a final section in which Leopold addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation.
First published in 1949 and praised in The New York Times Book Review as "a trenchant book, full of vigor and bite," A Sand County Almanac combines some of the finest nature writing since Thoreau with an outspoken and highly ethical regard for America's relationship to the land.
Written with an unparalleled understanding of the ways of nature, the book includes a section on the monthly changes of the Wisconsin countryside; another part that gathers informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere; and a final section in which Leopold addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation. As the forerunner of such important books as Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire, and Robert Finch's The Primal Place, this classic work remains as relevant today as it was forty years ago.
Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) began his professional career in 1909 when he joined the U.S. Forest Service. In 1924 he became Associate Director of the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, and in 1933 the University of Wisconsin created a chair of game management for him.
『沙鄉年鑑』 (中國1992)有註解(譬如說 杜邦公司及 V. Bush )和書內插圖而「沙地郡曆誌」(台灣1987)無註解和插圖
每年,仲冬過後, 暴風雪就會逐漸停息。 彷彿在一夜之間, 那滴滴答答的水滴聲, 便在大地響起了, 那是積雪在悄悄地融化! 積雪融化的滴水聲, 彷彿是銅鈴,清脆悅耳。 睡夢中的動物聽見了滴水聲,美夢更香甜了; 冬眠的動物聽見了滴水聲,也在蠢蠢欲動了。 一月 臭鼬幾乎筆直地穿過田野, 好像在尋找它做夢都想要的東西, 而忘乎所以了。 冰雪消融 每年,仲冬過後,暴風雪就會逐漸停息。彷彿在一夜之間,那滴滴答答的水滴聲,便在大地響起了,那是積雪在悄悄地融化!積雪融化的滴水聲,彷彿是銅鈴,清脆悅耳。睡夢中的動物聽見了滴水聲,美夢更香甜了;冬眠的動物聽見了滴水聲,也在蠢蠢欲動了。縮在深洞裡冬眠的臭鼬,痛痛快快地伸了個懶腰,拖著肥大的大肚子,迫不及待地跑到濕潤的大地上,歡快地到處走動。臭鼬的足跡,應是大自然四季循環的一個標誌,是一年裡可記載的最早發生的事件之一。 臭鼬的踪跡,似乎在說明著它對周圍的一切都滿不在乎,與其他季節相比,它如今的行為簡直就是反常。臭鼬幾乎筆直地穿過田野,好像在尋找它做夢都想要的東西,而忘乎所以了。它在找什麼呢?我小心翼翼地跟在臭鼬後面,想看看它是何心態,到底想做什麼。 每年,從一月到六月,大自然呈幾何級數般奉獻自己的熱情,供人們遊玩和娛樂。而一月呢,我們可以追踪一隻臭鼬,尋找山雀的腳環,觀察鹿吃嫩葉,看看臭鼬挖了哪些巨稻鼠的窩,順便看一看有沒有其他有趣的事情發生。一月的大自然,很純潔,很寧靜。在這種寧靜的環境裡,我們有足夠的時間,既可以看看誰在做什麼,也能靜下心來,思考其中的奧秘。 我的腳步聲驚動了一隻田鼠,只見它嗖的一下,飛快地從我的腳下竄了過去。我在納悶:它怎麼敢在大白天跑出來?它的眼睛裡似乎透著許多苦惱與不安。在不遠處,我看到了田鼠的家,那是積雪下的一堆亂草!雪的融化使田鼠的家破敗不堪,怪不得它那麼苦惱呢! 田鼠天生就是個頭腦清醒的傢伙。在冬天來臨之前,它就知道把茂密的草兒儲存起來,以備後用。它甚至知道雪有利於它們更好地建造地道,從而輕鬆地運輸乾草。對田鼠來說,雪簡直就是它的保護神,使它免於匱乏和恐懼。 這時,一隻形似老鷹的大鳥在草原上空飛旋,它的名字叫作毛腳鵟。只見它一會兒停下來,一會兒又像翠鳥那樣在低空飛繞。突然,毛腳鵟像一顆降落的炸彈一樣,頭部朝下,迅速 地朝地面衝來,一直衝到一片沼澤地上。我沒有看見它再次飛起來,心想,它一定是捕獵到了剛才的那隻田鼠,我似乎聽見了毛腳鵟津津有味地咀嚼聲。哎,可憐的小田鼠,誰叫你不警惕一些,為什麼不等到晚上再出來活動呢! 毛腳鵟不知道草兒為什麼會從大地裡生長出來,但它非常清楚,只要積雪一融化,它就能一眼看到草原上的田鼠。毛腳鵟最最期待的,就是積雪慢慢地消失,只有這樣,它才不會被餓死。 我繼續追踪臭鼬的腳印,一直追到一片樹林裡。林間的積雪堅硬牢固,肯定是被野兔子踩的。因為,在堅硬的積雪上,還殘留著野兔們粉紅色的尿液呢!樹林裡有幾棵剛剛長大的櫟樹苗。這些櫟樹苗太可憐了,因為它們鮮嫩的樹皮,已經被野兔子啃得所剩無幾了。積雪上還散落著很多兔毛,看來雄野兔們為了爭奪漂亮的雌野兔,曾經在這裡進行過一場激烈的戰鬥。走了沒多久,我又看見積雪上有血跡,血跡周圍有貓頭鷹劃下的弧線。看來野兔和田鼠一樣,只顧感受春天的氣息,卻放鬆了警惕,竟忘了周圍隨時都會存在危險!這次好了,貓頭鷹對它發出了警告:腦子裡不能只想著春天來了,還要時刻保持警惕! 臭鼬一直往前跑,留下長長的足跡。很明顯,它並不是餓了,因為它根本沒去吃路上的食物。臭鼬也不迷戀周圍的景色,它完全不理會其他動物們的嬉笑打鬧,只知道拼命往前跑。到底是什麼東西有這麼大的誘惑力,竟然使臭鼬離開溫暖的巢穴,跑這麼遠的路途去找它?臭鼬拖著肥胖的身體,難道是在尋找積雪融化後的浪漫嗎?最後,臭鼬的腳印在一堆浮木中間消失了。從浮木中傳來的清脆的滴水聲,不正是積雪融化的聲音嗎?莫非臭鼬是在尋找這個美妙的聲音嗎?我轉過身去,踏上回家的路,心情久久不能平靜。
Written with an unparalleled understanding of the ways of nature, the book includes a section on the monthly changes of the Wisconsin countryside; another part that gathers informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere; and a final section in which Leopold addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation. As the forerunner of such important books as Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire, and Robert Finch's The Primal Place, this classic work remains as relevant today as it was forty years ago.
Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) began his professional career in 1909 when he joined the U.S. Forest Service. In 1924 he became Associate Director of the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, and in 1933 the University of Wisconsin created a chair of game management for him.

『沙鄉年鑑』 (中國1992)有註解(譬如說 杜邦公司及 V. Bush )和書內插圖而「沙地郡曆誌」(台灣1987)無註解和插圖
『沙鄉年鑑』 候文蕙 譯,北京:商務,2016
譯者後記中說,此版本為1992年出版以來的第4版本:似乎每版只改書名。幾篇被收入中國的中學和高較之教科書中,所以Aldo Leopold現在有名了。We are the only species capable of making such a lasting impact on the land in such a short span of time. This is felicitously captured in Leopold’s citation of the 1927 poem Tristram by Edwin Arlington Robinson:
Whether you will or not,
You are a king, Tristram, for you are one
Of the time-tested few that leave the world,
When they are gone, not the same place it was.
Mark what you leave.[31]
1927. Robinson was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry three times in the 1920's, a record exceeded only by Robert Frost. Tristram is the third of Robinson's long Arthurian-related poems, preceded by Merlin and Lancelot. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing
沙郡年紀: 像山一樣思考,荒野詩人寫給我們的自然之歌
A Sand County Almanac and Other Writings
- 作者: 奧爾多‧李奧帕德
- 原文作者:Aldo Leopold
- 譯者:李靜瀅
- 繪者:吳淑惠
- 出版社:果力文化
- 出版日期:2015/03/05