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The Secret History of the British Garden By "Monty" Don; Nature Perfected: Gardens Through History


In 2013 Don presented an episode of Great British Garden Revival.

 In 2015 he presented The Secret History of the British Garden a BBC Two series, in four parts, charting the development of British gardens from the 17th to the 20th century.[31]

The Secret History of the British Garden, 3 The 19th Century

Monty Don looks at the evolution of the British garden. He explores the extraordinary transformations that occurred throughout the 19th…
17世紀的花園只留下一座Levens Hall in Cumbria,不過300多年的紀錄都留著。此園的haha 為英國首見,讓18世紀的景觀園可以大發揮。
瑪麗皇后將Hampton Court Palace的法式改成荷蘭式;他們吃些蔬菜。
17世紀最早留下的未完成的園 Luftwaffe,依照所有者的天主教信仰,給諸多宗教象徵,如5面各5英尺的角樓--25--聖家族,20世紀德國考古學者的照片顯現出pattern....
The Secret History of the British Garden, 1 The 17th Century

The 17th Century The Secret History of the British Garden Episode 1 of 3 Monty Don uncovers the extraordinary stories behind Britain's 17th-century…

一周之始,禮拜神之餘,造訪法蘭西的花園,再適合不過了: (BBC) French Garden: The Artistic Garden

Montagu Denis Wyatt "MontyDon (born 8 July 1955)[1] is a British television presenter, writer and speaker on horticulture, best known for presenting the BBC television seriesGardeners' World.

Nature Perfected: Gardens Through History: Hardcover – October 1, 1991

Beginning with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome, this work uncovers the evidence of gardening through the art, history and literature of these early sites of culture, as well as later findings of archaeology. It then moves to such later civilizations as Islam and Mughal India.

The gardens of the worlds great civilizations are revealed through sumptuous color plates and a fascinating text.

With its sumptuous color plates, comprehensive scope, and fascinating text, this ground-breaking international history of the garden as an art form is easily the most ambitious and rewarding work of its kind. Beginning with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, this book skillfully uncovers the evidence of gardening through the art, history, and literature of these early sites of culture, as well as later findings of archaeology. It then takes us farther afield into the later civilizations of Islam and Mughal India, reveals the important contributions of Italy and France, China and Japan, lingers in the incomparable gardens of England, and finally transports us to the New World.
Structured around themes of the international exchange of aesthetic ideas and the exciting saga of the study, cultivation, and distribution of plant life, the books progression is both chronological and geographic; each chapter identifies and discusses the major design and horticultural contributions made to garden history in each period and by each society. Although there have been numerous garden histories, there has never been one of this historical and global scope, a history that is solidly based in the authors vast learning, both in the worlds of literature and art as well as gardening, and graced by is masterful prose. Another factor that differentiates this comprehensive history from the others is its final section, which explores the dramatic impact on Europe of the discovery in 1492 of a new continent with its own unique flora and fauna, which led to the opening of a fresh chapter in science. The author develops this section of the book through an extensive coverage of the history of garden culture in the Western Hemisphere, beginning with the worldwide exchange of new plant discoveries starting in the seventeenth century as European plantsmen scoured the world for exotic additions to the plantings in fledgling botanical gardens. Beginning with what is known of colonial American gardens and the extraordinary efforts in this century to reconstruct them at such sites as Mount Vernon, Monticello, and especially Williamsburg, the author leads us through the accomplishments of New World gardeners, including those of South America and Mexico, ending up with a survey of the newest international developments in gardening.
From ancient Persia to the modern private estates of Europe and North America, gardening has been one of the most consistent signs of a great civilization and the most visually absorbing expression of culture.
William Howard Adams has served as a senior fellow of the Garden History Library at Dumbarton Oaks and has written and lectured widely on the history of the garden. His study, The French Garden, 1500-1800, and his more recent Jeffersons Monticello, and Roberto Burle Marx: The Unnatural Art of the Garden, have been universally acclaimed. Mr. Adams is a fellow of the Myrin Institute.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 356 pages
  • Publisher: Abbeville Press (October 1, 1991)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0896599191
  • ISBN-13: 978-0896599192
  • Product Dimensions: 1.8 x 10.2 x 10.2 inches

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