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"Old Goriot"高老頭 by Honoré de Balzac


2016.5.21 沒找到漢譯

Honoré de Balzac was born in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France on this day in 1799.
"Our heart is a treasury; if you pour out all its wealth at once, you are bankrupt. We show no more mercy to the affection that reveals its utmost extent than we do to another kind of prodigal who has not a penny left."
--from OLD GORIOT (1835)

Honoré de Balzac’s great theme was money, and in his best-loved novel, Old Goriot, he explored its uses and abuses with the particularity of a poet. A shabby Parisian boarding house in 1819 is the setting where his colorful characters collide. These include an elderly retired merchant called Old Goriot, who has bankrupted himself for the sake of his two rapacious, social-climbing daughters, Delphine and Anastasie; a mysterious and sinister conspirator named Vautrin; Victorine, a disinherited heiress; and a naive and impoverished law student from the country, Eugène de Rastignac. Rastignac is appalled at first by the greed and corruption he finds in Paris, but he soon sets his sights on conquering high society. He joins forces with the array of schemers who surround him, while the suffering, self-sacrificing Goriot yearns in vain for his daughters’ love. The sprawling, vibrant, and turbulent Paris of the post-Napoleonic era is itself a major character in the novel, an emblem of the social upheaval that Balzac portrays so brilliantly. Old Goriot was the first of Balzac’s novels to employ his famous technique of recurring characters, and it has come to be seen as the keystone in his grand project, The Human Comedy. Translated by Ellen Marriage.

【『高老頭 THE OLD GORIOT』 某英文翻譯After 1802, the chevalier sealed his letters with a very old seal, ill-engraved to be sure, by which the Casterans, the d'Esgrignons, the Troisvilles were enabled to see that he bore: Party of France, two cottises gemelled gules, and gules, five mascles or, placed end to end; on a chief sable, a cross argent. For crest, a knight's helmet. For motto: "


前一陣,HC請教RL關於的『高老頭 THE OLD GORIOT』的一字VALEO,近日FT上和我們呼應。

這兩天,我請三位超級大師( three guru-ramas)解「「高老頭」中的 '-rama'

HC問:現在,換我出個題: Balzac 在「高老頭」(Pere Goriot)第一章末,仿 'diorama'玩一"–rama"之文字遊戲,請知道的人解釋一下。 
RL 回覆: -rama --作者: rl 2005-03-03 05:57:43 


Rama為喇嘛之意,常見者為Balarama, Parashurama, Ramachandra,均為Vishnu之化身(印度教三大神之一)。 

-rama為拉丁語字尾-orama之變體,有超大、超廣之意,常見如panorama, cinerama, telerama。 

「高老頭第一章用到的字彙包括:Diorama, Panorama, santérama, froitorama, froidorama, soupeaurama, Goriorama, Cor-norama 」


冰喇嘛.. froitorama
冷得要命喇嘛 froidorama

Homepage: http://wenxue.0943.com.cn/wx/wg/brzk/glt/01.htm 」
HC補:我終於翻翻近27年前買的企鵝版 OLD GORIOT:在GORIORAMA
"It was a frantic fog…a Goriot of a fog.'
'A Goriorama ,' said the painter,' because you could not make out anything in it.' (p.76)
【Cin•er•am•a --A trademark used for a motion-picture process designed to produce wide-screen images.//
Télérama is a weekly French magazine owned by the French daily newspaper Le Monde. Its primary contents are television and radio program listings, though the magazine also prints film, theatre, music, and book reviews, as well as cover stories and feature articles of cultural interest.】 
HC問Q: 我想你彈指就可說個典故。(歐巴桑: 真是博學啦。這篇我沒看過,不過,我恰巧讀過原文啦。
你既然說明過:巴黎跟少女青春永駐,我想問一下「Balzac 在「高老頭」(Pere Goriot)第一章末(英文本之譯注),仿 'diorama',玩一"–rama"之文字遊戲,請你解釋一下。」
( W Benjamin, R Tiedemann ,The Arcades Project - Trans. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin. Cambridge: HUP, 1999, p.528)
歐巴桑A: 關於什麼"蝦蟆"不"蝦蟆"?
Q: 我想你彈指就可說個典故。
A: 關於什麼"蝦蟆"不"蝦蟆"?
--姓名: 歐巴桑留言:





小讀者 留言:
或許就是-rama長-rama短, 這也-rama 那也 -rama 
就像現在什麼都e-, e這e那, e-MBA, e-statement, e-政府, e-企業, e-生活...

或許多年前, 什麼都原子或太空, 原子筆, 原子褲...

新科技, 新技術, 新名詞的流行冠用現象

(o)rama: from Greek horama, sight (from horan, to see)

diorama, panorama, cyclorama... 

diorama一出, 各種"景/視/觀"法, "景/視/觀"技, "景/視/觀"詞在藝壇蔚為流行 
1. A three-dimensional miniature or life-size scene in which figures, stuffed wildlife, or other objects are arranged in a naturalistic setting against a painted background. 
2. A scene reproduced on cloth transparencies with various lights shining through the cloths to produce changes in effect, intended for viewing at a distance through an aperture.

French, blend of dia-, through (from Greek). See dia- panorama, panorama (from English). See panorama.] 

Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary

The diorama, a recent invention, which carried an optical illusion a degree further than panoramas, had given rise to a mania among art students for ending every word with RAMA. 

The later so–called 'Dioramas' such as the one shown in 1854, were generally 'moving panoramas' without the true dioramic lighting effects of Daguerre's diorama of the 1820s and 1830s. A nice example of the way the word quickly became debased and popularised can be found in Balzac's novel Le Pere Goriot, written in 1834: see Everyman English edition, Old Goriot, pp. 42–44, 172, 234. 

此希臘(o)rama非彼Hindu Rama. 網版高老頭喇嘛中譯看來是東西混植的誤解誤譯.
A deified hero worshiped as an incarnation of Vishnu.
A Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia. 
[Tibetan bla-ma, from bla, superior.] 

Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary

小讀者對佛教與印度教一無所知, 不知Rama和Lama是否一樣?

Father Goriot, Old Goriot (Le Pere Goriot)

"Our heart is a treasury; if you pour out all its wealth at once, you are bankrupt. We show no more mercy to the affection that reveals its utmost extent than we do to another kind of prodigal who has not a penny left."
--from "Old Goriot" by Honoré de Balzac
Honoré de Balzac’s great theme was money, and in his best-loved novel, Old Goriot, he explored its uses and abuses with the particularity of a poet. A shabby Parisian boarding house in 1819 is the setting where his colorful characters collide. These include an elderly retired merchant called Old Goriot, who has bankrupted himself for the sake of his two rapacious, social-climbing daughters, Delphine and Anastasie; a mysterious and sinister conspirator named Vautrin; Victorine, a disinherited heiress; and a naive and impoverished law student from the country, Eugène de Rastignac. Rastignac is appalled at first by the greed and corruption he finds in Paris, but he soon sets his sights on conquering high society. He joins forces with the array of schemers who surround him, while the suffering, self-sacrificing Goriot yearns in vain for his daughters’ love. The sprawling, vibrant, and turbulent Paris of the post-Napoleonic era is itself a major character in the novel, an emblem of the social upheaval that Balzac portrays so brilliantly. Old Goriot was the first of Balzac’s novels to employ his famous technique of recurring characters, and it has come to be seen as the keystone in his grand project, The Human Comedy. Translated by Ellen Marriage.

Everyman's Library 的相片。

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