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Alice in Wonderland...1865 ..."阿麗思漫游奇境記" The Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby

On this day in 1864, English mathematician and writer Charles Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carroll) presented a handwritten and illustrated manuscript, "Alice's Adventures Under Ground," to his 12-year-old friend Alice Pleasance Liddell; the book was later turned into "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

Lewis Carroll 的相片。

The classic tale was published 150 years ago today. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

As the classic children’s tale celebrates its 150th anniversary, BBC Culture readers share their best-loved moments.

150 years ago, Lewis Carroll published “Alice’s Adventures in...

The British Library

Illustration of Alice with the lion and the unicorn from 'Through the Looking-Glass, and what Alice found there ... With fifty illustrations by John Tenniel.', 1897

The British Library 的相片。
The Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) first told the tale of Alice on a boat trip with the Liddell sisters ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1862. Find out more about this important day from which sprung Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. http://bit.ly/1GWCeXF

The British Library 的相片。

Alice in Wonderland will be 150 years old on July 4th. See photos from the 1947 stage production. http://ti.me/1JAkjdu
(Philippe Halsman—LIFE Magazine)

Life.com 的相片。

周作人先生1922寫篇書評"阿麗思漫游奇境記"。周作人只有不喜歡"序",那是趙先生模仿L. Carroll文風的作品,周說過於"巧",所以不喜歡。


悖論,亦稱為弔詭詭局,是指一種導致矛盾命題。通常從邏輯無法判斷正確或錯誤稱為悖論,似非而是稱為佯謬有時候違背直覺的正確論斷也稱為悖論。悖論的英文paradox一詞,來自希臘語παράδοξος ,paradoxos意思是「未預料到的」,「奇怪的」。
這次讀序,比較驚訝的是趙先生當時不知道Alice in Wonderful Land 出版年份。他說約1967年。


 (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonymLewis Carroll.[1] 

The Secret World of Lewis Carroll


Down the Rabbit Hole

January 28, 2013 | by 
However complicated Lewis Carroll’s legacy (he turned 151 yesterday), nobody can dispute its role in popular culture. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has spawned more than twenty adaptations, not counting those works inspired by the 1865 classic. The following, from 1903, is the first: it stars one May Clark, and features some fairly nifty special effects.


Alice in Wonderland (1903) [Silent Movie]

The Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby is a children's novel by the ReverendCharles Kingsley. Written in 1862–63 as a serial for Macmillan's Magazine, it was first published in its entirety in 1863. It was written as part satire in support of Charles Darwin'sThe Origin of Species. The book was extremely popular in England, and was a mainstay of British children's literature for many decades, but eventually fell out of favour in part due to its prejudices (common at the time) against Irish, Jews, Americans, and the poor.

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