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從《西方思想史》說起, Bronowski, Jacob, 1908-1974 , Bruce Mazlish,1923-2016

2004.12.4日我寫的《西方思想史》書評:當時特別注意的是第一作者Bronowski, Jacob, 1908-1974
2016.11.30 知道第二位作者Bruce Maelish 1923-2016過世了。

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bruce Mazlish (September 15, 1923 – November 27, 2016) was an American historian who was a professor in the Department of History at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[1] His work focuses on historiography and philosophy of historyhistory of science and technologyartificial intelligencehistory of the social sciencesthe two cultures and bridging the humanities and sciences (natural and social), revolutionpsychohistoryhistory of globalization and the history of global citizenship. He has worked to build the latter two into a public intellectual movement, through initiatives such as the New Global History conferences.[2]
(2004) Civilization and Its Contents (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press).
  • (forthcoming) Arabic translation.
  • (forthcoming) Chinese translation.
Bruce Maelish 最多被翻譯的書:

(1972) In Search of Nixon: A Psychohistorical Inquiry (New York: Basic Books).
  • (1973) Paperback edition (Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books).
  • (2014) Reissued (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Press).
  • (1973) Japanese translation (Tokyo: The Simul Press).
  • (1973) Dutch translation (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Lage Landen B.V.).

(1993) The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines (New Haven: Yale University Press)
  • (1995) Paperback edition (New Haven: Yale University Press).
  • (1995) Spanish translation (Madrid: Alianza Editorial).
  • (1995) Japanese translation (Tokyo: Japan UNI Agency, Inc.).
  • (1996) German translation (Insel Verlag).


他加入哈佛大學教授組織的"歷史心理"陣營 ("人力"不足);組織"全球史"陣營。
簡評《西方思想史The Western Intellectual Tradition》中譯本

書名:The Western Intellectual Tradition: From Leonardo to Hegel by J Bronowski, B Mazlish - New York: Harper and Row, 1960
出版:Harper Collin,1960。本書台灣曾有翻印本,(1969大同圖書) 。 

作者:Bronowski, Jacob, 1908-1974 ,Bruce Maelish 1923-2016



這本書大體譯得不錯,可惜沒有索引,所以讀者得自己發功夫將其綜合,這很難(例如第25章講「歐文」,其後第26章及結論裡也都論到他)。另一缺點是沒有作者及背景介紹,初入門道的人可能不了解作者之一J. Bronowski (1908-1974)是當代聞名科學家及作家,他最關心的一論題是C.P Snow 的「兩種文化(即科學與人文)疏遠」問題。台灣有他《人的躍昇》及《科學與價值》等譯作。

由於譯者不知作者J. Bronowski對「藝術、文學、科學」等創作是有「融會貫通」的見解,(參考其身後論文集The Visionary Eye,MIT Press,1978),所以在引言中第七節的一些重要史觀的譯作,未能把握原作者精髓。 
「To both of us history has been an instrument of vision;……」

其實,這些小瑕疵,很多,例如第五章把Liberal 都譯成"自由主義",把intolerance譯成"偏執"等,都有問題。不過,只要是能夠將這種觀點的「知識史」譯出,對台灣者而言都已是一重要功德,要謝謝譯者。讀者要是能夠看下去的話,一定值回票價。 

譯者要是像我這種好事之徒,也會多指引原作各參者書是否有中譯,例如中譯本第34頁,註七中,Paul Valery 的名著〈達文西方法導論〉,在台灣是有過中譯的。又,原作在附註中導引讀者的專著,都有形容詞,如中譯本頁109頁的J. Huizigun (當代大文化史家)的Erasmus of Rotterdam,原著用Splendid 等形容,中譯本未能譯出。可見,譯作最好由外人校訂。

「祭壇畫」作(p.17)譯得奇怪;金元/美元弄不清楚;章名應更正為「達文西及其時代」;「Calculated economic impress」不是「有計畫的經濟資本主義」;中譯第590頁第二節少譯一段;原書所有重點中譯本都未加標示。 

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