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傳記故事(四):Dumas's d'Artagnan,《三個火槍手》《茶花女》《三仲馬傳》《大仲馬美食詞典》《三個火槍手》The Three Musketeers


Helen Oyeyemi: By the Book

The author of "Mr. Fox" and "Boy, Snow, Bird" considers Dumas's d'Artagnan a literary hero: "If there's going to be a fray, I can't help but approve of someone who enters it headlong."
The d'Artagnan Romances are a set of three novels by Alexandre Dumas telling the story of the musketeerd'Artagnan from his humble beginnings in Gascony to his death as a marshal of France in the Siege of Maastricht in 1673.
Dumas based the life and character of d'Artagnan on the 17th-century captain of musketeers Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, and Dumas's portrayal was indebted to the semi-fictionalized memoirs of d'Artagnan written 27 years after the hero's death by Gatien de Courtilz de Sandras (published in 1700).
The three novels are:
  • The Three Musketeers, set in 1625; first published in serial form in the magazine Le Siècle between March and July 1844. Dumas claimed it was based on manuscripts he had discovered in the Bibliothèque Nationale.
  • Twenty Years After, set in 1648; serialized from January to August, 1845.
  • The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later, set between 1660 and 1673; serialized from October 1847 to January 1850. This vast novel has been split into three, four, or five volumes at various points.
    • In the three-volume edition, the novels are titled The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Louise de la Vallière and The Man in the Iron Mask.
    • In the four-volume edition, the novels are titled The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Ten Years Later, Louise de la Vallière and The Man in the Iron Mask.
    • The five-volume edition generally does not give titles to the smaller portions.
Two further sequels to the d'Artagnan books, the novels The Son of Porthos and D'Artagnan Kingmaker, were published respectively in 1883 and 1900. D'Artagnan does not appear in the first novel, which, although written by Paul Mahalin, was published under the pen name "Alexandre Dumas" and is still sold as such. The second novel was supposedly based on one of Dumas's plays. Dumas himself died in 1870.



大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas l8021870)《大仲馬美食詞典‧公雞》楊榮鑫譯, 南京:譯林出版社,201294-5頁:
拿破崙一世拒絕將古高盧的公雞放在旗上當徽識,因為牠會被狐狸吃掉。然而這不能代表民眾的想法。大仲馬說,「一言以蔽之,公雞是很招人愛的動物,漂亮 、勇敢、還有一副嘹亮的好嗓子,很好地代表法蘭西精神。……
本書是一席由一個個詞條烹制而成的文學大餐, 法國的一切美食以及與美食相關的東西都囊括在內。與傳統詞典古板的寫作方式不同,大仲馬在製作詞條時加入了很多文學因子,凡與美食相關的名人逸事、神話傳 説、笑話、史料均在收錄之列,趣味盎然,讓人不忍釋卷,被普遍評價為“好看,好用”,成為法國文學和法式美食的傳世之作。
亞歷山大仲馬父子同名,都是著名的法國作家, 為便於區分,分別簡稱大仲馬和小仲馬。大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas,1802年7月24日~1870年12月5日)作品數量驚人,據他自己説有400到500部甚至更多,被譽為“文壇火槍手”。其作品《三個火 槍手》、《基督山伯爵》、《黑鬱金香》等膾炙人口、長銷不衰。
大仲馬是文壇巨擘,但對法國人而言,其熱愛美 食的名聲可能更甚。他耗費鉅資建立的基督山城堡,因其毫無限制大排筵宴,最終只能被拍賣處理,被世人評為“寫作使其富有,耽吃使其貧困”。而在財産與健康 盡失的晚年,他更以吃遍巴黎大小餐館為樂,每到一處,便寫下筆記心得,成了法國最早、也最富盛名的食評家,而各大食鋪的大廚也幾乎都成了他的好友。當時, 法國各大名廚無一不稱頌大仲馬為“知音”。

2007.7 傳記故事(四):《三仲馬傳》

2004-10-07 18:14:58



A. 莫洛亞《三仲馬傳》(1957)郭安定譯,北京:人民文學出版社,1996
G.. Endore 《大仲馬傳》(King of Paris),陳秋帆由日文本轉譯(?),台北:新潮,1979

莫洛亞作品有一定的高水平,推薦。Endore 是小說/故事,翻譯不穩定(同一章中「旅館」、「旅店」並用—這可能是hotel之誤譯,所以我問rl:「有沒辦法查大仲馬(他有回憶錄)去巴黎闖天下在 某家「旅館」(??)與主人打撞球贏九(六)百杯苦艾酒(?)的人名地名?」因此他家鄉hotels何其多…)
【謝謝rl的指引:列網頁資料應該有你需要 的人、事、地、物

大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas l802~1870),法國19世紀的浪漫主義作家,好善樂施、慷慨解囊(他的錢都裝在教堂用之聖水器用任意取用)、性格俠義、反對不平、追求正義。他受 朋友感動、自學成才,一生寫過各種類型作品(達300卷之多),主要以小說和劇作著稱。大仲馬的小說,大都以真實的歷史作背景,以主人公的奇遇為內容,情 節曲折生動,處處出人意外,堪稱歷史驚險小說。大仲馬小說的特色:異乎尋常的理想英雄,急劇發展的故事情節,緊張的打鬥動作,清晰明朗的完整結構,生動有 力的語言,靈活機智的對話等。最著名的是 《三個火槍手》(1844 (583KB) )、《基督山伯爵》(1118KB)。這些作品可以 全文下載:

Alexandre Dumas, author of “The Three Musketeers,” was born on this day in 1802. Celebrate with today’s Artwork of the Day, selected by Leatitia Raiciulescu, Associate Collections Information Specialist.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Hans Shäufelein (German, ca. 1480 - ca. 1540) | Three Musketeers | n.d. http://met.org/1ItQrB1

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 的相片。

Author of 'The Three Musketeers' Alexandre Dumas was born‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1802. He based many of D'Artagnan's exploits on the experiences of his father, a well-known general in Napoleon's army.

The British Library 的相片。





Daily Highlights Tuesday, July 24, 2007
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Caricature of Dumas
As a Musketeer
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Alexandre Dumas was born on this date in 1802. Most famous for his novels The Three Musketeers (1844) and The Count of Monte Cristo (1845), he greatly influenced the development of both the historical novel and the serial novel in France. Dumas' work was extremely popular and he amassed great wealth — spending it as fast as he made it. His extravagant lifestyle and his habit of surrounding himself with friends who were happy to be recipients of his largess left him in debt much of his life. His son, Alexandre Dumas fils, was also a writer; he did not adopt his father's free-wheeling lifestyle.

"All human wisdom is summed up in two words — wait and hope."Alexandre Dumas


The Three Musketeers
Image by Maurice Leloir, 1894
Author(s)Alexandre Dumas
in collaboration with Auguste Maquet
Original titleLes Trois Mousquetaires
Genre(s)Historical novel
Publication dateMarch–July 1844 (serialised)
Media typePrint (Hardcover)
Followed byTwenty Years After, The Vicomte de Bragelonne
The Three Musketeers (French: Les Trois Mousquetaires) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, first serialized in March–July 1844. Set in the 17th century, it recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. D'Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, inseparable friends who live by the motto "all for one, one for all" ("un pour tous, tous pour un"), a motto which is first put forth by d'Artagnan.[1]
The story of d'Artagnan is continued in Twenty Years After and The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. Those three novels by Dumas are together known as the d'Artagnan Romances.
The Three Musketeers was first published in serial form in the newspaper Le Siècle between March and July 1844.
When Alexandre Dumas wrote The Three Musketeers he also was a practising fencer and like many other French gentlemen of his generation he attended the schools for Canne de combat and Savate of Michel Casseux, Charles Lecour[2] and Joseph Charlemont (who had been a regular fencing instructor in the French army).

 See The Three Musketeers in film for the numerous appearance of the characters in

Promotional film poster
Directed byPaul W. S. Anderson




胡適之先生1926年夏旅歐時,在法京巴黎看過 《茶花女》一劇,當時觀眾許多人很感動---30年代 唯一有小說與劇本的是 《茶花女》,所以值得研究它們。
先生日記上說,從小說到劇本, 剪裁的功夫最重要。



劉半農先生寫《因「茶花女」之公演而說幾句》 (1932.11.6) 、《甘苦之言---看「茶花女」之公演後寫》1926.11.20、《再寫幾句》第三段說有兩先生吵《茶花女》是林琴南或嚴復翻譯的…….末段:哈哈!昨天我看見陳衡哲女士,談起《新青年》時代的白話詩,她說「那是三代以上的事了」。徵之於此,豈不良信。




從小說到劇本  剪裁的功夫最重要
胡適1926年旅法時看過 《茶花女》一劇  當時觀眾許多人很感動
在30年代  唯一有小說與劇本的是 《茶花女》 所以值得研究它們



  • 產品名稱:茶花女
  • ISBN編號: 9787542630506
  • 出版時間: 2009-5-1
  • 出版社: 上海三联书店
  • 頁數: 419
  • 版次印次: 1
  • 作者: (法)小仲马(Dumas,A.) 著,董强 译
  • 開本: 16开
  • 裝幀: 平装
  • 印數: 1
  • 字數: 177000

《茶 花女》为我们塑造了一些生动、鲜明的艺术形象,而其中最突出、最令人难忘的自然是女主人公茶花女玛格丽特。读者们切莫把玛格丽特和阿尔丰西娜•普莱西小姐 混为一谈,阿尔丰西娜的身世固然值得同情,但她的的确确是个堕落的女人,用小仲马的话来说,她“既是一个纯洁无瑕的贞女,又是一个彻头彻尾的娼妇”。但玛 格丽特却不同,她美丽、聪明而又善良虽然沦落风尘,但依旧保持着一颗纯洁、高尚的心灵。她充满热情和希望地去追求真正的爱情生活,而当这种希望破灭之后, 又甘愿自我牺牲去成全他人。这一切都使这位为人们所不齿的烟花女子的形象闪烁着一种圣洁的光辉,以至于人们一提起“茶花女”这三个字的时候,首先想到的不 是什么下贱的妓女,而是一位美丽、可爱而又值得同情的女娃。古今中外的文学名著为人们留下了许许多多不朽的艺术形象,而玛格丽特则完全可以跻身其间而毫无 愧色。



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