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關於葉慈(W. B. Yeats)的一些書/詩


Yeats as an infant.

「 Yeats as an infant. 」

W. B. Yeats 的父親John 和弟弟都是名畫家....

W.B. Yeats's grave in Drumcliff, County Sligo
His epitaph is taken from the last lines of "Under Ben Bulben", one of his final poems:
Cast a cold Eye
On Life, on Death.
Horseman, pass by!

2005年的 現在已不太清楚當出談的:
謝謝RL:gruel補充資料很好。又,以前讀你翻譯的,才驚覺30幾年喜歡的W. B. Yeats之詩,源頭可能在此。「抱朴子˙勤求:令人怛然心熱,不覺咄嗟。」

名詩人葉慈(W. B. Yeats)的墓誌銘。他當過愛爾蘭的教育督學,
認為「教育不是注滿一桶水,而是點然一把火。」(Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.)

W.B.Yeats by Micheal Mac Liammoir and Eavan Boland
W.B.Yeats: (Literary Lives S.)
Micheal Mac Liammoir and Eavan Boland,1970

葉慈 台北:貓頭鷹 ,2000
有些東西,即使翻譯了,其音韻和內容之美,也不容易懂, 何況沒注釋。

"....父親會在早餐桌上朗誦詩歌。也許出自 Manfred* ,也許出自莎翁**的Coriolanus 兒子對於激昂言辭與高貴姿態的喜愛,也許源自於這些詩歌....." (p.27)


*要解釋:這是 Lord Byron的故事詩。



(Jan. 30, 1939 )
{幻象} A Vision (1925) 北京:作家出版社,2006

An Overview of Yeats and A Vision

……吾輩作家俱老矣……吾心深知,微斯人,吾誰與歸。」(受獎演說; HC譯):或譯:「這些男女作家現在都和我一樣變老了……我在內心深處知道,如果他們不曾存在的話,我能得到的將是多麼少。」
Peter Drucker once wrote, "Even if you are starting your business on a kitchen table, you must have a vision of becoming a world leader in your field, ...


愛爾蘭詩人葉慈(William Butler Yeats, 1865-1939)生於都柏林(Dublin愛爾蘭首府), 父親是個畫家....


  • 作者:楊 牧編
    出版社:洪範 1997


    語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9576741262 裝訂:平裝


Significantly, the last of the great Renaissance fools,
Don Quixote, who rides forth as the age of humanism
is drawing to a close, is known to the world not for
his jesting motley but for his mournful countenance.
To be sure, his companion, Sancho Panza, is something
of a court jester without the office—or the court; but
by the beginning of the seventeenth century the pro-
fessional fool had almost had his day. Even his parti-
colored costume only partially survives in the Com-
media dell'Arte. The concept of folly, however, was far
from dead. For fools, whether specifically identified as
such or not, have continued down the centuries to call
into question the claims of learning, religion, and civi-
lization. Whenever human reason has most proudly
vaunted its achievements, it has been inevitably chal-
lenged by the mocking laughter of the wise fool. Long
after the Renaissance fool had made his exit from the
scene, from Grimmelshausen and Molière and Swift
to Dostoevsky's Prince Myshkin and Hauptmann's
Emanuel Quint and Yeats's Crazy Jane, the idea of the
wisdom of folly has persisted.

◎Johann Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen (1622-1676) Der Abenteuerliche Simplicissimus 李 淑・潘 再平訳『格裏美爾業森著《癡児西木伝》;《阿呆物語》望月市恵 訳岩波文庫上中下巻

◎ Prince Myshkin 為俄國明小說家杜斯陀也夫斯基小說《白痴》人物

◎Hauptmann, Gerhart 為諾貝爾獎得主。最著名的小說為The novel Der Narr in Christo, Emanuel Quint (1910; The Fool in Christ, Emanuel Quint) depicts, in a modern parallel to the life of Christ, the passion of a Silesian

◎關於葉慈的「"Crazy Jane"」,專家說他至少有12首詩之中有"Crazy Jane":There were about a dozen or so "Crazy Jane" poems which Yeats put under the heading, "Words For Music Perhaps" (published in The Winding Stair and Other Poems). Yeats wanted them sung, or read to music, which makes the Yeats estate's reaction all the more ironic

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