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Zao Wou-ki 趙無極自畫像/趙無極畫集 / Henri Michaux選集(David Ball譯選)


Another week, another Zao Wou-Ki publication...
"Zao Wou-ki, la Quête du Silence" was collectively written by Aude Cordonnier, Dominique Tonneau, Michel Hilaire, Bernard Ceysson and Sylvan Amic.

Somogy Editions d’Art, Paris 2004

174 pages

相片:Another week, another Zao Wou-Ki publication...  "Zao Wou-ki, la Quête du Silence" was collectively written by Aude Cordonnier, Dominique Tonneau, Michel Hilaire, Bernard Ceysson and Sylvan Amic.   Somogy Editions d’Art, Paris 2004 174 pages

Dans l'hebdomadaire Le Point.fr du 15 mai 2014, un article sur la foire Art Basel - Hong Kong, illustré par l'oeuvre 22.6.91 de Zao Wou-Ki, exposée par la Galerie Applicat-Prazan.

Art Basel Hong Kong
15 au 18 mai 2014
相片:Dans l'hebdomadaire Le Point.fr du 15 mai 2014, un article sur la foire Art Basel - Hong Kong, illustré par l'oeuvre 22.6.91 de Zao Wou-Ki, exposée par la Galerie Applicat-Prazan.  Art Basel Hong Kong 15 au 18 mai 2014

2013.4.21 翻讀曼·雷 (想置身"藝術史"事外.....),趙無極及其他,趙無極先生今年過世,這是一篇難得的記者 Pierre Descargues與他1978年到阿姆斯特丹去看他最仰慕的林布蘭,此篇記趙的法國交遊圈多為詩人,趙無極送給他的水墨話和賀年卡明信片....

Pierre Descargues: 皮埃爾·德卡爾格 《與大師相約五十年》譯者 : 林珍妮譯 / 陸典校 ,上海: 華東師範大學出版社,出版年: 2007/2010http://hccart.blogspot.tw/2013/01/pierre-tal-coat-real-name-pierre-louis.html


Zao Wou-ki Dies at 93

Zao Wou-ki, a painter who was recently the highest-selling living Chinese artist at auction, passed away Tuesday at his home in Switzerland. He was 93.

Mr. Zao, who is known for his abstract works, suffered from dementia and weak health. He was living in a lakeside house near Geneva with his third wife, Françoise Marquet, who survives him along with a son from a previous marriage, Jialing Zhao.

Born in Beijing in 1920, Mr. Zao studied fine arts in Hangzhou and Chongqing before moving to Paris in 1948. In France, he began to discover Western art styles and became a fixture on the country's art scene in the second half of the 20th century. However, his career hit a lull in the 1990s, when few of his works were sold and museum interest waned.

The artist's career was rejuvenated following a major retrospective in Paris in 2003. Since then, his blend of Chinese techniques with Western modernist aesthetics has caught the eye of wealthy Asian collectors -- especially from Taiwan and mainland China -- who have paid significant sums for his works.

In 2011, Mr. Zao was the top-selling, living Chinese artist at auction, with his works fetching $90 million in sales that year. Demand remains strong: Last week, his painting '10.03.83' sold for $4.8 million at a Sotheby's sale in Hong Kong.

His estate, which includes hundreds of paintings, is the subject of a legal dispute between Ms. Marquet and Mr. Zhao.

華人畫家趙無極去世 終年93歲


Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
趙無極以擅繪抽象畫聞名,生前患有老年痴呆,身體狀況欠佳。他和他的第三任妻子瑪爾凱(Francoise Marquet)生活在一棟湖邊的房子裡。他的妻子瑪爾凱和他與前妻的兒子趙嘉陵仍在世。





Zao Wou-ki

Archives Zao Wou-ki, Paris

Jason Chow

Darkness Moves: An Henri Michaux Anthology, 1927-1984 - Google 圖書結果

Henri Michaux, David Ball - 1997 - Literary Criticism - 270 頁
Here are selections from nearly all of the artist's major writings: his hallucinatory visions, fantastic journeys, fables, portraits of strange people's, the ...



趙無極 1921-2013

這本書的第四章和往後的幾章 都有Henri Michaux的照片和文章


揚名國際的中國現代畫家趙無極,在他夫人的協助下, 寫出自己的傳記。

譯者: 劉俐
ISBN: 9789579500517
出版社: 藝術家
出版日期:1992?/ 2008/11/17

「…沒有任何事影響到我 站在書架前的喜悅,但從掙脫傳統和傳統教育的桎梏,到了解西洋繪畫的創新,這段過程,今天回首看來,真是太長了!…」揚名國際的中國現代畫家趙無極,在他 夫人的協助下,寫出自己的傳記。全書並附錄年表、趙無極研究書目、趙無極與詩人合作之詩畫集、收藏趙無極作品之美術館。

2011/5/8 重讀
有太多東西可進一步認識 他引張載的 來哀文化革命

七哀詩(張孟陽) - 维基文库,自由的图书馆



專訪顧媚 憶大師傳奇

Initial ImagePlay Button Image

哲人其萎!法籍華裔畫家趙無極前日與世長辭,留下的除了價值連城的畫作,還有一生傳奇。《蘋果》專訪兩位趙無極的好友,憶述與趙鮮為人知的往事;瑣碎之 間,呈現一個對藝術執着、重情重義,並且充滿中國傳統士大夫情懷的趙無極。
「我一生之中,他是最坦誠的朋友。無所不談。」有「小雲雀」之稱的歌星顧媚,與趙無極有超過半世紀的深厚友情,趙離世,她並不意外,只感深深的懷念:「他 是個完美主義者,一絲不苟。他太愛畫畫,有鋪癮,不畫不行。他總說畫得很慢,越來越慢,好辛苦,他晚年畫不了,因為爬不了梯。」
《蘋果》記者昨致 電時,身處加拿大的顧媚正在讀趙無極的六、七十封舊信:「美琴死後我們通信從未間斷,生活工作,他都會在信中說。娶了法國妻子後(他)心情低落,老婆不太喜歡中國人,他許多話無處訴,在信裏寫:『為甚麼女人這麼麻煩。』之類。他是非常坦誠的人,罵和讚都直接,不會『閘住』。」


1958年,離異不久的趙無極到香港玩,對邵氏大型義演《清宮怨》中飾演珍妃的陳美琴(藝名朱纓)一見鍾情,同時結識了陳的閨中密友顧媚。顧說:「我們一 起認識他。他是一個感情很豐富的人,對美琴最情深,可惜……我想她不是因趙無極而自殺,兩夫婦感情很好的。她家族遺傳精神病,直到死時,與前夫所生的兒子 還在青山病院留醫。」
趙無極對第二任妻子陳美琴與前夫生的兒女視如己出,陳的女兒改姓趙,名「善美」,在巴黎做模特多年,顧說:「我十幾年前去巴 黎,他還帶這個女兒和我吃飯,他們感情很好。對老婆之前的子女都這麼好,這個人真是很好、很難得!」這是顧與趙最後一次見面,五年前電話和通信也斷了,直 到去年,顧才聽說趙患腦退化症。
香港是趙無極非常留戀的地方,這裏有他與美琴戀愛的美好回憶,七、八十年代多次到訪,都是顧媚接機。他對內地印象 不太好,一次給顧寫信說北京香山飯店不喜歡他的畫,掛兩天就取下來了,很生氣。「他說中國政府不重視他,嬲了幾天;這人就是這樣直接,不喜歡就是不喜歡, 毫不留情。又說不想去北京,因為妹妹叫所以才去。反而他去台灣比較多。」


退出影藝圈移居加拿大多年的顧媚,已是饒有名氣的水墨畫家,她說繪畫之路受趙無極影響最大:「他信中一直指點我畫畫。」趙每一幅畫一定是十分滿意才拿出 來:「他叫我們不好的畫立刻要毀掉,不要留。一些大師的後人不管甚麼垃圾都拿出來賣錢,對畫家聲譽不好。趙無極很仔細想這些。」趙的畫作價值連城,但他不 吝嗇送贈朋友:「他很闊佬,水墨、版畫都拿來送朋友,還帶到香港叫我選。又介紹林風眠給我認識,很照顧朋友和後輩。」

楊凡導演 窮學生獲大師利是

「雖然他的生活非常西方、非常藝術化;他思想非常中國,保持儒家傳統,對人好,中庸之道。」香港導演楊凡1970年首次在巴黎登門拜訪趙無極,當時趙已是 舉世知名的畫家,卻欣然接受一個陌生窮學生的來訪:「還請我喝茶、閒聊,當時我只是二十多歲,他已很出名;我離開巴黎時去和他辭行,他還封了『利是』給 我。只是見過兩次,他知我是窮學生,給封利是,祝我去英國旅途愉快,我覺得很感動。」
楊凡第三次上巴黎趙府已是二十年後,以攝影師的身份為趙無極 拍照;其後在各種不同場合二人都有交流,包括1997年楊在法國巴黎總統府獲受勳儀式(獲法國文學藝術騎士勳章)趙也有參加;趙到香港開畫展楊也有去見 他,最後的會面在十年前,楊說:「當時我還送了幾幅張大千大風堂特製畫紙給他,因為他提起會畫些水墨畫。」


楊凡去年從畫商朋友處獲悉趙無極患病,熟悉的訪客多不再認得,最近一次執筆是把整個畫架變成粉紅色,太太問新畫在哪兒,趙就笑指粉紅畫架。楊說:「他的作 品啟發了我很多想像力,這是他給我最深刻的影響。」


身在香港的法國畫廊主帕斯卡·德薩赫特(Pascal de Sarthe)為趙無極故交,從事趙無極作品交易已有18年。他說:“趙無極是革命前離開中國的最重要的藝術家。藝術界,尤其是本地區的藝術界,失去了一位大家。”
趙先生的抽象作品受歐洲抽象和中國傳統筆法的影響,在1950年代迅速引起紐約及巴黎畫廊的關注,時常進行展覽。他與同時代的阿爾佩托·賈科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)及胡安·米羅(Joan Miró)等藝術家交好。
趙無極被視為巴黎畫派的一員,在其客居的法國備受讚譽。法國在主要藝術場所舉辦了趙無極作品回顧展,如1981年在大皇宮國家美術館 (Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais)、2003年在國立網球場現代美術館(Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume)以及2008年在法國國家圖書館(Bibliothèque Nationale de France )。倫敦泰特美術館(Tate)及紐約古根海姆博物館(Guggenheim)也收藏了他的作品。
在下月舉行的首屆香港巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel Hong Kong)上,德赫爾特的畫廊將展出一幅趙無極作品。德赫爾特說:“趙先生的畫極其稀少。相比而言,找一張畢加索甚至更容易些。”
劉可頌(Joyce Lau)是《國際先驅論壇報》(The International Herald Tribune)記者。

Zao Wou-Ki, Seen as Modern Art Master, Dies at 92

HONG KONG — Zao Wou-ki, one of the few Chinese-born painters to be considered a master of 20th-century modern art in the West, died at his home in Switzerland on Tuesday. He was 92. His death was reported by the French news media and confirmed by a dealer who worked closely with him.
Mr. Zao, who was born in Beijing in 1921, moved to France in 1948, just before the 1949 Communist takeover of China. He became a French citizen in 1964.

“Zao Wou-ki was the most important Chinese artist to have left before the revolution,” said Pascal de Sarthe, a Hong Kong-based French gallerist who knew Mr. Zao and has been dealing in his works for 18 years. “The art world has lost a giant, especially in this part of the world.”
Mr. Zao’s abstract works — influenced by both European abstraction and traditional Chinese brushwork — quickly drew the attention of galleries in New York and Paris, where he was regularly showing by the 1950s. He befriended contemporaries like Alberto Giacometti and Joan Miró.
Considered one of the School of Paris artists, Mr. Zao was lauded in his adopted country, which held retrospectives of his works at major venues like the Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais (1981), the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume (2003) and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (2008). His works are also in the collections of museums like the Tate in London and the Guggenheim in New York.
Recognition came later in his homeland, where the art scene was disrupted by the Cultural Revolution. It was not until 1983 that the Chinese minister of culture invited him to do his first exhibitions since he left China 35 years earlier. In the 1990s, his paintings were shown in major museum exhibitions and retrospectives in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.
By the 2000s, newly affluent Chinese collectors were taking a greater interest in paintings by Mr. Zao, even though he was elderly and in ill health and had stopped producing new work in any significant quantity. His most prized pieces had been collected decades earlier by buyers who were loath to let them go.
In October 2011, Chinese buyers vied for an abstract 1968 painting that sold at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong for a record- breaking 68.98 million Hong Kong dollars, or about $8.8 million.
“Zao’s paintings are extremely rare,” said Mr. de Sarthe, whose gallery will be showing one Zao work at the first Art Basel Hong Kong next month. “It’s almost easier to find a Picasso.”

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