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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; 《馬克‧吐溫 自傳》Mark Twain Himself A Pictorial Biography Milton Meltzer

“But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she's going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can't stand it. I been there before.” 
― from "The Adventures of Huck Finn" by Mark Twain

North American informal Depart hurriedly:he lit out for California to ‘find’ himself

"Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden."
--from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876) by Mark Twain
Along with Blake and Dickens, Mark Twain was one of the nineteenth century’s greatest chroniclers of childhood. These two novels reveal different aspects of his genius: Tom Sawyer is a much-loved story about the sheer pleasure of being a boy; Huckleberry Finn, the book Hemingway said was the source of all the American fiction that followed it, is both a hilarious account of an incorrigible truant and a tremendous parable of innocence in conflict with the fallen adult world.

(224) 生或死
看到Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005) ,想到的不是"百年紀念",而是2005年"我們"跟他有關的回憶。

----Mark Twain
  • Born: 30 November 1835
  • Birthplace: Florida, Missouri
  • Died: 21 April 1910 (heart failure)
  • Best Known As: The author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

山繆.朗霍.克列門斯,筆名馬克.吐溫(Mark Twain, 1835-1910),美國十九世紀著名的幽默文學作家,「馬克吐溫」(mark twain)原是行船的專用術語,意為「水深兩噚」,是輪船安全航行的必要條件。

「《湯姆歷險記》雖然是少年小說,風格和內容卻都不同於當代著重教化勵志的其他少年讀物,例如《小婦人》和較晚的《小公主》。 湯姆不是什麼模範學生或孝悌楷模,卻也因此更貼近一般讀者,而這本書的幽默也來自他的調皮機靈。例如他為了引起大人和女生的注意,花招百出卻往往弄巧成拙;呼朋引伴跑到無人島去當海盜,驚動全村搜索救援,最後居然在自己的喪禮上現身。這些都是讓師長又好氣又好笑,讓同儕躍躍欲試的典型孩童行為。至於最有名的粉刷圍籬的故事,湯姆洞悉人性矛盾,把工作變成玩樂,成年讀者的感受又會比年輕讀者深刻,這也是人生不同階段閱讀吐溫的樂趣。」 -摘自《經典圖像小說:湯姆歷險記》http://ppt.cc/56fS

山繆. 朗霍. 克列門斯,筆名馬克.吐溫(Mark Twain, 1835-1910),美國十九世紀著名的幽默文學作家,「馬克吐溫」(mark twain)原是行船的專用術語,意為「水深兩噚」,是輪船安全航行的必要條件。 1835年11月30日,馬克吐溫生於美國密蘇裡州佛羅裡達。 圖片出處:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A9%AC%E5%85%8B%C2%B7%E5%90%90%E6%B8%A9

1876​​​​年出版第一版的《湯姆歷險記》 圖片出處:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tom_Sawyer_1876_frontispiece.jpg

「《湯姆歷險記》雖然是少年小說,風格和內容卻都不同於當代著重教化勵志的其他少年讀物,例如《小婦人》和較晚的《小公主》。 湯姆不是什麼模範學生或孝悌楷模,卻也因此更貼近一般讀者,而這本書的幽默也來自他的調皮機靈。例如他為了引起大人和女生的注意,花招百出卻往往弄巧成拙;呼朋引伴跑到無人島去當海盜,驚動全村搜索救援,最後居然在自己的喪禮上現身。這些都是讓師長又好氣又好笑,讓同儕躍躍欲試的典型孩童行為。至於最有名的粉刷圍籬的故事,湯姆洞悉人性矛盾,把工作變成玩樂,成年讀者的感受又會比年輕讀者深刻,這也是人生不同階段閱讀吐溫的樂趣。」 -摘自《經典圖像小說:湯姆歷險記》http://ppt.cc/56fS

Twain was born and died in years in which Halley's Comet passed by Earth: 1835 and 1910... His pseudonym, Mark Twain, was taken from Mississippi riverboat terminology; it's a measure of depth... Twain married the former Olivia Langdon in 1870 ; she died in 1904, and the melancholy tone of Twain's later writings is often attributed to his depression over her death.

Mark Twain and His Circle Series

Mark Twain Himself

A Pictorial Biography

Milton Meltzer

ISBN 978-0-8262-1412-6
320 pages
8 1/4 x 10 7/8
index, 600 illustrations, 2002
$39.95t paper

"This book would have delighted Mark Twain. He never shrank from the limelight, and here is a sumptuous 300-page quarto devoted to picture and letter-press covering almost every highlight of his long and varied career."— New York Times

"There can be no doubt that this is a book no lover of Mark Twain will wish to be without."— Chicago Tribune
"[Readers] will find here much they have not seen before. . . . Mr. Meltzer's ingenuity in finding materials is particularly striking in his illustrations for the difficult early period, before the camera was in general use and before anyone considered the image of Sam Clemens worth preserving for posterity. . . . Meltzer has done his work well."— New York Herald Tribune
"This book is for leisure hours and quiet meditation. It brings back the life and times of Mark Twain, our greatest humorist, and it holds up as a mirror the early days of our country. It should inspire and help us preserve our priceless heritage of freedom."— Hartford Courant
"Mark Twain Himself ranks as one of the most entertaining works ever produced about one of America's most influential writers. . . . Milton Meltzer has assembled an impressive number of previously unpublished photographs of Mark Twain, his family, the people he knew or wrote about , and the places he saw."— San Francisco Sunday Chronicle

Mark Twain's life—one of the richest and raciest America has known—is delightfully portrayed in this mosaic of words and more than 600 pictures that capture the career of one of America's most colorful personalities. The words are Twain's own, taken from his writings— not only the autobiography but also his letters, notebooks, newspaper reporting, sketches, travel pieces, and fiction. The illustrations provide the perfect counterpoint to Twain's text. Presented in the hundreds of photos, prints, drawings, cartoons, and paintings is Twain himself , from the apprentice in his printer's cap to the dying world-famous figure finishing his last voyage in a wheelchair. Mark Twain Himself: A Pictorial Biography will not only inform and entertain the casual reader but will provide a valuable resource to scholars and teachers of Twain as well.

About the Author

Milton Meltzer has written a great many books for both children and adults, including Dorothea Lange: A Photographer's Life and Carl Sandburg: A Biography. He now resides in New York City.

《馬克‧吐溫 自傳》 Autobiography of Mark Twain,杭州:浙江文藝 2011
1924 Autobiography . Employing a self-described "methodless method," Twain had begun dictating his memoir to Albert Bigelow Paine in 1906 from a set of notes, recording whatever came to his mind at the moment. The result is an  unsystematic , though entertaining and often instructive, collection of anecdotes, with the degree of invention the source of subsequent critical debate.

Autobiography of Mark Twain or  Mark Twain's Autobiography refers to a lengthy set of reminiscences, dictated, for the most part, in the last few years of  American author  Mark Twain's life and left in typescript and manuscript at his death. The  Autobiography comprises a rambling collection of anecdotes and ruminations rather than a conventional  autobiography .

Volume 1

The first volume of a three-volume edition of the complete text was published in November 2010, the 100th anniversary year of Twain's death, edited by the The Mark Twain Project of The Bancroft Library at  University of California, Berkeley and published by  University of California Press . [1] [2] [3]

Twain-scripted Contents

  • The Tennessee Land (1870) [4]
  • Chapter 1 --Early Years in Florida. Missouri (1877) [5]
  • Grant Dictations (1885)  [6]
  • Vienna Sketches (1898) [7]
  • Scraps from my Autobiography (1900)
  • Introductions for previous attempts at autobiography [11]
  • Preface. As from the grave (for Florence attempt) [12]
  • Florence Dictations (1904) [13]
  • New York Dictations (1906; January--March) [14]
Vol.1 also contains an introduction [15] and copious  Explanatory Notes [16]

Previous publication

1924 edition
Twain himself had published 'Chapters from My Autobiography' in twenty-five installments in the  North American Review in 1906-7. [17] Since Twain's death in 1910, a number of different editors have made ​​​​attempts to impose some order on the whole of the material by selection and reorganization, producing several decidedly different published versions of  The Autobiography . The first of these was published in 1924 by  Harper & Brothers Publishers.

Twain's own attempt

Twain first started to compose an autobiography in 1870, but proceeded fitfully, abandoning the work and returning to it as the mood took him. In a 1904 letter to William Dean Howells, he wrote: “I've struck it! And I will give it away—to you. You will never know how much enjoyment you have lost until you get to dictating your autobiography.”  [18] By 1904 Twain had embarked on what he called his “Final (and Right) Plan” for telling the story of his life. However, after 1907 he again seems to have let the book languish; in 1908-9 he hardly added to it at all, and he declared the project concluded in 1909, after the death of his youngest daughter Jean. His innovative notion — to “talk only about the thing which interests you for the moment” — meant that his thoughts could range freely. Twain thought his autobiography would be most entertaining if he went off on whims and tangents in non-sequential order.
Twain outlined a plan in 1899 for an autobiographical work which was to be published (according to different accounts of the episode) either "100 years from now" or "100 years after his death." A manuscript note in the Mark Twain Papers (UC Berkeley) indicates a 100-year ban was what he was contemplating. Twain did produce a preface 'From the Grave' claiming that the book would not be published until after his death, which allowed him to speak with his "whole frank mind."
The manuscript and typescript materials of the Autobiography are in the Mark Twain Papers at The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Early editions

The first edition of the  Autobiography was published by Twain's personal friend and literary executor  Albert Bigelow Paine , and consisted of twenty-two fragments presented in the order Twain composed them, including the first four months (January-April 1906) of the Autobiographical Dictations. The edition received rather poor reviews. In 1940, editor and historian  Bernard DeVoto published another selection in  Mark Twain in Eruption , arranged by topic and heavily edited. Charles Neider rejected both Paine's and DeVoto's approaches and rearranged the material to match the chronology of a standard autobiography. In spite of these previous efforts, around half of the Mark Twain Project text will be seeing publication for the first time.


  1. ^ Churchwell, Sarah (2010-11-01)  "Mark Twain: Not an American but  the American"The Guardian . Retrieved 2010-11-01.
  2. ^  "Mark Twain's Autobiography, Finally Released"CBS News . May 24, 2010 . Retrieved August 13, 2010 .
  3. ^ Mark Twain Project Online (2010-11-01)  "Mark Twain Papers & Project: A Brief History"
  4. ^ Vol.I, p.85
  5. ^ Vol.I, p.89
  6. ^ Vol.I, p.94
  7. ^ Vol.I, p.158
  8. ^ Vol.I, p.213
  9. ^ Vol.I, p.227
  10. ^ Vol.I, p.245
  11. ^ Vol. I, p.280
  12. ^ Vol. I, p.310
  13. ^ Vol. I, p.312
  14. ^ Vol. I, p.352
  15. ^ Vol.I, p.22
  16. ^ Vol. I, p.649
  17. ^ "Mark Twain's own autobiography: the chapters from the North American review"Google Books . Retrieved 2010-05-27.
  18. ^  Cox, James M. (November 2002).  Mark Twain:The Fate of Humor (Mark Twain & His Circle) . University of Missouri Press. pp. 295.  ISBN  978-0826214287 .

External links

馬克·吐溫A Tramp Abroad
文化人生| 2010.04.24


4月21日是著名美國作​​家馬克·吐溫逝世100週年。馬克·吐溫曾當過印刷工人、密西西比河上的導航員、士兵、淘金者、記者。1869年,他的一本關於歐洲之行的書問世並成為暢銷書。之後,他完成了《湯姆·索亞歷險記》等小說,揚名於世。他再次前往歐洲旅行,並將經歷寫成《浪跡海外》(A Tramp Abroad)一書。其中大部分內容是關於德國的。

馬克·吐溫的第二次歐洲之行歷時一年半,他的大部分時間在德國度過。從漢堡出發,他前往德國南部。在這裡他停留的時間最長,僅在海德堡就有三個月之久。他與家人住在地勢頗高的一家旅館,可以俯視內卡河與萊茵河的交匯處。每天,他都從旅館出發,去一處地勢更高的地點寫作。他的遊記《浪跡海外》中,大部分內容都與海德堡及周邊地區有關。Bildunterschrift:  Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 風景如畫的海德堡風景如畫的海德堡
克里斯蒂娜·凱默(Christina Kemmer)是海德堡"追隨馬克·吐溫的足跡"這個旅行線路的四位導遊之一。她介紹說:"他滿懷愛意地描繪這座城市。他當時住在宮殿旅館裡,入住首夜, 他聽到水聲,以為是雨聲。原來是內卡河。他看到鐵路沿線的燈光,把它形容為降落於塵世的銀河。"
"馬克·吐溫說,這個民族自稱是詩人與思想家的民族,可是連自己的語言都沒打理好。比如,'我的好朋友',就有多種人稱格式的變化。而同樣是女性, 如果說eine Frau,是陰性,而如果是das Weib,又成了中性。所以,馬克·吐溫說,一天夜裡,有一個人牙痛難忍,無法入眠。於是,那個晚上他就創造出德語這門語言。"
作者:Martina Senghas/李魚

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Why has 'Huckleberry Finn' been on so many banned books lists? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has made ​​it to many lists of books that should be banned because readers (and many people who never bothered to read it) deemed it indecent and racist. Yet, even with its frequent place on the lists of America's most challenged books, it has become a classic. Written by Mark Twain , Huckleberry Finn was published on December 10, 1884, in Canada and England and on this date in 1885, in the US. Although many thought that Twain's depiction of the runaway slave, Jim , was demeaning and racist, the story was meant to show the hypocrisy of American society in its views of slaves and African Americans. The story follows Huck and Jim — both runaways — as they travel down the Mississippi River , with Huck slowly changing his views about blacks and working to help Jim to freedom.

"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn ... All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since."— Ernest Hemingway

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