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Semiotext(e); Paul Virilio, The Aesthetics of Disappearance,

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Paul Virilio (French: [viʁiljo]; born 1932) is a French cultural theorist and urbanist. He is best known for his writings about technologyas it has developed in relation to speed and power, with diverse references to architecture, the arts, the city and the military.


'The first deterrence, nuclear deterrence, is presently being superseded by the second deterrence: a type of deterrence based on what I call 'the information bomb' associated with the new weaponry of information and communications technologies. Thus, in the very near future, and I stress this important point, it will no longer be war that is the continuation of politics by other means, it will be what I have dubbed 'the integral accident' that is the continuation of politics by other means.'[3]
'The speed of light does not merely transform the world. It becomes the world. Globalisation is the speed of light.'[3]
'War was my university. Everything has proceeded from there.'[4]
'The invention of the ship was also the invention of the shipwreck.'[2]


  • Speed and Politics: An Essay on Dromology. New York: Semiotext(e), 1977 [1986]
  • War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception. London: Verso, 1989.
  • Popular Defense and Ecological Struggles. New York: Semiotext(e), 1990.
  • The Aesthetics of Disappearance. New York: Semiotext(e), 1991.
  • Lost Dimension. New York: Semiotext(e), 1991.
  • The Vision Machine. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
  • Bunker Archaeology. New York: Princeton University Press, 1994.
  • The Art of the Motor. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
  • Open Sky. London: Verso, 1997.
  • Pure War. New York: Semiotext(e), 1997.
  • Politics of the Very Worst. New York: Semiotext(e), 1999.
  • Polar Inertia. London: Sage, 1999.
  • A Landscape of Events. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000.
  • The Information Bomb. London: Verso, 2000.
  • Strategy of Deception. London: Verso, 2000.
  • Virilio Live: Selected Interviews. Edited by John Armitage. London: Sage, 2001.
  • Ground Zero. London: Verso, 2002.
  • Desert Screen: War at the Speed of Light. London: Continuum, 2002.
  • Crepuscular Dawn. New York: Semiotext(e), 2002.
  • Art and Fear. London: Continuum, 2003. ( originally published in 2000 by Editions Galilee under the title La Procedure Silence, meaning "The Silence Trial". )
  • Unknown Quantity. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2003.
  • City of Panic. Oxford: Berg, 2005.
  • The Accident of Art. (with Sylvère Lotringer) New York: Semiotext(e), 2005.
  • Negative Horizon: An Essay in Dromoscopy. London: Continuum, 2005.
  • Art as Far as the Eye Can See. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007.
  • The Original Accident. Cambridge: Polity, 2007
  • Grey Ecology. New York/Dresden: Atropos Press, 2009.
  • The University of Disaster. Cambridge: Polity, 2010.
  • The Futurism of the Instant: Stop-Eject. Cambridge: Polity, 2010.
  • A Winter's Journey : Four Conversations with Marianne Brausch. The French list. Seagull Books, 2011.
  • The Administration of Fear. New York: Semiotext(e), 2012.

ポール・ヴィリリオ(Paul Virilio, 1932年1月4日 - )は、フランス思想家都市計画家


1932年パリ生まれ。父親はイタリア系で共産主義者。母親はブルトン系でカトリック教徒。戦時中ナントに疎開。第二次世界大戦後はパリの工芸学校に進学のかたわら聴講生としてソルボンヌ大学でのウラジミール・ジャンケレヴィッチやレーモン・アロンの哲学などの講義を受講していた。 その後、アルジェリア戦争に召集もされ除隊後、絵画やステンドグラスの作家として出発。 1958年から大西洋の壁掩体壕といった戦争遺産などの調査研究を開始。1960年代から建築と都市計画業も開始し、聖ベルナデッタ教会を(ヌヴェール、クロード・ペアレントらと)1966年に、トムソン・ヒューストンの航空宇宙研究センター(ヴェリジー=ヴィラクブレー)などを1969年に手がける。1969年からパリ建築学校ESA(Ecole Speciale d’Architecture)で教鞭をとる(その後同校校長もつとめる)。
1975年の『トーチカの考古学』(Bunker Arch´eologie)から本格的な執筆活動を始める。1987年、フランス設備住宅省と国土整備省、運輸の三省から著作活動に対して批評家国民賞を授与。



  • 『戦争と映画――知覚の兵站術』(ユー・ピー・ユー, 1988年/平凡社[平凡社ライブラリー], 1999年)
  • 『速度と政治――地政学から時政学へ』(平凡社, 1989年/平凡社ライブラリー, 2001年)
  • 『電脳世界――最悪のシナリオへの対応』(産業図書, 1998年)
  • 『情報化爆弾』(産業図書, 1999年)
  • 『幻滅への戦略――グローバル情報支配と警察化する戦争』(青土社, 2000年)
  • 『情報エネルギー化社会――現実空間の解体と速度が作り出す空間』(新評論, 2002年)
  • 『瞬間の君臨――リアルタイム世界の構造と人間社会の行方』(新評論, 2003年)
  • 『ネガティヴ・ホライズン――速度と知覚の変容』(産業図書, 2003年)
  • 『自殺へ向かう世界』(NTT出版, 2003年)
  • 『アクシデント――事故と文明』(青土社, 2006年)
  • 『民衆防衛とエコロジー闘争』(月曜社, 2007年)
  • 『パニック都市――メトロポリティクスとテロリズム』(平凡社, 2007年)


  • (S・ロトランジェ)『純粋戦争』(ユー・ピー・ユー, 1987年)

Titles by This Author

Lost Dimension, New Edition
By Paul Virilio

“Where does the city without gates begin? Perhaps inside that fugitive anxiety, that shudder that seizes the minds of those who, just returning from a long vacation, contemplate the imminent encounter with mounds of unwanted mail or with a house that’s been broken into and emptied of its contents. It begins with the urge to flee and escape for a second from an oppressive technological environment, to regain one’s senses and one’s sense of self.”
--from Lost Dimension

The Administration of Fear
By Paul Virilio

We are living under the administration of fear: fear has become an environment, an everyday landscape. There was a time when wars, famines, and epidemics were localized and limited by a certain timeframe. Today, it is the world itself that is limited, saturated, and manipulated, the world itself that seizes us and confines us with a stressful claustrophobia. Stock-market crises, undifferentiated terrorism, lightning pandemics, “professional” suicides . . . . Fear has become the world we live in.

The Aesthetics of Disappearance, New Edition
By Paul Virilio

Virilio himself referred to his 1980 work The Aesthetics of Disappearance as a "juncture" in his thinking, one at which he brought his focus onto the logistics of perception—a logistics he would soon come to refer to as the "vision machine." If Speed and Politics established Virilio as the inaugural—and still consummate—theorist of "dromology" (the theory of speed and the society it defines), The Aesthetics of Disappearance introduced his understanding of "picnolepsy"—the epileptic state of consciousness produced by speed, or rather, the consciousness invented by the subject t

Pure War, New Edition
By Paul Virilio and Sylvère Lotringer

with a new introduction by Sylvere Lotringer and Paul Virilio

Speed and Politics, New Edition
By Paul Virilio

Speed and Politics (first published in France in 1977) is the matrix of Virilio's entire work. Building on the works of Morand, Marinetti, and McLuhan, Virilio presents a vision more radically political than that of any of his French contemporaries: speed as the engine of destruction. Speed and Politics presents a topological account of the entire history of humanity, honing in on the technological advances made possible through the militarization of society.

The Accident of Art
By Sylvère Lotringer and Paul Virilio

There is a catastrophe within contemporary art. What I call the "optically correct" is at stake. The vision machine and the motor have triggered it, but the visual arts haven't learned from it. Instead, they've masked this failure with commercial success. This "accident" is provoking a reversal of values. In my view, this is positive: the accident reveals something important we would not otherwise know how to perceive.
—Paul Virilio, The Accident of Art

Crepuscular Dawn
By Paul Virilio and Sylvère Lotringer

The accident is a new form of warfare. It is replacing revolution and war. Sarajevo triggered the First World War. New York is what Sarajevo was. September 11th opened Pandora's box. The first war of globalization will be the global accident, the total accident, including the accident of science. And it is on the way.

In 1968, Virilio abandoned his work in oblique architecture, believing that time had replaced space as the most important point of reflection because of the dominance of speed.

A Landscape of Events
By Paul Virilio and Editions Galilee

In A Landscape of Events, the celebrated French architect, urban planner, and philosopher Paul Virilio focuses on the cultural chaos of the 1980s and 1990s. It was a time, he writes, that reflected the "cruelty of an epoch, the hills and dales of daily life, the usual clumps of habits and commonplaces."

Politics of the Very Worst
An Interview with Philippe Petit
By Paul Virilio
Edited by Sylvère Lotringer

Based upon a 1996 conversation Paul Virilio had with French journalist Phillipe Petit, The Politics of the Very Worst summarizes Virilio's speculations about the impact that accidents will have on the planet now that we operate on one-world time. Virilio argues that accidents have now lost all particularity. Accidents and events can no longer be confined to markers in history like Auschwitz or Hiroshima. Trajectories once had three dimensions: past, present, and future. But now, the hyper-concentration of time into "real time" reduces all trajectories to nothing.

Lost Dimension
By Paul Virilio

To read these five essays of 1983 is to begin to come to terms with the theoretical cataclysm of the present. In Lost Dimension, Paul Virilio considers the displacement of the concept of dimensional space by Einsteinian space/time as it is related to the transparent boundaries of the postmodern city and contemporary economy. Virilio imagines a coming world of interactive, informational networks offering a prison-house of illusionary transcendence. He pictures global terrorism (perpetrated by and against technological states) filling up the surreal void of an abandoned real.

Popular Defense & Ecological Struggles
By Paul Virilio

What is popular defense? From whom do we have to defend ourselves?

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