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SONS AND LOVERS by D.H. Lawrence;The Vicar’s Garden and Other Stories


“Recklessness is almost a man's revenge on his woman. He feels he is not valued so he will risk destroying himself to deprive her altogether.” 

Sons and Lovers版本史與字眼的文化史:purgatory、afterlife 這段話,很值得討論:
Mrs Morel always said the after-life would hold nothing in store for her husband: he rose from the lower world into purgatory, when he came home from pit, and passed into heaven in the Palmerston Arms. Sons and Lovers - Edited out of the 1913 edition, restored in 1992

The original 1913 edition was heavily edited by Edward Garnett who removed 80 passages, roughly a tenth of the text. The novel is dedicated to Garnett. Garnett, as the literary advisor to the publishing firm Duckworth, was an important figure in leading Lawrence further into the London literary world during the years 1911 and 1912. It was not until the 1992 Cambridge University Press edition was released that the missing text was restored.)

Sons and Lovers Parts 1 and 2 - Page 30 - Google Books Result

D. H. Lawrence, ‎Helen Baron, ‎Carl Baron - 2002 - ‎Literary Collections
Mrs Morel always said the after-life would hold nothing in store for her husband:he rose from the lower world into purgatory, when he came home from pit, and ...

*****Purgatory 字眼的文化史可參考Wikipedia 中文版的簡單說明。基本上,天主教必須接受後人為其先人"代禱"之功德:purgatory 只有一通訪天堂的出口,沒有到地獄的通路。


“Recklessness is almost a man's revenge on his woman. He feels he is not valued so he will risk destroying himself to deprive her altogether.”
—from SONS AND LOVERS by D.H. Lawrence
The struggle for power at the heart of a family in conflict, the mysteries of sexual initiation, and the pain of irretrievable loss are the universal motifs with which D. H. Lawrence fashions one of the world’s most original autobiographical novels.Gertrude Morel is a refined woman who married beneath her and has come to loathe her brutal, working-class husband. She focuses her passion instead on her two sons, who return her love and despise their father. Trouble begins when Paul Morel, a budding artist, falls in love with a young woman who seems capable of rivaling his mother for possession of his soul. In the ensuing battle, he finds his path to adulthood tragically impeded by the enduring power of his mother’s grasp. Published on the eve of World War I, SONS AND LOVERS confirmed Lawrence’s genius and inaugurated the controversy over his explicit writing about sexuality and human relationships that would follow him to the end of his career.


最近幾天補讀永安翻譯的 The Vicar’s Garden and Other Stories by D. H. Lawrence
DHL 的文字,就是那麼不同。或許,所有的翻譯都無法取代原文。連書名都無法認真翻譯…..

譬如說 A Sort of Life by Graham Greene*
這種 說法,是英國人歷盡滄桑或玩世不恭時的用語。
“ Well, what a man to do? It’s no sort of life for a man of my years, to sit at my own hearth like a stranger….”ODOUR OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS by D. H. Lawrence


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