- Born: April 13, 1939, Castledawson, United Kingdom
- Died: August 30, 2013, Blackrock Clinic
兩篇回憶 Seamus Heaney 在哈佛教現代英詩
Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet of Soil and Strife, Dies...
One half of one's sensibility is in a cast of mind that comes from belonging to a place, an ancestry, a history, a culture, whatever one wants to call it. But consciousness and quarrels with the self are the result of what Lawrence called ' the voices of my education'.--Belfast, Seamus Heaney PREOCCUPATIONS: Slected Prose 1968-1978, London:Faber and Faber1980, p.35
And yet the platform here feels more like a space station than a stepping stone, so that is why, for once in my life, I am permitting myself the luxury of walking on air.
--Seamus Heaney– Nobel Lecture
Crediting Poetry
「今日樂上樂,相從步雲衢。」(取材 朱自清《中國歌謠》)
昨天翻《希尼作品及研究目錄》,第一本詩集 Death of a Naturalist ,翻譯成《一個自然主義者的死亡》 ,這可能用類似YAHOO!字典:2. 【人】 自然主義者 ( naturalism ) /3. 【人】 博物學家 /1. 【人】 鳥商;狗商;動物標本剝製者 【注意:Yahoo的順序很奇怪】;Seeing Things 翻譯成《幻視》;The Spirit Level 翻譯成《酒精水準儀》;Opening Ground: Poems 1966-1996翻譯成 《開墾的土地》
I would say to Chinese readers that I'm exhilarated to think that we can connect across the great distances – linguistic, geographic, cultural. That tells us something about poetry. The ongoing life of poetry is crucial for our continuing life as creatures of civilization and sensibility and as creatures of intimacy. Poetry is one of the basrious (???), one of the guardians of intimacy. But poetry is also wide-open, it's a public art form. And that is the paradox. A poem has to be available for inspection and at the same time, you know, it must be intimate to the poet. Think of writing a love letter and then think of writing a love poem, and of leaving them both on a table. If someone comes along later and reads the letters, it's an invasion, an intrusion, and the readers would probably be slightly embarrassed. But if love poem, however bad the love poem is, it is not an invasion. The poem is actually an address to you as a reader. It calls you towards it. It is there to be open with you. It is a made thing , but a thing made of inwardness. So the fact that there are Chinese readers means that our belief in the openness of the poem is justified, and secondly, that our sense of its necessity as a help to our continuing to be sensitively human is justified too.
Seamus Heaney
西默斯 希尼
愛爾蘭詩人Seamus Heaney《希尼詩文集》(北京:作家出版社,2001),
“That's something poetry can do for you, it can entrance you for a moment above the pool of your own consciousness and your own possibilities.”
—Seamus Heaney, The Art of Poetry No. 75, interviewed by Henri Cole in “The Paris Review” no. 144 (Fall 1997)