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丘為君《台灣學生運動》The Russians Hedrick Smith /《最后的帝国-民族问题与苏联的前途》


《最后的帝国-民族问题与苏联的前途》(The Last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future)((美)罗伯特.康奎斯特)中译本,出版社: 华东师范大学出版社发行时间: 1993年07月语言: 简体中文

The Last empire : nationality and the Soviet future / edited by Robert Conquest
DescriptionStanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, c1986.
xiv, 406 p. ; 24 cm.
Hoover Press publication ; 325
Includes bibliographies and index.
SubjectsSoviet Union - Ethnic relations.
Other authors/contributorsConquest, Robert


中译本序 兼论苏联解体的民族因素
第一章 俄罗斯民族主义的历史透视
第二章 苏联少数民族民族主义历史综观
第三章 当代少数民族的民族主义综述
第二部分 民族主义与苏联政治与意识形态
第四章 民族主义与布尔什维主义
第五章 民族布尔什维主义的前景
第六章 俄罗斯民族主义和苏联政治:官方与非官方见解
第三部分 民族问题与苏联经济、文化及人口
第七章 苏联民族问题的社会经济方面
第八章 语言、文化、宗教与民族意识
第九章 俄罗斯民族感情:一次非正式的民意测验
第十章 从世界观点看苏联各民族的人口统计
第四部分 苏联各地区的民族问题
第十一章 乌克兰和俄罗斯
第十二章 波罗的海沿岸各国
第十三章 苏联的穆斯林边疆地区
第十四章 苏维埃帝国民族主义中的反犹太因素
第五部分 苏联民族主义对东欧和世界的影响
第十五章 苏维埃帝国内的东欧
第十六章 苏联的民族主义及其对世界的影响

Hedrick Smith's Books

> The Russians

The RussiansThe Russians, Hedrick Smith's classic best-selling account of life in Socialist Russia, is still regarded as a defining exploration of the Russian soul more than twenty years after it first appeared in print.
This is not the synthetic Russia of the Kremlinologists, but Russia face-to-face, the texture of life as Russians live it. Few reporters have had the stamina and the ingenuity to penetrate the tight government controls and xenophobia to see the Russians as they see themselves.
Moscow Bureau Chief for The New York Times from 1971 to 1974-and awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1974 for his coverage from the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe-Hedrick Smith probed and painstakingly pieced together an amazing jigsaw puzzle of habits, humor, and idiosyncracies that presents a Soviet reality that few in the West experienced first hand.
Smith guides us through this enormous, complex, and seemingly unknowable Socialist empire. He takes us into the system of hidden privileges and the dachas of the elite, into secret rock concerts with the young, into Russian schoolrooms with his own children, into shopping queues with women who line up without even knowing what is on sale, into the vast secret economy of the black market, into the factories where, despite the Plan, work is astonishingly chaotic, into libraries and news services where information is rationed according to the rank of the readers, into the world of artists and writers whose urge to rebel is compromised by lucrative official rewards, and into the minds of the Communist apparatchiki and their jokes about Soviet leaders. He pauses for vivid encounters with such memorable personalities as Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn, the Pasternaks, and Nadezhda Mandelshtam.
The Russians are revealed as a richly paradoxical people driven by contradictory energies that are as enduring as Russia itself: latent anarchy posed against a preoccupation with control, a sentimental warmth behind an almost brutal public coldness, a brooding sense of national inferiority beneath a compulsion for extravagant claims, an egalitarian idealism undercut by an obsession with order and perquisites of status, a general acquiescence to the system and an inbred instinct to beat it.
Click here to Read the Introduction

What the critics have to say:

- William F. Buckley
"Smith has seen Russia. He has talked all night beside a steaming samovar in cramped flats and dirt-floored peasant izbas. He has done what all great observers of Russia have done...he has gone to the people, made friends with them, studied their customs and government at a close range. He brings us Russia as a whole...A book of shimmering color...Splendid!"
- Harrison Salisbury, Los Angeles Times
"This is the best book on the Soviet Union by an American correspondent I"ve read in years...Smith's great achievement is to have created a classic Russian novel with magnificent real-life characters who talk and sound as if they were out of the pages of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, or Gogol...First rate!"
- Boston Globe
"An outstanding book on a fascinating topic."
- John Chancellor
"A picture of what makes the Soviet Union tick...written out of contact with the Russian people far more intimate than the minions of the KGB would dream it was possible for foreigners."
- The New York Times
俄國人丘為君譯 台北:龍田 1977

俄國的知識份子與俄國社會t;,收於Hedrick Smith, 《俄國人: 知識份子的良知》(The Russians) (台北: 龍田, 1977)
編著:<俄國史大事年表>,收於Hedrick Smith, 《俄國人: 知識份子的良知》(The Russians) (台北: 龍田, 1977)
中譯 Hedrick Smith, 《俄國人: 知識份子的良知》(The Russians) (台北: 龍田, 1977)
--丘為君 - 東海大學歷史系全球資訊網


92/9(初版  2003)ISBN:986-7862-26-0
本書是中文世界第一本有關台灣學生運動發展 之紀錄與分析的著作。其涵蓋範圍從國民黨政府在1949年退守台灣,至1979年美國與中華民國政府斷交、「美麗島事件」爆發為止,共三十年。在1990 年代台灣的高等教育機構快速擴張之前,台灣的大學數目並不算多,教育發展策略基本上維持著菁英主義的路線。基於這樣的背景,大學生在社會上有崇高的聲望。 然而「喝國民黨奶水長大」的台灣大學生,從1960年代開始有了「不安分」的跡象,並在1970年代轉為「憤怒的青年」。這本有關台灣學生運動的論著,從 「目睹」與「耳聞」兩個角度來呈現「憤怒的青年」的「憤怒之愛」。


Inside Russia

As the New York Times Moscow bureau chief in the early 1970s, Hedrick Smith witnessed the inner workings of the Soviet system first-hand and won the Pulitzer prize for his reporting from Russia and Eastern Europe. And as the Soviet system crumbled fourteen years later, Smith was back in Russia - talking to Russians in Russian - bringing book readers and PBS viewers the inside stories from an empire in collapse and a nation in change. His series on perestroika, Inside Gorbachev's USSR, won the top television award in 1991 -- the DuPont-Columbia Gold Baton.
Join Smith as he explores not just Russia, but changes taking place all around our world that will determine how we live, learn, and work in the next century.
The Russians (1975)
Though written over 25 years ago, this best-selling classic remains a definitive work. Moscow bureau chief for the New York Times in the early 1970s, Hedrick Smith explored the soul and psyche of Russia in a way few Westerners have accomplished. This is the story of Russia told in Russian voices - voices that remain relevant as modern Russia struggles to find its place in the world.
The New Russians (1991) From the crises in the breakaway republics to the remarkable rise of Boris Yeltsin, Hedrick Smith delves into the turmoil of a country on the brink of collapse to bring readers the inside stories of Russia's second revolution-the anti-Communist revolution-and the rise of a new generation of politicians and entrepreneurs. Smith describes how Gorbachev launched a revolution that got out of his control.
Inside Gorbachev's USSR (1990) Former New York Times Moscow bureau chief Hedrick Smith returns to the Gorbachev-era Soviet Union in this award-winning PBS series broadcast in 1990. Politicians, business leaders, activists, and ordinary Soviets tell the inside story of Russia's second revolution, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the rocky road to reform and capitalism in the new era.

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