書名, 社會的劇變 ‧從工業社會邁向後工業社會 ‧prophecy and progress. 作者, 著者改譯庫麥 ‧庫馬 ‧(kumar,krishan) ‧蔡伸章. 出版項, 志文,1984
Title Prophecy and progress: the sociology of industrial and post-industrial society
Author Krishan Kumar
Publisher Penguin, 1978
History - 416 pages
Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial
Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial, London, Allen Lane: The Penguin Press, 1978; Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1978, pp. 416 (Japanese translation, Bunshindo Publishers, 1996)
By Krishan Kumar
Prophecy and Progress is an attempt to come to terms with the present position and the future prospects of Western industrial society. In particular it investigates the widely held and influential view that industrial societies are moving into a new stage in their evolution: a 'post-industrial' stage. Dr. Kumar examines the evidence that sustains this thesis and arrives at the conclusion that much of it is plausible only because of a widespread misconception of what 'classic' industiral society was all about.
He deals first with the making of industrial society, moves onto the 'post-industrial' idea and concludes with a discussion on the prospects of a society that genuinely goes 'beyond industrialism'. Throughout he traces the varying fortunes of the belief in progress, the balance of the feelings of confidence and despair about the future development of society.
Krishan Kumar (born 1942) is an Indian sociologist who is currently Chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of Virginia, where he holds the titles University Professor and William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Sociology.
Kumar was educated at William Ellis School in London and studied as an undergraduate at St John's College, Cambridge and for amaster's degree at the London School of Economics. He then worked as a lecturer at the University of Kent from 1967, where he also studied for a PhD, and had a spell as a producer for the talks and documentaries department of the BBC. He remained at Kent, attaining the position of Professor of Social and Political Thought, until his appointment at Virginia in 1996.[1]
Kumar has held several visiting professorships, including at the University of Bristol, the Central European University and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University and a member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.[1] His research interests include nationalism and European and global history.[2]
Kumar's publications include Prophecy and Progress: The Sociology of Industrial and Post-Industrial Society (Allen Lane, 1978),Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times (Basil Blackwell, 1987), The Rise of Modern Society: Aspects of the Social and Political Development of the West (Basil Blackwell, 1988),Utopianism (Open University Press, 1991), 1989: Revolutionary Ideas and Ideals (University of Minnesota Press, 2001) and The Making of English National Identity (Cambridge University Press, 2003).[1] The latter was described by Bernard Crick as a "scholarly masterpiece" and "the deepest and best reflection so far by a fine sociologist and an intellectual historian".[3] His work on utopianism, meanwhile, "should...find an admired place in contemporary sociology", according to Frank Webster.[4] Kumar has also published articles in academic journals, including Sociology, the European Journal of Political Research, the European Journal of Sociology, Theory and Society, Political Studies, the British Journal of Sociology, the European Journal of Social Theory and Nations and Nationalism.[1]
Louis B. Lundborg
If when a businessman speaks of minority employment, or air pollution, or poverty, he speaks in the language of a certified public accountant analyzing a corporate balance sheet, who is to know that he understands the human problems behind the statistical ones? If the businessman would stop talking like a computer printout or a page from the corporate annual report, other people would stop thinking he had a cash register for a heart. It is as simple as that -- but that isn't simple.
Louis B. Lundborg
Future Without Shock
by Louis B Lundborg - 1974 - Find libraries
Social change; Social values; Changement social; Valeurs sociales;
United States (Social conditions, 1960-1980)
未來無衝擊/ 路易士.藍德堡(Louis B. Lundborg)原著; 蔡伸章譯. -- 初版(民67).
The Art of Being an Executive
by Louis B Lundborg - 1981 - Find libraries
Executive ability
中文書 , 史壯柏格著 蔡伸章譯 , 桂冠 ,出版日期:1994-04-19猴子啟示錄
中文書 , 肯.凱耶斯著 蔡伸章譯 , 桂冠 ,出版日期:1992-05-01社會學與社會主義
中文書 , 巴托莫爾著 蔡伸章譯 , 桂冠美國的軍事革新—從越戰到波灣戰爭
中文書 , James F. Dunnigan等 蔡伸章/譯 , 麥田孟東籬/ 蔡伸章
2009年 買兩本二手書紀念譯者
一是孟東籬先生的 一是蔡先生
Title/Author, 近代西方思想史/ 史壯柏格(Roland N. Stromberg)著; 蔡伸章譯. Imprint, 臺北市: 桂冠, 1993[民82]
一是孟東籬先生的 一是蔡先生
近代西方思想史An intellectual history of modern Europe
舊書 故人譯作Title/Author, 近代西方思想史/ 史壯柏格(Roland N. Stromberg)著; 蔡伸章譯. Imprint, 臺北市: 桂冠, 1993[民82]
生態學的第一堂課D. F. Owen ,書泉,出版日期:2006/05/03繁體書:共 13 筆搜尋結果 ,分類:自然科學 > 生物學 > 生態學相關搜尋:D. F. Owen、生態學、生態、改變歷史的經濟學家原價:「生態學」已變成一家喻戶曉的字眼,但它究竟是什麼呢?它牽涉到人口的成長、動物與牠們現有的資源,「群落」(Communities)的結構,以及其與環境的關係。本書作者丹尼斯 歐文(Denis Owen)認為,人類乃是大自 ... more | ||
肢體溝通Michael Argyle ,巨流圖書公司,出版日期:2000/01/01繁體書:共 13 筆搜尋結果 ,分類:心理勵志 > 心理學 > 心理學各論相關搜尋:肢體、溝通、肢體語言、Michael Argyle原價:非語言溝通,在現代心理學是一個非常吸引人且涵蓋面廣泛的領域──它包含了眼神、手勢,以及臉部表情…等等。這些肢體動作在日常人際互動間,無疑的強化了溝通的作用。在這本書裡,作者以極為生動、明晰的筆... more | ||
馬克思學說導論Thomas Sowell ,巨流圖書公司,出版日期:1995/09/01繁體書:共 13 筆搜尋結果 ,分類:社會人文 > 社會學 > 社會學理論 > 社會相關搜尋:馬克思、Thomas Sowell原價:為什麼今天還要讀馬克思?在世界現實政治裡,共產世界已如骨牌般倒塌了,馬克思學說不是跟著『死了』?其實不該做這樣的誤認!馬克思學說搖撼了一個多世紀的世界思潮,闖進了釵h的學術領域,尤其在社會階級方面� ... more | ||
美國的軍事革新—從越戰到波灣戰爭James F. Dunnigan等/著 ,麥田繁體書:共 13 筆搜尋結果 ,分類:法律/政治/軍事 > 軍事 > 軍事學相關搜尋:越戰、波灣、波灣戰爭、James F. Dunnigan等/著、美國的軍事革新原價:從越戰的慘痛失敗到波灣戰爭的快速勝利,美國陸軍經歷了從谷底到巔峰,從屈辱到榮耀的變革過程。本書作者帶領我們回顧這二十年來美國陸軍在作戰方式、軍官教育、軍事觀念及戰術訓練等方面的各項革新,並進而展望 ... more | ||
主要作者 | Stromberg, Roland N., 1916- |
書名/作者 | An intellectual history of modern Europe / Roland N. Stromberg |
出版項 | Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1975 |
版本項 | 2nd ed |