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Lewis Carroll: The Man and his Circle by Edward Wakeling:愛麗絲夢遊仙境的創造者:劉易斯·卡羅爾傳


鑽研 Lewis Carroll 甚深的美國著名數學家 Martin Gardner,在 The Annotated Alice 一書中提到 Carroll 喜歡和小女孩們玩在一起,並不是有甚麼不良企圖,反而是因為她們讓他在感情上有安全感,許多認識他的女孩都證實了這一點。可是 Carroll 曾在愛麗絲婚後,寄給她的信中說到她和他的其他小朋友都很不一樣。所以顯然他對她特別有感情。
但是被小愛麗絲「電」到過的年輕男子,並不只 Carroll 一人。當年愛麗絲家中還有一位常客,就是牛津的藝術教授 John Ruskin (1819-1900),他偶而也教她們姊妹畫畫。Ruskin 後來成了極富盛名的美學大師和炙手可熱的藝評家,也是前拉菲爾畫派的精神領袖和 William Morris 的導師。在他的回憶錄《過往》(Praeterita) 中,紀錄了一段和愛麗絲之間的趣事:
有一天 Ruskin 對愛麗絲說好久沒見到她們姐妹了,愛麗絲就告訴他說當天晚上她爸媽有人請吃飯不在家,他可以去喝茶,她和妹妹會唱歌給他聽,姊姊會拿畫給他看。結果那天晚上大風雪,他在接到愛麗絲通知爸媽已離家的字條後,費了好大勁才抵達她家。愛麗絲請他坐在明亮的壁爐邊,正開始談笑之際,突然吹進一陣冷風,火星亂舞。他們回頭一看,發現愛麗絲的父母站在門廳中,而他們的男僕正不懷好意的盯著他。
「你一定非常不想看到我們吧?Ruskin 先生!」
於是茶會便繼續了,Ruskin 說,可是爸爸媽媽吃完飯後就一直待在客廳裡不動,他只得沮喪的告辭回家。重要的是他事後回想起來,只覺得整件事像個夢,而除了愛麗絲之外,根本不記得她的姊妹在不在場。可見小愛麗絲的魅力真是凡人無法擋。
今天這張附圖和本文沒有直接關係,它是一本小書的封面,書內摘錄了兩篇 John Ruskin 論藝術和生活的小品文。封面上的那句話可算是他的中心思想,譯成中文大約是「你不是把『它』變成工具,就是把『他』變成人。但你不可能兩者兼得。」亦即藝術品必須是人為的、含有思想的有機物,因此不可能精準得一成不變。而「師」和「匠」的差別,就是人和工具的差別,也就是活和死的差別。

Hanching Chung "他們的男僕正不懷好意的盯著他"可能錯誤,原文:the footmen in consternation. 驚訝....
這個故事沒讀懂Ruskin寫的上下文 (說笑的)。據LEWIS CARROLL: The Man and His Circle By Edward Wakeling 中譯本309頁,迷Alice的是利奧波德王子。

Lewis Carroll: The Man and his Circle by Edward Wakeling, book review

www.independent.co.uk › Culture › Books › Reviews

Dec 6, 2014 - With the 150th anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland close by, this scholarly study of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, universally known by his pen-name Lewis Carroll, is certainly timely. Its author Edward Wakeling, editor of Dodgson’s diaries, knows more than anyone else ...

6.26 蘇錦坤兄通知張華與我:Lewis Carroll 傳的中譯本


作者 : [英]愛德華·韋克林(Edward Wakeling)出版社:黑龍江教育出版社副標題:劉易斯·卡羅爾傳譯者 : 許若青出版年: 2016-6 定價: 72.00元裝幀:精裝叢書: 大師館ISBN: 9787531687214

"第二章 牛津大學的老師和同仁",原文為 Teachers and University of Oxford Associates 。
Teachers 指大學之前的老師們

結尾"回到原點 ",原文是"Full Circle",多這是針對之前各章章名.....Circle ( Lewis Carroll: The Man and his Circle)之"多關語"。
Full Definition of full circle. : through a series of developments that lead back to the original source, position, or situation or to a complete reversal of the original position —usually used in the phrase come full circle.

1925年1月15日,胡適有首《小詩》,詩末引用 趙元任譯《愛麗思漫遊奇境記》:


《愛麗思漫遊奇境記》中的貓:"慢慢地不見,從尾巴尖起,一點一點地沒有,一直到頭上的笑臉最後沒有。那個笑臉留了好一會才沒有"。 (趙元任譯本頁九二)


Lewis Carroll: The Man and his Circle - Page 368 - Google Books Result

Edward Wakeling - 2014 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
(2004), 359 'Lewis Carroll: A Sketch by an Artist-Friend' by E. Gertrude ... (1999), 192–3 MS: Princeton MS: British Library MS: Lindseth Seitoku UniversityTokyo, Japan MS: Rosenbach MS: British Library MS: Rosenbach 'Puzzles from ...


索引都譯出,似乎還可以 (索引是騙人的,因為照原書翻譯(?),而內文缺原書的頁碼,所以頁數對不起來;索引也有需要解釋處,譬如說, Isis {Thames},這其實是Oxford (市)的的河Thames on the Isis )。

其實,這是"專家"的書,立論很有根據,不過,整本書沒一張圖 (按:原書有28張照片,兩張族譜),譯本內文完全漢字,看起來很吃力。錯誤可能不少,譬如說,附錄中傳主年表的年代搞錯 (中文版);有拥趸/擁躉等方言。再說另一錯誤:? 第 5章註17, p. 496"東京成德大學"是錯的,應該是"聖德大學" (Seitoku University:存有Lewis Carroll (遊戲與謎題)印版 :推算任何日期是哪一周哪一天) 才對。


Richard Morris Hunt (October 31, 1827 – July 31, 1895) 。

~~~~  Lewis Carroll 的父親
 The older of these sons – yet another Charles Dodgson – was Carroll's father. He went to Westminster School and then to Christ Church, Oxford. He reverted to the other family tradition and took holy orders. He was mathematically gifted and won a double first degree, which could have been the prelude to a brilliant academic career. Instead, he married his first cousin Frances Jane Lutwidge[7] in 1827 and became a country parson.[8]
Dodgson was born in the small parsonage at Daresbury in Cheshire near the towns of Warrington and Runcorn,[9] the eldest boy but already the third child of the four-and-a-half-year-old marriage. Eight more children followed. When Charles was 11, his father was given the living of Croft-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, and the whole family moved to the spacious rectory. This remained their home for the next 25 years.
Charles' father was an active and highly conservative cleric of the Church of England who later became the Archdeacon of Richmond[10]and involved himself, sometimes influentially, in the intense religious disputes that were dividing the church. He was High Church, inclining to Anglo-Catholicism, an admirer of John Henry Newman and the Tractarian movement, and did his best to instill such views in his children. Young Charles was to develop an ambiguous relationship with his father's values and with the Church of England as a whole.[11]
Croft-on-Tees is a village and civil parish in the Richmondshire district of North Yorkshire, England. It has also been known as Croft Spa, and from which the formerCroft Spa railway station took its name.
The etymology of the village name comes from the Old English word Croft meaning a small enclosed field.[4][5]

archdeacon :會吏長;總執事;總六品:初期教會由主教任命,協助主教處理事務者。中世紀時,由於權力增大,時有妄用職權之弊,故在特倫多大公會議中予以取消。

parson :牧師:基督教專用名詞,與天主教的司鐸(神父)相對照。

curate  (1) 牧靈神父。 (2) 本堂助理;副本堂;副堂:通常主管堂區的神父,稱本堂神父或主任司鐸,其他在堂區工作的神父稱助理本堂神父。同 assistant priest 
permanent deacon :永久執事;終身執事。
perpetual adoration :永朝(永拜)聖體;經常明供並朝拜聖體;晝夜明供聖體。詳見 adoration, perpetual 
Perpetual Help, Our Lady of :萬應聖母。詳見 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 
stipend, Mass :彌撒獻儀:請司祭(神父、主教)為某特別意向奉獻彌撒時,所致送的獻儀,通常是現金。是教友支持教會的表示,聖保祿曾提出牧羊人有權吃羊奶的理論根據(格前九 7)。

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