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Praeterita. The Seven Lamps of Architecture......The Poetry of Architecture 中文

John Ruskin died in Brantwood, Coniston, Lancashire, England on this day in 1900 (aged 80).
"In great states, children are always trying to remain children, and the parents wanting to make men and women of them. In vile states, the children are always wanting to be men and women, and the parents to keep them children."
--from "Mornings in Florence" (1875)
As a memoir elevated to the level of fine art, John Ruskin’s Praeterita stands alongside The Education of Henry Adams and the confessions of Augustine, Rousseau, and Tolstoy. A luminous account of his childhood and youth, Praeterita is the last major work of the revolutionary nineteenth-century critic. Written in the lucid intervals between the bouts of dementia that haunted his final years, Praeterita tells the story of Ruskin’s early life—the formation of his taste and intellect through education, travels in Europe, and encounters with great works of art and artists. In abandoning the traditional linear mode of autobiography, Ruskin opened up the form and was an important influence on Proust. He also provided a vivid, detailed portrait of pre-Victorian and Victorian England that is as indispensable an account of its era as Samuel Pepys’s diary is of England in the seventeenth century. This edition of Praeterita is accompanied by Dilecta, Ruskin’s own selection from his letters, diaries, and other writings. In these more private writings we get a fascinating glimpse of genius as it flickers in and out of madness. Together these two works illuminate the life and mind of a towering intellect who left an extraordinary mark on the history of aesthetics and culture, and on the very course of autobiography. With a new Introduction by Tim Hilton

Everyman's Library 的相片。

John Ruskin—art critic, social commentator, poet and architect—died on this day in 1900. He sought to increase museum access and art education amongst the working class, and is often credited with inspiring the creation of the National Trust

The Economist 的相片。

Looking for a weekend read? Dive into an excerpt from John Ruskin’s The Seven Lamps of Architecture where he outlines 7 moral principles for practicing architecture: http://archdai.ly/1LiRK8H

150年前,英國讀書人幾乎人手一冊的 John Ruskin 的作品。


所以,我欣賞的一位藝術史家在二十年前要編 {Ruskin Today 簡易本}。

不過,中文界似乎從頭來;去年,翻譯他的名著 "現代諸畫家"等等。






不過翻譯本很少注解 這幾乎使原書難真正了解

我想或許讀者應該快速先了解作者的美學價值觀 道德觀

我建議讀第176-77頁 作者認為為什麼古建築物為文明(包括後代)所共有




我對於196頁將 magister lapicida 翻譯成建築大師不解 因為它的字面意市"割石匠"

建築的七盞明燈—淺談羅斯金的建築思維. 作者:陳德如; 出版社:台灣商務; 出版日期: 2006年03月01日; 語言: 繁體中文 ISBN: 9570520302; 裝訂: 平裝 ...

《建築的七盞明燈》是羅斯金的一部有關哥特式建築的杰作,享譽英美藝術界,為好幾代人評判藝術價值提供了標準。該書闡述了建築的七大原則︰“犧牲原則”、“真理 ...www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/china/chinafile.php?item=CN10101953 - 20k -

Ruskin, John, 1819-1900
The Ethics of the Dust (English)
Giotto and his works in Padua An Explanatory Notice of the Series of Woodcuts Executed for the Arundel Society After the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel (English)
The Harbours of England (English)
Hortus InclususMessages from the Wood to the Garden, Sent in Happy Daysto the Sister Ladies of the Thwaite, Coniston (English)
A Joy For Ever(And Its Price in the Market) (English)
The King of the Golden River (English)
Lectures on ArtDelivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870 (English)
Lectures on LandscapeDelivered at Oxford in Lent Term, 1871 (English)
Love's MeinieThree Lectures on Greek and English Birds (English)
Mornings in Florence (English)
On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2)A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature (English)
The Pleasures of EnglandLectures given in Oxford (English)
Proserpina, Volume 1Studies Of Wayside Flowers (English)
Proserpina, Volume 2Studies Of Wayside Flowers (English)
The Queen of the Air Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm (English)
Selections From the Works of John Ruskin (English)
Sesame and Lilies (English)
Stones of Venice [introductions] (English)
The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth CenturyTwo Lectures delivered at the London Institution February4th and 11th, 1884 (English)
The Two Paths (English)
Val d'Arno (English)

The Poetry of Architecture (English)
建築的詩意John Ruskin 山東畫報出版社2014

设计的精神  藝術十講 John Ruskin德拉克洛瓦論美術和美術家

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