Channel: 人和書 ( Men and Books)
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白禮博(Richard Bernstein)、歐逸文(Evan Osnos)、何偉(Peter Hessler);From the Center of the Earth By Richard Bernstein (1982)

From the Center of the Earth: The Search for the Truth About China (1982)

來自地心台北: 黎明文化譯. 1982 此書沒授權 書名似乎故意亂翻 地心=地球的中心點。
應是來自地球中央: 中國真相之追求

Richard Bernstein (born May 5, 1944) is an Americanjournalist, columnist, and author. He writes the Letter from America column for The International Herald Tribune. He was a book critic at The New York Times and a foreign correspondent for both Time magazine and The New York Times in Europe and Asia.
  • Fragile Glory: A Portrait of France and the French (1990)
  • Dictatorship of Virtue: Multiculturalism and the Battle for America's Future (1994)
  • The Coming Conflict with China (1997), with Ross. H. Munro
  • Ultimate Journey: Retracing the Path of an Ancient Buddhist Monk Who Crossed Asia in Search of Enlightenment (2001)
  • Out of the Blue: The Story of September 11, 2001, from Jihad to Ground Zero (2002)
  • The East, the West, and Sex: A History of Erotic Encounters (2009)


  1. ^"The Times Names New Book Critic", The New York Times, 7 February 1995.
  2. ^Biography, Master Media Speakers
  3. ^Notable Books of the Year, 1997, The New York Times, 7 December 1997.

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China: A Leader's Rise, a Widow's Fall

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Books: Red Alert

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TIME Cover

A Letter From The Publisher, Feb. 12, 1979

For Correspondent Richard Bernstein, stationed for two years in TIME's Hong Kong bureau, reporting on Teng Hsiaop'ing and his travels across the U.S. (see NATION and PRESS) proved especially dramatic and exciting. "It was a high point for any reporter who has covered China in the past," says Bernstein. "There was an unreal quality in ...
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Read more: http://search.time.com/results.html?Ntt=%22RICHARD+BERNSTEIN&x=0&y=0#ixzz1Ag3DZGTS

1979年,中共首度准許美國媒體在北京成立分社,《紐約時報》派包德甫(Fox Butterfield)、《時代》周刊則派白禮博(Richard Bernstein)出任特派員。包德甫後來寫了一本《苦海餘生》,賣得非常好,發了一筆財。調回國內後,曾任波士頓分社主任,有次報導強暴案透露受害者身分,備受抨擊,以及其他紕漏,從此消聲匿跡。白禮博在1982年出版《來自地心》,談他在中國所見所聞,銷路則不如《苦海餘生》。(改行)
37歲的歐逸文(Evan Osnos)是美國的媒體後起之秀,他的父親彼得‧歐斯諾斯做過《華盛頓郵報》記者,日後成立「公共事務」出版社。歐逸文哈佛畢業後,先到《芝加哥論壇報》當記者,採訪過中東戰爭,2005年派赴北京。2008年9月加入《紐約客》雜誌,當北京特派員,一直做到去年,改任駐華府記者。在歐逸文之前,《紐約客》駐中國特派員是何偉(Peter Hessler,已調駐開羅)。不少人曾比較何偉和歐逸文的報導,我是《紐約客》的長期讀者,何偉的文字比較好,亦較有深度(那篇談學者陳夢家和趙蘿蕤的煎熬即為明證)。但歐逸文更會選題目,採訪很深入而全面。他採訪過瘋狂學英文的李陽和導演賈樟柯,亦親自跑到廣州非洲黑人區。他把他在大陸所寫的報導輯成《野心的時代:在新中國追求財富、真實和信仰》,角逐今年非小說類國家書卷獎,擊敗一批好手,脫穎而出。
白禮博和歐逸文可說是兩個世代的美國媒體「中國通」,另一個兼具學院與媒體背景的老「中國通」是夏偉(Orville Schell)。當今美國學界和媒體擁有不少上乘的「中國通」,可悲的是,在政界卻找不到夠水準的中國問題專家,柯林頓時代還有個密西根大學出身的李侃如和溫斯頓‧羅德。歐巴馬口口聲聲說要把外交重心移向亞太,「中國通」卻不見蹤影,難怪美國政府對中國經常出現「瞎子摸象」的奇景。

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