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Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads/ MBA教育再思考

不過還是可以知道在末章引用Herbert A. Simon 的 一所工商學院的設計 (頁312 /英文 335)
(prize-winning 翻譯成"備受贊譽" 不好)

可參考: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_Graduate_School_of_Business
 In August 2006, the school announced what is believed to be the second largest gift ever to a business school – $105 million from Stanford alumnus Phil Knight, MBA '62, Founder and Chairman of Nike, Inc.[6] The gift went toward construction of a $375 million campus, called the Knight Management Center, for the business school. Construction was completed in 2011.

New curriculum

Schwab Residential Center, on campus residence for first year Sloan, PhD, and MBA candidates.
In June 2006, the School announced a dramatic change to its curriculum model. The new model, dubbed "The Personalized MBA Education", has four focus points. First, it aims to offer each student a highly customized experience by offering broader menus of course topics and providing personal course-planning mentoring from Stanford Business School faculty advisors. Second, the new program attempts to deepen the school’s intellectual experience through several smaller, high-impact seminars focused on critical analytical thinking. Third, the new program will increase global business education through both new course options and requiring international experience from all students. Finally, the new program expands the schools focus on leadership and communication through new courses that examine students’ personal strengths in the topic. Overall, the school sees the flexible program as an important point of differentiation that leverages the school’s smaller relative size versus most other top MBA programs. The graduating class of 2009 was the first class having gone through the new curriculum.

MBA教育再思考 :十字路口的工商管理教育Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads出版年: 2011-9頁數: 338定價: 58.00元ISBN: 9787300138251
內容簡介 · · · · · ·工商管理教育的現狀解析和未來藍圖數十年來,MBA畢業生幾乎毫無懸念地可以在最優秀的企業謀到高薪工作。然而世易時移,MBA學位帶來的優越地位已經受到撼動。世界經濟在迅速轉型,學術界和企業界對商學教育的質疑甚囂塵上,全球金融危機爆發……這些因素都把工商管理教育推到了一個關鍵的十字路口。面對這些挑戰,商學院的應對措施將決定其未來的角色及其工商管理教育是否把握時代脈搏,密切聯繫實踐。在這本具有標誌性意義的書中,哈佛商學院三位學者研究了影響工商管理教育的三個趨勢:項目形式日趨多樣化;越來越多的雇主開始質疑MBA學位的價值;以及由此所導致的入學情況的變化。作者展開了廣泛的調研,訪談了數十位商學院院長和企業高管,並且詳細分析了11個頂尖MBA項目。以此為基礎,《MBA教育再思考》提出了8個目前亟待滿足的教學需求,分析指出每個需求都對應著一個機遇,商學院可以..
作者簡介 · · · · · ·斯里坎特·M?·達塔爾(Srikant M. Datar) 哈佛商學院會計學教授(享有“Arthur Lowes Dickinson爵士”頭銜),在MBA項目、綜合管理項目和高級管理項目中任教,兼任資深副院長,主管高管培訓、教師招聘與培養以及科研工作。主要研究方向為管理控制和戰略執行。戴維·A·加文(David A. Garvin) 哈佛商學院工商管理教授(享有“C. Roland Christensen”頭銜),在MBA和高級管理項目中任教,負責選修課的製定,並擔任教學資源中心主任。主要研究方向為綜合管理和戰略變革。帕特里克·G·卡倫(Patrick G. Cullen) 哈佛商學院助理研究員,主要研究專業學院與相關各方的關係,尤其是商學院的發展。曾擔任AACSB助理研究副總裁。  ◆ 譯者簡介伊志宏中國人民大學商學院院長、教授。主要...

目錄 · · · · · ·第1章 導論:變革中的MBA學位
第Ⅰ篇 MBA教育的現狀
第2章 MBA市場形勢的變化第3章 詳探課程方案第4章 憂慮重重第5章迎接全球化、領導力和整合性的挑戰第6章 教學方法和課程設計的創新
第Ⅱ篇 商學院的應對策略
第7章芝加哥大學布斯商學院:靈活自主,以學科為基礎第8章歐洲工商管理學院:信條——全球化第9章創造性領導力中心:以領導力開發為核心第10章哈佛商學院:綜合管理和注重實踐第11章 耶魯管理學院:整合與大變革第12章斯坦福大學商學院:個性化與大變革第13章 結語:商學院,路在何方

HBS Press Book

Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads

"Business Schools Face Test of Faith." "Is It Time to Retrain B-Schools?" As these headlines make clear, business education is at a major crossroads. For decades, MBA graduates from top-tier schools set the standard for cutting-edge business knowledge and skills. Now the business world has changed, say the authors of Rethinking the MBA, and MBA programs must change with it. Increasingly, managers and recruiters are questioning conventional business education. Their concerns? Among other things, MBA programs aren't giving students the heightened cultural awareness and global perspectives they need. Newly minted MBAs lack essential leadership skills. Creative and critical thinking demand far more attention. In this compelling and authoritative new book, the authors: Document a rising chorus of concerns about business schools gleaned from extensive interviews with deans and executives, and from a detailed analysis of current curricula and emerging trends in graduate business education Provide case studies showing how leading MBA programs have begun reinventing themselves for the better Offer concrete ideas for how business schools can surmount the challenges that come with reinvention, including securing faculty with new skills and experimenting with new pedagogies Rich with examples and thoroughly researched, Rethinking the MBA reveals why and how business schools must define a better pathway for the future.

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