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  1. Few titles sum up an era and a movement like Spare Rib. The magazine ran from 1972 – 1993 and was the debating chamber of feminism in the UK. Today, the complete run of Spare Rib is available online for the first time.
    Explore its rich history, hear from former contributors and learn how‪#‎SpareRib‬ influenced women’s lives: http://bit.ly/1FYZiuA
    The British Library 的相片。

    Spare Rib goes digital: 21 years of radical feminist magazine put online

    The Guardian - 1 day ago

    Spare Rib was radical, a magazine of its time. From the early 1970s through 21 years and ...

  2. The British Library 的相片。
    "Funny, irreverent, intelligent and passionate, Spare Rib was a product of its time which is also somehow timeless." Why we digitised ‪#‎SpareRib‬ -http://bit.ly/1G2HcIm
    Image: Front cover Issue 1 July 1972 - Women Smiling © Angela Phillips Creative Commons Non-Commercial Licence

  3. Spare Rib goes digital: 21 years of radical feminist magazine put online

    British Library project succeeds in publishing digital archive of all 239 editions, charting grassroots movement, after callout to contributors

    Spare Rib enters the digital age: all 239 editions of the feminist magazine published online for the first time.
     Spare Rib enters the digital age. Photograph: British Library

    The project has been time-consuming, not least because of the very ethos of a publication which was run by a collective and accepted work from thousands of contributors. Copyright laws demanded that the British Library locate and gain permission from the majority of them, which was achieved after a callout to anyone who had ever had anything published in its pages and was highlighted in the Guardian.
    Polly Russell, curator of politics and public life at the British Library, said: “Funny, irreverent, intelligent and passionate, Spare Rib was a product of its time which is also somehow timeless. Detailed features of feminist issues such as domestic violence and abortion, and news stories about women from the UK and around the world sit side-by-side with articles about hair care [including the unwanted kind], how to put up a shelf and instructions on self-defence.

    Marsha Rowe (left) and Rosie Boycott, founders of the magazine.
     Marsha Rowe (left) and Rosie Boycott, founders of the magazine. Photograph: Getty

    “Just as varied were the breadth of voices in the magazine; early editions of Spare Rib involved big-name contributors including Betty Friedan, Germaine Greer, Margaret Drabble and Alice Walker, but alongside these were the voices of ordinary women telling their own stories.
    “By making this part of our intellectual heritage available online, we hope it will attract new and returning generations of readers to the magazine for research, inspiration and enjoyment.”
    Until now, the magazines have been available only in paper form at the British Library’s reading rooms and a few other specialist libraries and archives.
    The new curated Spare Rib website features 300 selected pages, with a link to the website for Jisc, a charity supporting digital technologies in UK education and research, where the entire run will be available to view.

    An edition of Spare Rib.
     Spare Rib was famous for its provocative covers. Photograph: Angela Phillips

    The magazine sought to provide an alternative to traditional gender roles, tackling subjects such as “liberating orgasm”, “kitchen sink racism”, anorexia and the practice of “cliterectomy”, now called female genital mutilation. Cover headlines included “Doctor’s Needles not Knitting Needles” and “Cellulie – the slimming fraud” and articles featured women such as country and western singer Tammy Wynette and US political activist Angela Davis.
    With so many different threads of feminism being explored, the ensuing debates were often acrimonious, and the magazine reflected the sometimes “painful” discussions between the collective on how best to tackle issues such as sexuality and racism. It ran from 1972, with the final edition being published in 1993. 
    Marsha Rowe, co-founder of the magazine, said she was thrilled by the project: “It is as if the magazine has been given a new lease of life. By making the magazine freely available over the internet, it can encourage women round the world to act together to change and be a resource in support of their struggle for rights and freedoms.”
    Sue O’Sullivan, a former member of the collective who worked at the magazine from 1979-84, said: “Spare Rib was a highly visible part of the Women’s Liberation movement, and a tool for reaching thousands of women every single month for over 20 years. The digitised magazines will be a wonderful resource for younger historians and feminist activists, researchers and all the women (and men) who wonder what their mothers, aunts, grannies and older friends got up to all those years ago.”
    The digitisation was welcomed by Debra Ferreday, from Lancaster University’s centre of gender and women’s studies. “The importance of the Spare Rib archive can’t be overestimated. It’s a unique record of the Women’s Liberation movement which will be of huge value to feminist researchers, scholars, students and activists everywhere,” she said. 



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    STUDIO VOICE(スタジオ・ボイス)のオフィシャルサイトです。 復刊第1号(Vol.406)4/20(月)発売 特別定価580円 特集:YOUTH OF TODAY ユースとは年齢ではなく、 ...

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今日入手復刊的日本文化雜誌《STUDIO VOICE》。許多許多年前就很熱愛這份雜誌,佩服他們的犀利和專題的紮實和深度。那個時代就喜歡買《STUDIO VOICE》、Cut、Switch這樣結合文化與(酷的)藝人,深度和態度的雜誌,每每去日本也在二手書店收了不少。當時另一個性質有點類似的雜誌就是香港「號外」雜誌,並且感嘆為何台灣沒有類似的雜誌。


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