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Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend 德米安:徬徨少年時


"Ask a Korean about Herman Hesse's DEMIAN, and of the many who've read it (just this morning I had a conversation about Abraxas, the Gnostic 'god who was both god and devil' Hesse has Emil discover as he comes of age, with the lady who cuts my hair), most will add that they first did so in their teens."

Why Do Koreans Love Herman Hesse's Demian Above All Other Western…

Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth is a Bildungsroman by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1919; a prologue was added in 1960Demian was first published under the pseudonym "Emil Sinclair", the name of the narrator of the story, but Hesse was later revealed to be the author.

デミアン-エーミール・シンクレールの少年時代の物語』(Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend)とは、ヘルマン・ヘッセ小説である。第一次世界大戦中の1919年に発表された。この作品が発表されたときには、「エーミール・シンクレール」という名で刊行されていた。しかし、作者がヘッセだということが明らかになったため、1920年からは「ヘルマン・ヘッセ」の名で公刊されている。

德米安》(德語:Demian:Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend),又翻為《彷徨少年時》,是德國小說家赫塞所著的文學,1919年由菲舍爾出版社fischer Verlag)出版。

  • 高橋健二訳.岩波文庫、1939 のち新潮文庫 
  • 相良守峯訳.1952 角川文庫
  • 実吉捷郎訳. 岩波文庫、1959 
  • 吉田正巳訳 世界名作全集 筑摩書房、1961 
  • 秋山英夫訳 講談社文庫, 1971
  • 生野幸吉訳 世界文学全集 集英社、1973 
  • 日本ヘルマン・ヘッセ友の会・研究会 編訳 ヘルマン・ヘッセ全集 臨川書店、2005 

Notable passages[edit]

These passages are segments of the novel that best demonstrate themes and lessons to be learned when reading Demian. They are a couple of the central ideas and morals of the book.
"Der Vogel kämpft sich aus dem Ei. Das Ei ist die Welt. Wer geboren werden will, muß eine Welt zerstören. Der Vogel fliegt zu Gott. Der Gott heißt Abraxas."
(The bird struggles out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird then flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.)
"Schicksal und Gemüt sind Namen eines Begriffs." Das hatte ich nun verstanden.
("Fate and temperament are two words for one and the same concept." That was clear to me now.)
"Ich habe nichts dagegen, daß man diesen Gott Jehova verehrt, nicht das mindeste. Aber ich meine, wir sollen Alles verehren und heilig halten, die ganze Welt, nicht bloß diese künstlich abgetrennte, offizielle Hälfte! Also müssen wir dann neben dem Gottesdienst auch einen Teufelsdienst haben."
("I have no objection to worshiping this God Jehovah, far from it. But I mean we ought to consider everything sacred, the entire world, not merely the artificially separated half! Thus alongside the divine service we should also have a service for the devil.")
"If today you had to choose one of the two thieves as a friend or think about which of the two you could sooner put your trust in, it's certainly not that whimpering convert. No, it's the other one, he's a real man with character. He doesn't give a hoot about converting, which in his situation can only be pretty speechifying; he travels his path to the end, and doesn't act like a coward at the last minute, renouncing the Devil, who must have helped him up until then. He's a man of character, and people of character generally get short shrift in Bible stories. Maybe he's a descendant of Cain. Don't you think so?"


  • Der Vogel kämpft sich aus dem Ei. Das Ei ist die Welt. Wer geboren werden will, muß eine Welt zerstören. Der Vogel fliegt zu Gott. Der Gott heißt Abraxas(這隻奮力衝破蛋殼。世界則是這顆。如果有誰想要出生,就得摧毀一個世界。這隻鳥飛向上帝,上帝的名字叫做阿布拉克薩斯)
  • 我所渴求的無非是將心中脫穎欲出的本性付諸生活

Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend
作者: 赫曼‧赫塞 Hermann Hesse
  ◆最熱韓劇「製作人的那些事」主角金秀賢、IU 隨身閱讀的人生指南
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  此序言原刊於英國企鵝經典文庫(Penguin Classics)
  韓劇「製作人的那些事」主角金秀賢、IU 隨身閱讀的人生指南,一本掀起韓國全民追讀熱潮的經典。


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