1 小時 · 【世界史上的今天】2011年9月17日-「佔領華爾街」,99%與1%的戰爭開啟序幕。這天,祖科蒂公園(Zuccotti Park)聚集了約1,000名抗議者,這些抗議者之所集結於此,為的是無法再忍受日漸拉大的貧富差距,以及早就違反自由經濟真諦的華爾街。2008金融危機,因為一小群位於經濟金字塔頂的人犯的錯,而要99%的人用血汗錢去彌補這些錯誤,而且犯錯的那1%人並沒有因此而付出代價,反而用紓困金發給高階主管紅利獎金。這1,000名抗議者有備而來,早已準備好帳篷、睡袋、備用糧食,展開長期抗戰,但他們也許不知道這地方性的抗議,最後竟昇華成全球性的活動……這一點,或許連行動發起者廣告剋星(Adbusters)也出乎意料。廣告剋星是加拿大的非營利、反消費主義的環保組織,由卡勒‧拉森(Kalle Lasn)和比爾‧史邁茲(Bill Schmalz)兩位記錄片導演創立於1989年。這組織聽起來包山包海,但核心理念其實是一樣的,他們反對現代商業模式中,強調幸福與消費必然有關連的意識形態。他們除了創辦組織,也發行同名刊物。受2010年東方阿拉伯世界的「阿拉伯之春」運動啟發,他們認為也許可以運用同樣的模式來引發西方世界反思經濟上的失衡。他們決定以資本主義大本營-美國當行動的發源地,而華爾街做為自由經濟的象徵,想當然爾成了攻城掠地的先驅。佔領活動當天,其實並沒有引起太大的關注,因為媒體並不認為這是有煽動力的新聞,也許過了幾天人潮就散了;佔領事件讓全國沸騰的轉捩點出現在9月24日,一名警員在聯合廣場(union square)朝著人行道上五位手無寸鐵的抗議女性噴灑催淚噴霧,噴完後隨即離開現場,這段過程被目擊者以手機錄下後放上網路,輿論隨之甚囂塵上,原本在紐約市華爾街的占領行動,馬上昇華成全國性的公民運動,甚至以「一起佔領!」(occupy together)的口號,在全球各大城市展開自發性的運動。有人訪問了在華爾街進行佔領行動的民眾,他們是不是反對資本主義?結果令人驚訝,他們並不反對資本主義,他們反對的是那種金權掛勾的資本主義,也就是「裙帶資本主義」,政府與金錢機構在權力與利益上有難以解開的網,造成了看似自由的經濟早已不再自由,而只在權力者想要自由的時候才自由。這場活動最終是否達到初始目的無人得知,畢竟它一開始就是個沒有訴求的占領行動。但很明顯的,我們這個時代靠著社群網路的發達,大大降低訊息流通、理解的門檻,使公民監督的力量較以往都來得強大,這樣的現象是否延伸出新的監督體制?只能讓我們拭目以待。► 照片為廣告剋星製作之佔領華爾街宣傳海報。►Find Out Morehttp://tinyurl.com/n9tw2u5
This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement
We Are the 99%
The Occupy Wall Street movement named the core issue of our time: the overwhelming power of Wall Street and large corporations— something the political establishment and most media have long ignored.
But the movement goes far beyond this critique. This Changes Everything shows how the movement is shifting the way people view themselves and the world, the kind of society they believe is possible, and their own involvement in creating a society that works for the 99% rather than just the 1%.
Attempts to pigeonhole this decentralized, fast-evolving movement have led to confusion and misperception. In this volume, the editors of YES! Magazine bring together voices from inside and outside the protests to convey the issues, possibilities, and personalities associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This book features contributions from Naomi Klein, David Korten, Rebecca Solnit, Ralph Nader, and others, as well as Occupy activists who were there from the beginning, such as David Graeber, Marina Sitrin and Hena Ashraf. It offers insights for those actively protesting or expressing support for the movement—and for the millions more who sympathize with the goal of a more equitable and democratic future.
Occupy Wall Street - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_StreetOccupy Wall Street (OWS) is the name given to a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street ...
1 小時 ·
這天,祖科蒂公園(Zuccotti Park)聚集了約1,000名抗議者,這些抗議者之所集結於此,為的是無法再忍受日漸拉大的貧富差距,以及早就違反自由經濟真諦的華爾街。2008金融危機,因為一小群位於經濟金字塔頂的人犯的錯,而要99%的人用血汗錢去彌補這些錯誤,而且犯錯的那1%人並沒有因此而付出代價,反而用紓困金發給高階主管紅利獎金。這1,000名抗議者有備而來,早已準備好帳篷、睡袋、備用糧食,展開長期抗戰,但他們也許不知道這地方性的抗議,最後竟昇華成全球性的活動……這一點,或許連行動發起者廣告剋星(Adbusters)也出乎意料。
廣告剋星是加拿大的非營利、反消費主義的環保組織,由卡勒‧拉森(Kalle Lasn)和比爾‧史邁茲(Bill Schmalz)兩位記錄片導演創立於1989年。這組織聽起來包山包海,但核心理念其實是一樣的,他們反對現代商業模式中,強調幸福與消費必然有關連的意識形態。他們除了創辦組織,也發行同名刊物。受2010年東方阿拉伯世界的「阿拉伯之春」運動啟發,他們認為也許可以運用同樣的模式來引發西方世界反思經濟上的失衡。他們決定以資本主義大本營-美國當行動的發源地,而華爾街做為自由經濟的象徵,想當然爾成了攻城掠地的先驅。
佔領活動當天,其實並沒有引起太大的關注,因為媒體並不認為這是有煽動力的新聞,也許過了幾天人潮就散了;佔領事件讓全國沸騰的轉捩點出現在9月24日,一名警員在聯合廣場(union square)朝著人行道上五位手無寸鐵的抗議女性噴灑催淚噴霧,噴完後隨即離開現場,這段過程被目擊者以手機錄下後放上網路,輿論隨之甚囂塵上,原本在紐約市華爾街的占領行動,馬上昇華成全國性的公民運動,甚至以「一起佔領!」(occupy together)的口號,在全球各大城市展開自發性的運動。
► 照片為廣告剋星製作之佔領華爾街宣傳海報。
►Find Out More
This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement
The Occupy Wall Street movement named the core issue of our time: the overwhelming power of Wall Street and large corporations— something the political establishment and most media have long ignored.
But the movement goes far beyond this critique. This Changes Everything shows how the movement is shifting the way people view themselves and the world, the kind of society they believe is possible, and their own involvement in creating a society that works for the 99% rather than just the 1%.
Attempts to pigeonhole this decentralized, fast-evolving movement have led to confusion and misperception. In this volume, the editors of YES! Magazine bring together voices from inside and outside the protests to convey the issues, possibilities, and personalities associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This book features contributions from Naomi Klein, David Korten, Rebecca Solnit, Ralph Nader, and others, as well as Occupy activists who were there from the beginning, such as David Graeber, Marina Sitrin and Hena Ashraf. It offers insights for those actively protesting or expressing support for the movement—and for the millions more who sympathize with the goal of a more equitable and democratic future.
Occupy Wall Street - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is the name given to a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street ...今天半夜託劉建國立委再送進百本[ 我抗議 : 佔領華爾街...改變一切]
焚"佔領華爾街”圖書館 OWS Library: Thousands of Books Missing, Destroyed
OWS Library: Thousands of Books Missing, Destroyed
Protesters say that despite police assurances, many of their belongings are missing after the NYC raid. | Posted Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011, at 2:39 PM ET
Photograph by Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images.
OWS Library: Thousands of Books Missing, Destroyed
Protesters say that despite police assurances, many of their belongings are missing after the NYC raid. | Posted Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011, at 2:39 PM ET
Photograph by Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images.
During this week's Bloomberg-ordered raid on Zuccotti Park that brought an end to the original Occupy Wall Street encampment, police and other city authorities took down tents, threw away food, and generally scrubbed the area clean. One casualty that left many protesters fuming: The OWS People's Library saw its collection of 5,000-odd books confiscated.
After the raid, Mayor Bloomberg's office tried to allay protesters' fears that the books had been destroyed by police, tweeting: "Property from #Zuccotti, incl #OWS library, safely stored @ 57th St Sanit Garage; can be picked up Weds."
In the grand scheme of things, no big deal. There’s only one problem: The library’s website said on Wednesday that between 2,000 and 4,000 books from the library are gone.
"So @MikeBloomberg you lied, so where is the #OWSLibrary? Because it's not at the Sanitation Garage," OWSLibrary tweeted. Protesters say that most of the books were destroyed or damaged, and that the People’s Library tent and shelves are also missing. Protesters included a list on their website of other missing items, including as many as five laptops, OWS's WiFi device, a few tables, some chairs, lights, custom OWS stamps, and the librarian's personal belongings.