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Kenneth Clark 著作集 / 包括Ruskin Today (edited and annotated by Kenneth Clark)


今天讀David Piper 寫的Kenneth Clark 簡傳.....
Kenneth McKenzie Clark, Baron Clark, OM, CH, KCB, FBA (13 July 1903 – 21 May 1983) was a British author, museum director, broadcaster, and one of the best-known art historians of his generation. In 1969, he achieved an international popular presence as the writer, producer, and presenter of the BBC Television series, Civilisation.

Kenneth Clark 的Civilisation 影集1969   台灣約1977年7月?才播出
影響我很大 (香港續播數次)
In 1969 he wrote and presented Civilisation for BBC television, a series on the history of Western civilisation as seen through its art. Also broadcast on PBS in 1969, Civilisation was successful on both sides of the Atlantic, gaining Clark an international profile. 
 1977年我去英國讀書時趕緊買下它的紙本. 在導師課時與 C. B. Winsten教授談Viking等對英國的劫掠 Winstein還跟我有些"同情".

我後來買/讀他的許多書包括他的二本回憶錄 (其中一本還有他的簽名) 如下紅字體


Bibliography 黑/紅字體書我有

  • The Gothic Revival (1928)
  • Catalogue of the Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of HM King at Windsor Castle (1935 2 vols)
  • Leonardo da Vinci: An Account of his development as an Artist (1939, rev. ed. 1952)
  • Florentine Painting: The Fifteenth Century (1945)
  • Piero della Francesca (1951)
  • Landscape into Art (1949), adapted from his Slade Lectures 台灣有翻譯
  • Moments of Vision (1954), the Romanes Lecture for 1954. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • The Nude: a study in ideal form(1956) A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, delivered in 1953.台灣有翻譯
  • Looking at Pictures(1960)
  • Ruskin Today (1964) (edited and annotated by)
  • Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance (1966)
  • The Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of HM Queen at Windsor Castle (1968/9 with Carlo Pedretti 3 vols)
  • Civilisation: A Personal View(1969), book version of the television series台灣有翻譯
  • Blake and Visionary Art (1973)
  • The Romantic Rebellion (1973), book version of the television series台灣有翻譯
  • Another Part of the Wood (1974) (autobiography)
  • Animals and Men (1977)
  • The Other Half (1977) (autobiography)
  • What is a Masterpiece? (1979) 台灣有翻譯
  • Feminine Beaut
  •  ---2012.6.3 重讀Kenneth Clark (1903-83) 的回憶錄第二部 The Other Half: A Self-Portrait  1977  序言提到許多名人的自傳多不如泛泛之輩來得精彩 原因很多
    如政客多參考和引用過去的信件等等 文章就很笨重
    還有些人在晚年才寫  當時作者已經覺得此生已休 (one's appetite for life   他認為H. G. Wells (1866-1946)的自傳(Experiment in Autobiography (1934))是少數的例外 因為他寫書時 還有生之生氣---此書值得一記 因為我參訪過哈佛大學的燕京圖書館竟然只記得它的架上有此書的漢譯本 )
    --Kenneth 是在70歲之後才感到"人生不過如此而已 "   不過他努力以赴 所以雖然 沒有第一部(1974 談36歲前的人生)的神韻或神來之筆 還是可觀

Arthur David Waley 的源氏物語和白居易

我介紹過 Arthur David Waley 

在著名的藝術史家Kenneth Clark
的回憶錄 Another Part of the Wood (1974) 第81頁
指出Waley是他認為大學前對他最有影響力的  他兼有學者之學問和詩人對語言的敏感
他的翻譯 英國人認為很不錯的
源氏物語讓他們了解日本人早盧梭  蒙田  普魯斯特等 人的創新數百年

 Waley 的白居易的〈詠慵詩〉:「有官慵不選,有田慵不農。屋穿慵不葺,衣裂慵不縫。有酒慵不酌,無異樽長空。有琴慵不彈,亦与無弦同。家人告飯盡,欲炊慵不舂。親朋寄書至,欲讀慵開封。常聞嵇叔夜,一生在慵中。彈琴復鍛鐵,比我未為慵。」
 等都讓他一直(日後重溫) 喜歡白居易! (Clark先生的幽默 因為彼時常有人勸他" go hard , go hard".)

 I have got wine, but I am too lazy to drink it, so it's just the same as if my cup were empty.  I have got a lut, but  am too lazy to play it; so it's just  as if it had no strings.

Ruskin Today (A Peregrine Book) [Paperback]

John Ruskin (Author),
Ruskin Today (1964) (edited and annotated by Kenneth Clark)
Ruskin in his youth saw things with a clarity of perception which was almost unprecedented. In addition he was a poet: he had the gift of transmitting what he saw - in art, architecture, society, and nature - with a spontaneous eloquence which enslaved, alike, writers from Wordsworth to Proust and reformers from Tolstoy to Bernard Shaw.

Today Ruskin is practically unknown. His tendency to preach, his bouts of mental chaos, and the very fluency of his rhetoric have killed his appeal. Few writers have ever suffered such a reversal.

Sir Kenneth Clark's new anthology of 'the best of Ruskin', by modern standards, is perfectly designed to reintroduce this fascinating and complex figure. Extracts from his writings are grouped by subjects with separate introductions, and Ruskin's own shrewd comments on himself are preceded by a note on his life and the pathetic story of his infantile relations with women.
--- from book's back cover

Ken Su 的漢玉雅集:中國經驗雜談 and more..... 必讀必讀.....

(關於散文詩 多以為是來自法國 昨天晚上讀 Ruskin Today by K. Clark (1962) p.102 選 Grass 草 注"此段為 M. Arnold 選來說明Ruskin的散文詩 根據他1949年6月3日在Vevey 所作的筆記...." 收入Modern Painters 我對照幾年前廣西師範的譯本 發現錯誤百出 這是中國學界之悲哀 連人類 human race 都會翻譯成"人的競爭"等等.... 讓我們想一下 這本書是 Oliver Wendell Holmes 在他兒子16歲送給小霍姆斯的生日禮物 讓他對藝術世界更深入探索......參考 Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes : Law & Inner Self.....)

(今天上網找不到他的墓志 找到他的一本書的第一章說明: 一The title-page of chapter i. was as follows:--
Praeterita / Outlines of / Scenes and Thoughts / perhaps / worthy of Memory / in my past Life. / By / John Ruskin, LL.D. / Honorary Student of Christ Church, Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi / College, and Slade Professor of Fine Art, Oxford / Chapter l / The Springs of Wandel. / With Steel Engravings of My Two Aunts. / George Allen, / Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent / 1855)

“明智”真的需要多作自我介紹 他昨天才說一點點 包括"杭之" (陳 忠信)是他們昔日臺大社團的演講名師

昨天 Peter 說到過天津天主堂望彌撒之熱烈情況--- 我想起幾年前北京開始興起的基督教風氣 新教中英國派有一稱教友為 Friends 的
Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.由於儀式簡單 知識份子兩人在北京街頭就可以彼此禱告神....立地成"佛" 所以相當流行

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