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Oscar Wilde


Happy Birthday to Oscar Wilde, born on this day in 1854. When this photograph was taken in January 1882, Oscar Wilde had not yet written "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and the plays that would make him famous in the next decade.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Napoleon Sarony (American (born Canada), 1821–1896) | Oscar Wilde | 1882 http://met.org/1ukuIDR

Happy Birthday to Oscar Wilde, born on this day in 1854. When this photograph was taken in January 1882, Oscar Wilde had not yet written "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and the plays that would make him famous in the next decade.    Featured Artwork of the Day: Napoleon Sarony (American (born Canada), 1821–1896) | Oscar Wilde | 1882  http://met.org/1ukuIDR

Author and playwright Oscar Wilde was born ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1854. Here's Alfred Bryan's caricature of him http://ow.ly/CNlfH

Author and playwright Oscar Wilde was born #onthisday in 1854. Here's Alfred Bryan's caricature of him http://ow.ly/CNlfH

Please join us in celebrating the life and work of Oscar Wilde -- he was born 160 years ago today.

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Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born at 21 Westland Row, Dublin, Ireland on this day in 1854.
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
― Lord Darlington in "Lady Windermere's Fan" by Oscar Wilde
★ 王大閎改寫自奧斯卡.王爾德(OSCAR WILDE)的名著《格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray)青春永恆?美麗的背後是什麼?唯美與道德的辯證,驚悚又令人思考的奇書。曠世才子王爾德的巨著。本書原名《格雷的畫像》是世界馳名的英國才子王爾德所寫驚 世駭俗的不朽巨著,諷刺當時歐洲上流社會的眾生相。一百年前,不少人咒罵它是「壞」書,然而「今天竟以一種心靈救贖的道德教課書的身分來閱讀了。」名建築 師另類紙上建築,名作家高信疆說:「我祝願這本雙璧交輝的奇書,能長青於中文讀者的世界。」

本書原著者奧斯卡.王爾德(OSCAR WILDE),是十九世紀與蕭伯納齊名的英國才子。余光中先生曾譯他的名劇《不可兒戲》、《溫夫人的扇子》,九歌並曾出版他的傳記《王爾德的黃金時代》一書。


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Oscar Wilde by H. Montgomery Hyde (Sep 1981)

九歌出版他的傳記《王爾德的黃金時代》,張世音摘譯,1983。翻譯有些問題,譬如說,p.67  的"我真是個美男子。" (I am a very narcissus.)--- 末字典出希臘神話,現在通常取"自戀的(人)"意思。

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