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Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) 、許達然


當面臨許多現實問題,特別處在法國左、右兩大陣營非此即彼的論爭中,他自己也常很難自圓其說。正如伊利亞德(Mircea Eliade)在《神聖與世俗》(The Sacred and the Profane: the Nature of Religion)中所說「一個純粹理性的人是一個抽象化的人,在現實生活中決不會存在,同時,每個人又都是由他的有意識的活動和非理性的體驗而構成的」

"The political accusations culminated in claims that some of Eliade’s thought 'stands,' in the words of Steven M. Wasserstrom, 'on a pile of corpses,' because he supported the Legion’s paramilitary branch, the Iron Guard, guilty of 'literally butchering Jews as they hung, still alive, from meat hooks.' At the same time, his acceptance of the reality of 'the sacred' was denigrated as “closet theology,” utterly incompatible with objective research. The situation was not helped by the 2000 publication of Saul Bellow’s novel Ravelstein, in which a key character, obviously based on Eliade, is a Romanian professor at the University of Chicago desperately trying to conceal his shameful past as a fascist sympathizer."

Bryan Rennie reassesses the legacy of Romanian novelist and religious philosopher Mircea Eliade.

…….拆不掉我記憶的建築…….砍不掉我心園的蒼翠。無論如何再怎樣蠻橫破壞我懷念的風景,都搶不走我生長的家鄉。神學家Miacea Eliade 認為西方人對天堂有一種永恆的回歸 (eternal return)意念。臺南對我這個臺灣人總有永恆回歸的情懷。痛就痛在遠望不能當歸。
---- 許達然在西方學界,師承美國歷史學、哲學及社會學、思想史多位大師,如Talcott Parsons (1902-1979)Crane Brinton (1898-1968)Leonard Krieger (1918–1990)William McNeill (1917-2016)Edward  Shils (1910-1995)Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005)Clifford Geertz (1926-2006)William Weinstein ?Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) Saul Bellow(1915-2005 索爾.貝婁,諾貝爾文學獎得主)與何炳棣等。四十年間,由歷史旁及心理、社會、哲學、經濟理論,延伸他1972年的博士論文《清代臺灣社會史》,孜孜矻矻的從美國、臺灣故宮與北京第一手史料(宮中檔、軍機檔或三法司檔)[6]中耙梳整理,成就了目前清代臺灣社會史研究上無人可及的成果。這些多年心血,即將於近年陸續結集出版數本鉅作,分別是《十八和十九世紀臺灣社會史論》﹙稻鄉﹚、《臺灣人民起事和歷史發展,1683-1894》、《漢族族群械鬥和臺灣社會,1683-1894》﹙聯經;待出﹚,與《二十世紀臺灣短篇小說史論》(遠流;待出)諸書。

YOUTH Without Youth," Francis Ford Coppola's first film in 10 years, is about Dominic Matei, an elderly Romanian professor of linguistics who, after being struck by lightning, becomes young again. Though Matei, played by Tim Roth, retains a septuagenarian's memories and experiences, his body, restored to 30-year-old fighting trim, is mysteriously immune to the effects of time.
The professor's condition is presented as a medical curiosity and a metaphysical conundrum — like the novella by Mircea Eliade on which it is based, Mr. Coppola's movie is a complex, symbol-laden meditation on the nature of chronology, language and human identity — but it also speaks to a familiar and widespread longing. What if, without losing the hard-won wisdom of age, you could go back and start again? What if you could reverse and arrest the process of growing old, securing the double blessing of a full past and a limitless future?

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