一次覺醒: 這幾年有幾次動念翻譯:Journals 1889-1949 (André Gide): 詹宏志有一小本漢譯本(台北遠景) 也是有英文本的刪節. 前天拿到 李玉民《紀德文集‧日記卷》廣東:花城,2002,513頁 選集1888-1909,法國文學等注解不錯----今天比較英譯 發現英文本也刪掉許多
李是法國文學專家 (當然Gide很博學 李的英國文學的注解就很弱) 他說不定採全譯.....
我比較1904年末.(整年英文版5頁. 《紀德文集‧日記卷》在讀了尼采《通信集》讓他感覺平衡了許多 (李譯:恢復精神狀況)....之後李譯本省略5-6行--紀德記沿途所共讀的四本書---英文版都有注解...... 《紀德文集‧日記卷》還有一缺點是人名全用漢字.很不方便還原 譬如說1904年到到Sorrento拜訪神祕 (李:莫測高深)的Vollmoeller* (給Drouin的信中有詳述) (英頁76/《紀德文集‧日記卷》頁348)....
*Karl Gustav Vollmöller, usually written Vollmoeller (May 7, 1878 – October 18, 1948) was a German playwright and screenwriter.
He is most famous for two works, the screenplay for the celebrated 1930German film Der Blaue Engel (The Blue Angel), which made a star of Marlene Dietrich, and the elaborate religious spectacle-pantomime Das Mirakel (The Miracle), which he wrote in collaboration with Max Reinhardt, the famous director, and in which he cast his own wife Maria Carmi in the leading role. "The Miracle" retold an old legend about a nun in the Middle Ages who runs away from her convent with a knight, and subsequently has several mystical adventures, eventually leading to her being accused of witchcraft. During her absence, the statue of the Virgin Mary in the convent's chapel comes to life and takes the nun's place in the convent until her safe return. The play opened in Germany in 1911 and subsequently in London and on Broadway in 1924. Filmed twice as a silent movie, it was filmed once again in a much-altered version (with dialogue) in widescreen and Technicolor in 1959.
這是翻譯最好不要重譯 不要假內行的一例Journals 1889-1949 (André Gide)/Henri Frédéric Ami...
類似的說法 雪萊20歲的一首詩就說過--那年他到愛爾蘭 才知道貧民之慘狀比英倫的10倍差........
昨天晚上睡前讀物是紀德1869-1951 的一輩子的日記 Journals 1889-1949
(1933年4月10日 頁559)
…We are entering a serious epoch.
英文本略有刪節 不過 很不錯
詹宏志有一小本漢譯本(台北遠景) 也是有刪節.
李玉民《紀德文集‧日記卷》廣東:花城,2002,513頁 選集1888-1909,法國文學等注解不錯
GoogleBooks很保守 沒什麼意思 譬如說 有 ""在此書籍中有 5 頁符合 shakespeare"顯示3頁的小部份
隨便一字 lugubrious (p.240) 卻找不到
![封面 封面]()
紀德是讀 19 世紀的身後出版的日記大家Henri Frédéric Amiel 的作品而決定寫自己的日記
Henri Frédéric Amiel 的巨大日記
Henri Frédéric Amiel (28 September 1821 – 11 May 1881) was a Swiss philosopher, poet and critic.
Born in Geneva in 1821, he was descended from a Huguenot family driven to Switzerland by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.[1]
After losing his parents at an early age, Amiel travelled widely, became intimate with the intellectual leaders of Europe, and made a special study of German philosophy in Berlin. In 1849 he was appointed professor of aesthetics at the academy of Geneva, and in 1854 became professor of moral philosophy. These appointments, conferred by the democratic party, deprived him of the support of the aristocratic party, which comprised nearly all the culture of the city.
This isolation inspired the one book by which Amiel is still known, the Journal Intime ("Private Journal"), which, published after his death, obtained a European reputation. It was translated into English by Mary A. Ward at the instigation of Mark Pattison.
Although second-rate as regards productive power, Amiel's mind was of no inferior quality, and his Journal gained a sympathy that the author had failed to obtain in his life. In addition to the Journal, he produced several volumes of poetry and wrote studies on Erasmus, Madame de Stael and other writers. He died in Geneva.
李是法國文學專家 (當然Gide很博學 李的英國文學的注解就很弱) 他說不定採全譯.....
我比較1904年末.(整年英文版5頁. 《紀德文集‧日記卷》在讀了尼采《通信集》讓他感覺平衡了許多 (李譯:恢復精神狀況)....之後李譯本省略5-6行--紀德記沿途所共讀的四本書---英文版都有注解...... 《紀德文集‧日記卷》還有一缺點是人名全用漢字.很不方便還原 譬如說1904年到到Sorrento拜訪神祕 (李:莫測高深)的Vollmoeller* (給Drouin的信中有詳述) (英頁76/《紀德文集‧日記卷》頁348)....
*Karl Gustav Vollmöller, usually written Vollmoeller (May 7, 1878 – October 18, 1948) was a German playwright and screenwriter.
He is most famous for two works, the screenplay for the celebrated 1930German film Der Blaue Engel (The Blue Angel), which made a star of Marlene Dietrich, and the elaborate religious spectacle-pantomime Das Mirakel (The Miracle), which he wrote in collaboration with Max Reinhardt, the famous director, and in which he cast his own wife Maria Carmi in the leading role. "The Miracle" retold an old legend about a nun in the Middle Ages who runs away from her convent with a knight, and subsequently has several mystical adventures, eventually leading to her being accused of witchcraft. During her absence, the statue of the Virgin Mary in the convent's chapel comes to life and takes the nun's place in the convent until her safe return. The play opened in Germany in 1911 and subsequently in London and on Broadway in 1924. Filmed twice as a silent movie, it was filmed once again in a much-altered version (with dialogue) in widescreen and Technicolor in 1959.
Vollmöller, Karl, 1878-1948¶
- Turandot, Princess of China
A Chinoiserie in Three Acts (English) (as Author)
這是翻譯最好不要重譯 不要假內行的一例Journals 1889-1949 (André Gide)/Henri Frédéric Ami...
1909.7.4(40歲) .......不存在籠統的智慧,人只有做這事,做那事的聰明,聰明只應當表現在所做的事情上
類似的說法 雪萊20歲的一首詩就說過--那年他到愛爾蘭 才知道貧民之慘狀比英倫的10倍差........
昨天晚上睡前讀物是紀德1869-1951 的一輩子的日記 Journals 1889-1949
(1933年4月10日 頁559)
…We are entering a serious epoch.
它卻像醉漢跌破跌撞撞,東倒西歪,昏迷,不測。」 《惡之華‧仇敵》末段
英文本略有刪節 不過 很不錯
詹宏志有一小本漢譯本(台北遠景) 也是有刪節.
李玉民《紀德文集‧日記卷》廣東:花城,2002,513頁 選集1888-1909,法國文學等注解不錯
GoogleBooks很保守 沒什麼意思 譬如說 有 ""在此書籍中有 5 頁符合 shakespeare"顯示3頁的小部份
隨便一字 lugubrious (p.240) 卻找不到
Journals 1889-1949
書名 | Journals 1889-1949 Penguin modern classics第 2685 卷 |
作者 | André Gide |
編者 | Justin O'Brien |
譯者 | Justin O'Brien |
出版者 | Penguin, 1967 |
來源: | 威斯康辛大學曼迪遜分校 |
已數位化 | 2010年2月16日 |
頁數 | 797 頁 |
紀德是讀 19 世紀的身後出版的日記大家Henri Frédéric Amiel 的作品而決定寫自己的日記
Henri Frédéric Amiel 的巨大日記
1 勾選 ![]() |
勾選 ![]() |
Henri Frédéric Amiel (28 September 1821 – 11 May 1881) was a Swiss philosopher, poet and critic.
Born in Geneva in 1821, he was descended from a Huguenot family driven to Switzerland by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.[1]
After losing his parents at an early age, Amiel travelled widely, became intimate with the intellectual leaders of Europe, and made a special study of German philosophy in Berlin. In 1849 he was appointed professor of aesthetics at the academy of Geneva, and in 1854 became professor of moral philosophy. These appointments, conferred by the democratic party, deprived him of the support of the aristocratic party, which comprised nearly all the culture of the city.
This isolation inspired the one book by which Amiel is still known, the Journal Intime ("Private Journal"), which, published after his death, obtained a European reputation. It was translated into English by Mary A. Ward at the instigation of Mark Pattison.
Although second-rate as regards productive power, Amiel's mind was of no inferior quality, and his Journal gained a sympathy that the author had failed to obtain in his life. In addition to the Journal, he produced several volumes of poetry and wrote studies on Erasmus, Madame de Stael and other writers. He died in Geneva.
安德烈·紀德《日記 1942-1949年》花城出版社的《纪德文集》
安 德烈·保尔·吉约姆·纪德(1867-1951),是法国二十世纪最活跃、最重要的作家之一。花城出版社《纪德文集》的编者和译者(散文卷、日记卷), 首都师大的李玉民教授向记者介绍,纪德是个少有的最不容易捉摸的作家,他的一生和他的作品所构成的世界,就是一座现代迷宫。变化和否定,贯穿纪德的一生和 他的全部作品。纪德是在人生探索、文学创新两方面都给后人留下最多启示的作家。
北 京大学罗芃教授认为,在相当长的时间里,纪德被看作文学的“颠覆者”,更糟糕的是他还背上了道德“颠覆者”的恶名。这种双重“颠覆者”的身份一度曾使纪 德很有点“声名狼藉”。有人嘲笑他的作品形式不伦不类,有人声色俱厉地谴责他伤风败俗,当然也有人双管齐下,从两个方面作了否定和抨击。如今,纪德伟大作 家的地位已经毋庸置疑,历史已经下了结论,但是对他在小说革命方面所做的试验性探索究竟应该如何评价,仍旧是可以讨论的问题,而他对传统思想道德的叛逆和 颠覆,情况更为复杂,还有许多问题值得探讨。《纪德文集》的出版,为我国读者和外国文学研究者在这方面的工作创造了条件。
安德烈·紀德年表- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
出版《與保羅·克洛岱爾通信集》。 1950年12月13日,劇本《梵蒂岡的地窖》在法蘭西喜劇院首演。出版《日記 1942-1949年》。 1951年2月19日,安德烈·紀德因肺炎在巴黎病逝 ...*遠景出版社**紀德日記1889-1914**紀德**民國70年