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蒙古入侵時期的突厥斯坦 / 巴拖爾德 ; 張錫彤,張廣達译

蒙古入侵時期的突厥斯坦 (英譯 Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion,似乎有pdf)
張錫彤 (1903-1988) 中亞史專家;張廣達  (1931~)中研院院士張廣達訪談張教授為臺大「我的學思歷程」系列所做的演講(臺大演講網:網站連結)。 

  1. Vasily Bartold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In the two volumes of his dissertation (Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion, 1898-1900), he pointed out the many benefits the Muslim world derived from  ...
Barthold W. Turkestan: down to the Mongol invasion
London: Oxford University Press, 1928. — 514 p.

Barthold's epoch-making work appeared in 1900 under the Russian title of that is to say,Turkestan at the time of the Mongol invasion. In spite of being written in a language which is comparatively little known it has found its place in all libraries boasting completeness and in those of all scholars interested in Central Asian history, and consequently it has long been out of print. The present work is, however, no mere translation, for this English edition has been thoroughly revised and amplified by professor Barthold himself in the light of the vast new materials which have been made accessible in the last quarter of a century. That the actual alterations in the text of the work have, in spite of this, been relatively slight is the strongest tribute to the thoroughness and critical acumen of the author. Thus the history of Central Asia from the period of the first invasion by the arms of Islam down to the arrival on the scene of Chingiz-Khan at the beginning of the thirteenth century is now available to Western readers with a wealth of detail which perhaps professor Barthold is alone able to supply .

蒙古入侵时期的突厥斯坦 / 巴拖尔德 ; 张锡彤,张广达译  上海古籍出版社,2007,上下兩冊
639.4 7742-1 v.1/v.2

譯名問題還是有待釐清,譬如說 饑餓草原Hunger Steppe,索引處無界定,而Wikipedia 的英文和日文不太相同。

Mirzacho'l Steppe (UzbekMirzacho'lRussianГолодная степь, Hunger Steppe) is a loessplain of some 10,000 km2 on the left bank of Syr Darya in Uzbekistan, extending from the mouth of Ferghana Valley on the border with Tajikistan to the east across Syrdarya Provinceand the northern part of Jizzakh Province to the west. 

ゴロドナヤ・ステップ (英語Golodnaya Steppeウズベク語Mirzacho'lロシア語Голодная степь) はウズベキスタンシルダリヤ川左岸に広がる黄土の土地である。ゴロドナヤ・ステップとはロシア語で「飢餓のステップ」を意味する[1]。「ゴロドナヤ平原」と表記されることもある[2]

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