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LAU Shiu-ming, Joseph 劉紹銘 《渺渺唐山》《香港因緣》/《也是怀旧》/世界中文小說選 劉紹銘, 馬漢茂策劃

庄歆也是怀旧》(新加坡:智力出版社, 1993 〉


新加坡 作家:- [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]

世界中文小說選/ 劉紹銘, 馬漢茂策劃. 臺北市: 時報出版公司, 民國76 [1987]. 下冊

1995 《香港因緣》,香港:天地
2016.11 才翻看此書,內容豐富,推薦:



  九七後的香港,特區政府旗幟鮮明的全面推動香港人說普通話。說也奇怪,近於惡聲的港罵從此銷聲匿跡。著名八卦女記者朱波波深入調查後,始知真相。原來並非香港的血氣大男人都學得富而好禮之道,而是有口難言。「×你×××××」之類的terms of endearment,用廣東話唸來,琅琅上口。用京片子發音,卻詰屈聱牙,有理說不清。


書名 渺渺唐山
作者 劉紹銘
出版者 九歌出版社, 1983 劉紹銘,廣東惠陽人,出生於香港。一九六○年畢業於臺大外文系,一九六六年得美國印第安那大學比較文學博士學位。曾任教香港中文大學、國立新加坡大學及夏威夷大學。現為威斯康辛東亞語文系教授。中英文著作頗豐,尤以小說體之「二殘遊記」知名一時。中文著作有「二殘遊記」、「傳香火」、「涕淚飄零的現代中國文學」和「唐人街的小說世界」等。英文著作有「曹禺論」、「一九六○至一九七○年臺灣短篇小說」,以及與馬幼垣合編譯的「中國傳統短篇小說」。

Prof. LAU Shiu-ming, Joseph 劉紹銘
Emeritus Professor 榮休教授
Academic Qualification: BA (National Taiwan), PhD (Indiana)
Research Interest: Translation, Comparative Literature, Modern Chinese Literature
Location: BUG04
Tel: 26167870

Publications in English 英文著作
2000  Co-editor (with Prof. John Minford), Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology of Translations (Vol. I: From Antiquity to the Tang Dynasty), co-published by the Chinese University Press (Hong Kong) and Columbia University Press (New York)
1995Co-editor (with Prof. Howard Goldblatt), The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature, New York: Columbia University Press
1983Editor, The Unbroken Chain: An Anthology of Taiwan Fiction since 1926, Bloomington: Indiana University Press
1981Co-editor (with C. T. Hsia and Leo Ou-fan Lee), Modern Chinese Stories & Novellas: 1919-1949, New York: Columbia University Press
1980Co-trans. (with Christopher Rand), The Wilderness (four-act play by Ts'ao Yu), Bloomington: Indiana University Press
1978Co-editor (with Y. W. Ma), Traditional Chinese Stories: Themes & Variations, New York: Columbia University Press
1976Editor, Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-70, New York: Columbia University Press
1970Ts'ao Yu: A Study in Literary Influence, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
Articles in Books & Journals
1995"Self-Translation: Author as Translator," in Encyclopaedia of Translation: Chinese-English/English-Chinese Translation, eds. Sin-wai Chan and David E. Pollard, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press
1995"More Than Putting Things Together: the Anthologizing of Chinese Literature in Translation," Translating Chinese Literature, eds. Yao-fu Lin and Eugene Eoyang, Bloomington: Indiana University Press
1995"China Deconstructs: the Emergence of Counter-Traditions in Recent Chinese Writing," The Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies, Sweden: Stockholm University, Volume 5
1995"'Discoverism': Translation as Endorsement," Translation Quarterly, No. 2, June
1995"Entry on "Chinese Literature: 1995," in Encyclopedia Britannica Year Book
1994"Translating from Translation: the Story of Regeneration," in Translation and Interpretation: Bridging East and West, eds. Richard K. Seymour and C. C. Liu, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, University of Hawaii and the East West Center
1993"Visitation of the Past in Han Shaogong's Post-1985 Fiction," in From May Fourth to June Fourth: Film and Fiction in 20th Century China, ed. Ellen Widmer and David D. W. Wang, Cambridge: Harvard University Press
1993"Self-Translation: Author as Translator," in Encyclopaedia of Translation: Chinese-English/English-Chinese Translation, ed. D. E. Pollard, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press
1990"Text and Context: Toward a Commonwealth of Modern Chinese Literature," in Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and its Audience," ed. Howard Goldblatt, Armonk: M. E. Sharpe
1989"The Courage To Be: Suicide as Self-Fulfillment in Chinese History and Literature," Tamkang Review, Vol. 19, Nos. 1-4 (Autumn 1988 - Summer 1989)
1989"Unto Myself Reborn: Author as Translator," Renditions, No. 31, Spring
1989"Kingston as Exorcist," Modern Chinese Women Writers: Critical Appraisals, ed. Michael S. Duke, Armonk: M. E. Sharpe
1986"Love and Friendship in T'ang ch'uan-ch'i," Monumenta Serica, XXXVII
1985"Duty and Selfhood in Traditional Chinese Literature," Expression of Self in Chinese Literature, ed. Robert E. Hegel and Richard Hessney, New York: Columbia University Press
1985"Death in the Void: Three Tales of Spiritual Atrophy in Ch'en Ying-chen's Post-Incarceration Fiction," Modern Chinese Literature, Vol. 2, No. 1, September
1984"Celestials and Commoners: Exiles in Pai Hsien-yung's Stories," Monumenta Serica, XXXVI
1984"Translation as Interpretation: A Pedagogical View," Tamkang Review, Vol. XV, Nos. 1-4, Autumn 1984-Summer 1985
1983"Echoes of the May Fourth Movement in Taiwan's Hsiang-t'u Fiction," Mainland China, Taiwan, and U.S. Policy, ed. Hung-mao Tien, Cambridge, Ma.: OG&H Publishers
1982"The Wounded and the Fatigued: Reflections on Post-1976 Chinese Fiction," Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2
1981"The Tropics Mythopoetized: The Extraterritorial Writing of Li Yung-p'ing in the context of the Hsiang-t'u Movement," Tamkang Review, Fall
1980"To Disillusion or To Disenchant?: Translation as Interpretation," Tamkang Review, Summer
1980"Obsession with Taiwan: The Fiction of Chang Hsi-kuo," in Chinese Fiction from Taiwan: Critical Perspectives, ed. Jeannette L. Faurot, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980
1976"Oppression as a Situational Comedy: A Note on the Stage-craft of Ting Hsi-lin," Critical Essays on Chinese Literature, edited by William H. Nienhauser, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press
1975"Crowded Hours Revisited: The Evocation of the Past in Taipei jen," Journal of Asian Studies, November
1973"How Much Truth Can A Blade of Grass Carry?: Ch'en Ying-chen and the Emergence of Native Taiwanese Writers," Journal of Asian Studies, August
1973"The Concept of Time and Reality in Modern Chinese Fiction," Tamkang Review, April
1970"The Saint as Sinner: Paradoxes of Love and Virtue in The Predestined Couple," Tamkang Review, April
1969"The Noble Savage as a Rejuvenative Symbol," Chung Chi Journal, May
1969"Peking Man and Ivanov: Portraits of Two Superfluous Men," Contemporary Literature, Winter
1967"Sunrise and Cherry Orchard: A Comparative Study," Modern Drama, February
1966"Two Emancipated Phaedras," Journal of Asian Studies, August
Publications in Chinese 中文著作
1991George Orwell 原著, 《一九八四》 (Nineteen Eighty-Four), 台北:三民(再版)
1984George Orwell 原著, 《一九八四》 (Nineteen Eighty-Four), 台北:皇冠
1979C. T. Hsia (夏志清)原著, 《中國現代小說史》 (History of Modern Chinese Fiction), (編譯), 香港:聯合
1972Isaac Bashevis Singer 原著, 《傻子金寶》(Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories), 台北:大地
1971Bernard Malamud 原著, 《夥計》 (The Assistant), 香港:今日世界
1971Saul Bellow 原著, 《何索》 (Herzog) (co-trans.), 香港:今日世界
1970Bernard Malamud 原著, 《魔桶》 (The Magic Barrel), 香港:今日世界
1997《二殘遊記》,香港:天地 (再版)
1987《中國現代中短篇小說選, 1919-1949》(與黃維樑合編),香港:三聯

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