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Paul Ricoeur Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation 解構批評論集/ 廖炳惠

 Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation ,1970年由美國耶魯大學出版社,Terry 演講叢書第38本。演講是1961-62年:
The Dwight H. Terry Lectureship, also known as the Terry Lectures, was established at Yale University in 1905[1] by a gift from Dwight H. Terry of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Its purpose is to engage both scholars and the public in a consideration of religion from a humanitarian  point of view, in the light of modern science and philosophy. The subject matter has historically been similar to that of the Gifford Lectures in Scotland, and several lecturers have participated in both series.
  1. Dwight H. Terry Lectureship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Dwight H. Terry Lectureship, also known as the Terry Lectures, was ... The object of this foundation is not the promotion of scientific investigation and ...


近年來,解構批評使得文學、思想界對傳統的作品理論、分析架構起了懷疑,舉凡符號、語言、脈絡、結構、中心、作者、歷史、詮釋均屬「加深反省、思索」的範 圍,不斷以所謂的「雙重讀法」析出個中遭到壓抑、控制的要素,在此一讀法下,看似完整、統一的,往往顯露出修辭或邏輯上的矛盾、失誤、紕漏,令人不能無睹 於作者的盲點,進而質疑一般所認定的概念。不管接不接受它,解構批評已儼然是當代文學研究的主要動力。 本書的立場即在倡導吸收、擴充解構思想,教它和不 同的批評論述(尤其中國詩論、文學的某些概念)產生巴克定式的對話。第一章先敘述歐美當代文評的梗概,以下各章則分別以詩、劇作、散文、小說、擬話本等演 繹批評理論,同時也為作品進一解。


ball.gif (905 bytes)學歷:

ball.gif (905 bytes)曾任:國立台灣大學外文系助教(1982-1983)
    哈佛大學哈燕社外國語文學系訪問研究員(1996-1995 )
ball.gif (905 bytes)現任:國立清華大學外國語文系教授(1991-)
ball.gif (905 bytes)專長:

ball.gif (905 bytes)學術期刊論文
  1. Liao,Ping-hui, "Is There Society in the Text? Reviewing Fiction and Society. Taiwan Racial Social Review 3.1988。
  2. Liao,Ping-hui, 〈文學理論與社會實踐,《中美文學與思想論文集》, 台北: 中中研院美研所。"Literary Theory and Social Practice"Essays in Sino-American Literature and Philosophy (Taipei: Academia Sinica,).1991
  3. Liao,Ping-hui,〈兩種「體」現〉,楊儒賓主編,《中國古代思想中的氣論與身體觀》,台北: 巨流,215-26. "Two Modern of Embodiment", Theories of Chi and Body in Chinese Antiquity, ed. Rubing Yang (Taipei: Chu- liu).1993
  4. Liao,Ping-hui,"Words and Pictures: On Lyric Inscriptions in Chinese Painting", Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, No.8:441-66. 收入 (rpt. in) East-West comparative Literature, ed. Tak-wai Wang (U of Hong Kong, 1993) 75-203.1988
  5. Liao,Ping-hui,"Taking a Part in that Utopian Space", Asian Culture 15: 35-53.1987
  6. Liao,Ping-hui,"Program Asian-Pacific Cultural Studies", Culture and Policy (forthcoming).
  7. Liao,Ping-hui,"Intersection and Juxtaposition of Wor(1)DS", TAMKANG REVIEW 14:395-441.1983
  8. 1993Liao,Ping-hui, "Hope, Recollection, Repetition: Revisited", Musical Quarterly 77,1:67-80.
  9. Liao,Ping-hui,"Reading the Other Reading", Proceedings of Concepts of Literary Theory East and West, ICLA.1991
  10. Liao,Ping-hui,"Reading the Other Reading", Concept of Literary Theory East & West, (Taipei: CLA, ROC,1993)89-101.1993
  11. Liao,Ping-hui,〈里柯的三度擬仿論及其問題〉,《新文學史》 1 :69-86。" Ricoeur on Three Mimeses", New Literary History 1.1993
  12. Liao,Ping-hui,"The Mother in the Hall: Figures and Discourses of Mastery and Control", Tamkang Review 238-63.1990
  13. Liao,Ping-hui,〈泰勒論現代性與多元文化〉,《當代》100:10-29。"Charles Taylor on Modernity and Multiculturalism", Contemporary.1994
  14. Liao,Ping-hui,"Rewriting Taiwan's National History: the February 28 Incident as Spectacle", Public Culture 5,1:281-96.1993
  15. Liao,Ping-hui,〈後殖民時代的歷史研究〉,《新史學 》 3,2:123-49。" Historical Studies for the Postcolonial Era", New Historiography.1992
  16. Liao,Ping-hui,"Constant Renewal of the Archaic: Problems of Bakhtin's Genre Theory", Studies in Language and Literature 4:89-101.1990
  17. Liao,Ping-hui,"Of Writing Words for Music Which is Already Made: Madame Butterfly, Turandot, Orientalism", Cultural Critique 16:31-59.1990
  18. Liao,Ping-hui,〈新歷史主義與後殖民論述〉,《中外史學》20,21: 25- 38。"New Historicism and Postcolonial Theory", Chungwai Literary Monthly 20.1992
  19. Liao,Ping-hui, "Disrupting the Single Voice Narrative: Sexuality vs. Textual Economy in Wuthering Heights", Studies in Language and Literature 3:37-55.1988
  20. 1994Liao,Ping-hui,〈族群與民族主義〉,《台灣民族主義》101-16,(台北:前衛)。 " Ethnicity and Nationalism", The Development Nationalism in Taiwan(Taipei: Chienwei).
  21. 1993.09Liao,Ping-hui,〈母語運動與國家文藝體制〉,《中外文學》 22, 4, (國家文學專號: 9-17):6-14, "Mother Tongue and National Literature", Chung-wai Literary Monthly.
  22. Liao,Ping-hui,"Opera and the Postmodern Cultural Politics", A Night in at he Opera: Media Representations of Opera, ed. Jeremy Tambling London: John Libbey),297-305.1994
  23. Liao,Ping-hui,〈空與性別的錯亂:論霸王別姬時〉,《中外文學》 22, 1:6-18。"Chronotopic and Gender Disorder: ON Farewell to My Concubine", Chung-wai Literary Monthly.1993.06
  24. Liao,Ping-hui,〈馬克吐溫《哈克歷險記》與多元及公共場域〉,《當代》93 (1994):48-65。 "Multiculturalism and the Public Sphere Issues in Adventure of Huckleberry Finn", Contemporary.1994.
  25. Liao,Ping-hui,〈創新與蛻變〉,收入《中國文學史的省思》, 陳國沈主編(香港:三聯) 186-212 。"Innovation and Transformation", Reflections on History of Chinese Literature,(Hong- Kong:Shanlien).1993.
  26. Liao,Ping-hui, "Image, Power, Zen Discourse", Tamkang Review 18: 371-378.1989.
  27. 1994. Liao,Ping-hui,〈噪音或造音〉,《《噪音》導讀》,(台北:時報文化)。"Noise or Music?", Foreword to the Chinese Translation of Jacques Attali's Bruits(Taipei: Shih-pao).
  28. Liao,Ping-hui,〈文化研究與文學教育〉,《中外文學》23,8: 21-28。" Cultural Studies and Literary Education", Chung-wai Literary Monthly.1995.
  29. Liao,Ping-hui,〈比較文學與現代詩篇〉,《中外文學 》24,2:67-84。"Comparative Literature and Modem Poetics", Chungwai Literary Monthly.1995.
  30. Liao,Ping-hui,〈導讀:媒體、消費大眾、國際公共領域〉,《文化批評與華語電影》,鄭樹森主編,(台北:麥田)。Foreword to Cultural Criticism and Chinese Films,ed. William Tay,Taipei:Maitien. 9-34.1995.
  31. Liao,Ping-hui,〈帝國、性別、階級與敘事體〉,《英美文學評論 》 2:33- 54。"Empire, Gender, Class, and Narrative Studies", English and American Literature 2.1995.
  32. Liao,Ping-hui,〈近五十年的台灣小說〉,《 聯合文學》132:127-37。1995.
  33. Liao,Ping-hui,〈從蝴蝶到洋紫荊:管窺施叔青的《香港三部曲》〉,《中外文學》, 24,12: 91-104。1996.
  34. Liao,Ping-hui,〈官檢體制下的書寫倫理與政治:科特吉在布雷滕巴哈與葛蒂瑪之間的抉擇〉,《中外文學》25, 3: 190-204。1996.
  35. Liao,Ping-hui, "The Case of the Emergent Cultural Criticism Columns in Taiwan's Newspaper Litera ry Supplements",Global/Local : Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary, eds. Rob Wilson and Wimal Dissanayake, Durham:Duke Up: 337-347.1996.
  36. 1996.Liao,Ping-hui, "Chinese Nationalism or Taiwanese Localism", Culture and Policy 7.2: 75-92.
  37. Liao,Ping-hui, "Postmodern Literary Discourse and Contemporary Public Culture in Taiwan", Boundary 2.1997,

ball.gif (905 bytes)研討會論文
  1. Liao,Ping-hui, 〈游旅族群與文化認同〉,「華美作家文化屬性研討會」, 中研院歐美所。1993.02.15-16
  2. Liao,Ping-hui「當代台灣公共文化的回顧與展望百年來的台灣研討會」, 1995/01/7-8. (台大法學院) 。1995.
  3. Liao,Ping-hui,〈霸王別姬的由戲入影〉,「梅蘭芳百年誕辰學術研討會」,台北, 1994/06/25-26. (後刊於中外禮學 23卷6期,1994/11,124-34.)。1994.
  4. Liao,Ping-hui,〈文學理論與社會實踐:論薩伊德、美國文學與思想〉, 中研院美研所10月28-29日.(收入論文集)。1990.
  5. Liao,Ping-hui,〈從巴別塔談建築性的思索〉,「從現代到後現代研討會」,清華大學,台北,(修訂稿刊於《當代》43期,後收入《形式與意識形態》) 。1988.12.22-24.
  6. Liao,Ping-hui,〈作品中有個文字共和國嗎?試論「哈克貝利芬歷險記」對多元文化與公共領域研究的啟示〉,《美國文學與思想》, 中研院歐美所。1993.10.29-30
  7. Liao,Ping-hui,"The Case of the Emergent Cultural Criticism Column,in Taiwan's Newspaper Literary Supplements", Internationalizing Cultural Studies, Eastwest Center, Dec. 12-14,(Tobe included in Global Local: Cultural Production and the TransnationalImag ).1994.
  8. Liao,Ping-hui,〈王文興的現代與傳統情結,從40到90年代〉,「兩岸三邊華文小說研討會」,中國時報,1994/01/8-9. 縮艇誑Z於人間副刊1997/01/07 39 版)1994
  9. Liao,Ping-hui, "Commentary as Literature", Comparative Approaches to Civil Society and the Public Sphere, Bellagio Center, Italy.1993.08.23-27
  10. Liao,Ping-hui"The Ideology of Reading: On Rose,Rose, I Love You" Chinese Literature and the Politics of Reading, Duke University, Oct. 4-6.1990.
  11. Liao,Ping-hui, "Reproducing Histories: On Farewell to My Concubine and the Master Puppeteer", Anticipating the 21th Century, Univ. of Colorado, Mar. 4-7.1994
  12. Liao,Ping-hui, "The Ideology of Reading: On Rose, Rose, I Love You", Chinese Literature and the Politics of Reading,Duke University.1990.10.4-6
  13. Liao,Ping-hui, "Reading the Other Reading" ,Concepts of Literary Theory, East and West, ICLA,National Taiwan University, Apr.27-30, (論文中譯刊於中外文學)1990
  14. Liao,Ping-hui, "Reading the Other Reading", Concepts of Literary Theory,East and West, ICLA, National Taiwan University, March 23- 25. (論文中譯刊於中外文學)1991
  15. Liao,Ping-hui, "The Sexual and Racial Politics of Incorporation and Distanciation in Ching-hua Yuan", Chinese Literature and Critical Theory, UCLA.1992.03.21-24.
  16. Liao,Ping-hui, "Hope, Recollection, Repetition", International Conference on Cultural Criticism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, (論文刊於Musical Quarterly 71期)1992.12.27-1993.01.10.
  17. Liao,Ping-hui,"Rewriting Taiwan's National History", The Internalization of the Public Sphere, Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago, (論文刊於Public Studies 5, 1期)1992.07.21-08.03.
  18. Liao,Ping-hui, "Of Writing Words for Music Which is Already Made" ,Chinese Western Comparative Literature for the 90s. Chinese University, Hong Kong, (論文刊於Culture Critique 16 期)1989/12/11-14.
  19. Liao,Ping-hui,"The Sexual and Racial Politics of Incorporation and Distanciation in Ching-hua Yuan", Chinese Literature and Critical Theory, UCLA, 1992, March 21-24.1992.
  20. Liao,Ping-hui,"Rethinking Japanese Colonialism, Modernity and Colonialism in East Asia", Humanities Research Institute, Univ. of California at Irvine, April 20, 1995. (invited guest speaker).1995.
  21. Liao,Ping-hui, "Identity Politics and Cultural Fundamentalism in Modern East sia", IFK Workshop on Cultural Identity, Vienna, May 27-28, 1995.1995.
  22. Liao,Ping-hui "The Receptions of Hong Kong Kung-fu Films in the Pan-Chinese Communities, Media, Culture, and Society in Contemporary Hong Kong", Workshop, Fairbank Center, Harvard Univ. June17-22, 1995.1995.
  23. Liao,Ping-hui ,"Chinese Nationalism or Taiwanese Localism", Cultural Policy: State of the Art Conference, Brisbane, June 28-30, 1995.
  24. Liao,Ping-hui, "Hyphen-Nations, Rewriting the Pacific Workshops", Univ of California, Davis-Berkeley, Oct. 19-22, 1996. (Key-note speech).
  25. Liao,Ping-hui, "Taiwan and the Inter-Chinese Public Sphere, Cultural Politics of Cosmopolitanism Conference", Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Jan.2-8, 1996.
  26. Liao,Ping-hui,〈由幾幅景物畫看五○至七○年代台灣的城鄉關係〉,「何謂台灣?近代台灣美術與文化認同研討會」,1996年9月13-14日,台北, (論文刊於研討會論文集,文建會出版,1997,頁38-55)。1996.
  27. Liao,Ping-hui,",Hermeneutic Tradition in Chinese Culture, Rutgers University, Sept.11-14,1996, (invited speaker).1996
  28. Liao,Ping-hui, "Modernity and Identity in Taiwan", Contemporary Chinese Culture Studies Workshop, Harvard Univ., Oct.17,1996, (invited speaker).1996.
  29. Liao,Ping-hui,"Contemporary Taiwan Studies and Internet Possibilities", Rethinking Asian Studies, Rice Univ., Nov. 16-17. (invited speaker). <>1996.
  30. Liao,Ping-hui,"Art and Identity in Modern Taiwan" and "Music and Travel in the Postcolonial Era", April17-18, 1997, Braudel Center, Binghamton University, New York."Thinking Beyond the Postcolonial" series. (invited speaker)(論文之一將刊登於Modern China).1997.
  31. Liao,Ping-hui,"Pan-Asianism and Archive Research", Rice Univ. May8-10, 1997, (invited speaker).1997.
  32. Liao,Ping-hui,"Journalism, Popular Culture, and Literary Studies", North America Taiwan Studies Conference, commentary on panel papers, U.C. Berkeley May 28-June 1,1997.(invited speaker & chair).1997.
  33. Liao,Ping-hui, "History as a Sign of the Modern:Gendered Memories of the February 28 Incident", XVth Congress of the ICLA, Leiden, The Netherlands, August 16-22, 1997.1997.

ball.gif (905 bytes)專書及專書研討會論文
  1. 廖炳惠,〈中西女性與公共領域:導讀〉,《北縣文化》38:13-18,(本文為清華大學兩性與社會研究室為亞洲協會編輯之性別研究讀本系列之導讀)。1993.
  2. 廖炳惠,《解構批評論集》,(台北:東大)。 On Deconstruction. Taipei: Tungta.1985.
  3. 廖炳惠,〈寫實文學觀的洞見與不見:簡評「戰後台灣文學經驗」〉,《台灣文學》7:33-38。1993.
  4. 廖炳惠,《形式與意識形態》,(台北:聯經). Forms and Ideology, Taipei: Lienching.1990.
  5. 廖炳惠,《里柯》,西洋文學與文化意識叢書,(台北:東大). Paul Ricoeur (Studies in Western Literary and Cultural Consciousness Series) Taipei: Tungta.1993.
  6. 廖炳惠,《回顧現代:後現代與後殖民論集》,台北:麥田, Modernity in
    Revision: Reading Postmodern/Postcolonial Theories. Taipei: Maitien.


ball.gif (905 bytes)Works in Progress
  1. 1997. Co-editing (wntith Stephen Chan, and Ben Lee) A Contemporary China-Hong Kong-Taiwan Studies Reader, Durham: Duke,1997.
  2. Exotic Melodies: Music and Travel in the 19th Century(book project for Princeton Culture Power/History Series).
  3. Alternative Modernity and Post-identity Politics in Taiwan, Modern China (forthcoming).

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