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從萊文沃思到拉薩:經歷大變革年代/ From Leavenworth to Lhasa: living in a revolutionary era (Robert Anthony Scalapino)


   張研田《追憶集‧ 卅年往事憶世驤 之二》記他與陳世驤如何爭取年青的Robert  Scalapino對台灣政府的好感

Robert Anthony Scalapino先生仙逝了 所以將半年前這一網頁復蘇
書中有數頁對台灣的民主政壇鳥瞰 包括他的兩位學生宋楚瑜和劉教授 (學生的書提老師的多 老師的書提非學術傳人的學生的書較少)
書名從萊文沃思到拉薩或許有寓意 即從一的平凡出生地到聖地

.......什麼是「康隆報告」(The Conlon Report)?這是五十多年(一九五九)前美國參院外交委員會主席傅爾伯萊特,委託三位柏克萊加大教授所做關於亞洲情勢的報告,施伯樂負責撰寫東北亞部 分,這個地區最敏感的問題是福爾摩莎,他認為美國承認福爾摩莎代表中國、並以這個小島對抗中國完全不切實際,因此建議美國迫使蔣政權放棄金馬外島,並准福 爾摩莎人有自決的權利,舉行公民投票成立台灣共和國或永久中立,由美國保障其安全。
 這些建議在那個年代從台灣的觀點看來,自是大逆不道,報告撰稿人施伯樂遂成了十惡不赦之徒,遭到台灣朝野的口誅筆伐,這情形一直持續到六 十年代才有所改變,連台灣極右派的王昇將軍都和史卡拉皮諾(Scalapino的音譯)打交道了,到了後來,台灣甚至奉史卡拉皮諾為大師,引其為好友,真是前後判若倆人。
 一九一九年生於美國堪薩斯州雷文沃斯城(Leavenworth,美國陸軍指揮參謀學院設於此地,郝柏村曾在此深造)的施伯樂,是柏克萊 加大東亞研究所的創辦人,此一研究所和哈佛大學的費正清中心相互輝映,歷年培養的亞洲事務人才不計其數,他也是「美中關係全國委員會」的創辦人和首任主 席,這個委員會在六○年代一直推動中共加入聯合國,七○年代對美中關係正常化發揮了作用,自此而言,施伯樂對美國改變對中共的政策,確實有其影響力。......【傅建中】


Scalapino, Robert A. (2008) From Leavenworth to Lhasa: living in a revolutionary era Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, California,

版權頁寫本書有許多刪節 改寫

這本回憶錄很平淡--作者必須採取持平而謹慎樂觀的方式觀看和立論(由於含蓋的國際關係範圍過廣等 )
雖然他教過宋楚瑜等 關於台灣也沒什麼"識見" (將蔣介石去世年份寫成1974)

Robert Anthony Scalapino (19 October 1919 – 1 November 2011) (Chinese name: 施伯樂) was an Americanpolitical scientist particularly involved in East Asian studies. He was one of the founders and first chairman of the National Committee on United States – China Relations. Together with his co-author Chong-sik Lee, he won the 1974 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs as awarded by the American Political Science Association. Scalapino's daughters include the renowned artist Diane Sophia and the poet Leslie Scalapino (1944–2010).[1]
Scalapino was born to Anthony and Beulah Stephenson Scalapino in Leavenworth, Kansas, Kansas. In 1940, he completed his bachelor's degree at Santa Barbara College (now the University of California, Santa Barbara) where he was student body president his last year.[2] He married Ida Mae Jessen, the next year on 23 August 1941. Over time they had three children: Leslie, Diane, and Lynne.[1] Scalapino received his master's degree in 1943 and his doctorate in 1948, both from Harvard. During World War II he served in U.S. Naval Intelligence from 1943 to 1946, where he studied Japanese.[2][3] He reached the rank of lieutenant junior grade.
After graduating from Harvard, Scalapino remained there for a year teaching as an instructor, and then went to the University of California at Berkeley as an assistant professor in 1949. He achieved full professor status in 1956, and took emeritus status in 1990. He was chair of Department of Political Science from 1962 to 1965. He founded and was the first director of the Institute of East Asian Studies, from 1978 to 1990. He sat on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was editor of the scholarly journal, Asian Survey, from 1962 to January 1996. Scalapino remained active into his late 80s, serving as a government consultant and testifying at Congressional hearings.
In 2010, The National Bureau of Asian Research and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, as part of the National Asia Research Program (NARP), created the Scalapino Prize in honor of Scalapino and his contributions to the field of Asian studies.[4] The prize would be awarded to an outstanding scholar in the field of Asian studies every two years. The inaugural Scalapino Prize was awarded to David M. Lampton in June 2010 at the 2010 Asia Policy Assembly.[5]
He died of complications from a respiratory infection on 1 November 2011, at the age of 92.[6]

從萊文沃思到拉薩:經歷大變革年代作者: (美)羅伯特·A.斯卡拉皮諾 字數: 170 千字頁數:256 定價:出版日期:2010-11-01 叢書名:未名社科·譯言堂
內容簡介:該書為美國亞洲問題專家羅伯特·斯卡拉皮諾的個人回憶錄,涉及他早年為學的歷程,多年來從事亞洲研究的歷程,很生動,也很有研究價值。精彩片段:關於這本回憶錄及作者本人,北京大學國際關係學院院長、知名國際政治理論家王緝思教授為其所作《中文版序言》中有非常精彩的評論,這裡僅引述如下:斯卡拉皮諾倡導穩健、拒絕激進的個性和知名學者教授的身份,使他很適合同持不同政治觀點的人交往,在這種交往中既不失美國立場,又能傾聽對方。所以,斯卡拉皮諾得以在中美建交之前訪華,在朝核問題的重要關頭多次應邀訪問朝鮮,以他特殊的方式和身份從事公共外交。在日本、韓國等一些國家和台灣地區,分屬不同政治派別的人都試圖同他建立關係,以圖影響美國政策。作為政治學者,他在亞洲各國的政界和學術界中的人脈關係,大概至今無出其右者。無論是私下交談還是公開演講,也無論是對待學生、同事還是面向政治家甚至政治對立面,他都是不緊不慢、不卑不亢、不慍不火、不枝不蔓、把握分寸、淡定矜持、邏輯清晰、思維縝密, 一如他的文風。這也是斯卡拉皮諾在治學、育人、謀事、諮政、做人等方方面面都很成功的原因。章節目錄:中文版序(王緝思)中譯本序(斯卡拉皮諾)前言第一章年輕歲月第二章在太平洋上的八個月——之後,重返學術界第三章在伯克利的生活——動盪年代及之後第四章多年來與日本的交流第五章開始了解中國第六章我與崛起的中國第七章北朝南韓——一個分裂民族的傳奇故事第八章探索東北亞的邊緣地帶第九章印度支那——個人經驗、回顧過去和展望未來第十章深入東南亞腹地第十一章探索南亞的歲月第十二章對我們這個時代的思考作者簡介:美國伯克利加州大學榮譽退休教授、著名亞洲問題專家。書  評:該書為美國亞洲問題研究專家羅伯特•斯卡拉皮諾(Robert A. Scalapino)的回憶錄,記錄了他作為教授、學者、策士的傳奇般的人生經歷。斯卡拉皮諾在書中回顧了他數十年來從事亞洲研究的歷程,記述了他當年對於相關政治社會問題的見解以及現在的評論。全書簡練生動,可讀性強,可作為人物傳記來閱讀欣賞,對於國際問題研究者也很有參考價值。

作者: (美)罗伯特·A.斯
卡拉皮诺 字数: 170 千字
页数:256 定价:
出版日期:2010-11-01 丛书名:未名社科·译言堂

斯 卡拉皮诺倡导稳健、拒绝激进的个性和知名学者教授的身份,使他很适合同持不同政治观点的人交往,在这种交往中既不失美国立场,又能倾听对方。所以,斯卡拉 皮诺得以在中美建交之前访华,在朝核问题的重要关头多次应邀访问朝鲜,以他特殊的方式和身份从事公共外交。在日本、韩国等一些国家和台湾地区,分属不同政 治派别的人都试图同他建立关系,以图影响美国政策。作为政治学者,他在亚洲各国的政界和学术界中的人脉关系,大概至今无出其右者。无论是私下交谈还是公开 演讲,也无论是对待学生、同事还是面向政治家甚至政治对立面,他都是不紧不慢、不卑不亢、不愠不火、不枝不蔓、把握分寸、淡定矜持、逻辑清晰、思维缜密, 一如他的文风。这也是斯卡拉皮诺在治学、育人、谋事、咨政、做人等方方面面都很成功的原因。
第二章在太平洋上的八个月 ——之后,重返学术界
第三章在伯克利的生活 ——动荡年代及之后
第七章北朝南韩 ——一个分裂民族的传奇故事
第九章印度支那 ——个人经验、回顾过去和展望未来
书  评:
该书为美国亚洲问题研究专家罗伯特•斯卡拉皮诺(Robert A. Scalapino)的回忆录,记录了他作为教授、学者、策士的传奇般的人生经历。斯卡拉皮诺在书中回顾了他数十年来从事亚洲研究的历程,记述了他当年对于相关政治社会问题的见解以及现在的评论。

Robert Anthony Scalapino (born 19 October 1919) is an Americanpolitical scientist particularly involved in East Asian studies. He was one of the founders and first chairman of the National Committee on United States – China Relations. Together with his co-author Chong-sik Lee, he won the 1974 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs as awarded by the American Political Science Association. Scalapino's daughter is the internationally renowned poet Leslie Scalapino (1944–2010).[1]
Scalapino was born to Anthony and Beulah Stephenson Scalapino in Leavenworth, Kansas, Kansas. In 1940, he completed his bachelor's degree at Santa Barbara College (now the University of California, Santa Barbara) where he was student body president his last year.[2] He married Ida Mae Jessen, the next year on 23 August 1941. Over time they had three children: Leslie, Diane, and Lynne.[1] Scalapino received his master's degree in 1943 and his doctorate in 1948, both from Harvard. During World War II he served in U.S. Naval Intelligence from 1943 to 1946, where he studied Japanese.[2][3] He reached the rank of lieutenant junior grade.
After graduating from Harvard, Scalapino remained there for a year teaching as an instructor, and then went to the University of California at Berkeley as an assistant professor in 1949. He achieved full professor status in 1956, and took emeritus status in 1990. He was chair of Department of Political Science from 1962 to 1965. He founded and was the first director of the Institute of East Asian Studies, from 1978 to 1990. He sat on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was editor of the scholarly journal, Asian Survey, from 1962 to January 1996. Scalapino remained active into his late 80s, serving as a government consultant and testifying at Congressional hearings.
In 2010, The National Bureau of Asian Research and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, as part of the National Asia Research Program (NARP), created the Scalapino Prize in honor of Scalapino and his contributions to the field of Asian studies.[4] The prize would be awarded to an outstanding scholar in the field of Asian studies every two years. The inaugural Scalapino Prize was awarded to David M. Lampton in June 2010 at the 2010 Asia Policy Assembly.[5]




[edit]Selected publications

Scalapino published 540 articles and 39 books or monographs on Asian politics and United States–Asian policy,[7] which include:
  • 1953 Democracy and the Party Movement in Pre-War Japan[8]
  • 1961 with George T. Yu The Chinese Anarchist Movement[9]
  • 1962 with Junnosuke Masumi Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan[10]
  • 1967 The Japanese Communist Movement, 1920-1966[11]
  • 1972 with Chong-Sik Lee Communism in Korea[12]
  • 1972 Elites in the People's Republic of China[13]
  • 1975 Asia and the Road Ahead[14]
  • 1979 The United States and Korea: Looking Ahead[15]
  • 1983 The Early Japanese Labor Movement[16]
  • 1989 The Politics of Development: Perspectives on Twentieth Century Asia[17]
  • 1992 The Last Leninists: The Uncertain Future of Asia's Communist States[18]
  • 1997 North Korea at a Crossroads[19]
  • 2008 From Leavenworth to Lhasa: living in a revolutionary era[20]


  1. ^ abEPC Obituary notice: Leslie Scalapino 1944-2010
  2. ^ ab"The US Navy Japanese/Oriental Language School Archival Project: Robert Scalapino Honored"The Interpreter (University of Colorado) Number 141, 1 November 2009, pp. 3-4, page 4, accessed 17 February 2010
  3. ^ "Forgotten WWII Patriots, Instrumental in Pacific Victory, to be Honored by U.S. Navy" AScribe Newswire 22 October 2002, accessed 15 February 2010 via Lexis/Nexis subscription service
  4. ^ NBR and Wilson Center Partner to Honor Scalapino http://www.nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=24
  5. ^ Dr. David M. Lampton Awarded the Inaugural Scalapino Prize http://www.nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=91
  6. ^ American Political Science Association "Woodrow Wilson Foundation Awards"
  7. ^"Symposium: Fiftith anniversary of the establishment of The Asia Foyndation", page 3, The Asia Foundation, 14 December 2004, accessed 17 February 2010.
  8. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1953) Democracy and the Party Movement in Pre-War Japan: the failure of the first attempt University of California Press, Berkeley, California, OCLC 152565297
  9. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. and Yu, George T. (1961) The Chinese Anarchist Movement Institute of International Studies, University of California Press, Berkeley, California, OCLC 3803036
  10. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. and Junnosuke Masumi, Junnosuke (1962) Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan University of California, Berkeley, California, OCLC 502721
  11. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1967) The Japanese Communist Movement, 1920-1966 University of California Press, Berkeley, California, OCLC 369027
  12. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. and Lee, Chong-Sik (1972) Communism in Korea University of California Press, Berkeley, California, ISBN 0-520-02080-4
  13. ^ Scalapino, Robert A., ed. (1972) Elites in the People's Republic of China, University of Washington Press, Seattle & London, ISBN 0-295-95230-X
  14. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1975) Asia and the Road Ahead: issues for the major powers University of California Press, Berkeley, California, ISBN 0-520-03066-4
  15. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1979) The United States and Korea: Looking Ahead Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, by Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California, ISBN 0-8039-1374-5
  16. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1983) The Early Japanese Labor Movement: labor and politics in a developing society Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, California, ISBN 0-912966-65-3
  17. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1989) The Politics of Development: Perspectives on Twentieth Century Asia Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ISBN 0-674-68757-4
  18. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1992) The Last Leninists: The Uncertain Future of Asia's Communist States Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, ISBN 0-89206-191-X
  19. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1997) North Korea at a Crossroads Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, ISBN 0-8179-5782-0
  20. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (2008) From Leavenworth to Lhasa: living in a revolutionary era Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, California, ISBN 1-55729-092-X

[edit]Further reading

  • Scalapino, Robert A. (2008) From Leavenworth to Lhasa: living in a revolutionary era Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, California, ISBN 1-55729-092-X

[edit]External links


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
移動: 案内, 検索
ロバート・スカラピーノ(Robert A. Scalapino, 1919年 - )は、アメリカ合衆国政治学者カリフォルニア大学バークレー校名誉教授。専門は、アジア政治、政治発展論。







  • Democracy and the Party Movement in Prewar Japan: the Failure of the First Attempt, (University of California Press, 1953).
  • The Japanese Communist Movement, 1920-1966, (University of California Press, 1967).
  • American-Japanese Relations in a Changing Era, (Library Press, 1972).
  • Asia and the Road Ahead: Issues for the Major Powers, (University of California Press, 1975).
  • The Politics of Development: Perspectives on Twentieth-century Asia, (Harvard University Press, 1989).
初瀬龍平境井孝行訳『アジアの政治発展』(三嶺書房, 1997年)
  • Asian Communism: Refrections on the Present and Future, (Asia Society, 1990
  • From Leavenworth to Lhasa: Living in a Revolutionary Era, (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2008):安野正士・田中アユ子訳『アジアの激動を見つめて』(岩波書店, 2010年)


  • The Chinese Anarchist Movement, with George T. Yu, (Greenwood Press, 1961).
丸山松幸訳『中国のアナキズム運動』(紀伊國屋書店, 1970年)
  • Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan, with Junnosuke Masumi, (University of California Press, 1962).
『現代日本の政党と政治』(岩波書店岩波新書], 1962年)
  • Communism in Korea, with Chong-sik Lee, (University of California Press, 1972).
  • Modern China and its Revolutionary Process: Recurrent Challenges to the Traditional Order, 1850-1920, with George T. Yu, (University of California Press, 1985).


  • North Korea Today, (Praeger, 1963).
鹿島守之助訳『今日の北朝鮮』(鹿島研究所出版会, 1965年)
  • The Communist Revolution in Asia: Tactics, Goals, and Achievements, (Prentice-Hall, 1965).
鎌田光登訳『アジアの共産主義――現状と戦略』(鹿島研究所出版会, 1967年)
  • Elites in the People's Republic of China, (University of Washington Press, 1972).
  • The Foreign Policy of Modern Japan, (University of California Press, 1977).


  • Peace, Politics & Economics in Asia: the Challenge to Cooperate, co-edited with Masataka Kosaka, (Pergamon-Brassey's International Defense Publishers, 1988).
平和・安全保障研究所訳『アジアで政治協力は可能か――経済摩擦と大国の競合の狭間で』(人間の科学社, 1986年)
Asia in the 1990s: American and Soviet Perspectives, co-edited wiht Gennady I. Chufrin, (Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley,

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