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Raissa Maritain 昔日舊友:非凡人間 一,單國璽主講

幾年前研究過台"輔仁大學出版社",每年約出書60本。我很喜歡"老輔仁大學出版社"的【利瑪竇記憶之宫】 (史景遷)等。

Raissa Maritain 【昔日舊友】, 台北:輔仁大學出版社, 1992---此書固然偏點,不過是法國文化精英圈的回憶錄。

我們翻翻2003年的 【非凡人間 一 】  (單國璽主講; 李匡郎, 蕭淑華整理,台北:輔仁大學出版社,2003) 的末篇,即有台灣專家自我安慰:台灣天主教信徒才30萬,中國有1千萬,所以如果中共梵蒂岡建交,造福更多信徒......

Les grandes amitiésLes grandes amitiés
byRaïssa Maritain

Raïssa Oumansoff Maritain (1883-1960) was a Russian-Ukrainian poet and philosopher. She emigrated to France and studied at the Sorbonne, where she met the young Jacques Maritain, also a philosopher, whom she married in 1904. She was raised Jewish but, following a period in which she considered herself an atheist, converted to Roman Catholicism with her husband in 1906.

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