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MADDADDAM by Margaret Atwood

“The best way of being kind to bears is not to be very close to them.”
- from MADDADDAM by Margaret Atwood
In this final volume of the internationally celebrated MaddAddam trilogy, the Waterless Flood pandemic has wiped out most of the population. Toby is part of a small band of survivors, along with the Children of Crake: the gentle, bioengineered quasi-human species who will inherit this new earth.


《英國工人階級狀況》;( Friedrich) Engels By David McLellan 恩格斯傳; 烏克蘭的恩格斯雕像,胡不魂歸曼徹斯特。


馬克思一生摯友和革命夥伴恩格斯,回到了英國曼徹斯特!2017年7月17日,曼徹斯特市國際節的活動高潮,為市中心特托尼威爾遜廣場(Tony Wilson Place)豎立的恩格斯雕像進行揭幕儀式。
這座雕像原本是在烏克蘭,因為後來右派政府上台而被拆除。 英國藝術家菲爾·柯林斯(Phil Collins),在烏克蘭東北部的哈爾科夫(Kharkiv)市發現了這座被遺棄的雕像,經過繁瑣的法律程序,終於成功將雕像帶離烏克蘭,安放在一架平板大卡車穿越歐洲最後回到了曼徹斯特。
照片來源:美國《雅各賓雜誌》(Jacobin magazine)臉書

David McLellan 1977恩格斯傳北京:中國人民大學,2017

Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist, and businessman. He founded Marxist theory together with Karl Marx. Wikipedia
BornNovember 28, 1820, Barmen, Germany
DiedAugust 5, 1895, London, United Kingdom

The state is nothing but an instrument of opression of one class by another - no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy.
All history has been a history of class struggles between dominated classes at various stages of social development.
An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.


Back on his pedestal: the return of Friedrich Engels A socialist resurgence has revived the radicalism of the German Marxist thinker. Now the artist Phil Collins is bringing his statue back to the British city he called home Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on LinkedIn (opens new window) 6 Save 15 HOURS AGO by: John Lloyd The artist Phil Collins wanted to bring Friedrich Engels back to Manchester where, in the mid-19th century, he had lived for two decades. The German Marxist thinker established the first great industrial city in the annals of communist history with his excoriating 1845 polemic The Condition of the Working Class in England. But in the 171 years since his death, Manchester forgot about him. Collins told me his search for Engels was a “dream”. And it came true: he found him lying face down in the earth, long neglected, behind a creamery in Mala Pereshchepina, a few hours from the north-eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. He was a man of two halves, sawn through at the waist, mouldy, unlovely, cast in concrete. His sorry condition told a wider story. After the Soviet Union emerged from the terror-driven idealism of the Stalinist era, party leader Leonid Brezhnev sought to hold up the USSR as a “developed” socialist state. Other gods were put into place: Lenin statuary was displayed everywhere, as were busts of Karl Marx and, less frequently, his friend and funder Engels. All gazed purposefully into the future. This one had been erected in 1970 and stood stonily in the village for several decades, a gentleman of the Victorian era in frock coat and long beard. Phil Collins in Zaporizhia, Ukraine with a statue of Vladimir Lenin that he was ultimately unable to bring back to the UK © Nikiforov Yevgen The collapse of Soviet communism two decades later saw many come off their pedestals — a culling that was more or less total in the satellite states. Some remained in the Russified areas of eastern Ukraine; but in 2015, as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continued, an increasingly anti-Russian government decreed that Soviet symbols must be removed, pro-Soviet speech banned and even the singing of Soviet-era songs forbidden. So Collins, previously nominated for the Turner Prize for a video about people whose lives had been ruined by appearing on reality TV, came upon the object of his search when it was at a literal low point in its concrete existence. He and two Russian-speaking aides, Anya Harrison and Olga Borissova, had begun their search in August last year, sensibly enough, in the city of Engels, on the Volga. There they found a statue, also concrete, still standing amid the ruin of the meatpacking plant that had commissioned it. But the local authority, at first helpful, later proved fearful of giving the icon to foreigners at a time of east-west tension. It referred the decision to a court: a decision is still pending. With time running against them, the searchers moved on to the Belarusian city of Vitebsk, where they found a triptych statue — an Asian woman, an African man, with a white young man between them, embracing both, expressing the theme of brotherhood (and less overtly, Soviet leadership). Collins was tempted but it, too, was denied a visa. Collins with a statue of Engels that did not come back to the UK © Nikiforov Yevgen Finally they came to Mala Pereshchepina, where the local authorities were only too glad to get rid of what was by now a legally toxic artefact. In mid-May this year, the two-tonne, near-four-metre-high cement behemoth was loaded on to a flatbed truck to be trundled across Europe, to the city of Engels’ epiphany. This Sunday evening, when it is unveiled outside Home, a big modern arts building in Manchester largely funded by the city council, Collins’ quest will finally be at an end. The artist’s timing is impeccable. June’s UK general election saw a surge of support for the Labour party led by the far-left Jeremy Corbyn. Like Bernie Sanders in last year’s US Democratic primaries, this ageing socialist appealed first of all to the young. Marxism, which had been read the last rites by many, has found new life, reuniting its long-lonely intellectuals and academic advocates with the masses. The French economist Thomas Piketty’s 2013 book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, a self-conscious echo of Marx, was a huge seller. Commentators on the left are making connections between what Engels wrote and contemporary society. Writing in the Guardian after the fire at the Grenfell Tower block of flats in London, Aditya Chakrabortty explicitly linked the tragedy with The Condition of the Working Class, stating Britain “remains a country that murders its poor”. In such narratives, modern despair and marginalisation are laid at the feet of capitalism. The brutality of regimes working under Marxist rules — dramatised this week by the death of China’s most prominent dissident Liu Xiaobo, a few days after his release from long imprisonment — fades to the background. Collins believes that Engels is a writer “with whom we can engage today, with the questions he raises. He isn’t to be confined to his time and forgotten.” Engels’ writing shocked the Victorians. In The Condition of the Working Class he stressed that Britain’s wealth and imperial power (which impressed him), was built on the degradation and endless labour of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, living in “half or wholly ruined buildings . . . rarely a wooden or stone floor to be seen in the houses, almost uniformly broken, ill-fitting windows and doors, and a state of filth!” Karl Marx, whom Engels had known slightly before he left Germany, was said to have been bewitched by the book. A villager in Mala Pereshchepina, Ukraine, with the statue of Engels that eventually came to Manchester © Shady Lane Productions The brutal world Engels described became a backdrop to some of the era’s best-known literature. The future prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, published Sybil in 1845; Charles Dickens brought out Hard Times in 1854 and Mrs Gaskell North and South in 1855. All expressed horror at the human cost of industrialism, though with much more sentimentality and much less detail. Even now, when — for all the excesses of capitalism — the stark exploitation Engels evoked has disappeared in the western world, The Condition of the Working Class is an uncomfortable read. The homelessness of the rising generation; the precariousness of freelance work; the feared mass unemployment once artificial replaces human intelligence; the long, spiky tail of the banking collapse of 2008; the end of the postwar expectation that children will ascend further and richer than their parents — these are plausibly presented by the left as a 21st-century equivalent of the Condition of the Working, and even Middle Class of England, and the rest of the capitalist world. Looking out from Home’s café on to the space where Engels will finally rest — and remain — Sarah Perks, the centre’s artistic director for visual arts, tells me that discussion points will be created around the statue’s base to encourage viewers to become participants: “We want to try to understand what the equivalent hardships to those described by Engels would be for today’s working class.” *** Collins intersects with Engels in two ways. Born in the Cheshire port of Runcorn, he works mainly in Manchester. He also has a home in the North Rhine-Westphalia city of Wuppertal, where Engels was born to a pious and wealthy manufacturing family, mainly in the dyestuffs trade (he was already a fledgling socialist when sent by his despairing father to Manchester to work at one of his part-owned subsidiaries in the city). Moving the statue © Shady Lane Productions More than most contemporary artists on the left, Collins shows a strong sympathy for the communist era: one of his films, Marxism Today, is composed of tender interviews with former teachers of Marxism-Leninism in East Germany who were rendered unemployable by its collapse. “When the wall fell, there was also a collapse of something which had been solidarity, co-operative working: individualism flourished,” he says. First and foremost, though, he is engaged in an ironic, post-modernist project. He has taken an icon rejected by a recently socialist state as a sign of imperialist oppression to give it an honoured place in Manchester, the birthplace of industrial capitalism and of free trade. He sees Manchester as a city imbued with a kind of generic leftism: “There’s a Mancunian spirit of radicalism, an interest in politics and what it can do for people if properly managed.” He is most interested in “those who have been occluded from society or history” as Engels was in Manchester, where there is no statue to commemorate him. He thought it necessary to place him back in the city which he had described so graphically, to provide a contrast to the statues of local figures, some of whom — like Richard Cobden and John Bright, the proponents of free trade — were major national figures. On the long trip back from Ukraine to Manchester, he found that the huge, grubby, sundered statue “became a revelation: I felt more connected with him, he became suddenly real. It’s very alive — its physiognomy changed, depending on how it was placed, on the ground, or on the truck, or in the old train depot (its temporary home in Manchester).” The trip, which Collins filmed, featured a number of organised setpieces. In Kharkiv, a reception was arranged. “There were schoolchildren, and a teacher gave a lesson about Marx and Engels, Manchester and its importance, the Soviet Union, and the process of de-communisation. Then a girls’ choir, all in white, stood up on the truck and sang a Soviet-era song called ‘The Jolly Wind’ (presumably in defiance of the law), as they waved goodbye.” A choir of schoolchildren in Kharkiv, where a reception was arranged for the statue © Shady Lane Productions At Rosa Luxemburg Platz in Berlin (named after the communist activist murdered in the city in 1919) actors and others — many from the Volksbühne, or People’s Theatre — put on a show. There were speeches by academics belonging to the “accelerationist” school — a protean thought system with left and right branches, whose basis is the desire to speed up technological change to accelerate social transformation. The trip and the project display the artist’s ability to draw in myriad influences and strands, from kitsch through social realism and Soviet sentimentality for the loss of an authoritarianism they had experienced as security. Collins believes that, in the collapse of communism, “Something had been lost. The usual prism through which we saw, say, the East German society, was so strong that we didn’t see the ordinary; it frustrated our ability to see the day-to-day life.” He believes his Engels project “points to the fact we can have different kinds of statues here. It’s a found object, not something specially made. It’s transformative. It’s one kind of history coming back into the forge that created it.” *** The indifference of Manchester to Engels was noted by the former Labour MP Tristram Hunt in his fine biography, The Frock-Coated Communist. He found an Engels House on a council estate, where the residents complain of damp. In 2014, when the university in neighbouring Salford had the Engine Arts Theatre Company build a five-metre-high fibreglass Engels bust in which his vast beard was a climbing frame, one reviewer described it “as having all the intelligence and subtlety of making a see-saw shaped like Marx’s bum boils”. Things are changing, according to Jonathan Schofield, who writes about the city and conducts tours. Schofield thinks Manchester, along with other Midlands and northern cities, is shaking off its subaltern deference to London. “The provincial cities in the 19th century were more important than London. Now you’re finding a reawakening of civic pride: coming into their own again,” he says. He does a Marx and Engels tour that takes in Chetham’s Library, the oldest free library in the UK, opened in the mid-17th century through the bequest of Humphrey Chetham, a local merchant. “It’s the only building left where Engels definitely was. He worked with Marx at a table, still there, with the books they both used. When I take Chinese visitors to see it, some of them cry.” Vinnie Gavin (right) and his son Scott Gavin of 'Stone Central' work on restoring the statue of Friedrich Engels in Manchester in July © Greg Funnell For all the mass murders committed in their name, Marx and Engels continue to loom large today, not just in the consciousness of lachrymose visitors from China — where they remain on their pedestals. Their ideas are being revived beyond the lecture room. They represent a way not taken, a revolution betrayed. And on Sunday evening, Manchester’s first communist will be unveiled on a capitalist pedestal at last. John Lloyd is an FT contributing editor Photographs: Greg Funnell; Yevgen Nikiforov

Günter Grass 1927-2015; 《給不讀詩的人:我的非小說:詩與畫》;. 臺灣人眼中的君特·格拉斯 啟蒙的冒險:與諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯對談

Günter Grass 1927-2015《給不讀詩的人:我的非小說:詩與畫》,
Paul Klee, August Macke, Louis Moilliet
August Macke 8月8日從軍去,9月26日陣亡。

 August Macke, Louis Moilliet Google 翻譯:奧古斯特·馬克,路易斯·莫伊利特
雨云《克利日記選》翻譯 (149頁): 馬格; 莫利葉 (瑞士伯爵)
(p. 193 翻譯者不知道Grey Hound翻誠譯"灰狗"令人不知所云:......在電車後頭跑了好一程,他是一隻真正的狗。"

第3首: (譯註):
Joseph Mallord William Turner
The Thames from Richmond Hill
10月03 2015 六 Mr. Turner
傍晚,拿著{周作人俞平伯往來通信集},從公館搭捷運往關渡,參加臺北藝術大學的第7屆關渡電影節的第2部Mr. Turner (2014年影片。主角為英國畫家J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851),當時已有火車,照相館.....) 。第一次完全利用公共運輸 (轉公車)去台藝大,有機會看到該校校長及一級主管及電影系師生。電影院和它的所有類別硬體設施之先進,讓我印象深刻。1977-78年,我參訪過劉森堯學長的倫敦電影學校,同樣熱情搭火車到外地去看一場電影......現在的台灣學子真是天之驕子,資源豐富,各專門老師都有,校園美麗.....。
這部電影是通俗之作。近年已發現Turner先生晚期的一系列很不一樣的"驚人作品",請往YouTube 去觀賞。
Yale University 的影片。
2015年7月28日 8:48 ·
鈞特.葛拉斯Günter Grass作 《給不讀詩的人:我的非小說:詩與畫》. 張善穎譯,台北:原點出版社,2007
27日的聚會,Hans 特別端出一盤櫻桃--美國的吧?
Mitten im Leben ,中文(第56頁,在生命之中)⋯⋯

Gloriae Dei Cantores conducted by Elisabeth C. Patterson _____________________ In the midst of earthly life Snares of death surround us; Who shall help us in...

1999年諾貝爾文學獎得主,德國小說家Günter Grass逝世,享年87歲。

鈞特 葛拉斯《我的世紀》蔡鴻君譯,時報,2000。

Günter Grass, Nobel-winning German novelist, dies aged 87

Author of The Tin Drum and figure of enduring controversy

Günter Grass
 Günter Grass. Photograph: Graeme Robertson/Graeme Robertson

The writer Günter Grass, who broke the silences of the past for a generation of Germans, has died in hospital in Lübeck at the age of 87.
German president Joachim Gauck led the tributes, offering his condolences to the writer’s widow Ute Grass. “Günter Grass moved, enthralled, and made the people of our country think with his literature and his art,” he said in a statement. “His literary work won him recognition early across the world, as witnessed not least by his Nobel prize.”
“His novels, short stories, and his poetry reflect the great hopes and fallacies, the fears and desires of whole generations,” the statement continued.
Tributes began to appear within minutes of the announcement of Grass’ death on Twitter by his publisher, Steidl.
In the UK, Salman Rushdie was one of the first authors to respond, tweeting:

The Turkish Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk had warm personal memories: “Grass learned a lot from Rabelais and Celine and was influential in development of ‘magic realism’ and Marquez. He taught us to base the story on the inventiveness of the writer no matter how cruel, harsh and political the story is,” he said.
He added: “In April 2010 when there was a mushroom cloud over Europe he was in Istanbul and stayed more than he planned. We went to restaurants and drank and drank and talked and talked ... A generous, curious and a very warm friend who also wanted to be a painter at first!”

Grass found success in every artistic form he explored – from poetry to drama and from sculpture to graphic art – but it wasn’t until publication of his first novel, The Tin Drum, in 1959 that he found the international reputation which brought him the Nobel prize for literature40 years later. A speechwriter for the German chancellor Willy Brandt, Grass was never afraid to use the platform his fame afforded, campaigning for peace and the environment and speaking out against German reunification, which he compared to Hitler’s “annexation” of Austria.
Grass was born in the Free City of Danzig – now Gdansk – in 1927, “almost late enough”, as he said, to avoid involvement with the Nazi regime. Conscripted into the army in 1944 at the age of 16, he served as a tank gunner in the Waffen SS,bringing accusations of betrayal, hypocrisy and opportunism when he wrote about it in his 2006 autobiography, Peeling the Onion.
The writer was surprised by the strength of the reaction, arguing that he thought at the time that the SS was merely “an elite unit”, that he had spoken openly about his wartime record in the 1960s, and that he had spent a lifetime “working through” the unquestioning beliefs of his youth in his writing. His war came to an end six months later having “never fired a shot”, when he was wounded in Cottbus and captured in a military hospital by the US army. That he avoided committing war crimes was “not by merit”, he insisted. “If I had been born three or four years earlier I would, surely, have seen myself caught up in those crimes.”
Instead he trained as a stonemason, studied art in Düsseldorf and Berlin, and joined Hans Werner Richter’s Group 47 alongside writers such as Ingeborg Bachmann and Heinrich Böll. After moving to Paris in 1956 he began working on a novel which told the story of Germany in the first half of the 20th century through the life of a boy who refuses to grow.
A sprawling mixture of fantasy, family saga, bildungsroman and political fable,The Tin Drum was attacked by critics, denied the Bremen literature prize by outraged senators, burned in Düsseldorf and became a global bestseller.

Speaking to the Swedish Academy in 1999, Grass explained that the reaction taught him “that books can cause offence, stir up fury, even hatred, that what is undertaken out of love for one’s country can be taken as soiling one’s nest. From then on I have been controversial.”
A steady stream of provocative interventions in debates around social justice, peace and the environment followed, alongside poetry, drama, drawings and novels. In 1977 Grass tackled sexual politics, hunger and the rise of civilisation with a 500-page version of the Grimm brothers’ fairytale The Fisherman and His Wife. The Rat (1986) explored the apocalpyse, as a man dreams of a talking rat who tells him of the end of the human race, while 1995’s Too Far Afield explored reunification through east German eyes – prompting Germany’s foremost literary critic, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, to brand the novel a “complete and utter failure” and to appear on the cover of Der Spiegel ripping a copy in half.
His last novel, 2002’s Crabwalk, dived into the sinking of the German liner Wilhelm Gustloff in 1945, while three volumes of memoir – Peeling the Onion, The Box and Grimms’ Words – boldly ventured into troubled waters.
Germany’s political establishment responded immediately to the news of Grass’s death. The head of the German Green party, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, called Grass a “great author, a critical spirit. A contemporary who had the ambition to put himself against the Zeitgeist.”
“Günter Grass was a contentious intellectual - his literary work remains formidable,” tweeted the head of the opposition Free Democratic party, Christian Lindner.

The foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was “deeply dismayed” at the news of the author’s death, a tweet from his ministry said.
Steinmeier is a member of the Social Democratic party, which Grass had a fraught relationship with - after campaigning for the party in 1960s and 70s, he became a member in 1982, only to leave ten years later in protest at its asylum policies.
“Günter Grass was a contentious intellectual who interfered. We sometimes miss that today,” SPD chairwoman Andrea Nahles said.

Speaking to the Paris Review in 1991
, Grass made no apology for his abiding focus on Germany’s difficult past. “If I had been a Swedish or a Swiss author I might have played around much more, told a few jokes and all that,” he said. “That hasn’t been possible; given my background, I have had no other choice.”While there were plenty of tributes recognising Grass as one of Germany’s most important post-war writers, social media users swiftly revived many of the controversies of his divisive career, bringing up his membership of the SS and his alleged anti-Semitism.
The controversy flared up again following by publication of his 2012 poem What Must be Said, in which he criticised Israeli policy. Published simultaneously in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Italian La Repubblica and Spanish El País, the poem brought an angry response from the Israeli ambassador to Germany, Shimon Stein, who saw in it “a disturbed relationship to his own past, the Jews, and Israel”.
Despite his advanced age, Grass still led an active public life, and was due to appear at a reading in Hamburg in two weeks.






Buchcover: Günter Grass - Mein Jahrhundert 《我的世紀》德文版封面


格拉斯的特點是:大聲說出那些別人別人試圖抹去的記憶;揭開這個社會的瘡疤。正是憑著這樣的勇氣,格拉斯在過去數十年在德國、在全世界贏得了尊重。他是一個不招人喜歡的知識份子,一個樂於參與意見表達,包括政治意見表達的作家。臺北歌德學院院長威恩哈德(Markus Wernhard)指出,這是一種西方人的處世哲學,"格拉斯這種主動參與政治,表明立場的態度,在東亞社會不是很典型的。在臺灣也缺少一點這種精神。因此(認識格拉斯)或許是此間作家反思自己的社會責任的一個機會。"




作者:Klaus Bardenhagen 編譯:葉宣



(德国之声中文网)即便是在格拉斯过85岁生日的时候,对他的批评声都没有完全停止。在德国,有关他发表批评以色列的诗作的争论还远远没有结束。但在世界 其他地方,人们对格拉斯是否毁了自己声誉的问题并不感兴趣。 在台北,人们感到兴奋和自豪的是格拉斯给他在台湾的读者发来的一段视频。格拉斯说:"女士们先生们,我很高兴我的绘画和雕塑作品在台湾展出。"一个格拉斯 艺术作品展刚刚在国立台湾文学馆开幕。本来格拉斯是想亲自前来参加开幕式的,但因为身体原因他最终还是放弃了乘坐12小时飞机的打算。
在台湾,德国文学其实是一个小众话题。连国立文学馆的馆长也承认,他自己也并不熟悉格拉斯的作品,因此得抓紧时间在展览开幕前补补课。不过林刘惠安女士可 以提供帮助,她是台北辅仁大学德语文学教授,也是台湾受到公认的格拉斯专家。正是她把格拉斯的文学、版画和雕塑作品介绍到了台湾。
Buchcover: Günter Grass - Mein Jahrhundert《我的世纪》德文版封面
君特·格拉斯成了历史老师。这次展览的重头戏是100多幅水彩画,是格拉斯为自己的小说《我的世纪》创作的插图。他在这部作品中从不同视角回顾了 20世纪的历史。对台湾读者尤其不同寻常的是,其中有一章的故事发生在中国,背景是1900年八国联军血腥镇压义和团起义的历史。"书中有一个来自巴伐利 亚的士兵",林刘惠安介绍说,"他叙述了自己经历的这场侵略战争,他看到了什么,隐瞒了什么,他向自己的未婚妻讲述了什么事,又没有讲述什么。"
格拉斯的特点是:大声说出那些别人别人试图抹去的记忆;揭开这个社会的疮疤。正是凭着这样的勇气,格拉斯在过去数十年在德国、在全世界赢得了尊重。他是一 个不招人喜欢的知识分子,一个乐于参与意见表达,包括政治意见表达的作家。台北歌德学院院长维恩哈德(Markus Wernhard)指出,这是一种西方人的处世哲学,"格拉斯这种主动参与政治,表明立场的态度,在东亚社会不是很典型的。在台湾也缺少一点这种精神。因 此(认识格拉斯)或许是此间作家反思自己的社会责任的一个机会。"
林刘惠安说:"或许来参观展览的人也能反思一下自己国家的历史。"她认为像格拉斯这样一个作家在台湾也会发现许多值得书写的议题。台湾今天虽然是亚洲为数 不多的真正意义上的民主国家之一,但仍然没有完全摆脱持续数十年的独裁统治的阴影。直到上世纪80年代后期,台湾才解除了战时的戒严令。直到今天,台湾社 会的裂痕犹在,而对历史的反思还刚刚开始。与此同时,台湾的民主受到中国的威胁。林刘惠安说,她定期到德国拜访格拉斯时,谈到过这样的话题。"他问了我很 多关于台湾,关于中国的问题。他非常好奇,直到今天都是如此。"
有关格拉斯对以色列立场的争论,林刘惠安在《中国时报》的文艺副刊上发表过介绍文章。她表示,格拉斯在批评面前不退缩的作法一点也不让她感到意外。"我只 能说,格拉斯就是格拉斯。如果你读过他的书,就知道,他从来不会保持沉默,他有意见就会大声说出来。这是人们不得不认可的一点。我觉得这是他的一个优 点。"
作者:Klaus Bardenhagen 编译:叶宣

2008.12這本書中 葛拉斯 說 要求出版商將各國翻譯者聚會討論是其創舉

(這種作法為 米蘭 昆德拉等大作家所彷效)


:與諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯對談 浙江人民出版社 2001


啟蒙的冒險:與諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯對談 Vom Abenteuer der Aufclarung

  本書是德國不萊梅廣播電臺文學部主管哈羅�齊默爾曼,自1998年6 月至8月對諾貝爾文學獎得主葛拉斯進行的訪談錄。這些訪談沒有導演的事先安排,而是大膽地共同進行一場觀點的遊戲,是一場「啟蒙的冒險」。在坦誠的交談 中,葛拉斯對其作品《錫鼓》、《狗年月》、《局部麻醉》、《蝸牛日記》、《比目魚》、《母鼠》、《遼闊的原野》的寫作背景、創作的過程、敘述手法等等一一 作了介紹。他除了談到他的作品,還談到作為畫家、雕塑家、「公民」及「公開政治化」的葛拉斯。
  一九九九年諾貝爾文學獎得主鈞特�葛拉斯 透過寫作逝去的歷史,引領讀者回憶過去,同時預視未來。葛拉斯以「但澤三部曲」為首的所有小說、詩歌、文集,都在亦真亦幻、似夢非夢、荒誕的描寫中,引導 讀者發現真實,以文學的形式對讀者進行啟蒙。本書是葛拉斯本人對所有重要作品的寫作背景、創作過程、敘述手法的解說,是深入了解葛拉斯的最重要著作。
  鈞特‧葛拉斯(Gu nter Grass)
  德國著名文學作家、畫家、雕塑家。1927年生於但澤,1999年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎,其小說深受十七世紀流浪漢小說(La Novela picarsca)的影響。
   葛拉斯的主要作品有「但澤三部曲」:《錫鼓》(1959)、《貓與鼠》(1961)、《狗年月》(1963)。繼「但澤三部曲」之後,他幾乎每十年便有 一部大作品問世:《比目魚》(1977)、《母鼠》(1986)、《遼闊的原野》(1995)。在世紀之交,葛拉斯又推出新作《我的世紀》(1999)。
  哈羅‧齊默爾曼(Harro Zimmermann)

E. E. CUMMINGS: A LIFE; i: six nonlectures, 《我:六次非演講》/ Fourteen Poems by E. E. Cummings 《康明思的詩》 E. E. CUMMINGS: A Life

Susan Cheever was born in New York City on this day in 1943.
"During the last years of his life E. E. Cummings made a modest living on the high-school lecture circuit. In the winter of 1960 his schedule brought him to read his adventurous poems at an uptight girls’ school in Westchester where I was a miserable seventeen-year-old junior with failing grades."
Cummings, in his radical experimentation with form, punctuation, spelling, and syntax, created a new kind of poetic expression. Because of his powerful work, he became a generation’s beloved heretic—at the time of his death he was one of the most widely read poets in the United States. Now, in this rich, illuminating biography, Susan Cheever traces the development of the poet and his work. She takes us from Cummings’s seemingly idyllic childhood in Cambridge, Massachusetts, through his years at Harvard (rooming with Dos Passos, befriending Malcolm Cowley and Lincoln Kirstein). There, he devoured the poetry of Ezra Pound, whose radical verses lured the young writer away from the politeness of the traditional nature poem towards a more adventurous, sexually conscious form. We follow Cummings to Paris in 1917, and, finally, to Greenwich Village to be among other modernist poets of the day—Marianne Moore and Hart Crane, among them. E. E. Cummings is a revelation of the man and the poet, and a brilliant reassessment of the freighted path of his legacy. READ an excerpt here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/e-e-cummings-by-susan-…/

圖像裡可能有1 人、文字

“Taxis toot whirl people moving” by E. E. Cummings included in POEMS OF NEW YORK

taxis toot whirl people moving perhaps laugh into the slowly
millions and finally O it is spring since at all windows
microscopic birds sing fiercely two ragged men and a
filthiest woman busily are mending three wholly broken somehow
bowls or somethings by the web curb and carefully spring is
somehow skilfully everywhere mending smashed minds
the massacred gigantic world
again, into keen sunlight who lifts
glittering selfish new
and my heart stirs in his rags shaking from his armpits the
abundant lice of dreams laughing
rising sweetly out of the alive new mud my old
man heart striding shouts whimpers screams breathing into
his folded belly acres of sticky sunlight chatters bellows
swallowing globs of big life pricks wickedly his
mangled ears blinks into worlds of color shrieking
O begins
the mutilated huge earth
again, up through darkness leaping
who sprints weirdly from its deep prison
groaning with perception and suddenly in all filthy alert things
which jumps mightily out of death
muscular, stinking, erect, entirely born.


E.E. Cummings reads Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

E.E. Cummings reads his poem Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

/This FULCRUM page is for true lovers of poetry and literature./

末節姊姊Rose結婚時Magi 念這首
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] By E. E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

聽聽妙人錄音 多妙. 即使翻譯 也很可讀.
中華民國最有點研究e e cummings 的人是葉公超先生---參考朱自清日記....
 E.E. Cummings, i: six nonlectures, 1952-53.

The author begins his "nonlectures" with the warning "I haven't the remotest intention of posing as a lecturer." Then, at intervals, he proceeds to deliver the following:
1. i & my parents
2. i & their son
3. i & self discovery
 關於"濟慈"的資料 英文相當完備 幾乎可以論月-日追蹤John Keats的發展 --哈佛大學出的Keats傳最值得參考:

John Keats— Walter Jackson Bate | Harvard University Press

Since most of Keats's early poetry has survived, his artistic development can be observed more closely than is possible with most writers; and there are times ...

精彩論文: 有漢譯
The Poet as Hero: Keats in His Letters (1951) , 收入The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent: Selected Essays By Lionel Trilling,pp.224-

  E.E. Cummings,Norton Lectures 1952-53,   i: six nonlectures, Harvard University Press, 1981,至少提2次Keats. 第3講說他在哈佛大學讀書時   收到的印象最深刻的禮物是: Keats的詩信合集
4. i & you & is
5. i & now & him
6. i & am & santa claus
These talks contain selections from the poetry of Wordsworth, Donne, Shakespeare, Dante, and others, including e.e. cummings. Together, it forms a good introduction to the work of e.e. cummings.

試讀:第一次非演講:我&我的父母內容簡介· · · · · ·這是一本別出心裁、充滿詩意的小書,卡明斯用令人耳目一新的形式,通過六次“非演講”講述了作者的家庭,他的成長,他的詩歌理念與奇思妙想,以及對影響他創作的詩人們的評價,輔以大量經典的詩歌賞析。書中處處閃耀著奇思妙想的火花,在奇特的形式外殼之下,卡明斯顯示出卓越的抒情才能和藝術敏感。作者簡介 · · · · · ·ee卡明斯(1894—1962),美國著名實驗派詩人、畫家、評論家、作家和劇作家。深受達達主義和立體主義的影響,對詩歌進行徹底改造,創造出一種全新的卡明斯式詩歌模式。目錄 · · · · · ·第一次非演講:我&我的父母第二次非演講:我&他們的兒子第三次非演講:我&自我發現第四次非演講:我&你&是第五次非演講:我&現在&他第六次非演講:我&是&聖誕老人"我:六次非演講"試讀 · · · · · ·在這所謂系列講座的開場,我得好意提醒你們,我絲毫沒有打算扮成一個演講者。演講,或許是教學工作的一種形式;或許,教師就是一個類似智者之類的人。而我從來,至今也仍然,只是一個無知者。我所沉迷的不是傳道授業,而是學習。我向你們保證,如果一次查爾斯·艾略特·諾頓講座的提名邀請不是立即意味著將從中得以學到大量東西,我現在應該會在別的什麼地方。我還向你們保證,我站在...

康明思的詩 Fourteen Poems by E. E. Cummings (Comprehensive Study Guide) 台北:新亞 1975

E. E. Cummings in 1953
BornEdward Estlin Cummings
October 14, 1894
Cambridge, Massachusetts
DiedSeptember 3, 1962 (aged 67)
Joy Farm in North Conway, New Hampshire
Cause of deathHemorrhage
Resting placeForest Hills Cemetery
Known forPoems, plays and other works of art
Influenced byAmy Lowell, Gertrude Stein
InfluencedRichard Brautigan
Brian P. Cleary
SpouseElaine Orr
Anne Minnerly Barton
Marion Morehouse
ChildrenNancy, daughter with Elaine Orr
ParentsEdward Cummings
Rebecca Haswell Clarke
RelativesElizabeth Cummings, sister


Despite Cummings' consanguinity with avant-garde styles, much of his work is quite traditional. Many of his poems are sonnets, albeit often with a modern twist, and he occasionally made use of the blues form and acrostics. Cummings' poetry often deals with themes of love and nature, as well as the relationship of the individual to the masses and to the world. His poems are also often rife with satire.
While his poetic forms and themes share an affinity with the romantic tradition, Cummings' work universally shows a particular idiosyncrasy of syntax, or way of arranging individual words into larger phrases and sentences. Many of his most striking poems do not involve any typographical or punctuation innovations at all, but purely syntactic ones.
As well as being influenced by notable modernists including Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound, Cummings' early work drew upon the imagist experiments of Amy Lowell. Later, his visits to Paris exposed him to Dada and surrealism, which in turn permeated his work. Cummings also liked to incorporate imagery of nature and death into much of his poetry.
While some of his poetry is free verse (with no concern for rhyme or meter), many have a recognizable sonnet structure of 14 lines, with an intricate rhyme scheme. A number of his poems feature a typographically exuberant style, with words, parts of words, or punctuation symbols scattered across the page, often making little sense until read aloud, at which point the meaning and emotion become clear. Cummings, who was also a painter, understood the importance of presentation, and used typography to "paint a picture" with some of his poems.[13]
The seeds of Cummings' unconventional style appear well established even in his earliest work. At age six, he wrote to his father:[citation needed]
Following his novel The Enormous Room, Cummings' first published work was a collection of poems entitled Tulips and Chimneys (1923). This work was the public's first encounter with his characteristic eccentric use of grammar and punctuation.

Some of Cummings' most famous poems do not involve much, if any, odd typography or punctuation, but still carry his unmistakable style, particularly in unusual and impressionistic word order. For example, "anyone lived in a pretty how town" begins:
anyone lived in a pretty how town
(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didn't he danced his did

Women and men (both little and small)
cared for anyone not at all
they sowed their isn't they reaped their same
sun moon stars rain
"why must itself up every of a park" begins as follows:
why must itself up every of a park
anus stick some quote statue unquote to
prove that a hero equals any jerk
who was afraid to dare to answer "no"?

Cummings' unusual style can be seen in his poem "Buffalo Bill's/ defunct" from the January 1920 issue of The Dial.
Readers sometimes experience a jarring, incomprehensible effect with Cummings' work, as the poems do not act in accordance with the conventional combinatorial rules that generate typical English sentences (for example, "why must itself..." or "they sowed their isn't..."). His readings of Stein in the early part of the century probably served as a springboard to this aspect of his artistic development (in the same way that Robert Walser's work acted as a springboard for Franz Kafka). In some respects, Cummings' work is more stylistically continuous with Stein's than with any other poet or writer.

In addition, a number of Cummings' poems feature, in part or in whole, intentional misspellings, and several incorporate phonetic spellings intended to represent particular dialects. Cummings also made use of inventive formations of compound words, as in "in Just"[14] which features words such as "mud-luscious", "puddle-wonderful", and "eddieandbill." This poem is part of a sequence of poems entitled Chansons Innocentes; it has many references comparing the "balloonman" to Pan, the mythical creature that is half-goat and half-man.

Many of Cummings' poems are satirical and address social issues (see "why must itself up every of a park", above), but have an equal or even stronger bias toward romanticism: time and again his poems celebrate love, sex, and the season of rebirth (see "anyone lived in a pretty how town" in its entirety).
Cummings' talent extended to children's books, novels, and painting. A notable example of his versatility is an introduction he wrote for a collection of the comic stripKrazy Kat.
Examples of Cummings' unorthodox typographical style can be seen in his poem "The sky was candy luminous".[15]
Mr. Cummings’s eccentric punctuation is, also, I believe, a symptom of his immaturity as an artist. It is not merely a question of an unconventional usage: unconventional punctuation may very well gain its effect…the really serious case against Mr. Cummings’s punctuation is that the results which it yields are ugly. His poems on the page are hideous.[16]
Edmund Wilson, from an essay entitled, Wallace Stevens and E.E. Cummings (1924)

Biography of e.e. cummings
e.e. cummings

e.e. cummings (1894 - 1962)

Cummings was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to liberal, indulgent parents who from early on encouraged him to develop his creative gifts. While at Harvard, where his father had taught before becoming a Unitarian minister, he delivered a daring commencement address on modernist artistic innovations, thus announcing the direction his own work would take. In 1917, after working briefly for a mail-order publishing company, the only regular employment in his career, Cummings volunteered to serve in the Norton-Harjes Ambulance group in France. Here he and a friend were imprisoned (on false grounds) for three months in a French detention camp. The Enormous Room (1922), his witty and absorbing account of the experience, was also the first of his literary attacks on authoritarianism. Eimi (1933), a later travel journal, focused with much less successful results on the collectivized Soviet Union.
At the end of the First World War Cummings went to Paris to study art. On his return to New York in 1924 he found himself a celebrity, both for The Enormous Room and for Tulips and Chimneys (1923), his first collection of poetry (for which his old classmate John Dos Passos had finally found a publisher). Clearly influenced by Gertrude Stein's syntactical and Amy Lowell's imagistic experiments, Cummings's early poems had nevertheless discovered an original way of describing the chaotic immediacy of sensuous experience. The games they play with language (adverbs functioning as nouns, for instance) and lyric form combine with their deliberately simplistic view of the world (the individual and spontaneity versus collectivism and rational thought) to give them the gleeful and precocious tone which became, a hallmark of his work. Love poems, satirical squibs, and descriptive nature poems would always be his favoured forms.
A roving assignment from Vanity Fair in 1926 allowed Cummings to travel again and to establish his lifelong routine: painting in the afternoons and writing at night. In 1931 he published a collection of drawings and paintings, CIOPW (its title an acronym for the materials used: charcoal, ink, oil, pencil, watercolour), and over the next three decades had many individual shows in New York. He enjoyed a long and happy third marriage to the photographer Marion Morehouse, with whom he collaborated on Adventures in Value (1962), and in later life divided his time between their apartment in New York and his family's farm in New Hampshire. His many later books of poetry, from VV (1931) and No Thanks (1935) to Xaipe (1950) and 95 Poems (1958), took his formal experiments and his war on the scientific attitude to new extremes, but showed little substantial development.
Cummings's critical reputation has never matched his popularity. The left-wing critics of the 1930s were only the first to dismiss his work as sentimental and politically naïve. His supporters, however, find value not only in its verbal and visual inventiveness but also in its mystical and anarchistic beliefs. The two-volume Complete Poems, ed. George James Firmage (New York and London, 1981) is the standard edition of his poetry, and Dreams in a Mirror, by Richard S. Kennedy (New York, 1980) the standard biography. e. e. cummings: The Art of His Poetry, by Norman Friedman (Baltimore and London, 1960) is still among the best critical studies of his poetic techniques.


[Buffalo Bill 's] by E. E. Cummings
Buffalo Bill ’s
who used to
ride a watersmooth-silver
and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat
he was a handsome man
and what i want to know is
how do you like your blue-eyed boy
Mister Death


Please join us in wishing Susan Cheever a happy birthday today. She was born in New York City on this day in 1943.
"Cummings's (book) sales are a barometer of the national mood. In confident times his poems are beloved. Their questioning, their humor, and their rule-breaking formalism seem to gibe with a democracy ready to ask hard questions and make fun of itself. In precarious times, readers seem to want an older, more assured poet, someone who speaks with authority rather than scoffs at it."
--from E. E. CUMMINGS: A Life
Cummings, in his radical experimentation with form, punctuation, spelling, and syntax, created a new kind of poetic expression. Because of his powerful work, he became a generation’s beloved heretic—at the time of his death he was one of the most widely read poets in the United States. Now, in this rich, illuminating biography, Susan Cheever traces the development of the poet and his work. She takes us from Cummings’s seemingly idyllic childhood in Cambridge, Massachusetts, through his years at Harvard (rooming with Dos Passos, befriending Malcolm Cowley and Lincoln Kirstein). There, he devoured the poetry of Ezra Pound, whose radical verses lured the young writer away from the politeness of the traditional nature poem towards a more adventurous, sexually conscious form. We follow Cummings to Paris in 1917, and, finally, to Greenwich Village to be among other modernist poets of the day—Marianne Moore and Hart Crane, among them. E. E. Cummings is a revelation of the man and the poet, and a brilliant reassessment of the freighted path of his legacy. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/212479/e-e-cummings/

Vintage Books & Anchor Books 的相片。

聖依納爵 St. Ignatius Loyola / 耶穌會Society of Jesus


Jesuits :耶穌會士。詳見 Society of Jesus

Society of Jesus:耶穌會:由聖納爵.羅耀拉St. Ignatius de Loyola 1540 年所創立,從事教育文化、外方傳教、大眾傳播、社會等工作。俗稱 Jesuits

'Father Jorge' Rose From Modest Roots 豪爾赫神父 今日羅馬教皇...

Jesuits Had Past Struggles With Popes

Jorge Mario Bergoglio's election as Pope Francis brings new attention to his religious order, the powerful and controversial Society of Jesus, better know as the Jesuits.
Dr. Terrence Tilley of Fordham University discusses the issues that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio and the Catholic Church face as he becomes Pope Francis. Photo: Getty Images.

Bergoglio: A Man for the Church

Review key events in his life and career.

If one thing defines the Jesuits, it is their reputation for rigorous intellectual discussion and their lack of dogmatism. "They are very innovative and tied to reality," says Elio Masferrer, an anthropologist and expert on religion at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History.

An Argentine Pope

When Pope Francis was 'Father Jorge'
The new pontiff, second from left in back row, in an undated photo with his family.

The Jesuits are the largest single order in the Catholic Church. Throughout their history, they have wielded power as advisors to monarch and prince alike. They have also produced notable scientists, educators, and missionaries and have also been at the forefront of social movements.
They were founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola, a wounded Basque soldier who had a vision in 1521 as he was recuperating after his leg was shattered by a French cannonball. The order was organized on military lines of soldier-priests uniquely at the Pope's orders. Throughout their history, the Jesuits have enjoyed a reputation for their intellectual acuity and have played a leading role in Catholic education. Today, they run more than 100 colleges around the world.
The Jesuits also have a reputation for bold missionary activities. They evangelized much of Asia in the 16th century, acting as emissaries to the Emperor of China, among other kingdoms.
In that sense, Francis, the name taken by Cardinal Bergoglio, is symbolic. It could refer either to Saint Francis of Assisi or the well-known Jesuit, Saint Francis Xavier, both missionaries, said Terrence Tilley, chair of the Department of Theology at Fordham University in New York.
But Mr. Tilley said the new pope is not known for radical theology. "Expect no significant changes in attitude and no change in doctrine," he said.
Through their almost five hundred years of history, the Jesuits have at times had difficult relations with the papacy, which saw them as rivals.
The Society of Jesus was even dissolved by the Papacy in 1773. But the Jesuits managed to survive in Russia and Prussia, whose rulers refused to obey the papal bull which was eventually rescinded in 1814.

The Changing Church

The population of Catholics around the world has grown dramatically and shifted southward, while the cardinals who elect the pope remain mostly European.
More recently, the Jesuits had a particularly strained relationship with the late Pope John Paul II during the turbulent decades when some in the Church took a leftward turn and Latin America was a front in the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
In some parts of the region, some Jesuits took up arms on the side of leftist guerrillas. In places like El Salvador, wracked by bloody civil war, they were seen by the local establishment as the enemy. For instance, six Jesuits, including the rector of the Catholic University of El Salvador, and two house maids were gunned down by Salvadoran troops in one of the worst atrocities of the Salvadoran civil war in 1989.
Earlier in Mexico, Jesuits were expelled from the conservative business capital of Monterrey by the local bishop who thought they were too close to leftist students. In Mexico at the time, the Jesuits who had traditionally educated the sons of Latin America's elite, closed down their leading school in the capital to devote their energies to teaching the poor.
The Jesuits derive their tough intellectual standards from the experience of their founder. Convalescing from his wound, Saint Ignatius read the only thing available to him, religious books, and wrote down his experiences in a famous spiritual treatise known as the Spiritual Exercises.
Saint Ignatius studied at the University of Paris. It was there, with a half-dozen friends, he founded the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits dedicated themselves to the service of the Pope and were officially recognized by Pope Paul III in 1540.

Theologian and founder the religious order called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) St. Ignatius of Loyola died in Rome, Papal States on this day in 1556 (aged 64).

"The safest and most suitable form of penance seems to be that which causes pain in the flesh but does not penetrate to the bones, that is, which causes suffering but not sickness. So the best way seems to be to scourge oneself with thin cords which hurt superficially, rather than to use some other means which might produce serious internal injury."
-- St. Ignatius of Loyola
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is the core work of religious formation for members of the Society of Jesus, the single largest religious order within the Roman Catholic Church. For four and a half centuries in many thousands of editions in all languages, The Exercises have embodied fundamental spiritual principles essential to authentic Christian living. The mystical insight informing Ignatius’s own relationship with God—which he distilled in The Exercises—is that the divine love of God is providentially present in all the details of our existence. Here Ignatius shows how the faithful can be joined to God in all things, according to the Jesuit motto, Ad majorem Dei gloriam, “For the greater glory of God.”


"聖依納爵 神操"(The Spiritual Excercises of St. Ignatitus)台北:光啟文化事業 1978/2003 三版 (熊維強先生贈書)

煉路 明路 合路
始修者 進修者 成全者

如此 "戴明修煉"似乎應改成"戴明煉修全"

聖依納爵書信選集 (聖依納爵專輯) Selected Letters of St. Ignatius Loyola

  聖依納爵雖然誕生在公元一四九一年 , 但堪當稱得上是一位現代聖人。他創立的耶穌會至今仍站在教會的最前線,做她的前鋒與哨兵;他的靈修方法透過著名的「神操」至今在全教會仍有深刻廣遠的影 響。他為耶穌會士所寫的會憲對後期的修會發展奠下了重要的基石。可以說即使在今天,他還很活躍地生活在教會中。一般人都曉得聖依納爵出身軍人,文學根柢有 限,晚年體弱多病,對會務又異常忙碌,講的道理固然不少,著作料想不會很多。殊不知他寫的東西實在不少;除了「神操」、「會憲」以及呈遞教宗請求批准耶穌 會的「會典綱要」等重要文獻外;尚有留傳至今的書信六千八百一十三封之多,失落者尚不知凡幾。
  那麼,這些信都是他親筆寫的嗎?有些 是他親筆寫的,大部分則是假手祕書寫的。不過讀者不要誤會,所謂由祕書寫,也是經聖祖口授;或者至少授以大意,寫後又必須交他審閱,仔細修改,然後才請人 繕寫寄出。十分慎重,絕不馬虎,每封信幾乎都由他親筆簽字,所以真正都算是他寫的信。
  至於書信往還的對象,可說各階層的人都有;上至教 宗、國王、樞機、主教,下至修士、修女以及普通教友,不過大多數則是耶穌會會士。自一五二四至一五四 0 年只有三十來封信。但自耶穌會奠定之後,發展極速,事務自然日繁,來往的書信也就更多了;這裡建立會院,那邊辦學校,或要求派遣會士去印度等地傳教等事 宜,幾乎每日有書信來往,可說是應接不暇。此外,最使他關心的是選擇適當的會士擔任省長、院長、初學神師及學校教職員,用心栽培熱心而堅強的會士,因此大 部分書信旨在解決困難,指示方針、安慰憂苦、責備怠惰者、節制狂熱者;總之一句,答覆問題的信佔大多數。
   這些書信無論是指引正途、解釋問題、糾正錯誤、鼓勵精神 ...... 都是為天主的「 愈大光榮」。天主首先是「我們的造主和救主」,全能全知,至公至義 ...... 這都是公教傳統的信條;但在依納爵的筆下,卻按所談問題的不同,常顯示不同的意味和反響。對氣餒的傳教士,他便強調天主是「萬善的根源」;對患病者,他便 稱天主是「健康和生命,富於仁慈,緩於發怒」;總之一句:他堅固弱者,安慰憂者,開敢愚蒙,隨機應變,一切都是為了使人更加愛慕侍奉天主。所以書信雖然是 針對個人、各個不同問題而寫,雖然已事過境遷,但為現在的讀者仍具有同樣的益處。
聖依納爵(St. Ignatius of Loyola)
   1491年生於西班牙羅耀拉,出身貴族,先後充當朝臣,然後從軍。1521年在邦布羅納對抗法國軍隊戰役中受傷,臥床療養期間,經歷了深度的皈依,熱切 期望追隨基督芳表,退隱茫萊撒,生活於神修體驗中,感受靈性與神秘的恩寵,並將其中精華部分加以記錄,就是《神操》的初稿。前往聖地朝聖,及先後在西班牙 及巴黎潛心讀書時,召集初期同伴,特別在巴黎研讀神學,奠定耶穌會的第一塊基石。1537年在威尼斯晉鐸;同年前往羅馬,1540年與同伴創立耶穌 會,1541年被選為第一任總會長。為重整十六世紀的天主教會,為革新教會福傳活動,在各種使徒工作中,提供了大力的援助,1556年在羅馬逝世。 1622年與聖方濟?沙勿略(薩威)同被列入聖人行列。依納爵以他對教會的忠誠與革新,福傳工作的推動,對社會邊緣者的牧民關懷,教育上的投入,及獻身於 「愈顯主榮」,受人景仰。

Ignace De Loyola

光啟編輯部 (Miguel Berzosa ) 編譯

1991 年 6 月 初版

書號 20765

定價 90 元 / 48 頁 / 平裝 / 16 開 / ISBN:957-546-029-4





2017.8.1 溫故,知過去文人的語言和思想、今人書法等之遊戲......














  • 呻吟語》,成書於1593年的筆記體哲學著作
  • 《去偽齋文集》
  • 《實政錄》
  • 《交泰韻》,音韻學著作
  • 《陰符經注》
  • 《小兒語》


The William Morris Internet Archive : Works: The Ideal Book


The William Morris Internet Archive : Works



Nicholas Salmon

The William Morris Internet Archive is dedicated to Nick Salmon in appreciation for all the work he did in transcribing and providing all the documents marked with a *.
There is an obituary for Nick, written by Peter Faulkner for the Independant.

About this Archive

The William Morris Internet Archive is a subarchive of the Marxist writers' Internet Archive
The William Morris Internet Archive can be contacted via the archive administrator's page


The Ideal Book: Essays and Lectures on the Arts of the Book

Publisher: University of California Press, 1982
Long introduction followed by reprints of most of Morris's important essays on the book. Contains 33 illustrations. Printed in black and red. Slipcase faded. xlii,134 pages. 


William Morris

The Ideal Book

By the ideal book, I suppose we are to understand a book not limited by commercial exigencies of price: we can do what we like with it, according to what its nature, as a book, demands of Art. But we may conclude, I think, that its maker will limit us somewhat; a work on differential calculus, a medical work, a dictionary, a collection of statesmen's speeches, of a treatise on manures, such books, though they might be handsomely and well printed, would scarcely receive ornament with the same exuberance as a volume of lyrical poems, or a standard classic, or such like. A work on Art, I think, bears less of ornament than any other kind of book (NON BIS IN IDEM is a good motto); again, a book that must have illustrations, more or less utilitarian, should, I think, have no actual ornament at all, because the ornament and the illustration must almost certainly fight. Still, whatever the subject-matter of the book may be, and however bare it may be of decoration, it can still be a work of art, if the type be good and attention be paid to its general arrangement. All here present, I should suppose, will agree in thinking an opening of Schoeffer's 1462 Bible beautiful, even when it has neither been illuminated nor rubricated; the same may be said of Schüssler, or Jenson, or, in short, of any of the good old printers; their works, without any further ornament than they derived from the design and arrangement of the letters were definite works of art. In fact a book, printed or written, has a tendency to be a beautiful object, and that we of this age should generally produce ugly books, shows, I fear, something like malice prepense - a determination to put our eyes in our pockets wherever we can.
Well, I lay it down, first, that a book quite un-ornamented can look actually and positively beautiful, and not merely un-ugly, if it be, so to say, architecturally good, which by the by, need not add much to its price, since it costs no more to pick up pretty stamps than ugly ones, and the taste and forethought that goes to the proper setting, position, and so on, will soon grow into a habit, if cultivated, and will not take up much of the master-printer's time when taken with his other necessary business.
Now, then, let us see what this architectural arrangement claims of us.
First, the pages must be clear and easy to read; which they can hardly be unless.
Secondly, the type is well designed; and
Thirdly, whether the margins be small or big, they must be in due proportion to the page of letter.
For clearness of reading, the things necessary to be heeded are, first, that the letters should be properly put on their bodies, and, I think, especially that there should be small whites between them. It is curious, but to me certain, that the irregularity of some early type, notably the roman letter of the early printers of Rome, which is, of all roman type, the rudest, does not tend towards illegibility: what does do so, is the lateral compression of the letter, which necessarily involves the over-thinning out of its shape. Of course I do not mean to say that the above-mentioned irregularity is other than a fault to be corrected. One thing should never be done in ideal printing, the spacing out of letters, that is, putting an extra white between them; except in such hurried and unimportant work as newspaper printing, it is inexcusable.
This leads us to the second matter on this head, the lateral spacing of words (the whites between them). To make a beautiful page great attention should be paid to this, which, I fear, is not often done. No more white should be used between the words than just clearly cuts them of from one another; if the whites are bigger than this it both tends to illegibility and makes the page ugly. I remember once buying a handsome fifteenth-century Venetian book, and I could not tell at first why some of its pages were so worrying to read, and so commonplace and vulgar to look at, for there was no fault to find with the type. But presently it was accounted for by the spacing; for the said pages were spaced like a modern book, i.e., the black and white nearly equal. Next, if you want a legible book, the white should be white and the black black. When that excellent journal the Westminster Gazette, first came out, there was a discussion on the advantages of its green paper, in which a good deal of nonsense was talked. My friend, Mr. Jacobi, being a practical printer, set these wise men right, if they noticed his letter, which I fear they did not, by pointing out that what they had done was to lower the tone (not the moral tone) of the paper, and that, therefore, in order to make it legible as ordinary black and white, they should make their black blacker - which of course they do not do. You may depend upon it that a grey page is very trying to the eyes.
As above said, legibility depends also much on the design of the letter; and again I take up the cudgels against compressed type, and that especially in Roman letters: the full-sized lower-case letters a, b, d, & c, should be designed on something like a square to get good results: otherwise one may fairly say that there is no room for the design. Furthermore, each letter should have its due characteristic drawing; e.g., the thickening out for a b, should not be of the same kind as that for a d; a u should not merely be an n turned upside down; the dot of the i should not be a circle drawn with compasses, but a delicately drawn diamond, and so on. To be short, the letters should be designed by an artist, and not an engineer. As to the forms of letters in England (I mean Great Britain), there has been much progress within the last forty years. The sweltering hideousness of the Bodoni letter, the most illegible type that was ever cut, with its preposterous thicks and thins, has been mostly relegated to works that do not profess anything but the baldest utilitarianism (though why even utilitarianism should use illegible types, I fail to see), and Caslon's letter, and the somewhat wiry, but in its way, elegant old-faced type cut in our own days, has largely taken its place. It is rather unlucky, however, that a somewhat low standard of excellence has been accepted for the design of modern roman type at its best, the comparatively poor and wiry letter of Plantin, and the Elzeviers, having served for the model, rather than the generous and logical designs of the fifteenth-century Venetian printers, at the head of whom stands Nicholas Jenson. When it is so obvious that this is the best and clearest roman type yet struck, it seems a pity that we should make our starting point for a possible new departure at any period worse than the best. If any of you doubt the superiority of this type over that of the seventeenth century, the study of a specimen enlarged about five times will convince him, I should think. I must admit, however, that a commercial consideration comes in here, to wit, that the Jenson letters take up more room than the imitations of the seventeenth century; and that touches on another commercial difficulty; to wit, that you cannot have a book either handsome or clear to read which is printed in small characters. For my part, except where books smaller than an ordinary octavo are wanted, I would fight against anything smaller than pica; but at any rate small pica seems to me the smallest type that should be used in the body of any book. I might suggest to printers that if they want to get more in they can reduce the size of the leads, or leave them out altogether. Of course this is more desirable in some types than others; e.g., Caslon's letter, which has long ascenders and descenders, never needs leading, except for special purposes.
I have hitherto had a fine and generous roman type in my mind, but after all, a certain amount of variety is desirable, and when you have once got your roman letter as good as the best that has been, I do not think you will find much scope for development of it. I would, therefore, put in a word for some form of gothic letter for use in our improved printed book. This may startle some of you, but you must remember that except for a very remarkable type used very seldom by Berthelette (I have only seen two books in this type, Bartholomew the Englishman, and the Gower of 1532), English black-letter, since the days of Wynkyn de Worde, has been always the letter which was introduced from Holland about that time (I except again, of course, the modern imitations of Caxton). Now this, though a handsome and stately letter, is not very easy reading, it is too much compressed, too spiky, and, so too say, too prepensely Gothic. But there are many types which are of a transitional character and of all degrees of transition; from those which do little more than take in just a little of the crisp floweriness of the gothic, like some of the Mentelin or quasi-Mentelin ones (which, indeed, are models of beautiful simplicity), or, say, like the letter of the Ulm Ptolemy, of which it is difficult to say whether it is gothic or roman, to the splendid Mainz type, of which, I suppose, the finest example is the Schoeffer Bible of 1462, and which is almost wholly gothic. This gives us a wide field for variety, I think, so I make the suggestion to you, and leave this part of the subject with two remarks: first, that a good deal of the difficulty of reading gothic books is caused by the numerous contractions in them, which were a survival of the practice of the scribes; and in a lesser degree by the over abundance of tied letters, both of which drawbacks I take if for granted would be absent in modern types founded on these semi-gothic letters. And, secondly, that in my opinion the capitals are the strong side of roman, and the lower-case of gothic letter, which is but natural, since the roman was originally an alphabet of capitals, and the lower-case a deduction from them.
We now come to the position of the page of print on the paper, which is a most important point, and one that till quite lately has been wholly misunderstood by modern, and seldom done wrong by ancient printers, or indeed by producers of books of any kind. On this head, I must begin by reminding you that we only occasionally see one page of a book at a time; the two pages making an opening are really the unit of the book, and this was thoroughly understood by the old book producers. I think you will seldom find a book, produced before the eighteenth century, and which has not been cut down by that enemy of books (and of the human race), the binder, in which this rule is not adhered to: that the hinder edge (that which is bound in) must be the smallest member of the margins, the head margin must be larger than this, the fore larger still, and the tail largest of all. I assert that, to the eye of any man who knows what proportion is, this looks satisfactory, and that no other does so look. But the modern printer, as a rule, dumps down his page in what he calls the middle of the paper, which is often not even really the middle, as he measures his page from the headline, if he has one, though it is not really part of the page, but a spray of type only faintly staining the head of the paper. Now I go so far as to say that any book in which the page is properly put on the paper, is tolerable to look at, however poor the type may be - always so long as there is no `ornament' which may spoil the whole thing. Whereas any book in which the page is wrongly set on the paper is intolerable to look at, however good the type and ornaments may be. I have got on my shelves now a Jenson's Latin Pliny, which, in spite of its beautiful type and handsome painted ornaments, I dare scarcely look at, because the binder (adjectives fail me here) has chopped off two-thirds of the tail margin. Such stupidities are like a man with his coat buttoned up behind, or a lady with her bonnet put on hindside foremost.
Before I finish this section I should like to say a word concerning large paper copies. I am clean against them, though I have sinned a good deal in that way myself, but that was in the days of ignorance, and I petition for pardon on that ground only. If you want to publish a handsome edition of a book as well as a cheap one, do so; but let them be two books, and if you (or the public) cannot afford this, spend your ingenuity and your money in making the cheap book as sightly as you can. Your making a large paper copy out of the small one lands you in a dilemma even if you reimpose the pages for the larger paper, which is not often done I think. If the margins are right for the smaller book, they must be wrong for the larger, and you have to offer the public the worse book at the bigger price. If they are right for the large paper they are wrong for the small, and thus spoil it, as we have seen above that they must do; and that seems scarcely fair to the general public - from the point of view of artistic morality - who might have had a book that was sightly, though not high priced.
As to the paper of our ideal book we are at a great disadvantage compared with past times. Up to the end of the fifteenth, or, indeed, the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries, no bad paper was made, and the greater part was very good indeed. At present there is very little good paper made, and most of it is very bad. Our ideal book must, I think, be printed on hand-made paper as good as it can be made; penury here will make a poor book of it. Yet if machine-made paper must be used, it should not profess fineness or luxury; but should show itself for what it is. For my part I decidedly prefer the cheaper papers that are used for the journals, so far as appearance is concerned, to the thick, smooth, sham-fine papers on which respectable books are printed, and the worst of these are those which imitate the structure of hand-made papers.
But granted your hand-made paper, there is something to be said about its substance. A small book should not be printed on thick paper, however good it may be. You want a book to turn over easily, and to lie quiet while you are reading it, which is impossible, unless you keep heavy paper for big books.
And, by the way, I wish to make a protest against the superstition that only small books are comfortable to read. Some small books are tolerably comfortable, but the best of them are not so comfortable as a fairly big folio, the size, say, of an uncut Polyphilus, or somewhat bigger. The fact is, a small book seldom does lie quiet, and you have either to cramp you hand by holding it, or else to put it on the table with a paraphernalia of matters to keep it down, a table-spoon on one side, a knife on another, and so on, which things always tumble off at a critical moment, and fidget you out of the repose which is absolutely necessary to reading. Whereas, a big folio lies quiet and majestic on the table, waiting kindly till you please to come to it, with its leaves flat and peaceful, giving you no trouble of body, so that your mind is free to enjoy the literature which its beauty enshrines.
So far, then, I have been speaking of books whose only ornament is the necessary and essential beauty which arises out of the fitness of a piece of craftsmanship for the use which it is made. But if we get as far as that, no doubt from such craftsmanship definite ornament will arise, and will be used, sometimes with wise forbearance, sometimes with prodigality equally wise. Meantime, if we really feel impelled to ornament our books, no doubt we ought to try what we can do; but in this attempt we must remember one thing, that if we think the ornament is ornamentally a part of the book merely because it is printed with it, and bound up with it, we shall be much mistaken. The ornament must form as much a part of the page as the type itself, or it will miss its mark, and in order to succeed, and to be ornament, it must submit to certain limitations, and become architectural; a mere black and white picture, however interesting it may be as a picture, may be far from an ornament in a book; while on the other hand, a book ornamented with pictures that are suitable for that, and that only, may become a work of art second to none, save a fine building duly decorated, or a fine piece of literature.
These two latter things are, indeed, the only absolutely necessary gift that we should claim of art. The picture-book is not, perhaps, absolutely necessary to man's life, but it gives us such endless pleasure, and is so intimately connected with the other absolutely necessary art of imaginative literature that it must remain one of the very worthiest things towards the production of which reasonable men should strive.

Bibliographical Note


The Ideal Book


  1. 19th June 1893, at the Bibliographical Society, London


  1. Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, 1893

{縱目傳聲:鄭樹森自選集}2004;鄭樹森、舒明《日本電影十大》 2009;對談: 伯格曼 v 今村昌平


{縱目傳聲}這本書內容充實。許多故事不勝感慨!譬如說,顧肇森病逝;"他在香港一直是"紙上談兵"":"十一、"包浩斯"、張肇康、台灣建築" (參見:一九九七年香港在海峽兩岸間的文化中介,頁227-54)








出 版 社 :印刻文學生活雜誌出版有限公司

書系編號 :香港:天地圖書,2008;台北:印刻文學2009


當你拍一部電影,你和主角同樣處於電影中,一起笑、一起哭、一起遭受苦難……那就是電影。 --黑澤明




鄭樹森和舒明在這本書裡採用了一個很「日本」 的形式──對談(日本話叫「二人談」),來討論日本電影(限於劇情長片)的「十大」:十大導演(其實有二十名)和他們的代表性佳作;從導演的代表作推選十大名片,加上「另十位」和「遺珠」;以及《電影旬報》和《文藝春秋》在不同年代票選出的「十大」、「百大」等等排名榜,和導演片目、年度入選片目等等。這些完整的名單非常有助於選片時的查尋參考;最後一頁還有「延伸閱讀」書單,意猶未盡的影迷大可以繼續鑽研。



面對這些名單這些片目,只覺影海茫茫,竟還有那麼多尚未看過的、時日久遠淡忘了需要重看的、以及看過但還想再看的電影……唉,影迷們甜蜜的苦惱啊! 摘自李黎序〈舊情綿綿──日本老電影〉



我們是同質或異質?伯格曼對談今村昌平| 十年祭

深焦DeepFocus 深焦DeepFocus 2017-08-01 17:37:07

張隆溪:同工異曲‧跨文化閱讀的啟示; 中国文学和文化的翻译与传播:问题与挑战


Prof. Longxi Zhang's intriguing speech on Chinese culture and translation:张隆溪:中国文学和文化的翻译与传播:问题与挑战
圖像裡可能有1 人、坐下

張隆溪作品系列:同工異曲‧跨文化閱讀的啟示  叢書名稱: 張隆溪作品系列  作  者: 張隆溪  出版單位: 江蘇教育  出版日期: 2006.10 

這本小書的目的不僅在於展示東西方在觀念和主題表現上的契合,而且還要提出一個更強的觀點,即只有從東西方比較研究跨文化的視角,才可能獲得某些批評的 洞見。如果不超越單一文學傳統有限的視野,我們就不可能有開闊的眼光,來縱覽人類創造力的各種表現和無窮的可能性;而我們一旦跨越文化差異的鴻溝,有了開 闊的眼光,再回過頭去反觀許多文學作品,就會發現有些東西我們過去竟然沒有留意到,也毫無批評的意識。

現 任香港城市大學中文、翻譯及語言學系講座教授。研究範圍包括英國文學、中國古典文學、中西文學和文化的比較研究。主要著作 有:《20世紀西方文論述評》,《道與羅各斯:東西方文學闡釋學》,《走出文化的封閉圈》,《中西文化研究十論》,《同工異曲: 跨文化閱讀的啟示》,Mighty Opposites: From Dichotomies To Difference In The Comparative Study of ChinaUnexpected Affinities: Reading Across Cultures (AlexanderLectures )等。

"...Mr Qian Zhongshu's exemplary scholarship..."Zhang Longxi

這本小書的目的不僅在於展示東西方在觀念和主題表現上的契合,而且還要提出一個更強的觀點,即只有從東西方 比較研究跨文 化的視角,才可能獲得某些批評的洞見。如果不超越單一文學傳統有限的視野,我們就不可能有開闊的眼光,來縱覽人類創造力的各 種表現和無窮的可能性;而我們一日|跨越文化差異的鴻溝,有了開闊的眼光,再回過頭去反觀許多文學作品,就會發現有些東西我們 過去竟然沒有留意到,也毫無批評的意識。


Amazon.com: Unexpected Affinities: Reading Across Cultures...

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]East-West comparative literature is a field of study that has seen tremendous growth in recent years. In this pioneering study, renowned scholar Zhang ...

Fyodor Dostoevsky杜斯妥也夫斯基:《罪與罰》;The Brothers Karamazov (1880);《地下室手記》 Notes from Underground (Norton Critical Editions) by Fyodor Dostoevsk, Michael R. Katz (Editor)


The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov
This is possibly the hardest to place of Murakami’s choices. The second book to break away from his American obsession, at first glance it is hard to see how, if at all, it influenced his style. There is a multitude of characters in Dostoevsky’s novel with the bulk of the book relating to the four brothers and their own families. It is a deeply personal and philosophical book and this, perhaps, is where the connection lies. There is a great deal of thought in this novel – the moral kind, the spiritual kind, the desires of man, the responsibilities and ethics of man – and all of these themes feature throughout Murakami’s novels in little bite-sized pieces. 

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“I love humanity, but I wonder at myself, because the more I love humanity in general, the less I love man in particular."
--from "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879–1880)
The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky’s last novel, published just before his death in 1881, chronicles the bitter love-hate struggle between the outsized Fyodor Karamazov and his three very different sons. It is above all the story of a murder, told with hair-raising intellectual clarity and a feeling for the human condition unsurpassed in world literature. Dostoevsky’s towering reputation as one of the handful of thinkers who forged the modern sensibility has sometimes obscured the purely novelistic virtues–brilliant characterizations, flair for suspense and melodrama, instinctive theatricality–that made his work so immensely popular in nineteenth-century Russia. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/bo…/241840/the-brothers-karamazov/

“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 
―from THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Today is the 195th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
"But it has always happened that the more I detest men individually the more ardent becomes my love for humanity."

“In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, Make us your slaves, but feed us.”

― from "The Grand Inquisitor" in The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

初2 (1966)買讀過《罪與罰》、大一讀狄濟之?翻譯的The Brothers Karamazov....後來這些書都找不到.....

"Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most."

Everyman's Library

The first part of Fyodor Dostoevsky's CRIME AND PUNISHMENT appeared in the January 1866 issue of "The Russian Messenger." It was published in twelve monthly installments (the last in December 1866), and later published as a novel.

"All is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of. Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what they fear most."

--from Crime and Punishment

Raskolnikov, an impoverished student living in the St. Petersburg of the tsars, is determined to overreach his humanity and assert his untrammeled individual will. When he commits an act of murder and theft, he sets into motion a story that, for its excruciating suspense, its atmospheric vividness, and its depth of characterization and vision is almost unequaled in the literatures of the world. The best known of Dostoevsky’s masterpieces, Crime and Punishment can bear any amount of rereading without losing a drop of its power over our imaginations. Dostoevsky’s drama of sin, guilt, and redemption transforms the sordid story of an old woman’s murder into the nineteenth century’s profoundest and most compelling philosophical novel. Award-winning translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky render this elusive and wildly innovative novel with an energy, suppleness, and range of voice that do full justice to the genius of its creator. Pevear & Volokhonsky Translation. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/…/crime-and-punish…/9780679420293/

讀書共和國新增了 4 張相片。




「哥哥,哥哥,你說什麼啊! 要知道你殺了人?」


你只要較為用心地觀察一下,就能看清楚! 我想為大眾造福,往後做成百成千件好事來彌補這樣一樁傻事,這甚至不是傻事,而只是一種笨拙的行為,因為這個主意根本不是像現在失敗了的時候看起來那麼傻……」


關注窮人的卑微處境,對被傷害與侮辱的小人物滿懷憐憫之情的俄羅斯作家杜斯妥也夫斯基(Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, 1821-1881),本身也出生於貧困家庭,25歲時以處女作《窮人》出道,在雜誌《當代人》上連載並廣受好評。





Notes from Underground (Second Edition) (Norton Critical Editions) Paperback

by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Author), Michael R. Katz (Editor)

The text for this edition of Notes from Underground is Michael Katz’s acclaimed translation of the 1863 novel, which is introduced and annotated specifically for English-speaking readers.

"Backgrounds and Sources" includes relevant writings by Dostoevsky, among them "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions," the author’s account of a formative trip to the West.

New to the Second Edition are excerpts from V. F. Odoevksy’s "Russian Nights" and I. S. Turgenev’s "Hamlet of Shchigrovsk District." In "Responses", Michael Katz links this seminal novel to the theme of the underground man in six famous works, two of them new to the Second Edition: an excerpt from M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s The Swallows, Woody Allen’s Notes from the Overfed, Robert Walser’s The Child, an excerpt from Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man, an excerpt from Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We, and an excerpt from Jean-Paul Sartre’s Erostratus.

"Criticism" brings together eleven interpretations by both Russian and Western critics from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, two of them new to the Second Edition. Included are essays by Nikolai K. Mikhailovsky, Vasily Rozanov, Lev Shestov, M. M. Bakhtin, Ralph E. Matlaw, Victor Erlich, Robert Louis Jackson, Gary Saul Morson, Richard H. Weisberg, Joseph Frank, and Tzvetan Todorov.

A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.

About the author (2001)

One of the most powerful and significant authors in all modern fiction, Fyodor Dostoevsky was the son of a harsh and domineering army surgeon who was murdered by his own serfs (slaves), an event that was extremely important in shaping Dostoevsky's view of social and economic issues. He studied to be an engineer and began work as a draftsman. However, his first novel, Poor Folk (1846), was so well received that he abandoned engineering for writing. In 1849, Dostoevsky was arrested for being a part of a revolutionary group that owned an illegal printing press. He was sentenced to be executed, but the sentence was changed at the last minute, and he was sent to a prison camp in Siberia instead. By the time he was released in 1854, he had become a devout believer in both Christianity and Russia - although not in its ruler, the Czar. During the 1860's, Dostoevsky's personal life was in constant turmoil as the result of financial problems, a gambling addiction, and the deaths of his wife and brother. His second marriage in 1887 provided him with a stable home life and personal contentment, and during the years that followed he produced his great novels: Crime and Punishment (1886), the story of Rodya Raskolnikov, who kills two old women in the belief that he is beyond the bounds of good and evil; The Idiots (1868), the story of an epileptic who tragically affects the lives of those around him; The Possessed (1872), the story of the effect of revolutionary thought on the members of one Russian community; A Raw Youth (1875), which focuses on the disintegration and decay of family relationships and life; and The Brothers Karamazov (1880), which centers on the murder of Fyodor Karamazov and the effect the murder has on each of his four sons. These works have placed Dostoevsky in the front rank of the world's great novelists. Dostoevsky was an innovator, bringing new depth and meaning to the psychological novel and combining realism and philosophical speculation in his complex studies of the human condition.

Michael R. Katz , is C. V. Starr Professor of Russian and East European Studies at Middlebury College. He is the author of The Literary Ballad in Early Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and Dreams and the Unconscious in Nineteenth-Century Russian Fiction . He has translated and edited the Norton Critical Editions of Fyodor Dostoevskyrsquo;s Notes from Underground and Ivan Turgenevrsquo;s Fathers and Children . He has also translated Alexander Herzenrsquo;s Who Is to Blame? , N. G. Chernyshevskyrsquo;s What Is to Be Done? , Dostoevskyrsquo;s Devils , Druzhininrsquo;s Polinka Saks , Artsybashevrsquo;s Sanin , and Jabotinskyrsquo;s The Five .

舊書某生奮鬥過 查了2 頁單字

Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Norton Critical Edition,1989

Backgrounds and Sources
A Chronology of Dostoevsky's Life and Work
Selected Bibiography


Nowhere Man Lyrics
Artist(Band):The Beatles

He's a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody.

Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere Man,the world is at your command!

(lead guitar)

He's as blind as he can be,
Just sees what he wants to see,
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?

Nowhere Man, don't worry,
Take your time, don't hurry,
Leave it all till somebody else
lends you a hand!

Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man please listen,
you don't know what you're missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command!

He's a real Nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody.
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody.
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody!


Notes from Underground: An Authoritative Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Responses, Criticism

Norton Critical Editions


Fyodor M. Dostoevsky

Michael R. Katz


2, illustrated, annotated


W W Norton & Company Incorporated, 2001


0393976122, 9780393976120


258 pages



文/櫻桃園文化總編輯 丘光


櫻桃園文化 出版第四本俄國經典文學新譯,這次輪到了杜斯妥也夫斯基的《地下室手記》,從前次萊蒙托夫的《當代英雄》跳過了果戈里到這本,簡單的理由是這兩部作品有著 極為相似的脈絡,都試圖要描繪出一個負面形象的時代之子,藉此映出社會樣貌,而且針砭時代病症,也可以說,都是給社會一面鏡子,同時給自己辯證一條自由生 活之路。今年恰逢本作出版150週年,新譯本期待以現代閱讀的觀點來向大師致敬。

對台灣讀者 而言,杜斯妥也夫斯基似乎很深沉,但我們想像的往往比我們認知的還要多、還要複雜,如果實際翻閱杜斯妥也夫斯基的作品,會發現他一生大概只寫一件事情,那 就是研究人的心裡在想什麼,以及藉由這些想法人怎麼過生活,這是永恆的問題,也是他之所以到現今仍讓我們感興趣讀的最主要理由(因為我們許多人到現在還一 直不了解週遭人在想什麼不是嗎?)。當然,小說中難免遇到困惑不解,這正是我們喜歡杜斯妥也夫斯基的原因,他試著看透時代、提出疑問,他向我們展示的人心 並非一清二楚的科學觀察結果,而是要讓我們去思索不清不楚的部分,讓我們自己在內心思索後與文本對話,這裡面有無比的現代性,使我們每次重讀都會得到更多 東西,因為我們學會去獨立思考,學會去感受自己真正要的是什麼,而非大家(或說自然規律)給我們什麼就照單全收──在「開創新局」這個層面上,他可以說是 一個心靈的革命家。


杜斯妥也夫 斯基不僅在創作生涯極具戲劇性,在生活上也萬分精彩。他雙親早逝,青春期被丟到軍校生活,年輕時即發現罹患癲癇症,文壇成名後在文化沙龍中交際的挫折與初 戀(其實是單戀)的失敗,與屠格涅夫一生始終維持著亦敵亦友的交情,被逮捕入獄成為政治犯,近十年的西伯利亞流放,包括苦役中與極惡罪犯共同生活的經歷, 兩段婚姻與一段婚外情,沉迷賭博近十年……種種這些「真實生活」大多反應在他的小說創作裡,如果我們進一步認識作家的生活,那麼對作品中的細節或許會有更 多共鳴。

小說文本的 詮釋上,新譯本除了將譯注增加至八十餘則,其中有許多是本版獨有的,也邀請台大外文系助理教授熊宗慧專文導讀杜斯妥也夫斯基創作的現代精神,期待閱讀時能 更全面地走進杜斯妥也夫斯基的作品世界觀中。另外,還試著重現作家的生活與創作的關聯,在書末編寫了全新的圖文作家年表,挑選杜斯妥也夫斯基一生各時期的 重要圖片,文字中收有關鍵的書信片段,輔助我們理解作家當時的生活風貌與思想心境的串連。




一位杜斯妥 也夫斯基的崇拜者、作家羅贊諾夫(他甚至娶了杜斯妥也夫斯基的前女友蘇斯洛娃)這麼說:《地下室手記》與《罪與罰》一樣,都是杜斯妥也夫斯基的巨著,在前 者中你看得到思想,後者則是藝術。沒有讀過《地下室手記》,就不可能理解《罪與罰》,而沒有讀過這兩本,則無法讀懂《群魔》和《卡拉馬助夫兄弟》。

《手記》看 似個人的懺悔錄,實則是整個時代的雜症診斷,作家虛構出「地下室人」這麼一個封閉自我的人物,藉他的形象點出時代的問題(也包括作家自身的毛病),我們看 看這個角色集合了什麼樣的時代性格:自認比任何人聰明,但又矛盾於自貶與自傲中,以個人對抗全體,卻不敢正眼看他人,疏離了真實生活,跛行於生活,自滿於 講漂亮話,用幻想緩和現實的挫折與傷痛,生活上的一切不順都可避往美與崇高之中──再看看我們現在的生活週遭,有種多麼奇妙的似曾相似!






《地下室手記:杜斯妥也夫斯基經典小說新譯》新書介紹 http://vs-press.blogspot.tw/2014/04/CL004.html
關於《地下室手記》的評價 http://vs-press.blogspot.tw/2014/05/CL004-review.html
《地下室手記》作家年表裡的小故事 http://vs-press.blogspot.tw/2014/05/CL004-chronicle.html
地下室人的現代精神 http://vs-press.blogspot.tw/2014/05/CL004-introduction.html

"Our prison stood at the edge of the fortress, right by the fortress rampart. You could look at God’s world through the chinks in the fence: wouldn’t you see at least something?"

--from NOTES FROM A DEAD HOUSE (1862) by Fyodor Dostoevsky

In 1849, Dostoevsky was sentenced to four years at hard labor in a Siberian prison camp for participating in a socialist discussion group. The novel he wrote after his release, based on notes he smuggled out, not only brought him fame, but also founded the tradition of Russian prison writing. Notes from a Dead House (sometimes translated as The House of the Dead) depicts brutal punishments, feuds, betrayals, and the psychological effects of confinement, but it also reveals the moments of comedy and acts of kindness that Dostoevsky witnessed among his fellow prisoners. To get past government censors, Dostoevsky made his narrator a common-law criminal rather than a political prisoner, but the perspective is unmistakably his own. His incarceration was a transformative experience that nourished all his later works, particularly Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky’s narrator discovers that even among the most debased criminals there are strong and beautiful souls. His story is, finally, a profound meditation on freedom: “The prisoner himself knows that he is a prisoner; but no brands, no fetters will make him forget that he is a human being.” READ an excerpt here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/notes-from-a-dead-hous…/

杜斯妥也夫斯基 by N.A. Berdyaev 孟祥森譯 台北:時報 1986

杜斯妥也夫斯基的一生. 外語原名, ドストエフスキイの生活. 原作者, 小林秀雄. 作品國別, 日本. 原出版日期, 2003. 原出版社, 萬象文庫 1993杜斯妥也夫斯基小說論. 原作者, 小林秀雄. 作品國別, 日本. 原出版日期, 2003. 原出版社, 同上

杜思妥也夫斯基 杜斯妥也夫斯基/ 紀德演講 國立編譯館

Thomas L. Friedman: Thank You for Being Late";《我們曾經輝煌》That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World




0803 2017 在 French 24 臺看到 Thomas 打書
0224 2017
Thomas L. Friedman: "Thank You for Being Late" | Talks at Google
應該有翻譯義工團將如此精采的演說配中文字幕:細數2007年是人類科技群星燦爛年 (這只是百分之一內容):

2007年,亞馬遜推出電子書閱讀器Kindle,質疑紙本書末日將至的聲浪日漸高漲。當時亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)硬是唱反調,咬定紙本書有其存在必要,「非常難以取代。」

That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World  and How We Can Come Back
by Thomas L. Friedman  (Author), Michael Mandelbaum  (Author) 2011

第四部 政府當機 / 第11章: "兩個恐怖元素  (The Terrible Twos)":
章名: "兩個恐怖元素  (The Terrible Twos)"錯誤,內文都譯為"恐怖的兩歲"。
  • child development stage which normally occurs around the age of two (but can start earlier) and consists of toddlers often saying no and throwing temper tantrums

301頁的緬因Maine街,乃是main street (市鎮的主要商業街)的誤譯。
324頁的2處"destructive creation"有誤

被全球化的浪潮逼到邊緣,政治對立加劇, 眼看中國經濟起飛,想要追趕卻有心無力… 這是一本談論美國的困境與希望的書,但處處與台灣的現況似曾相識,如果先民的拓荒精神是美國困境的解答,我們不妨也重新擦亮自己對國家的想像。


  台灣有自己的成功方程式:優秀的國民教育、現代化基礎設施、廣納五湖四海 「新台灣人」的開放精神,加上鼓勵產業發展升級的良好政策。此時,該是我們回看歷史、重新檢驗每一項成功方程式的的關鍵時刻了。


  這本書由佛里曼與外交思想家曼德鮑姆合著,探討美國政府當前所面臨的四大危機:全球化、資訊科技革命、債台高築,及能源過度使用。但美蘇冷戰結束後,美國政府對這些議題視若無睹。而當今中國大陸無論在教育、工業、科技的崛起,都一再提醒美國「也曾擁有如此光榮」(That Used to Be US),並顯示美國當今政治體系及核心價值的崩壞。


< 目錄章名>


  佛里曼在《紐約時報》的專欄文章,同步在全球超過七百多個媒體上刊登。他的《從貝魯特到耶路撒冷》,被翻譯成27國文字,並成為暢銷書,甚至成為許多中學及大學了解中東議題的教科書。1999年出版《了解全球化》(The Lexus and the Olive Tree)被翻譯成20國文字,2005年出版《世界是平的》(The World Is Flat),成為全球各地討論的熱烈話題,也讓他被《美國新聞與世界報導》選為美國最佳領導人之一。  他因為傑出的新聞報導及評論成就,拿過三座普立茲獎,如今已是普立茲獎的終身評審。他精通希伯來語和阿拉伯語,有五所美國大學的榮譽博士學位。新聞工作之餘,他也曾任教哈佛大學,與哈佛校長桑默斯與本書13章出現的桑德爾共同開一門「全球化」的課。

  曼德鮑是約翰霍浦金斯大學高級國際研究學院教授,專攻美國外交政策,並主持該院的美國外交政策計畫。他也曾任教於哈佛大學、哥倫比亞大學,及美國海軍學院。他擔任華盛頓近東政策研究所顧問,該所贊助中東政策研究和相關議題的公共討論。 曼德鮑畢業於耶魯大學,獲劍橋大學國王學院碩士,並在哈佛大學完成博士學位。他著有13本書,並編輯了12本書,除了本書之外,他的寫作主題遍及美國政策、體育生態、歐洲政治、全球競爭,及核能議題。

導  讀 美國重建輝煌之路 高希均
前  言 生於斯土

第一部 為美國看看病
    1 見可疑,立通報
    2 我們始終忽視問題
    3 美國人已忘卻歷史

第二部 教育面臨艱巨挑戰
    4 誰吃掉我的工作
    5 創意,生存的必要條件
    6 用雙倍的家庭作業復興美國夢
    7 無業世代來臨?

第三部 對數學與物理學開戰
    8 欠債總要還
    9 與數學(及未來)開戰
    10 物理之戰

第四部 政府當機
    11 兩個恐怖元素
    12 不管是什麼,我都反對到底
    13 貶值

第五部 重新發現美國
    14 從不放棄的民間力量
    15 震撼療法
    16 重啟美國光榮


  讀者或許會問起,我們兩個本以寫作外交事務為職志,一個是紐約時報的海外特派兼專欄作家,一個是約翰霍浦金斯大學高等國際研究所(The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies)教授,為什麼這回卻合力著書探討美國國內現況。答案很簡單。我們是交情超過二十年的老朋友,在這段漫長歲月裡,我們幾乎每星期都會一起討論不同層面的國際關係問題,還有美國的外交政策。但近幾年來,我們開始注意到:儘管每次話題始於外交政策,但最後都會歸結到國內政策。我們會討論美國發生了什麼事,或是哪些事情該發生卻沒發生。有時我們會試著轉移話題,但是談著談著,總是又轉回美國,談到我們如今似乎沒有能力起而應付當前最大的挑戰。





  湯姆:我出生於明尼蘇達州明尼亞波里斯市,在郊區的聖路易公園(St. Louis Park)長大。這個小地方後來因為柯恩兄弟伊森(Ethan Coen)與喬伊(Joel Coen)一部以此為背景的電影「正經好人」(A Serious Man)而聞名。參議員富蘭肯(Al Franken)、柯恩兄弟、哈佛大學政治哲學教授桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel)、政治學家奧恩斯坦(Norman Ornstein)、長期擔任國家足球聯盟(NFL)足球教練的崔斯特曼(Marc Trestman)和我前後一起在這個小社區住過幾年,這對我們每一個人產生極大的影響。在這裡的成長經驗,孕育出我對美國的高度樂觀主義,並相信我們真的可以群策群力、共謀公共利益。

  1971年,我高中畢業那年,《時代》雜誌的封面是明尼蘇達州州長安德森(Wendell Anderson)高舉一條他剛捕獲的魚,標題是〈明尼蘇達的美好生活〉。通篇報導談的是「這個州有所作為」。如果打從孩提時期開始,本州出身的參議員是民主黨的韓福瑞(Hubert Humphrey),孟岱爾(Walter Mondale),麥卡錫(Eugene McCarthy),眾議員是溫和的共和黨籍的麥克奎格(Clark MacGregor)和法蘭澤(Bill Frenzel),而州內的頂尖企業,如戴頓百貨(Dayton’s)、標靶百貨(Target)、通用磨坊(General Mills)和3M,都是倡導企業社會責任的先驅,深信協助興建諸如「古斯里劇院」(Tyrone Guthrie Theater)這樣的建設是企業使命的一部分,你必然堅信政治確實有所作為,而且美國人生活中確實有可行的政治核心。

  我和同一群孩子一起進入公立學校就讀,從幼稚園一直到高中。在當年的明尼蘇達,私立學校是給惹麻煩的孩子唸的。對於聖路易公園的中產階級家庭小孩,私立學校簡直聞所未聞,住在那裡的每一戶人家都是中產階級。我媽媽在第二次世界大戰時期加入美國海軍,拜「美國軍人權利法案」(GI Bill)之賜,他們才能貸款買到房子。我爸爸沒唸過大學,是一家銷售滾珠承軸公司的副總裁。內人安妮(Ann Bucksbaum)出生於愛荷華州的馬歇爾鎮,然後在第蒙長大。直到今天,我最好的朋友還是和我一起在聖路易公園長大的同伴,而我對明尼蘇達州的印象──當然是經過理想化的印象—仍是當年那個主宰且提供我許多政治判斷的明尼蘇達。不論我人在何方—倫敦、貝魯特、耶路撒冷、華盛頓、北京,或是班加羅爾(Bangalore)—我總是期望再次發現明尼蘇達,在那個萬湖之地,政治確實曾發生作為,讓人民生活得更好,而不是撕裂離間人民。那就是以前的我們。事實上,那就是我的街坊。


  邁可:湯姆和他的妻子都來自美國中部,而我的妻子安恩(Anne Mandelbaum)和我則成長於美國東西兩岸。她在紐約曼哈頓長大,而我是在加州柏克萊。我父親是加州大學人類學教授,我的母親在三個孩子進中學之後,到公立學校任教,然後進入我們簡稱為「加大」(Cal)的加州州立大學工作。





湯瑪斯.佛里曼(Thomas L. Friedman)

邁可.曼德鮑(Michael Mandelbaum)



  結果,美國擁有了美國版的石油財富:美元財富(dollar wealth)。因為美元從二次大戰以後就已成為通用貨幣,所以美國能大肆印鈔票與發行債務,讓其他國家都只能瞠乎其後。因石油而致富而的國家很容易在財政上變得毫無節制,而可以自行印製美元面額財富的國家也容易掉入相同的陷阱。當然,自從冷戰結束以來,特別是自從2001年以來,美國在財政上遭遇史無前例的重大損失。而發生的時機又極為不巧:正當戰後嬰兒潮世代準備退休,並要開始支領社會福利與醫療保險所允諾給付的津貼。




然而,這也意味著能提供豐富、廉價、清潔、可靠新能源的科技將是下一個嶄新的全球產業。能源科技(Energy technology)——ET——將會是新的資訊科技(IT)。ET產業蓬勃發展的國家,將享有能源安全,提升自身的國家安全,進而對全球環境安全作出貢獻。而這也將是創新企業的重要基礎,如果不能發明更聰明的材料、更聰明的軟體、更聰明的設計,企業也就無法製造更綠能(greener)的產品。如果不能在下一個全球大產業中擁有領導角色,實在很難想像美國人如何能維持日益提高的生活水準。











Maupassant’s “The Necklace” , Boule de Suif


Butterball by Guy de Maupassant

I’ve been on a roll lately with Maupassant, and when I saw this Hesperus edition of Butterball, a collection of Maupassant stories sitting on my shelf, well I just couldn’t resist. This edition is translated by Andrew Brown and includes a foreword by Germaine Greer. There are six Maupassant stories here:
Butterball (sometimes known as Boule de Soif), The ConfessionFirst SnowRoseThe Dowry and Bed 29. For me, the best stories were Butterball and Bed 29. While all 6 stories show tremendous empathy for the lot of women (from the high-born to the lowly peasant girl), both Butterball and Bed 29 are stories that take place during the Franco-Prussian war and very specifically examine the fate of prostitutes.
When Butterball begins, the French army has beaten an ignoble retreat and the civilian population is left to face the invading Prussians. The civilians, for the most part, have more or less minded their own business while war waged around them. Now the “debris” of the French army is gone, and the citizens of Rouen wonder–with some trepidation–just what their fate will be when the Prussians arrive. In one passage, Maupassant compares the invading army to some natural disaster:
“Commands, shouted out in an unknown guttural tongue, rose along the houses which seemed dead and deserted, while from behind the closed shutters, eyes peeped out at these victorious men, masters of the city, of the fortunes and lives in it, by ‘right of conquest’. The inhabitants in their darkened rooms were struck by the panic induced by natural cataclysms, by those murderous upheavals of the earth, against which all wisdom and all strength are useless. For the same sensation reappears each time that the established order of things is overturned, when security no longer exists and all that was protected by the laws of men or those of nature finds itself at the mercy of a fierce and mindless brutality. The earthquake that crushes an entire populace beneath their collapsing houses; the overflowing river which rolls along in its torrent drowned peasants with the carcasses of cattle and the beams torn from rooftops; or the glorious army massacring those who put up any resistance, leading the others away as prisoners, pillaging in the name of the sabre and giving thanks to a god with the sound of the cannon – all are so many terrible scourges which confound any belief in eternal justice, any trust that we have learnt to place in Heaven’s protection and man’s reason.”
A handful of Rouen residents are granted permission to leave the city, and so early one morning a stagecoach prepares for departure. Most of the passengers are leaving for business reasons but they are fully prepared to flee to England if necessary. The passengers are people who would normally not socialize: wine merchants M. and Mme Loiseau, an extremely affluent mill owner and his wife M. and Mme Carre-Lamadon,  the aristocratic Count and Countess Hubert, two nuns, a rather odd character called Cornudet and a prostitute whose “precocious corpulence … earned her the nickname of Butterball.”
“She was small, round all over, as fat as lard, with puffed-up fingers congested at the joints so they looked like strings of short sausages; with a glossy, taut skin, and a huge and prominent bosom straining out from beneath her dress.”
The so-called respectable passengers are of course disgusted to find themselves sharing the same coach with such a  creature. At first, their collective outrage at being forced to share the same air as Butterball causes the passengers to attempt to be friendly with one another while pointedly cutting Butterball out of the social loop. But then the trip winds on, it’s freezing cold and no one has thought to bring any food along for the trip–no one except Butterball. Obviously a woman who loves food, Butterball is very well prepared and her picnic basket breaks down the social barriers that seemed unbreachable.
The coach stops at an inn, and there a young Prussian officer refuses to let the travellers continue on their journey until Butterball grants him her favours. While Butterball, a committed Bonapartist declines, claiming her patriotism to France, the passengers become increasingly annoyed with her. Their logic is that after all, she wouldn’t be doing anything she hasn’t done thousands of times before….

羊脂球(法語:Boule de Suif,英語:Butterball),或譯為脂肪球,世界文學名著,法國文學家莫泊桑的短篇小說代表作,福樓拜稱之為「可以流傳於世的傑作」。
Maupassant’s early story “Boule de Suif,” from 1880, remains a hallmark and a natural starting point.

The Paris Review 和 James Joyce 都分享了 1 條連結

In our new series, writers revisit a work of art they first encountered long ago.

Short Stories: The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant - East of the Web


She was one of those pretty and charming girls born, as though fate had blundered over her, into a family of artisans. ... She suffered endlessly, feeling herself born for every delicacy and luxury. She suffered from the poorness of her house, from its mean walls, worn chairs, and ugly ...

亨利-侯內-亞伯特-居伊·德·莫泊桑法語:Henry-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant法語:[ɡid(ə) mopasɑ̃],1850年8月5日-1893年7月6日),法國作家,作品以短篇小說為主,被譽為「短篇小說之王」,作品有《羊脂球》等。



  • 《月光》
  • 《米龍老爹》
  • 《兩個朋友》
  • 《女瘋子》
  • 《菲菲小姐》
  • 《瓦爾特·施納夫斯奇遇記》
  • 《一場決鬥》
  • 羊脂球(莫泊桑最優秀的作品之一)
  • 《隆多利姊妹》
  • 項鍊
  • 《我的叔叔于勒》(莫泊桑最優秀的作品之一)
  • 一個農場女傭的故事
  • 《一家子 (小說)》
  • 《西蒙的爸爸》
  • 《修軟椅的女人》
  • 《一個諾曼底人》
  • 《一個兒子》
  • 《珠寶》
  • 《一封信》


  • 一生》(1883年)
  • 漂亮朋友》(1885年)
  • 《溫泉 》(1886年)
  • 《皮埃爾與若望》(1888年)
  • 《如死一般強》(1889年)
  • 《我們的心》(1890年)

都德是我国知名度最高的法国作家之一,其《最后一课》和《磨坊文札》在我国可谓是脍炙人口 ...

安部公房 的 砂の女 (Woman in the Dunes (1964); 沙丘之女);Three Plays by Kobo Abe


台灣都翻成 沙丘之女
先後有鍾肇政、吳憶帆 (台北:志文,2007)、吳季倫 (台北:聯經出版公司,2016)。

我是日文外行,不過,砂の女的日文有"押韻"。英文電影翻譯Woman in the Dunes (1964) ,其中的 the Dunes 也比"沙丘"清楚點"。

"以8mm為中心,呈現出近似高斯誤差曲線那樣的曲線分布著。" (台北:志文,2007,頁16)

我自己去查"錫石是一種礦物名,集合體呈不規則粒狀。主產於錫石石英脈和錫石硫化物礦床中,當原生錫礦床經風化破壞後,常形成砂礦。錫石是煉的主要原料。",其英文為Cassiterite is a tin oxide mineralSnO2

從對話看,安部公房 的【 砂の女】很有點成人版的Alice漫遊"砂之奇境"汁味道,譬如說,初入斯境男女對答砂知"腐蝕力"。

深入了解必須讀讀Wikipedia  砂の女的日文版:


Three Plays by Kobo Abe Paperback – April 15, 1997

Three plays by one of contemporary Japan's most prominent writers―Involuntary Homicide, The Green Stockings, The Ghost is Here―translated for this volume reveal Kobo Abe's deep love of absurdity in the face of universal concerns.

The Woman in the Dunes

Kobo Abe
Author Biography
Plot Summary
Historical Context
Critical Overview
Further Reading


Kobo Abe, one of Japan’s most celebrated and frequently translated authors and playwrights, is often compared to the Czech writer, Franz Kafka, because both writers created novels that were built upon nightmarish allegories. Abe’s The Woman in the Dunes is a prime example. With this novel, one of Abe’s more popular works, Abe takes the reader into a very strange and isolated world in order to make a statement about the condition of modern civilization. His statement is fascinating, but not very glorifying, as the protagonist becomes trapped in a world of ceaseless and mindless labor.
The Woman in the Dunes and the subsequent movie based on the novel catapulted Abe into the international realm. After the popular success of this novel, Abe’s works became the most often translated fiction of Japanese literature. And long since its publication, The Woman in the Dunes, which in 1960 won the Yomiuri Prize for literature, continues to retain its classification of being not only the best of Abe’s extensive life work, but also one of the classic examples of modern Japanese fiction.
The story begins with a character, Niki Jumpei, who seems all but totally unaware of who he really is. He often describes himself and his actions as if he were a detached observer of his own actions. His imprisonment in a hole in the sand dunes tempers his psyche, however, and in the end he comes to an awakening in which he grasps a better understanding of his basic psychological makeup. As Wimal Dissanayake, writing for Literary Relations, East and West: Selected Essays put it: “What Kobo Abe has sought to do is to remove his protagonist from his cultural environment and to probe deeper and deeper into his own psyche as a way of attaining his authentic selfhood.” The story of a journey of inner discovery during which the protagonist remembers what it means to be human in a modern society that sometimes seems to have forgotten.

Author Biography

Kobo Abe, one of Japan’s greatest writers, was born on March 7, 1924, in Tokyo. He followed in his father’s footsteps to a certain extent, gaining a degree in medicine but quickly decided that he did not want to become a doctor. He much preferred storytelling. During his childhood, most of which was spent in the Manchurian city of Mukden, Abe entertained himself and his friends by reciting stories. Many of these tales came from the writings of Edgar Allan Poe; but Abe, even at an early age, created stories of his own. Having been raised outside of the main Japanese culture, Abe’s writings and interests differed from those of many of his compatriots. He studied abstract painting instead of the traditional Japanese arts, and like his character in The Woman in the Dunes, Abe also studied insects.
Abe witnessed the atrocities and consequences of war, both in Mukden, and later, when he returned to Tokyo and read such Western writers as the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) and Czech novelist Franz Kafka (1883–1924) to find support for his own ideas against the militaristic Japanese government at that time, according to Raymond Lamont-Brown in his article in the Contemporary Review. But as Lamont- Brown states, “Abe’s searches did not produce what he needed.” When his father died, Abe felt released from his father’s wishes that he become a doctor and decided to concentrate even harder on creating his own path. He dropped all efforts to pursue a medical profession and delved deeply into literature. If he could not find what he was looking for in the writings of others, he became determined to create what he was looking for on his own.
In 1951, Abe was awarded the Akutagawa literary prize for The Crime of Mr. S. Karuma and from this point, there was no turning back. His career was set, and his theme—that of alienation and loss of identity in modern society—was established and would be repeated throughout his life’s work.
Some of Abe’s most important novels include: Suna no Onna (1962) (The Woman in the Dunes, 1964); Tanin no Kao (1964) (The Face of Another, 1966); Moetsukita Chizu (1967) (The Ruined Map, 1969); Hako Otoko (1973) (The Box Man, 1975); and his last novel, Kangaru Noto (1991) (The Kangaroo Notebook, 1960).

“One could not do without repetition in life, like the beating of the heart, but it was also true that the beating of the heart was not all there was to life.”
- from THE WOMAN IN THE DUNES by Kōbō Abe
After missing the last bus home following a day trip to the seashore, an amateur entomologist is offered lodging for the night at the bottom of a vast sand pit. But when he attempts to leave the next morning, he quickly discovers that the locals have other plans. Held captive w⋯⋯

圖像裡可能有1 人

── 諾貝爾文學獎評審委員會主席 佩爾・韋斯特伯格(Per Wästberg)

  ‧作家/著名翻譯家 邱振瑞專文導讀









  《沙丘之女》堪稱詭奇之作,不同於世上那些疊床架屋的小說,就算再次提筆恐怕也無法複製,對我來說非常新奇。……我將其視為新一代的《伊索寓言》,耽讀不已。── 小說家 大佛次郎

  充滿詩意且懸疑跌宕的出色開場、三番兩次脫逃的驚險場面、急轉直下如沙子般簡潔而平淡的收尾……在在顯露出劇作家的才華與小說家的天分在安部公房身上幸福地結合。── 小說家 三島由紀夫

  不得不說《沙丘之女》確實極其出色,從開頭到結尾,通篇儼然如希臘悲劇般,無可避免的情節推進讓讀者被迫深陷其中。── 日籍美裔日本文化與文學研究家 唐納德‧基恩








  諾貝爾文學獎評審委員會主席韋斯特伯格(Per Wästberg)在2012年受訪時曾提到:「若非猝逝,安部必定獲得諾貝爾文學獎。他距離得獎非常非常地近。」











  以世界文壇的知名度而言,在日本作家中,以三島由紀夫與安部公房的作品(《沙丘之女》、《別人的臉》、《燃盡的地圖》、《第四冰河時期》、《朋友》、《幽靈在此》,有俄語版、捷克語版、羅馬尼亞語版、丹麥語版、比利時語版、芬蘭語版、英語版、墨西哥語版、法語版、德語版、義大利語版、葡萄牙語版等)獲得最多國外讀者的閱讀。他們兩人都曾經獲得諾貝爾文學獎的提名。二戰前,三島進入了學習院的初、高等科就讀,之後考上東京帝國大學法律系;安部的生活道路卻轉折得多,父親奔赴當時日本的殖民地「滿洲國」的奉天(今中國東北瀋陽市)當執業醫師,基於這個家庭因素,安部就讀該地的小、中學,高中時期才回到東京。是年冬天,他患了肺結核休學,一九四○年回到奉天的自家休養。一九四二年四月,他的病情已恢復過來,因此返回東京。一九四三年十月,他考上了東京帝國大學醫學系,這時日本可能戰敗的消息甚囂塵上,他出於某種莫名的情感召喚,偽造了「重度肺結核」的診斷書,以此病由返回奉天的家裡。一九四五年,日本和滿洲兩地爆發了嚴重的傷寒。翌年,蘇聯軍隊入侵了中國東北,並接管所有的醫院,其父親遵從命令製作傷寒的疫苗,不幸受到感染而過世。之後,來了國民黨政府,整個體制改弦易張,但旋即又被八路軍擊退,短短兩三個月內,政策和市容為之改變。這些無疑給安部造成巨大的衝擊。同樣地,三島在入伍前的體檢,由於軍醫的誤診,認為他疑似患有肺結核,得以免除兵役。同年十月,三島的妹妹美津子罹染傷寒死亡。簡單地說,這兩個同世代的作家,三島在「內地」接受傳統教育,安部在「外地」度過青少年時期,但是他們有個共同點:兩人都經歷過「日本帝國的崩解」與時代疾病的威脅,遭遇到前所未有的震盪。而在文學道路上,三島於日本傳統文學中大放異彩,安部則堅決地站在「異端」(反傳統)立場上,持續思索故鄉存在的定義和被荒漠化的靈魂。可以看出,在安部的生命裡,他自始至終直視「做為場所的悲哀」(Realms of Memory)的困境。順便一提,阿爾及利亞出身的法國作家卡謬的《異鄉人》、前總統李登輝在司馬遼太郎《台灣紀行》的篇末對談,皆為絕佳的例證。換言之,滿洲這個空間上的場域,既是真切的實在,同時還包含場所、位置和身分的認同,卻由於政權的更替,又把它丟入流變的漩渦中,致使日本移民者不知何去何從。而這個二律背反的問題,又成為安部的精神原鄉,從文學上的啟蒙,到小說的場景描繪,都圍繞著滿洲的經驗。




The Verb to Be《超現實主義宣言》Andre Breton, Dada's Taciturn Target《布勒東傳》Andre Breton: Le Grand Indesirable by Henri Behar,/Three Letters from Sigmund Freud to André Breton


André Breton was a French writer, poet, and anti-fascist. He is known best as the founder of Surrealism. His writings include the first Surrealist Manifesto of 1924, in which he defined surrealism as "pure psychic automatism". Wikipedia
DiedSeptember 28, 1966, Paris, France
SpouseElisa Breton (m. 1945–1966), Simone Collinet (m. 1921–1931), Jacqueline Lamba (m. ?–1943)
Beauty will be convulsive or will not be at all.
It is living and ceasing to live that are imaginary solutions. Existence is elsewhere.
All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.

"Dada pretended to be all about anti-art, but its artists knew perfectly well that in the process they were engaged in making great art, in the same lineage as Leonardo and Rembrandt."—Artnet
Discover a lost Dada anthology, reunited for the first time and on view now in "Dadaglobe Reconstructed."
Read THE DAILY PIC on MoMA's Dadaglobe show, and the silent strength at the core of Dada's outcry.

The Verb to Be
February 19, 2015 | by Dan Piepenbring

André Breton in 1924.

André Breton’s poem “The Verb to Be” originally appeared in our Spring 1985 issue.

I know the general outline of despair. Despair has no wings, it doesn’t necessarily sit at a cleared table in the evening on a terrace by the sea. It’s despair and not the return of a quantity of insignificant facts like seeds that leave one furrow for another at nightfall. It’s not the moss that forms on a rock or the foam that rocks in a glass. It’s a boat riddled with snow, if you will, like birds that fall and their blood doesn’t have the slightest thickness. I know the general outline of despair. A very small shape, defined by jewels worn in the hair. That’s despair. A pearl necklace for which no clasp can be found and whose existence can’t even hang by a thread. That’s despair for you. Let’s not go into the rest. Once we begin to despair we don’t stop. I myself despair of the lampshade around four o’clock, I despair of the fan towards midnight, I despair of the cigarette smoked by men on death row. I know the general outline of despair. Despair has no heart, my hand always touches breathless despair, the despair whose mirrors never tell us if it’s dead. I live on that despair which enchants me. I love that blue fly which hovers in the sky at the hour when the stars hum. I know the general outline of the despair with long slender surprises, the despair of pride, the despair of anger. I get up every day like everyone else and I stretch my arms against a floral wallpaper. I don’t remember anything and it’s always in despair that I discover the beautiful uprooted trees of night. The air in the room is as beautiful as drumsticks. What weathery weather. I know the general outline of despair. It’s like the curtain’s wind that holds out a helping hand. Can you imagine such a despair? Fire! Ah they’re on their way … Help! Here they come falling down the stairs … And the ads in the newspaper, and the illuminated signs along the canal. Sandpile, beat it, you dirty sandpile! In its general outline despair has no importance. It’s a squad of trees that will eventually make a forest, it’s a squad of stars that will eventually make one less day, it’s a squad of one­-less-­days that will eventually make up my life.

Translated from the French by Bill Zavatsky and Zack Rogow.

Andre Breton《超現實主義宣言》袁俊生翻譯 重慶大學出版社2010

Nadja by André Breton,

最近也偶讀安德烈.布賀東(Andre Breton)的詩。你是否可以想像讀到這樣的句子,會引發怎麼樣的遐思嗎?
*版主hc按:超現實的詩之翻譯竟然差許多  這首的部分在《布勒東傳》Andre Breton: Le Grand Indesirable by Henri Behar頁266   這是"為那奇特的宮殿譜一首詩:


我只能把這些美好記憶,藏在斜雨中,屬於黃昏記憶。這些記憶,對我來說,可能會像扎下的想思,衍生它的長度。像布賀東,早在上個世紀初,1919年,已完成 了第一部超現實的詩集《當舖》,那個時候,中國新文學剛誕生呢。1924年,布賀東全面宣揚超現實主義美學理論綱領,像政治者草擬政綱,完成了闡明其主義 的〈第一宣言〉。他宣稱將自動寫作的體驗和主張做為詩歌和藝術的創作的最根本信條,且認為擺脫舊束縛,通過潛意識的創作超越界限的詩美境是一種比現實更高 的現實。這個主義擬好藍圖,在法國,於是,扎下了文藝思潮的起點。



Andre Breton: Le Grand Indesirable

作者  /  亨利.貝阿爾Behar, Henri

譯者  /  袁俊生

出版社 / 上海人民

出版日期 / 2007/01/01  中文/簡體裝訂 / 平裝

內容簡介 · · · · · ·
布勒東一生追求自由,與一切自由的絆腳石為敵。創作上他揮灑才情,追隨達達運動,建立超現實主義流派,首創自動寫作法,終成一代宗師。情感 生活中布勒東多愁善感,超現實主義內部的矛盾紛爭,友情的決裂,愛人的離去,都讓他傷懷。本書用客觀公正的文字塑造了一個真實感人的布勒東,是一部布勒東 的鬥爭史、創作史和情感史。
布勒東一直在為爭取自由而奮起反抗:正是反抗,也惟有反抗才是光明的創造者。只有三個途徑可以讓人 們認識這個光明,那就是詩歌、自由和愛……”他是20世紀上半葉對文學及繪畫產生極大影響的超現實主義運動的創始人,對超現實主義運動的發展起到十分重 要的作用,堪稱超現實主義教皇本書用客觀公正的文字塑造了一個真實感人的布勒東,是一部布勒東的鬥爭史、創作史和情感史。

作者簡介 · · · · · ·

亨利·貝阿爾(Henri Béhar)是巴黎大學法國文學系教授,同時擔任法國超現實主義研究所主任之職。他是研究達達運動、超現實主義運動、先鋒派運動的著名專家,曾撰寫過多篇有關超現實主義運動的專著。
袁 俊生,19553月生於北京。1978年畢業於北京第二外國語學院並留校任教。1979-1984年曾在聯合國教科文組織總部(巴黎)工作,現任副譯 審。主要譯著有《約翰·克利斯朵夫》(羅曼·羅蘭)、《磨坊信劄》(都德)、《一彈解千愁》(尤瑟納爾)、《卡薩諾瓦傳奇》(弗蘭姆)、《莫斯科日記》 (羅曼·羅蘭)、《永遠的小王子》(米諾)、《齊達內傳》(菲利浦)以及《上升的徵兆》、《前世今生》、《永別》等多部法國近代作家的詩歌及散文。

    /袁俊生     來源:易文網
    16歲時他與當時著名詩人瓦萊裏建立了通信聯繫。在完成醫學學業後,1915 年他被派遣到軍隊精神病學科任軍醫。這期間他開始研究佛洛德的理論,並在精神分析的過程中發現了認識精神生活的工具。在部隊任軍醫時他結識了雅克·瓦謝,後者的黑色幽默及後來自殺身亡的悲劇對超現實主義的問世產生了極大的影響。

Frederick B. Davis, M.D.Frederick B. Davis, M.D.
Frederick B. Davis, M.D.
Division of Child Psychiatry Univ. of Wash. School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington 98105
', 'type', 'velcro', 'delay', '1000', 'maxWidth', '300', 'direction', 'southwest');">Author Information
PSYCHOANALYSIS, ORIGINATING IN VIENNA and in the mind of a single brilliant man, has come to have worldwide recognition (if not acceptance) and has influenced the development of concepts in such diverse fields as anthropology, art, history, sociology, literary criticism, and law. One of the clearest examples of such an effect may be found in the work of André Breton, the founder of Surrealism.
In 1916 Breton served as a medical aide in the psychiatric center at Saint-Dizier where he came in contact with mental patients evacuated from the front. It was here that he first heard of psychoanalysis and began to read Freud's works. He recorded patients' hallucinations and delusional experiences and subsequently tried to "interpret" them, relying on psychoanalytic principles. After the war, Breton along with other Dadaists experimented with what came to be known as automatic writing. This consisted of writing rapidly without pausing to reread or correct, or writing while i
[This is a summary or excerpt from the full text of the book or article. The full text of the document is available to subscribers.]


Hanching Chung 康老師:".......在她的回憶錄《走出白色恐怖》中,康宜有專章敘及她與Gram相處的往事,並譯介了Gram的詩作。......",章名是"紅豆的啟示","紅豆"是Paul Sun(孫裕光,孫康宜之父,在綠島監獄撿到的,並手織袋子珍藏之 (正面用藍字寫著:1952,V23,孫裕光;反面則有"綠島紀念"四字。"1952,V23" (1952年5月23,是Paul 結婚9周年紀念。)
這顆紅豆,从王維的《相思》,到陳寅恪的《柳如是別傳 緣起》,到 Paul 在1978年在普林斯頓交給小紅 (康宜),到Gram將紅豆"翻譯為Ivy(常春藤有常青豆),從綠島到種是通才教育的普林斯頓的"高等研究院"之群英。.....
這次讓我有機會再次翻《走出白色恐怖》 (因書無索引,卻有許多意外之喜)。讀完相關部分之後,才想起初讀時對"對岸湖中倒影"印象深。.....

功能介绍 敖学院主要用于诗歌写作教学和公共教育。王敖,旅美诗人学者,2016年与张尔(飞地传媒)共同发起诗公社计划。

重(略)讀孫康宜的《走出白色恐怖》,有許多相關的教育議題,如她最感激有機會到高雄讀書;她讀的女中,在高三,班上就演Romeo and Juliet,她演她最喜歡的腳色:Friar Laurence (你不會料到,全劇,他的話最長.....);東海大學畢業論文Moby Dick中的宗教 (姑且這樣說),當時有人到校開【宗教與文學】(書中說美國八零年代才開這種課).....

Arno Schmidt

在德國之聲看"Arno Schmidt (18 January 1914 – 3 June 1979) "的紀錄影片,真是奇人。
也沒想到其短篇小說等的英文翻譯見多。"Arno Schmidt 基金會"說要出版其"全集"。
我看了,覺得德國的煙草公司很有意思:不只支持華德福學校;也給Arno Schmidt 資金,叫他安心寫(最後一本)小說。
不懂:Zettels Traum,英文翻譯成Zettel's Dream;日文翻譯成 (巨著)【紙片の夢】(影片說作者用百萬張卡片當參考,學James Joyce寫一天24小時的事/思緒。)--此書採原稿影印出版,第1板很快售罄。幾年後,得"歌德獎"。......

Arno Schmidt (18 January 1914 – 3 June 1979) was a German author and translator. He is little known outside of German-speaking areas, in part because his works present a formidable challenge to translators. Although he is not one of the popular favourites within Germany,[1] critics and writers often consider him to be one of the most important German-language writers of the 20th century.[2]


孫教授,謝謝。請問您父親《一例麥子》書影中十字架上的"字"是? (三聯版144頁),先謝。

若望福音:Chapter 12

 John 12:24 
Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it stays alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit.

Image result for john 12:24

臺靜農 《中國文學史》/ 主編: 宇文所安(上卷 1375之前) 孫康宜(下卷1375-1949?)《劍橋中國文學史》


《三國志·魏志·陳登傳》:“﹝劉備﹞曰:‘君( 許汜 )求田問舍,言無可采,是元龍所諱也,何緣當與君語?如小人,欲臥百尺樓上,臥君於地,何但上下牀之間邪?’”後借指抒發壯懷的登臨處。陸遊《秋思》詩:“欲舒老眼無高處,安得元龍百尺樓。”亦省稱“元龍樓沉礪《狂歌行》:“時而一憑高,直上元龍樓。”參見“元龍豪氣

(元龍豪氣) 東漢陳登,字元龍許汜曾見之。求田問舍,言無可采,久不與語。後許汜劉備曰:“陳元龍湖海之士,豪氣不除。”見《三國志·魏志·陳登傳》。黃機《永遇樂·章史君席上》詞:“自有,元龍豪氣,喚客且休辭醉。



2008/9/17 約11點在圖書館碰到柯慶明老師
台灣大學出版社 在2003年只三人
我趁開學打7折 買
臺靜農 先生的 中國文學史 等數冊---它是暢銷書 似乎每年一刷
他說這部書 是 詩人之作

中國文學史 (上)(下)<不分售> - Google 圖書結果

由 臺靜農 著作 - 2004 - Chinese literature - 736 頁
秋感︶二首其塵壁蒼茫有舊題,十年重見一傷悲。野僧欲與論前事,自說年多不復知。 ...

《劍橋中國文學史》全譯本將由台北聯經出版社出版. 目前出版的中國三聯版之下卷只談到1949年

内容简介  · · · · · ·

作者简介  · · · · · ·

目录  · · · · · ·

第一章 早期中国文学:开端至西汉 柯马丁
第二章 东汉至西晋(25—317) 康达维
第三章 从东晋到初唐(317-649) 田晓菲
第四章 文化唐朝(650-1020) 宇文所安
第五章 北宋(1020——1126) 艾朗诺
第六章 北与南:十二与十三世纪 傅君劢 林顺夫
第七章 金末至明初文学:约1230—约1375  奚如谷

內容簡介  · · · · · ·

作者簡介  · · · · · ·

目錄  · · · · · ·

第二章晚明文學文化(1573—1644  )呂立亭
第五章說唱文學   伊維德
第六章1841至1937年間的中國文學   王德威
第七章1937—1949年的中國文學  奚密

2017.8.9 原來北京生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店的中簡版所刪剪的(第七章及結語),終於重見天日!

第七章 從一九三七年迄今的中國文學/奚密
一 引言
二 內戰結束及新時代的開始(一九四九─一九七七)
三 互動與抗爭(一九七八年迄今)
四 印刷文化的近期轉變與新媒體的興起/賀麥曉
結語 華語語系書寫與華人離散/ 石靜遠


中國文學史 (上)(下)~~臺靜農

臺 靜農先生來臺不久即應國立編譯館之約撰寫《中國文學史》,臺先生亦全力以赴,頗能表達其個人性情學養所及,對歷代文學精神之深切體悟,與其間顯現之文化歷 史流變,作真知灼見之詮釋,可謂:「通古今之變,成一家之言」。撰述期間幾近二十餘年,且不斷增補修訂,以完成先秦以至金元部份。後以政治考量乃於民國六 十年前後與編譯館解約,遂不續成。其稿本與抄本雖長期在弟子間傳閱,始終未得出版。先生身後因遺稿由家屬捐贈臺大圖書館,臺大出版中心乃敦請中文系何寄澎 教授主持整編加以出版,一代學人平生所蓄的心血結晶終能公諸於世。關心中國文學與歷史文化傳統的人士,必當一睹為快,且將有得於貫串其中俯拾皆是的慧心與 卓識。
出版前言 柯慶明
編序 何寄澎

【2005/03/13 聯合報】

臺靜農中國文學史 出版
【【2005/03/13 聯合報】記者陳宛茜/台北報導】
1950 年代臺靜農來台不久後,便應國立編譯館之約撰寫「中國文學史」。然而立約近20年後,臺老已完成先秦到元代的部分,卻又於1971年突然解約,並退還所有 訂金。臺老弟子解釋,認為台大發生殷海光與哲學系事件後,曾與左派文人魯迅結為莫逆之交的臺靜農,擔心編譯館受他波及,慨然解約。
翻 開當年的講義「中國文學史」,今已為人師的汪其楣、何寄澎、方瑜彷彿看見臺老的身影。汪其楣說,當時擔任台大中文系主任的臺老經常要開會。某次他到教室告 訴學生:「今天不上課,因為我要開會!」學生高興得大叫大笑。汪其楣透過窗口,發現含著煙斗的臺老看到學生快樂的樣子,竟然笑到「煙斗都掉了下來」!
方 瑜指出,臺老在本書充分表現「對弱勢族群的關懷」,比如對南北朝民間文學「吳歌」、「西曲」的重視。她認為,臺老品評人物,往往一句道破且入木三分。如隋 朝楊素為人奸詐,其文卻「詩格清遠」如出世高人,後世評論者對「文不如其人」感到「不可解」。臺老卻認為,人性複雜多變,再奸險的人與朋友以詩敘心時,也 會吐出他真實的情感。何寄澎則說,本書是中外同類著作中,最具「見識」與「性情」的作品,是一本真正的「詩人之作」。

【2005/03/13 聯合報】

Albert Camus, "The Myth of Sisyphus", "Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays"; 陳健邦:寫詩如作案─讀邵燕祥打油詩


"Pour toujours, je serai étranger à moi-même".
---- Albert Camus, Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942)
"For ever, I will be a stranger to myself."

“It is better for the intellectual not to talk all the time. To begin with, it would exhaust him, and, above all, it would keep him from thinking. He must create if he can, first and foremost, especially if his creation does not side-step the problems of his time.”
― Albert Camus, Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays

Orlando Patterson, John Cowles Professor of Sociology
“Albert Camus’ ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’: I first came across that book in the year between high school and college. I pulled it from the library shelf thinking it was going to be a book on mythology and discovered, of course, that it is a philosophical treatise, which I immediately felt a strong affinity to. Of course I didn’t understand most of it when I first read it. I took it with me to college and basically read it over and over again right through college until I felt I understood it, through the process of absorption. It greatly influenced me.
“My very first book was a novel, called ‘The Children of Sisyphus,’ and it was about the poverty and utter despair of the people who live in the shantytowns of Kingston. I had decided that what I was learning, what I was experiencing, was best expressed in terms of a novel. All through that time, what strikes you most living in or visiting this extreme poverty is the whole question of what makes life meaningful for these people, which in a way is the central question that motivated Camus. The shades of not just despair but the kinds of existential angst that he is going through. What makes life meaningful? How can one survive? People living on the dung heap, who live off the trash and the refuse of the rest of the city, where do they find meaning?
“That theme of meaning and meaningless resonated with me, and it carried through to higher levels as I moved from Jamaica to Britain and also to other works by Camus. In many ways, his ideas remained with me not in the sense that I return to him any more, but in the sense that he formed the initial foundation of my thinking. I think I moved on, but he was the right philosopher and the right novelist for me at the time.”

"Travailler et créer 'pour rien', sculpter dans l'argile, savoir que sa création n'a pas d'avenir, voir son oeuvre détruite en un jour en étant conscient que, profondément, cela n'a pas plus d'importance que de bâtir pour des siècles, c'est la sagesse difficile que la pensée absurde autorise. Mener de front ces deux tâches, nier d'un côté et exalter de l'autre, c'est la voie qui s'ouvre au créateur absurde. Il doit donner au vide ses couleurs".
Albert Camus, "Le Mythe de Sisyphe", 1942

"Working and creating for nothing ', sculpt in clay, that his creation has no future, see his work destroyed in a day being aware that deeply, it has no more importance that to build for centuries, it is the difficult wisdom that absurd thought permits. Conduct front both tasks, deny one side and exalt the other, this is the path that opens to the absurd creator . It must give the void its colors ".
Albert Camus, "The Myth of Sisyphus", 1942

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