Le Corbusier - Documentary - Part 2
Le Corbusier - Documentary - Part 1
Le CORBUSIER - The Chapel Notre-Dame du Haut
2005年8月 在 simon university
Le Corbusier 1887–1965.
「我懷疑法文書名副標題 『柯比意-現代建築奇才』 (Le Corbusier, l’architecture pour emouvior )(台北;時報,2005),應為 Le Corbusier, l’architecture pour emouvoir」 ?--2008年 補 我把原文都寫成一樣
(from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact)
謝謝rl 確定。LE CORBUSIER . L’architecture pour emouvoir [1993] , 160 pages, ill., sous couv. ill., 125 x 178 mm. Collection Decouvertes Gallimard (No 179), serie Arts, Gallimard -doc. ISBN 2070532356.
它可能是傳主之一句話ARCHITECTURE FOR PERSON/people ?「建築為人」
這本似乎有義文本,書名Le Corbusier, l’architettura come armonia by J Jenger - 1997 - Milano
「建築求和諧 」
作者:Jean Jenger
國立行政學校(l’E.N.A)畢業,歷任多項公職:在法國文化部先是負責藝術與建築教育,之後負責營建部門;曾任國家史蹟信託局副局長,之後擔任主管建 築事務的副局長。1978-1986 年主管奧塞美術館的建造工程。1987-1995年任法國文獻館的館長。自 1996 年起負責夏馬宏(Chamarande)區的城堡保存。1982-1988 年及 1990-1992 年擔任柯比意基金會董事長。著有:《奧塞,從火車站到美術館》(1986)、《柯比意,另一種注視》(1990)。
-----讀bbc 報導New look at Nazi looted art law
Four Old Master drawings looted by the Nazis could be returned to their original owner by the British Museum under proposed changes to legislation.
--The Rape of Europa : The Fate of Europe’s Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War (Vintage) by Lynn H. Nicholas, 1994; 『歐洲的掠奪:西方藝術品二戰蒙難記』江蘇人民,1998
【The Rape of Europa 亦為一幅名畫,現藏Boston,我十幾年前看過….】
這本翻譯本內文牽涉到許多史地人物,可幾乎無外文比對,更無索引。比較嚴重的問題是對原文的誤解。譬如說 首章第三段說 該次拍賣品可不是泛泛之輩,它不是類似德國博物館為清理儲藏室而騰出的。而翻譯者的了解卻相反。
The Rape of Europa
The Fate of Europe's Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War
Written byLynn H. Nicholas
History - Military - World War II; Art | Vintage | Trade Paperback | April 1995 | $16.95| 978-0-679-75686-6 (0-679-75686-8)
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award
The cast of characters includes Hitler and Goering, Gertrude Stein and Marc Chagall--not to mention works by artists from Leonardo da Vinci to Pablo Picasso. And the story told in this superbly researched and suspenseful book is that of the Third Reich's war on European culture and the Allies' desperate effort to preserve it.
From the Nazi purges of "Degenerate Art" and Goering's shopping sprees in occupied Paris to the perilous journey of the Mona Lisa from Paris and the painstaking reclamation of the priceless treasures of liberated Italy, The Rape of Europa is a sweeping narrative of greed, philistinism, and heroism that combines superlative scholarship with a compelling drama.
"Nicholas knows the art world as well as any military historian knows his battlefield.... Her work deserves the widest reading."--New York Times Book Review
WINNER 1999 - Legion of Honor
WINNER 1994 - National Book Critics Circle Awards
Prologue: They Had Four Years
Germany Before the War: The Nazi Art Purges
prov•e•nance (prŏv’ə-nəns, -näns’) provenance
Le Corbusier - Documentary - Part 1
Le CORBUSIER - The Chapel Notre-Dame du Haut
2005年8月 在 simon university
Le Corbusier 1887–1965.
「我懷疑法文書名副標題 『柯比意-現代建築奇才』 (Le Corbusier, l’architecture pour emouvior )(台北;時報,2005),應為 Le Corbusier, l’architecture pour emouvoir」 ?--2008年 補 我把原文都寫成一樣
émouvoirirrIvt1.(bouleverser)to move;~ qn (jusqu')aux larmesto move sb to tears2.(changer de sentiment)se laisser ~ par qn/qcto be moved by sb/sthIIvprs'~ de qcto be moved by sb/sth(from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact)
謝謝rl 確定。LE CORBUSIER . L’architecture pour emouvoir [1993] , 160 pages, ill., sous couv. ill., 125 x 178 mm. Collection Decouvertes Gallimard (No 179), serie Arts, Gallimard -doc. ISBN 2070532356.
它可能是傳主之一句話ARCHITECTURE FOR PERSON/people ?「建築為人」
這本似乎有義文本,書名Le Corbusier, l’architettura come armonia by J Jenger - 1997 - Milano
「建築求和諧 」
Le Corbusier, l’architecture pour emouvior
類別: 藝術‧攝影‧影視>建築、雕塑Le Corbusier, l’architecture pour emouvior
作者:Jean Jenger
法國現代建築大師柯比意(Le Corbusier,1887-1965),原名夏爾-愛鐸‧尚內黑(Charles-Edouard Jeanneret),不僅是現代建築運動的先驅,且才華橫溢,更是出色的畫家、作家、雕刻家、思想家及城市規畫者。因此,建築史學家季狄翁 (Siegfried Giedion)將柯比意視為全方位創作者:「現代建築的產生應歸功於許多人……但從歷史角度來看,柯比意和其他人的差別在於他同時是畫家、建築師及詩 人。」柯比意在純粹主義或素樸主義等既定印象之外,創造的是「一種要令人感動的建築」。
從別墅、集合住宅到教堂、修道院及都市規劃,從素描、油畫、雕塑到旅行筆記及建築計畫,本書作者帶引我們探索柯比意建築旅程中的各個時間與空間,深入了解這位 20 世紀現代建築大師的所有創作面向。
Jean Jenger國立行政學校(l’E.N.A)畢業,歷任多項公職:在法國文化部先是負責藝術與建築教育,之後負責營建部門;曾任國家史蹟信託局副局長,之後擔任主管建 築事務的副局長。1978-1986 年主管奧塞美術館的建造工程。1987-1995年任法國文獻館的館長。自 1996 年起負責夏馬宏(Chamarande)區的城堡保存。1982-1988 年及 1990-1992 年擔任柯比意基金會董事長。著有:《奧塞,從火車站到美術館》(1986)、《柯比意,另一種注視》(1990)。
-----讀bbc 報導New look at Nazi looted art law
Four Old Master drawings looted by the Nazis could be returned to their original owner by the British Museum under proposed changes to legislation.
--The Rape of Europa : The Fate of Europe’s Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War (Vintage) by Lynn H. Nicholas, 1994; 『歐洲的掠奪:西方藝術品二戰蒙難記』江蘇人民,1998
The Rape of Europa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
【The Rape of Europa 亦為一幅名畫,現藏Boston,我十幾年前看過….】
這本翻譯本內文牽涉到許多史地人物,可幾乎無外文比對,更無索引。比較嚴重的問題是對原文的誤解。譬如說 首章第三段說 該次拍賣品可不是泛泛之輩,它不是類似德國博物館為清理儲藏室而騰出的。而翻譯者的了解卻相反。
The Rape of Europa
The Fate of Europe's Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War
Written byLynn H. Nicholas
History - Military - World War II; Art | Vintage | Trade Paperback | April 1995 | $16.95| 978-0-679-75686-6 (0-679-75686-8)
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award
The cast of characters includes Hitler and Goering, Gertrude Stein and Marc Chagall--not to mention works by artists from Leonardo da Vinci to Pablo Picasso. And the story told in this superbly researched and suspenseful book is that of the Third Reich's war on European culture and the Allies' desperate effort to preserve it.
From the Nazi purges of "Degenerate Art" and Goering's shopping sprees in occupied Paris to the perilous journey of the Mona Lisa from Paris and the painstaking reclamation of the priceless treasures of liberated Italy, The Rape of Europa is a sweeping narrative of greed, philistinism, and heroism that combines superlative scholarship with a compelling drama.
"Nicholas knows the art world as well as any military historian knows his battlefield.... Her work deserves the widest reading."--New York Times Book Review
WINNER 1999 - Legion of Honor
WINNER 1994 - National Book Critics Circle Awards
Amazon.com: The Rape of Europa: The Fate of Europe's Treasures in...
Prologue: They Had Four Years
Germany Before the War: The Nazi Art Purges
prov•e•nance (prŏv’ə-nəns, -näns’) provenance
Chilled relations between Germany and Russia threatened to hit a new low, as Chancellor Merkel's visit to St. Petersburg was overshadowed by an uproar over looted art.
It's not often that the German chancellor cancels a scheduled speech at short notice. It's even less likely that the speech ends up going ahead in the end.
On Friday (21.06.2013), it was announced that German Chancellor Angela Merkel would not be attending the opening of a German-Russian exhibition "Bronze Age - Europe Without Borders" in the famous Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. But a few hours later came the U-turn: Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin ended up opening the exhibition together.
Merkel's main reason for coming to St. Petersburg was to participate in an international economic forum. The opening of the exhibition was a side event which suddenly took center stage. German media spoke of a "scandal," and even Russian journalists were surprised.
Merkel calls for return of 'trophy art'
At issue was the artwork presented in the joint exhibition by three Russian and two German museums, which consists largely of so-called "trophy art." About 600 of the 1,700 exhibits had previously been in German possession, brought to the Soviet Union by the Red Army after World War II. Merkel has called for these treasures to be returned.
As late as midday, Merkel was not planning to attend the show. A spokesman for the German government, Georg Streiter, said Russia had called off the event, saying "it was impossible for the host to find the time." The Russians had proposed cancelling the event, said Streiter - in other words, Putin did not want to give Merkel any time for an opening speech. The Russian president had apparently given Merkel "relatively short notice."
Relations cool between Berlin and Moscow
The irritation of Merkel's canceled, the reinstated speech is another sign of the cooling relations between Germany and Russia. Since Putin took office as president in May 2012, a steady stream of criticism concerning Russia's internal political developments has come out of Berlin. It culminated in a resolution by the German Parliament in the fall wherein representatives expressed their concerns over new legislation in Russia, which in their view was putting parts of civil society under pressure. Russia refused to tolerate any criticism.
Some experts have warned that the cooling political relations could have an adverse effect on economic relations. Until now, only good news has come from that sector. But those sentiments could change. On Friday, Putin commented that the climate for German investors in Russia could be better.
"The government and all authorities must help to improve the situation," Putin said at the economic forum, with Merkel speaking of legal issues in Russia in particular.
At a joint press conference, Putin and Merkel were nevertheless confident that the economic relationship between the two countries could improve, both agreeing that the trade volume of 80 billion euros ($105 billion) achieved in 2012 could be increased to 100 billion euros.
On Friday (21.06.2013), it was announced that German Chancellor Angela Merkel would not be attending the opening of a German-Russian exhibition "Bronze Age - Europe Without Borders" in the famous Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. But a few hours later came the U-turn: Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin ended up opening the exhibition together.
Merkel's main reason for coming to St. Petersburg was to participate in an international economic forum. The opening of the exhibition was a side event which suddenly took center stage. German media spoke of a "scandal," and even Russian journalists were surprised.
Merkel calls for return of 'trophy art'
At issue was the artwork presented in the joint exhibition by three Russian and two German museums, which consists largely of so-called "trophy art." About 600 of the 1,700 exhibits had previously been in German possession, brought to the Soviet Union by the Red Army after World War II. Merkel has called for these treasures to be returned.
"We are of the opinion that these exhibits should come back to Germany," said the chancellor said at the exhibition opening on Friday evening.Russia, however, has since decreed the artwork as national property paid for with blood during the war and has therefore rejected any return to Germany. Putin reiterated this stance in St. Petersburg on Friday, saying the museum cooperation should be appreciated and the topic of trophy art should be dropped.
As late as midday, Merkel was not planning to attend the show. A spokesman for the German government, Georg Streiter, said Russia had called off the event, saying "it was impossible for the host to find the time." The Russians had proposed cancelling the event, said Streiter - in other words, Putin did not want to give Merkel any time for an opening speech. The Russian president had apparently given Merkel "relatively short notice."
Relations cool between Berlin and Moscow
Some experts have warned that the cooling political relations could have an adverse effect on economic relations. Until now, only good news has come from that sector. But those sentiments could change. On Friday, Putin commented that the climate for German investors in Russia could be better.
"The government and all authorities must help to improve the situation," Putin said at the economic forum, with Merkel speaking of legal issues in Russia in particular.
At a joint press conference, Putin and Merkel were nevertheless confident that the economic relationship between the two countries could improve, both agreeing that the trade volume of 80 billion euros ($105 billion) achieved in 2012 could be increased to 100 billion euros.