Robert Finlay《青花瓷的故事》(鄭明萱譯) 的出版社編輯堅持正文不附外文字母,書末用對照表說明。
這會有些問題,譬如說,內文"特安農宮 (凡爾賽)"沒收入對照,而Wikipedia有其它譯法: Petit Trianon 小特里亞農宮,凡爾賽宮。
鄭明萱的譯藝,或許可以比較她翻譯Wallace Stevens 的 "Anecdote of the Jar",《青花瓷的故事》,頁28-29:
On "Anecdote of the Jar" - English
I placed a jar in Tennessee ,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.
The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.
其四,參考(美)華萊士·史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens
最高虛構筆記 副標題: 史蒂文斯詩文集
譯者: 陳東飚 / 張棗出版社: 華東師範大學出版社,出版年: 2009, 頁數: 402,第65頁
頁85 (她採用的翻譯是不完全的:
舊約以斯拉 記(天主教譯名是厄斯德拉上)3:12King James Bible
But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, who wereancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy:
《特別呈現》 20130423 《china•瓷》上集青花瓷的故事
本期節目主要內容: 16世紀葡萄牙人就已經開始將大量的中國青花瓷運往歐洲,如今在歐洲,幾百年前的青花瓷依然在歐洲的博物館陳列,展現它那不變的風采。而在中國,景德鎮的瓷器更是名揚中外,而青花瓷更是這裡的主打產品,青花瓷的燒製在這里長久的傳承。而許多人不知道是,青花瓷並不是中國土生土長的,而是由波斯工匠所帶來。讓我們一起探尋青花瓷的故事。(《特別呈現》 20130423 《china•瓷》 上集青花瓷的故事)
這會有些問題,譬如說,內文"特安農宮 (凡爾賽)"沒收入對照,而Wikipedia有其它譯法: Petit Trianon 小特里亞農宮,凡爾賽宮。
鄭明萱的譯藝,或許可以比較她翻譯Wallace Stevens 的 "Anecdote of the Jar",《青花瓷的故事》,頁28-29:
On "Anecdote of the Jar" - English
Anecdote of the Jar
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.
The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.
It took dominion everywhere.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else inTennessee .
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in
其四,參考(美)華萊士·史蒂文斯 Wallace Stevens
最高虛構筆記 副標題: 史蒂文斯詩文集
譯者: 陳東飚 / 張棗出版社: 華東師範大學出版社,出版年: 2009, 頁數: 402,第65頁
頁85 (她採用的翻譯是不完全的:
舊約以斯拉 記(天主教譯名是厄斯德拉上)3:12King James Bible
But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, who wereancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy:
- 許多曾在這地基上,親眼見過先前的聖殿的老司祭、老肋未人和老族長 ,面對這座聖殿,不禁放大哭,卻也有許多人歡喜高呼,
- 作者: 羅伯特.芬雷
- 原文作者:Robert Finlay
- 譯者:鄭明萱
- 出版社:貓頭鷹
- 出版日期:2011/11/06
The Pilgrim Art: Cultures of Porcelain in World HistoryIlluminating one thousand years of history, "The Pilgrim Art "explores the remarkable cultural influence of Chinese porcelain around the globe. Cobalt ore was shipped from Persia to China in the fourteenth century, where it was used to decorate porcelain for Muslims in Southeast Asia, India, Persia, and Iraq. Spanish galleons delivered porcelain to Peru and Mexico while aristocrats in Europe ordered tableware from Canton. The book tells the fascinating story of how porcelain became a vehicle for the transmission and assimilation of artistic symbols, themes, and designs across vast distances-from Japan and Java to Egypt and England. It not only illustrates how porcelain influenced local artistic traditions but also shows how it became deeply intertwined with religion, economics, politics, and social identity. Bringing together many strands of history in an engaging narrative studded with fascinating vignettes, this is a history of cross-cultural exchange focused on an exceptional commodity that illuminates the emergence of what is arguably the first genuinely global culture. |
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《特別呈現》 20130423 《china•瓷》上集青花瓷的故事
本期節目主要內容: 16世紀葡萄牙人就已經開始將大量的中國青花瓷運往歐洲,如今在歐洲,幾百年前的青花瓷依然在歐洲的博物館陳列,展現它那不變的風采。而在中國,景德鎮的瓷器更是名揚中外,而青花瓷更是這裡的主打產品,青花瓷的燒製在這里長久的傳承。而許多人不知道是,青花瓷並不是中國土生土長的,而是由波斯工匠所帶來。讓我們一起探尋青花瓷的故事。(《特別呈現》 20130423 《china•瓷》 上集青花瓷的故事)