Oliver Sacks, who has taught us so much, now teaches us the art of dying
Ranjana Srivastava
Death is never easy. But Oliver Sacks shows us an approach that views life as a welcome gift rather than bemoaning death as a medical failure
In a poignant essay, renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks reveals he has an incurable cancer: http://cnn.it/1Acnfdb
In a poignant essay, renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks reveals he has an incurable cancer: http://cnn.it/1Acnfdb
On The Move
ON THE MOVE: A LIFE 預計2015年5月出版
by Oliver Sacks
by Oliver Sacks
An impassioned, tender, and joyous memoir by the author of Musicophilia and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.
Coming May 2015
Also available from Random House Audio
Also available from Random House Audio
Jacket image: TK
Jacket design by Chip Kidd
Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, New York
Jacket design by Chip Kidd
Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, New York
(Pre-order) Purchase from: Amazon | Barnes and Noble
On The Move: A Life
When Oliver Sacks was twelve years old, a perceptive schoolmaster wrote in his report: “Sacks will go far, if he does not go too far.” It is now abundantly clear that Sacks has never stopped going. From its opening pages on his youthful obsession with motorcycles and speed, On the Move is infused with his restless energy. As he recounts his experiences as a young neurologist in the early 1960s, first in California, where he struggled with drug addiction and then in New York, where he discovered a long forgotten illness in the back wards of a chronic hospital, we see how his engagement with patients comes to define his life.
With unbridled honesty and humor, Sacks shows us that the same energy that drives his physical passions—weightlifting and swimming—also drives his cerebral passions. He writes about his love affairs, both romantic and intellectual; his guilt over leaving his family to come to America; his bond with his schizophrenic brother; and the writers and scientists—Thom Gunn, A.R. Luria, W.H. Auden, Gerald M. Edelman, Francis Crick—who influenced him. On the Move is the story of a brilliantly unconventional physician and writer—and of the man who has illuminated the many ways that the brain makes us human.
Oliver Sacks is a practicing physician and the author of twelve books, including The Mind’s Eye, Musicophilia, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, and Awakenings (which inspired the Oscar-nominated film). He lives in New York City, where he is a professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine.
Oliver Sack’s An Anthropologist on Mars, Awakenings, Hallucinations, The Island of the Colorblind, The Mind’s Eye, Musicophilia, Seeing Voices, and Uncle Tungsten are available in Vintage paperback, as is Vintage Sacks, a collection of his finest work.
【書評:薩克斯不會停下來】文/周達智 (tc)
//薩克斯自傳以 "On The Move” 為題明志,取自友人 Thom Dunn 同名詩作,首次披露私人生活。絕少讀者猜得出,封面像香煙廣告模特兒的美男子,就是大鬍子醫生。筆者問過幾位朋友,全未聽說過薩克斯是同性戀者;更難想像,一生投身腦科學的紐約大學教授,當年曾沉迷健身,創下深蹲舉重 600 磅的加州紀錄。身在嬉皮士年代的加州,腦科學家不諱言經常進行精神科藥物實驗,曾有四年廢寢忘食,「被腦部的快感中心操縱」。薩克斯自言「大情大性,為一切愛好投入激烈的熱情,絕不保留」,青春的狂燄曾經燃燒過甚麼,相信自傳難以盡錄。//
//大鬍子薩克斯醫生 Oliver Sacks 著作等身,以敏銳的筆觸和深邃的關懷,重現神經心理學案例中每一個人的生命和思想世界,揭示大腦和思維之間的奧秘,成為家傳戶曉的暢銷書作者及腦科學家。如今滿臉祥和,受千萬讀者愛戴的他,自少嚮往到處闖盪的自由和力拔山河的強壯。那位愛在週未換上黑色皮褸,讓「地獄天使」車黨也視為一伙的年青醫生,18 歲前往牛津就讀前換來第一部鐵騎;試車時老爺車突然鎖起油門,才知道掣動器也失修。他寧願沿途高呼讓路,在敦倫的攝政公園繞圈至燃油秏盡,也不肯將車拉倒停下來。//
奧利佛·薩克斯(Oliver Sacks,1933年7月9日-),英國倫敦著名生物學家、腦神經學家、作家及業餘化學家。他根據他對病人的觀察,而寫了好幾本暢鍚書。他側重於跟隨19世紀傳統的「臨床軼事」,文學風格式的非正式病歷。他最喜愛的例子為盧力亞著作的記憶大師的心靈。
- 《偏頭痛》(Migraine) (1970年)
- 《睡人》(Awakenings) (1973年);范昱峰譯(1998年)台北:時報文化,ISBN 957-13-2757-3。
- 《單腳站立》(A leg to stand on) (1984年) (薩克斯在一場意外後無法控制自己雙腳的經歷)
- 《錯把太太當帽子的人》(The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat) (1985年);孫秀惠譯 (1996年),台北:天下文化。
- 《看得見的聲音》 (1989年) (Deaf culture and sign language)
- 《火星上的人類學家》(Anthropologist on Mars) (1995年); 趙永芬譯,台北:天下文化。
- 《色盲島》(The Island of the colorblind) (1997年) (一個島嶼社群上的先天性完全色盲);黃秀如譯(1999年),台北:時報文化。
- 《鎢絲舅舅─少年奧立佛.薩克斯的化學愛戀》(2001年);廖月娟譯(2003年)台北:時報文化。
- Oaxaca Journal (2002年)
- 《腦袋裝了2000齣歌劇的人》(Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain)(2008年)廖月娟譯,台北:天下文化
- 《看得見的盲人》(The Mind's Eye) (2012年) 廖月娟譯,台北:天下文化
奧利佛·薩克斯的個人網頁 (英語)
奧利佛·薩克斯的支持者的網頁 (英語)
The Fully Immersive Mind of Oliver Sacks於Wired 10.04
He had determined that there was to be no conversation about her progressive cancer or the fact that she lay dying. Her experience was unacceptable yet the impasse dreadful and ethically troubling.I found myself thinking of a former patient who came into hospital dying of liver failure from metastatic bowel cancer. Her jaundiced skin was practically glowing and she had a resulting insatiable itch. There was not a single comfortable position she could find and it soon became clear that that she needed continuous sedation for comfort. But before I sedated her I needed to be sure that she understood her terminal condition, difficult given that the liver failure was causing agitation. The problem was that her husband was permanently stationed at her bedside and would not hear of me mentioning any bad news to the patient.