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(Young) TS Eliot's Four Quartets;李賦寧先生/ 艾略特文学论文集、The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot/Valerie Eliot 1926-2012, -The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot

Your 10 favourite TS Eliot lines

Louis McNeice, T.S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, W.H.Auden,Stephen Spender in Faber and Faber's offices, 24 Russell Square, 1960.

FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics 的相片。

Since T.S. Eliot’s death, little has been known of the life that led up to the creation of “The Waste Land”, a difficult and richly allusive work that first came out in 1922, hailed as one of the finest poems of his generation. Fifty years after he passed, a long-awaited new biography sheds light on the young poet's lifehttp://econ.st/1L6oMmU

Young Eliot: From St Louis to The Waste Land. By Robert Crawford. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 512 pages; $35. Jonathan Cape; £25. WHEN Thomas Stearns Eliot died in...

  • Four Quartets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Four Quartets is a set of four poems written by T. S. Eliot that were published individually ....In Part III, the meditation experience becomes darker as night come on, and by ..... "Four Quartets: Music, Word, Meaning and Value" in The Cambridge  ...
  • Four Quartets - Wikiquote


    Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot is a work of four poems: Burnt Norton (1935), East Coker (1940), The Dry Salvages (1941), and Little Gidding (1942) which has been acclaimed by many as one of the greatest works of mystical poetry ever written, and one of the greatest poetic compositions of the twentieth century.

  • 'Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
    Cannot bear very much reality'.
    Jeremy Irons reads TS Eliot's Four Quartets: http://bbc.in/1Mtkqts

    Four Quartets is the culminating achievement of T.S. Eliot's career as a poet. While containing some of the most musical and unforgettable passages in twentieth-century poetry, its four parts, 'Burnt Norton', 'East Coker', 'The Dry Salvages' and 'Little Gidding', present a rigorous meditation on the spiritual, philosophical and personal themes which preoccupied the author. It was the way in which a private voice was heard to speak for the concerns of an entire generation, in the midst of war and doubt, that confirmed it as an enduring masterpiece.
    With an introduction by Michael Symmons Roberts, Lord David Alton and Gail McDonald.


     Serious readers will prefer their Eliot without ellipses.--The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot, p.238
     He did not want his executors" to facilitate or countenance the writing of any biography of me." p.242

    ----T.S. Eliot《家庭團聚》(The Family Reunion (1939) )

    TS Eliot 50 years on – quiz

    One of the 20th century's most influential poets, Eliot died 50 years ago this month. He often wrote of the fragility of memory, but much do you recall about his work?

    TS Eliot in 1941
    The cruellest quiz ... TS Eliot in 1941. Photograph: Rex Features
    1. 1.Who was the “miglior fabbro” to whom The Waste Land was dedicated?
    2. 2.Which of these household items is not mentioned in Eliot’s The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?
    3. 3.In Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, who is “the master criminal who can defy the Law”?
    4. 4.From where did Eliot borrow the original title for The Waste Land, He Do the Police In Different Voices?
    5. 5.Which popular nursery rhyme is mentioned at the end of The Waste Land?
    6. 6.Which of these is a phrase from Eliot’s The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?
    7. 7.Which religious building is central to Eliot’s play Murder in the Cathedral?
    8. 8."No water. Dry rocks and dry throats,/ Then thunder, a shower of quotes/ From the Sanskrit and Dante./ Da. Damyata. Shantih./ I hope you'll make sense of the notes." Whose Waste Land parody?
    9. 9.Which work is sometimes referred to as Eliot’s "conversion poem"?
    10. 10.Before becoming established as a towering presence in literature, Eliot worked for a bank. Which one?

    The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot


    田村隆一詩文集1974 p.187


    Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
    With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade,*


    The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot as hypertext

     - [ 翻譯此頁 ]A hypertext presentation of TS Eliot's poem, 'The Waste Land'. ... Summer surprised uscoming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in ...

    T.S. Eliot
    T.S. Eliot
    T.S. Eliot was born on this date in 1888. The author of The Waste Land (1922), he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948. Eliot was born in Missouri, but moved to England in 1914, where he remained until his death. His plays include Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1949). One of Eliot's most famous poems is his early work, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915). Eliot's children's book, OldPossum's Book of Practical Cats (1939), was the inspiration for the hit musical Cats. He has said, "When a Cat adopts you there is nothing to be done about it except put up with it until the wind changes."

    "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."T.S. Eliot



    瓦萊麗·艾略特(Valerie Eliot)在T·S·艾略特(T. S. Eliot)人生的末期與他結婚,之後堅定地維護他的文學遺產,長達約半個世紀之久。她於周五(11月9日)在倫敦去世,享年86歲。
    艾略特夫人比丈夫差不多小38歲;她在費伯-費伯出版社(Faber & Faber)為他做了幾年秘書,1957年二人結婚。根據各種記載,他們的婚姻很幸福。像很多人一樣,她認為艾略特是20世紀最偉大的詩人之一,她從十幾 歲就非常喜愛他的詩;她努力在費伯-費伯出版社找工作,就是因為他在那裡。
    而她自己編輯了一本備受推崇的《荒原》(The Waste Land)版本,裡面包括原稿的複印件和抄寫本,以及經編輯過的埃茲拉·龐德(Ezra Pound)的注釋。她還同意把丈夫寫給孩子們的一本詩集改編成戲劇;那本詩集叫《老負鼠的貓經》(Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats),改編成的音樂劇就是《貓》(Cats);這給她自己和遺產委員會帶來了巨額財富,她用這些錢創立了一個慈善信託基金。
    “瓦萊麗·艾略特花了30年的時間編輯她已故丈夫的信件,”凱倫·克里斯蒂安森(Karen Christiansen)2005年的時候這樣寫道;她曾幫助艾略特夫人編輯第一卷,後來在馬薩諸塞州成立了伯克利出版集團(Berkeley Publishing Group),“我為她工作的時候,經常懷疑她可能連一封信都不會公開,當第一卷出版的時候,我鬆了一大口氣。”
    埃斯米·瓦萊麗·弗萊徹(Esmé Valerie Fletcher)1926年8月17日出生於英國利茲市。她做保險生意的父親是個書蟲,把自己對詩歌的熱愛傳給了女兒。她說她14歲時聽了約翰·吉爾古 德(John Gielgud)朗讀的《麥琪之旅》(Journey of the Magi)之後,就愛上了艾略特——至少是愛上了他的作品。
    學業結束之後,她在利茲大學的圖書館工作,然後給小說家查爾斯·摩根(Charles Morgan)做秘書。後來她聽她們家的一個認識艾略特的朋友提起艾略特在尋找一位秘書,她還去申請了這個職位。
    艾略特的第一任妻子是薇薇安·海伍德(Vivienne Haigh-Wood),他們是在牛津相遇的。他們的婚姻極其痛苦,很多人推測他在這場婚姻中付出的沉重的情感代價,體現在《荒原》里他對20世紀的絕望評價之中。
    她丈夫去世後,有些人說他冷酷、自戀,說他是反猶太分子,對第一任妻子冷酷無情、自私自利,這些都讓她很傷心。她很少公開回應,不過1994年上映 的一部關於艾略特第一次婚姻的電影《湯姆和薇芙》(Tom & Viv,主演是維勒姆·達福[Willem Dafoe]和米蘭達·理查森[Miranda Richardson]),讓她忍無可忍,開口回應。
    電影改編自邁克爾·黑斯廷斯(Michael Hastings)的劇本,把艾略特描繪成那場婚姻的罪魁禍首,暗示薇薇安·海伍德可能已經寫出了《荒原》的大部分內容。在《獨立報》(The Independent)的長篇採訪中,艾略特夫人從各個方面為丈夫辯護,甚至拿出了一些信件的複印件,來反駁電影中的負面斷言,包括薇薇安在被拒絕進入費伯-費伯出版社辦公室之後,把融化的巧克力倒入郵箱那個情節。

    艾略特文学论文集 1994= RMB 13.2/ 2010=RMB 37.0

    換句話說 書價16年間 300%

    李賦寧先生的艾略特文学论文集選文很用心 ,注解也很好,  可惜錯字相當多。



    2004/10/21 錄馮象先生的話:「我這輩子很幸運,碰到的都是一流的老師,我上北大後,領我入門的是甯先生,……他們那代人是有學問的,我特別相信一代不如一代,人類文明的衰落不可避免。」


    /著 <英語學習經驗談>,
    總主編<歐洲文學>史 商務印書館.


    大家再談點「直書其事」(jarvisdd 留言) :孔子,董狐,直筆



    作者: T.S艾略特



    作者: T.S艾略特
    译者: 李赋宁
    ISBN: 9787805796253
    页数: 278
    定价: 13.2
    出版年: 1994ISBN: 9787805796253
    页数: 278
    定价: 13.2
    出版年: 1994

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