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Le Modulor, 現代建築年鑒/邁向建築? Le Corbusier, 1925 Almanach d'architecture moderne


Almanach d'architecture moderne, Le Corbusier,『現代建築年鑑』


  • 1918: Après le cubisme (After Cubism), with Amédée Ozenfant
  • 1923: Vers une architecture (Towards an Architecture) (frequently mistranslated as "Towards a New Architecture")
  • 1925: Urbanisme (Urbanism)
  • 1925: La Peinture moderne (Modern Painting), with Amédée Ozenfant
  • 1925: L'Art décoratif d'aujourd'hui (The Decorative Arts of Today)
  • 『今日の装飾芸術』 1925年(前川國男訳、鹿島出版会:SD選書) 
Le Corbusier1887年10月6日 - 1965年8月27日 著
  • Almanach d'architecture moderne, Paris 1925-1926, édition originale : Le Corbusier, Almanach d'architecture moderne, G. Crès, coll. « L'Esprit nouveau »,‎ , 199 p.(notice BnF no FRBNF32362618)
  • 『現代建築年鑑』 (治棋訳、中國建築工業出版社:2011) 頁41-57出自1966: Le Voyage d'Orient (The Voyage to the East),不過譯者可能將grand tour 翻譯成"大學生旅行見聞" (p.57)

  • 1931: Premier clavier de couleurs (First Color Keyboard)
  • 1935: Aircraft
  • 1935: La Ville radieuse (The Radiant City)
  • 1942: Charte d'Athènes (Athens Charter)
  • 1943: Entretien avec les étudiants des écoles d'architecture (A Conversation with Architecture Students)
  • 1945: Les Trois établissements Humains (The Three Human Establishments)
  • 1948: Le Modulor (The Modulor)
  • 1953: Le Poeme de l'Angle Droit (The Poem of the Right Angle)
  • 1955: Le Modulor 2 (The Modulor 2)
  • 1959: Deuxième clavier de couleurs (Second Colour Keyboard)
  • 1966: Le Voyage d'Orient (The Voyage to the East)

See also[edit]

本blog 有Le Corbusier1887-1965 書訊約十則 請用它來搜尋

現在記他最著名的 邁向建築
1923: Vers une architecture (Towards an Architecture) (frequently mistranslated as "Towards a New Architecture" 1930年由 JohnRodker 翻譯 倫敦出版 現在1986美國Dover版 根據第13版 有導言)

邁向建築 吉阪隆正譯東京: SD 1967 根據1926第3版 有著者序
邁向建築施植明譯 台北:茂榮 1990 可能根據初版
走向新建築 陳志華西安:陜西師範大學 2004 根據1926第2版 有著者序


コルビュジエ(1887~1965)の作品群のユネスコの世界遺産への今年の登録は見送られ る見通しとなった。ユネスコ世界遺産委員会の諮問機関・国際記念物遺跡会議が、4段階で最も厳しい「不登録」を勧告した。
Journey to the East by LeCorbusier, Edited by Iv...


作  者:(法)柯布西耶 著
出 版 社:中国建筑工业出版社

Almanach d'architecture moderne
documents, théorie, pronostics, histoire, petites histoires, dates, propos standarts, organisation, industrialisation du bâtiment : Paris 1925
Charles-Edouard Jeanneret Gris (Le Corbusier) ; presentazione di Roberto Gabetti. Published 1975 by Bottega D'Erasmo in Torino .
Written in French.

本書顯然非"年鑑"參考 almanac, Alma Mater

日譯: 『今日の装飾芸術』 1925年(前川國男訳、鹿島出版会:SD選書)??? +1925: L'Art décoratif d'aujourd'hui (The Decorative Arts of Today)

13. In 1925, Le Corbusier's Pavilion de l’Esprit Nouveau is given an obscure location in the Exposition International des Arts Decoratifs et Industrielles Modernes because of “official hostility to it.” [Source: Le Corbusier in America]

Edition Notes

On cover: L.C. 2.
Reprint of the 1926 ed. published by G. Crès, Paris, in series Collection de L'Esprit nouveau.


目錄致讀者題詞建築年表建築的新精神歐特伊的兩座公館1910年,旅行見聞君士坦丁堡(續)/清真寺衛城之上在西方!1925年裝飾藝術展 轉折 批量建造一個標準死過去,另一個標準生出來皮埃爾·讓納雷先生的住宅 對一扇現代窗戶的一點研究心得

日本的翻譯: 有意思的是近年還在做....


  • 建築をめざして』 1923年(吉阪隆正訳、鹿島出版会SD選書
  • 『今日の装飾芸術』 1925年(前川國男訳、鹿島出版会:SD選書) 
  • 『住宅と宮殿』 1928年(井田安弘訳:同上)
  • 輝く都市』 1935年(坂倉準三訳:同上)
  • 伽藍が白かったとき』 1937年(生田勉・樋口清訳、岩波書店岩波文庫
  • 『モデュロール1』 1948年(吉阪隆正訳、鹿島出版会:SD選書)
  • 『モデュロール2』 1955年(同上)
    • 『エスプリ・ヌーヴォー 近代建築名鑑』 以下も全て「SD選書」
    • 『プレシジョン 新世界を拓く 建築と都市計画 (上.下)』  
    • 『四つの交通路』/『ユルバニスム』/『建築と都市』/『アテネ憲章
    • 『三つの人間機構』/『東方への旅』/『人間の家』(F・ド・ピエールフウ共著)
  • 『建築十字軍 アカデミーの黄昏』 井田安弘訳、東海大学出版会 1978年→SD選書、2011年 
  • 『ムンダネウム』 ポール・オトレ共著 山名善之・桑田光平訳 筑摩書房 2009年
  • 『建築家の講義 ル・コルビュジエ』 岸田省吾監訳、桜木直美訳 丸善 2006年-小著
  • 『マルセイユのユニテ・ダビタシオン』 山名善之・戸田穣訳、ちくま学芸文庫、2010年

Major written works

  • 1918: Après le cubisme (After Cubism), with Amédée Ozenfant
  • 1923: Vers une architecture (Towards an Architecture) (frequently mistranslated as "Towards a New Architecture")
  • 1925: Urbanisme (Urbanism)
  • 1925: La Peinture moderne (Modern Painting), with Amédée Ozenfant
  • 1925: L'Art décoratif d'aujourd'hui (The Decorative Arts of Today)
  • 1931: Premier clavier de couleurs (First Color Keyboard)
  • 1935: Aircraft
  • 1935: La Ville radieuse (The Radiant City)
  • 1942: Charte d'Athènes (Athens Charter)
  • 1943: Entretien avec les étudiants des écoles d'architecture (A Conversation with Architecture Students)
  • 1945: Les Trios éstablishments Humains (The Three Human Establishments)
  • 1948: Le Modulor (The Modulor)
[Jeune public] Inspiré par « l’homme modulor » de Le Corbusier, mesurez le corps et l'espace avec vos enfants en dansant dans l'exposition !
Informations et billetterie :https://www.centrepompidou.fr/id/caX75Xy/rrX7E67/fr
Le Corbusier, Le Modulor, 1950 © F.L.C. Adagp, Paris HD

Centre Pompidou 的相片。
Pour le moment, il n'y a personne… peut-être serez-vous là demain, pour l'ouverture de l'exposition Le Corbusier, Mesures de l'homme !‪#‎JourDeFermeture‬

「 Entrée de l'exposition "Le Corbusier, Mesures de l'homme", Galerie 2 du Centre Pompidou. 」

「 Entrée de l'exposition "Le Corbusier, Mesures de l'homme", Galerie 2 du Centre Pompidou. 」
  • 1953: Le Poeme de l'Angle Droit (The Poem of the Right Angle)
  • 1955: Le Modulor 2 (The Modulor 2)
  • 1959: Deuxième clavier de couleurs (Second Colour Keyboard)
  • 1966: Le Voyage d'Orient (The Voyage to the East)

  • 1923: Vers une architecture (Towards an Architecture) (frequently mistranslated as "Towards a New Architecture")

For the Swiss-born architect and city planner Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, 1887–1965), architecture constituted a noble art, an exalted calling in which the architect combined plastic invention, intellectual speculation, and higher mathematics to go beyond mere utilitarian needs, beyond "style," to achieve a pure creation of the spirit which established "emotional relationships by means of raw materials."
The first major exposition of his ideas appeared in Vers une Architecture (1923), a compilation of articles originally written by Le Corbusier for his own avant-garde magazine, L'Esprit Nouveau. The present volume is an unabridged English translation of the 13th French edition of that historic manifesto, in which Le Corbusier expounded his technical and aesthetic theories, views on industry, economics, relation of form to function, the "mass-production spirit," and much else. A principal prophet of the "modern" movement in architecture, and a near-legendary figure of the "International School," he designed some of the twentieth century's most memorable buildings: Chapel at Ronchamp; Swiss dormitory at the Cité Universitaire, Paris; Unité d'Habitation, Marseilles; and many more.
Le Corbusier brought great passion and intelligence to these essays, which present his ideas in a concise, pithy style, studded with epigrammatic, often provocative, observations: "American engineers overwhelm with their calculations our expiring architecture.""Architecture is stifled by custom. It is the only profession in which progress is not considered necessary.""A cathedral is not very beautiful . . ." and "Rome is the damnation of the half-educated. To send architectural students to Rome is to cripple them for life."
Profusely illustrated with over 200 line drawings and photographs of his own works and other structures he considered important, Towards a New Architecture is indispensable reading for architects, city planners, and cultural historians―but will intrigue anyone fascinated by the wide-ranging ideas, unvarnished opinions, and innovative theories of one of this century's master builders.

Reprint of Vers une Architecture, John Rodker Publisher, London, 1931.- See more at: http://store.doverpublications.com/0486250237.html#sthash.oVsmwJEg.dpuf


走向新建築 (應該根據英譯本重譯,不過翻譯較好。)




  • 1925: L'Art décoratif d'aujourd'hui (The Decorative Arts of Today)

The Decorative Art of Today Paperback – March 16, 1987
by Le Corbusier (Author), James Dunnett (Translator)

Product Details

Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: The MIT Press; 1st MIT Press Ed edition (March 16, 1987)
Language: English

Among the most famous of Le Corbusier's works, this book first came out in 1925 as a companion volume to Towards a New Architecture and The City of Tomorrow, two of the most influential writings on architecture and town planning Le Corbusier produced. This is the first English translation of Le Corbusier's densely illustrated polemic against the crafts tradition and superfluous ornament in interior decoration.

The Decorative Art of Today was inspired by and written in protest to the Decorative Arts Exhibition mounted in Paris in 1925. In it Le Corbusier warned about certain dangerous trends he saw emerging in interior, industrial, and architectural design. He did not like what he saw. Against the official tradition of interior decoration, he called for an architecture that satisfied the imperatives of function through form and for an interior and an industrial design that responded to the industrial needs of the present, machine-age methods of production.

Although the exhibition that spawned the term "Art Deco" was organized by the French Ministry of Industry and Commerce for the purpose of creating a market for French arts and crafts and to fend off the influx of foreign products, Le Corbusier saw an opportunity to show that the industry was capable of supplying not only the apartment but the entire city with mass-produced furniture and objects. His own roots lay in the crafts tradition; yet in this book he rejects the masters Ruskin, Hoffmann, Guimard, and Grasset and provides a theoretical basis for his opposition to decoration. The translator, James Dunnett, is professor of architecture at the University of Canterbury.

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