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THE PAINTED VEIL by W. Somerset Maugham 毛姆《彩色面紗》

《愛在遙遠的附近》影片原名《彩色面紗》( The Painted Veil),是根據英國名小說家毛姆( W. Somerset Maugham)於一九二五年所寫的小說改編。


"Lift not the painted veil which those who live"

Lift not the painted veil which those who live
Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there,
And it but mimic all we would believe
With colours idly spread,--behind, lurk Fear
And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave
Their shadows, o'er the chasm, sightless and drear.
I knew one who had lifted it--he sought,
For his lost heart was tender, things to love,
But found them not, alas! nor was there aught
The world contains, the which he could approve.
Through the unheeding many he did move,
A splendour among shadows, a bright blot
Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove
For truth, and like the Preacher found it not.

作者 : [英] W.薩默塞特·毛姆 出版社:重慶出版社   原作名: The Painted Veil
 譯者 : 阮景林出版年:2012-5 頁數: 264 定價: 32.00元裝幀:精裝叢書:重現經典(精裝)ISBN: 9787229050238

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WS毛姆(William Somerset Maugham),1874—1965,英國著名小說家,劇作家,散文家。曾先後就讀於坎特伯雷的國王學校和德國海德堡大學,後到倫敦聖托馬斯醫院學醫,並取得外科醫師資格。

“How can I be reasonable? To me our love was everything and you were my whole life. It is not very pleasant to realize that to you it was only an episode.”
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Vintage Books & Anchor Books
he chaos. The pictures they paint, the music they compose, the books they write, and the lives they lead. Of all these the richest in beauty is the beautiful life. That is the perfect work of art."
— from THE PAINTED VEIL by W. Somerset Maugham

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