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《紐約時報》讓中國權貴財富曝光; 中文網的政治正確2014 / 《紐約時報》1997 – 2012 西方報業危機蔓延 報紙之死The Man Asian Literary Prize named 15 books as contenders/ A New Wildlife Magazine Aimed at the Very Young /《紐約時報》虧本昆


《華盛頓郵報》:New York Times strikes a blow to China’s efforts at censorship
THE NEW York Times recently offered a revealing look at how family members of a senior Chinese political figure had amassed a nine-figure fortune. It also struck a welcome blow against an aggressive effort by Chinese authorities to censor such information not just from domestic media but also from the U.S. press.
The 2,600-word report by Michael Forsythe, Chris Buckley and Jonathan Ansfield detailed the business holdings of family members of Zhou Yongkang, a former Politburo member, chief of the state security apparatus and overseer of the oil industry. The Times said three of Mr. Zhou’s relatives, including his son, had stakes in at least 37 companies in China, ranging from Audi dealerships to suppliers of oil-field equipment. The holdings were worth at least $160 million, the report said, not including real estate or any offshore bank accounts the family might possess.
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Mr. Zhou is the third present or former member of the Politburo’s Standing Committee who has been shown to have family members with assets of more than $150 million, the Times noted. The other two are former prime minister Wen Jiabao and Xi Jinping, the current Communist Party leader and president. Since becoming China’s top leader 18 months ago, Mr. Xi has launched an anti-corruption drive with Mr. Zhou as its most prominent target; the Times reported that six members of his family have been arrested in recent months.
There have been no investigations of the families of Mr. Wen or Mr. Xi, however, and the Xi regime has gone to great lengths to suppress all reports about the vast accumulation of wealth by party leaders. Though Mr. Zhou has been purged — apparently for political reasons — no reporting about his family’s fortune has appeared in the Chinese press. Meanwhile, Chinese authorities have taken numerous steps to punish and deter the Times and Bloomberg News, which published extensive reports on Mr. Xi and Mr. Wen in 2012. Numerous journalists from the two organizations have been denied visas, and their Web sites in China have been blocked.
Sadly, the campaign appears to have had an effect on Bloomberg. Faced with a sharp drop in the number of financial news terminals purchased in China, the company appeared to rein in its investigative reporting. According to reports by the Times and the Financial Times, a major story about the financial connections of China’s wealthiest man to the families of party leaders was spiked last November because of concerns about Beijing’s reaction. Though Bloomberg editors subsequently maintained that the story had been held for journalistic reasons, Bloomberg chairman Peter T. Grauer recently told a meeting of the Asia Society that “we may have kind of rethought — should have rethought” some China stories, the Times reported. Mr. Forsythe, a veteran reporter in China who worked on the withheld story, was fired from the company, and several other staffers subsequently departed.
In addition to compromising its journalistic integrity, Bloomberg’s climbdown also raised the worrisome question of whether China could succeed in intimidating not just its own media but also those of the United States and other Western democracies. That’s why the Times deserves particular credit for having hired Mr. Forsythe after his firing and for continuing to pursue stories about the wealth of senior Chinese officials. The information is deeply revealing about the Chinese political system, and the country’s citizens deserve to know it.



回顧《紐約時報》1997 – 2012 年收縮轉型中的教訓



Ranger Rick Jr. magazine features photos of wildlife. 

Ranger Rick Jr., featuring Ricky Raccoon, a mascot for children ages 4 to 7, is a new magazine from the National Wildlife Federation, which is tapping into interest in ecology at an earlier age.
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HONG KONG — The Man Asian Literary Prize named 15 books as contenders for its 2012 award, chosen from a record 108 entries.
Novels from nine countries made the first cut for Asia’s top literary honor, with a strong showing from South Asia. Three books originated from India – “Narcopolis” by Jeet Thayil, “Goat Days” by Benyamin and “Another Country” by Anjali Joseph – while two came from Pakistan, “Thinner Than Skin” by Uzma Aslam Khan and “Between Clay and Dust” by Musharraf Ali Farooqi.
Turkey, China and Sri Lanka also generated two books each, while Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam and Japan were represented with one book each.
The prize’s chair of judges, Maya Jaggi, noted the list’s breadth, adding that the books take readers “from the glaciers of northern Pakistan to the unforgiving Saudi desert; from an affluent Istanbul seaside resort to a Bombay opium den — and further afield to Montreal and Mexico.”
Ms. Jaggi also pointed out the prominence of translated works. Seven books were translated into English from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, French and Malayalam.
Two of the novels, “Narcopolis” and Tan Twan Eng’s “The Garden of Evening Mists,” were previously shortlisted for this year’s Man Booker Prize for Fiction, which went to Hilary Mantel’s “Bring Up the Bodies.” Also notable on the list was “Silent House” by Turkish author Orhan Pamuk, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006.
While the Man Booker recognizes contemporary fiction from the British Commonwealth and Ireland, the Man Asian award focuses on novels by an Asian writer, either in English or translated into English, published in the previous calendar year. Its winner receives a prize of $30,000 and the translator, if any, $5,000.
In a new rule, writers who have lost their Asian nationality through state action are also eligible for the award. The rule applied to two authors on this year’s longlist: Roma Tearn, a Sri Lankan-born British novelist whose book “The Road to Urbino” is in the competition, and Kim Thuy, a Montreal-based former refugee from Vietnam whose debut novel “Ru,” originally in French, won Canada’s Governor General’s Award in 2010.
The Man Asian shortlist will be announced on Jan. 9, and the winner on March 14. The Man Group recently announced that it will step down from its position as sponsor following next year’s awards ceremony in Hong Kong. A new sponsor will be announced in April.
Last year’s winning book was “Please Look After Mom” by South Korea’s Kyung-sook Shin.
The complete longlist:
  • “Goat Days” by Benyamin (India)
  • “Between Clay and Dust” by Musharraf Ali Farooqi (Pakistan)
  • “Another Country” by Anjali Joseph (India)
  • “The Briefcase” by Hiromi Kawakami (Japan)
  • “Thinner Than Skin” by Uzma Aslam Khan (Pakistan)
  • “Ru” by Kim Thuy (Vietnam / Canada)
  • “Black Flower” by Young-Ha Kim (South Korea)
  • “Island of a Thousand Mirrors” by Nayomi Munaweera (Sri Lanka)
  • “Silent House” by Orhan Pamuk (Turkey)
  • “Honour” by Elif Shafak (Turkey)
  • “Northern Girls” by Sheng Keyi (China)
  • “The Garden of Evening Mists” by Tan Twan Eng (Malaysia)
  • “The Road To Urbino” by Roma Tearne (Sri Lanka / U.K.)
  • “Narcopolis” by Jeet Thayil (India)
  • “The Bathing Women” by Tie Ning (China)

Hiromi Kawakami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiromi_Kawakami - Cached
Kawakami Hiromi (川上 弘美 Kawakami Hiromi) born April 1, 1958, is a Japanese writer known for her off-beat fiction. She made her first debut as “Yamada ..

 西方報業危機蔓延英國《金融時報》 格里克•維澤曼柏林, 揚•切恩斯基華沙, 雷切爾•桑德森米蘭, ​​舍赫拉查德•達內
德國的報業危機催生了一個新的複合名詞:Zeitungssterben——報紙之死。貝塔斯曼(Bertelsmann)的雜誌部門G+J宣布將停辦《德國金融時報》(Financial Times Deutschland)以及《法蘭克福評論報》(Frankfurter Rundschau)申請破產這兩件事發人深省。就連德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)也致以同情之意,呼籲報業振作起來。 “我認為紙媒十分重要,”她在每週一期的網絡公告中寫道。但德國官員稱,報業慘淡並非德國所獨有。在德國註定將失去兩家優秀日報之際,西班牙正在裁撤編輯人員,意大利也不時傳出報紙合併的猜測。由於報紙本身規模和所服務市場都較小,一家歐洲報紙發生危機時不會像美國同類事件那樣影響深遠、充滿戲劇性。比如說,《芝加哥論壇報》(Chicago Tribune)的出版商Tribune公司於2008年申請破產,而就在一年前,山姆•澤爾(Sam Zell)才花費82億美元對該公司實施了槓桿收購“但報業危機正在所有西方發達國家蔓延,”倫敦媒體諮詢機構Enders Research的道格拉斯•麥凱布(Douglas McCabe)說,“儘管各國受到衝擊的時間確實存在先後差別。”他表示,儘管已經感受到互聯網的影響,但德國紙媒的閉關自守卻超過了其他國家的同行:“德國紙媒市場較為分散,其網絡化程度不及英國等國家。移動設備普及率較低,報業歷來較為依賴報紙訂閱。”德國報紙出版商協會表示,2012年報紙總銷量為2110萬份,較2005年下降17%左右。在一些英國優質報紙發行量下降40%乃至50%的同時,8月份《法蘭克福匯報》(Frankfurter Allgemeine)的日發行量仍有35.5萬份,僅下降5%。但這並不能阻止報紙廣告收入的下滑。這種下滑在世紀之初廣告客戶開始轉向網絡端時便已初見端倪,並隨著2008年的全球危機和歐元區危機而加劇。德國廣告業協會表示,日報行業2011年的廣告收入為36億歐元,較12年前下降45%。這導致了《德國金融時報》——自2008年英國《金融時報》所有者培生集團(Pearson)出售了一半股權以來,該報為G+J全資所有——和《法蘭克福評論報》的覆滅。 《法蘭克福評論報》已於11月中旬申請破產。歐洲最大經濟體終於體會到了鄰國已經遭遇的經歷。法國民粹派報紙《法國晚報》(France-Soir)於去年12月停止發行印刷版,並在宣布破產之後於今年夏天關閉網絡版。今年1月,財經日報《論壇報》(La Tribune)也放棄了印刷版,改為純網絡版。自從4年前經濟危機爆發以來,西班牙已有多家紙媒刊物停刊。如今高端領域也開始面臨壓力,西班牙最受歡迎的報紙之一——《國家報》(El País)就打算把460名員工裁掉三分之一左右。報業低迷在意大利引發種種合併猜測,其中最引人注目的是RCS Mediagroup旗下的《晚郵報》(Corriere della Sera)和《米蘭體育報》(Gazzetta dello Sport)可能與阿涅利(Agnelli)家族的《新聞報》(La Stampa)合併的事情。但這幾家報刊均否認正在進行合併談判。伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)駐倫敦分析師克勞迪奧•阿斯佩西(Claudio Aspesi)認為,報業必鬚面對更多報紙將關門停業的慘淡現實。他說,“或許只有少數紙媒能夠開拓出可持續的商業模式——可能是那些大型的國際品牌”,如英國《金融時報》和美國《紐約時報》(New York Times)。“其他紙媒必須找到寡頭老闆,或是尋求大企業的庇護。”這就如同存在於法國、意大利和英國的一種模式:富豪收購媒體,實現影響力與利潤雙收。財經日報《迴聲報》(Les Échos)的所有者是伯納德•阿爾諾(Bernard Arnault)控股的奢侈品集團路威酩軒(LVMH);法國最有名的《世界報》(Le Monde)被左傾商人出手拯救;發行量最大(30.7萬份)的日報《費加羅報》(Le Figaro)為國防集團達索(Dassault)擁有。《法蘭克福評論報》仍希望有投資者挺身而出,將其從破產邊緣解救回來。 《德國金融時報》的尋覓已經失敗。阿斯佩西說,德國人似乎不會為了“非經濟原因”而擁有一家報紙。他說:“似乎連德國的億萬富翁都比其他地方的億萬富翁更節儉。”譯者/徐天辰

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