| 學術期刊論文
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Is There Society in the Text? Reviewing Fiction and Society. Taiwan Racial Social Review 3.1988。
- Liao,Ping-hui, 〈文學理論與社會實踐,《中美文學與思想論文集》,台北:中中研院美研所。"Literary Theory and Social Practice"Essays in Sino-American Literature and Philosophy ( Taipei: Academia Sinica,).1991
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈兩種「體」現〉,楊儒賓主編,《中國古代思想中的氣論與身體觀》,台北:巨流,215-26. "Two Modern of Embodiment", Theories of Chi and Body in Chinese Antiquity, ed. Rubing Yang (Taipei: Chu- liu).1993
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Words and Pictures: On Lyric Inscriptions in Chinese Painting", Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, No.8:441-66.收入(rpt. in)East-West comparative Literature, ed. Tak- wai Wang (U of Hong Kong, 1993) 75-203.1988
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Taking a Part in that Utopian Space", Asian Culture 15: 35-53.1987
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Program Asian-Pacific Cultural Studies", Culture and Policy ( forthcoming).
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Intersection and Juxtaposition of Wor(1)DS", TAMKANG REVIEW 14:395-441.1983
- 1993Liao,Ping-hui, "Hope, Recollection, Repetition: Revisited", Musical Quarterly 77,1:67-80.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Reading the Other Reading", Proceedings of Concepts of Literary Theory East and West , ICLA.1991
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Reading the Other Reading", Concept of Literary Theory East & West , (Taipei: CLA, ROC,1993)89-101.1993
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈里柯的三度擬仿論及其問題〉,《新文學史》 1 :69-86。" Ricoeur on Three Mimeses", New Literary History 1.1993
- Liao,Ping-hui,"The M other in the Hall: Figures and Discourses of Mastery and Control", Tamkang Review 238-63.1990
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈泰勒論現代性與多元文化〉,《當代》100:10-29。"Charles Taylor on Modernity and Multiculturalism", Contemporary .1994
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Rewriting Taiwan's National History: the February 28 Incident as Spectacle", Public Culture 5,1:281-96.1993
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈後殖民時代的歷史研究〉,《新史學》 3,2:123-49。" Historical Studies for the Postcolonial Era", New Historiography .1992
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Constant Renewal of the Archaic: Problems of Bakhtin's Genre Theory", Studies in Language and Literature 4:89-101.1990
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Of Writing Words for Music Which is Already Made: Madame Butterfly, Turandot, Orientalism", Cultural Critique 16:31-59.1990
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈新歷史主義與後殖民論述〉,《中外史學》20,21: 25- 38。"New Historicism and Postcolonial Theory", Chungwai Literary Monthly 20.1992
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Disrupting the Single Voice Narrative: Sexuality vs. Textual Economy in Wuthering Heights", Studies in Language and Literature 3:37-55.1988
- 1994Liao,Ping-hui,〈族群與民族主義〉,《台灣民族主義》101-16,(台北:前衛)。" Ethnicity and Nationalism", The Development Nationalism in Taiwan(Taipei: Chienwei).
- 1993.09Liao,Ping-hui,〈母語運動與國家文藝體制〉,《中外文學》 22, 4, (國家文學專號: 9-17):6-14, "Mother Tongue and National Literature", Chung-wai Literary Monthly .
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Opera and the Postmodern Cultural Politics", A Night in at he Opera: Media Representations of Opera , ed. Jeremy Tambling London: John Libbey),297-305.1994
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈空與性別的錯亂:論霸王別姬時〉,《中外文學》 22, 1:6-18。"Chronotopic and Gender Disorder: ON Farewell to My Concubine", Chung-wai Literary Monthly .1993.06
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈馬克吐溫《哈克歷險記》與多元及公共場域〉,《當代》93 (1994):48-65。"Multiculturalism and the Public Sphere Issues in Adventure of Huckleberry Finn", Contemporary .1994.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈創新與蛻變〉,收入《中國文學史的省思》,陳國沈主編(香港:三聯) 186-212 。"Innovation and Transformation", Reflections on History of Chinese Literature ,(Hong- Kong:Shanlien).1993.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Image, Power, Zen Discourse", Tamkang Review 18: 371-378.1989.
- 1994. Liao,Ping-hui,〈噪音或造音〉,《《噪音》導讀》,(台北:時報文化)。"Noise or Music?", Foreword to the Chinese Translation of Jacques Attali's Bruits(Taipei: Shih-pao).
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈文化研究與文學教育〉,《中外文學》23,8: 21-28。" Cultural Studies and Literary Education", Chung-wai Literary Monthly .1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈比較文學與現代詩篇〉,《中外文學》24,2:67-84。"Comparative Literature and Modem Poetics", Chungwai Literary Monthly .1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈導讀:媒體、消費大眾、國際公共領域〉,《文化批評與華語電影》,鄭樹森主編,(台北:麥田)。Foreword to Cultural Criticism and Chinese Films,ed. William Tay,Taipei:Maitien. 9-34.1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈帝國、性別、階級與敘事體〉,《英美文學評論》 2:33- 54。"Empire, Gender, Class, and Narrative Studies", English and American Literature 2.1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈近五十年的台灣小說〉,《 聯合文學》132:127-37。1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈從蝴蝶到洋紫荊:管窺施叔青的《香港三部曲》〉,《中外文學》, 24,12: 91-104。1996.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈官檢體制下的書寫倫理與政治:科特吉在布雷滕巴哈與葛蒂瑪之間的抉擇〉,《中外文學》25, 3: 190-204。1996.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "The Case of the Emergent Cultural Criticism Columns in Taiwan's Newspaper Litera ry Supplements",G lobal/Local : Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary , eds. Rob Wilson and Wimal Dissanayake, Durham:Duke Up: 337- 347.1996.
- 1996.Liao,Ping-hui, "Chinese Nationalism or Taiwanese Localism", Culture and Policy 7.2: 75-92.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Postmodern Literary Discourse and Contemporary Public Culture in Taiwan", Boundary 2.1997,
| 研討會論文
- Liao,Ping-hui, 〈遊旅族群與文化認同〉,「華美作家文化屬性研討會」, 中研院歐美所。1993.02.15-16
- Liao,Ping-hui「當代台灣公共文化的回顧與展望百年來的台灣研討會」, 1995/01/7-8. (台大法學院) 。1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈霸王別姬的由戲入影〉,「梅蘭芳百年誕辰學術研討會」,台北, 1994/06/25-26. (後刊於中外禮學23卷6期, 1994/11,124-34.)。1994.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈文學理論與社會實踐:論薩伊德、美國文學與思想〉, 中研院美研所10月28-29日.(收入論文集)。1990.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈從巴別塔談建築性的思索〉,「從現代到後現代研討會」,清華大學,台北,(修訂稿刊於《當代》43期,後收入《形式與意識形態》) 。1988.12.22-24.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈作品中有個文字共和國嗎?試論「哈克貝利芬歷險記」對多元文化與公共領域研究的啟示〉,《美國文學與思想》, 中研院歐美所。1993.10.29-30
- Liao,Ping-hui,"The Case of the Emergent Cultural Criticism Column,in Taiwan's Newspaper Literary Supplements", Internationalizing Cultural Studies , Eastwest Center, Dec. 12-14,(Tobe included in Global Local: Cultural Production and the TransnationalImag ). 1994.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈王文興的現代與傳統情結,從40到90年代〉,「兩岸三邊華文小說研討會」,中國時報,1994/01/8-9. 縮艇誑Z於人間副刊1997 /01/07 39 版)1994
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Commentary as Literature", Comparative Approaches to Civil Society and the Public Sphere, Bellagio Center, Italy.1993.08.23-27
- Liao,Ping-hui"The Ideology of Reading: On Rose,Rose, I Love You" Chinese Literature and the Politics of Reading, Duke University, Oct. 4-6.1990.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Reproducing Histories: On Farewell to My Concubine and the Master Puppeteer", Anticipating the 21th Century, Univ. of Colorado, Mar. 4-7.1994
- Liao,Ping-hui, "The Ideology of Reading: On Rose, Rose, I Love You", Chinese Literature and the Politics of Reading,Duke University.1990.10.4-6
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Reading the Other Reading" ,Concepts of Literary Theory, East and West, ICLA,National Taiwan University, Apr.27-30, (論文中譯刊於中外文學)1990
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Reading the Other Reading", Concepts of Literary Theory,East and West, ICLA, National Taiwan University, March 23- 25. (論文中譯刊於中外文學)1991
- Liao,Ping-hui, "The Sexual and Racial Politics of Incorporation and Distanciation in Ching-hua Yuan", Chinese Literature and Critical Theory, UCLA.1992.03.21-24.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Hope, Recollection, Repetition", International Conference on Cultural Criticism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, (論文刊於Musical Quarterly 71期)1992.12.27-1993.01.10.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Rewriting Taiwan's National History", The Internalization of the Public Sphere, Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago, (論文刊於Public Studies 5, 1期)1992.07.21-08.03.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Of Writing Words for Music Which is Already Made" ,Chinese Western Comparative Literature for the 90s. Chinese University, Hong Kong, (論文刊於Culture Critique 16 期)1989/12/11-14.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"The Sexual and Racial Politics of Incorporation and Distanciation in Ching-hua Yuan", Chinese Literature and Critical Theory, UCLA, 1992, March 21-24.1992.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Rethinking Japanese Colonialism, Modernity and Colonialism in East Asia", Humanities Research Institute, Univ. of California at Irvine, April 20, 1995. (invited guest speaker).1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Identity Politics and Cultural Fundamentalism in Modern East sia", IFK Workshop on Cultural Identity, Vienna, May 27-28, 1995.1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui "The Receptions of Hong Kong Kung-fu Films in the Pan-Chinese Communities, Media, Culture, and Society in Contemporary Hong Kong", Workshop, Fairbank Center, Harvard Univ. June17-22, 1995.1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui ,"Chinese Nationalism or Taiwanese Localism", Cultural Policy: State of the Art Conference, Brisbane, June 28-30, 1995.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Hyphen-Nations, Rewriting the Pacific Workshops", Univ of California, Davis-Berkeley, Oct. 19-22, 1996. (Key-note speech).
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Taiwan and the Inter-Chinese Public Sphere, Cultural Politics of Cosmopolitanism Conference", Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Jan.2-8, 1996.
- Liao,Ping-hui,〈由幾幅景物畫看五○至七○年代台灣的城鄉關係〉,「何謂台灣?近代台灣美術與文化認同研討會」,1996年9月13-14日,台北, (論文刊於研討會論文集,文建會出版,1997,頁38-55)。1996.
- Liao,Ping-hui,",Hermeneutic Tradition in Chinese Culture, Rutgers University, Sept.11-14,1996, (invited speaker).1996
- Liao,Ping-hui, "Modernity and Identity in Taiwan", Contemporary Chinese Culture Studies Workshop, Harvard Univ., Oct.17,1996, (invited speaker).1996.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Contemporary Taiwan Studies and Internet Possibilities", Rethinking Asian Studies, Rice Univ., Nov. 16-17. (invited speaker). <>1996.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Art and Identity in Modern Taiwan" and "Music and Travel in the Postcolonial Era", April17-18, 1997, Braudel Center, Binghamton University, New York."Thinking Beyond the Postcolonial" series. (invited speaker)(論文之一將刊登於Modern China).1997.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Pan-Asianism and Archive Research", Rice Univ. May8-10, 1997, (invited speaker).1997.
- Liao,Ping-hui,"Journalism, Popular Culture, and Literary Studies", North America Taiwan Studies Conference, commentary on panel papers, UC Berkeley May 28-June 1,1997.(invited speaker & chair).1997.
- Liao,Ping-hui, "History as a Sign of the Modern:Gendered Memories of the February 28 Incident", XVth Congress of the ICLA, Leiden, The Netherlands, August 16-22, 1997.1997.